Alexey approached a wide stream (1) on a steep bank (2) of which (3) he often sat as a child (4) and stopped in thought. Alexey approached a wide stream (1) on a steep bank (2) of which (3) he often sat in childhood (4) and stopped in the

Tell me, please,” Zhenya asked loudly, but very politely, without opening the door, “how can I get to the post office from here?”

They didn't answer her. She stood, thought, opened the door and walked through the corridor into the room. The owners were not at home. Then, embarrassed, she turned to leave, but then a large light red dog silently crawled out from under the table. She carefully examined the dumbfounded girl and, growling quietly, lay down across the path by the door.

You're stupid! - Zhenya screamed, spreading her fingers in fear. - I'm not a thief! I didn't take anything from you. This is the key to our apartment. This is a telegram to dad. My dad is a commander. Do you understand?

The dog was silent and did not move. And Zhenya, slowly moving towards the open window, continued:

Here you go! You lie? And lie there... A very good dog... looks so smart and cute.

But as soon as Zhenya touched the window sill with her hand, the cute dog jumped up with a menacing growl, and, jumping onto the sofa in fear, Zhenya drew her legs up.

“Very strange,” she said, almost crying. - You catch robbers and spies, and I... am a man. Yes! - She stuck her tongue out at the dog. - Stupid!

Zhenya put the key and telegram on the edge of the table. We had to wait for the owners.

But an hour passed, then another... It was already dark... Through the open window, the distant whistles of steam locomotives, barking dogs and the hits of a volleyball could be heard. Somewhere they were playing guitar. And only here, near the gray dacha, everything was dull and quiet.

Laying her head on the hard cushion of the sofa, Zhenya began to cry quietly.

Finally she fell fast asleep.

She only woke up in the morning.

Lush, rain-washed foliage rustled outside the window. A well wheel creaked nearby. Somewhere they were sawing wood, but here, at the dacha, it was still quiet.

A soft leather pillow now lay under Zhenya's head, and her legs were covered with a light sheet. There was no dog on the floor.

So someone came here at night!

Zhenya jumped up, threw back her hair, straightened her rumpled sundress, took the key and the unsent telegram from the table and wanted to run.

And then on the table she saw a sheet of paper on which was written in large blue pencil:

“Girl, when you leave, slam the door tight.” Below was the signature: “Timur.”

“Timur? Who is Timur? I should see and thank this man.”

She looked into the next room. There was a desk with an inkstand, an ashtray, and a small mirror on it. On the right, near the leather car leggings, lay an old, tattered revolver. Right next to the table, in a peeling and scratched scabbard, stood a crooked Turkish saber. Zhenya put down the key and the telegram, touched the saber, took it out of its sheath, raised the blade above her head and looked in the mirror.

The look was stern and menacing. It would be nice to act like that and then bring the card to school! It would be fashionable to lie that her father once took her with him to the front. You can take a revolver in your left hand. Like this. This will be even better. She pulled her eyebrows together, pursed her lips, and, aiming at the mirror, pulled the trigger.

A roar hit the room. Smoke covered the windows. A table mirror fell onto an ashtray. And, leaving both the key and the telegram on the table, the stunned Zhenya flew out of the room and rushed away from this strange and dangerous house.

Somehow she found herself on the bank of a river. Now she had neither the key to the Moscow apartment, nor the receipt for the telegram, nor the telegram itself. And now Olga had to tell everything: about the dog, and about spending the night in an empty dacha, and about the Turkish saber, and, finally, about the shot. Bad! If there was a dad, he would understand. Olga won't understand. Olga will get angry or, what’s good, she’ll cry. And this is even worse. Zhenya knew how to cry herself. But at the sight of Olga’s tears, she always wanted to climb a telegraph pole, a tall tree, or a roof chimney.

For courage, Zhenya took a bath and quietly went to look for her dacha.

When she walked up the porch, Olga stood in the kitchen and lit the primus stove. Hearing footsteps, Olga turned around and silently stared at Zhenya with hostility.

