Zoning of a speech therapy room. Organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of the speech therapy room of a preschool educational institution

Teacher-speech therapist at MADOOU d/s "Buratino" p. Kyra

Correctional subject development environment for preschoolers

Speech development is the most important condition for the full development of children. To correct speech deficiencies, enrich and improve speech, it is necessary to create a favorable speech environment that would serve the interests, needs and development of children.

The leading place in the preschool education system is given to the implementation of speech tasks. Modern research in this area indicates that most children do not have coherent speech skills by the end of preschool age. Their vocabulary is not rich. Considering that the leading activity of preschool children is play, in the organization of speech therapy work we strived to ensure that each lesson had the character of an educational and play activity and was emotionally charged. In this regard, it was believed that speech therapy work on speech development would be more effective if during training the following were used: techniques that promote the development of motivation, game techniques, competitive games, surprise moments, collective writing of a story, visual aids, diagrams, models, etc. , which will contribute to more successful development of monologue speech.

The speech therapy office operates in four areas and is the best office in the Trans-Baikal Territory in the competition “Speech therapist’s office” - III place, the best office in the all-Russian competition “Speech therapy office”, office for teaching the humanities - III place.

Main areas of the office:

Creation of a correctional and developmental environment and a favorable psychological climate to provide assistance to children in correcting or reducing existing violations;

Conducting an examination of children in order to develop an individual development program;

Conducting group, subgroup and individual correctional classes;

Providing advisory assistance to teachers and parents;

All types of play activities are used for development. Therefore, we divided the area of ​​the speech therapy room into several zones; here is a brief description.

The speech therapist’s office consists of several zones:

Advisory work area;

Zone of organizational and planning activities; helps to effectively organize professional activities.

Diagnostic and corrective work area. Stimulates the mental activity of children. Here are tables for diagnostics and individual correction of children. The area is equipped with cabinets with teaching materials, toys and educational games, specially selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, as well as in accordance with the areas of correctional and developmental work. This area helps children focus and concentrate.

Pronunciation correction zone; equipped with wall mirrors, methodological aids necessary for automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.

Play therapy area. Art therapy workshop. The main technique is art therapy, which unites a group of areas based on the artistic activities of the participants, including drawing and music. The purpose of organizing and operating an art therapy workshop is to create effective conditions for psychological support of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, preserving the mental health of students, which corresponds to FGT.

In the speech therapy room, manuals have been selected, including hand-made ones, didactic games, illustrative material on sections of correctional work, corners have been equipped to stimulate the speech and personal development of children:

“Rechegrad” (games with letters, words, didactic material for the development of coherent speech);

“In the kingdom of ingenuity” (game exercises to develop the psychological basis of speech);

“Nimble Fingers” (game material for developing fine motor skills);

“Bookman” (visual didactic material for teaching basic reading skills);

“Let's get to know the world” (educational and visual aids for the development of cognitive activity);

“Kingdom of Mirrors” (sets of game exercises for the development of facial muscles).

The correctional and developmental environment plays a very important role in the speech development of children with speech disorders. The main purpose of a speech therapy room is to create the necessary conditions for the correctional education of preschoolers with speech defects.

We widely use homemade games and exercise equipment when working with children, these are:

Office interior design;

Speech therapy corner “House of Sounds”;

- “Rechegrad” (game exercise “Tiger cub with the letter “R”;

Attributes of breathing exercises: “Sun”, “Cloud”, “Butterflies”;

Target: development of sensations of movement of the respiratory organs;

Material: colored self-adhesive film.

- “Nimble fingers” Exercise equipment "Sun";

Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands, attention, imagination, ability to observe;

Material: ordinary plates, self-adhesive film, glue, clothespins.

Game exercise “What does it look like?” It is proposed to examine the model, disconnect the rays and answer the question “What does it look like?” (on a circle, ball, clock, moon, bun).

Finger exerciser “Hedgehog”;

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to attach and detach clothespins, develop speech.

