Animal science list of subjects studied. State of health and necessary character traits for a livestock specialist

Livestock specialist - who is this? What kind of profession? This is a specialist who works in the livestock sector. Livestock specialists work in special animal breeding complexes, as well as in factories or farms. It happens that when asked: “Livekeeper - who is this?” - they answer that he is a livestock breeder.


What should a livestock specialist do in his work? He has many responsibilities:

  • The livestock technician provides safety precautions.
  • Controls the timing of sales of manufactured products and sorts livestock into certain categories.
  • Carry out actions necessary to improve the quality of animals and poultry.
  • Selects the best technologies that are necessary for the production of products.
  • Organizes and controls feed costs.
  • Determines product compliance with all established standards and requirements.
  • Provides innovative ways to feed animals.
  • Identifies a score that corresponds to performance.
  • Determines all necessary conditions for keeping animals and their full compliance (humidity, temperature).
  • Plans activities for a long time in advance and organizes the labor process of the entire team working in production.
  • Monitors the high level of quality of manufactured products, studies the causes of deterioration and gets rid of them.

What a livestock specialist should know

Working as a livestock technician requires knowledge of the following things:

  • Rules that are needed for labor protection, protection against theft, fires, and cleanliness.
  • All acts that relate to the legal field, as well as professional terminology.
  • Modern methods of communication and computer technology.
  • All major labor laws.
  • Requirements and standards that apply to manufactured products.
  • Some types of animal diseases, treatment and prevention.
  • All the features of anatomy, methods of maintenance, as well as nuances when feeding.
  • Basic concepts of management, labor organization and economics.
  • All innovations that appear due to progress in science and technology.
  • Modern requirements, as well as standards that apply to livestock products.
  • Methods of breeding animals.
  • Modern methods of production.
  • Rules for using computer equipment in animal husbandry. Working as a livestock specialist also requires knowledge of the basics of computer science.
  • Basic knowledge of genetics, physiology, zoology and veterinary medicine relating to livestock.

A livestock specialist is a worker who must be well aware of the essence of his activity. He needs to be interested in innovations that appear in the field of breeding and keeping animals, be able to take risks and apply modern methods to solve various problems. Livestock specialist is a profession that involves the skill of assessing any event. You must always be focused and responsible for the decisions that are made, be able to find and analyze all the necessary information, work with other people, well understanding who occupies what position. You always have to be focused. The livestock specialist must teach beginners all the basics and lead by example. Higher authorities will require reports, so the ability to work with documentation is also important.

State of health and necessary character traits for a livestock specialist

Doctors have identified some contraindications for working as a livestock specialist. People with poor eyesight and poor hearing are prohibited from working in this profession. After all, a livestock specialist is someone who carefully observes everything. It is also not recommended to choose this profession for those who are susceptible to allergic reactions to animals, people suffering from asthma, as well as disabled people and people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

What personal qualities should a livestock specialist have? There are several of them, but they are all very important:

  • Good level of logical thinking.
  • Developed memory and sufficient physical fitness.
  • Love of animals and skills to help with them.
  • Thinking that is based on observation. It allows you to plan and organize better.
  • Initiative, as well as a desire to organize any events.
  • Skills of quickly switching gaze from one to another. This can be called selectivity. The skill is needed when you need to very quickly select the most necessary one from a variety of signals.

Is the profession of livestock specialist in demand?

Salaries in Russia range from 15 to 35 thousand rubles. The profession is not the most in demand. But still, many specifically choose this activity. Some enterprises provide their livestock technicians with a personal car, which is used for work purposes. To become a livestock specialist, you need to obtain a certificate of secondary specialized education. Those people who then continue their studies at a higher educational institution are promoted in class and can become senior livestock specialists, but this is not at all necessary.

Positive and negative aspects of the profession

The advantages include, without a doubt, an increased level of independence, since what is a livestock specialist? An employee who makes many decisions himself. It should be noted that those who have chosen this particular profession are very rarely disappointed in their decision.

