Remember quotes. What are false memories and why do they exist?



noun, With., used often

Morphology: (no) what? memories, what? memory, (see) what? memory, how? memory, about what? about the memory; pl. What? memories, (no) what? memories, what? memories, (see) what? memories, how? memories, about what? about memories

1. Memories you name the images that appear in your mind when you think about someone or something related to your past.

Childhood memories came flooding back to him. | Sitting by the fire, my grandfather could spend hours reminiscing. | In my memories she will forever remain young.

2. If from someone, something there's only one memory left, which means it has disappeared from your life, leaving behind nothing but vague (usually pleasant) impressions.

From this beautiful youthful love, only one memory remains.

3. Memories you name notes or stories about the past containing facts of your or someone else's life; memoirs.

At the evening, veterans of the Great Patriotic War spoke with their memories. | The memoirs of contemporaries contain a lot of information about the poet’s personal life. | When I retire, I’ll sit down and write my memoirs.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


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    Mystery of feelings * Memory * Desire * Dream * Enjoyment * Loneliness * Waiting * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    MEMORIES, memories, cf. 1. What is preserved in memory; mental reproduction of it. Memories of childhood. Childhood memory. Old people live on memories. A pleasant memory. 2. only plural. A type of literary work... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    memory- extraction from long-term memory (see long-term memory) of images of the past, mentally localized in time and space. V. can be voluntary (remembering) and involuntary... Great psychological encyclopedia

    memory- pale (Balmont); vague (Karenin); foggy (Balmont); helpful (Pushkin) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His Majesty's court, the Quick Printing Association A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913. memory of the degree... ... Dictionary of epithets

    MEMORY, I, Wed. 1. Mental reproduction of something. preserved in memory. V. childhood. One left in. from what n. (nothing left; joking). 2. pl. Notes or stories about the past. Literary Memoirs. An evening of memories. Intelligent... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    An involuntary or voluntarily evoked content of consciousness that is more or less similar to the original experience or seems similar (reliability of memory and its delusions). Ability to reproduce accurately... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Noun, number of synonyms: 3 memoir (1) remembrance (2) commemoration (8) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    MEMORY- MEMORIES. Retrieving which words from long-term memory. material previously learned. V. can be voluntary (remembering) and involuntary (when images spontaneously arise in consciousness). Reconstruction, or restoration, of past experience... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

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  • Memoir, Jude Deveraux. The main character of the novel MEMORIES - Hayden Lane, having found herself in the 16th century with the help of hypnosis, is embodied in her prototypes. She manages not only to understand the background stories of the tragedies of past lives, but...

Memories are the only paradise from which no one can kick us out.

A minute of memories is the longest, because years fit in it...

It’s good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

Remember everything, but never look back when leaving...

When you want to grow up faster, you are still a child! But when you miss your childhood, you have already grown up a long time ago!

If the wound itches, it means it is healing. It's the same with memories: don't scratch them.

We don't listen to old songs just because there are too many memories associated with them. And we don’t delete them for the same reason.

There is no use remembering the past if those memories cannot help in the present.

However, sooner or later, any person in your life turns into a memory, and the saddest thing is that it is inevitable.

It's good when memories warm the soul and don't disturb the conscience!!!

All our troubles are that we live in memories - we mentally shovel and rebuild the past, which would be more reasonable to level with an excavator and roll into asphalt...

Next stop is autumn! Please don't forget your summer memories!

My memories of you are much better than you.

They say that memories are the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. But sometimes they are the only hell we cannot get rid of.

Phrase: “Do you remember???” - The only thing that connects us now...

I wish I could find a button in my heart that would erase from my memory what has lost its meaning. To forget... and live without difficult memories.

It's amazing how just one smell of perfume can awaken wonderful memories from the past...! :)

We broke up a long time ago and you weren’t in love, but I feel like you miss me at this very moment... right now.

Don't try to get rid of memories...
We must learn to live with them...

It seems that I once loved him…” she thought lazily, sitting on the balcony and peering at the stars. Then I drank a glass of whiskey in one gulp and ate some lemon. “Ahh, never mind”...

Life must be lived with dignity: so that you have something to remember... you don’t want to forget anything... and rejoice at the mad desire to return and do it all over again!!!

Every night you think about me before you go to bed. I know)

Close your eyes... I will be there... You will feel me... I will be there as long as you need... I will be there for you...

The wind of happiness brings tears of joy...

Do you remember the hungry years? Internet with cards...

Sitting in an empty room. I'm trying to forget the past. And it seems that everything has already been forgotten. But sooner or later, you remember everything again.