Material: clothespins, wallpaper, glue.

- “Nimble fingers.” Simulator “Nature Calendar”;

It is a large circle (ordinary plate), divided into four sectors.

Each sector has its own color, which corresponds to a specific season of the calendar year: blue (winter), green (spring), red (summer), yellow (autumn).

For each season there are colorful illustrations and colored clothespins - symbols of the months of the year.

The calendar is multifunctional: it is used (for acquaintance with nature, speech development, logic), in didactic games, and in individual work with children. Children really enjoy manipulating the colored clothespins and developing fine motor skills. The introduction of such a calendar develops children's attention; they notice interesting and typical natural phenomena in spring, autumn, winter and summer.

- “In the kingdom of ingenuity.” Didactic manual “Rebuses”;

Description: A clown works in the circus, he inflates balloons with puzzles, you should solve the puzzles: chair, thunderstorm, tigers, mole, smoke, kidney, Julia, varnish.

Didactic panel “Journey of the Word”;

Target: to activate and enrich children’s active and passive vocabulary, increase the level of proficiency in grammatical structures, improve the ability to coherently and consistently express their thoughts.

Material: paper, self-adhesive film, colored paper, glue, stencils of figures.

Didactic panel “Movement coordination” - “Palms”;

Target: Practice the ability to distinguish up, down, between, left - right, work on visual-motor coordination of hands and accuracy, accuracy of execution. Learn to play fast palms little by little. It is important to show all the exercises strictly in order, faster and faster, without looking back.

Speech therapy corner “Word Garden” for parents and children;

Didactic panel "Flowers". Game "Fun Counting";

Children practice agreeing numerals and adjectives with nouns.

Didactic panel “Family of mushrooms”,

Larisa Boglacheva

Prepared: teacher- speech therapist MBDOU No. 11. Donetsk

Boglacheva Larisa Leonidovna

Hello, dear colleagues, I recently joined your ranks.

The first difficulty I faced was preparation and organization. speech therapy room to work as intended.

After reading a large amount of specialized literature, articles, advice from other specialists who share their experience, I made my conclusions and got to work.

Main purpose speech therapy room in a preschool educational institution as we know, is the correction of speech disorders in children.

Firstly, the speech therapy room should be equipped:

speech therapy mirror(50*100 cm);

Individual mirror for working with children;

speech therapy probes and spatulas, medical alcohol, cotton wool

sterile, clean towel;

Teacher's workplace - speech therapist for working with documentation and

conducting individual consultations with parents;

Tables and children's chairs (5-6 pcs) for children who can

adjust depending on the child’s growth;

cabinets, racks for storing educational games, aids for the development of fine motor skills, breathing, mental functions, for storing methodological and visual didactic literature;

Wall clock;

Magnetic board.

Secondly, anyone speech therapy room, visually need to be divided into main zones:

1. articulatory zone: large wall mirror,

individual mirror, photo albums, posters with articulation gymnastics, tools for sound production;

2. breathing zone: contains materials, games, exercises for

development of speech breathing;

3. zone of phonal perception (intonation): toys,

musical instruments, pictures with emotions;

4. general development zone motor skills: manuals, games, toys,

natural material, finger games to develop fine motor skills of the hands;

5. methodological zone: plans, notes, library

methodological literature;

6. zones of grammar development and vocabulary: visual-

educational aids and toys; subject, plot and

a series of visual pictures for the development of coherent speech; card indexes (tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, riddles, finger games, word games and exercises); heroes of puppet and table theater; wall alphabet, chips, magnetic cash register of letters and syllables;

And another zone 7th, you can add motivational zone: it includes items for encouragement - symbols (medals, stickers or something else) for good work and success of the child.

IN the speech therapist's office should be clean, cozy, comfortable. The environment you create allows you to develop the child’s mental functions (memory, thinking, perception, attention, forming ideas about the world around him.

Speech therapy room in kindergarten, should not be office or academic.

