Arguments from the work French lessons. The problem of the teacher's influence on the student

Introducing the profession of a teacher in a literature lesson. Valentin Rasputin “French Lessons” Teacher of Russian language and literature Natalya Nikolaevna Likhobabenko The topic of the lesson is V. Rasputin “French Lessons”. How I see a modern teacher Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin I wrote this story in the hope that the lessons taught to me at one time will fall on the soul of both young and adult readers! The objectives of the lesson are to reveal the spiritual values, moral laws by which the heroes of V. Rasputin live  To create the image of a modern teacher  Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin Born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda, Irkutsk region. After graduating from Ust-Udinsk secondary school, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of ISU. While still a student he collaborated with the newspaper "Soviet Youth". Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin After university, he worked as a correspondent for "Soviet Youth", an editor at the Irkutsk television studio, and in Krasnoyarsk newspapers. The writer's homeland is a small village on the banks of the famous Angara River. From the history of the creation of the story... I dedicated the story, the heroine of which was Lydia Mikhailovna, to another teacher, Anastasia Prokopyevna... The story “French Lessons” was first published in 1973 in the Irkutsk Komsomol newspaper “Soviet Youth” in an issue dedicated to the memory of Alexander Vampilov. Anastasia Prokopyevna is his mother. Looking into the face of this amazing woman, more than once I remembered my teacher and knew that the children had a good time with both. Lidia Mikhailovna “There was no cruelty in her face...” All neat, smart, beautiful both in clothes and in appearance. The aroma of her perfume reached me, which I mistook for her very breath; Moreover, she was not a teacher of some kind of arithmetic or history, but of the French language, from which something special, fabulous, beyond control also emanated. The main character, an eleven-year-old boy, is for the first time, by force of circumstances, torn away from his family, torn from his usual surroundings. However, the little hero understands that the hopes of not only his relatives, but also the entire village are placed on him: after all, according to the unanimous opinion of his fellow villagers, he is called to be a “learned man.” The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and homesickness, so as not to let his fellow countrymen down. Mark Sergeev   “What do you want?” - life asked me. And I answered her: “I want everything: heights that are not easy, like kindness, forests that surround you, like doubts, roads that sometimes lead to nowhere, palms that, when they meet, give you a heart.” Life in the regional center The main character's mother sent him food and money. But the boy still went hungry because the master’s children stole from him everything that was sent to him from the village. Lesson questions   What feelings does the hero experience when he finds himself in the regional center? Why didn't he come home? Because of hunger, he got involved in a game for money. He was invited by the son of the owner of the apartment. At first he just watched, and then, getting into the game, he began to play. He lost and won. If he won 1 ruble, he immediately ran home. The authoritative Vadik did not like this and the boys decided to beat the main character. Waking up, the boy saw in the mirror that his nose was swollen, many abrasions and a bruise under his eye. He didn’t want to go to school, but the boy didn’t dare skip classes. The first was a French lesson. Before the lesson, Lidia Mikhailovna carefully examined all the students, and immediately noticed the boy’s bruises. He did not tell what happened to him and lied that he fell. But Tishkin (a classmate of the main character) told Lydia Mikhailovna about the fight. The teacher talked to the boy after school and found out that he was starving and was playing to buy milk for himself. First, she sent him a package containing pasta, sugar, hematogen. The boy decided that his mother had sent the parcel, but later realized that it was Lydia Mikhailovna and went to her. She tried to help the boy, but he stubbornly refused to accept any help. Then Lidia Mikhailovna decided to help the boy in another way. Lidia Mikhailovna plays for money with the main character to help him survive. One day, immersed in the game, they did not hear a knock on the door. It was the school principal. Soon Lydia Mikhailovna left. And in the middle of winter, after the January holidays, the boy received a package. There were pasta and 3 red apples. Previously, he had only seen apples in pictures... Lesson questions     Having exhausted the possibilities of helping the hero legally, Lydia Mikhailovna decides to take a desperate act. What rules is she breaking? Is she doing the right thing? Did the director behave fairly in this situation? What lessons did Lydia Mikhailovna teach the hero? Lessons of kindness Lidiya Mikhailovna is an unusually kind and sympathetic person. the teacher deliberately, sacrificing her reputation, violated all school, traditional rules - she began to play with her student for money. Lessons of kindness The boy combines the bright, cheerful carefreeness characteristic of childhood, faith in the kindness of people and childish serious thoughts about the troubles brought by the war. Lessons of Kindness The story helped Rasputin find that same teacher. She read the story and recognized herself in it; I just didn’t remember how I sent him a parcel of pasta. True goodness on the part of the one who creates it has less memory than on the part of the one who receives it. Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin “The reader learns from books not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is, first of all, the education of feelings. And above all kindness, purity, nobility” What should a good teacher be like? 1. Kind 2. Responsive 3. Attentive 4. Fair 5. Wise Excerpts from the essays of students in grade 6b “I will try to be like Lydia Mikhailovna, because in our time there are very few such amazing people” “I think that the director did the right thing with Lydia Mikhailovna. There must be order in the school"

