Doctor - laboratory assistant. Specialty "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" (residency)

Laboratory assistant is a profession that today, although quite widespread in our country, is also highly specialized. This is easy to explain, since laboratory assistants work in departments in higher educational institutions, enterprises, research laboratories, hospitals, sanitary and environmental services, etc. Accordingly, their specialization and professional training differs significantly depending on the area of ​​activity.

In general, this profession dates back to the Middle Ages: the main task of laboratory assistants who worked at European universities was to prepare laboratories for practical classes with students. Laboratory assistants also provided technical assistance in this process.

Profession laboratory assistant - description

When choosing a laboratory assistant profession, you should take into account some aspects. The main thing is the state of health, since this profession often involves direct contact with harmful substances and chemical elements. This point should be especially taken into account by those people whose bodies are prone to allergic reactions. In general, the risks of the profession depend on the specialization of a particular laboratory. For example, if analyzing human waste products is simply not very pleasant, then constant work with radioactive substances can have a significant negative impact on human health.

In most cases, the work of laboratory assistants is quite calm and stable from the point of view of the occurrence of stressful situations. That is why people with an even character, an inquisitive mindset, observant, neat, diligent, and able to concentrate on completing the assigned task tend to choose it.

In most cases, the profession of a laboratory technician does not require a higher education diploma, but there are exceptions. Secondary specialized education may not be enough if your job requires you to deal with complex equipment. Or the work involves significant responsibility to third parties.

At the same time, participation in experiments and good practical training, if desired, can become a successful platform for further career advancement.

For a better understanding, some areas of the profession should be considered in more detail.

Profession chemical analysis laboratory assistant

This profession is quite in demand in the labor market and involves work related to the analysis of the chemical composition and properties of the samples being studied in order to identify inconsistencies. The information obtained from the research is very important, because makes it possible to control the quality indicators of products.

Chemical analysis laboratory technicians are employed in a variety of industries, and their professional training should include:

  • knowledge of the basics of general chemistry;
  • knowledge of safety regulations;
  • the ability to reasonably select and use models, methods and tools when performing assigned tasks;
  • knowledge of norms and standards that relate to the substances under study, etc.

When choosing this profession, you should pay special attention to medical contraindications.

Profession laboratory assistant - ecologist

The emergence and spread of this profession is associated with growing public concern about the state of the environment. Thus, the main task of an environmental laboratory assistant is to analyze natural resources and their impact on the quality of human life. The subject of analysis is soil, water, and air samples.

Environmental laboratory assistants work both in large industries and in environmental supervision services over the state of the environment. For this job, a diploma of secondary specialized education is often sufficient.

Profession paramedic-laboratorian

The importance of the profession of a medical laboratory assistant in modern medicine cannot be overestimated, since even the most qualified doctor requires test results to assess the patient’s condition. Therefore, the health, and often the life of a person, depends on the quality of work and professionalism of the laboratory assistant.

Basically, paramedics-laboratory assistants are required in clinics, hospitals, medical genetic centers, sanitary and epidemiological stations, as well as in the ambulance service. To work, you must have a diploma of secondary medical education.

Typically, medical laboratory assistants work with human waste products, but there are times when it is necessary to analyze food, cutlery, etc. Accuracy, responsibility, competence are the main qualities required for this work.

Profession laboratory analyst

People of this profession can find application in various sectors of economic activity. The profession of a laboratory analyst involves employment in research laboratories, industrial enterprises, as well as in sanitary and epidemiological surveillance services.

The work consists of checking the quality of raw materials used to produce materials, finished products, as well as production waste and emissions through chemical analysis. Basically, secondary specialized education is sufficient for this job.

Profession laboratory assistant

There are many support positions, which include laboratory assistant. They work in laboratories and departments. Most laboratory assistants are primarily involved in preparing materials, instruments and containers for experiments and presentations, visual demonstrations, and also cleaning up equipment after completion of work. The responsibilities of some people with this profession include: taking readings, keeping a log, processing test results.

The first laboratory assistants appeared in the Middle Ages. History mentions university laboratories in Italy and Austria, in which junior specialists prepared the laboratory for classes with students. The owners of some workshops producing metal products, cosmetics, and paper had no choice but to improve their products due to competition. Of course, their curiosity was inexhaustible and apprentices acted as assistants in such experiments. Until the 12th century, there was no mention of people with such a range of responsibilities. Mentions of ancient scientists indicate that such researchers worked on their own without anyone’s help. Moreover, Roman civilization gave us a huge number of scientific works in the field of medicine, physics, chemistry, geology and other sciences. It’s hard to believe that scientists in such research were not helped by junior employees.…

There is a wide field for the use of representatives of this profession. In almost all cities there are educational institutions where laboratory assistants work in departments. Such specialists will find work in the local hospital, in standardization and metrology centers, and in the sanitary-epidemiological service. These are different laboratory assistants who differ in the scope of their duties and education. You cannot do without such specialists even in the field, as materials and data are collected there for further study in the laboratory.

