Active Army Reserve. Section VIII.1

Citizens in reserve

1. Citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the reserve of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the reserve of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, may enter the mobilization human reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies on a voluntary basis by concluding a contract on staying in the reserve in accordance with this Federal Law.

2. The procedure for entering the reserve, staying in the reserve and exclusion from the reserve is determined by this Federal Law, other federal laws, the Regulations on the procedure for citizens of the Russian Federation to remain in the mobilization human reserve and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. Citizens who are in the reserve are reservists and have the rights and obligations established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Reserve contract

1. A contract for being in the reserve is concluded between a citizen and on behalf of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or another federal executive body in which military service is provided for by this Federal Law, represented by the commander (chief) of a military unit in writing in a standard form in the manner , determined by the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve, and provides for the preparation of a citizen for military service in mobilization and the performance of military service duties in cases provided for by this Federal Law.

2. The contract on staying in the reserve stipulates the voluntariness of a citizen’s entry into the reserve, the period during which the citizen undertakes to remain in the reserve, and the terms of the contract on staying in the reserve.

3. The terms of the contract for being in the reserve include the citizen’s obligation to remain in the reserve for the period established by the contract for being in the reserve, to conscientiously fulfill the duties of a reservist established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the right citizen to respect his rights and the rights of his family members, including receiving social guarantees and compensation established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4. The contract for staying in the reserve comes into force from the day it is signed by the relevant official in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve and terminates in the cases and in the manner established by Article 57.8 of this Federal Law.

5. The conclusion of a contract on staying in the reserve, its termination, as well as other relations related to it, are regulated by this Federal Law, other federal laws, the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

6. The contract for staying in the reserve provides for the condition that federal budget funds spent on military or special training of the reservist are subject to reimbursement in the event of termination of the contract for staying in the reserve on the basis provided for in subparagraph “d” or “e” of paragraph 1 or subparagraph “b” or “c” of paragraph 2 of Article 57.8 of this Federal Law, as well as the amount of funds to be reimbursed.

Duration of the contract to remain in reserve

1. The first contract to remain in the reserve is concluded for a period of three years.

2. A new contract for being in the reserve can be concluded for a period of three years, five years, or for a shorter period - until the age limit for being in the reserve.

3. The age limit for being in the reserve corresponds to the age limit for being in the reserve established for citizens from the second category reserve.

Conclusion of a contract to remain in reserve

1. The first contract on staying in the reserve can be concluded with a citizen who does not have citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state:

a) those who are in the reserve, have previously completed military service and have a military rank:

  • soldier, sailor, sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer and midshipman - under the age of 42;
  • junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, captain-lieutenant - under the age of 47;
  • major, captain 3rd rank, lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank, - under the age of 52 years;
  • colonel, captain 1st rank - under the age of 57 years;

b) who have completed training in the military training program for reserve officers at the military department at the federal state educational institution of higher professional education within fifteen years after enlistment in the reserve with the assignment of the military rank of officer.

2. A citizen entering the reserve must meet the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract.

3. A contract for staying in the reserve cannot be concluded with a citizen:

a) who have a deferment from conscription for military service upon mobilization or exemption from military training;

b) in respect of whom an inquiry or preliminary investigation is being conducted or a criminal case in respect of which has been transferred to court;

c) having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime;

d) who refused to undergo the procedure for obtaining access to state secrets or who was denied access to state secrets if he was performing official duties in a military position for which a citizen may be assigned to a military unit (may be assigned to a special formation) for conscription for military service upon mobilization, is associated with the use of information constituting a state secret;

e) having citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state.

4. A contract for being in the reserve may be concluded with a citizen who is in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, provided that it meets the requirements established by this Federal Law, and if being in the reserve will not cause restrictions and prohibitions associated with state civil service of the Russian Federation, defined by Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”.

Reservist certification. Qualifying exam

In order to comprehensively and objectively assess the reservist, determine his purpose, suitability for the military position held and the prospects for his further stay in the reserve, certification and qualification examination of the reservist are carried out in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization manpower reserve.

Stay in reserve

The reservist performs military duty in accordance with this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Duties and responsibilities of a reservist

1. The reservist is obliged to report to the military unit within the period specified in the mobilization order, summons and (or) order of the military commissariat to perform duties in the relevant military position.

