Agoshkov M.I., Malakhov G.M. Underground mining of ore deposits

M.: Nedra, 1966. - 664 p. (edited and recognized with manual editing). The book discusses in detail the main issues of opening, preparation and mining during underground mining of ore deposits. Much attention is paid to the mechanization of the main production processes, as well as the comparative assessment and selection of development systems. The book is intended as a teaching aid for students of mining universities and faculties, and can also be useful to engineers and technicians of the mining industry, employees of design and research institutes. Table of contents Preface.
Introduction. Mining and geological characteristics and basic principles of underground mining of ore deposits .
Mining geological and economic characteristics of ore deposits.
Basic concepts and terms.
Industrial and economic characteristics of ores.
Morphological types of ore deposits.
Dimensions, conditions of occurrence of ore deposits and the nature of the distribution of useful components in them.
Physico-mechanical characteristics of ores and host rocks.
Sampling of ores during exploration and development of deposits.
Tasks of geological exploration and surveying services.
General procedure for underground mining of ore deposits.
Basic definitions and terms.
Stages of underground development.
Dimensions of mine fields and floor heights.
The sequence of mining blocks and panels in a floor and the procedure for extracting ore from them.
Methods for extracting ore.
Ore sorting.
Losses and dilution of ore during mining.
Classification, causes and economic significance of ore losses during mining.
Methods for calculating ore and metal losses during mining.
Ore dilution and methods for its calculation.
Initial data for calculating losses and dilution.
Key performance indicators for ore deposit development.
Requirements for proper development of deposits.
Key indicators of development efficiency.
Intensity of field development and extraction blocks.
Annual production capacity and life of the mine (mine). Opening and preparation of ore deposits .
Basic provisions.
Shift and collapse of host rocks and surfaces as a result of mining. Construction of security pillars.
Opening with a vertical mine shaft.
Exposed by an inclined mine shaft.
Comparative assessment of opening methods using vertical and inclined shafts.
Opening adits.
Comparative assessment of the opening of deposits using a vertical shaft and adit.
Combined autopsy methods.
Opening of deposits represented by a suite of ore deposits.
Tree-trunk yards.
Floor height. The procedure for opening deposits.
Choosing the location of mine shafts.
Choosing a location for the adit.
Preparatory work for the development of ore deposits.
Basic definitions and conditions that preparatory work must satisfy.
Horizontal preparatory workings, their cross-section and location.
Rising preparatory workings. Basic production operations of the production excavation .
Ore breaking during production excavation.
General information about the main production operations of the production excavation.
Shoot hole blasting.
Breaking of ore by deep wells.
Breaking of ore with chamber charges.
Secondary crushing of ore.
Delivery and loading of ore.
General information about the delivery process.
Delivery under the influence of its own weight.
Mechanized delivery.
Self-propelled vehicles for loading and delivering ore.
Ore release.
Basic provisions.
The influence of the physical properties of tumbled ore on the release process.
The nature of the internal movements of particles of a granular body during release.
Release of ore from a separate hole with a horizontal surface of contact between the ore and waste rock.
Release of ore from adjacent ore passes.
Rock pressure control.
Causes of rock pressure. Stressed state of rocks in the massif and around mine workings.
Existing hypotheses.
Rock pressure control.
Maintaining mined-out space with ore pillars.
Maintaining the mined-out space with support.
Bookmark maintenance.
Rock pressure control in stacked development systems.
Rock pressure control in systems with caving of ore and host rocks.
Rock bursts and measures to combat them.
Rock bursts in preparatory workings and measures to prevent them.
Rock bursts in mine workings and measures to prevent them. Ore Mining Systems .
Classification of ore mining systems.
Requirements for classification and principles of its construction.
Basic features of classification and definition.
Accepted classification of ore deposit development systems.
Open pit development systems.
General information and classification of systems with open treatment space.
Soil development system.
Ceiling development systems.
Development systems with continuous excavation.
Room and pillar development systems.
Development systems with sub-level excavation.
Development systems with floor-chamber excavation.
Manual delivery.
Installation of loading hatches.
Development systems with ore storage.
The essence and conditions of application of the ore storage system.
The main options for a system with a blast hole breaking of ore from a magazine.