Olya, hello! - Zhenya said, stopping on the top step and trying to smile. - Olya, won’t you swear?

Will! - Olga answered without taking her eyes off her sister.

Well, swear,” Zhenya agreed obediently. - Such, you know, a strange case, such an extraordinary adventure! Olya, I beg you, don’t twitch your eyebrows, it’s okay, I just lost the key to the apartment, I didn’t send a telegram to dad...

Zhenya closed her eyes and took a breath, intending to blurt it all out at once. But then the gate in front of the house swung open with a bang. A shaggy goat, covered in burrs, jumped into the yard and, lowering its horns low, rushed into the depths of the garden. And behind her, a barefoot girl already familiar to Zhenya rushed with a scream.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhenya interrupted the dangerous conversation and rushed into the garden to drive out the goat. She caught up with the girl as she, breathing heavily, held the goat by the horns.

Girl, have you lost anything? - the girl quickly asked Zhenya through gritted teeth, still kicking the goat.

No, Zhenya didn’t understand.

Whose is this? Not yours? - And the girl showed her the key to the Moscow apartment.

“Mine,” Zhenya answered in a whisper, timidly looking towards the terrace.

Take the key, the note and the receipt, and the telegram has already been sent,” the girl muttered just as quickly and through clenched teeth.

And, thrusting a paper bundle into Zhenya’s hand, she hit the goat with her fist.

The goat galloped to the gate, and the barefoot girl, straight through the thorns, through the nettles, like a shadow, rushed after. And at once they disappeared behind the gate.

Squeezing her shoulders, as if she had been beaten and not a goat, Zhenya opened the package:

“This is the key. This is a telegraphic receipt. So, someone sent a telegram to my father. But who? Yep, here's a note! What is it?"

This note was written in large blue pencil:

“Girl, don’t be afraid of anyone at home. Everything is fine, and no one will know anything from me.” And at the bottom there was a signature: “Timur.”

As if spellbound, Zhenya quietly put the note in her pocket. Then she straightened her shoulders and calmly walked towards Olga.

Olga stood still there, near the unlit primus stove, and tears were already appearing in her eyes.

Olya! - Zhenya then exclaimed sadly. - I was joking. Well, why are you angry with me? I cleaned the whole apartment, I wiped the windows, I tried, I washed all the rags, washed all the floors. Here's the key, here's the receipt from dad's telegram. And let me kiss you better. You know how much I love you! Do you want me to jump off the roof into the nettles for you?

And, without waiting for Olga to answer anything, Zhenya threw herself on her neck.

Yes... but I was worried,” Olga spoke with despair. - And you always make ridiculous jokes... But my dad told me... Zhenya, leave it alone! Zhenya, my hands are covered in kerosene! Zhenya, you better pour the milk and put the pan on the primus stove!


Option No. 9

Exercise 1

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) An unprotected herd of ungulates is many times healthier than a protected one, since wolves attack only young, sick and weak animals.

2) By attacking herds of reindeer or musk oxen, the wolf pack tries to create panic in it in order to drive away its prey - a weak or sick animal.

3) Since wolves attack only young, sick and weak animals, leaving the strong and hardy ones, a herd of ungulates that is not protected is many times healthier than the protected one.

4) In a herd protected from wolf attacks, only strong and healthy individuals remain.

5) When a wolf pack attacks a herd of reindeer or musk oxen, the wolves rush at sick or weakened animals.

Task 2

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the gap in the third sentence of the text?

Not by chance


Vice versa,


Task 3

Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word WEAK. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

WEAK, -th, -oe; weak, weak, weak, weak and weak.