2. The reservist also performs other duties established by the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve.

3. In case of failure to fulfill the duties of a reservist, a citizen staying in the reserve will be subject to disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for exclusion from the reserve

1. A citizen is subject to exclusion from the reserve:

a) by age - upon reaching the age limit for being in reserve;

b) upon expiration of the contract to remain in reserve;

c) for health reasons - in connection with his recognition by a military medical commission as unfit or partially fit for military service;

d) in connection with the deprivation of his military rank;

e) in connection with the entry into force of a court verdict imposing a sentence on the reservist in the form of imprisonment or suspended imprisonment;

f) in connection with the termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation or the acquisition of citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state;

g) in connection with the emergence of grounds for a deferment from conscription for military service upon mobilization or exemption from military training.

2. A citizen may be prematurely excluded from the reserve:

a) in connection with organizational and staffing measures;

b) due to his failure to comply with the terms of the contract to remain in the reserve;

c) in connection with the refusal of access to state secrets or deprivation of the said access;

d) in connection with joining the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, bodies and institutions of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and appointment to the position of judge.

3. A citizen staying in the reserve has the right to early exclusion from the reserve:

a) in connection with a significant and (or) systematic violation in relation to his terms of the contract on being in the reserve;

b) for family reasons:

  • in connection with the need for constant care for a father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent who, for health reasons, in accordance with the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution at their place of residence, need constant outside care (assistance, supervision), in the absence of other persons obliged by law to support these citizens;
  • due to the need to care for a child under the age of 18, whom the reservist is raising without the child’s mother;
  • in connection with the need to fulfill the duties of a guardian or trustee of a minor brother or minor sister in the absence of other persons obligated by law to support these citizens.

4. A citizen staying in the reserve, according to the conclusion of the certification commission, may be excluded from the reserve early at his own request if he has valid reasons.

Soldiers for time "H" 3

The formation of a mobilization reserve will begin with an experiment in the army

The new “army” law, which is published today by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, radically changes the system of keeping citizens liable for military service in the reserve.

We are talking about creating a professional mobilization human reserve in Russia. His army command and the leadership of some law enforcement agencies will call him under their banners during war, major exercises or emergencies.

No one is going to re-drive people who have already served in the army into barracks. Taking them away from home and work for a long time, too. The law provides for strictly voluntary entry of reservists into the reserve army. That is, the mobilization reserve will include only those who themselves have expressed their desire to do so.

It might look like this. Before transferring to the reserve, the commander will ask the soldier to sign a contract, according to which yesterday’s soldier undertakes to return to duty from time to time. Another possible way is the recruitment of contract reservists through military registration and enlistment offices. Officers, including graduates of military departments of civilian universities, will also be able to become full-time reservists.

In order to interest people in “extra-long-term” service, they will be paid a certain amount monthly. At first, the deputies believed that, depending on the military specialty and army rank, the reservist should be given a fixed salary. But after the military’s pay increased several times, financial approaches to this issue have changed somewhat.

The salary of reservists will be set by the government of the Russian Federation. But according to the law, it cannot be lower than 10 percent of the salary for the military position for which a person is assigned to a military unit, and the salary for the military rank, the chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, explained to the RG correspondent.

According to legislators' calculations, the reservist's wallet can thus be replenished monthly with an amount of 5 to 8 thousand rubles - depending on the rank and military position of the reservist.

During the training period, they will retain their average civilian salary. In addition, the “partisans” will receive money like ordinary contract soldiers. For such people, additional payments were introduced, in particular, a regional coefficient and a monthly bonus for continuous stay in the reserve. It varies from 10 to 50 percent of military salary.

The law also provides for a one-time payment when concluding a new “reserve” contract. The main thing is that the storekeeper’s wallet will be replenished regardless of whether he is working or is currently in a military unit.

According to the new rules, a reservist’s first contract will need to be concluded for 3 years. Then this period can be increased to five years. However, it will not be possible to be considered a “partisan” indefinitely. The law introduces strict age restrictions for staying in the mobile reserve. The contract will simply not be signed with soldiers-sailors and warrant officers-midshipmen of the reserve who are over 42 years old. Officers ranging in rank from second lieutenant to captain have the chance to begin reserve service before age 47. Major-lieutenant colonels - up to 52 years old, colonels and caperangs - up to 57 years old.

