Abdirov accomplished a feat. Walk through the streets of Heroes: Nurken Abdirov

Nurken Abdirovich Abdirov was born on August 9, 1919 in the former village No. 5, now Karkaraly district, Karaganda region of Kazakhstan.

Having received an incomplete secondary education, Nurken Abdirovich Abdirov worked on a collective farm.

Participation in the Great Patriotic War

Nurken Abdirovich Abdirov was drafted into the Red Army in 1940. He graduated from the 1st Chkalov Military Aviation Pilot School named after K. E. Voroshilov in 1941.

In the same year, Nurken Abdirovich Abdirov joined the ranks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

During the Great Patriotic War, during 16 combat missions, Nurken Abdirovich Abdirov destroyed several tanks and more than twenty vehicles in his Il-2 aircraft.

On December 19, 1942, while attacking enemy positions near the Konkov farm (Bokovsky district of the Rostov region), his plane received a direct hit in the engine and caught fire. Realizing that there was no chance of reaching his own, Abdirov sent the burning car into a column of enemy tanks. Gunner Alexander Komissarov, who refused to jump from the plane, died along with him.

Best of the day

He was buried in the Konkov farm. The mother of the hero Bagzhan was elected an honorary Kazakh woman of the village of Bokovskaya. During the war, the Nurken Abdirov aircraft was built at the expense of Karlag prisoners and took part in battles.


It is not entirely true to say that only when we reach a certain age we are literally “covered by a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of our youth or see some attributes of that time. Even a very small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy if someone took it away or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they contain the spirit of an entire era. It is not enough for us to read about this in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique thing that we can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages that emitted a sweetish aroma, especially when flipping through them, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, the same ones with an uneven white border. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved to this day, despite the low quality of such images. The point here is not in the image, but in the feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they catch our eye.

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The people carry revenge in their hearts, and show the power of revenge in their deeds. And if Moscow is the heart of the Soviet people, then Karaganda is its angry frowning eyebrows, one of the stone clubs, the blow of which strikes the enemy to death.

And the young eagle Nurken Abdirov, who crushed the enemy without thinking about his numbers, without being embarrassed by his multiplicity, I would like to compare with the bright lightning that flashed from under these frowning eyebrows, flying out of this angry heart. If a young eagle has a keen eye, if its wings never tire, if it is strong as hardened steel, know that it has flown from a nest like Karaganda. Heroes are born here - the pride of the country. If mothers give birth to heroes, then Karaganda is the place where these heroes grow and become stronger. The old father Abdir and caring mother Bakzhan moved from Karkaralinsk to Karaganda at a time when their children were still young.

“It was I who cut through the “black mouth” of the famous steam mine,” says Abdirov.

To justify the strength of the father and the milk of the mother means to justify the hopes of the country - the golden cradle of childhood. The first thing that was imprinted in the mind of Nurken, when he looked at the work of his father and older brothers, was the conviction that his responsibilities should be much broader, much deeper than the rest of the youth. Even when he was a modest accountant in a bookstore, Nurken looked at the portraits of famous pilots of the Soviet Union and dreamed of becoming such a fearless pilot.

“Are my shoulders narrower, my arms thinner, my fingers weaker than theirs,” he said more than once to his comrade.

“So, so, my future akyn!” his comrade supported him and predicted a great future for his young friend.

In every action of Nurken his tirelessness was evident, the activity of his nature was manifested. While studying and working, he still found time to study at the Karaganda regional flying club and received the rank of reserve pilot. He is attracted to the sky, fiery feelings draw him upward. And when twenty-year-old Nurken was drafted into the army in 1940, he was already a real pilot. Therefore, instead of many years of training, he graduated from a military pilot school in less than two years and in the fall of 1942 received the rank of sergeant and became an attack pilot. On the memorable day of his first flight against the enemy - October 23, 1942 - before fulfilling the great goal that he had dreamed of for many years, when it was necessary to give an account to the country that raised and raised him, deep thoughts worried Nurken and were reflected in a letter to his mother:

"Mother! Our long preparation is over. We are heading to the front, where hot battles are taking place. If in my youth I was rude to you and showed disobedience, now, bowing my head before you, I ask you to forgive me. The enemies will not be able to easily take my life. If I am destined to die, then many of them will lie at my head. In my hands is a high-speed plane carrying a lead gift to the Germans... If we do not destroy the Nazis, they will destroy us, and a joyful, free life will not return for you. Dear dad and mom, dawn has come, we’re flying out now.” Now the whole country knows how dearly Nurken gave his youth at the front of the Great Patriotic War.