1. Characterized by low strength and power. S. person. S. voice. C. motor. Weak currents.

2. Sick, unhealthy, and also (about health) bad. S. child. Weak lungs. Poor health. Poor vision.

3. Small, insignificant. S. wind. Mild pain. Faint hope. Weak signs of life.

4. Lacking firmness, stability, consistency. C. character. Weak will.

5. Unskillful, bad. S. writer. C. worker. S. student. Weak book. Someone weak in science.

6. Not strong, not rich. S. tea. C. solution.

7. Not tight, not dense. The rope is weak(adv.) taut.

8. weakly, meaning tale, to whom, with undefined Someone can’t, someone lacks strength, skill, determination. (simple). It's hard for you to deal with him!

Task 4

In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.




Task 5

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

My friend answered questions about his classmates in few words and DIPLOMATICALLY kept silent about the disagreements that existed between them.

With several bright, COLORFUL strokes, the artist depicted children running across the lawn.

In a recently released document, the small island nation threatened its neighbors with severance of DIPLOMATIC relations.

The dense IGNORANCE of the visitor amazed even seasoned and experienced employees.

Under the bridges one could notice instant reflections of stars in the dark - either SWAMP or river - water.

Task 6

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

experienced ENGINEERS

MORE BEAUTIFUL than daughter

in the year one thousand nine hundred

shelves for KITCHENS


Task 7

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

1) We address our problem to Irina Ivanovna, which cannot but worry us all.

2) One of the Russian prose writers of the early 20th century who described in detail the life of the Russian people was Ivan Shmelev.

3) You can read about the life and work of the artist, about his ruined talent in the story “Orest Kiprensky” by K. Paustovsky

4) V.G. Belinsky wrote about 20 articles and reviews specifically dedicated to the work of N.V. Gogol.

5) Those who passionately love their native culture appear before us D.S. Likhachev in the book “Letters about the good and the beautiful”.

6) Those who sat on the bank of the river more than once experienced incomparable bliss.

7) Registration was carried out immediately upon the arrival of the symposium participants at the airport.

8) Having received his primary education at home, Grinev was sent to serve in the Belogorsk fortress.

9) A visitor, apparently a tourist, asked a passerby if there was a post office nearby.

Task 8

Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


near..native (station)




Task 9

Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

not..talkative, gave..gave (proper)

pr..knew, ammo..pass

about..heating, n..higher


oh..turned it on, pre..I’ll tell you

Task 10

Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.






Task 11

Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in the blank.

bye..tsya (they)

see..t (they)

fight (they)

shaving (they)

Task 12

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

There is an amazing, undisturbed silence all around.

The (in)imitable smell of approaching spring hung in the humid air.

No sunrise is alike.

(Not) waiting for my brother, I left.

He who does not know the limits will grieve even in wealth.

Task 13

Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Next year, the actress, beloved by the audience, plans to star in a CONTINUATION of the series, and ALSO in a new film by an Italian director.

(DUE to) her age, my grandmother was used to not being surprised and therefore interpreted everything, WHATEVER happened, in her own way.

(DURING) DURING the long winter, the living quarters on the shore of Lake Taimyr were heated with coal, which was (B) TWO carried by the winterers on dogs.

(B) DUE to the severe drought that occurred in July, the river became shallow, (THUS) the pasture was moved to a distant lake.

(C) TO THE RIGHT of the front door there was a large box with SOME tools.

Task 14

Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The Old Believers consulted restrainedly, and one of them, bending down, approached the stove and placed a round loaf of bread, a piece of boiled meat, two onions and a birch bark basket with salt on Yashkin’s lap, making (4 ) in the form of a pencil case.

Task 15

Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Through the open window I could hear either the whistles of steam locomotives or the barking of dogs.

2) Misha did not hear the question or did not want to answer it.

3) Writers and journalists widely use proverbs and sayings in their works.

4) Aivazovsky’s brush was driven by an irrepressible desire to give the world new poems about the majestic struggle of man with the elements and about the unknown beauty of the radiant sea, about his native expanses and about distant coasts.

5) The spring turned out to be dry and warm and there were only occasional short rains.

Task 16

Picasso's famous "Dove" (1) created with a few strokes (2) and (3) depicted on a black background (4) in 1949 became a symbol of peace.

