How long does it take to develop a habit? And then the problem appeared

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Often, to achieve important goals in life, a person needs to acquire new habits. How to do this correctly?

Surely each of us at least once in our lives is faced with the need to acquire a new habit. It could be anything: getting up early, eating healthy, exercising in the morning, varied workouts, etc. It all depends on the goals you set for yourself and the methods by which you plan to achieve these goals.

And, as practice shows, starting a new, especially useful, habit is not so easy. For three days now, it seems, I’ve been getting up at five in the morning – and now every day will be the same. But no. After several days of “exemplary behavior,” you only need to oversleep just once, and lo and behold, the habit is gone.

Another example that is quite well known to many ladies is diets. When you endure it, you endure it for two days, three, four, and on the fifth... at night you find yourself near the refrigerator, devouring rolls and sausages. Sound familiar? But I decided quite seriously: I won’t eat junk food! Only vegetables and fruits! Why doesn't it work? Let's figure it out.

So, first you need to decide what a habit is? The word seems to be familiar, but everyone interprets it differently.

In general, a habit is a certain pattern of behavior that has developed over time, the implementation of which becomes a need. This is a certain “unshakable truth” that is operating in your life at a given time. And giving it up or changing it to something that you think is more suitable is sometimes not at all easy.

It's like quitting smoking. It seems like there is nothing complicated - you wake up in the morning and you no longer smoke. But why then do so many people fail to quit? What's stopping them? I even remembered an anecdote on this topic: “I don’t understand how people can’t quit smoking? I’ve already quit a hundred times!”

But at the same time, thousands of people around us are successfully “starting” new good habits. And they succeed. Perhaps they know something that we are not aware of? Let's try to open the curtain.

Stages of Habit Formation

The most important thing to always remember is that desire alone is not enough to develop a habit. Of course, it is very important to understand what you really want, but at the same time you need to work and act.

So, the stages of developing a habit:

1. Decision making. This is a very important stage, it is the starting point for habit formation. At this stage, a person asks himself questions: “What do I want? How can I achieve this? What habits can help me with this? ”, and, after identifying the necessary habit, he decides to develop it for himself.

At this stage, the main thing is not to fall into the trap of “unfounded promises” to yourself, because in this case the decision will remain simply in words, without being supported by action.

2. One-time action. If you decide, for example, to get up early, do it at least once. Move.

3. Repeat two days in a row. This is already more difficult than getting up early once. It will require some effort on your part.

4. Repeat daily for a week. This task is already more difficult, especially if you take into account the social factor - there are no days off in forming habits, so you will have to get up early on both Saturday and Sunday.

5. Repeat for 21 days. This time is considered minimal for habit formation. If you managed not to “move out”, this is already a great reason to be proud of yourself!

6. Repeat for 40 days. During this time, according to scientists, the habit is developed and consolidated 100% until the opposite is developed. After this period, you can already relax a little - the usual thing will be done easily, without effort or “forcing” yourself.

Why, in fact, is 21 days necessary to form a habit? Why not 10, not 30, not 50? Who came up with this number?

As it turns out, this number has a scientific basis. An interesting experiment was conducted in the USA. Each member of the created experimental group (a total of 20 people participated) was given special glasses, the lenses of which turned the image upside down. Participants in the experiment had to wear them all the time, 24 hours a day.

After a certain time, the participants’ brains learned to flip the image themselves and began to perceive it as normal. The brain adapted to inverted pictures. The peak of such revolutions occurred precisely on the twenty-first day.

But, as soon as people stopped wearing these glasses for at least one day, the brain returned to normal function, and it took 21 days to reverse the image again!

Thus, during the experiment it was found that habit formation occurs in 21 days. But every pass takes us back to the first day. Even if in fact he is the twentieth.

What to do with “breakdowns”?

Undoubtedly, a person who has a very strong motivation to develop a habit will find the strength not to “break.” For example, if you have to go to work by 8 am, and it takes at least an hour to get there, then you will have to get up no later than 6 am, even if you are a hopeless night owl. But, if you really like your work, you get sufficient moral and material satisfaction from it, most likely, you will easily develop the habit of getting up early. And no special coercion is needed.

But if you don’t have very high motivation, it’s very easy to break down. I overslept once and off we went. One cake is not scary. And two, three, four... and now the habit is gone.

What can you advise in this case? The recipes are not new at all:

1. Work with motivation. If you want to form a new habit, knowing that “this is how it should be,” you won’t deceive your brain with this wording. He will answer you: “Who needs it? To me? For what? I already have a good life,” and he will be right.

People for the most part tend to do only what is necessary, what they cannot do without. Why improve something that already works?

To cope with this situation, come up with good motivation for yourself. Realize for yourself what this or that new habit will give you. What prospects await you in the future thanks to her? How will your life improve? How much brighter and richer will it become? You must imagine this as clearly and clearly as possible. This is the only way you will really want to achieve, firstly, your goals, and secondly, consolidating the habits leading to them.

2. Maintain regularity. Even if you do something for 21 days, but skip the fifth, eighth, twelfth and twentieth days, this is not yet forming a habit. Each omission devalues ​​the previous efforts spent. You have to start from day one again. Therefore, try to survive all these days without “absenteeism”.

3. Put in enough effort. Nobody said it was easy. On the contrary, it will most likely be very difficult. Use all your willpower, and victory will definitely be yours! After all, you understand why you need this, what it will lead to, which means you probably have enough strength and patience to achieve the desired results and not give up!