All material (games, toys, manuals) should be available for use by children as they progress through lexical topics and constantly updated. The child should have the desire and desire to go to speech therapist's office, because it’s interesting, unusual and you won’t be bored!

I wish you good luck in creating your own speech therapy room!

Publications on the topic:

Design and equipment of a music corner in preschool groups“Design and equipment of a music corner in preschool groups” 1. “Music in kindergarten” In kindergarten, with the aim of introducing the child to music.

On the eve of each new year, I try to create a unique fairy-tale atmosphere in the speech therapy room. For this I am developing together.

ORGANIZATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL SUBJECT-SPATIAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE Speech Therapy Office of a Preschool Educational Institution (teacher-speech therapist Trashenkova L.V.) Modern.

Goal: Effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests and level of development. Objectives: Enrich cognitive.

Currently, the problem of children's speech development is of particular relevance; theater and theatrical performances play a special role in this.

Passport of the speech therapy office Passport of the speech therapy office of Teacher-speech therapist Elena Vladimirovna Nazarova MBOU "Secondary Educational School No. 1" JV "Kindergarten "Ladushki" P. Oktyabrsky.

In the process of carrying out correctional and developmental activities, the teacher-speech therapist solves typical professional tasks required for the corresponding types of activities.

Educational activities:

— implementation of the learning process in accordance with the educational program;

— planning and conducting training sessions taking into account the specifics of topics and sections of the program and in accordance with the curriculum;

— use of modern scientifically based and most adequate techniques, methods and teaching aids, including technical means, information and computer technologies;

— use of modern means of assessing learning outcomes;

— formation of spiritual, moral values ​​and patriotic beliefs based on an individual approach;

— application of modern pedagogical technologies.

Diagnostic and analytical activities:

— carrying out differential diagnostics to determine the type of disorder;

— conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination to determine the level of mental development and its compliance with age standards.

Correctional and developmentalactivity:

— implementation of correctional education for children with speech disorders;

— implementation of a person-centered approach to the education, upbringing and development of children with speech disorders;

— implementation of prevention of speech disorders.

Social and pedagogical activities:

— planning and carrying out social prevention activities in the process of training and education;

— establishing contact with the parents of students, providing them with assistance in family education;

— assistance in the socialization of children.

Scientific and methodological activities:

— carrying out scientific and methodological work, participating in the work of scientific and methodological associations;

— analysis of one’s own activities in order to improve them and improve one’s qualifications.

Advisory activities:

— consulting parents of children with speech development disorders, teachers on learning and development problems;

— carrying out psychoprophylactic work aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate in an educational institution and family.

Cultural and educational activities:

— formation of a common culture for students.

Organizational and managerial activities:

— rational organization of the educational and correctional process in order to strengthen and preserve the health of preschool children;

— ensuring the protection of the life and health of children during the educational process;

— maintaining the necessary documentation, voice cards;

— organizing control over the results of training and education;

— management of the teaching staff in order to ensure the implementation of educational programs;

— compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

To implement professional tasks and organize more effective work with preschool children to overcome speech disorders, a speech therapist teacher needs a specially equipped workplace - a speech therapy room.

The speech therapy room is intended for:

1. Conducting a diagnostic examination of the speech development of preschool children.
2. Conducting subgroup and individual classes of a speech therapist with children.

Tasks of correctional work:

1) Development of general voluntary movements. Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements, speed and smoothness of switching from one movement to another.

2) Development of fine differentiated movements of the hand and fingers.

3) Formation of the psychological basis of speech. Development of cognitive mental processes: attention, perception and memory of different modalities, thinking, imagination.

4) Development of the speech apparatus. Improving the static and dynamic organization of movements of the articulatory, respiratory and vocal sections of the speech apparatus, coordinating their work.

5) Development of facial muscles. Normalization of muscle tone, formation of expressive facial expressions.

6) Formation of correct sound pronunciation. Production, automation of sounds, their differentiation.