Preparatory work and main structural elements of the blast hole system.
Cleaning excavation with a blast hole.
Ways to improve the efficiency of a system with ore storage and blasthole breaking when developing vein deposits.
Mining systems with ore storage with chambers located across the strike and blast hole breaking.
Mining systems with storage and breaking of ore from special workings.
Mining systems with magazines and ore breaking by deep wells.
Technical and economic assessment of mining systems with ore storage.
Development systems with backfilling of treatment space.
The essence and scope of development systems with a bookmark.
Backfill materials and their delivery to underground mines.
Gravity and mechanical filling.
Hydraulic transport of filling material.
Pneumatic transport of filling material.
Stuffing pipelines.
Technology of construction of backfill mass.
Special types of bookmarks.
Main types and options of development systems with a bookmark.
Technical and economic assessment and ways of further development of backfill development systems.
Development systems with fastening of the treatment space.
General information about the systems and conditions for their use.
Ceiling and layer development systems with reinforced spacer and machine support.
Continuous development systems with reinforced spacer support in gently dipping fields of low and medium thickness.
Continuous development systems with stone and combined support in gently dipping deposits.
Development systems with fastening and filling of the treatment space.
General information.
Development systems with fastening and backfilling in horizontal layers and benches along strike.
Development systems using vertical cuttings and short blocks with machine support and backfill.
Development from top to bottom with fastening and laying.
Continuous development systems with fastening and laying.
Technical and economic assessment of development systems with fastening and with fastening and backfilling.
Development systems with rock caving.
Mining system with single-layer ore extraction and caving of host rocks.
Technical and economic assessment of a mining system with single-layer ore extraction and caving of host rocks.
Layer caving system.
Organization of work with a layered caving system. Ventilation.
Technical and economic characteristics of the layer caving system and ways of its further development.
Mining systems with caving of ore and host rocks.
Subfloor collapse development systems.
Main system options and their scope.
Ore release using a sublevel caving system.
Fastening excavations with a sub-level collapse system.
Technical and economic characteristics of the subfloor collapse system and ways of its further development.
Floor collapse systems.
Combined development systems.
The essence of the development system and application conditions.
Basic system options.
A combined development system, which is a combination of a floor-chamber system when developing chambers with.
massive collapse of the ceiling and pillar.
A combined development system, which is a combination of a system of sublevel drifts with backfilling of chambers in the first stage of the mining excavation and mining between chamber pillars by systems with backfilling in the second.
A combination of mining systems with magazines followed by the collapse of temporary pillars and the simultaneous release of ore from the block.
Combining backfill mining systems with other open-cut methods.
Technical and economic characteristics of the system.
Methods for developing temporary pillars and eliminating voids.
Testing temporary pillars with unfilled chamber voids.
Mining of inter-chamber pillars and bottoms with a steep drop after the collapse of the ceilings and filling the voids of the chambers with collapsed rocks transferred from the upper horizons.
Testing temporary rear sights for cameras filled with filler.
Elimination of voids.
Special mining methods.
Leaching methods.
Extraction of salts by dissolution.
Underground hydraulic mining of ores.
Extraction of sulfur by smelting on site.
Underground sublimation of sublimating substances.
Technical and economic comparison and selection of development systems.
The influence of the development system on the economic performance of the mine and mining enterprise.
Influence of mining and geological factors on the choice of development system.
Methodology for selecting a development system based on mining and geological factors.
Main indicators of comparative economic assessment of development systems.
Determining the cost of industrial ore mining.
Determination of economic damage from ore dilution.
Determination of economic damage from losses of ore and useful components.
Determination of the main parameters of underground mining of ore deposits.
General information about discovery parameters and development systems.
Determination of the annual production capacity of a mine (mine) based on mining capabilities.
Determination of economically feasible production capacity and lifespan of the mine (mine).
Determination of floor height.
Selection of the main parameters of the excavation block. Block length.

