The meaning of the word is informal. Use abbreviated forms


The term “informals” is officially used as a general name for representatives of certain subcultures and youth movements. Informals are certain groups of people that emerged in the USSR in the 80s in response to “formal” associations (for example, Komsomol organizations). In the mid-80s, the concept of “informals” began to include various teenage gangs, interest clubs, and neo-Nazi communities (for example,). It is curious that initially the term “informals” had a rather bright expressive connotation and a negative meaning. At that time, this concept did not include various youth subcultures such as goths, emo, punks, hippies, rockers, etc.

Currently, any person who is somehow different from the general mass of people is called an informal person. The fact is that informal people demonstrate their commitment to a particular youth movement or subculture by their manner of dressing. It has been noted that in most cases, the appearance of an informal person absolutely does not correspond to his true interests, but is simply a reflection of this hobby, which can pass as quickly as it arose. To further emphasize their attachment to any movement or subculture, informals shock not only with their appearance, but also with their behavior.

Nevertheless, the appearance for informals is the main indicator of their commitment to one movement or another. Vivid examples are punks and. Their clothing styles are close and reminiscent of each other: these include hoodies and T-shirts with images of their favorite musical groups or with symbols. For example, metalheads prefer images and bikes, and punks prefer skulls. In addition, representatives of these movements are characterized by the daily wearing of so-called leather jackets - leather jackets with a huge number of locks. The main lock is located on the right side of the jacket, hence its name.

Another distinctive feature of the appearance of the informal is the leather wristband on the hand, equipped with chains or metal spikes. It is curious that punks are not fussy about their clothes and can wear khaki (camouflage) pants. Currently, such informal movements as emo and goth are widespread. For adherents of these social groups, it is important not to hide their own emotions, naturally reacting both to happiness and joy, and to pain and sadness. The style of their clothing is also extremely unusual. Emos adhere to only two colors in their clothing style: pink and black, and goths even less - only black.

Informal… Spelling dictionary-reference book

Informal, private, private; behind the scenes, particular Dictionary of Russian synonyms. informal see informal Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z... Synonym dictionary

Authorized... Dictionary of antonyms

informal- informal; briefly linen shape, linen... Russian spelling dictionary

informal- cr.f. unform/linen, unform/linen, flax, flax; unformed/flatter… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

informal- *informal... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

informal- Syn: unofficial, private, private... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; flax, flax, flax. One that is not formal. ◁ Informally, called... encyclopedic Dictionary

informal- oh, oh; flax, flax, flax. see also informal One that is not formal... Dictionary of many expressions

informal- un/form/al/y… Morphemic-spelling dictionary


  • Informal Petersburg. Guide to places of worship, Marina Zhdanova. A unique, completely informal guide to lively, unpretentious, non-boring St. Petersburg. Opens up the city from a new, unusual side. Here is what is not in the guidebooks, what is not...
  • Informal notebook for St. Petersburg, Marina Zhdanova. An informal notebook designed to inspire. By filling its pages with your plans, desires and thoughts, you write the script of your own life, which you will act out in the best possible way...

If you have to write a letter in English, the first thing you should think about is the style or register of writing your letter (register). How to determine register? Think about three aspects:

The less you know the recipient, the more formal your style should be. There are such styles of writing letters in English: formal (formal) and informal (informal). There is also a semi-formal or neutral (semi-formal or neutral) style, but in nature it is closer to formal. Some authors identify the following styles depending on the type of communication, addressee and linguistic means:

The formal style is inherent in documents (for example, legal), high-level business letters; in the formal style, all the rules of punctuation and grammar are observed. Semi-formal style is used for business correspondence and professional communication. Because the writer and recipient of the letter are typically busy business people, letters of this style are specific, fact-focused, and include standard, boilerplate language. And finally, the informal style is typical for correspondence between friends and communication on social networks. It involves the use of colloquial expressions, abbreviations, rules of grammar and punctuation are not always observed.

However, these are only general differences between styles. In this article, we will look at more fundamental features that will help you write quality letters in English.

1. Vocabulary

If you compare two letters of the same content, but written in different styles, then the informal letter will be shorter. Do you know why? Because the formal style involves the use of longer words, words of Latin origin. In contrast to the informal style, phrasal verbs are hardly used in the formal style, except those that cannot be replaced by a longer equivalent. The same goes for nouns: if, when writing an official letter, you have a choice between a short word and a long one, choose the longer one.