7) Development of phonemic processes. Learning to recognize, distinguish, isolate sounds and syllables in speech, determine the place, number and sequence of sounds and syllables in a word.

8) Formation of the syllabic structure of a word. Training in pronunciation and analysis of words of various syllable structures.

9) Development and improvement of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Forming the ability to understand sentences, logical and grammatical constructions of varying degrees of complexity, clarifying, consolidating, expanding the vocabulary on lexical topics, intensifying the use of prepositional constructions, word formation skills, inflection, composing sentences and stories.

10) Preparing for literacy. Formation of the ability to establish a connection between sound and letter, skills of sound-letter analysis, continuous reading with an understanding of the meaning of what is read.

3. Consultative work of the speech therapist with parents (conversations, demonstration of techniques for individual correctional work with the child).
4. Consultative work of the speech therapist with teachers.

Speech therapy room equipment

1. Cabinet equipment:

Wall mirror (50-100 cm) with additional lighting lamp;

Mirrors for individual work (6 pcs.);

Floor carpet;

Cabinets for storing manuals;

Tables for children;

Children's chairs;

Table, chairs for speech therapist work with documentation.

2. Teaching aids:

a) for correctional speech therapy work:

by sound pronunciation(speech profiles of sounds, cards with images of sound symbols, picture material for automating the delivered sounds, workbooks for consolidating sounds, speech dominoes, speech therapy lotto, speech houses);

by phonemic awareness(sets of pictures, notebooks for the development of phonemic hearing);

by vocabulary(didactic games, sets of pictures);

in coherent speech (sets of subject, plot pictures and series of pictures for composing stories of varying complexity, texts for retelling, algorithms, reference diagrams for composing descriptive stories);

methodological literature by section

b) for examination of intelligence, development of memory, attention, thinking:

counting material;


cut-out pictures of different configurations;

set of pictures “The Fourth Wheel”;

a set of cards on generalizing topics;

sets of pictures for the games “Whose Silhouette”, “What First, What Then”, “Confusion”, “Nonsense”.

c) card indexes:

articulatory gymnastics in pictures;

finger games;

breathing exercises and games;

sets of subject pictures on lexical topics;

riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters;

relaxation exercises

d) manuals and materials:

- for the development of breathing:




- for the development of fine motor skills:

nesting dolls




- literacy training:

wall alphabet

boxes of letters and syllables

subject pictures for each letter


sound articulation patterns

material for sound-letter analysis and synthesis

3. Pedagogical documentation:

  • Speech therapy cards for each child;
  • Annual work plan;
  • List of children from the compensatory group;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • Cyclogram of working hours;
  • Calendar and thematic planning;
  • Notes of frontal classes;
  • Plans for individual and subgroup lessons;
  • Notebook for interaction with teachers;
  • Report on the results of work;
  • Passport of the speech therapy office
Safety instructions for speech therapist teachers

Introductory part:

1. A speech therapist teacher must know and follow instructions on protecting the life and health of children, safety precautions, and strictly observe labor and production discipline.

2. Study and improve safe work practices.

3. Achieve the fastest elimination of deficiencies in work that cause accidents.

4. Strictly follow the instructions on the rules for the safe use of electrical equipment, sanitary rules, fire safety rules and personal hygiene rules.

Before starting work you must:

- wash your hands thoroughly;

- prepare everything necessary for work;

— sterilize speech therapy probes by boiling in a sterilizer or treating with ethyl alcohol.

During work you must:

1. Comply with the doctor’s requirements related to the protection and promotion of children’s health.

3. Use disposable wooden spatulas.

4. Inform the doctor about your observations of the children’s health.

5. Maintain the necessary documentation.

6. Make sure that during classes, children do not have sharp metal objects in their hands.

7. Store medicines, disinfectants, matches in a closed cabinet, out of the reach of children.

A separate room is allocated for the speech therapy center, which meets sanitary and hygienic standards.

