A statement about the inner man of a young man. Quotes and aphorisms by K.G

Carl Gustav Jung is a Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of one of the areas of depth psychology - analytical psychology. Jung considered the task of analytical psychology to be the interpretation of archetypal images that arise in patients. We have collected 20 quotes from Freud's student that will help you understand yourself and accept this world, not be afraid of difficulties and draw the right conclusions from trials and pain...

1. “Do not hold back someone who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who comes to you will not come.”

2. “Everything that irritates others can lead to understanding oneself.”

3. “Just because you're a gifted person doesn't mean you got anything. It means you have something to give."

4. “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.”

5. “The heaviest burden that falls on a child’s shoulders is the unlived life of his parents.”

6. “Without pain there is no awareness”

7. “Your vision will only become clear if you can look into your heart. He who looks outside sees only dreams, he who looks within awakens.”

8. “Loneliness is not caused by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.”

9. “Show me a mentally healthy person, and I will cure him”

10. “We reach into the past, to our parents, and forward, to our children, into a future that we will never see, but which we want to take care of.”

11. “What you resist remains.”

12. “Depression is like a lady in black. If she comes, don’t drive her away, but invite her to the table as a guest and listen to what she intends to say.”

13. “Sometimes, hands cope with a riddle that the intellect is powerless to solve.”

14. “A dream is a small, well-hidden door that leads to that primordial cosmic night, which was the soul before the emergence of consciousness”

Carl Jung - Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, creator of analytical psychology. He developed many concepts, and the concepts of extroverted and introverted personality types, archetype, collective unconscious, etc., are still used in psychiatry. In contrast to Freud's pessimism, Jung always offered a path to harmony.

Many of Carl Jung's quotes on life are widely known and are as profound today as they were when he wrote them.

1. “There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for life.”
Jung believed that everyone must live their true life, otherwise a person will suffer. In his book The Undiscovered Self, Jung argued that the cause of many problems is "the progressive alienation of man from his instinctual basis."

In other words, live your life and let other people live, remembering that your interests may not coincide with the interests of other people.

2. “Faith, hope, love and discernment are the highest achievements of human endeavor.”
We see that in the modern world, material things play the most important role. People use the latest technology, wear the best clothes, and live in comfortable homes.

Jung believed that the ultimate goal of any person’s life is to achieve an understanding of his true essence, and only then can he feel happy and self-sufficient.

3. “Even a happy life is not complete without dark moments.”
There has been and is a lot of discussion in psychological circles about how to be happy. In any case, you need to understand that on the path to happiness you will have to overcome a stage shrouded in darkness.

As Jung said, days are the same length as nights, and without experiencing sadness, it is impossible to be happy. This is probably one of the most profound quotes from Carl Jung.

4. “The privilege of life is to become who you really are.”
Jung believed that only a person living an authentic life can be called self-sufficient.

He talked a lot about people searching for the real self and the different parts of their personality that also need to be recognized.

5. “Everything depends on how you look at things, not on what they are in themselves.”
Perception is a wonderful thing, isn't it? We all face situations that can be interpreted in completely different ways, it's all up to us.

Jung explained that because our behavior is shaped by previous experiences and future aspirations, we can perceive the same situation in many different ways. The main thing is to understand this when we make assumptions.

Jung said that true loneliness occurs when we find ourselves “unable to communicate about things that seem important, or when our views are unacceptable to others.”

7. “Your heart knows the answer.”
Jung talked about our subconscious and consciousness of ourselves, and that we must learn to listen to the inner voice that tells us whether we are on the right path in life or not. He believed that our hearts know the answer; others call it intuition, but, in essence, it is the same thing.

8. “You can’t change anything unless you accept it.”
You've probably often heard people say that they can't help someone unless they want it. Jung believed that it is impossible to change a situation unless you acknowledge and accept it. This is probably one of the most important quotes and ideas from Carl Jung.

This may be an awareness of some dark side of one’s personality. It can also be an understanding that we all wear a mask to the world around us, our “persona archetype,” while the real “I” is significantly different from the artificially created image.

9. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I decided to become.”
The essence of one of Jung's main theories is that the environment plays little role in shaping our personality. And if we can recognize all our weaknesses and shortcomings, we can become who we want to be. Nature and nurture should not hold us back.

10. “He who looks outside dreams. He who looks within awakens."
Finally, Jung believed that the only way to truly understand yourself is to look inside yourself to explore your deepest feelings and desires. We cannot improve ourselves or achieve our selfhood by looking from the outside, the answer always lies only within ourselves.

