1 day spent vacation in summer. How to spend your summer holidays profitably? Essay on the topic: “One day from the summer holidays”

I had never been fishing before. One day, during the summer holidays, our neighbor Uncle Gena decided to go fishing with his children. They visit a small village pond located near the forest. We are friends, and they invited me, and dad got an old fishing rod from the pantry. We got up at dawn; I don’t even wake up that early for school. It was still dark, but I didn’t feel like sleeping at all. The trip promised to be long, because we were going to a special lake where there are many varieties of fish. I indulged in daydreams about catching numbers so large that others would be speechless.
Uncle Gena said that you should arrive while there is still dew on the grass. After arriving, I immediately jumped out of the car and rushed to the still wet grass. I sat down, looked closely and on each blade of grass I saw several shiny droplets, beautiful and shimmering, like jewels. The pond was small, and it was not difficult to see the opposite shore, overgrown with reeds. The water on the pond has an amazing black tint.
I was ordered to stand on a small bridge. First, Uncle Gena helped me cast the fishing rod, then I did it myself. My float often went under the water, but as soon as I pulled out the fishing rod, there was no longer a worm there. Once the float went under the water again, I pulled, but was unable to pull it out due to its gravity. I called Uncle Gena, he immediately came running and said that this was a large fish and needed to be pulled carefully. I tried and still pulled it out. It was a huge catfish, the biggest fish we caught that day. That's how I became a fisherman.

Essay on literature on the topic: One day from the summer holidays or how I became a fisherman

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One day from summer vacation or how I became a fisherman

Summer is a wonderful time when children get a long-awaited break from the school year. But I still want this time not to pass too carefree, so that the child does not forget the educational material, and the pastime is not limited to just playing on the playground. To do this, parents need to consider some points:


Make sure that your child does not overheat or become too cold. There is a high risk of illness after swimming in bodies of water where the temperature is below 22-23 degrees. During the first days of rest, you should not spend more than 10-15 minutes in the water per bath. Another danger is sunstroke. Don't neglect hats.

Follow a daily routine. You shouldn’t give up daytime sleep during the summer holidays. Eat around the same time every day. Try to control the child’s activities to avoid overtiredness and overstimulation.

It's time to start tempering yourself. The summer months are the best time for this. Hardening procedures should be pleasant for the child; they should be combined with outdoor gymnastics and massage of the feet and chest.


During summer holidays, a child gains impressions by expanding his horizons.

Cultural and social outlets. About once a week or ten days, try to find time for excursions, museums, theaters, going to the movies, and exhibitions. Choosing an interesting direction for the child.

In everyday life it is also possible to expand a child’s horizons. Why do days get longer in summer and shorter in winter? Where do mosquitoes spend the winter? Why are frogs needed? A child can gain this and many other interesting knowledge if you communicate more. Invite your child to draw a place where you are going: sea, river, forest, park. For older children, you can buy audiobooks on the road; this will help pass the time and spend it usefully.


Some parents believe that the child needs to study in the summer so that he retains at least some knowledge for the new school year.

But just imagine that your boss gave you a job on vacation so that you don’t forget your skills. You're unlikely to be happy about this. Why should a child, in his rightful time for rest, be burdened with classes in mathematics, languages ​​and other sciences? There is little benefit from this - after all, all his thoughts are occupied with upcoming entertainment. As a result, the student will not feel rested at all. If you really have problems with academic performance and your child may forget everything over the summer, then it is better to study, but only at the end of the summer, a week or two before the start of the new school year.