It is necessary to hang a sign on the office door with the speech therapist’s work schedule, his last name, first name and patronymic.

The speech therapy room should be aesthetically designed and decorated with indoor plants. It is not recommended to hang paintings, prints, drawings and tables on the walls that are not related to the correctional process, as they distract the attention of students during classes and create an unnecessary diversity of the environment.

Speech therapy room areas

1. Individual work area. Designed for individual speech therapy sessions. Equipment: shelf, chairs, wall mirror for individual work on sound pronunciation.

2. Group work area. Designed for group lessons with students. Equipment: desks, student chairs, chalkboard, individual mirrors.

3. Zone of educational and methodological and educational and didactic material. Designed for placement of educational and methodological literature, visual and illustrative material, games. Equipment: manual cabinet.

4. Workplace of a speech therapist teacher. Designed to organize the work of a teacher. Equipment: desk, chair, computer, printer

The speech therapy room should have the following equipment:

1. Desks according to the number of students studying. Stands for pencils and pens.

2. A chalkboard located at a height corresponding to the height of primary school students. It is advisable to line part of the board as a writing notebook for 1st grade students, in order to demonstrate the correct writing of letters, connections and to practice calligraphy for children.

3. Sufficient cabinets for visual aids, educational material and teaching literature.

4. Wall mirror 50X100 cm for individual work on sound pronunciation, which it is advisable to hang near the window. If this is not possible, then it can be hung on any other wall, but with special lighting.

5. Mirrors 9 X12 cm according to the number of students involved in sound pronunciation correction.

6. A table near the wall mirror with local lighting for individual work with students, several chairs for children and a speech therapist.

7. A set of speech therapy probes, ethyl alcohol for processing the probes, cotton wool, bandage.

8. Flannelgraph, typesetting canvas, set of paintings.

9. Filmoscope with a set of filmstrips and transparencies for speech development for kindergartens and primary schools in the native language and the subject “Acquaintance with the outside world”, the development of mathematical concepts.

10. Screen for displaying filmstrips and transparencies, located in a folded form above the board.

11. Wall-mounted cash register letters.

12. Wall syllabic table.

13. Individual registers of letters and syllables for each student, representation schemes, sound and syllable schemes of words.

14. Standard table of upper and lower case letters attached above the board.

15. Visual material used in examining students’ oral and written speech, placed in a separate box or envelopes, arranged by lexical topics and phonetic groups.

16. Visual and illustrative material on speech development, systematized by topic.

17. Teaching aids in the form of symbol cards (for example, with graphic images of sounds, words, sentences), cards with individual tasks, albums for working on sound pronunciation.

18. Various speech games, lotto.

19. Sets of colored ballpoint pens (blue, green and red) for each child.

20. Methodological and educational literature.

21. Towel, soap and paper napkins.

A considerable number of children suffer from speech problems, which is associated with constant viewing of cartoons and computer games instead of communicating with parents and friends, reading and retelling fairy tales. To correct children's speech deviations, speech therapists work in kindergartens and schools. However, this is often not enough, so parents, in search of a solution to this problem, turn to private specialized centers and speech therapy rooms. A talented and qualified speech therapist has every chance to open his own office and earn money privately. A business plan for a speech therapy office will help you organize your business, and our example will describe the main points and financial indicators that are needed to calculate the return on investment.

Project Summary

The relevance of a speech therapy office will be higher in a large city, so calculations are carried out based on this geolocation. First, we need to analyze the audience, monitor competitors and formulate our offer taking into account their weaknesses. Our speech therapy room will be open daily: on weekdays from 13:00 to 19:00, on weekends from 10:00 to 19:00. The duration of the lesson will be 45 minutes.

The target audience:

  • Children from 5 to 10 years old (70%).
  • Children from 11 to 13 years old (25%).
  • Adults who need speech correction, for example after a stroke (5%).

Our competitors:

  • Development centers.
  • Similar speech therapy rooms.
  • Speech therapists at home.
  • Speech therapists in educational institutions.