For some citizens, the way there is completely closed. This applies to people who have a deferment from mobilization and are exempt from military training. And also those who have an outstanding or unexpunged conviction, are under investigation or are involved in a criminal case.

The formation of a mobile reserve in Russia will begin with the creation of a second front for the Armed Forces. This year, the General Staff is organizing an experiment in some military formations to recruit and train a total of 5 thousand reservists.

If the first pancake does not come out lumpy, the new system will be fully operational in Russia in a couple of years. In 2015, according to the plans of the General Staff, the Armed Forces should have 8,600 professional reservists on hand. Then it will be the turn to recruit a personnel reserve for other power ministries and departments.

As for reserve officers, soldiers and sergeants who have not expressed a desire to sign a contract to serve in the mobile reserve, they will be included in the so-called mobilization human resource. Staying there will not bring people extra money. They will still remain liable for military service, but they will be called to army training less frequently than reservists. And in an emergency situation, they will put you under arms in the second place.

Dossier "RG"

The formation of a well-trained mobilization reserve is a common practice in leading Western countries. Its staff in Germany, France, Great Britain and the United States even exceeds the size of the armed forces.

In America, the role of the “second front” is played by the National Guard. In addition, the army and air force have their own manpower reserves. At the Department of the Navy, the reserve is divided between the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.

Americans serve in the reserves voluntarily, necessarily signing a contract with the military command.

In 2015, legislation decided to create a mobilization reserve. It must include reservist soldiers. The document on the creation of the reserve is not informative enough, since it is not intended for a wide audience. Russian legislation has taken another big step towards creating a professional army.

What is mobilization reserve?

The mobilization reserve existed in Russia in the 18th century during the reign of Alexander II.

The mobilization reserve of the RF Armed Forces consists of soldiers who not only have skills and abilities, but also undergo special training.

The reserve was created to increase the size of the army, create a large army and bring the armed forces to combat readiness.

The reserve is formed not only from the Armed Forces, but also from the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Federal Security Service. Activities to form a reserve are implemented from the state budget. Military commissariats resolve issues regarding the organization of the military.

An agreement is concluded with citizens in the reserve. The composition includes soldiers with different military ranks. The age limit for a citizen in the reserve is from 42 to 56 years.

In order to be a member of the mobilization reserve, you need to submit documents to the military commissariat. The decision to accept a person into the composition takes one month. If the candidate meets all the requirements, the commander issues an order with which the soldier is redirected to a military unit.

After the contract is signed, the reservist undergoes certification and passes the qualification exam. The examination is carried out at least once every three years, certification - one quarter before the end of the contract.

Purpose of the mobilization reserve

While in the reserve, each soldier has a position and rank. The person must participate in mobilization procedures, as well as in combat training.

The training camps are held for no more than two months, the time spent in reserve is one year.

The mobilization reserve will be used during retraining of personnel and planned training, for mobilization in the face of threats of military action. The fighters have experience and skills in the conditions of the exercises. Conscript soldiers are not suitable for this role.

The main goal of creating a mobilization reserve, if necessary, is to increase the army in a very short time. In addition to mobilization, individuals can participate during a crisis.

Who is considered a reservist?

Soldiers who are in reserve and military personnel who have entered into a contract with defense departments are required to take part in military training once a year and attend special mobilization events.

The state pays cash benefits and compensation during the passage. Reservists also include former security and foreign intelligence officers.

Persons in the reserves can join the ranks of reservists at their own request.

The issue of mobilization reserve does not affect conscripts. The contract for soldiers in the mobilization reserve is for a period of three years. The validity period can be extended to five years.

Who can the contract be signed with?

  • Major-lieutenant colonels;
  • Privates;
  • Midshipmen;
  • Ensigns;
  • Sailors.

The age limit is up to 57 years; each rank has its own limit. Those military personnel who have not expressed a desire to become part of the mobilization reserve fall into the mobilization resource.

Requirements for candidates:

  1. Fitness category A;
  2. Fitness category B (minor restrictions);
  3. Completion of military service;
  4. Age up to 57 years.

The military commissariat deals with issues of enrollment in the mobilization reserve. He selects citizens who are in the reserve to conclude an agreement on enrollment in the reserve. The contract duration is from three to five years. Persons who have entered into a contract receive payments in the amount of 30 thousand rubles during the period of service. For example, a private in the reserve has the following compensation:

  • Payments related to military training - 30 thousand rubles for one month;
  • Payment for travel to the place where the contract was concluded and training camps;
  • Monthly payments.