Essay on the Unified State Exam according to the text:“It seems that I was in the fifth grade when several new young teachers appeared at once, who had just left the university. One of the first to appear was Vladimir Vasilyevich Ignatovich, a chemistry teacher...”(according to V.G. Korolenko).
(I.P. Tsybulko, option 36, task 25)

We all go to school and go through this important period in our lives. What influence does the teacher have on us, on the formation of our characters? How are conflicts between teacher and students resolved? This is the problem that the Russian writer V. G. Korolenko raises in his article. There was a conflict in the classroom between a teacher and a student. The teacher was able to place himself in this situation in such a way that the student Zarutsky realized his mistake and asked the teacher for an apology.

The author's position is clearly expressed in the article. A respectful attitude on the part of the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the best qualities in the character of students: the ability to commit an honest act not under external pressure, but at the behest of their own conscience. The teacher influences the formation of the students’ character through his behavior, personal example, manner of speech, and attitude towards children.

I completely agree with the author of the article. Teachers should treat students with respect to build self-respect in their characters. A teacher's disrespectful attitude leads to conflict situations that can be very difficult to resolve.

You can recall works from fiction where this problem is revealed. M. Kazakova in her book “It’s difficult with you, Andrey” talks about a boy who was uncontrollable. He was rude to teachers, often ran away from lessons, and was completely untrainable. But the young teacher of Russian language and literature was able to see in this boy a kind and sympathetic young man who is capable of a heroic act. The main thing is to see the good qualities in a person, reveal them, and not let the door, which is often knocked on, slam shut.

Or take Rasputin’s story “French Lessons.” Teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, having learned that the student is in poverty, tries to help him. The boy is very proud and cannot accept help from the teacher. Then the teacher turns studying into a game, and a gambling one at that. The school principal decides that this is a crime, and the teacher loses her job. She leaves for Kuban to her native village. And even from there she sends parcels with fruit, trying to support him.

Yes, teacher-student relationships are often dangerous. But the most important thing here is a sensitive attitude towards children. Only then will the child open up and not withdraw into himself.

I think I was in the fifth grade when we got several new young teachers, fresh out of university. One of the first to appear was Vladimir Vasilyevich Ignatovich, a chemistry teacher.


At the initial stage of a person’s maturation, it is important to have a wise, kind, sympathetic, understanding person nearby who can wisely convey his life experience. In this text V.G. Korolenko raises the problem of the teacher’s influence on students.

Addressing the topic, the narrator gives an example of a story from his school life, in which a young teacher, who by that time had recently left the university, played an important role. The author emphasizes that from the very beginning of his practice, Ignatovich treated his students politely, diligently performed his work, showing disdain for grades and, in general, for the usual structure of lessons, which, of course, aroused the indignation of the students - they were accustomed to rudeness and demandingness. The narrator draws our attention to the fact that at first, in response to this attitude “the class almost stopped learning,” the lessons were noisy and, despite the tact and politeness of the new teacher, there were conflicts between students and the teacher, which, to the surprise of many, did not went outside the classroom. The author cites one of these conflicts as an example, drawing our attention to the fact that children began to get used to politeness, sensitivity and respect and themselves began to show a similar attitude towards people. Zarutsky, having unfairly slandered Ignatovich and received a well-deserved reproach from the entire class, publicly apologized to the teacher, which formed a new stage in relations between students and teachers.

V.G. Korolenko believes that a respectful attitude on the part of the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the best qualities in the character of students. These include the ability to objectively assess one’s behavior in relation to society, and the need for honest, conscientious actions that do not depend on external pressure. A teacher, through his very personality, manner of behavior and speech, is able to influence the formation of character in students.

I completely agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that the teacher plays a very important role in shaping a person’s personality. By his example, his behavior, his worldview, he is able to change the worldview of students and program them for honesty, decency, the desire for self-development, self-education, for the natural need to do good and treat people with respect.