A Goshkov Mikhail Ivanovich - Soviet Russian scientist in the field of mining, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor.

Born on October 30 (November 12), 1905 in the city of Petrovsky Zavod (now Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Chita region). Russian. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1943. In 1931 he graduated from the mining department of the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute in the city of Vladivostok. In 1931-1933, assistant and associate professor at the Far Eastern Mining Institute. After moving to the city of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz) in 1933-1941, he became an associate professor, head of the department, dean of the mining faculty and deputy director of the North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute.

In 1937, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the topic “Method for determining floor height in the development of ore deposits.” The subject of this work became one of the main scientific directions of his activity.

In 1941 he moved to Moscow. In 1941-1967 he worked at the Institute of Mining Engineering of the USSR Academy of Sciences (in 1952-1958 - deputy director). In 1946, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the topic “Determination of Mine Productivity.” In 1947 he was awarded the academic title of professor. In 1945-1955, as a professor, he lectured at the Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold named after M.I. Kalinin. Since 1966, head of the department of the Moscow Geological Exploration Institute.

From October 18, 1962 to July 4, 1963 - Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1967, he worked at the Institute of Earth Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences as the head of the department of problems of the theory of field development, since 1977 - at the Institute of Problems of Integrated Development of Subsoil of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1981 - head of the department, since 1988 - advisor to the directorate).

U by the President of the USSR on January 25, 1991, for his great contribution to the development of mining science and industry, training of scientific personnel, fruitful pedagogical and social activities, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Mikhail Ivanovich Agoshkov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal. .

Author of more than 200 works, including 25 monographs. Author of fundamental works on the technology and economics of ore deposit development, and the application of economic and mathematical methods in mining. Agoshkov created a classification of ore deposit development systems.

Lived and worked in Moscow. Died on October 14, 1993. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

He was awarded two Orders of Lenin (11.11.1985; 25.01.1991), the Order of the October Revolution (11.11.1975), three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (29.10.1949, 9.06.1961; 11.11.1965), the Order of the Badge of Honor (19.09. 1953), medals.

Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1951), State Prize of the USSR (1983) and the Russian Federation (1998, posthumously).

In Moscow, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the Institute for Integrated Subsoil Development Problems, where he worked.


Born in the city of Petrovsky Zavod (now Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Chita region). Russian.

  • 1931 Graduated from the mining department of the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute in the city of Vladivostok.
  • 1931-1933 Assistant and Associate Professor of the Far Eastern Mining Institute.
  • 1933-1941 (after moving to the city of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz)) Associate Professor, head of the department, dean of the mining faculty and deputy director of the North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute.
  • 1937 Candidate of Technical Sciences; dissertation “Method for determining floor height in the development of ore deposits.” This topic became one of the main scientific directions of his activity.
  • 1941 Moved to Moscow.
  • 1941-1967 Works at the Institute of Mining of the USSR Academy of Sciences (in 1952-1958 - deputy director).
  • 1943 Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU.
  • 1946 Doctor of Technical Sciences; dissertation topic: “Determination of mine productivity.”
  • 1947 Professor.
  • 1945-1955 As a professor, lectures at the Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold named after M. I. Kalinin.
  • October 23, 1953 Elected corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • October 18, 1962 - July 4, 1963 Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Since 1966 Head of the Department of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute.
  • Since 1967, Head of the Department of Problems of Reservoir Development Theory at the Institute of Earth Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • Since 1977, he has been working at the Institute for Problems of Integrated Development of Subsoil of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1981 - head of the department, since 1988 - advisor to the directorate).
  • December 29, 1981 Elected academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1991 - RAS).

Lived and worked in Moscow. Died on October 14, 1993. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.


Author of more than 200 works, including 25 monographs. Author of fundamental works on the technology and economics of ore deposit development, and the application of economic and mathematical methods in mining. Creator of the classification of ore deposit development systems.

  • Development of ore deposits. 3rd ed. - M., 1954 (translated into Romanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Chinese languages)
  • Determination of mine productivity. - M., 1948 (translated into English and Polish).