Let's look at some differences between formal and informal vocabulary:

Verbs (Verbs)



ask, request

be the cause of


deal with something

find out



get in touch with

to contact

give, provide



leave, miss














aged people

2. Using passive voice

In informal letter writing style, the use of the active voice takes precedence over the use of . Informal letters are more personalized, while formal letters and documents are factual. Let's look at this with examples:

I invite you to come to my party Friday evening. - I invite you to come to my party on Friday evening.
You are invited to attend the annual conference. - You are invited to attend the annual conference.

The teacher told us to complete the test papers. - The teacher told us to finish the test assignments.
The students were told to complete the test papers. - The students were told to finish the test assignments.

The camera you delivered to me yesterday is broken. - The camera you delivered to me yesterday is broken.
The camera which was delivered to me yesterday is flawed. - The camera that was delivered yesterday is defective.

In each pair of sentences, the first one refers to the informal register. As you can see, every second sentence, written in a formal style, talks about facts and sounds more neutral and formal.

3. Appeals and stereotypes

A characteristic feature of the informal style is addresses in the first person, the use of I: I am sorry..., I think... and so on. While official letters are based on clichés, standard phrases of business communication. The informal style allows room for improvisation, while the formal style is more stereotypical.

I am sorry for my being late. - I'm sorry I'm late.
We apologize for the delay. - We apologize for the delay.

I am glad to tell you that I am coming soon. - I'm glad to tell you that I'm coming soon.
We take pleasure in informing you about our upcoming visit. - We are happy to inform you about our upcoming visit.

Typical of formal style is the use of the pronoun we. When a representative of one company writes a letter to another company, the letter is written not in the first person singular (I), but in the first person plural (we).

4. Slang expressions

Slang expressions are absent in the official style; they simply are not there. The same goes for most idiomatic expressions. Formal style is the language of specifics and business vocabulary, so the use of slang is unacceptable, it is a sign of unprofessionalism and disrespect for the recipient:

He wrote us about stuff. - He wrote to us about a lot of nonsense.

He sent us information on the question. - He sent us information on this issue.

5. Abbreviations

The informal style, along with slang expressions, allows the use of abbreviated forms of the verbs to be, have, has, would, will and others: I"m, we"ve, he"s and so on. The official style is never used; all forms must be written in full: I am, we have, he is, they will, she would and so on.

6. Specific appeals and impersonal constructions

In informal letters, to a friend, for example, we address a specific person, calling him by name in our letter. Official letters are impersonal, they are not addressed to anyone, the addressee's name is not used in the main part of the letter, only at the beginning. Imperative constructions in official letters and documents are replaced by passive ones, that is, you do not give instructions, but formulate a rule:

If you have questions, feel free to ask me. - If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

You will be contacted for further information. - You will be contacted for further information.

7. Coordination of ideas

Even unions of formal and informal styles have their differences. In informal communication, we use a familiar set of phrases and expressions to connect our ideas. Most of them are short: and, but, also, because. Conjunctions that are used in the formal register are usually long words or phrases. Let's look at the table and compare some of them:



due to (the fact that)

as a result

because of

in addition



provided that


The word also as a conjunction should be avoided in formal style, but is perfectly acceptable when referring to a verb (in constructions or inverse sentences):

Also see the agenda attached. - Also check out the attached event plan.

Also covered accommodation expenses. - Accommodation expenses are also reimbursed.

As you can see, formal and informal styles in English are fundamentally different from each other. The main distinctive features are:

  • vocabulary
  • grammar, use of active and passive voice
  • use of phrasal verbs, slang expressions
  • use of speech patterns, clichés
  • use of abbreviated forms
  • coordination of ideas

Thus, when starting to write a letter in English, remember the differences in registers, follow the vocabulary, grammar, and other language means so that your letter is in the same style.

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English, as an international language, is applicable in almost any situation, area and industry. Whatever your goals, when visiting a foreign country or communicating with representatives of another culture, you will one way or another have to conduct a conversation in English in an informal setting.