In Ch. Aitmatov’s story “The First Teacher” we are introduced to the story of a girl whose teacher played a key role in the development of her personality. Altynay describes his first teacher, Duishen, as an illiterate person, but capable of giving children something more than standard knowledge - irreplaceable support, love and care. Duishen gave his class, who had never been outside the village, a vision of another world, carried children across an icy river in the cold, and once was even able to catch and punish the rapist Altynai. There was no formality in this teacher - he gave all of himself, all his life experience, all his knowledge for the benefit of the future generation, and it bore fruit. At the end of the work, the already matured Altynay returns to Curcureu to invite people to name the new boarding school after Duishen.

In the story by V.G. Rasputin's "French Lessons" also raises the problem of the teacher's influence on children. Lidia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, having learned that Volodya is suffering financial difficulties, invites him to additional French lessons, where she tries to help the boy. Faced with Volodya’s pride, Lydia Mikhailovna, forgetting about pedagogical ethics, sits down to play with a student for money with one goal - to lose for the good, for which she later suffers dismissal and leaves for Kuban. But even after this, the woman continues to help her student, sending him food parcels. Volodya did not forget this irreplaceable support and care even after a long time. Lydia Mikhailovna played a key role in the formation of his personality, instilling in the boy not only the idea of ​​​​the harmfulness of gambling, but also the ability to be a kind, decent and sympathetic person.

Thus, we can conclude that the teacher lays the foundation of personality in his students, the necessary basis, which is a kind of push into a new, interesting, worthy life. Therefore, it is important to appreciate and respect your teachers even after leaving school.

The influence of the teacher on the fate of the student is the most important problem that is often raised by the authors of texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. We have selected arguments from the literature for each of its aspects. They can be downloaded in the form of a table, the link is at the end of the collection.

  1. A teacher often influences the future lives of his students. The role of the teacher is on a par with the importance of parental care and environmental influences. A striking example can be found in the story “The First Teacher” by Ch. Aitmatov. The main character, reading syllables himself, without any special knowledge, is trying to turn an old barn into a school. In harsh winters, he helps children cross icy rivers and tries in every possible way to give them knowledge. One day he saves the orphan Altynai from rape and her aunt’s desire to force the girl into marriage. The hero, overcoming obstacles, sends her to study in the city, thereby saving her life. In the future, Altynai will become a doctor of science and, when building a new school, will name it after his first teacher - Duchane.
  2. The teachers who helped us in childhood are remembered for a long time. Same for V.G. Rasputin his wise teacher played a vital role in the author’s life. He dedicates his autobiographical story to her "French lessons". The main character, having learned that one of her students is trying to earn a living through gambling, does not punish the boy. On the contrary, she is trying to talk to him and help. Secretly, she sends the boy a parcel of food and even, with the help of a little trick, gives him money so as not to hurt his pride. Of course, having learned about her methods of education, namely about gambling with a student, the director fires the teacher, but she still does not abandon the hero in trouble, helping him get a decent education.

Negative influence

  1. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the idea that teaching is a noble profession. However, we should not forget about human nature, which can manifest itself negatively anywhere. The difference in attitude towards students between different people in the work is well shown DI. Fonvizin "Minor". Three teachers are trying to teach the main character different sciences: Tsiferkin, Kuteikin and Vralman. Soon realizing that the hero is very stupid, lazy and hopeless in his studies, they stop trying and just pretend that they are teaching the boy. The teachers themselves are also poorly educated, but Mitrofan’s mother is not particularly interested in teaching her son. When Starodum denounces dishonest teachers, only Tsiferkin refuses to take money for training. After all, he was never able to transfer his knowledge to his student.
  2. Children quickly and easily adopt behavior and moral principles from their teachers. Unfortunately, such upbringing is not always positive. Let's remember the main character of the same name novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Talking about the upbringing of a young man, the author mentions that his teacher was a Frenchman who treated everything “jokingly.” He tried to present the material to him in an easy manner, did not particularly strain him, did not force him to work. Onegin was never strictly punished, they were not told about morality, but were only taken for a walk in the summer gardens. As a result, we see a superficial man, accustomed to getting joy from life the easy way and not caring about those around him.

