Lawyer Ilya Novikov what where when. "The departure of Ilya Novikov from "What? Where? When?" - a typical example of the influence of self-censorship on people living in Russia

Russian lawyer Ilya Novikov, who represented the interests of the Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko at the trial, must leave the elite club of experts “What? Where? When?”, so as not to politicize the TV show. This statement was made by the host and general producer of the program Boris Kryuk in an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets.

“For all my good attitude towards Ilya, he had to first choose what is more important for him - a club or a political career, and then deal with Savchenko. If you defend Savchenko and you are a ChGK player, then it means that ChGK is also for Savchenko,” - Hook explained his position.

He emphasized that the club of experts is outside of politics. According to Kryuk, Novikov “certainly must leave ChGK.” “We have nothing to do with politics. First say goodbye to us, and then deal with Savchenko. We are a club. There are rules in the club, and they must be followed,” the presenter added.

Novikov himself has already commented on his page in Facebook presenter's statement "What? Where? When?" “I have no complaints against Boris, and I don’t understand why others should have them. I perfectly understood when I accepted Savchenko’s defense in July 2014 that this could cause trouble for “What? Where? When?”, which aired on the first channel. The first thing I did after signing the protection agreement was to call the producers and say that I understand their difficulties and will leave at any moment,” the lawyer explained.

According to Novikov, initially his participation in the trial was not an obstacle to participating in the television show, but “by the spring of 2016, when Savchenko’s trial reached the finish line, it became impossible to pretend that all this had nothing to do with politics.”

“My work as a lawyer and specifically at that time the Savchenko case is most important to me. Playing a game show is less important,” Novikov summed up.

Earlier it became known that bailiffs restricted the exit from Russia of another domestic lawyer, Mark Feigin, who also defended Nadezhda Savchenko, due to debts. In his opinion, the restriction on travel was introduced by the special services on behalf of the Kremlin so that it could not protect the Crimean Tatars. “I will not be able to go to the OSCE in Warsaw about the Crimean Tatars,” the lawyer said. Feygin added that another purpose of such a decision could be to block his trips to Ukraine.

For the first time, Ilya Novikov took part in the television version of the game "What? Where? When?" in 2002. In 2004 and 2014, he received the Crystal Owl Award, a prize given to the team's best player at the end of the season. In 2014, Novikov won the Diamond Owl, an award given to the best player at the end of the year. The last time Novikov played at the table of experts was in December 2015, recalls the Dozhd TV channel.

Ilya Novikov, together with Mark Feigin and Nikolai Polozov, defended the Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko, who in May was sentenced to 22 years in prison on charges of complicity in the murder of two VGTRK employees in the Donbass. She was later pardoned by Russian President Vladimir Putin and exchanged for two Russian citizens, Alexander Alexandrov and Yevgeny Erofeev, convicted in Ukraine.

Ilya Novikov was kicked out of the club “What? Where? When?"

Ilya Novikov is expelled from the “What? Where? When?" for defending a Ukrainian pilot as a lawyer.

Ilya Novikov was expelled from the “What? Where? When?" for representing the interests of the former Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko in court.

TV presenter Boris Kryuk spoke about this in an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets.

“For all my good attitude towards Ilya, he had to first choose what was more important for him - a club or a political career, and then deal with Savchenko. Understand, if you defend Savchenko and you are a “ChGK” player, then “ChGK” is also for Savchenko,” said Boris Kryuk.

The TV presenter also emphasized that ChGK has nothing to do with politics: “If you decide to get involved in politics, you need to say: thank you, I will do it. First, say goodbye to us, and then deal with Savchenko.”

Ilya Novikov in the studio of the Ukrainian TV channel 112

As an example, when the reputation of the community suffered due to the actions of players, he cited the incident that happened with expert Georgy Zharkov, who participated in the television version of the game since 1994 ().

“A criminal case was opened against him for molesting students. Excuse me, but people immediately began to associate "What? Where? When?" and pedophilia,” Hook noted.

Graduated with honors from the Russian Academy of Justice.

Since 2005, he has been teaching there at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Advanced Training for Judges.

Since August 2011 - senior partner in the law office "Goncharova, Novikov and Partners".

Since January 2013 - partner of the consulting company Tenzor Consulting Group. Currently has the status of a lawyer. Among Novikov’s clients is Ukrainian serviceman Nadezhda Savchenko, convicted in Russia for involvement in the murder of Russian journalists. In connection with this case, I learned Ukrainian in less than 2 years.

He made his debut in “What? Where? When?" in 2002. He was repeatedly recognized as the best player of the team, and repeatedly received the highest awards in the television game - “Crystal Owl”, as well as “Diamond Owl”.