Memories are a sediment that is at the bottom of our heart, the main thing is not to stir it up.

Today I lost a friend... It would be better if I lost my keys, at least they can be restored...

Years to forget, minutes to remember.

The name of your beloved, written in the snow, will not freeze as long as it is in your heart...

Nostalgia is like a black and white movie... and the picture is blurry and the sound is not clear, BUT SO NICE...

Life is not about those moments that pass, but about those that are remembered.

The heart beats into fragments, the soul is torn. She wants and strives to be with you forever.

When I feel bad at heart, I think about you... And it immediately becomes warmer...)))

Memory is a crazy woman: she collects bright rags and throws away bread.

In my memories - You smile only for me.

And I smile, remembering our acquaintance...

Memories... all that I have left of you... it’s difficult for me, but this doesn’t solve anything... now even the edge of the world is closer to me than your palm...

The best moments are the ones that no one films on camera, but you still remember them for the rest of your life!

So many years have passed, and the imprints of your kisses still warm my lips...

My memories of him become duller, my feelings subside and he gradually leaves my soul.

Statuses and statements about memories

What our life is is the sum of our memories. Therefore, it would be a good idea to read quotes about memories. Many people express their point of view on this subject and therefore quotes about memories should be read carefully.

I have a lot to do today:
We must completely kill our memory,
It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone,
We must learn to live again.
Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

When it all ends, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the love experienced. It is difficult to withstand this pain, because the person immediately begins to be tormented by memories.
Film “Sorry for Love (Scusa ma ti chiamo amore)”

Women live on memories. Men are what they have forgotten.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski. Loneliness on the Internet

A person dies when the last memory of him dies.
Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

It happens that after reading a quote, memories that have long been forgotten suddenly appear in your head!

There are songs you want to dance to, songs you want to sing along to, but the best songs are the ones that take you back to the first time you heard them and break your heart over and over again.
TV series “Gossip Girl”

Then, of course, I would remember you,
If I ever forgot.
Vera Polozkova

You think she's the only one, but she's not. You only remember the good things. Next time, remember everything properly...
Film “500 Days of Summer ((500) Days of Summer)”

Memories are what make us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget.
Erich Maria Remarque

Well, why do you need memories that pull you back, when with me you will go forward?!..
Film "Inadequate People"

Each of us has a time machine: what takes us into the past are memories; what carries into the future is dreams.
Herbert Wells. Time Machine

Everything you know about me is no more than your own memories!..
Haruki Murakami. Sheep hunting

All she had left was a handful of memories and the reflection of his face somewhere at the very bottom of her memory. A reflection that fades with each passing day.
Cecilia Ahern. P.S. I love you

There is one good side to unpleasant memories: they convince a person that he is now happy, even if a second ago he did not believe it. Happiness is such a relative concept! Anyone who has achieved this rarely feels completely unhappy.
Erich Maria Remarque. Night in Lisbon

If you don’t know how to push memories into the far corner of your brain and start to worry, the tower will move inevitably. Make not giving a damn your philosophy of life and enjoy life.
John King. Human punk

The memory of the happiness experienced is no longer happiness, the memory of the pain experienced is still pain.
George Gordon Byron

Memory- this is the restoration from memory of past images that are mentally associated with certain time-spatial events. Memories can be voluntary, with the help of an applied effort of will, as well as involuntary, with the spontaneous appearance of images in the individual’s consciousness. At the moment of voluntary recollection of past events, an individual’s personal attitude towards the past arises, which has a certain emotional connotation.

Recollection is a memory process in which images of the distant past are retrieved; it is a mental reconstruction of life events; with its help, a continuous connection is created between early childhood and old age of the individual.

Recollection of past experiences is rarely detailed. The level of such discrepancy between memories and events is associated with the degree of personal development. The quality of memory directly depends on mental capabilities, the conditions for remembering events and its personal significance for the individual.

What is a memory?

It is part of a complex mental process. The meaning of the word recollection originates in English from the word reminiscence and is literally translated as reproduction and is understood as the restoration of images of past experiences.

The role of memory in the life of an individual lies in the fact that this mental mechanism provides conscious processing of memory images. Thanks to the emotional attitude towards past events during their mental reconstruction, a person’s spiritual and moral perception of himself in society is formed.

In psychology, recollection is the process of retrieving contained information from memory. The mechanism is quite complex, given the strong connection between mnemonic actions and the inevitable occurrence of certain emotional experiences.