Task 17

Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

After the discovery of Pluto's second and third moons, astronomers first hypothesized that around this distant planet (1) there might be (2) a thin ring of dust. It (3) according to scientists (4) could be formed from particles thrown into orbit as a result of collisions of these satellites with asteroids.

Task 18

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Alexey approached a wide stream (1) on a steep bank (2) of which (3) he often sat as a child (4) and stopped in thought.

Task 19

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Mitya often simply admired his sister (1) and (2) even when he had to listen to her complaints that (3) she looked bad after night shifts in the hospital (4) Lyubasha seemed to him the most beautiful.

Task 20

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word. Write this word down.

The deadlines for the commissioning of the military facility were missed because many of the units for the complex were imported from abroad, and because of the sanctions, the problem of import substitution had to be urgently solved.

Task 21

Which of the statements do not correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) The flying cranes gave birth to resentment in Berg’s heart: they, like traitors, left this wonderful land.

2) The words of the fighters, which Berg remembered while on the lake, prompted him to paint the landscape.

3) The forester’s son Vanya Zotov helped Berg: he transported him to the far shore of the lake.

5) Going to see his friend Yartsev, Berg took with him oil paints and watercolors.

(1) When the word “homeland” was uttered under Berg, he grinned. (2) I didn’t notice the beauty of nature around me, I didn’t understand when the soldiers said: “(3) Let’s take back our native land and water the horses from our native river.”

- (4) Chatter! - Berg said gloomily. - (5) People like us do not and cannot have a homeland.

- (6) Eh, Berg, crack soul! - the soldiers answered with heavy reproach. - (7) You don’t like the earth, eccentric. (8) And also an artist!

(9) Perhaps this is why Berg was not successful in landscapes.

(10) A few years later, in early autumn, Berg went to the Murom forests, to the lake where his friend the artist Yartsev spent the summer, and lived there for about a month. (11) He was not going to work and did not take oil paints with him, but only brought a small box of watercolors.

(12) For whole days he lay in the still green meadows and looked at flowers and herbs, collected bright red rose hips and fragrant juniper, long pine needles, aspen leaves, where black and blue spots were scattered across the lemon field, fragile lichens of a delicate ashy hue and wilting carnation. (13) He carefully examined the autumn leaves from the inside out, where the yellowness was slightly touched by leaden frost.

(14) At sunset, flocks of cranes flew murmuring over the lake to the south, and Vanya Zotov, the forester’s son, said to Berg every time:

- (15) It seems that birds are throwing us away, flying to the warm seas.

(16) Berg for the first time felt a stupid insult: the cranes seemed to him traitors. (17) They abandoned without regret this forested and solemn region, full of nameless lakes, impassable thickets, dry foliage, the measured hum of pine trees and the air smelling of resin and damp swamp mosses.

(18) One day Berg woke up with a strange feeling. (19) Light shadows of the branches trembled on the clean floor, and behind the door a quiet blue shone. (20) Berg encountered the word “radiance” only in the books of poets; he considered it pompous and devoid of clear meaning. (21) But now he understood how accurately this word conveys that special light that comes from the September sky and sun.

(22) Berg took paints and paper and, without even drinking tea, went to the lake. (23) Vanya transported him to the far shore.

(24) Berg was in a hurry. (25) Berg wanted to give all the power of the colors, all the skill of his hands, everything that trembled somewhere in his heart to this paper, in order to depict at least a hundredth part of the splendor of these forests, dying majestically and simply. (26) Berg worked like a man possessed, sang and shouted.

...(27) Two months later, a notice was brought to Berg’s house about an exhibition in which he was supposed to participate: they asked him to tell him how many of his works the artist would exhibit this time. (28) Berg sat down at the table and quickly wrote: “I am exhibiting only one sketch in watercolor, made this summer - my first landscape.”

(29) After a while, Berg sat and thought. (30) He wanted to trace by what elusive ways a clear and joyful feeling of his homeland appeared in him. (31) It ripened for weeks, years, decades, but the final impetus was given by the forest edge, autumn, the cries of cranes and Vanya Zotov.