  • Hero of Socialist Labor for his great contribution to the development of mining science and industry, training of scientific personnel, fruitful pedagogical and social activities.
  • Order of Lenin (November 11, 1985, January 25, 1991)
  • Order of the October Revolution (November 11, 1975)
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (October 29, 1949, November 11, 1965)
  • Order of the Badge of Honor
  • Stalin Prize (1951)
  • USSR State Prize (1983)
  • State Prize of Russia (1998, posthumously).
  • Medals.


Famous namesakes.

AGOSHKOV Valery Ivanovich (06/09/1946, Valuiki, Belgorod region) professor (1994), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 1988), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2007), chief researcher at the INM RAS. Graduated with a gold medal from the Lenin Secondary School in the Kursk District of the Kursk Region (1964); Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) with honors (1970); postgraduate studies at the Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, specializing in “Computational Mathematics” (1975): “Variational methods in neutron transfer problems” (scientific supervisor G. I. Marchuk). Topic of doctoral dissertation (1988): “Generalized solutions of problems of transport theory and properties of their smoothness” (specialty 01.01.02 – Differential equations and mathematical physics).
Academic title – Professor of the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (specialty 01.01.07 – “Computational Mathematics”); awarded in 1994.

Leader and responsible executor of a number of scientific projects of the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of adjoint equations, inverse problems, development of methods for solving complex problems of observational data assimilation. He is a member of international scientific societies (AMS, GAMM) and for a number of years was a member of the Committee "Applications of Mathematics of the European Mathematical Society", a member of the Main Editorial Board of EOLSS and the editorial boards of two international scientific journals. Winner of the "Best Scientific Work for 1989" award from the Department of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the development of the theory of Poincaré-Steklov operators and their applications for the design and optimization of domain division algorithms.

After graduating from MEPhI, he was invited to the Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1980, he was transferred to the newly created Department of Computational Mathematics under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences (later - the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences). He has been working at the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the Department of Mathematical Modeling of Physical Processes at MIPT since their formation (1980). He combines scientific work with pedagogical work - he has been teaching at universities since 1972. Professor of Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
While teaching at Novosibirsk State University, MIPT and Moscow State University, he prepared and delivered a number of courses and special courses of lectures. Supervises the scientific activities of students and graduate students and is a scientific consultant to doctoral students. A well-known specialist in the field of computational mathematics, the theory of boundary value problems for kinetic equations, adjoint equations and their applications in nonlinear, inverse and optimization problems. Author of more than 180 published works, 13 monographs and textbooks, 3 of which have been translated into foreign languages.

Main publications: Introduction to projection-grid methods, M.: Nauka (1981), 420 pp. (co-author G.I. Marchuk); Introduction aux M\"ethodes des \"El\"ements Finis, Moscow: MIR (1985) 432 p., in French (with Marchuk G.I.); Poincaré-Steklov operators and their applications in analysis, M.: Computer Department -th mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1983, 184 pp. (co-author Lebedev V.I.); Generalized solutions of the transport equation and the properties of their smoothness, M.: Nauka, 1988, 240 pp.;
Boundary Value Problems for Transport Equations, Birkhauser, Boston-Basel-Berlin, 1998, 278 p.; Conjugate equations and perturbation algorithms in nonlinear problems of mathematical physics, M.: Department of Computational Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1991, 341 pp.; M.: Nauka, 1993, 224 p. (co-authors Marchuk G.I., Shutyaev V.P.); Methods for solving problems of mathematical physics, M., INM RAS, 2001, 399 pp.; M.: Nauka, 2002, 320 pp., (co-authors Dubovsky P.B., Shutyaev V.P.); Methods of optimal control and conjugate equations in problems of mathematical physics, M.: INM RAS, 2003, 256 pp. Trained 8 students who defended their candidate or doctoral dissertations. (In the photo - on the left, on the right - Evgeniy Agoshkov).