In this article you will find a long list of terms and phrases from American slang and the Internet. You will learn how cool it is to say hello or goodbye in an informal way, and you will also learn a lot of cool abbreviations and phrases from the everyday life of American youth and beyond. The language of streets and neighborhoods awaits you!

Informal greetings and farewells

How to start a conversation in English? As in any other language, dialogue begins with greetings. It would be somewhat funny and even ridiculous if a dialogue in English between friends began with a phrase like “Good afternoon” or “Good day”, it sounds quite formal, so it makes sense to remember a few phrases for starting a conversation in English, applicable specifically in informal setting.

By the way! We recommend reading our article on spoken English, which will help you understand how to learn to speak English.

When meeting, they usually say:

  • How is it going?- How are things going?
  • How's life?- What's up?
  • How are things?- How is it?
  • What are you up to?- What are you doing?
  • Greets!- Hello!
  • Hello! / Yo! / A-yo!- Hey!
  • What's up? / "Sup! /Wassup! / Wussup!- How are you?
  • How does it go? / Howzit?- How is it?
  • How's it hanging?- How are you?
  • How's everything? / How are things?- How is everything in general?
  • What's happening? / What's happening?- What's going on?
  • What's crackin'? / What's crack-a-lackin'?- How is life?
  • What's poppin' /clicking /cooking /the rumpus /shaking/shakingthe dilly /the dizzle?-How are you?
  • What's in the bag?=What's up?

Almost like in that movie “Seven” with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman: “Awwww! What's in the booooooox?!!!"

As a farewell, you can arm yourself with the following popular and stylish phrases:

  • See you soon.-See you later.
  • See you later.- See you later.
  • Till next time.- Until next time.
  • Good luck.- Good luck.
  • Take care. / Take it easy.- Take care of yourself.
  • Talk to you later. / Talk to you soon!- We'll talk to you later/soon.
  • Until we meet again.- See you.
  • Have a nice day. - Have a good day.
  • Have a good weekend.- Good weekend.
  • Gotta go!- Time to go!
  • Catch ya later! / See ya later! / Later! / Later on!- See you!
  • Have a good one! / Have a nice one! / Have a nice day!- Have a good day!
  • I"m taking off! / I’m off!- I'm leaving!
  • I"m splitting.- I'm cleaning.
  • I"m outta here! / I"m out!- That's it - I'm not here.
  • Peace out!- Come on. See you.
  • I"ll holler (holler=scream) at ya later!- See you later!
  • Catch you on the flipside.- See you!
  • Till next time/tomorrow!- Until next time!
  • I need to shoot the gap!- It's time to run away.
  • I"m hitting the bricks!- I'm going outside!
  • I'm heading out!- I'm out!
  • I need to jet! / Gotta jet!- We must run away!
  • I'm gonna hit the road!- I'm curling up!
  • I gotta run!- It's time to run!
  • I"m bouncing outta here!- I'm getting out of here (bounce - jump)!
  • I'm gonna make like a tree and leaf!- I'm leaving!
  • Stay in touch!- Stay in touch!
  • Sleep on it!- Sleep with this thought! / Think about it! / The morning is wiser than the evening.

Introductory words and answers in informal communication

In order for your speech to be logically coherent and colorful, you will need some introductory words that are used quite often, usually at the beginning of a sentence. Introductory words and expressions help show how you feel about what you are saying. For example, if you don't want to drag out the conversation, you can say:

  • In short... / In brief...- in short.
  • Long story short... / Bottom line is...- Briefly speaking.
  • In a word... / Simply put... / In short...- in a nutshell.
  • To cut a long story short... / To cut it short...- in short.

Usually, when they want to present some information or list some facts, they say:

  • As for... / As to...- Concerning...
  • Not to mention...- Not to mention...
  • First of all... / Above all...- First of all...
  • What's more...- Besides, ...
  • By the way...- By the way, ...
  • After all...- In the end, after all...
  • And so on and so forth...- And so on...
  • If I'm not mistaken...- If I'm not mistaken...
  • In other words...- In other words...
  • On the contrary...- Quite the opposite... / In fact...
  • The thing is...- The fact is that...
  • On one hand...- On the one side...
  • On the other hand...- On the other side...

