Russian architectural universities: rating, description, features and reviews. Sibstrin opened its doors to applicants

Sibstrin opened its doors to applicants

On November 8, 2014, an Open Day was held at NGASU (Sibstrin). It brought together future applicants and their parents not only from Novosibirsk and the region, but also from neighboring regions and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Numerous guests were greeted by Sibstrin students, introduced to the program of this busy day, handed out booklets with information about directions and specialties, and conducted familiarization tours of the main building and campus of the university. Faculties' stands were organized, where high school students and their parents could find out the necessary information about studying at faculties and departments, student life, and ask questions that interested them. In the hall of the third floor there was an exhibition “University Arbat”, during which everyone got acquainted with the works of students and teachers of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, and some received a souvenir of their portrait drawn by AGF students. As always, the guys from the Pilgrim theater studio were at their best: they artistically and cheerfully entertained the guests.

– I came to see the university and decide on the choice of faculty. I’m choosing between construction, environmental engineering and the faculty of engineering and information technologies,” said Alexander Shkabara, an 11th grade student at the City Classical Lyceum (Kemerovo). – I really like it here, I was especially impressed by the hydraulics laboratory that we were shown during the excursion.

An information and entertainment program was held for applicants in the Assembly Hall of NGASU (Sibstrin). The rector of the university, Yuri Leonidovich Skolubovich, made a welcoming speech and a meaningful presentation of Sibstrin, the oldest construction university beyond the Urals and the first higher educational institution in Novosibirsk.

“I am very glad to see all of you within the walls of our university,” Yuri Leonidovich addressed those gathered in the hall. – The education received at NGASU (Sibstrin) is highly rated among production workers, which gives our students the opportunity to start working in their second or third year, and graduates are guaranteed employment in their specialty. We work closely with the heads of construction organizations in Novosibirsk, many of them are members of the University Board of Trustees. Sibstrin is proud of its student construction teams, which work on various interesting construction sites and sites throughout Russia. The teaching of basic disciplines at the university is carried out by candidates of sciences and professors. In addition to studies and science, we have developed all areas of amateur performances, social activities and sports. The university has a modern computer center, excellent dormitories, one of the best sports complex in the city and a sanatorium. I hope to see you in the summer among the applicants, and then among the students of our glorious Sibstrin!

The executive secretary of the admissions committee, Irina Vladimirovna Makarenko, spoke about the features of admission to the university for the 2015/2016 academic year. Thus, for the first time, when entering a university, additional points for individual achievements will be taken into account, which will be added to the sum of the three entrance tests. The maximum is 20 points: 10 of them are awarded for the final essay, assessed by teachers of our university. In addition, this year, upon admission to NGASU (Sibstrin), applicants will need to take specialized level mathematics. You can learn more about the admission rules, licensing documents and areas of training on the official website of the university. Irina Vladimirovna also reported the admission targets for the 2015/2016 academic year: 733 places for full-time study and 145 for part-time study.

Denis Valerievich Balchugov, a university graduate and deputy head of the Upper Ob Basin Water Administration, spoke about how Sibstrin directed his life in the right direction. He urged future applicants to make an informed choice of where to study and to make the most of all the opportunities that studying at the university can give a student. This applies to both knowledge and practical skills, as well as personal growth.

– First of all, Sibstrin taught me self-discipline and the understanding that there is no such thing as unnecessary knowledge. Everything that I was taught here, that I learned myself, helped and was useful to me in life and professional activity.

The continuation of the information and entertainment program was a creative concert prepared by the Center for Educational and Educational Work. Musical and dance performances were presented by the hip-hop team “Bizz Up”, the vocal studio “Megapolis” and the dance studio “Non-stop”.

Afterwards, presentation events took place at the faculties, at which applicants and their parents met with deans of faculties and heads of departments, as well as with representatives of the admissions committee and the Center for Pre-University Training and Career Guidance. Also, applicants were able to choose one of the proposed creative master classes. Sibstrin's leading teachers conducted master classes on drawing and reciprocal (self-supporting) structures, 3D modeling and micro-design processes, and preparation classes for the Unified State Exam in specialized disciplines: mathematics and physics. Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering N.V. spoke about the experience of Sibstrin students and teachers in solving urban environmental problems at her master class. Sineeva. She also informed the children about the opportunity to join the Russian-German youth environmental exchange programs and the work of the UNESCO International Chair, the opening of which is planned at the university in the near future. The business game “Business at the Highest Level” was conducted by a teacher of the Department of Planning, Finance and Accounting Yu.B. Kolozvary.

