The meaning of hexagram 60. Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wan

Jie (Restriction): to separate, separate and limit things; express your thoughts out loud; section, rhythm, section, interval, unit of time; months of the year; rules, restrictions, ceremonies, rituals, annual celebrations; durable, loyal, real; degrees, levels, classes. The hieroglyph depicts the knots or joints on a bamboo stem.

Grief is limited. It cannot be persistent.

During the process of fragmentation and individualization, its disadvantage may be its non-stop nature. It must be taken within a certain framework. If in the previous one the image of ripples on the water was given, and it was not indicated in any way that this water is limited, then the thought could arise: this water will spill, in other words, this process of individualization can go further and further, and its internal contradictions themselves can lead to exhaustion. Therefore, it is replaced by the process of limitation. This is expressed figuratively in the hexagram by the fact that the trigram “water” is placed above the trigram “reservoir”. So, water was introduced into the channel, introduced into the banks. Thus, a limitation is given. This limitation serves development, because development presupposes the creation of new values, and if there were no limitation, then individualization, which has no stop, would not lead to the creation of new values, because nothing could survive in this process, everything would be subject to decay. farther and farther. Thus, the grief that could arise as a result of unceasing fragmentation is also subject to limitation, for, like everything else, it cannot remain unchanged forever.

This is the time for limiting things, proportioning them and giving them shape. Subdivide and classify. Organize your thoughts and speeches. Create a system where everything has its place. Think carefully about your actions. Overly strict rules and restrictions can cause harm. Lead the way by staying in the center. By setting reasonable rules, people organize their lives.

Outer and Inner worlds: Water and Pond (Fog)

Inspirational words come from within, organizing and ordering the flow of events.

Separation and ordering contain the hidden possibility of obtaining food for oneself and others.


You fragment (something) and then limit (it). Realizing this allows you to use the limitation.


Limitation means putting things in order.


Stream over the fogs. Limitation.
A noble person gets rid of unnecessary things in order to put in order what is necessary.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

You can't leave the courtyard.
There will be no blasphemy.

Stay where you are. This limitation is not a bug. Now is not the time for action.

In the first position, the limitation manifests itself in the image of maximum isolation. Since the first position represents being in the very depths of individuality, here a person does not leave himself anywhere, he is limited in himself. Having realized himself as an individual, he remains only alone with himself. From the context of the previous hexagrams it followed that such a stay in oneself could lead to unfavorable consequences. However, since the process of limitation is considered here as necessary, the “Book of Changes” speaks of a favorable outcome, because such a process is necessary here.

Line 2

Nine second

You will not leave the outer courtyard.

Give up your usual way of thinking and acting. Reconsider your views on what is happening, otherwise the path will be closed.

If such a stay in oneself, as indicated above, is necessary, it is only for a certain period of time, because maintaining the previous state during the subsequent stage only leads to misfortune. If a person even extended his activity a little further than was possible and necessary in the previous position, but did not achieve the wide coverage of his environment that is required in such a period of time, then this would only lead to misfortune.

Line 3

Six third

If you don't limit yourself, you'll have something to sigh about.
There will be no blasphemy.

You must learn self-restraint, otherwise your interests will too often conflict with the interests of others. Think about what you could give up.

In the third position, a way out becomes necessary, so the text does not even mention its presence here, because such a way out will come by itself if a person has reached this third position in the development of his life situation. However, when going outside, a person must find restraining incentives within himself and must be able to limit himself. If he takes this into account, then he can get out of this situation with dignity.

Line 4

Six fourth

You will find peace in limitation. Accomplishment.

You have learned to limit yourself. Your life has become peaceful and calm. This will bring success in relationships with other people.
Everything that needs to be done in the inner life is achieved here. A person can acquire a certain confidence in his actions. If he finds in himself the ability to set a goal for himself and set limits to his activities, then a person can achieve that peace of mind that arises from the ability to limit himself, and that further development that comes as a result of independent conduct of his actions.

Line 5

Nine fifth

Sweet restriction. Happiness.
If you perform, you will be praised.