A heart that is incapable of love cannot be filled with a feeling of revenge. Nurken loved his parents and loved ones in a special, warm and unforgettable way. Old Bakzhan stores 82 letters from Nurken. The genuine love of a big heart clearly appears in them. Nurken wants to know every day about the lives of his old people who remain so far away. He writes to them words that give them cheerfulness and bring joy. His letters addressed to 2-year-old Svetlana, the daughter of Sarsen’s older brother, show how much affection a heart conceals, so merciless towards the enemy. Most of these letters begin with the address “Svetzhan”. In one of them he writes:

“Svetzhan! Yesterday I was wandering around the city and went into a bookstore, and they sell portraits of little children. I really liked them and bought one of them for you. Mom and Askap, make sure that Svetzhan is always as clean and tidy. Let her hair and her whole appearance be like on this card” (29/VII-42).

The young horseman, who so dearly loved his people, his land, his relatives, had the opportunity to visit home, to cling to his mother’s breast once, but refused this opportunity, did not want to take advantage of it at a time when the enemy crossed the threshold of the Soviet country, when severe suffering fell to the lot of the peoples of their native Ukraine and Belarus. He hurried to the front. “I’m in a hurry to fill the snarling throats of maddened fascist dogs with deadly bullets, so I’m not going home. I use the time intended for rest to destroy the enemy. Without this, mom, none of us will have any rest,” writes Nurken in one of his letters.

And a little earlier, announcing his desire to finish his studies as quickly as possible, he writes: “All the peoples of the Soviet Union have one answer: not to allow even the shadow of a fascist to darken the face of the Soviet land.”

The situation of his elderly parents and sick brother invariably worried Nurken, but nevertheless, without wasting a minute, he took up the great cause of defending the Motherland. In the constant tension of front-line life, he knew how to snatch a couple of free minutes to extend his hand to his parents, hug them, and write a letter. For he knew how dear and long-awaited it was for loved ones.

Nurken Abdirov, a 22-year-old Soviet eagle, flew from the famous nest, whose name is Karaganda. For exceptional courage shown in the war, he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Nurken is the seventh Hero of the Soviet Union, whom the Kazakh people gave to the Motherland during the Patriotic War. His life has not yet been studied, his exploits have not yet been fully revealed. But two features inherent in Nurken are clearly outlined even now. Here they are.

Nurken is an ardent Komsomol member. He had no time for idleness. Returning from work, he immersed himself in reading. If someone called him, he raised his head for a second, but immediately went back into his book. The school did not give him all the knowledge, and he tried with all his might to fill this gap.

Nurken's days were filled with service and classes at the flying club, and his nights with reading. Cold water helped open closing eyelids; Soviet writers revealed the world. Nurken tirelessly mined the ore of knowledge. But just as pieces of waste rock are found in a thick layer of ore, there are many gaps in the knowledge provided by the Karaganda Mining and Metallurgical College. An inquisitive mind rushes to fill these gaps.

If we add to this character trait the heroism so clearly demonstrated at the front, then before you, with complete conviction, will appear the image of the hero Nurken, a hero in the full sense of the word, a man who has mastered the high knowledge of his time, mastered modern technology, who has perfectly studied all the methods of destructive war. In other words, you will see an advanced man of an advanced time. A young Soviet man whose heart knows no fear, who strives to sail easily and freely in the vast sea of ​​knowledge. That's one thing.

Another thing is that Hero of the Soviet Union Nurken Abdirov learned flying skills not during the war: he is a representative of that galaxy of youth who, like Gorky’s falcon, rushes upward to the heavens from a young age. It seemed that he wanted to reach their heights, where his heroic movements were free, where they were not limited to the boundaries of battle. This is the son of the Kazakh people, who dreamed of heaven, was full of thoughts about his Motherland and saw in the skies a wide field for the fight for the future, for humanity.

We have already mentioned that the heroic deeds of Nurken have not yet been fully revealed. But if every Soviet youth could destroy, like Nurken, 12 enemy tanks, 28 trucks, 18 vehicles with ammunition, 3 fortifications, 3 guns and over fifty soldiers and officers, his combat score would not be bad.

In a letter to his family, dated the eve of the day of his death, Nurken writes:

“Svetzhan! We raid German positions and rain lead on them... Recently, while flying out on a mission, we discovered many German tanks. It must be assumed that few of the hundreds of tanks survived” (December 18, 1942). There is no doubt that Nurken accounted for a considerable number of destroyed tanks.