Use these expressions, and your speech will not only be more coherent, but also much richer, richer and more expressive. But how can you answer questions like “How are you?” or others, more general:

Not much.- Quietly. Nothing special.
Can't complain!- Not complaining!
Chillin". - I’m letting go; I'm hanging out.
Staying out of trouble. - I stay away from sin (problems).
Sure! Sounds great!- Certainly! Sounds great!

I hear ya!= I empathize with your point of view. - I heard you (but there may not be agreement).
I got (get) it. - I understand.
No kidding!= I know that. - Come on! Can't be! Are you kidding (can I use sarcasm)?!
It slipped my mind. - It slipped my mind.
I owe you one. - I owe you a favor.
It's up to you. - It's up to you to decide; Everything depends on you.
I feel you.= I understand / empathize with you. - I understand you; I feel for you.
It is what it is.= It’s a fact that cannot be changed. - It is what it is.
Wanna come over for dinner tonight? -Want to come over for dinner today?

The ABCs of politeness in informal communication

If you consider yourself a polite person, then you will definitely need “magic” words, which are especially often used in English speech (not very often in American speech). The English themselves are very polite people and, no matter what they think of you, they will always remain correct and behave well with you and, of course, expect the same from you. Don't disappoint their expectations and stock up on appropriate phrases in English.

If you want to thank someone, you can use phrases like:

  • It's very kind of you.- It is very kind of you.
  • Thanks anyway.-Thanks anyway.
  • Thank you in advance.- Thanks in advance.
  • Thanks a bunch / a ton / a lot / a million / many thanks.- Thank you very much.
  • Much obliged.- Much obliged.
  • You're too kind.- You are too kind.
  • You shouldn't have.- Not worth it.
  • Please accept my best thanks.- Please accept my gratitude.
  • I"m most grateful.- I'm very grateful.

If someone expresses gratitude to you, you can respond by saying:

  • Don't mention it.- Do not mention it.
  • No problem/worries. That's ok.- Everything is fine.
  • Don't worry about it.- Don't worry about it.
  • It's a pleasure.-Do not mention it. / Glad to!
  • No worries/problem.- No problem.
  • You're welcome.- Please.
  • Sure thing.- Certainly. / Of course.

Phrases for informal communication

If you want to express your emotions in a conversation, there are also many ways to do this that are acceptable in an informal setting. The most popular phrases, as a rule, can be considered the following:

  • Don't take it to heart.- Don't take it to heart.
  • Let's hope for the best.- Let us hope for the best.
  • It doesn't matter.- It does not matter.
  • Just let it go.- Just forget it.
  • Lucky you!- Lucky!
  • Things happen. / It happens.- Anything can happen.
  • Good for you.- So much the better for you.
  • I'm so happy for you. - I am so happy for you (But this is said absolutely sincerely).
  • You must be very proud of yourself.-You must be proud of yourself.
  • Whatever. - I do not care.

Americans often use " like” in sentences between words to fill pauses while they think about what to say next. Or simply when comparing or approximate data. For example: “We have like 5 minutes until the exam.”

  • You can say that again!= I agree with you completely. - Totally agree with you!
  • You"re telling me!= I know exactly what you mean. - Do not speak. / You are still speaking (expression of complete understanding).
  • My bad= my fault or my mistake. - My fault! / It's my fault! / I made a mistake!
  • That hit the spot.- It was very tasty (about food, drinks); this is what you need;
  • That's what she said!- If you know what I mean! / That’s what she said (a phrase to give a basically innocent statement a sexual connotation)!
  • It's not rocket science.= It "s easy to understand. - This is not rocket science (this is easy to understand).
  • Don't cry over spilled milk. = Don"t be upset over something you can"t fix. - There is no need to grieve over the irreparable. / After a fight they don’t wave their fists.
  • To jump on the bandwagon= to join a popular activity or supporting a popular cause. - join the popular process.
  • If something " has fallen through the cracks", then it went unnoticed.
  • If they say " it's all downhill from here“, which means the hardest part is already behind us (now it’s like rolling down a mountain).
  • If somebody " throws you under the bus", then you are betrayed.