- (32) Eh, Berg, you crazy soul! - he remembered the words of the fighters.

(33) The fighters were right then. (34) Berg knew that he was now connected with

his country not only with his mind, but with all his heart, like an artist, and that love for his homeland made his smart but dry life warm, cheerful and a hundred times more beautiful than before.

* Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968) - Russian Soviet writer, classic of Russian literature.

Task 22

Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-4 provide a description.

2) Sentence 11 indicates the reason for what is said in sentence 9.

3) Sentences 12-13 contain a description.

4) Proposition 21 confirms what is said in sentence 20.

5) Sentences 27-28 contain a narrative.

In response, write down the numbers in ascending order.

Task 23

From sentences 16-17, write down antonyms (antonymous pair).

Task 24

Among sentences 18-23, find the one(s) that are related to the previous one using an adversative conjunction, personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun and lexical repetition. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

Task 25

Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“In the story “Watercolors,” K. G. Paustovsky, telling the story of the artist Berg, once again convinces the reader of simple truths. To reveal the topic, the author uses a number of means of artistic expression. In the syntax of the text, one should note (A)_______ (sentences 4, 6, 8) and the active use of (B)_______ (for example, in sentences 17, 25).

In turn, the use of lexical means, in particular (B)_______ (chatter in sentence 4, seem to be in sentence 15), and such a trope as (D)_______ (quiet blue, dry life, stupid insult), enliven the narrative and decorate text".

List of terms:

2) antithesis

3) parcellation

4) colloquial words

5) series of homogeneous members of the sentence

6) exclamatory sentences

7) comparison

9) metonymy

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


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Slide captions:

Analysis of the final test work by Gerasimov N.A. teacher of Russian language and literature

8. Identify the word in which the untestable unstressed vowel of the root is missing. t.. theoretician.. ripe meaning.. spoiled.. so caught.. lali (bed) Answer: Theorist

Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root is missing, verified by stress. wine..greet re..listical'll break Answer: realistic

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in the blank space. .. uncontrolled.. completed.. dependent.. quivering (needle) stabbing.. stuttering.. sew

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap. 11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the blank.

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. The puppy, who had NOT yet LEARNED how to bark, whined pitifully. Ivan was a (NOT)DISTANT man, but extremely self-confident. Tatyana reacted to the latest news (NOT) JOYFULLY, as we expected, but with sadness and longing. (HAVING NOT MANAGED to take a proper rest from one job, the master immediately set to work on another. During excavations, archaeologists discovered (NOT) ANYTHING other than a food storage warehouse.

Determine the sentence in which NOT with the word is written COLLECTIVELY The boy, (NOT) NOTICED anything around, continued to build his sand castles. Lucy answered her father's questions incoherently, (IN)INTELLIGIBLY. Among the gloomy trees still (NOT) DRESSED with foliage, this bush with green leaves seemed like a miracle. Although the chick was (NOT) VERY strong, it was already trying to fly. It was not at all (UN)INTERESTING for me to listen to the same story again, so I wished everyone good night and went to my room.

Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Next year, the actress, beloved by the audience, plans to star in a CONTINUATION of the series, and ALSO in a new film by an Italian director. (DUE to) her age, my grandmother was used to not being surprised and therefore interpreted everything, WHATEVER happened, in her own way. (DURING) DURING the long winter, the living quarters on the shore of Lake Taimyr were heated with coal, which was (B) TWO carried by the winterers on dogs. (B) DUE to the severe drought that occurred in July, the river became shallow, (THUS) the pasture was moved to a distant lake. (C) TO THE RIGHT of the front door there was a large box with SOME tools.

Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. (C) FOR three hours, Mishka and Borka argued heatedly about (WHY) the numbers were drawn on the telegraph poles and what they meant. The sun does not shine in the north, but BUD(TO) (C) EASILY shines through the translucent thick glass. It is difficult to explain (FROM) WHERE SOME habits come from. Levitan, just like Pushkin, Tyutchev and many others, was waiting for autumn - the most expensive and (PASS) FLIGHTING time of the year. At the tables, on which there were dozens of cutlery and containers (LIKE) jugs, only (AP) TWO sat down.

Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) NN is written. The owners of the house were clearly in a hurry to leave their home: there were (1) left (2) things scattered everywhere, and an overturned old (3) wicker (4) chest lay on the floor. Answer: _23____________________.

Indicate the number(s), in the place of which NN is written. Din was greeted by a happy (1) April day - with remnants of snow on the sides of the road, with cars covered in (2) road slush, with blue, in the ditch (3 ) in the clouds in the sky: an ordinary St. Petersburg April windy day (4). Answer: _____12______________________.

List two sentences that require ONE comma. 1) I left unnoticed and on the way I thought about little Sasha and his mother. 2) It began to get dark and soon Grandma Nastya appeared in the house and made us tea. 3) The river kept turning sharply in one direction and then in the other. 4) Mitka was not so much scared as he was discouraged and shocked by what happened. 5) We donated grandfather’s books and grandmother’s tablecloths and our porcelain set to the museum.

1) Through the open window one could hear the whistles of steam locomotives or the barking of dogs. 2) Misha did not hear the question or did not want to answer it. 3) Writers and journalists widely use proverbs and sayings in their works. 4) Aivazovsky’s brush was driven by an irrepressible desire to give the world new poems about the majestic struggle of man with the elements and about the unknown beauty of the radiant sea, about his native expanses and about distant coasts. 5) The spring turned out to be dry and warm and there were only occasional short rains.

Place punctuation marks. Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence. We caught all the chicks (1) that fell out of the nest (2) and (3) placing a ladder (4) carefully put them back into the nest. Answer 1234

As soon as (1) the sun (3) rose above the horizon (2), breaking through the thick curtain of clouds (4), it pierced the sea waves with a golden radiance. Answer: ____34_______________________.

The catch (1) to the delight of everyone (2) was very rich; at times (3) it seemed (4) that the hook with bait barely had time to touch the water, and another fish was already shimmering on it. Answer: ___124_____________________

I (1) admit (2) I am always very nervous when I go on stage (3), however (4) I try to hide it carefully. Answer: 123

The letter (1) under the influence of (2) which (3) I was going to visit Marusya again (4) was long and disorderly. Answer 14

A large steamer (1) waiting (2) for which (3) the children had been crowding on the pier since early morning (4) moored to the shore to the sound of a loud whistle and enthusiastic cries of those who greeted it. Answer 14

As soon as all the urgent matters were completed (1) we met with Natasha in a small restaurant (2) and (3) while we were drinking coffee (4) Natasha told us (5) how to get to the publishing house. Answer: _____12345_________________

Vasily entered a crowded park (1) and (2) although he understood (3) that not everything in his life today was going smoothly (4) but today he wanted to smile (5) and think only about good things. Answer: ___134___________________________.

Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers. 1) Sentences 1–2 present the reasoning. 2) The content of sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning to the content of sentence 2. 3) Sentences 9–10 present a narrative. 4) Sentences 12–13 provide a description. 5) Sentences 5–6 present the reasoning.

Which of the following statements are true? 1) Sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning to sentence 2. 2) Sentences 5–6 present reasoning. 3) Sentences 9–11 present a narrative. 4) Sentences 12–13 provide a description. 5) Sentences 17–18 present the narrative.