We will rent a small premises in a large residential area of ​​the city, near kindergartens and schools, always with good transport links. Our office will be located on the 1st or 2nd floor of the building.

Business risks

There are few risks: high competition and the likelihood of rent increases.

You can fight competition with a high level of pedagogical education, good advertising, live reviews, beautiful design of the speech therapy room and reasonable prices. In addition, it is important not to open a speech therapy office next to an establishment that already provides similar services.

To prevent the rent from rising to incredible levels one day, you need to sign a long-term agreement with the landlord. We will sign a minimum 1-year lease, paying 2 months in advance.

To plan costs, we draw up a business plan for a speech therapy office with calculations that take into account the starting and monthly investments, calculate the profitability and prospects of the business.


To open a speech therapy office, you must register with the tax authorities. We choose the form of registration of entrepreneurial activity of individual entrepreneurs, the tax system of the simplified tax system of 15%. We indicate OKVED code 93.5 “Provision of other personal services,” which allows us to offer speech therapy services.

It is also necessary to conclude a lease agreement for your speech therapy room, obtain permission from the fire inspectorate for compliance with the fire safety requirements of the premises and permission from the SES.

Search for premises

We will rent a room on the 1st floor in a large residential area of ​​a big city. Nearby there is a school, kindergarten, music school and good transport links.

For a speech therapy room, you will need a room with a total area of ​​at least 35 square meters. m. There will be a common room for activities with children, a reception room where parents will wait for the child, and a bathroom. The training room will occupy about 20 square meters. m. 10 sq. m needed for the reception area, 5 sq. m - for the bathroom. Such premises will cost about 30 thousand rubles per month.

We will make a good cosmetic renovation of the premises, furnish it with furniture, the necessary number of mirrors, equip a training room, a reception area and a bathroom with new plumbing. We will allocate 100,000 thousand rubles for cosmetic repairs. We will do the repairs ourselves. Due to the fact that renovations are being carried out and considerable funds are being invested, we enter into a lease agreement for 1 year with the right to purchase the premises. We pay 2 months of rent for the premises at once.

Payment of utility bills and telecommunications will be around 5 thousand rubles.

When choosing a room for a speech therapy room, we pay attention to the number of floors, the condition of the house outside, the serviceability of sewerage, electrical wiring, ventilation, and the availability of documents.

Installation of furniture and equipment

For our speech therapy office we will need furniture, materials, bathroom equipment and some electronics. In addition to tables, chairs and shelving, you will also need to create a play corner for children, because students are mostly children from 5 years old, and they need a break. Detailed estimates of quantities and costs in the table:

Name price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Table and chair for a child 5 000 4 20 000
Table and chair for speech therapist 3 000 1 3 000
Book rack 3 000 1 3 000
Closet 3000 1 3 000
Large mirror 3 000 1 3 000
Set of mirrors 5 pcs. little ones 1 000 1 1 000
Ottoman 2 000 2 2 000
Lighting 5 000 5 000
Educational materials (books, magazines, tools) 20 000 20 000
Laptop 30 000 1 30 000
Office 3 000 3000
Flowers in pots 3 000 3000
Toys for children 1000 1000
Sofa in the reception area 15 000 15 000
Coffee table 3 000 3 000
Small TV for the reception area (used) 15 000 15 000
Electric kettle 2 000 2 000
MFP 10 000
Signaling 3 000
Total 145 000

Perhaps then you will need to buy decor for the classroom, additional literature and teaching materials, some more toys, and a rug for the games area.


A speech therapy room requires virtually no workers. The priority of a good speech therapist is the owner of the office himself. If there is great demand, you can invite another speech therapist to help. In addition, we need an administrator who will meet students and their parents, conduct consultations over the phone, and keep order in the reception area and other rooms of the speech therapy room.