The Soviet land calls for vengeance. The call of the wounded land is the order of an angry country, must be carried out without delay. And if before 10 shells fell on the enemy’s head, now hundreds of them fall. If before a hundred fell, now a thousand fall. Hatred bubbles in the hearts of the fighters. You need to throw away the fingers of the zheltyrnak that is approaching your throat, and cut off his arms up to the elbows. With such a desire, Nurken took off on his gray hawk “Yak” for another flight.

The enemy is hiding behind the fortifications, he continues to send bullets, he still does not want to stop the harvest of death. This means that it must be destroyed.

The Karaganda eagle swooped down on the enemy fortifications, and two of them crumbled into dust. More than 20 German officers and soldiers clung to the ground in a deathly embrace, never to tear themselves away from it again. German guns began to fire at Nurken. The eagle turned and swooped again. This time he knocked out six enemy tanks. But the eagle also received a wound - the plane began to burn. Bullets whistled around him, and he himself was engulfed in flames. The fire quickly spread to the wings of the plane. The hero made a decision in keeping with the heroic traditions of the Soviet people:

- Last strength to my people!

The image of Captain Gastello flashed before his mind's eye. What did he do when he found himself in the same position? He died the death of the brave and with his death stood up to defend the Motherland. He remembered 28 heroic guardsmen from his native Kazakhstan. What did they do? 26 died the death of the brave, but defended the heart of the country - Moscow.

And Nurken did not part with his faithful friend - the plane, but turned it towards the enemy concentration and fell on his tank column. Nurken’s young life cost the enemy dearly. They paid for it with many tanks and the death of many soldiers and officers.

The Karaganda eagle performed heroism worthy of an eagle and accepted a death worthy of an eagle. The Karaganda eagle received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On December 19, 1942, during an assault on enemy positions near the Konkovo ​​farm in the Rostov region, Kazakhstani Abdirov Nurken accomplished his feat.

The interweaving of human destinies sometimes occurs in the most surprising ways. During the war years, the family of M.A. Sholokhova finds shelter in our village. Darinskoe. For the period from July 27, 1942 to the end of November 1943, an adobe house in the center of our village became the family’s temporary refuge. War correspondent Sholokhov comes here from the front to visit his family, here the first lines of his war novel “They Fought for the Motherland” are born, the first chapters of which were published 75 years ago in the newspaper “Pravda”. In the first chapters, Sholokhov talks about heavy battles in the Stalingrad steppes and the retreat of Soviet troops. Three fellow soldiers Zvyagintsev, Lopakhin and Streltsov, who spent the first years of the war together, defend the crossing of Soviet troops across the Don. It was a tough fight. The remnants of the regiment had to hold off enemy tanks that were trying to break through to the Don, where the main troops were crossing. After two tank attacks, the heights began to be bombed from the air. In the same battle, not far from these places and the small homeland of Mikhail Sholokhov, on December 19, 1942, during an assault on enemy positions near the Konkovo ​​farm, Rostov region, Kazakhstani Abdirov Nurken accomplished his feat. His plane received a direct hit in the engine and caught fire. Realizing that there was no chance of reaching his own, Abdirov sent the burning car into a column of enemy tanks accumulated near the fuel tanks. “Farewell, Motherland, friends...” he sent his last words on air. Along with him, gunner-radio operator Alexander Komissarov died, having refused to carry out his commander’s order to jump. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 31, 1943, exactly 75 years ago, Nurken Abdirov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown. A year before, on October 23, 1941, Nurken wrote to his parents in Karaganda: “Mom! The time for combat training has come to an end. Today or tomorrow we are going to where the hot fights are unfolding... No, I will not give my life for nothing. My youth will be with me even in death..."
Nurken's biography is typical for a young man of that time. He was born in 1919 in village No. 5 of the Karakaralinsky district. In 1938, he worked at mine No. 1 of the Karaganda coal basin as a library manager, and at the Karaganda Regional Prosecutor's Office as a department manager. There he joined the Komsomol and became secretary of the Komsomol organization. Like many of his peers, he became interested in aviation. In 1939 he graduated from the flight courses of the Karaganda Aviation Club and received the specialty of a reserve pilot. He was appointed people's investigator. He was drafted into the army in February 1940. The war found Nurken a cadet at the Orenburg Aviation School. On October 9, 1942, having successfully passed the exams, Sergeant Abdirov arrived at the 808th Assault Aviation Regiment, which became part of the 267th Assault Aviation Division. The aviators supported the advancing troops of the Southwestern Front from the air. In Borisoglebsk on October 23, 1942, he made his first combat mission. Nurken's everyday life at the front began, the same as that of most of his peers, but having accomplished a feat, he immortalized his name forever. During the war, at the expense of Karlag prisoners, the Nurken Abdirov aircraft was built and participated in battles since 1944. In the Zhetysu district of Almaty there is a small street named after the Hero, a monument was erected in Karaganda, a memorial plaque was erected on Mamayev Kurgan, and in Volgograd. In Nurken Abdirov’s homeland, one of the villages is named after him, as well as the Karaganda flying club, where he received a ticket to the sky. Nurken is also remembered and honored in Sholokhov’s small homeland - in Art. Bokovskaya erected a bust of the Hero; material about him was collected in the funds of the State Museum-Reserve, which was used for an exhibition in the Palace of Culture of Art. Veshenskaya in 2007 on the 65th anniversary of his feat.
In 1965, his mother Bagzhan Zhaikenova, elected Honorary Kazakh Art. Bokovskaya, came to Sholokhov’s homeland. On the trip, Bagzhan Zhaikenova was accompanied by the writer G.V. Yakimov, author of the story about Abdirov Nurken “Peak into Immortality.” In the village of Veshenskaya, Bagzhan met with M.A. Sholokhov. From that meeting there were photographs showing Mikhail Alexandrovich, Bagzhan and her grandchildren.
Our Kazakh poet Sapargali Begalin dedicated the poem “The Winged Kazakh” to Nurken.