Negative aspects are tension and very rapid fatigue of workers. And the working conditions do not always suit livestock specialists.

We must not forget that this is a management profession, and, therefore, with career growth and high efficiency and talent, a livestock specialist can grow to become a farm manager.

The work of a livestock specialist - an agricultural production technologist - is in many ways similar to the profession of an engineer. It’s not for nothing that he is sometimes called a zoo engineer. There is only one difference from an ordinary engineer: under his wing there are not “iron horses” - living ones. As well as cows, piglets, sheep and other animals, poultry.

To imagine the full range of responsibilities of this specialist, you need to know that animal science is the science of breeding, feeding and maintaining farm animals. In fact, these are the three “pillars” that are designed to ensure the receipt of the largest quantity of high-quality products at the lowest cost of labor and money.

In colleges and universities where there is a specialization in animal science, students are taught how to tame these “whales”. Today we will find out how they influence the success of a livestock breeder.


“I’m sure no one will argue that the level of animal productivity depends on many factors,” says Alexander Svirsky, director of JSC Kholopenichi, a recent graduate of the Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine, livestock specialist at the Essa experimental base, specialist in the Krupsky Department of Agriculture district executive committee – And animal breeding plays one of the leading roles in achieving the success of a livestock breeder. In particular, an important role is played by how selection work is carried out within the same herd and whether coverage deadlines are met. Without selective breeding, it is impossible to obtain highly productive cattle. The genetic potential of animals can be increased by introducing highly productive breeds. The result of such work is that the livestock on the farm will be stronger and we will receive more products. We can talk about this topic for a long time, and teachers in universities and colleges will definitely teach students all the wisdom. I want to emphasize the main thing - you can’t help but love this work. When you see a calf looking at you with big blue eyes, you will never be able to say that you don’t like this job. Yes, it is heavy and difficult, but for professionals it is a favorite. I know guys who, while studying at the academy, still doubted their choice, but when they went to practice and then work, all their doubts disappeared.

Alexander Viktorovich himself chose the profession of zoo engineer consciously. Even though I was a city kid as a child. I was born and lived in Borisov, and during the summer holidays I always hurried to visit my grandmother, who worked as a livestock specialist for many years. And she kept a decent household at home: three cows, two heifers, a bull and two calves. In the summer, her main assistant was always her grandson.

Now the farm, headed by Alexander Svirsky, has 1,387 head of milking herd, the cattle are mostly black and white. The manager knows firsthand that without good genetics it is very difficult to obtain products in the livestock industry. Therefore, he makes sure that his specialists pay special attention to selection issues.


“In turn, among external factors, feeding has the greatest influence on animal productivity,” notes Yuri Golodok, chief livestock specialist at MayskoeAgro OJSC. – If you reduce the quality of feed for a short time, this will definitely affect milk yield. Conclusion - a specialist in animal science must have knowledge of the types of feed, take into account their balance in micro- and macroelements for specific animal species, and actively participate in the feed procurement process. The latter is especially relevant today. I daily monitor the process of compacting haylage pits, making sure that the laying of grasses is carried out according to all the rules and in compliance with technological deadlines. One pit is compacted no more than 3-4 days.

In winter, the quantity of dairy products obtained from the dairy herd and the weight gain of young animals will depend on the quality of feed prepared in the summer. To obtain a strong herd, calves need to gain about 700 grams per day. Monitoring the stability of weight gain is the task of a livestock specialist, which is helped by livestock breeders who are responsible for the timeliness of the livestock feeding process. If weight gain suddenly begins to fall, then the cause must be found and eliminated as quickly as possible. Find out: either the quality of the feed has failed, or there is not enough of it, or the diet is not suitable, etc.

Yuri Dmitrievich admits that he has had a love for animals since childhood. His father worked as an engineer for labor-intensive processes in the Chashniksky district of the Vitebsk region, he was responsible for the technical equipment of dairy complexes, his mother was the manager of a farm. And the guy’s favorite pastime in the summer was herding cows. The villagers knew this and quite often hired Yuri on the days when they had to serve, as they say in the village, “radovka”.