Employee Salary
Part-time teacher 10 000
Administrator 20 000
Total 30 000

Marketing and advertising

Before opening a speech therapy office, it is necessary to conduct a competitor analysis and study the audience. Create a work schedule and pricing policy. To attract as many students as possible, a speech therapist can use classic advertising tools.

More details in the table:

In addition, you can attract students with promotions and lucrative offers. A free consultation or 50% discount on your first lesson will be used. In the future, you can create a landing page with real reviews from grateful clients, photographs and useful materials.

Every month, a speech therapist must spend money on maintaining his image and attracting new students - about 20 thousand rubles (targeting on social networks, flyers, posters).

Expenses and income

At this point, we will generate tables on start-up and monthly expenses, calculate the estimated profit from the active 3rd month of work, determine the income tax, calculate the return on monthly investments and the payback period of the start-up investment.

Start-up costs

It is planned to allocate 865,000 rubles to start the business.

Monthly expenses


The cost depends on the age of the student and the frequency of his visits to the speech therapy room. The price of 1 lesson with a speech therapist will be:

  • For a child – 1,300 rubles.
  • For an adult – 1,500 rubles.
  • Group lessons with children up to 5 people – 5,000 rubles per lesson.
  • Home visit + 200 rubles to the tariff.
  • Monthly subscription (8 classes) – 8,000 for children.
  • Subscription for a group of children up to 5 people – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Subscription for an adult – 9,600 rubles.

We need the first month for an active advertising campaign, promotional classes and free consultations. The goal is to attract the attention of the maximum target audience. As soon as advertising starts running and the “word of mouth” effect appears, we expect 50% of the speech therapist’s work schedule to be filled. An approximate schedule and estimated revenue from services in the table:

Day of the week / Time 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00-16.00 16.00-17.00 18.00-19.00
Tuesday Group classes for children
Wednesday _ Individual lesson for children Group classes for children Individual lesson for children
Thursday Individual lesson for children Individual lesson with an adult
Friday Children's individual lesson with subscription Group lessons for children (by subscription) Group classes for children Individual lesson with an adult
Saturday Individual lesson for children Individual lesson for children Individual lesson for children Individual lesson with an adult
Sunday Individual lesson for children Individual lesson for children Individual lesson for children Classes for a group of children Individual lesson with an adult

Let's calculate the number of classes per month and expected profit:

Name price, rub. Quantity Amount, rub.
Group classes for children 5 000 12 60 000
Individual lesson for children 1 300 40 52 000
Individual lesson with an adult 1 500 5 7 500
Children's subscription 9 500 2 19 000
Group lessons for children with a subscription 30 000 2 60 000
Total 146 500

To increase profitability, the option of zoning the main training hall into 2 parts is being considered, where both speech therapists can work simultaneously.

Let's calculate the profitability indicators of a speech therapy room.

Let's calculate the difference between income and expenses to calculate tax:

146 500 – 85 000 = 61 500.

We calculate the tax payment:

61,500 x 0.15 = 9,225 rubles.

Thus, the net profit will be:

61,500 – 9,225 = 52,275 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the profitability:

(52,275 / 85,000) x 100 = 61.5%.

The profitability indicator of the speech therapy office is quite good. With 50% fullness of the schedule by 6 months, there are plans to increase profitability to 100%.

Now let’s calculate the payback period of the initial investment:

370,000 /52,275 = 7.07 months.


A private speech therapy office is a fairly profitable business. However, it is very important that the speech therapist-entrepreneur himself has the necessary certificates to confirm his qualifications and is actively engaged in self-development, uses new speech development techniques and attracts an equally qualified speech therapist to help.

The profitability of this business will be high as soon as the schedule is 100% filled. In addition, work schedules can be expanded, as can study spaces, to accommodate multiple work groups with different speech therapists at the same time. As soon as the demand for services exceeds the schedule, it will be possible to increase the rented space or open a speech therapy center with several classrooms.

In this case, we will have separate speech therapists for individual lessons with children, for group lessons and for lessons with adults.