director of the memorial
Museum M.A. Sholokhov

09.08.1919 - 19.12.1942
Hero of the Soviet Union

A Bdirov Nurken - pilot of the 808th assault aviation regiment of the 267th assault aviation division of the 1st mixed air corps of the 17th air army of the Southwestern Front, sergeant.

Born on August 9, 1919 in village No. 5 of the Karkaraly district of the Karaganda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakh. Incomplete secondary education. He worked on a collective farm.

In the Red Army since 1940. He graduated from the 1st Chkalov Military Aviation Pilot School named after K.E. Voroshilov in 1941 (now the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after I.S. Polbin, Orenburg).

On December 19, 1942, pilot Sergeant Abdirov, flying as part of 4 Il-2 aircraft led by deputy squadron commander, junior lieutenant B.P. Alekseev, carried out an order for a bombing and assault raid. The four attacked a heavily fortified line in the Bokovskaya - Ponomarevka area. Abdirov's crew was bringing up the rear. With strong defensive anti-aircraft fire, the enemy tried to prevent our pilots from launching targeted strikes to destroy fortifications, equipment and manpower. One after another, enemy anti-aircraft batteries were disabled.

The crew of Sergeant P. Vychukzhanin found themselves in a difficult situation. A whole battery fired at him. Abdirov came to the aid of his comrade. With a well-aimed blow, he destroyed the crew of one gun. But Vychukzhanin’s plane was still shot down and, engulfed in flames, went into a corkscrew towards the ground.

Abdirov's Il-2 was also hit, but he continued the attacks. When the flames had already reached the cabin, Abdirov ordered gunner-radio operator Alexander Komissarov to jump. But he refused. Seeing fuel tankers standing next to the tanks through the smoke and flames, Abdirov sent a flaming plane at them...

During 16 combat missions, Nurken destroyed: 12 tanks, 28 vehicles with manpower and equipment, 18 wagons with ammunition, 1 tank with fuel, suppressed the fire of 3 anti-aircraft artillery guns. In the last sortie, he destroyed: up to 6 tanks, 2 anti-aircraft artillery points, up to 20 enemy soldiers and officers.

U By the order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on March 31, 1943, for exceptional heroism and self-sacrifice in the name of the Motherland, Sergeant Nurken Abdirov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Awarded the Order of Lenin.

He was buried in the village of Konkov, Bokovsky district, Rostov region.

A monument to Nurken Abdirov was erected in the city of Karaganda. One of the city streets is named after him. There is a monument to the pilot in the city of Almaty. A memorial plate with his name is installed on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd.

During the war years, the Nurken Abdirov aircraft was built using funds collected from residents of the city of Karaganda and transferred to the aviation unit, which took part in the battles at the front.