Carl Jung - Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology. Jung considered the task of analytical psychology to be the interpretation of archetypal images that arise in patients.

Quotes and sayings by Carl Jung that will allow you to know yourself better

Just because you are a gifted person does not mean you have received anything. This means you have something to give.

What is the difference between a genius and a madman? The madman sees, but does not know how to convey it. And a genius can translate this into the language of consciousness.

A subject that gives rise to anxiety is the first step towards art.

Follow that will and that path which experience confirms as your own, that is, as the true expression of your own individuality.

I am not what happened to me, I am what I decided to become.

Meeting yourself is one of the most unpleasant.

Any kind of addiction is bad, be it addiction to alcohol, drugs or idealism.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own soul.

If we are not aware of what is happening inside us, then from the outside it seems to us that this is fate.

Everything that irritates others can lead to understanding oneself.

He who has not gone through the purgatory of his own passions has not overcome them to the end.

We may think that we are in complete control of ourselves. However, a friend can easily tell us things about us that we have no idea about.

Only our deeds show who we are.

Fanaticism is a sign of suppressed doubt... If a person is truly convinced that he is right, he is absolutely calm and can discuss the opposite point of view without a shadow of indignation...

A healthy person does not mock others. The one who has suffered torment becomes the tormentor.

The more a person’s life is permeated by collective norms, the more immoral the individual is...

Who knows the way to the eternally fertile lands of the soul? You look for a path only in appearance, you study books and listen to all sorts of opinions. What is so good about it? There is only one way, and that is your way.

Even a happy life is not without its dark moments, and the word “happiness” would be meaningless if it were not balanced by sadness. It is best to accept what is happening carefully and calmly.

The fact is that a person necessarily needs ideas and beliefs that give meaning to his life and allow him to find his place in the universe. He will overcome the most incredible challenges, being convinced of why he is doing it. But when all the troubles are over, he can suffer a crushing defeat when he learns that he is participating in an idiotic and senseless undertaking.

There is no more hypocritical whore than the intellect when it replaces the heart.

What you resist remains.

Don't hold back someone who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who comes to you will not come.

Your vision will only become clear if you can look into your heart. He who looks outside sees only dreams, he who looks within awakens.

When you are not aware of what is happening inside you, on the outside it seems like fate.

Quotes and sayings by Carl Jung aboutraising children

The heaviest burden that falls on a child’s shoulders is the unlived life of his parents.

Children learn from an adult's example, not from his words.

Children are raised by what an adult is, not by what he says. Widespread belief in words is a real disease of the mind.

Children, of course, are not as stupid as we think. They are too good at noticing what is real and what is fake.

Quotes from Carl Jung about the origins of mental disorders

Being “normal” is the ideal for the loser, for all those who have not yet managed to rise to the level of general requirements. But for those whose abilities are much above average, for whom it was not difficult to achieve success by doing their share of worldly work, for such people the framework of the norm means a Procrustean bed, unbearable boredom, hellish hopelessness and hopelessness. As a result, many become neurotic because they are simply normal, while others suffer from neurosis because they cannot become normal.

... problems are resolved when a person begins to understand that interpersonal conflicts often arise due to different ways of perceiving the world, and not as a result of egocentrism or malicious intent.

Depression is like a lady in black. If she comes, do not drive her away, but invite her to the table as a guest, and listen to what she intends to say.

Neurosis is always a replacement for natural suffering.

Lack of meaning in life plays a critical role in the etiology of neurosis. Ultimately, neurosis should be understood as the suffering of a soul that does not find its meaning...

A person who has not burned out in the hell of his own passions cannot defeat them. And they are hiding nearby, in a neighboring house, which he does not even imagine. And the flames could spread at any moment and burn down the house that he considers his own. What we are moving away from, avoiding, supposedly forgetting, is dangerously close to us. And eventually it will return, but with a vengeance.

At the heart of all mental illnesses is an unwillingness to experience deserved suffering.

Quotes, aphorisms and reflections of Carl Jung about life

As a person, betraying his own law, misses the opportunity to become an individual, he loses the meaning of his life. Fortunately, the forgiving and long-suffering nature has never put the fatal question about the meaning of life in the mouths of most people. And if no one asks, there is no need to answer.

Life is vanity only for those who chase vanity.

Life means nothing until there is a thinking person who could interpret its phenomena.

The main misconception of society is that there are answers, “solutions” or views that just need someone to express them, bringing the necessary clarity.