Abbreviations in informal communication

Everything is simple here. Why drag your feet when it’s more convenient to say everything briefly and look talented?

going to = gonna. I"m gonna break you! - I will destroy you!
let me = lemme. Lemme put it this way... - Let's put it this way...
kind of = kinda. I feel kinda tired. - I'm kind of tired.
don't know = dunno. I dunno where this is going. - I don't know what you're getting at.
don't you = dontcha. Why d ontcha join us? - Why don't you join us?
didn't you = didntcha. Didntcha like that girl? -Didn't you like that girl?
won't you = wontcha. Wontcha gimme the chance? - Won't you give me a chance?
what are you = whatcha or watcha. Whatcha doing? - What are you giving?
got you = gotcha. I gotcha! - I'm with you!
bet you = betcha. Betcha don"t know the answer! - Bet you don’t know the answer?
got to = gotta. You gotta see it to believe it.- You have to see it to believe it.
need to = needa. I needa go shopping soon. - I'll have to go shopping soon.
want to = wanna. I wanna blue hat - I want a blue hat.
have to = hafta. I hafta save some money. - I have to save some money.
has to = hasta. Tim hasta work today. - Tim has to work today.
ought to = oughta. She oughta work two jobs. - She must be working two jobs.
supposed to = supposeta. I"m supposeta start the job Monday. - I'm supposed to start working on Monday.
used to = useta. She useta work there too. - She worked here too.
tell them = tell"em. Tell"em I"ll be there soon. - Tell them that I will be there soon.
am not / are not / is not = ain"t. I ain"t gonna be there. - I won't be there.
come on = c"mon. C"mon! We don"t want to be late. - Come on! We don’t want to be late.
some more = s"more. Can I have s"more water? -Can I have some more water?

