Everything you need to pay attention to. How to choose the right state or commercial university

Let's figure out how to choose a university and specialty using the website's capabilities

On this page you will learn how to select a university online according to any criteria.

Our entire website is detailed information about all universities in Russia, presented in a convenient form. However, even in such a form as, for example, in, it is difficult to select specialties, compare them, etc.

SO THAT YOU DON'T HURRY, WE DEVELOPED A FILTER that will show a selection of universities and specialties in them according to all the criteria you need : geographical, by Unified State Exam subjects, by cost of training, form of education, specialties and much more.

In order to select educational institutions, you must either open the filter, or read the section where you will find the Unified State Exam calculator, you can select a profession:

IT’S ALL SIMPLE HERE: to choose a university online, you must indicate the selection parameters you need in the “Conditions”, “Specialties”, “Geography”, “Unified State Exam” tabs. It is not necessary to fill out everything and click on the red “SELECT” button. You are required to fill in only those fields that will affect the selection.

For example, you need universities

1) full-time study
2) with the specialty "Jurisprudence"
3) in Moscow
4) for which the Unified State Exam requires Russian language, history, social studies
5) our Unified State Exam scores in these subjects are 215

Let's start opening the tabs one by one:

1) Conditions

In this tab, you can indicate the form of study, the cost of training per year (if it is not important, leave it as it is), the willingness to pass entrance examinations, the parameters of the university (only state, only with a military department, only with a dormitory).

2) Specialties

Here is a list of specialties. You can choose one or more specialties. If you do not fill in anything, the search will be performed in all directions.

3) Geography

Here you select the cities in which the search will be carried out. If empty, searches all.

4) Unified State Exam

Here we select the subjects that you are taking and the passing scores for them.

You can combine university selection online. For example, if you do not select a specialty/s, the search will be carried out in all, without selecting a city, you will launch a search in all cities, etc.

It is also important to note that all information about universities on the Internet is obtained from their websites and various sources. The best option is always to contact the university directly. Fortunately, we also have contact information for each university.

Enjoy it for your health!

Almost all applicants are faced with the difficult task of choosing and preparing to enter a university. If the decision is made correctly, the future specialist will not only have good qualifications, but also his future career and life. Before deciding on the choice of a Higher Educational Institution, you need to select several of them, evaluate them by the following factors and compare:

1. Status of the educational institution (non-state or public);

3. What specialties are taught there;

4. The required number of points and subjects for the Unified State Examination;

5. What additional exams are required to be taken;

6. Payment for training;

7. Is there a hostel, a military department, or a deferment from military service?

The status of the university is non-state or state.

First you need to decide: under what status of the university you want to enroll. The status of a Higher Educational Institution can be commercial (non-state) and state. Status does not affect the quality of education; when hiring, modern employers do not take into account it, but qualifications and experience, so there are no significant differences. They differ only in that non-state educational institutions do not have a budget department. Well, if you can study in a non-state school for free, then it has non-profit status.

Let's say you choose a non-state university. Then be sure to check its license and accreditation.

If his license has expired or does not exist at all, then he does not need to enroll in this university, because he does not have the right to teach students. It may be that the university does not have accreditation for some specialties. This means that students are not taught according to a program agreed with the state. That is, upon completion of training, diplomas are issued according to the state standard, not the state ones.

The cost of studying at a university.

If you want to enroll in a budget department in Moscow, you will have to pass very difficult tests. In many higher educational institutions, in addition to good USE results, upon admission, applicants will have to take additional exams.

In addition to a difficult competition, there is another way to get into a budget department at a prestigious university. To do this, you need to become the winner of the All-Russian or university Olympiad. You can get free training if you are part of the enrollment by region, citizens of the Baltics and the CIS, and if you are part of preferential groups.

Many students have to study at the commercial department, that is, pay for their education, because there are very few budget places. Therefore, before deciding on a choice of university in Moscow, you need to decide how much money you can spend on education.

Choosing a university according to the field of study.

In terms of field of study, universities can be either specialized or multidisciplinary. People like RUDN University or Moscow State University are considered multidisciplinary because they teach almost all specialties - from economics to medicine.

The Sechenov Medical Academy, which trains doctors, as well as VGIK, which trains specialists in the field of culture and art, are considered specialized. To make your search easier, first decide on your specialty, after which you can find a list of Higher Education Institutions on a specialized website on the Internet.