But as numerous examples of history show, real truth means nothing until it has become a personal inner experience.

The psychological rule says that if the internal situation is not realized, it turns into external events.

Everyone knows that people today have complexes... but what is not so well known is that we can have complexes.

People will do anything they can, no matter how absurd, to avoid coming face to face with their soul.

We reach into the past, to our parents, and forward, to our children, into a future that we will never see, but which we want to take care of.

The sad truth is that human life consists of a complex of inexorable opposites - day and night, birth and death, happiness and suffering, good and evil. We are not even sure that one will prevail over the other, that good will triumph over evil, or joy over pain. Life is a battlefield. It has always existed and will always exist; if it were not so, life would come to an end.

Many crises in our lives have a long unconscious history. We go through it step by step, unaware of the danger that accumulates. But what we consciously try not to notice is often captured by our unconscious, which transmits information in the form of dreams.

Sleep is a hidden little door leading to the most secret and intimate corners of the soul and opening into the cosmic night.

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.

Loneliness is not caused by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.

He who looks into the mirror of water sees first of all his own reflection. He who goes to himself risks meeting himself.
The mirror does not flatter, it faithfully reflects the face that we never show to the world, hiding it behind the Persona, behind the actor's mask. The mirror shows our true face. This is the test of courage on the path into the depths, a test that is enough for most to recoil, since meeting oneself is one of the most unpleasant.

What is the difference between a genius and a madman? What does it mean to “be normal”? How to cure neurosis? Freud's famous student Carl Gustav Jung gives unusual answers, showing us the magic of the human soul. He writes that for him, “magical” is just another word for psychic. Maybe that's why we perceive his quotes as revelations. They leave a deep mark on our hearts.

  1. Knowing the darkness within yourself is the best way to deal with the darkness in others.
  1. Consider life as a dream among a thousand dreams, and each dream as a certain approach to reality. You can get into it if you have a magic key.
  1. Sleep is a hidden little door that leads to the most secret and intimate corners of the soul and opens into the cosmic night.
  1. Don't hold back someone who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who comes to you will not come.
  1. People will do anything they can, no matter how absurd, to avoid coming face to face with their soul.
  1. What you resist remains.
  1. I am not what happened to me, I am what I decided to become.
  1. Your vision will only become clear if you can look into your heart. Those who look outside see only dreams.
  1. Just because you are a gifted person does not mean you have received anything. This means you have something to give.
  1. There is no doubt that the shock of emotional experience is often necessary to make people wake up and take notice of what they are doing.
  1. What we consciously try not to notice is often captured by our unconscious, which transmits information in the form of dreams.
  1. What is the difference between a genius and a madman? The madman sees, but does not know how to convey it. And a genius can translate this into the language of consciousness.
  1. To be “normal” is the ideal for the loser, for all those who have not yet managed to rise to the level of general requirements. But for those who are much above average, for whom it was not difficult to achieve success by doing their share of worldly work, for such people the framework of the norm means a Procrustean bed, unbearable boredom, hellish hopelessness and hopelessness. As a result, many become neurotic because they are simply normal, while others suffer from neurosis because they cannot become normal.
  1. Everyone is separated from each other by secrets, and deceptive bridges of opinions and illusions lead across the gaps between people instead of a strong bridge of recognition.
  1. The heaviest burden that falls on a child’s shoulders is the unlived life of his parents.
  1. Loneliness is not caused by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.
  1. Depression is like a lady in black. If she comes, do not drive her away, but invite her to the table as a guest, and listen to what she intends to say.
  1. Man is an animal that has gone mad. There are two ways out of this madness: he must become an animal again; or become more than human.
  1. Ultimately, neurosis should be understood as the suffering of a soul that does not find its meaning. About a third of my cases are suffering not from some clinically detectable neurosis, but from the meaninglessness and aimlessness of one’s own life.
  1. If we are not aware of what is happening inside us, then from the outside it seems to us that this is fate.
  1. Everything that irritates others can lead to understanding oneself.
  1. They say that no tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach hell. The ambiguity of movement is inherent in the nature of the pendulum.
  2. There is little value in knowing when someone else is making a mistake. It is much more interesting to know when you yourself commit it, because then there is an opportunity to somehow correct it. What we could improve in others is usually of dubious usefulness, if it achieves anything at all.
  3. Arrogance comes before a fall.
  1. We may think we are in complete control of ourselves; however, a friend can easily tell us things about us that we have no idea about.
  1. He who is afraid needs dependence, just as a weak person needs support.

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