Dictionary of slang expressions for informal communication

all-ears- be in attention, completely and completely. I"m all ears.
a crapella- singing (usually terrible) while listening to music on headphones;
askhole- a person who constantly asks stupid, ridiculous, inappropriate or intolerable questions;
awesome sauce- something more than just awesome (awesome + sauce on top);
bail- dump, merge, suddenly (sharply) leave;
badassery- cool, cool, awesome. Incredibly cool actions or behavior; being a badass is cool. And the butt has nothing to do with it;
baby bump- belly, paunch, protruding, rounded belly (like pregnant women);
beer me- please pass (buy) me a beer (foam); can be used figuratively, as a request to transfer something or return it;
be about it- can be a verb (to be about it) or a command (be about it); means that a person is not afraid and is ready to start something;
behind the eight ball- in a losing position; without money; out on a limb;
bent out of shape- offended; angry; angry; inflated;
binging- obsessive desire to consume food, drink or drugs in large quantities; eating disorder, bulimia;
bitchy resting face- lean face, constantly dissatisfied face, bitchy face syndrome, in which a person (usually a girl) looks rather hostile (hostile) and judgmental (judgmental);
blamestorming- Debriefing; group search for the guilty person; a public search for the culprit instead of searching for a solution to the problem (usually at business meetings);
blow or bomb- to do something very unsuccessfully; to fail at something or be unsuccessful at something; obvious failure (especially creative failure);
boomerang child- “boomerang child” - an adult child who returns to live with his parents due to his inability to live independently;
bruh- "are you serious?"; expression of surprise; another way to say “really? or “seriously?;
buy the farm- play the box; give oak; die (when pilots crashed in the middle of the 20th century, their planes often fell on someone’s farm - and the state had to pay compensation to the owners of the farm. He bought the farm last Monday;
bropocalypse- a large gathering of adult men with the sole purpose of getting drunk. In other words, organize a “fraternity party” - a drinking party, drinking party, “boozy” or a party in a student dormitory (fraternity party);
boomer/boomed- bad luck, failure, unpleasant situation; a worthless young man; a very bad situation or situation; “fur coat” (a painful state of a drug addict under the influence of hallucinogens, which, as a rule, cannot be foreseen; poses a danger to himself and to others. Bummed = depressed;
by the skin of your teeth- almost got into trouble; almost got it; escape danger miraculously. Seems you"ve passed the exam by the skin of your teeth?;
сheesy- cheap, tasteless, dubious, boring, funny, low-grade, unfashionable (tacky) “A cheesy pick-up line” - a cheap pick-up line like “There are 8 planets in the universe, but only 7 after I destroy Uranus.” “A cheesy song” - a stupid song;
catch on- enter; move in; You catch on pretty quick!
cold turkey- in one fell swoop, tie it off sharply and completely, right off the bat; sudden decision; I"m fed up with smoking! So, I quit cold turkey;
crackberry- a mobile phone (BlackBerry company), which causes addiction in its owner;
сram- “cramming” before the exam; “crammed”, “bookworm”;
dead- empty, quiet (for example, a bar, club or restaurant). “It"s really dead in here tonight (It"s empty in here tonight/there are very few people here tonight)";
creep- an unpleasant or strange person, a disgusting person, a vile type;
сrunk- cheerful, excited; replacement of swear words (in the show Conan "a O"brien"a); a combination of the words “crazy” and “drunk”; substyle of hip-hop music; have a good time; something disgusting;
drive up the wall- irritate, enrage. “He is driving me up the wall.”;
go dutch- everyone pays for themselves; when the amount from the check is divided equally among everyone - “split the bill”;
earmuffs- headphones, but the word is also used as a command to cover someone’s ears before something is said, be it a secret or profanity, for example;
ego-surfing(vanity search, ego searching) - egosurfing; searching for any information about yourself on the Internet using a search engine;
extra- excessive (excessive) attention-seeking behavior, overdoing it with emotions; His behavior was extra at that party yesterday;
fauxpology- insincere apology;
finesse- sophistication in manners, elegance, the ability to speak beautifully, to persuade or manipulate people for one’s benefit;
frankenfood- GMO products;
freak flag- a particular characteristic, manner or way of dressing, looking and thinking. Self-expression in an open and often eccentric manner. Let your freak flag fly! - Let your eccentricity out!;
froyo- frozen yogurt;
gaydar- gay radar - the ability to quickly distinguish a gay from a person of heterosexual orientation, or the ability of homosexuals to identify “their own” among other people;
hangry= hungry + angry;
hang tight- wait a minute!; Calm!; Hang tight, I"ll be with ya in a minute!;
helicopter parent- “helicopter parent” - a parent who is excessively “shaking” over the well-being of his child, “hovering” over him in the form of round-the-clock surveillance using communication means (mobile phone, email, etc.);
for the birds- to make the chickens laugh; "This is not for me"; “It doesn’t suit me”; anything trivial, unnecessary, empty or worthless;
for real- “iron”; "actually"; for real; seriously; Indeed; really. You can also say it with a questioning intonation - “exactly?” or “really?” or “come on?!”;
get under one's skin- to bother someone, to “bother” someone;
give the cold shoulder- ignore; do not mention it; pointedly ignore; cold greeting; show no interest;
give props to someone- pay tribute to; express your respect to someone through words; express respect (short for “proper respect”); Props to my homies!;
gross- something disgusting, vile; disgusting; ugh!;
hit the books- study;
hit the road- hit the road; go on a campaign; set sail; move; dump; get away from somewhere; go out;
hold your horses= wait a minute - wait a minute; wait a minute!;
hyped= excited - in anticipation, excited. We"re all so hyped about the concert next weekend!;
jacked- very strong, muscular, pumped up. He's jacked;
jack up- price increase; raise the price;
jailbait- seductive girl; pure temptation; a teenage girl whose relationship is punishable by law; youngster;
jonesing- a strong need for something, wanting something unbearable; withdrawal I’m jonesing for a coffee;
kicks-shoes (sneakers, sneakers, boots);
knosh- There is; food consumed;
lemon- an unsuccessful purchase, something low-quality, worthless;
light up- relax, don't take it seriously. You gotta learn to lighten up a bit!;
lit= awesome, excellent - awesome; in a more obsolete meaning - drunk;
make it rain- pathetically throwing paper money into the air (holding a wad of bills in one hand and swiping the banknote with the other hand), boasting of your capital;
man cave- “den” - a room or any other living space, protected by a man from any female influence and presence, which he decorates and furnishes at will. TV, console, posters, minibar, slot machines, pool table, sofa, etc. - this kind of thing is usually found in the “den”;
meat sweats- the process of sweating due to the consumption of copious amounts of meat. I get the meat sweats;
MILF- (“Mother I”d Like to F*ck”) - “milf” - a mother with children who makes you want to have sex with her; an older woman who makes a young man (and not only) want;
Monday-morning quarterback- an improvident person, strong in hindsight, a person who comes to his senses late.
nasty woman- an educated woman, an expert at showing ill-mannered men in their place; bitch;
Netflix and chill- code words for an offer to have sex;
once in a blue moon- rarely;
one-upper- a person who is never enough of what he has; always striving to be ahead of others; always striving to outdo others;
off the hook / off the chain / off the hinge- very funny, exciting, unrestrained (in a good way);
phat= Pretty Hot And Tempting (usually about a girl) = awesome; cool - cool, awesome (now the word has lost its relevance);
plastered / sloshed / smashed / wasted- very drunk;
pregret- realize that you shouldn’t do something, otherwise you will regret it, but do it anyway;
pwned= to own - to defeat and humiliate an opponent (usually in video games);
pass the buck- shift responsibility to someone;
pig out- overeat;
put up a front- show off and try to look strong, dangerous and cool; show off;
Put up your dukes!= ready Get for a fight! - Get ready for a fight!; Well, now let’s “dance”!;
ratchet- a diva, usually from the slums, low socio-economic status, who mistakenly believes herself to be every man's dream;
recap- sum up, summarize;
rip-off- exaggerate, overcharge, cheat;
said no one ever- an expression to emphasize the absurdity of a statement, usually with a pause before “ever.” For example, when talking about a T-shirt that the speaker considers terrible, it is said: “What an awesome shirt! Said no one... ever.”;
salmon (trout) - a man who likes to date girls younger than himself;
savage- cool, daring; just a beast. You can say it as a compliment when a person, for example, does dangerous but cool things.
salty- upset; hostile, angry;
score- get what you want;
screw up- make a mistake, do something bad. I really screwed up my audition;
shoot the breeze- chatter, chat about nothing;
skrill- money, capital;
snag/nab- take someone else’s property without asking; steal, steal;
spill the beans- tell a secret, blab, divulge;
sure-fire- confident in success, faithful, win-win;
swag- a term for expressing approval of someone's style of clothing or behavior. Praising someone's self-expression. Cool; unreal steepness;
take a rain check / table an item- do something another time; postpound on later;
the bomb= awesome;
tight- cool, funny, in a loving relationship; getting along well;
turnt= drunk or excited/hyped;
typeactive- a person who becomes sociable only online, via email or chat, for example;
uptight- clamped; antonym of the word "relaxed";
wicked= amazing = really - cool, excellent; serious; Amazing; brilliantly!;
wrap up- curl up. OK, let's wrap things up for today;
W00t!- exclamation when winning a large sum of money or when defeating another team;
word- true, I agree, it is so;
zonked- tired, exhausted.