Overall, the process of forming habits can be quite fun and interesting. The main thing is to set your priorities correctly and firmly pursue your goals.

All successful people were able at one time to put habits to their service. And to add more luck and prosperity to your life, you should listen to the advice of the “successful people of this world.” And the recommendations are:

1. Plan. Make a plan or schedule for the day, week, month, year. Hourly daily planning helps to avoid “time holes” - wasting precious hours on unnecessary, unconstructive, and unproductive tasks. But plans are very useful for forming habits.

2. Introduce several habits at once. Wholesale is not only cheaper, but also easier. For example, get up early and do exercises. Or add a contrast shower. All these habits will begin to be closely intertwined with each other, and by doing one thing, you will automatically begin to do the second.

3. Challenge yourself sometimes. Test your stamina and endurance. Who said you can't and won't cope? Not so! Prove to yourself what you are capable of. Nothing stimulates the formation of good habits more than an exciting competition, but not with someone from the outside, but with yourself! You won’t even notice how, in parallel with the development of a new habit, such important qualities as perseverance in achieving goals, discipline, and the ability to self-control will be formed.

4. Strive for continuous development and self-improvement. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Learn something new, work on yourself, and these grains will bring a good harvest.

5. Periodically go on an “information diet.” This means stop watching TV and aimlessly surfing the web. Read and watch what brings you closer to your goal, helps your professional growth and development, and enriches you. There is a lot of negativity in the media. Think: do you need it?

In any case, if you do not live alone in the forest, you are unlikely to be completely isolated from the world. If something out of the ordinary happens, you will definitely be informed about it. But the nerves will be intact. As well as productive time.

6. Be sure to include physical activity in your life. Even a short exercise in the morning is not just a good habit that will keep you healthy. It is also a huge contribution to the energy bank, bringing daily dividends in the form of a charge of vigor and strength necessary to complete important tasks. Not to mention the fact that you will have to forget about drowsiness, malaise and the phrase: “I don’t have the strength...”.

7. Smile! You've probably noticed that successful people always make a positive impression on others. First of all, this is the merit of a smile. The ability and desire to smile is a good, healthy habit. Every morning stand in front of the mirror and “keep your smile” for 3 minutes. Over time, the smile will begin to “turn on” automatically. However, this is what you need! Just 3 minutes a day will help you become a successful person. Isn't this a reason to try?

All these simple tips are designed to make your life better. After all, if this does not happen, then why try, what to strive for? Good habits help you live not only longer, but also brighter, more efficient, and richer. Would you agree that it's a decent price to pay for a little work?

The habits you need and a happy life!

Ask Google how long it takes to form a habit, and you'll probably find out that it only takes 21 days. Alternatively: 18, 28 or even 31 days. The numbers vary, but there is no clear answer. Many experts believe that if you simply repeat a behavior pattern for a certain number of days, it is bound to become a habit. But you yourself know that some habits are formed instantly, while others take a very long time and are difficult.

The duration of this process depends on the strength and stability of the old behavioral model. Getting into the habit of eating healthy will take longer for those who ate ice cream every day for ten years than for those who ate it once a week. Instead of focusing on a specific deadline, try using the following strategies to speed up the process.

1. Set yourself small but specific goals

If you're working on developing a habit, you probably have big goals, like keeping your house tidy regularly or going to the gym every other day. They're necessary for your long-term motivation, but they won't help you develop and stick to new habits. Why? Imagine setting an abstract goal to “be more organized.” It's very vague and blurry, so you won't be able to track your own progress. Even if you, say, organize everything in your closet in one day, you will still be upset when you look at your messy kitchen. A habit is a repeated action, so define a small, specific behavioral goal. For example, instead of “be more organized,” try “do laundry and vacuum every Sunday morning.” This goal works because it is specific. This is a behavioral pattern that you can repeat over and over again until it becomes automatic, that is, habitual.

2. Make the process easier on yourself.

Let's say you want to switch to a healthy diet. You're motivated to make changes and you enjoy eating healthy, so why not get into the habit? Think about the psychological barriers that might be stopping you. Maybe you're too tired to cook after work, so you end up ordering pizza. Consider ways to get around the barrier. You can take a day off each week to prepare food for the next five days. In other words, to avoid giving up on yourself, think about ways to remove such barriers and make habit formation easier.

3. Find someone who will control you

This “controlling body” increases motivation. We may sometimes fall short of our own internal expectations, but we hate not meeting the expectations of others. Use psychology to your advantage by involving another person in the process. He can encourage you, stimulate you and demand from you an account of the work already done on yourself. If you want to get into the habit of going to the gym regularly, find a friend who also wants to and create a shared workout schedule. On those days when you want to lie on the couch and be lazy, remember that you are letting a friend down.

4. Use external and internal reminders

Experiment with sticky notes, making lists, setting daily alarms on your phone, or using any other tool to create external reminders. Remember that the process of forming a new behavioral model means abandoning the old one. In addition to creating reminders for appropriate behavior, you may need to remind yourself not to throw dirty clothes on the floor, for example. Internal reminders are also important. If you find yourself trapped in an unhelpful thought process, break the pattern. Choose a positive and supportive mantra. If you find yourself thinking, “I hate going to the gym,” counter it with the opposite thought, “...but I love how my body feels after working out.”

5. Give yourself enough time

Remember that habit formation is not a straight and smooth road. If you miss one day, don't panic or suffer. One small mistake won't undo all the work you've already done. Developing new habits takes time, but with the right strategic approach, you can definitely do it.