You have achieved that harmony in which you can find pleasure even in limitation. The way is open. What you can do will earn the respect and praise of others.
A characteristic feature of the fifth position is balance, equal distance from both extremes. Such harmony, which manifests itself both outside and inside, leads to the fact that a person can find pleasure in his limitation. But a person acting from this position, if he proceeds from its essence, can only accomplish great things - those that evoke praise from the people around him.

Line 6

There's a six at the top

Bitter limitation. Resilience is unfortunate.
Repentance will disappear.
Rough measures and bitter speeches. The path is closed.

You need to work on yourself, without striving for more, within the limits that were previously established. Only then will your worries and sorrows disappear.

The balance characteristic of the previous position has already been lost here. Therefore, the limitation is perceived here as something external. Symbolically, this is already expressed in the position itself, which is the outermost position of the hexagram. Therefore, the limitation that arises here can be experienced as something sad and oppressive. Persistent stay in such a state can only cause unhappiness. Here one should take into account the transitional nature of this position, move on to the next situation of the degree of the process of limitation and strive to work on oneself within the framework that was already set in the previous one. If this is taken into account, then remorse for previous mistakes may disappear. Therefore, in the text here you should see two aphorisms: one characterizing the objectivity of this situation, and the second - the absence of repentance as a result of a correctly understood and corrected situation.

Limit, proportion, give shape; articulation of thoughts and words; rhythm, interval, section, measure of something.


Jie (Restriction): to separate, divide and limit things; express your thoughts out loud; section, rhythm, section, interval, unit of time; months of the year; rules, restrictions, ceremonies, rituals, annual celebrations; durable, loyal, real; degrees, levels, classes. The hieroglyph depicts the knots or joints on a bamboo stem.

Figurative row

Grief is limited. It cannot be persistent.

This is the time for limiting things, proportioning them and giving them shape. Subdivide and classify. Organize your thoughts and speeches. Create a system where everything has its place. Think carefully about your actions. Overly strict rules and restrictions can cause harm. Lead the way by staying in the center. By setting reasonable rules, people organize their lives.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Water and Pond (Fog)

Inspirational words come from within, organizing and ordering the flow of events.

Hidden opportunity:

Separation and ordering contain the hidden possibility of obtaining food for oneself and others.


You fragment (something) and then limit (it). Realizing this allows you to use the limitation.


Limitation means putting things in order.


Stream over the fogs. Limitation.
A noble person gets rid of unnecessary things in order to put in order what is necessary.

Hexagram lines

First nine

You can't leave the courtyard.
There will be no blasphemy.

Stay where you are. This limitation is not a bug. Now is not the time for action.

Nine second

You will not leave the outer courtyard.

Give up your usual way of thinking and acting. Reconsider your views on what is happening, otherwise the path will be closed.

Six third

If you don't limit yourself, you'll have something to sigh about.
There will be no blasphemy.

You must learn self-restraint, otherwise your interests will too often conflict with the interests of others. Think about what you could give up.

Six fourth

You will find peace in limitation. Accomplishment.

You have learned to limit yourself. Your life has become peaceful and calm. This will bring success in relationships with other people.

Nine fifth

Sweet restriction. Happiness.
If you perform, you will be praised.

You have achieved that harmony in which you can find pleasure even in limitation. The way is open. What you can do will earn the respect and praise of others.

There's a six at the top

Bitter limitation. Resilience is unfortunate.
Repentance will disappear.
Rough measures and bitter speeches. The path is closed.

The fragmentation from the previous symbol must be taken into some formative framework, otherwise, according to the book of changes, individualization will take place endlessly.

Water, subject to the wind, spreads to endless expanses, therefore hexagram 60 is an interpretation of restrictions that will not allow the process to be exhausted due to internal contradictions. This is an important aspect, because non-stop individualization does not create value and does not give development, and the decoding of the sign says: the water was introduced into the channel, limited to the shore.

Hexagram 60, Jie, Restriction (Measure, Abstinence).



Accomplishment. Grief is limited. It cannot be persistent.