Feat of the teacher

  1. A teacher is not only a mentor, for many he is a hero, ready to do a lot for the sake of his students. In the story “Obelisk” by V. Bykov Morozov does not abandon his students with the onset of war, he continues to teach. When five of his guys are captured by the Nazis, he agrees to come after them, realizing that he is going to his death. He realized that if he refused, his enemies could use this situation for evil. And Morozov sacrifices himself for the good of his school and country. Even if he cannot save the children, he will at least encourage and support them through this ordeal.
  2. The desire to convey to others the basics of a correct, noble life can already be considered a feat. In Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel “The Scaffold” The main character Avdiy gets a job at a newspaper. On one of the editorial assignments, he is sent to investigate a drug trafficking case. Along the way, he meets Petrukha and Lyonka - two ragamuffins with a dark past who went to get marijuana. Obadiah, based on his past studies at the seminary, tries to guide the guys on the right path, he encourages them to live according to the rules and turn to God. However, all the nobility of the hero does not save him; because of righteous speeches, he finds his death. And yet, his attempt shook the worldview of these people, because for the first time in their lives someone tried to pull them out of the abyss of moral decline.
  3. The role of the teacher

    1. In the story of F. Iskander “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules” the author talks about the teacher’s unusual approach to teaching. He never punished children, but only joked about them. One of the students was so afraid of becoming a laughing stock because of unfinished homework that he pulled off a whole “scam” with vaccinations. Despite all his efforts, he is still called to the board, where he fails to cope with the task. The teacher calls this whole situation the thirteenth labor of Hercules, performed out of cowardice. Only years later the main character understands that the teacher wanted to show them that they should not be afraid to be funny.

There are many professions in the world that you can master by learning and gaining experience. But there are also those in which perfection can only be achieved by having a special calling. One of them is the profession of a teacher. You can learn the curriculum, read the outstanding works of famous teachers and educators, work at school for many years, but you cannot learn love and respect for people, the ability to see valuable and unique individuals in little boys and girls, learn to carefully and carefully penetrate into the vulnerable and bright world of the nursery souls. Lidia Mikhailovna, a young, not very beautiful teacher of the French language, was just such a teacher, a teacher from God. She faces a difficult choice: to punish a student who is addicted to a forbidden game for money, or to help a capable and purposeful, but poor boy continue his studies and not die of hunger. The first way is easy and simple; to many it will seem self-evident. However, for Lydia Mikhailovna there is no such choice at all. She objectively assesses the abilities and inclinations of all her students, penetrates deeply into their souls and therefore understands perfectly well that this boy, emaciated from hunger, did not play for money for the sake of profit: “How many well-fed loafers we have in school who don’t understand anything and They’ll probably never figure it out, but you’re a capable boy, you shouldn’t leave school.”

The teacher’s unconventional act remains incomprehensible to everyone who learns about it. "It is a crime. Molestation. Seduction... “says the angry director, having learned that the French teacher is playing “the wall” with his student. Can you prove to him that for an anemic boy this is the only way to get money for bread and life-saving milk?!

It doesn't matter that the teacher had to leave the school. Much more important is that she left a bright, unforgettable mark on the student’s soul, faith in himself and in people, helped him in bitter moments of loneliness and longing for his home, and supported him in the hungry post-war period. The image of the teacher remained forever in the soul of the modest, patient, kind and purposeful boy and, probably, more than once helped him in achieving his bright and high goals.

Option 2

Everyone knows how important the work of teachers is. They open doors for us to a wonderful and fascinating world of knowledge, instilling in us the most important human qualities - kindness, hard work, determination, mercy. Their role in the life of every child cannot be overestimated.

V. G. Rasputin talks about all this in the story “French Lessons”. French teacher Lidia Mikhailovna is an excellent, attentive teacher and sensitive woman. She treats children with respect, tries to understand them, and knows how to value honesty, pride, and perseverance. She tries “not to take herself seriously, to understand that... she can teach very little*. Lidia Mikhailovna played a huge role in the life of one of her students - an eleven-year-old boy who came to the city to study. She managed not only to instill in him a love for her subject and a thirst for learning everything new, but also made every effort to help the boy survive in the hungry post-war years. Having learned that a constant feeling of hunger prompted him to play for money, the teacher did not scold him and drag him to the director, but began to act differently: she collected a package for the boy, and then even decided to play “the wall” with him in order to win fairly With a penny he was able to buy milk for himself.

I was delighted by the dedication, sensitivity and kindness of Lydia Mikhailovna, who sacrificed her reputation and a profitable place of work for the life of a student. I am sure that the boy was able to appreciate the teacher’s action and draw the correct conclusion regarding what are the highest values ​​in life and what we should strive for.