The main thing that a person applying for such a job should check is his state of health. It may be necessary to work with harmful elements, substances and allergens. The laboratory assistant must have knowledge in the field in which he works. Additional requirements include observation, ability to concentrate, good memory and the ability to work in a team. A laboratory assistant can move further up the career ladder up to a doctor of science and academician, if, of course, he has the appropriate education. And participation in many experiments and studies will serve as a good platform for this.

In the work of people with this profession, much depends on the type of laboratory in which they work. If a laboratory technician deals with radioactive substances, then there is a risk, as well as harm to health. Working in a medical institution can also be considered not pleasant, since you have to analyze not only blood, but also human waste products. But in most cases it is a quiet job, without any particular risks. It is unfair that such a specialist remains in the background in relation to other researchers, even when he does most of the work.

Often, a laboratory assistant is not required to have a higher education, but again, it all depends on the place of employment. If this is a laboratory assistant in a school chemistry class, then secondary specialized education will be sufficient. Working in a medical institution in this profile also does not require a university diploma. When it is necessary to carry out not only the preparation of materials and instruments, but also the analysis of collected data, work with complex equipment, or there is great responsibility (for example, work in bacteriological laboratories or experiments with radioactive substances), then only a person with a higher education and experience.

Who is a KLD doctor?

A laboratory doctor is a doctor engaged in clinical laboratory diagnostics (CLD), performing the duties of a laboratory assistant in biochemical, clinical, microbiological, immunological, virological, histological and other laboratories in a medical institution of various types.

Competence of a laboratory doctor

Today, medicine cannot do without laboratory tests, without which it is impossible to correctly diagnose a patient and prescribe effective treatment. A laboratory doctor conducts laboratory analysis of biological products and liquids of human waste products.

The laboratory technician also conducts laboratory tests to determine the physical and chemical characteristics and composition of materials and maintains laboratory equipment, monitoring its preparation, serviceability and performing adjustment work.

The laboratory assistant participates in experiments, carries out preparations, conducts observations, takes instrument readings and fills out work logs. The laboratory doctor provides employees with the necessary equipment, reagents and materials. In accordance with methodological documents, processes, formalizes, systematizes the results of analyzes, measurements, tests and keeps records.

Junior medical personnel (nurses and laboratory assistants) are subordinate to the laboratory doctor. He teaches them how to work with reagents and instruments and how to comply with safety regulations in the workplace.

Profession of laboratory doctor by type

The training of a KLD doctor is carried out in the following specialty:

  • Clinical laboratory diagnostics (in medical universities).
  • Laboratory genetics at biological faculties of universities and universities.

Pros and cons of being a KLD doctor

Pros. The work of a laboratory doctor does not involve intense physical labor, it is calm and measured. Working hours are part-time. You can always find work in this specialty (vacancies in medical institutions are available).

  • an unpleasant moment associated with analyzes of human excretory organs (feces, urine);
  • work with radioactive sources (fluorography, x-rays), where it is necessary to comply with safety regulations;
  • there is a risk of contracting hepatitis, tuberculosis, AIDS;
  • low wages.

With higher education and participation in research and experiments, a laboratory doctor can reach the heights of a doctor of science and academician.

When working in tuberculosis dispensaries and similar types of medical institutions, a laboratory doctor receives a salary increase of 15%.

Where does a laboratory doctor work?

Laboratory doctor's place of work:

  • Hospitals from district to republican.
  • Clinics, laboratories of medical universities and colleges.
  • Centers for standardization and metrology.
  • Blood transfusion stations.
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

What qualities should a laboratory technician have?

The KLD doctor must be:

  • Observant and with a good memory.
  • Be able to concentrate.
  • Have good fine motor skills and coordination.
  • Be well organized and neat.
  • Be attentive and responsible.
  • Be disciplined and scrupulous.
  • Know and strictly apply safety precautions.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

To enter, you must pass an exam in your specialty.

Any specialist with a medical education in his work is guided not by intuition when making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, but by specific facts confirming the presence of a certain disease or pathology. Sometimes an illness makes itself known publicly, but to confirm the assumption, the responsible doctor will still prescribe tests or use other methods.

Specialty 08/31/05 “Clinical laboratory diagnostics” is the most important branch of medicine. If a doctor cannot say for sure what kind of illness has overcome the patient, then it is necessary to call upon the help of specialists who will conduct special studies. They use numerous techniques: this includes working with classical microscopes, and searching for the root of the problem through biochemical research, studying the pathological agent.

Admission conditions

This course involves in-depth study of theory and practical exercises. What is important here is not only a good knowledge of the natural and exact sciences, but also the ability to work painstakingly, persistently, with full responsibility, in order to eliminate the possibility of a fatal mistake.