To study as a livestock specialist, the school graduate went to an agricultural college, then served in the army, worked at the Karsakovichi agricultural production complex (Borisov region) ... Until one day, by chance, in Borisov he met his head of student practice. So he received an invitation to work in the Krupsky district and was provided with official housing here.

“The most important thing in the work of a livestock specialist is the approach,” he emphasizes. – After all, we work with living beings, and they perfectly feel the attitude of the employee. Full benefit from them can only be obtained with a sincere approach.

“And the third important factor is keeping animals,” Galina Molchanova, chief livestock specialist at Shchavry OJSC, joins the conversation about the profession. – The productivity of the animal depends on the temperature in the room, air humidity, gas saturation, the presence of noise, etc. The optimal temperature for cows is +5 - +15, relative humidity 70-75%. If the room is cold, a lot of energy will be spent on warming up. As a result, milk yield will be lower. If it’s hot, the animal eats less and drinks more – productivity also decreases. Highly productive cows react especially to high temperatures. Animals also react to the noise of the tractor and other noises, to rearrangements... In the summer, round-the-clock grazing is organized to improve the health of the animals. Usually this significantly improves the condition of the animals and increases milk yield. In general, the most important thing for cows is that they have a decent bed, then mastitis is not so scary for them, and their limbs do not hurt. There are four important components of proper animal husbandry. The first is dry, comfortable boxes. Second - fresh air and coolness, but without drafts. Third and fourth – unlimited access to water and food.

Galina Vasilievna has been working in the field of agriculture for 27 years. More than half of them are the head of the Dokudovo MTF. Even at that time, she received a higher education at the Belarusian Agricultural Academy, but she liked being a foreman, albeit with a higher education. And twelve years ago she was finally convinced to move to the position of chief livestock specialist of the enterprise. And now under her control there are more than three thousand heads of cattle, of which 1,650 are cows.

“Time does not stand still; a lot has changed even during my tenure as a livestock specialist,” she notes. – The conditions for keeping animals are gradually changing and modernizing. For example, on our farm, in the modern dairy complex “Shchavry” and on the “Dokudovo” farm, dispensaries have been built for keeping young animals. Modern plastic “houses” with canopies will soon also be installed in Osovo and Khotyukhovo... There are innovations in other aspects of the work. A livestock specialist is a specialist who must keep up with the times.

From the history of the profession

Modern animal science has its roots in antiquity and originates in the Mediterranean countries (Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece). Currently, the work of a livestock specialist is of great practical importance for agriculture and the processing industry.

Zootechnician and veterinarian

Both professions are related to animals, but are completely different in purpose. A veterinarian is a medical specialty; he treats animals. Livestock specialist - ensures their rational maintenance, conducts breeding work, selects animals to standardize the herd, organizes reproduction and artificial insemination, and participates in the creation of a food supply.

A livestock specialist must know: zoology, anatomy, animal physiology, genetics, animal hygiene, veterinary obstetrics, industry and enterprise economics, general veterinary medicine, agricultural technology, labor protection and environmental issues.


A qualified specialist can hold the position of livestock technician of a livestock farm, division, livestock breeder, breeding technician, operator of artificial insemination of animals and poultry, laboratory assistant for determining the quality of milk, feed and other positions corresponding to his qualifications.

It is worth considering that the profession of livestock technician is also a management profession, so a livestock technician can develop in the administrative direction, improving his managerial skills. A livestock specialist specializes in various fields of agriculture, as well as in scientific and practical activities. He can engage in research activities, write master's and doctoral dissertations, primarily in the field of breeding, feeding and keeping animals.

The livestock profession may involve an entrepreneurial career path. For example, a person can open his own farm.

A livestock specialist is not that prestigious. At least that's what many parents think. Some mock the child: they say, you will spend your whole life in a stable. Others grab their hearts and declare: first get a normal education, and then go twist the tails of cows.