The symbol is considered as a combination of the trigram Danger in the external environment and the trigram Joy in the internal world. Resolution in the case of immersion in minutiae is useful only with limited delving into such vanity.

Now is the time for active work. In this case, it is necessary to show foresight, otherwise all efforts in the matter will be in vain. Do not rush to accept the nearest offers, because they may not be very attractive in reality. The pictogram warns that friendly and romantic contacts will also be tested for compliance with your ideals. You should not organize long trips during this period, but other desires, more reasonable ones, may well come true.

Hexagram 60, Tse, Limitation, communicates that most of the difficulties have come to an end, so now you can carefully begin to express yourself. Save not only money, but also energy and words. Try to communicate delicately and modestly.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine from the start. There is no guilt in not leaving the yard. Now time is more valuable to a person than money. Remember that every individual has both advantages and disadvantages. If improving your skills requires too much effort, it's better to stick to your guns.
  • Second nine. The moth goes out to the fire. Those who resist nature will not prosper. Ideal opportunities are emerging now, so you should never miss them.
  • Six third. Complaining is destined for those who do not follow restrictions. Human affairs require immediate response. There is no need to live as if the future does not exist. According to the book of fate, complaints will come from someone who is being unfairly humiliated.
  • Fourth six. Success will bring limitation in contentment. Enjoy peace and your stability mentally and physically. Perseverance of effort will lead to success, because every framework has value. Only the established boundaries should be natural and understandable.
  • Nine fifth. Great personalities are born by the will of time. Shame and honor exist only in safe living conditions. At first, you will have to implement your plans on your own, but your friends will join after the first successes.
  • Six at the top. As the Book of Changes shows, the 60th hexagram in this Yao carries excessive restrictions. Don’t forget that comfort protects you from the bitterness of failure. Pleasure for a couple of minutes sometimes turns into constant suffering. Stressing before exams is a good way to master the material, but it should be rare.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. Limitations begin with absolute isolation on oneself. A person resides in the deep layers of his own individuality, being alone with it. Since this is a very necessary process, a favorable outcome of the situation is observed.
  2. Self-absorption must end sooner or later, and if you don’t hurry up to get out, you can invite trouble yourself. The I Ching book's interpretation of this strong trait connects it with the need to expand its activities. It is required to cover a wide range of one's own environment.
  3. Exit to the external environment becomes an integral part of the situation for life development. Here a person must be able to limit himself, revealing internal restraining incentives. Then you can get out of any situation with due dignity.
  4. A multidimensional study of the pictogram shows that everything has already been achieved in the inner life, so that the person is confident in his own actions. You need to learn to set goals and limit activities in order to develop calmly and independently.
  5. The inner and outer worlds are in harmony, so a person experiences pleasure from restrictions. It is even possible to accomplish great things that will be noticed and highly appreciated from the outside.
  6. The former balance of the situation has exhausted itself. The Chinese Book of Changes associates the meaning of this position with external restrictions that are difficult and oppressive for a person. Persistence only leads to unhappiness, so you need to move on to further work on yourself. Then repentance for past mistakes will fade away.

Expanded interpretation of the sign

At the last stage of life, it was necessary to move away from others in order to engage in self-improvement. The task was perfectly accomplished, but it is no longer possible not to notice the isolation of a person, which creates a real danger. Being disconnected from society makes every day hectic, and the situation gradually begins to get out of control.

Now it is important to limit the growing chaos, and not to continue moving in the original direction. Such changes will have a positive impact on relations with the world, Yijing says. The Book of Changes connects the interpretation of the sphere of communication during this period with receiving useful criticism of one’s own ideas and projects. You can also find sympathetic people who will provide assistance in the future.

Before planning a vacation or work, you should listen to the advice of loved ones, because you can find other attractive areas of activity and lure luck into your network. Isolation is a temporary period; it should not be repeated and become an end in itself.

Life at the moment resembles a stopping place, where a clear framework for further existence is formed. Stopping before endless success without an external threat is a huge courage and a long overcoming of temptation, but right now you need to take a sober look at your affairs. A full study of the sign shows that the constant flood of water, which was discussed in the previous hexagram, turns into a flood due to the immoderation of desires and needs.