If you are unable to make the right choice, the most common areas of study and the number of such educational institutions are listed below:

1. 232 institutions teach marketing and management;

2. 194 — specialize in social and human sciences;

3. 159 — prepare specialists in the field of finance and economics;

4. 98 —- specialize in art and culture;

5. In 261 - they teach physical and mathematical sciences.

Selecting a university by type of specialty.

When choosing a university, you need to evaluate not only its status, areas of study and cost, but also the type of specialty. As a rule, modern Russian educational institutions offer two types - specialist and bachelor's degrees. To become a specialist you need to study for five or six years. To become a bachelor, you can study for four years. But a bachelor's degree is only the first stage in obtaining a completed higher education. After you finish your bachelor's degree, you will need to enroll and study for another two years at a master's program, for which you will also have to pay if you cannot pass the competitive selection for study for free.

Choosing a university according to the Unified State Exam.

In order to enroll, you need to provide your Unified State Examination results. Mathematics and Russian are among the required subjects when passing the Unified State Exam. Before choosing a university for the Unified State Exam, you need to determine which subjects you are best versed in, because you need to score as many points as possible. Then see if the subjects you have chosen intersect with the specialties you need, as well as the areas of bachelor’s degree. Next, you need to decide on the subjects - find universities where the required specialties are available, and the number of points you scored on the Unified State Exam is no less than the passing grade. In order to enter a more prestigious institution, you will need more points.

When choosing a university, you need to pay attention to the following additional parameters.

Before making your final choice, look at the following privileges: the presence of a dormitory, a military department, or a deferment from the army.

Selection of additional interactive education courses for university students

If you make a mistake in choosing an educational institution, you risk losing several years of retraining, or, even worse, you may be burdened by a job you don’t like all your life. How to determine which university is suitable - selection criteria and principles.

Choosing your future education is not a matter of just one day. However, you can get a diploma in the same specialty at several different universities with completely different quality. Therefore, it is better to start getting acquainted with those institutions where further studies are planned in advance. Especially if you are competitive, that is, you expect to get high scores on the Unified State Exam.

What should you consider when choosing a university first? What are the admission and training rules? What additional opportunities are there in this or that educational institution? It is advisable to find answers to these and other important questions before you decide for yourself the main question - which university to study at? So, how to choose the very educational institution with the help of which you can get the most prestigious and necessary education?

Selection algorithm

Since the results of passed exams can be sent to several institutions at once, this, on the one hand, gives some advantage, on the other hand, too much choice leads to confusion. Therefore, the algorithm of actions for future admission should be approximately the following:

  1. Write a tentative list of future universities.
  2. Determine the criteria by which you will evaluate the educational institution.
  3. Assign a rating scale to each criterion.
  4. Calculate the amount of points received for each university.
  5. Select three winners.

Be sure to find out the deadlines for submitting documents to each specific university (they often do not coincide). Go to the website of your planned educational institution and, having specified the deadline for submitting documents, be sure to record it somewhere so as not to forget.


Decide for yourself in what form you will submit your application: in person, by registered mail or electronically. Not all universities accept applications electronically, so find out this in advance so as not to end up without an application. If you decide to apply in person, check the opening hours of the admissions office (especially lunch break, so as not to spend an hour outside the door). Keep in mind that there may be long queues, which means that the procedure for submitting documents may last more than one day - do not wait until the last day.


Find out exactly what subjects you need to pass for admission. The difference may sometimes lie in just one subject, but it will be a shame if you do not pass it during the Unified State Examination procedure, and there is no longer an opportunity to pass it in the so-called “second wave” at the university itself.


If you were born and live in a completely different city, then it makes sense to check the availability of places in the hostel in order to know in advance where you will have to live. The most difficult situation is with dormitories in Moscow universities, therefore, it is better to worry about the place of residence in advance. When choosing a place of residence, you must also take into account the distance from the building where the classes will take place, so as not to waste too much time on the road.


If nothing works out with the hostel (it is not provided upon admission), you need to find out real estate prices. You can think about your acquaintances or friends who live somewhere nearby - perhaps they will choose a cheaper option.


It is better to give preference to universities with history. Newly opened commercial institutions have not yet found their teaching style. And the oldest educational institutions can boast of experienced teachers. And even though the competition there is much higher, there is a guarantee of getting a better education.