The development of engineering plans and drawings, the implementation of grandiose construction projects, the completion of the created object and its delivery to the customer - all this is the area of ​​professional activity of architects. In this article we will list the famous and most popular architectural universities in Russia among applicants, and with this we will answer the question of where to go for a graduate who wants to bring beauty into this world on a large scale.


This abbreviation stands for Moscow Architectural Institute, sometimes also called the State Academy. This history of which goes back more than two and a half centuries (despite the founding date of the institute itself in 1933 by a decision of the Politburo, in fact, it was the continuer of the traditions of the first specialized Moscow architectural school, established back in 1749), is a leader in graduating specialists in the field of architecture and construction. To be more precise, professionals in the field of reconstruction, restoration, and architectural design are trained here. The state academy itself was accredited by the world-famous organization RIBA, or the Royal Institute of Architects of Great Britain. Like some other architectural universities in Russia, MARCHI offers young people a deferment from the army that is relevant for them, and also, without exception, provides dormitory housing to all students in need. Within the walls of the institute you can obtain a state diploma in the following departments:

  • engineering and technical;
  • architectural design;
  • visual arts;
  • humanitarian education.

And for the following specialties, divided into separate profiles:

  • Design of Architectural Environment;
  • urban planning;
  • architecture.

Admission conditions and reviews about MARCHI

It is not easy for a school graduate to enroll here: for free education on a budgetary basis, you must provide the results of the Unified State Examination with an average score exceeding 74-76 units for 1 subject. In order to study on a commercial basis, you need to pass the Unified State Exam with an average score of 70-71 points, but enrollment also occurs with lower scores. In this case, you will have to pay up to 206,000 rubles per semester. The Institute is located at the address: Moscow, st. Rozhdestvenka, 11/4, building 1, page 4. Judging by the feedback from the user audience, spatial thinking is developing especially well at Moscow Architectural Institute. But according to those who have graduated, more work needs to be done on instilling in students the practical skills they need in the profession.

Architectural universities of Russia: MGSU

The full name of this educational institution is National Research University, which was established in 1921. Today, the university positions itself as a research center that, in addition to testing construction technologies and materials to improve the process of construction and operation of bridges, houses and communications, also produces first-class specialists from its doors. The university offers full-time, part-time and distance learning in the following institutes:

  • fundamental education;
  • mechanization and engineering-ecological construction;
  • architecture and construction;
  • energy and hydraulic engineering construction;
  • management, economics and information systems in real estate and construction;
  • at the branch of MGSU in Mytishchi.

Among other architectural universities in Russia, this research university stands out in that it offers students a wide range and choice of specialties, namely:

  • architecture;
  • management;
  • information technologies and systems;
  • communal infrastructure and housing;
  • metrology and standardization;
  • technosphere safety;
  • Applied Mathematics;
  • restoration of architectural heritage;
  • applied mechanics and many others.

The average Unified State Exam score for admission to MGSU must exceed 64 points. If it is not possible to get into a budget place with these or lower indicators, you will need to pay about 165,000 rubles or more for 1 semester for studying on a commercial basis. MGSU also offers students a dormitory.


This, at first glance, complex encryption hides the name of the St. Petersburg architectural university in Russia. It is impossible to imagine without this educational institution: founded back in 1832, the university today does not lose its relevance and popularity among applicants. This educational institution, classified as a state one, offers applicants both budget places, a dormitory, and 3 standard forms of education for the convenience of everyone (day, evening, correspondence), and the opportunity to choose a direction in the institutes:

  • professional retraining of specialists and advanced training;
  • construction and technical expertise;
  • road safety;
  • inspection and design of buildings, building structures and structures.

The university also operates faculties:

  • law and forensic examinations in transport and construction;
  • building;
  • architectural;
  • automobile and road;
  • urban management and environmental engineering;
  • continuous forms of education;
  • economics and Management.

An applicant can attend SPbGASU on a budgetary basis if each of his exam results exceeds 68.8 units (depending on the chosen specialty and the competition for applicants, this figure may vary). Otherwise, to receive education on a commercial basis you will need to pay from 84,000 rubles per semester (prices vary for different faculties).