In the sports version of the game he plays for the Ksep team. Multiple medalist of world championships, world champion in 2014. Champion of Russia in 2002, 2013 and 2014. Winner of the Nations Cup (unofficially called the “World Championship among national teams”) in 2006 as part of the Russian national team. Winner of the 2005 ChGK European Student Cup. According to the website of the MAK ChGK, it is one of the 11 players who took part in all ten of the first world championships in sports “What? Where? When?".

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So, two-time winner of the Crystal Owl, club member Ilya Novikov left “What? Where? When?” This is what the participants in this, I won’t say drama, but certainly unpleasant story say.

Ilya Novikov: “I understood perfectly well when I accepted Savchenko’s defense in July 2014 that this could cause trouble. “What? Where? When?", aired on Channel One. The first thing I did after signing the defense agreement was call the producers and said that I understood their difficulties and would leave at any moment. My legal work - specifically at that time the Savchenko case - for me most important." Novikov added that he considers it his important task to publicly express his own opinion about “people like Foreign Ministry Speaker Zakharova or TFR Speaker Markin.”

Boris Kryuk, presenter and general producer: “If you are defending Savchenko and you are a player, “What? Where? When?", then it means, "What? Where? When?" - also for Savchenko."

Ales Mukhin, team captain: “Novikov, as a ChGK player, violated the rules of the game, agreements with the club, so Boris Kryuk’s position is logical. Even the creator of the game, Vladimir Voroshilov, sought to show that in our overly politicized society there are other important concepts. This is pure knowledge, intelligence, intelligence. The world is much wider than political squabbles."


Just like that.

A few words from myself. Probably, one should not have expected heroic sacrifices on the altar of friendship from Ales Mukhin and the members of the team. Life is life, a game is a game, and, unfortunately, no one has canceled the bad proverb about your shirt either. Ilya Novikov’s position evokes respect; the man does his job the way he understands it, without thinking about the consequences. I don’t know how much the fact that he called Zakharova a shaggy whore helped him in defending Savchenko, however, I’m not an expert...if it helped, then fine.

But I would like to say a few words about the position of Boris Kryuk. Everything, in general, is clear: he was told, he did it. P Of course, there will be those who will say: “Yes, I, in his place...”

I’m not in his place, but in my place I’ll say only one thing: it was possible to come up with a more decent explanation. “If you defend Savchenko...” (see above.)

And if Novikov, as a lawyer, defended a thief, a murderer, a rapist, would that mean that “What? Where? When?” also for thieves, murderers and rapists?

I used to watch this game quite often. It was nice to see the intellectual elite of society. And now...I've lost interest. And the point, perhaps, is not the departure of Novikov. It's a shame though...

First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko continues to form a team of his colleagues from work at the embassy in the Volga Federal District and Rosatom. Another of his former colleagues is expected to move into Old Square this week. The director of the communications department at the Rosatom state corporation will become the curator of information policy in Kiriyenko’s office. What to expect from this appointment and which other Rosatom employees are waiting for an invitation to work at the AP, read the FederalPress article.

First Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko, as FederalPress experts expected, will build his work relying on people whom he has long trusted. At the beginning of the week, it became known that Alexander Nikolin had been appointed chief of staff to the deputy head of the presidential administration. Also a native of the embassy, ​​who, like Novikov, changed this job to a position in the state corporation Rosatom.

Sergey Novikov was born in 1977 in Nizhny Novgorod and began working at the embassy immediately after graduating from university in 2001. Four years later, together with Kiriyenko, he left for Rosatom, where he continued to work in the field of public relations.

FederalPress interlocutors who know Novikov well note that such an appointment looks very logical.

“It would be strange if Sergei Vladilenovich began to look for someone new, having next to him a person whom he trusts, a person with a high level of professional competencies and a person who is very well known and respected in the media environment. Kiriyenko has the ability to create professional systems and professional teams that work at a very high quality level. Therefore, moving from place to place, he, as a rule, mobilizes these teams. And, in fact, the transition of Kiriyenko’s team from Rosatom to the presidential administration, it seems to me, meets the principle of professionalism,” notes the head of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Civil Society Development Fund Evgeniy Semenov.

FederalPress interlocutors note that this position requires confidentiality, so Kirikenko is relying on a person whom he completely trusts in matters of information policy.

Novikov is a media figure - he is known to millions of fans of the game “What? Where? When?" as a person who names the best player of the team of experts, and at the end of last year he tried himself in the game.

“We have created our own team - a team of young Rosatom specialists. By the way, having made their debut in the 2012 season of games, they immediately became the best team of the club, that is, they won three games in a row and reached the final of the year, although in the final of the year, unfortunately, they finished the game with a score of 5:6. That is, they did not win the final of the year. But not all at once. You don’t need to be such an upstart to collect all the regalia at once,” he said a year ago Sergey Novikov on the air of Radio Russia.