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Text content of presentation slides:
Analysis of the final test work Gerasimova N.A. teacher of Russian language and literature 8. Identify the word in which the untestable unstressed vowel of the root is missing. t..theoretician..reliable designation..past por..slza..lali (bed) Answer: Theorist Define a word in which the unstressed vowel of the root is missing, verified by stress.'ll break Answer: realistic
10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in the place of the gap. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in the blank space. the letter E is written. rushing around.. hated.. myAnswer: rushing about
Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. The puppy, who had not yet LEARNED how to bark, whined pitifully. Ivan was a (NOT) DISTANT person, but extremely self-confident. Tatyana reacted to the latest news (NOT) JOYFULLY, as we expected , but with sadness and melancholy. (HAVING NOT MANAGED to take a proper rest from one job, the master immediately set to work on another. During excavations, archaeologists discovered (NOT) SOMETHING other than a warehouse for storing Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled COLLECTIVELY. The boy, (NOT) NOTICED anything around, continued to build his sand castles. Lucy answered her father’s questions incoherently, (IN)INTELLIGENTLY. Among the gloomy trees, not yet (NOT) DRESSED with foliage, this bush with green leaves seemed like a miracle. At least the chick and (NOT) VERY strong, but was already trying to fly. I was not at all (NOT) INTERESTED in listening to the same story again, so I wished everyone good night and went to my room. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Next year, the actress, beloved by the audience, plans to star in a CONTINUATION of the series, and ALSO in a new film by an Italian director. DUE to her age, the grandmother was used to not being surprised and therefore interpreted everything, WHATEVER happened, in her own way. (C) DURING the long winter, coal, which was (EACH) transported by winterers on dogs, was used to heat the living quarters on the shore of Lake Taimyr. (C) DUE to the severe drought that occurred in July, the river became shallow, (THUS) the pasture was moved to a distant lake .(C)to the right of the front door there was a large box with SOME tools. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. (B) FOR three hours, Mishka and Borka argued heatedly about (WHY) the numbers are drawn on the telegraph poles and what they mean. The sun doesn’t shine in the north, but WILL (THAT) (C) EASILY shines through the translucent thick glass. It is difficult to explain (FROM) WHERE SOME habits come from. Levitan, JUST like Pushkin, Tyutchev and many others, waited for autumn - the most expensive and (PASS) FLIGHTING time of the year .At the tables on which there were dozens of cutlery and containers (LIKE) jugs, only (EACH) TWO sat down. Indicate the number(s), in the place of which NN is written. The owners of the house were clearly in a hurry to leave their home: there were(1) things left scattered everywhere, there was an upside-down old(3) item on the floor(4) )th chest.Answer: _23__________________________.
Indicate the number(s), in the place of which NN is written. Din was greeted by a happy (1) April day - with remnants of snow on the sides of the road, with cars covered in (2) road slush, with blue, in the ditch (3 ) clouds in the sky: the usual St. Petersburg April windy (4) day. Answer: _____12______________________.
List two sentences that require ONE comma. 1) I left unnoticed and on the way I thought about little Sasha and his mother.2) It began to get dark and soon grandma Nastya appeared in the house and made us tea.3) The river kept turning sharply in one direction and then in the other.4) Mitka was not so much frightened as he was discouraged and shocked by what had happened. 5) We donated grandfather’s books and grandmother’s tablecloths and our porcelain set to the museum. 1) Through the open window, either the whistles of steam locomotives or the barking of dogs could be heard. 2) Misha did not hear the question or did not want to answer it. 3) Writers and journalists widely use proverbs and sayings in their works. 4) Aivazovsky’s brush was driven by an irrepressible desire to give the world new poems about the majestic struggle of man with the elements and about the unknown beauty of the radiant sea about native expanses and distant coasts.5) The spring turned out to be dry, warm and only occasionally short rains fell. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the number(s) in the place of which in the sentence there should be a comma(s). We caught all the chicks (1) that fell from the nest (2) and (3) by placing a ladder (4) carefully placed back in the nest. Answer 1234
As soon as (1) the sun rose above the horizon (2), breaking through the thick curtain of clouds (4), it pierced the sea waves with a golden glow. Answer: ____34_______________________.
The catch (1) to the delight of everyone (2) was very rich; at times (3) it seemed (4) that the baited hook barely had time to touch the water, and another fish was already shimmering on it. Answer: ___124_____________________
I (1) admit (2) I am always very nervous when I go on stage (3)however (4) I try to hide it carefully. Answer: 123
The letter (1) under the influence (2) of which (3) I was going to go visit Marusya again (4) was long and disorderly. Answer 14
A large steamer (1) in anticipation (2) of which (3) the children had been crowding on the pier since early morning (4) moored to the shore to the sound of a loud whistle and enthusiastic screams of those who greeted them. Answer 14
As soon as all the urgent matters were completed (1) we met with Natasha in a small restaurant (2) and (3) while we were drinking coffee (4) Natasha told us (5) how to get to the publishing house. Answer: _____12345_________________
Vasily entered a crowded park (1) and (2) although he understood (3) that not everything in his life today was going smoothly (4) but today he wanted to smile (5) and think only about good things. Answer: ___134________________________.
Which of the following statements are true? Indicate the answer numbers.1) Sentences 1–2 present a reasoning.2) The content of sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning to the content of sentence 2.3) Sentences 9–10 present a narrative.4) Sentences 12–13 present a description.5) Sentences 5–6 reasoning presented. Which of the following statements are true? 1) Sentence 3 is contrasted in meaning to sentence 2.2) Sentences 5–6 present reasoning. 3) Sentences 9–11 present narration. 4) Sentences 12–13 present description. 5) Sentences 17–18 present narration.