A memory is a representation that depicts an approximately precisely defined life event. This facet of memory is closely related to the general development of the individual. With its help, the individual has an inextricable understanding of his past and present self. This is the historical unity of a person’s personality, which sets him apart from representatives of the animal world, and therefore many mental illnesses provoke the occurrence of a process that is the opposite of memory.

An image that arose from past experience can be called a memory. Its result is a representation, that is, the same image from the past, but already re-enacted in memory. This is the complex work of memory processes. It is carried out in the presence of a more or less high level, which is not typical for the animal world and in cases of certain mental disorders. But it is precisely this double work of image processing that gives a person the opportunity to be aware of the fact of past events and mentally separate past events from current ones. Some scientists called this phenomenon “historical memory” of a person, since during the mental reproduction of past events, their chronological sequence is preserved.

Memory, as a mechanism, arises based on the social involvement of the individual. After all, most events in an individual’s life are often created with the participation of close or collective surroundings. And the more a person is involved in social life, the more conditions there are for a productive restoration of the past. As a participant in collective life, a person is obliged to preserve and clarify his memories, because they are the support for the memories of other members of society.

Memory in psychology

The problem of childhood memories is a rather complex phenomenon. This lies in understanding the development of the memory process in children, namely, memorizing images. At the beginning of life (the first year), the child remembers exclusively what he most often comes into eye contact with. Mostly these are close relatives. But since the period of restoration of these images in memory is too short, their reproduction in memory is very unstable and, accordingly, the mechanism of recollection is practically impossible. In the future, the number of memorized images increases and the period of storage of these images in memory increases. This happens around the second year of the baby’s life.

At three years old, the memorization process has a fairly strong emotional overtones and is already consolidated for a fairly long period of time - up to a year. At the same time, even isolated situations are remembered, especially if they are accompanied by strong emotional impressions.

Childhood memories acquired in childhood begin to be consolidated in memory when they form a self-reinforcing chain of images. This fact can be observed in babies already from one to two years old. But for now these are still only involuntary memories. The formation of such an aspect of children's memory as voluntariness is carried out with the help of adults who ask provoking questions. Finding answers to them stimulates kids to remember. Associative series associated with the answer to the question emerge in the memory of the crumbs. This includes the need to remember exactly how to perform a particular task in order to get the desired result. This is how memories are consolidated. At this age, a very effective way to expand the range of childhood memories is the process of play. By repeating certain words and actions, the child increases the number of memorized images. And since this is also associated with positive ones, the likelihood of better memory development in the baby increases.

Only approaching preschool age does the child begin to use arbitrariness in reproducing images. This is associated with increased demands from adults - parents, kindergarten teachers. Due to a slight decrease in the novelty of the emotional reaction to situations that appear in life, the baby moves on to the next stage of consolidating memories - memorization. From this moment on, childhood memories begin to take on a continuous, sequential character. In the future, the development of the memorization mechanism becomes more complicated and may depend on various kinds of stimuli: memories can be associated with smells, colors, people, situations, sensations, art, etc.

The meaning of the word memory takes on a new meaning when we remember memory. A phenomenon that opens up new facets in memory processes. As is already known, most events occurring in an individual’s life are accompanied by a variety of emotions. Some of these experiences are so strong in their impact on a person that they can modify the quality of memorized information. For example, a relatively well-known fact is the story of an actor in one of the theaters, who, at the end of a scene in a play where, according to the script, he takes part in a fight, after removing his makeup, he was found to have a hematoma on his face. And they found it at the place where he was allegedly stabbed. Highly sensitive individuals are more susceptible to this phenomenon.

The idea of ​​memory is that, under the influence of affective experiences in the event of an incident, a person can remember it in details that are completely opposite from reality. It can arise in a situation that is quite stressful for a person, for which he was not prepared. The impression of the event is so strong that the facts modified in memory seem absolutely real to the individual. Memory in psychology has not been fully studied and is a controversial issue among scientists.

The role of memories in an individual’s life becomes most significant during the period of growing up and self-determination in society. For example, when a person goes through the general mass of life experience and tries to relate himself to one or another collective status, a general subjective picture of the personality is formed. In this case, the memory of previous events can either support personal growth or stop it. When, let’s imagine, as a child, an individual witnessed or participated in psychotraumatic situations, memories of this at a fairly conscious age are often blocked at the subconscious level. This kind of protection works to prevent re-traumatization of the individual. At the same time, the defensive reaction of the psyche does not allow the same personality to develop further, since personal growth involves working through unsuccessful life experiences. This is often intertwined with experiences, and in the case of traumatization there is a possibility that they can be dangerous. Therefore, the psyche blocks them in order to maintain balance.