I admit that Valery Ivanovich is the ancestor of the Agoshkovs, who developed the Kursk region from Tula in the 16th and 17th centuries. Valery Ivanovich is similar in appearance to those Agoshkovs I know. I wrote him a letter, but there was no answer. He is a little over four months older than me. I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that V.I. Agoshkov graduated from high school in 1964. And I was in 1965. What does this mean?! The fact that in the Kursk district of the Kursk region at the Lenin secondary school at that time there was no 11-year education, but only a ten-year education! Well done to the local Rono workers and the director of this school, because they did not succumb to Khrushchev’s trends!
And the leadership of the Oryol region and Oryol district, the director of the Stanovo-Kolodezskaya secondary school, and the head of the regional department showed careerist habits and lack of will. As a result, we began to study not in the ten-year school, but in the eleven-year school, without having either tractors or any other equipment at hand. But on paper everything was okay. It is also unjustified, in the absence of English teachers, the school director and A.E. T. insisted that we be taught English instead of German... We tried to keep up with the times...

*Mikhail Ivanovich Agoshkov. Photo – Abram Shterenberg, RIA Novosti-Site.

* Nina Agoshkova – poetess. POEMS.RU.

* Satirist Alexander Agoshkov, member of the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Journalists of Russia, published in the newspaper “Morning of the Evening is Wiser.” From the Internet.

Evgeny AGOSHKOV. Born in the mining town of Kemerovo in Siberia. A natural inclination towards foreign languages ​​allowed me to successfully graduate from the Moscow State Linguistic University and master English, French and German. The profession of a journalist has always been a dream, which led me to the Faculty of Journalism at the American University in Atlanta, Georgia. The debut of reporting work took place there, in Atlanta, during a six-month internship at the CNN television company. In Russia, knowledge of languages ​​and foreign experience were in demand in the international shift of the Directorate of Information Programs of ORT, which since August 1997 has become a permanent place of work. In the winter of 2000, a thirst for adventure forced me to turn away from international topics and go into the thick of military events in Chechnya. I consider the coverage of the storming of the city of Grozny and the village of Komsomolskoye to be the most extreme and interesting journalistic projects.
Representative of Rossotrudnichestvo in the USA (Washington) – Evgeniy Nikolaevich Agoshkov. Born in Kemerovo, Kemerovo region. Higher education. Graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) with a degree in Intercultural Communications. Simultaneous interpreter." In 1996-97 studied at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, USA. In 1997, he worked as an editor for the CNN World Report program in Atlanta. From 1998 to 2005, he worked in the Directorate of Information Programs of the ORT TV channel (Channel One) as a correspondent and host of the “News” program. In 2001, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. In the structure of Rossotrudnichestvo since 2005. Speaks English, French, German and Japanese.
Vasily Ivanovich Agoshkov - for Evgeniy AGOSHKOV:
“Dear Evgeniy! My paternal uncle, Sergei Petrovich Agoshkov, lived in the Kemerovo region. Please write where your roots come from?! What do you know about the Agoshkovs in general, perhaps, are you collecting something?! I would be grateful for your answer... Thank you, all the best!”
Alas, Evgeniy did not answer either. He hosted news on Russian TV.
Mikhail Ivanovich Agoshkov.
(1905-1993) – Soviet scientist in the field of mining. Author of the classification of ore deposit development systems. Hero of Socialist Labor.
Winner of the Stalin Prize.

Born on October 30 (November 11), 1905 in the city of Petrovsky Zavod (now Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Transbaikal Territory). In 1923 he graduated from the Chita Mining College. In 1931 he graduated from the mining department of the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute (Vladivostok). In 1931-1933 he worked as an assistant and associate professor at the Far Eastern Mining Institute. In 1933-1941 he was an associate professor, head of the department, dean of the mining faculty and deputy director of the North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute in Vladikavkaz. In 1937 he became a candidate of technical sciences. The topic of his dissertation, “Method for determining floor height in the development of ore deposits,” became one of the main scientific areas of his activity. In 1941-1967 he worked at IGDAN (in 1952-1958 - deputy director) in Moscow.