That's it! Informal speech is wonderful because you can use a huge number of words and expressions, without feeling constrained by the strict etiquette of business language. Here you can use both slang and jargon expressions + abbreviations of various kinds.

But remember that there must be norm and balance in everything! Even when communicating in an informal setting, try to always show politeness and a sense of tact. This is why the expressions from this article will be useful to you.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

When people hear the word “informal,” they have various associations. Someone remembers goths, punks, etc. All of these have common characteristics.

General information

So, informal - who is it? In a generalized concept, such people include those whose thinking, behavior, habits and appearance differ from socially accepted norms. In fact, any person who stands out from the general mass of people, even just by his style of clothing, is already mistaken for an informal person. For this purpose, bright laces on shoes or long hair for a young man will be enough. All. Ready! In the eyes of society, you are already an informal person. But being different from everyone else does not necessarily mean standing out from the crowd due to your extraordinary appearance. It is quite enough to have what makes an informal one - thinking and views that are radically different from generally accepted norms. The absence of boundaries that people draw for themselves is a characteristic feature of the representatives of various subcultures and simply extraordinary individuals in question.

Informal teenagers are not just a youthful rebellion against society. This is a break in the framework, opposing oneself to the preferences of most people. They deny the past experience of generations. Their goal is shocking, the search for something new that changes consciousness. Avant-garde and focus on the future are the best features of an informal environment.

There are a huge number of extraordinary currents. Moreover, some of them are characteristic of certain countries, while others have acquired a global character.


Goth is undoubtedly also informal. Who is this? The gothic subculture appeared in the seventies of the last century. Its roots come from punk culture. So what happens? Are these two currents the same?