Specialty "animal science" - what is it? How is it different from veterinary medicine? About this in the article.

What kind of specialty is this?

Animal science studies the proper organization of raising farm animals. The process is to reduce maintenance costs to an optimum level while producing high quality products without causing harm to the environment.

Main functions

In agricultural production, a livestock specialist is an extremely important specialist. It is his responsibility to create the necessary conditions for the proper raising of cattle, pigs, goats and sheep. He is also involved in the selection of high-quality feed and breeding work.


So, let’s take a closer look at the specialty “animal science” - what is it? What is the job of a specialist in this industry?

The industry is divided into productive and non-productive livestock farming, as well as horse breeding.

The first includes everything related to agricultural production, including animals, the second includes cynology and felinology, and the third contains the main purpose of the name.

What is the difference between a veterinarian and a livestock specialist?

The difference between them is significant. If the first one most often treats domestic animals, the second one deals not only with the health of livestock, but also with organizing optimal conditions for its rearing.

We can say that veterinary medicine and animal science are similar only superficially. Applicants should pay attention to the fact that the training program for these two specialties includes a course in veterinary medicine.

Where should I go to study?

Today in Russia there are quite a lot of educational institutions where you can get a specialty in animal science. We have selected the best and most famous:

  • RGAZU is a correspondence agricultural university located in Balashikha, Moscow region.

  • MGAVMiB im. Scriabin. There’s no need to talk about the legendary “Skryabinka”. It is located in Moscow, and most of the famous veterinarians graduated from this academy.
  • Northern Urals - this is the full name of the educational institution.
  • Orenburg State Agrarian University.
  • Voronezh State Agrarian University.

In the listed universities you can get your desired specialty. We'll tell you how to proceed below.

What to take?

First, let's decide which department is preferable: full-time or part-time. In the first option, teachers directly provide knowledge to students. If you choose the second option, you will have to study on your own and visit the university only to take exams.

Specialty "animal science" - what is it? How to proceed? What items should I pay special attention to? What exams will you have to take to get admitted?

  • Russian language is a compulsory subject.
  • Chemistry is a specialized exam.
  • Biology - specialized exam.

Good news for those who are planning to enroll after receiving their first higher education. On its basis, most universities admit students without exams.

How many years to study?

In the correspondence department, students study for 3.5 years, receiving a bachelor's qualification level. Full-time - 4 years. If you want to complete your master's degree, you will have to add two more years to the above deadlines.

Where to go to work next?

We found out what it is - a specialty in animal science. Now let's talk about where to go to work with a diploma in this specialty in hand.

It all depends on the specialization. Graduates of agricultural universities find excellent employment as goat breeders, pig breeders, poultry farmers, beekeepers, and rabbit breeders. In general, they are quite closely related to agriculture and animal husbandry.

Unproductive livestock farming

I would like to talk about it in more detail. For those who rave about dogs and cats, this direction is highlighted. After completing the training, the graduate receives a diploma, which will indicate the main specialty - animal science. But the qualification may be: cynologist or felinologist.

What do future dog and cat breeders study? Basics of animal science: animal hygiene, animal physiology, basics of veterinary medicine and veterinary obstetrics.

And that's just a little. Here you will also have to study dairy farming, cattle breeding, meat processing technologies, and slaughtering. Wait, why does a dog handler or a felinologist need such knowledge? They are common to everyone. In the final year, of course, there will be a division of study. Dog trainers will study dog ​​training and breeding.

What is this - a specialty in animal science? The main emphasis in training is on subsequent work with farm animals.

Of course, if a diploma is important to you, then go to a higher educational institution; if not, you can completely work in your specialty after veterinary college.

Horse breeding

Another quite interesting branch of animal science. The future horse breeder learns all the intricacies regarding the selection of horses, caring for them, and feeding. The student will also learn about the breeds of horses, what they are, what basic working qualities stand out in this or that horse. And the teaching of horse breeding is usually at a good level. Much better than cynology and felinology.