Next, Russian universities invite us to Samara, where at the address st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 194, Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is located. This educational institution for higher education was founded in the 30th year of the last century. Today it is a reputable university not only in the city (8th place in the list of city universities), but also in the country (347th place in the all-Russian top list). The main profile is the field of training of certified architects and builders in the following specialties:

  • environmental management and technosphere safety;
  • management of technical systems;
  • construction technologies and techniques;
  • computer technology and information science;
  • fine and applied arts;
  • architecture;
  • economics and Management.

SGASU in figures and facts

Today the university has over 5 thousand students. It will not be difficult to enter here if the average score for 1 subject passed exceeds 64 units. The average cost of training ranges from 42 to 88 thousand rubles. SGASU is accredited and licensed and offers boys and girls the opportunity to live in a dormitory. The university also has a branch in the city of Belebey (Republic of Bashkortostan).


One of the best architectural universities in Russia is located in Novosibirsk - this is the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, founded in 1930. The average passing score on the Unified State Examination is about 60.1 units. The following faculties operate at the university:

  • architectural and construction;
  • engineering and environmental;
  • construction and technology;
  • 1st stage of higher education;
  • management and economics;
  • humanitarian education;
  • distance learning and branches;
  • information and engineering technologies;
  • on working with students - citizens of foreign countries.

Architecture and civil engineering universities in Russia: list of additional institutions

The above institutes and universities (by the way, all of them, importantly, belong to the state category) are not the only places to receive specialized education in the field of construction engineering. The list of architectural universities in Russia is much larger, and the choice of applicants is much richer. For example, you can also focus on the Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Voronezh, Tyumen, Tomsk, Kazan or Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and many others. It becomes obvious that educational institutions that prepare graduates in the construction and architectural fields today are based not only in the capital or large cities, which means that young people and girls from all over the country can study their favorite work.

  • Which Novosibirsk university is easiest to enroll in?

D Even in the most unfashionable university, in the most unfashionable specialty, there will definitely be at least one applicant with prohibitively high Unified State Examination scores. Since childhood, he has been convinced that his vocation is artificial insemination of Achatina snails, or he is determined to continue the family dynasty of masters in repairing steam boiler whistles. In short, as you understand, there is little point in comparing the best of the best.

Another thing is the “best of the worst,” those who barely jumped on the departing train and became the last to enroll in the second wave. It is they who will become reliable reference points for anxious 2018 applicants; it is they who (to be honest) say a lot about both the prospects of the university and the level of education in it.

For comparison, we used the minimum scores with which applicants managed to enroll in state-funded places in a particular specialty (bachelor’s or specialist’s degree) in state universities. If there were too many specialties at the university (as, for example, at NSTU or Pedagogical University), we took for comparison the lowest score in each department and indicated the specialty for which this applicant was accepted. Let's make a reservation right away - we did not consider universities and specialties that held their own creative selection competitions. As you understand, the decisive factor there was far from being the Unified State Exam scores.

Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

It is believed that the scores for admission to NSU should be prohibitively high, but this is true primarily for humanities specialties with an extremely low admission plan. To “break through” into linguistics or African studies, a student will really have to work hard.

As for more or less widespread specialties, the most difficult ones are to enroll in computer science and computer science and medical science (average score 84.3), the easiest is geology (71).

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)

High Unified State Exam scores will be required for applicants to enter non-core faculties that train humanists and businessmen. Also, NSTU is an excellent chance to become programmers for strong students, who, however, do not have enough points to enter NSU: the average score in the specialty “Mathematics and Information Technology Software” is 74.3, 10 lower than at NSU.

But it’s a bit of a shame for future heat and power engineers: an average score of 50 means they’re C students! It has become a little clearer why our utility bills are rising every year... However, this is good news for parents of future energy workers - you can save money on tutors.

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Novosibirsk State Medical University (NSMU)

What a shame, no, what a shame, that we find ourselves in the dentist’s chair with our mouth wide open, which is little conducive to intellectual conversation! Because titans of the spirit go to dentistry, people who are widely and diversified, methodical, disciplined and value knowledge above all else: the minimum average score for admission to a medical university is 90! No, of course, the requirements for Africanists at NSU are even higher, but... do you know many Africanists? And everyone has a familiar dentist, and he is a real hero of our time!

In general, NSMU still remains a university for excellent students - even the most unpopular specialty - pediatrics (which is a shame) - requires an average score above 70.

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Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM, Narkhoz)

NSU, ​​NSTU and NSMU can safely be considered the three leading universities in Novosibirsk; enrolling in all the others is much easier. True, only a brilliant young talent can still become a manager at Narxoz (the minimum average score is 84), but good students with an average score of 63 have a chance to study computer science at a respected university.