Do reservists have a salary?

Reservists are paid money every month. What does this mean?

  1. Salary;
  2. Funds for permanent stay in the mobilization reserve;
  3. District coefficient;
  4. Surcharge for staying in certain areas.

The amount of payments depends on the contract period and other factors. When drawing up a contract, the funds paid out are added to the lump sum payments. The monthly salary is not less than ten percent of the salary for position and rank.

In addition to cash, each reservist receives:

  • Meals during service;
  • Storage kit.

The training also includes various types of free education.

Number of mobilization reserves of the Russian Armed Forces

The mobilization reserve was created in 2015. The composition of the train is carried out geographically. The reservist will have to serve near his place of residence.

The size of the reserve is not known and is not disclosed to a wide audience. Mobilization reserve forces will be actively used in emergencies, during large-scale exercises and during the war. In order to maintain combat effectiveness, soldiers periodically go to training camps in divisions or brigades. Reservists are studying new types of equipment and weapons.

In addition, reservists can voluntarily join the mobilization reserve. Before a soldier is discharged, he is offered a contract with provisions for his return to duty. Military commissariats are also involved in collecting contract reservists. Officers can also become a full-time reserve officer.

Exclusion from the reserve

Exclusion from the mobilization composition can occur for a variety of reasons.

The main one, of course, is the end of the contract term, as well as:

  1. Age limit;
  2. Deprivation of ranks;
  3. Disrepair;
  4. Limited suitability based on medical commission;
  5. Obtaining foreign citizenship;
  6. Withdrawal from Russian Citizenship;
  7. The emergence of other reasons for postponing service.

Reasons for exclusion from the reserve until the end of the contract period:

  • Carrying out activities as usual;
  • Failure to comply with the provisions of the contract;
  • Denial of access to state secrets;
  • Deprivation of access to state secrets;
  • Service in the prosecutorial authorities, judicial authorities, as a judge or in the investigative committee.

A citizen is excluded from the reserve as a matter of urgency or if he expresses his own desire. Sometimes a person must reimburse a certain amount of money that was spent on the maintenance, operation of equipment, supplies, and payment to the commander. A fixed amount is calculated the final value is determined after calculation through special formulas.

An exception is made in the event of deprivation of rank, failure to fulfill a contract, deprivation of access to state secrets, or the entry into force of a court verdict on punishment.

Citizens who are in the reserves or discharged from service have the opportunity to join the mobilization reserve within two years. Members of the reserves are recruited during military training according to plans for the preparation of military units and formations, during mobilization, and during the outbreak of hostilities.

Photo: website

On July 17, President Putin signed Decree No. 370 "On the creation of a mobilization human reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

The document is quite short, consisting of only four paragraphs, one of which, as indicated in the text, is “for official use.” That is, in other words, secret, not for public viewing.

Thus, Russia took another step towards creating a fully professional army. Currently already about 50% of its population and so are the soldiers serving under contract - 300 thousand privates and sergeants and 200 thousand officers. But this applies to a “cadre” army, deployed, ready to begin hostilities at any moment.

However, in addition to the available Armed Forces, any country also has a mobilization reserve - used, except for the period of planned training and retraining of personnel, for mobilization in the event of a threat of war, in order to increase the number of armed defenders.

Reserve service also exists in Russia - actually founded since the army reforms of Emperor Alexander II, in the second half of the 19th century. During the Soviet era, the order of its organization was changed slightly, which made it possible to quickly create a powerful army during the Great Patriotic War to defeat Nazi Germany. And in the first divisions that entered Afghanistan in 1979, there were also many “reserves”, or, as they are also called - due to their not very high level of discipline - “partisans”.

However, the reserve army, for example, in USA approximately equal in number to the current size of the Armed Forces. And it consists not of “green” newcomers who had never been familiar with military service before mobilization, but of veterans who had served, who for some reason did not want to continue their contract service.

If they wish, they sign another contract and become reservists. They attend regular military training, and can also be used by state governors as part of the “National Guard” - to combat riots or eliminate natural disasters; and the president - for use during full-fledged army operations. Thus, a good half of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are reservists.