Doctor of Technical Sciences (1946), dissertation topic “Determination of mine productivity.” From 1947 to 1955, as a professor, he lectured at the M.I. MITsMiZ. Kalinina. Since 1966 – Head of the Department of MGRI named after S. Ordzhonikidze. Since 1967 – Head of the Department of Problems of the Theory of Field Development at IFZAN. In 1971-1993 he worked at IPKOAN (since 1981 - head of department, since 1988 - advisor to the directorate). Died October 14, 1993. He was buried in Moscow at the Kuntsevo cemetery. Since 1943 - member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), since 1953 - corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. On December 29, 1981, he was elected academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He held a number of important positions in the USSR Academy of Sciences: October 18, 1962 – July 4, 1963 – Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Deputy Academician-Secretary and Head of the Mining Group of the Bureau of the Department of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences. Chairman of the Scientific Council on the Problems of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Hero of Socialist Labor (January 25, 1991) - for his great contribution to the development of mining science and industry, training of scientific personnel, fruitful pedagogical and social activities; two Orders of Lenin (11.11.1985: 25.1.1991), Order of the October Revolution (11.11.1975), two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (29.10.1949; 11.1.1965), Order of the Badge of Honor, medals, Stalin Prize (6.10. 1951), USSR State Prize (1983) - for creating the scientific foundations for the rational extraction of solid mineral reserves and introducing the results into the mining industry, Russian State Prize in the field of science and technology (1998 - posthumously).

On the IPKON building in which he worked, there is a memorial plaque with the text “In this building from 1971 to 1993, an outstanding scientist in the field of mining sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician Mikhail Ivanovich Agoshkov worked.” In honor of Mikhail Ivanovich Agoshkov, the following were named: Transbaikal Mountain College named after M. I. Agoshkov. Scientific readings named after M.I. Agoshkova. Author of more than 200 works, including 25 monographs on the technology and economics of ore deposit development, and the application of economic and mathematical methods in mining.
Literature: Mikhail Ivanovich Agoshkov // TSB. 2nd edition. T. 51. 1958. P. 7.

* Agoshkova Nina Egorovna, Orel city. Candidate of Economic Sciences.
Work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Oryol State Agrarian University".
Position: associate professor of the department "Organization of entrepreneurial activity and management in the agro-industrial complex."

* Alexey Agoshkov (1930) Place of birth: Oryol region, Oryol district, Ilyinskoye village. Convicted in 1930 Verdict: dispossessed. Reab. 2000 [Book of memory of the Oryol region]
//I think that A. Agoshkov could be my relative//.

* Agoshkov Andrey Afanasyevich (1870, Moscow region, Kazar village, 1937) deacon of the church in the village of Syromolotnoye, Krapivinsky district, resident of the village of Zimovye, collective farm<Победа>. Arrest: 07/1937/27. Convicted 1937.10.07, troika under the NKVD for the NSO. Obv. according to Art. 58-2-7-10-11 Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Execution. [Book of memory of the Kemerovo region].
* Agoshkov Zakhar Stepanovich (1898--1943.03.21), private, died in the Great Patriotic War.
* Agoshkov Egor Denisovich (1894, Oryol region, Oryol district, Malaya Kulikovka village, 1940) Sole proprietor, resident of Oryol region, Oryol district, M. Kulikovka village. Arrest: 1940 Sentence: 8 years in labor camp. [Book of Memory of the Oryol Region].
* Agoshkov Nikolay Mikhailovich (1915.05.09-1998) as of 1998.01.28 resident: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Artemovsk.
* Agoshkov Petr Vasilievich (1892.12.21--1918.08.14) Penza Agricultural School. Officer since 1916. Second lieutenant of the Life Guards. Grenadier Regiment. In the white troops of the Eastern Front, from 1918.07.24 in the 3rd company of the Orenburg officer battalion. Died of wounds on 08/1914.
[Volkov S.V. Ross officers. Guards M., 2002].
* Agoshkov Petr Vasilievich (1892.12.21-1918.08.14) graduated from the Penza Land Surveying School. ensign (since 1916). Second Lieutenant V L.-Guards. Gren, regiment. Uch. antibolynev. movement to the South. Ural. In the 3rd company of Orenb. official battalion (since 1918.07.24). Mind. from wounds [Ganin A.V., Semenov V.G. An officer. building.. M., 2007]
Agoshkov, Anatoly Ivanovich.