We found out what it is - the specialty "animal science". What future specialists are taught, where to go, and what exams they should take.

Don't be upset about cynology and felinology. Alas, these specialties are not taken seriously, but in vain. After all, in order to train a dog, you need to know its physiology and psychology. Cows and goats are great, but other animals that bring the joy of companionship are no worse than those raised to satisfy human nutritional needs.

A livestock specialist is a specialist working in the field of animal husbandry. Livestock specialists work in special livestock breeding complexes, as well as on farms, factories, etc. Livestock specialists are sometimes called livestock breeders.

The responsibilities of livestock technicians are as follows:

  • carrying out work necessary to improve the quality of domestic animals and poultry;
  • organization and control of feed costs;
  • providing progressive methods of livestock farming and feeding livestock;
  • determining the necessary conditions for keeping livestock (that is, the temperature they need, etc.) and observing them;
  • monitoring and ensuring a high level of product quality, studying the causes in case of deterioration and getting rid of them;
  • control of timing of product sales and distribution (sorting) of livestock;
  • determining whether products comply with established standards and requirements;
  • selection of the best technologies necessary for production;
  • planning activities for the future; organization of the labor process of the entire work team;
  • identification of assessments corresponding to production efficiency;
  • ensuring safety precautions.

Every livestock specialist must know the following things:

  • main legal acts and professional terms;
  • requirements for manufactured products, standards;
  • features of the biological structure of most animals in the field of agriculture, methods of keeping them and nuances and advice when feeding;
  • innovations resulting from scientific progress;
  • livestock breeding methods;
  • fundamentals of genetics, zoology, physiology and veterinary obstetrics using the example of livestock;
  • new ways of producing products;
  • current standards and requirements for livestock products;
  • some livestock diseases, their treatment and prevention;
  • modern communications, computers;
  • rules of use and the possibility of using computers in the work of a livestock breeder;
  • the basis of the economy, labor organization, management;
  • basic provisions of legislation regarding labor activity;
  • rules necessary for labor protection, protection against fires and theft, and for maintaining cleanliness.

It should also be added that the livestock specialist must be aware of the essence of his own work; be interested in all the innovations in the world of livestock farming; be able to take risks and use innovative ways to solve various problems; be able to evaluate any events; be collected and responsible for all decisions made; be able to search for the necessary data and analyze it; be able to work in a team, clearly understanding who is in what position; be focused; teach newcomers the basics of work; submit reports to higher authorities; do documentation.

Necessary character traits and health status of a livestock specialist

It is desirable and even necessary for an employee to have the following personal qualities:

  • love of livestock and knowledge of how to handle them;
  • the ability to quickly switch your gaze from one object to another - in other words, selectivity (this is necessary, for example, in moments when it is extremely quickly necessary to select the desired signal from a variety, etc.);
  • observation-based thinking (this allows you to better organize and plan something;
  • high level of logic;
  • initiative and desire to organize some events,
  • good physical fitness, developed memory.

There are some medical contraindications for this work. They prohibit people with poor eyesight and poor hearing, people with allergies (to animals), asthmatics, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as people with disabilities and those with impaired musculoskeletal system from working as livestock technicians.

Demand for the profession of livestock specialist

The profession is not in great demand at the moment, and wages range from 15,000 to 35,000 Russian rubles, but many purposefully choose this particular job. Some livestock workers are given a personal car for work purposes. In order to become a livestock specialist, you need to obtain secondary specialized education. Those who continue their studies at the university, which is not necessary for this position, rise slightly in rank and become senior livestock specialists.

Pros and cons of the livestock profession

The advantages of this work are, of course, a high level of independence and the fact that those who consciously choose this profession are extremely rarely disappointed.

The downside is rapid fatigue and tension. Also sometimes the working conditions could be better.

But we should not forget that the profession of livestock specialist is a managerial one. This means that with career growth, talent and high efficiency, a livestock specialist can become a farm manager.