The advantage of “reserve fighters” over traditional “partisans” of first Soviet and then Russian times is understandable. Starting with motivation. In the church environment there is such a wonderful saying: “A slave is not a pilgrim.” Sociological services show an invariably high percentage of Russians who are ready to defend their Motherland with arms in hand - but “civilians” are “civilians” because they think least of all about military affairs and everyday affairs. Some people would be happy to go to training camps, but they get in the way of being stuck at work, having to work hard to pay off a loan quickly, all sorts of family circumstances, etc.

In addition, in order to create a truly combat-ready unit, it is necessary that its fighters be well acquainted with each other (at least within squads and crews) and have joint experience working in a combat situation. At least within the framework of the exercises. Ordinary “assignees”, who appear in the troops once every few years, are not suitable for such a role.

A completely different matter is the personnel reserve.

67. A citizen who is in the reserve is subject to conscription for military training in accordance with Federal Law.

The total duration of military training, to which a citizen is involved during his stay in the reserve, cannot exceed 24 months.

That is, for private sergeants (the period of service in the reserves is up to 42 years) - this works out to be at least a month or two during each year. And this is a completely different matter in terms of the effectiveness of training and real combat readiness.

It is clear that in order for people, even very patriotically minded ones, to make such sacrifices, abandoning the usual comfort of a “citizen”, and be ready to report to their military units within 3 days without any “excuses”, they need to do this somehow compensate financially.

An employee called up for military training must be released from work and compensated for the duration of the training at the rate of average monthly earnings. But these expenses must be reimbursed to the employer from the federal budget.

How much will Russian reservists actually receive? An exact answer to this question will probably be difficult, based on the discrepancy in the assessments of experts and specialists from relevant departments. Yes, according to calculations 4 years ago, the monthly salary of a reservist officer without allowances should have been about 14 thousand rubles per month, a private – 8-10 thousand. Not that much, of course, but taking into account the “living wage” of 10 thousand rubles, you won’t die of hunger, even if you are completely without “civilian” work. Well, having it - even more so. So, after all, the service does not go on all the time - but, according to the student analogy, “in person and in absentia.”

Now the figures are somewhat more modest - 5-8 thousand rubles. When estimating the total costs of the “experiment”: in 2015 - 288.3 million rubles, and in 2016 - 324.9 million. And the sheer number of real “reservists” is still expected to be only a few thousand people.

In general, if we use only official information, then the process of transferring Russian “reserves” to a professional footing should not cause “beating the kettledrums”, but much less bravura assessments. Well, in fact, how long can you “pound water in a mortar” - talking about creating full-fledged “reserve armies”, but in the end having only an “experimental” desire to form 5 thousand “elite reservists”, which will not be enough to form even a full-fledged division ?!

And how long can you write Decrees and pass laws? Most first Decree about this very “experiment” was published back in May 2012, then a corresponding Law, and now it turns out that the new Decree only “rewrote” an older document from three years ago? And this in a situation where Russia’s “best friends” from the West, led by the United States, are increasingly “rattling sabers” near our borders? Isn’t it time to stop with “experimentation” and move on to implementing the desired initiative on a really necessary scale?

But who knows, maybe such criticism will not be entirely justified? Some observers are already drawing attention to the fact that no specific figures, either on allocations for the creation of a mobilization reserve or on its specific size, are provided in the documents available for public viewing. And the “preliminary assessments” of even Duma politicians - well, they are politicians, not government financiers and Defense Ministry generals.

Foreign analysts have already begun to sound the alarm - unable to understand. According to their estimates, at least 25% of the defense “pie” in the Russian Federation comes from nowhere. That is, one can only guess about their exact origin and potential size of resources.

So, sprinkle ashes on your head in advance, comparing American figures for the maintenance of contract reservists ( 10% of the Pentagon budget) and a measly few hundred million rubles in Russia, according to Duma experts, is probably not worth it. After all, human resources are an even more important factor in the successful conduct of a potential war than military equipment. And who is surprised if data on the exact quantities of many types of weapons are kept top secret?

So let NATO continue to think that the Russian army will be able to field only 5 thousand well-trained reservists in a hypothetical “Hour”. It could be a very unpleasant surprise for them - when entire previously “secret” divisions and armies are discovered in this way, ready, by order of the command, to repel any aggressor.