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Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), branch in Novosibirsk

An alternative to Narkhoz is a branch of the Civil Service Academy under the President of the Russian Federation. Of course, the Novosibirsk branch is a bit far from the president, but this does not affect the prestige of the educational institution in any way: to become a lawyer, an applicant will have to present a minimum average score of no lower than 85.3!

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Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (NSPU)

Learning English is still fashionable! The minimum average Unified State Exam score for admission is slightly above 80, which is a very high figure. The easiest way turned out to be to enroll in the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship (minimum score 167). In a word, only strong, good students become teachers - that’s right!

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Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SGUGiT)

SSUGiT is a university that is quite accessible to strong C students. If you can become a specialist in environmental management with an average score of 64, then optics (a very promising profession, by the way!) is available to those with an average score 10 points lower. Agree, to get an average score of 54-55 you don’t need to grab stars from the sky, you just need to study diligently!

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Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibGUTI)

Perhaps SibGUTI cannot boast of the smartest applicants, but it should be noted that this year the composition of the groups will be quite even: for several specialties at once the minimum passing score is equally beautiful - 200, and the admissions committee did not deviate far from this figure. Of all the applicants, there were the fewest people willing to master nanoelectronics - the minimum average score for this specialty was 58.7. Really "nano-" going out of fashion?

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Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (NSAU)

If you were planning to criticize the Unified State Exam, you can start. Because 43 points for a catering organizer... Well, if the applicant studies at the university without much stress, then perhaps it’s time to buy the “Eating at Home” collection. It should be noted that the specialty “landscape architecture” has recently become fashionable. Modern gardeners must be solid students with an average Unified State Examination score of at least 60.

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Siberian State Transport University (SGUPS)

One cannot help but be happy for the future of transport logistics - only excellent students with an average score of at least 70 are accepted there. Otherwise, this is an excellent university for ambitious C students. Do you dream of leading an international corporation, saving companies from bankruptcy, maybe just becoming a lawyer, but you didn’t get even 50 points on the Unified State Examination? Well, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your dream! SGUPS already believes in you!

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Siberian State University of Water Transport (SGUVT)

Do you want to become a transport logistician, but don’t have enough points to enter SGUPS? It doesn’t matter, there is SGUVT! Here (paradox!) this is the most unpopular specialty. An applicant with a score of 107 was admitted to the budget department. That is, he barely received a certificate, but this did not prevent him from continuing his education at the expense of taxpayers... We believe that at this point the discussion about the inaccessibility of higher education in Russia can be considered over. How accessible it is! On the other hand, really, what kind of logistics are there on the river? Especially with the flow: you float and float...

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Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NSASU, Sibstrin)

NGASU has always been a fallback option for those who did not qualify for the more creatively demanding NGUADI, where the emphasis is on art rather than construction. But it seems that it’s time to reconsider this point of view - enrolling in a number of specialties here is just as difficult as at NSU. However, the main specialty of the university - construction itself - is still available to most applicants; the minimum average score for admission is below 55.

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Novosibirsk Technological Institute (NTI)

The requirements for applicants planning to become geophysicists are lower than for future commodity scientists! Compare: 213 is the passing score for the State Humanitarian Faculty of NSU, 215 is the passing score for merchandising at NTI. so trade is still a prestigious specialty! By the way, much fewer people came to the institute to become technologists - the minimum average passing score is below 40, which raises serious concerns for the future of light industry. Not geophysics, of course, but it is still desirable to be a specialist with a sharp mind who loves innovation...

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Which Novosibirsk university is easiest to enroll in?

With what amount of points can you still get access to budget education at a specific university?

What conclusions can be drawn from our review?

    The devil is not as scary as he is painted! It is possible to enter a university in Novosibirsk with almost any Unified State Exam result (if, of course, you don’t care which university).

    If a diploma from a particular university is important to you, but the Unified State Examination results are not high, then you should look at related specialties - often the passing scores for them differ quite significantly. If a specific profession is important to you, the passing scores for the same specialty at different universities can vary by a hundred points. There is room for maneuver!

    Of course, it should be taken into account that this year’s graduates were born in 1999, one of the worst years from a demographic point of view. But even taking this into account, admitting graduates to the budget department who barely cleared the bar to receive a certificate is a dubious achievement. What will be the qualifications of a certified specialist who has barely mastered the school curriculum? Or is it like this ? Perhaps now you will have a different attitude towards the initiatives of the government, which is seeking to reduce the number of budget places in universities...