Biography: Born on February 18, 1958 in the village of Stanovy Kolodez, Oryol district, Oryol region. In 1976-1977 he served in the Armed Forces. Career: Serves in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (MVD of Russia) since 1977. From 1977 to 1992 he served in the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD of Russia). From 1992 to 2007, he served in various leadership positions in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Since September 2007 - Deputy Head of the Municipal Internal Affairs Directorate - Head of the Public Security Police. Since June 2011, head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ryazan region. In 2012 he was dismissed.
* IN AND. Agoshkov: I do not rule out that A.I. Agoshkov is my distant relative. Professor of mathematics at Oryol University named Vetrov (see my volume 10) A.I. Agoshkov as his nephew.
There is a lot of information on the Internet about people named AGOSHKOV. I have given only a small part. I am glad that among the Agoshkovs there are both poets and scientists...

Agoshkova Elena Borisovna. Historicity of thinking and the crisis of civilization.
// Man of the post-Soviet space. Issue 3. / Collection of materials
conferences. Ed. V.V. Partsvania St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Philosophical Society, 2005. P.58-65.

Agoshkova street in Gubkin, Belgorod region.

- (1905 93) Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1981), Hero of Socialist Labor (1991). Proceedings on underground mining of ore deposits. USSR State Prize (1951, 1983) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Agoshkov Mikhail Ivanovich- [R. 30.10 (12.11).1905], Soviet scientist in the field of mining, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953). Member of the CPSU since 1943. Graduated from the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute in the city of Vladivostok (1931). Author of fundamental works on technology and...

Agoshkov, Mikhail Ivanovich- [R. Oct 30 (November 12) 1905] owls. scientist in the field of mining, member. corr. USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1953). Member CPSU since 1943. Graduated from the Far Eastern Polytechnic. Institute in Vladivostok (1931). In 1933 41 worked in the North. Caucasus. mining and metallurgy in those, from 1941 to... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Agoshkov Mikhail Ivanovich- (1905 1994), scientist in the field of mining, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1981), Hero of Socialist Labor (1991). Proceedings on underground mining of ore deposits. State Prize of the USSR (1951, 1983), State Prize of the Russian Federation (1998 ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Agoshkov- Agoshkov, Mikhail Ivanovich Agoshkov Mikhail Ivanovich Date of birth: October 30 (November 12) 1905 (1905 11 12) Place of birth: Petrovsky Plant Date of death: October 14, 1993 (... Wikipedia

AGOSHKOV- Mikhail Ivanovich (1905 1994), scientist in the field of mining, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1981), Hero of Socialist Labor (1991). Proceedings on underground mining of ore deposits. USSR State Prizes (1951, 1983). Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

Agoshkov- Mikhail Ivanovich [b. 30.10 (12.11).1905], Soviet scientist in the field of mining, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953). Member of the CPSU since 1943. Graduated from the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute in the city of Vladivostok (1931). Author of fundamental... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Agoshkov M. I.- AGSHKOV Mikhail Ivanovich (1905-1994), scientist in the field of mining, academician. RAS (1981), Hero of Social. Labor (1991). Tr. on underground mining of ore deposits. State USSR Ave. (1951, 1983). State Ave. Ros. Federation (1998, rev.) ... Biographical Dictionary

Laureates of the Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods- The Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods is a form of encouragement for citizens of the USSR for significant services in the technical development of Soviet industry, the development of new technologies, modernization... ... Wikipedia

Full members of the RAS throughout the history of its existence- Complete list of full members of the Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Imperial Academy of Sciences, Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, USSR Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences). # A B C D E E F G H ... Wikipedia