One day of memorable summer holidays
There is a Russian language lesson in the fifth grade. Nailya Khaibullovna set the topic of the essay - How I spent my summer holidays or One day of memorable summer holidays.
In order to make it easier for the children to explain the topic, she decided to give an example from her life. The children began to listen with bated breath to the teacher.
So, dear children, this is what happened to me in the summer.
It was a wonderful sunny day. Summer was in full swing, and to be more precise, it was July - the peak of summer. “As you all know,” she addressed the class, “at this time everyone who is not too lazy goes into the forest to pick blueberries .
As luck would have it, Naila Khaibullovna’s lower back gave out at the wrong time. The husband left for work, strictly instructing her to stay at home and not bother herself unnecessarily.
Well, there was no way she could sit at home on such a wonderful day, especially since before that, even in rainy weather, she went to the forest to pick berries.
Waking up early in the morning, the first thing I did was feed my animals: Dutch red hens, a shepherd dog, Pirate, and a cat, Muska.
She had a quick breakfast herself, she had never been a gourmet, and having already dressed up in forest clothes (in which it would be difficult to recognize a school teacher), she tied a scarf around her aching back and, overcoming the pain, took a bucket and a bag (for mushrooms), and boldly went into the forest. She went into the forest through the garden, fortunately no one saw her, and with a quick step she penetrated into the coolness of the birch forest. Climbing up the mountain was not an easy task due to a bad back. Along the way we came across different mushrooms, we had to respect them and pick them up, each of them had a free place in the bag.
And now, having already climbed to the very top of the mountain, Nailya found her treasured berry spot and got to work.
She had to hang the bag of mushrooms on a birch branch so as not to lose or forget them in the forest. And so she, possessing dexterity, quickly began to pick blueberries, of which there were a lot of them, mostly large ones. With God's help, she had already filled the third part buckets. She collected and completely lost herself in her dreams: not noticing either the time or the singing of birds.
And suddenly, in the complete silence of the forest clearing, a heart-rending, terrible, incomprehensible cry of an unknown beast was heard. It sounded like this: A, a, a! and then this cry somehow smoothly turned into yapping, which was similar to Lisitsino. This is what confused her. If the heart-rending cry clearly belonged to some large animal, then the yelping did not fit in with this roar.
Although she was not a timid woman, she still decided to leave this terrible place. It was very convenient to go down from the mountain, but she still did not want to leave the berry meadow. She read prayers to herself, asking God to take away the uninvited misfortune from her.
When I came to my senses and came to my senses a little, I discovered that the bag of mushrooms had remained hanging on the white-trunked birch tree.
I picked the berries a little more, but the buzz wore off and the desire also disappeared, so, willy-nilly, I had to return home.
When Nailya Khaibullovna summed up her story, suddenly the walls of the classroom were shaken by deafening laughter, and everyone looked back in bewilderment at the two laughing girls.
The teacher asked the girls to explain themselves. And then one of them, who was bolder, said through laughter: “Nailya Khaibullovna, it was us.” The teacher was perplexed by this behavior of the girls.
Then another began to say that in this way they scare away uninvited berry-pickers with whom they would not like to share.
Nailya was pleased with herself, because now she knows what animals she was afraid of and decided to visit this clearing again, which she then silently decided never to go to.
This was the memorable day of the summer holidays for the teacher herself.

This summer I vacationed in the village with my grandparents. Every year I spend my holidays there, because the village has clean air, real fresh milk, and you can drink water straight from the spring.

One day my grandfather and I went into the forest to pick berries. The day was sunny and hot. And in the forest the foliage of the trees makes it cool, and picking berries is a pleasure. As soon as we arrived, I immediately felt the fragrant smell of flowers, herbs and berries. Birds chirped, butterflies flew, and grasshoppers chirped in the grass. I picked berries and flowers. I put the berries in my grandfather's basket, and the flowers

Held it in his hand. When we go to the forest to pick berries or mushrooms, I always pick a bouquet of flowers for my grandmother. She puts them in a vase, and the house immediately smells like forest.

And then I saw some beautiful flower and ran to the place where it grew. As soon as I bent down to pick it, a small hedgehog appeared right at my feet. I immediately called my grandfather to show him this prickly animal. The hedgehog snorted funny and rustled last year's leaves. I wanted to pick him up, stroke him, and take him home, because it seemed to me that the hedgehog could die in the forest from hunger or from wild animals. Grandfather told me that hedgehogs defend themselves with their spines

From predatory animals and they carry mushrooms, apples or leaves into their burrows. But I still persuaded my grandfather to take this animal home.

Suddenly a rustling sound was heard near the stump. The leaves and grass rustled, and a second hedgehog appeared. He was much larger than the hedgehog that I found. Grandfather said that most likely it was a hedgehog and she was looking for her cub. And therefore, under no circumstances should it be taken away. We moved away a little so that the hedgehogs would not be afraid of us. And the hedgehog snorted a little, as if she scolded the hedgehog for running away without asking, and they disappeared behind a stump in their hole.

Grandfather and I picked some more berries and flowers and then went home. I told my grandmother about the hedgehog, and she said that we did everything right, because hedgehogs should live in the forest, but at home they could die. And now every time I eat wild strawberry jam, I remember that little hedgehog.

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