A person who is naturally very modest and has a moderate attitude towards money and health will not experience stress in the new stage of life. But to do this, you need to get used to proper food, daily routine, and a stable state of mind in advance. To some, such an individual will seem boring, gray and unemotional. But in the end, the one who restrains himself will be the winner and the seer of the future.

The meaning of the Jie hexagram is the limitation of any resources on a voluntary basis. It is useful for a person to either apply his saving skills, or develop them to save money, efforts, relationships. The fulfillment of your dream will not take long to come true if you have enough patience.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • There is a rooster on the roof. The personification of the latest news with the first bird calls.
  • The fish jumping out of the fire is identified with escaping death through a small loophole.
  • According to the I Ching book, heavy rain expresses donations to various areas.
  • There is a dog in the well. This picture speaks of bullying a person who is unlucky.
  • The sun with eyelashes symbolizes a change in fate for the better after the clouds part.
  • The central image is of sailing without wind on a sailboat, during which nothing happens.
  • The main symbol is the change of seasons.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wan

  1. The Jie symbol expresses a bamboo stalk, therefore the middle of the hexagram (the extreme line of the lower trigram and the first line of the upper trigram) symbolizes inner emptiness.
  2. The hexagram refers to November, therefore it is favorable in summer or spring, but bad in autumn-winter.
  3. Multidimensional study of the pictogram says that the plan for adjusting life is too harsh and needs to be softened, but then strictly followed.

How to interpret a symbol for fortune telling

  • In business, even failed businesses from the past gain a second wind. All projects have taken on new colors, so circumstances are changing very quickly and successfully.
  • Politics and public affairs will be successful if moderation and accuracy are observed in everything. There is no need to lose the opportunities of Heaven. According to the Chinese book, vows and commandments should now be observed to enhance success.
  • Love relationships develop trustingly and calmly. The stage of creating a family and organizing marriage begins. Confidence is also distinguished by interpersonal contacts built on respect. Children are pleased with their obedience, and all minor problems gradually disappear.
  • In the area of ​​health, it is recommended to pay attention to the abuse of carnal pleasures. There is a risk of sexually transmitted diseases and skin ailments.

Hexagram 60 is an interpretation of a moderate strategy of behavior in all areas of human life. Any vigorous activity and every passion requires a framework for prosperity and further strengthening.

Golden book of fortune-telling Sudina Natalya

Hexagram No. 60 Limitation (Limitation)

B.H. Your time has come, actively get down to business, but, of course, remembering the necessary forethought, otherwise all efforts will go to waste. Do not accept too hastily an offer that has just been made to you or is about to be made. It is quite possible that it is much less beneficial to you than it seems at first glance. The same applies to your new loves and friendships. Reasonable and realistic wishes will come true. This is not the right time for travel or long trips. Remember the proverb: “Don’t dig a hole for others, you yourself will fall into it.”

G.S. It is necessary to moderate your appetites and strengthen self-control. Have courage and move forward. External activity is favorable. Be content with little and you will find more. Guided by this principle, achieve your goals. You are reaping the fruits of your own ignorance. Try to accept this as inevitable.

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Restrictions on the use of the book This e-book is free for non-commercial use and distribution, provided that you do not change the text of the book. The original book (the current version of the translation) is always available on the website of the electronic publishing house Ex

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Hexagram No. 41 Decrease (Decrease) B.H. What you give to others today, tomorrow fate will return to you with interest. Perhaps now it seems to you that you are too wasteful, that you give too much to others, but this impression will soon pass and you will be generous.

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Your life is chaotic, there are too many uncertainties. Share your plans with other people, you will receive a number of valuable tips. If you receive a tempting offer, do not grab it right away - it is likely that it is not as profitable as it seems at first glance. Be careful about new acquaintances and love affairs. It is likely that after some time you will be very disappointed in your new acquaintances. Do not intrigue or intrigue others - in the end it will turn against you.

your wish

To fulfill your desire, the main thing is patience. Don't try to get everything at once, it won't bring anything good.