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When will spring come and what will summer be like in the region?

This year's winter was warm but protracted. Spring never seems to come. There are snowdrifts on the street, and I don’t want to change my warm winter down jackets for light spring jackets. When will Nizhny Novgorod residents wait for spring? And what summer will follow? We decided to find out.

Nizhny Novgorod residents celebrated the New Year at almost above-zero temperatures and without any snow at all. December was one of the warmest in the meteorological record. The long-awaited January frosts arrived only in March.

“We had an unusual winter, and first of all it was an abnormal December, because in any case it turned out to be very warm. There was also a lot of precipitation, with two monthly norms falling in December. As for the entire winter temperature background, it was warmer than usual by a little over 2 degrees. Cooling events, which most often occur in late January and early February, moved to the end of February and the beginning of March. With deviations from the climate norm by 7-16 degrees,” explained Olga Mokeeva, head of the meteorological forecast department of the Nizhny Novgorod hydrometeorological center.

Spring this year will come with a significant delay - only at the beginning of April. However, rapid warming should not be expected. According to forecasters, temperatures in April will range from +4 to +7 degrees.

An abnormally warm winter, as well as the upcoming May frosts, can adversely affect crops.

“Abnormal weather at the end of February and beginning of March - a lot of snow, high temperatures, warm days lead to a dangerous phenomenon - damping off of crops,” says the expert.

But the flood, according to forecasters, will pass calmly. The water level will be even lower than long-term values ​​by 0.5-1 meter.

– The autopsy of Oka and Sura is expected on April 6-14. Opening of Vetluga - in the second ten days of April. But these times are close to normal. And, according to preliminary forecasts, the maximum water level on the Oka in the lower reaches and on the Sura River can be expected to be below the long-term average values, and on Vetluga – close to normal,” explains Olga Mokeeva.

The average temperature this summer will be several degrees higher than last year.

This summer promises to be warmer than the previous one. In June +16, +18 degrees, in July – +18, +20, in August – +16, +18.

– Precipitation will be above normal in June-July. Most likely, this will be due to frontal sections and temperature contrasts. In each of the three summer months, 30-degree heat is likely. Somewhere short-term, in July-early August it is more intense. But there will be hot days in every month, says Olga Mokeeva.

Summer weather will not leave Nizhny Novgorod residents in the fall. Not only the Indian summer, but also the whole of September will be truly warm.

– In September, the temperature is predicted to be above 20 degrees, with a slight lack of precipitation possible. There will be warm, dry days,” the specialist shares.

Let's hope that despite the late arrival of spring this year, Nizhny Novgorod residents will still be able to enjoy the warm weather.

Anastasia KAZAKOVA.