Sergei Novikov is close not only to intellectual games, but also to art. Thus, Rosatom came up with the Nuclear Kids project. (“Nuclear Children”), during which castings are held in closed and station cities located near nuclear power plants for children of employees who have musical or dancing abilities. After this, experienced teachers put on a high-quality metropolitan-level musical show with the children and go on tour.

In addition, Sergei Novikov became a laureate of the competition for young opera directors - “Nano-Opera”. “At the competition I won a certificate for a production in Krasnoyarsk. But creative planning in a large opera house is a long-term process, you have to wait. The nearest project is a concert performance of Dargomyzhsky’s “Rusalka” in the large hall of the Moscow Conservatory on November 17. The conductor will be People's Artist of Russia Maestro Alexander Rudin with the Musica Viva orchestra and the Synodal Choir of the Moscow Patriarchate. “This is a social project that is being implemented by order of the Gregory the Theologian Foundation,” said Sergei Novikov at the beginning of the year in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper in Nizhny Novgorod.”

The arrival of a bright media manager in big politics will make its own adjustments to the work of Kiriyenko’s apparatus, experts say.

“It is clear that the information policy of a large corporation and the presidential administration are not the same thing, he will have to rebuild and adopt some working technologies, but I think that experience and competence in this area will allow him to work quite effectively in this field. In addition, it is known that corporate managers think project-wise and solve problems quickly and technologically. I think that Novikov will be quite in his place here. I don’t expect any conflict between Kiriyenko’s team and Volodin’s team: it seems to me that the teams that focus on them are quite capable of entering into friendly and working relations,” says the Director General of the Agency for Political and Economic Communications Dmitry Orlov.

Experts speak with caution about further personnel appointments in Kiriyenko’s apparatus, noting that, most likely, several more people from Rosatom may soon change jobs, but this process will not be massive; Kiriyenko’s personnel bench, like that of any other politician, has limit: you cannot fill all positions at once. More often than others, experts name the names of the General Director of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Sergei Obozov and the full namesake Sergei Novikov, who holds the post of Deputy General Director for Economic Analysis and Planning of the Rosatom State Corporation, and in the past was the First Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District . FederalPress will follow developments.


Quietly smoldering scandal in the TV club “What? Where? When?" predictably burst out. Popular expert Ilya Novikov, lawyer of pilot Savchenko, was publicly asked to leave the club. It's strange that this didn't happen earlier in the process. On the Internet, fans of the program talk about the influence of politics on our lives and the destinies of people.

IN riding “What? Where? When?" Boris Kryuk clearly expressed his position in an interview with MK:

If you defend Savchenko and you are a “ChGK” player, then it means that “ChGK” is also for Savchenko. "ChGK" is outside of politics. And if you decide to get involved in politics, you need to say: thank you, I will do this.

For those who do not see the connection with politics, Hook told a story with another expert Georgy Zharkov:

We had an expert Georgy Zharkov, now deceased. A criminal case was opened against him for molesting students. Excuse me, but people immediately began to associate “What? Where? When?" and pedophilia.

Ilya Novikov in reply In response to his resignation, he showed peacefulness, noting that he had no complaints against Boris Hook.

My duties as a lawyer, as I understand them, did not allow me to slow down, including in comments to the press. “I then said every day in an interview that the goal of my work is to help Ukraine organize pressure on Putin, and for this it is necessary to show that he and his subordinates are wretchedly lying,” the owner of the Crystal and Diamond Owls made an almost political statement. - Boris warned me that the more I say this, the more difficult it is for him to defend me. And that I need to decide on my priorities. But I decided on them a long time ago. My work as a lawyer and specifically at that time the Savchenko case was most important to me. Playing a game show is less important. Playing a game show is less important. My team was supposed to play in the spring series in March 2016, but they refused to sit down at the table without me. This really touched me. Thank you, Ales, Yulia, Gunel, Grisha and Stas. Boris should have found a way to get them back quickly.

Many people spoke out in support of Novikov on the Internet. Victor Shenderovich in his words he plays on the famous “minute for discussion”:

Ilya Novikov was expelled from the pure ranks of experts, from the air of Channel One. They punished him. What pure, unadulterated beauty. And what intelligence at the same time! They took a minute, strained their famous brain - and gave the only correct answer to the question of how not to upset the Kremlin. They themselves help us draw the line of demarcation. I was glad to learn that Ilya Novikov’s team refused to sit down at the gaming table without him. I'm upset that others didn't do this. However, such a density of ethical principles would look implausible.

Blogger Pavel Sobolev believes that Hook's explanation is hypocritical. He gives the example of another popular expert, Nurali Latypov, who is also actually involved in politics, but no one is going to kick him out.

I don’t know if they will be shocked that Latypov writes books with titles like “Conspiracy against Russia: from Marx to Obama”, “Strategems for Putin”, etc. (sometimes even in co-authorship with Anatoly Wasserman), and also registers inventive patents for devices whose descriptions are very similar to the Vaino apparatchik’s Nooscope.