​Get ready to enter universities in 2018! Good luck to children and valerian to mothers!

Prepared by Ekaterina Ershova

Rector of NGASU (Sibstrin) to applicants: “ Everything will depend on you»

On June 20, 2016, the rector of NGASU (Sibstrin), Professor Yuri Leonidovich Skolubovich met with applicants and their parents. In a personal conversation, the head of the university spoke about the rules of admission to the university, the prospects for studying at Sibstrin, and also answered questions.

Opening the meeting, the rector noted that NGASU (Sibstrin) has a rich 86-year history and worthy graduates. Having moved to Novosibirsk in 1930 as the first construction university beyond the Urals, it became the basis for the development of the city. Many construction projects and structures in the fast-growing Novosibirsk were designed by teachers and graduates of Sibstrin. The colossal role of NGASU (Sibstrin) in the formation and development of Novosibirsk is described in the wonderful film “Sibstrin: Portrait against the Background of the City,” which Yuri Leonidovich advised applicants to watch.

The rector emphasized that over its history the university has graduated about 50 thousand highly qualified specialists and scientists. Among Sibstrin's graduates are prominent scientists and managers of leading construction companies in the Siberian Federal District and Russia, ministers, governors and chief architects of cities. “I can proudly say that graduates of our university achieve the greatest heights, and this is due not only to the fact that at our university you can get a quality education, but also to another Siberian tradition - we have a fairly strict school. Don't let this scare you: studying is not difficult if you set your priorities correctly. We try not only to give knowledge, but also to teach you responsibility. All this will give a great start to your future successful career and will help you take your rightful place in any team, in any organization. By entering Sibstrin, you are making the absolutely right choice, not only of a profession, which is always in demand, but also of your life path,” said Yuri Leonidovich, addressing the applicants.

Successful employment of graduates is one of the priority areas of Sibstrin’s activities. The demand for graduates was also confirmed by monitoring the effectiveness of universities in 2016, in which NGASU (Sibstrin), along with NSU, became the leader in terms of employment rates - 85 percent. “Not a single graduate who graduates from our university will be left without a decent, well-paid, interesting job,” the rector assured.

The head of the university noted that currently the university remains one of the leading universities in the architectural and construction field of the region and the country, which represents all levels of education - bachelor's, specialty, master's and postgraduate studies, as well as the opportunity to obtain a second diploma, advanced training and professional retraining. Sibstrin's specialized educational programs are included in the list of the best innovative programs in Russia, students' final qualifying works regularly win at All-Russian competitions, international cooperation and academic mobility of students are actively developing, starting from the 1st year, and representatives from more than 50 countries around the world have studied and are studying in Sibstrin itself . The university closely interacts with the largest companies and organizations in the construction sector, banks and government agencies, many of whose leaders are members of the university’s Board of Trustees, headed by Vice-Governor Sergei Nikolaevich Semka. Sibstrin's students have been in demand since their student days - some of the students have been working in design organizations, companies and production sites of partner enterprises since their second year.

But students at NGASU (Sibstrin) are not only about study and practice. This is a safe and comfortable life in the dormitories of a unique compact campus. This is an opportunity to engage in various sports in one of the best sports and recreation complexes in the city and reveal your talents in dance, music and theater groups, KVN, volunteer activities and student groups of various directions.

Next, the rector answered questions that concern applicants and their parents. In particular, about the rules for providing hostel accommodation, the possibility of receiving increased scholarships and grants, and foreign internships. As for the dormitories, the rector emphasized that the university provides places for all foreign and nonresident state employees, and, whenever possible, students enrolled on a contractual basis are accommodated.

Seeing the excitement of the guys, the rector shared how he himself once entered Sibstrin, having arrived in unfamiliar Novosibirsk from Pavlodar, and advised future students not to be afraid of difficulties. “The Sibstrinites are one big happy family. Study well and become real experts in your field, and we will help you with this and always support you. But first of all, everything depends on you, on your focus on studying and results. This is the only way to achieve success,” Yuri Leonidovich admonished the young guests.

We remind you that on the official website of NGASU (Sibstrin) in the “Applicants” section information about the 2016 admissions campaign is updated every day. We also draw the attention of applicants that before 18.00 on August 1 (first stage of enrollment) and August 6 (second stage of enrollment) original documents must be provided. On August 3 and 8, respectively, lists of those enrolled will be posted on the website and on information stands at the university.

Rector of NGASU (Sibstrin) meeting with applicants

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