Check out the student forums to get an idea of ​​the atmosphere at the school. If students speak enthusiastically about their teachers, even if they reproach them for being too busy, then this is a good sign. Where students complain about academicism, boredom and boring teachers, this is not a very correct approach to learning.


For young people, the presence or absence of a military department should be an essential feature.

State or non-state?

The main disadvantage of non-state universities is that tuition is only paid. Of course, now, when budget places are being reduced every year, and competition is growing exponentially, many cannot count on free education at a state university.

A diploma from a non-state university does not yet deserve attention from all employers, since all such institutions were created not so long ago and do not yet have a good reputation in the labor market. However, such institutions are famous for their attention to language learning, as well as international internships. Therefore, if the amount of tuition is not much higher than the cost at a traditional university, and the chances of getting into a commercial one are much greater, there is no point in resisting it. In any case, if you want to become a good specialist, you can become one anywhere, studying theory to the maximum, and mastering the intricacies of the craft in practice.

Sometimes someone buys into the promise of entrance fees to transfer from a paid place to a budget one in case of good academic performance (which was once actually true). However, the real disappointment is the fact that you study with only “A” grades, and you are not transferred to the budget. So, in this sense, a non-state educational institution is more honest, since it does not promise illusory prospects. The main thing is that such a university has everything in order with a license to conduct educational activities, and for a long period of time (ideally, indefinitely).

Questions every applicant must answer

Yesterday's school graduate and future student do not always clearly understand what they want to achieve in the future. Therefore, when choosing both a profession and a future university, you must honestly answer a number of questions that are most important for the future:

  • In which state and in which city do I want to study?
  • Will I be able to get a job in my specialty later?
  • Will this specialty be in demand in the labor market over the next 5-10 years?
  • Am I ready to change my place of residence, even to another state?
  • In what industry can I work in the future?

If you were able to give at least approximate answers to all such questions, then it makes sense to start receiving higher education in this area. If there are doubts or uncertainty, then it is a good idea to consult with those who know this area of ​​​​activity well. Perhaps your parents know accountants, lawyers, doctors who will tell you about the pitfalls in this profession to help you understand whether you will be able to work in a similar way in the future.

And one last thing...

So, you have calculated everything, you are young and full of energy, and your parents have a stable salary to pay for your studies on time. But if you understand that parents may not be able to afford this amount for all five years of study (old age, unstable wages or the chance of being laid off), then you should think about part-time or evening study. Then there will be an opportunity to earn extra money, perhaps even in your own profile, and this will provide in the future that same work experience, without which even certified specialists are not hired now.

It is also worth deciding how many years you will study. Many employers are ready to take a half-educated bachelor and teach him all the intricacies of working in their company, rather than a re-educated master, and then beat all the academic crap out of him. This means that you can study for only four years, which will reduce the amount of training. And if you plan to get married and have children, then you can try to graduate with an accelerated program, because many universities, thanks to distance learning technologies, are accommodating to such students.

After a school student has decided on his future profession, he is faced with the question of choosing an educational institution. To help the applicant, various state and unofficial ratings, public opinion surveys and employer surveys are offered. But should we trust such ratings? What is the best thing to rely on when choosing a future university? Let's try to figure it out.

Prestige of the university

The prestige of an educational institution is perhaps the most frequently used criterion in communication, but if you ask applicants what it is, many will not be able to give an accurate answer. By prestige, we most often mean the fame of a university, its public recognition, and the demand for the specialists it graduates in the labor market. If you want to know the ranking of the most prestigious universities, it is better to turn to data from employers' unions and independent agencies. Official ratings often have vague selection criteria and can lobby for someone's personal interests.

Public or private?

Public opinion clearly trusts state educational institutions more. Indeed, the level of education there is guaranteed, and educational programs meet all requirements. And employers still prefer to hire graduates of state universities. However, among private educational institutions there are very well-known, prestigious and quite respected. In addition, some of the newest areas and specialties can only be obtained at a private educational institution, since they are more flexible in relation to the educational process. An additional advantage of a state university is the availability of budget places. If you decide to enroll in a private university, carefully read the curriculum and decide whether it suits you and whether it meets generally accepted parameters.

University accreditation

Further employment of the student

This is one of the most important criteria for assessing a future university, but it is quite difficult to find out this data anywhere. Perhaps it makes sense to visit online communities of employers in your chosen field of activity and find out the opinions of professional experts in personal communication. It’s a good idea to talk to university graduates and find out from them whether it was easy for them to get a job.