Explanation of the hexagram

full explanation of the 60th hexagram → Tse: Limitation

Explanation of each trait

explanation of the hexagram features from bottom to top

During the process of fragmentation and individualization, its disadvantage may be its non-stop nature. It must be taken within a certain framework. If in the previous one the image of ripples on the water was given, and it was not indicated in any way that this water is limited, then the thought could arise: this water will spill, in other words, this process of individualization can go further and further, and its internal contradictions themselves can lead to exhaustion. Therefore, it is replaced by the process of limitation. This is expressed figuratively in the hexagram by the fact that the trigram “water” is placed above the trigram “reservoir”. So, water was introduced into the channel, introduced into the banks. Thus, a limitation is given. This limitation serves development, because development presupposes the creation of new values, and if there were no limitation, then individualization, which has no stop, would not lead to the creation of new values, because nothing could survive in this process, everything would be subject to decay. farther and farther. Thus, the grief that could arise as a result of unceasing fragmentation is also subject to limitation, for, like everything else, it cannot remain unchanged forever. Therefore the text here says: Limitation. Accomplishment. Grief is limited. It cannot be persistent.

In the first position, the limitation manifests itself in the image of maximum isolation. Since the first position represents being in the very depths of individuality, here a person does not leave himself anywhere, he is limited in himself. Having realized himself as an individual, he remains only alone with himself. From the context of the previous hexagrams it followed that such a stay in oneself could lead to unfavorable consequences. However, since the process of limitation is considered here as necessary, the “Book of Changes” speaks of a favorable outcome, because such a process is necessary here. So, in the text we read: In the beginning there is a strong line. You can't leave the courtyard. There will be no blasphemy.

If such a stay in oneself, as indicated above, is necessary, it is only for a certain period of time, because maintaining the previous state during the subsequent stage only leads to misfortune. If a person even extended his activity a little further than was possible and necessary in the previous position, but did not achieve the wide coverage of his environment that is required in such a period of time, then this would only lead to misfortune. The text here says: The strong trait comes second. You will not leave the outer courtyard. Misfortune.

In the third position, a way out becomes necessary, so the text does not even mention its presence here, because such a way out will come by itself if a person has reached this third position in the development of his life situation. However, when going outside, a person must find restraining incentives within himself and must be able to limit himself. If he takes this into account, then he can get out of this situation with dignity. The text says it this way: Weakness comes in third place. If you don't limit yourself, you'll have something to sigh about. There will be no blasphemy.

Everything that needs to be done in the inner life is achieved here. A person can acquire a certain confidence in his actions. If he finds in himself the ability to set a goal for himself and set limits to his activities, then a person can achieve that peace of mind that arises from the ability to limit himself, and that further development that comes as a result of independent conduct of his actions. That's why the text here says: The weak point is in fourth place. You will find peace in limitation. Accomplishment.

A characteristic feature of the fifth position is balance, equal distance from both extremes. Such harmony, which manifests itself both outside and inside, leads to the fact that a person can find pleasure in his limitation. But a person acting from this position, if he proceeds from its essence, can only accomplish great things - those that evoke praise from the people around him. That's why the text here says: The strong trait is in fifth place. Sweet restriction. Happiness. If you perform, you will be praised.

The balance characteristic of the previous position has already been lost here. Therefore, the limitation is perceived here as something external. Symbolically, this is already expressed in the position itself, which is the outermost position of the hexagram. Therefore, the limitation that arises here can be experienced as something sad and oppressive. Persistent stay in such a state can only cause unhappiness. Here one should take into account the transitional nature of this position, move on to the next situation of the degree of the process of limitation and strive to work on oneself within the framework that was already set in the previous one. If this is taken into account, then remorse for previous mistakes may disappear. Therefore, in the text here you should see two aphorisms: one characterizing the objectivity of this situation, and the second - the absence of repentance as a result of a correctly understood and corrected situation. So, the text here says: There is a weak line at the top. Bitter limitation. Resilience is unfortunate. Repentance will disappear.