The goths differed from the punks in their more refined manners of behavior and also the difference is that the goths are more diligent. They can be proud of their academic performance. Often such people have a penchant for art. With the emergence of the movement in question, gothic rock music began to develop.

Representatives of the subculture themselves are often accused of promoting suicide and death. But it seems so to those people who look at them with the naked eye. Psychologists note in their statements that Goths are potential suicides. And, getting together, they help each other adapt to society.

Clothing for informals who consider themselves goths has a style that matches their worldview. Representatives of this subculture prefer black, sometimes combining it with white and red. The main materials for their items are goat fur, suede, satin, and velvet. The decorative part is mandatory - corsets, jewelry, lace, flounces, lacing. When applying makeup, goths of both sexes practice excessive lightening of the facial skin. A characteristic feature is eyes lined with black pencil. Based on these basic parameters, you can recognize a Goth at any time. Some additions to the image are acceptable. For example, a haircut with

At this time, there are even brands. The most famous are the following companies:

1. Spiral Direct.

Emo informals

Have you heard of such a current? Emo is also informal. Who is this? This direction came to us in the eighties from the West. The last wave was about 5 years ago. It is worth noting that during its revivals the movement acquired striking differences from the emo culture of the West.

Western informals (see photo below), part of the emo movement, are teenagers who prefer pastel or natural colors in clothing. Representatives of this movement do not accept tattoos and piercings. Such teenagers position themselves as children with hyperemotionality. Representatives of the subculture in question in Western countries are radically different from emo from the East.

Among our teenagers, tattoos and piercings are considered mandatory attributes. And our informal girls are practically no different from guys. No, don't think that they dress like men. Rather, on the contrary, guys are very similar to girls. They also apply eyeliner, paint their nails, and wear the same hairstyles. In emo clothing, one can distinguish the predominance of black and pink colors, checks, and stripes. Also an integral attribute is a great variety of bracelets and a large shoulder bag with an incredible number of badges. Emos identify themselves as bisexual. This probably explains the similarity between guys and girls, as well as the fact that they promote peace throughout the planet.

Emos listen to music that reflects sadness, melancholy, and apathy.


Yes, that’s absolutely right, gopniks are also informal youth who have existed at all times. Why are they considered a separate subculture? The answer is simple. They have their own clothing style, views, slang, behavioral characteristics and musical preferences. Therefore, it turns out that Gopniks are also informals (the photo is presented below).

When you see a representative of this subculture, you can unmistakably recognize him by his tracksuit, baseball cap and sneakers (or shoes). Moreover, guys wear classic shoes with the same tracksuit. Advanced gopniks may have a rosary and a man purse with them. These informals have a reputation as bullies and hooligans. They also have a personal calling card: beer with seeds. The reason for this reputation is their rejection of dissent. Not only representatives of other informal groups, but also the intelligentsia can become victims of gopniks.

The main part of the subculture is made up of young people from working-class families.


Punk is also informal. Who is this? Punks appeared in the USSR. They frightened the adult generation with their numbers, behavior, and now this movement has subsided. There are not so many punks today who remain true to their tastes and views.

This movement does not recognize any authority or laws. Punks reject generally accepted social norms. In short, they prefer anarchy to any kind of framework.

Punks wear shabby clothes, dye their hair bright colors or shave patterns, and have piercings, chains, tattoos, and wristbands. There are also girls among them. Informals of this movement prefer rock.

How do currents appear?

Each of those who have become adherents of one of the subcultures has their own reasons for this. The most common ones are listed below.

1. Awareness of your uniqueness.

2. Problems in understanding with peers or parents.

3. Desire for recognition.

4. Loneliness.

What should parents of such children do?

In order for this period to pass quickly and painlessly, it is necessary to act non-militantly.

1. Avoid scandals.

2. Find out as much information as possible about the subculture.

3. Find the positive side of it (maybe your child will learn to play the guitar).

5. Tell us about your youth and what you were like. Perhaps if he realizes that you are similar, then you will be able to find a common language.

6. Let your son or daughter display paraphernalia of their subculture in their room.


In conclusion, I would like to note that belonging to any group of informals does not always make it possible to characterize a person. Most often these preferences are temporary. A person finds his “I” and realizes that he is unique. To do this, he does not need to stand out from the crowd in any way.