Extracurricular activities at the university

An advantage for the educational institution will be the provision of additional educational and leisure services, active participation in the public life of the city, and partnership agreements with foreign educational institutions.

Other university evaluation criteria

Among the less important evaluation criteria are the convenient location of the university and its compactness (so as not to travel from one end of the city to the other in different buildings). Sometimes they analyze the teaching staff, the ratio of the number of professors and students. However, this criterion does not fully determine the quality of education received there. The number of students will not give a general idea, because the more students, the correspondingly less educational material and time the teacher can devote to each.

If an applicant is not very confident in his abilities, then almost the main criterion becomes the competition for a place and the passing grade of the university. This also includes a list of entrance exams. It happens that different universities require you to take different subjects for the same specialty.

Connections Where would we be without connections in our time... If the parents of an applicant have friends at any of the universities, and even more so if they themselves work at this educational institution, then the student’s choice will most likely fall on this university.

" contains detailed information on the 2018 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about passing scores, competition, conditions for providing a dormitory, the number of available places, as well as the minimum points that were required to obtain it. The university database is constantly growing!

New service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the Unified State Exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of Unified State Examination.

In the "Admission 2019" section, using the " " service, you can find out about the most important dates associated with admission to the university.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with university admissions committees and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the website, but will also be sent to you personally by email, which you provided during registration. Moreover, quite quickly.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the " " section indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' websites.

The section has launched a new service “Remind about an event”, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders about the dates that are most important to them.

A new service has launched - " ". Join our group! Install any calculator application on your personal page, then you will receive all updates to it before anyone else and automatically.

Many applicants are probably tormented by these questions. Where is the best place to study? How to choose the right university and specialty? Whose opinion should you listen to? Don't rack your brains. Look at the results of a survey conducted by the Internet portal Career.ru - one of the largest players in the labor market for young professionals. And a lot will become clear to you.

About 5,000 students from Russian universities took part in the survey. Students, in fact, shared their experiences and gave advice to those who still have a “hot summer” ahead of them with admission. Here are their recommendations.

1. Choose the profession that best suits your interests and abilities, do not rely on other people's opinions.

2. Don't listen to your parents, choose what you like.

3. If you are interested in a specialty, apply and do not be afraid of difficulties. If there is no interest in the profession, then study will not work.

4. Listen to advice, but decide everything yourself.

5. Take professional tests.

6. If you are not sure about choosing your future specialty, wait, weigh all the chances and only then make an informed choice.

7. If there are no specific preferences, focus on the labor market.

8. Understanding what is really needed will come a little later. Therefore, do not be afraid to make mistakes, try, develop!

9. Go towards your goal and don’t be afraid of obstacles! Believe in your dream - and everything will work out!

10. Don't listen to people who don't believe in you.

11. Try to learn as much as possible about your future profession, especially about job prospects.

12. Read more books on your chosen specialty, do well in school and know your weak points.

14. Know that the word “management” is, in a sense, a tribute to the times and does not necessarily entail quality training and deep knowledge.

15. Stop blindly following lawyers and economists.

16. Pay attention to technical specialties.

17. Choose a profession that is in demand, not a prestigious one.

18. Learn foreign languages.

19. Do not give bribes when applying; you can apply without a bribe.

20. Choose a direction where it will be interesting to study, and not for the sake of a diploma.

21. The most important thing is don’t be afraid! University teachers are not animals, they are the same people.

22. When choosing a university, evaluate not only the prestige, but also the level of practical skills that can be obtained during the training process.

23. Don’t be afraid to apply to prestigious universities. Everything can work out if you really want it, even without bribes.

24. Go to a bachelor's degree at a strong university, and go to a master's program where you plan to work in the future.

25. Find out in detail about the faculty you are going to enroll in. Better yet, meet a person who studies there (via the Internet, for example) so as not to be disappointed.

27. Study the labor market well, what specialties are in demand, pay attention to whether the university offers employment and internships (practice).

28. Prepare better for your exams. Successfully passing the Unified State Exam is a real chance to go where you want.

29. Do not think that having a higher education can make you a highly qualified specialist if you do not make every effort to educate yourself.

30. Start working in your specialty from the 3-4th year, even for a small fee. Then after graduation you will have good experience and will be able to apply for a normal salary.