What subjects do future students usually take when entering a Moscow university for residency depends on the conditions of a particular educational institution. This is mainly an exam in a specialty and a foreign language. Admission takes place on a competitive basis, and the examination can take place orally, in the form of a test or an interview.

Future profession

This is a very interesting specialty that is suitable for people with abstract thinking. It is aimed at prevention, prevention of possible illnesses, as well as specific assistance in diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Such a doctor can choose different activity profiles. For example, someone prefers to carry out preventive measures among the population. Others are committed to saving human lives in emergency situations: during epidemics, after natural disasters. Such a specialist is certainly instilled with a high degree of responsibility, which will be needed not only when working in the laboratory, but also when he is entrusted with honorary positions of an organizational and managerial nature.

Where to apply

Now former schoolchildren have a wide choice of where to study for residency in this area:

  • Russian National Research Medical. Pirogov University (RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN);
  • First state Medical and Dental University named after Evdokimov;
  • Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. Sklifosovsky;
  • Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Training period

Residency in this specialty involves training for 2 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

During their studies, the future specialist gets acquainted with a whole range of important subjects:

  • clinical laboratory diagnostics;
  • hygiene;
  • epidemiology;
  • laboratory equipment and research methods;
  • public health;
  • emergency medicine;
  • pathology.

Acquired skills

For a future professional, it is important to gain valuable practical skills that will be needed in solving the following problems:

Job prospects by profession

Modern reality opens up wide opportunities for self-realization for young specialists. After all, today medicine is impossible without laboratory research.

Many ailments, in principle, cannot be identified without the involvement of such a professional. Therefore, a university graduate will find himself in any clinic - public or private. He will also be able to find vacancies in laboratories that operate at sanitary and epidemiological stations and forensic departments.

What do former students do:

  • clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • analyst;
  • operator.

For a residency graduate, the minimum salary starts from 27 thousand in domestic currency. But a young specialist who has proven his worth gets paid much higher than this mark.

Prospects for professional development of graduates

Postgraduate study involves obtaining an academic degree.

A laboratory doctor performs laboratory analysis of biological fluids and human waste products.

Laboratory doctor performs laboratory analysis of biological fluids and human waste products. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

In modern medicine, without accurate laboratory tests, a reliable and final diagnosis is impossible, on which the correctness of the prescribed treatment depends.

Depending on the place of work, the profession of a laboratory doctor differs by type:

  • a laboratory geneticist conducts genetic research;
  • in veterinary hospitals they are called veterinary laboratory assistants.

Specifics of the profession

The clinical doctor is not only involved in laboratory tests and recording their results, but also takes part in the medical and scientific activities of the department of the clinic or hospital. Analysis and systematization of the data obtained is also the responsibility of the laboratory doctor.

The work of a clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor additionally also involves testing and introducing new methods and reagents for laboratory diagnostics.

As a rule, junior medical personnel are subordinate to the KLD doctor: laboratory assistants, nurses. Training them to work with instruments and reagents, observing safety precautions in the workplace, is an integral part of the work of a laboratory doctor.

Pros of the profession

The work of a KLD doctor is calm, without risk. As a rule, the work shift lasts part-time. Finding a job in your specialty is not difficult. Job vacancies for a clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor are offered quite often.

Cons of the profession

There are unpleasant moments when working with analyzes of substances from human excretory organs (urine and feces). Working in a laboratory with radioactive sources (X-ray, fluorography) is considered risky if the safety rules for handling radioactive substances are not carefully followed. There is also a risk of contracting tuberculosis, hepatitis, and AIDS. One common disadvantage for all types of work is low salary.

Place of work

  • clinics, hospitals of all levels from district to republican;
  • laboratories of medical universities and colleges;
  • blood transfusion stations;
  • centers of standardization and metrology;
  • sanitary-epidemiological service.


Salary as of 04/01/2019

Russia 21000—64000 ₽

Moscow 30000—96000 ₽

Personal qualities

  • observation;
  • good memory;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • good fine motor coordination;
  • organization;
  • accuracy;
  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility;
  • discipline.


The career of a clinical physician with higher education and participation in research and experiments can reach the heights of a doctor of science or academician. The salary of laboratory doctors is about 20 thousand rubles per month. When working in tuberculosis dispensaries and other clinics, there is a salary bonus for harmfulness in the amount of 15%.

Training to become a Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Doctor

The Academy of Medical Education conducts professional retraining courses in the specialty. After training, a diploma is issued, as well as a state certificate. The training program is based on relevant educational and professional standards.

(SNTA, state license) conducts training remotely, without interruption from work and place of residence. A diploma of professional retraining in the direction of "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics" or a State Certificate of Advanced Training is issued in person by courier service.