Eight hidden secrets of men. The power of a woman

A study of two and a half thousand English men found that 70 of them had forced sex. In the UK, women are increasingly raping men. And this trend seems to be characteristic not only of this country, known for its primness and traditionalism.

The “victims” of the British themselves defined what happened to them as “the use of force or other measures to force them to do what they did not want.” In this regard, Professor Michael King of the Royal School of Medicine said that sexually “predatory” women, like their “colleagues” of the other sex, should be held accountable for forcing men into relationships that could cause them “serious mental and other harm”.

Well-known psychologists from Yale University, Sarrel and Masters, back in 1982, reliably described 11 cases of sexual assault by women on men, including a number of cases in which women forced men to have sexual intercourse. Here is just a brief description of a few of them.

A woman tied up a 23-year-old man and then, threatening him with a scalpel, forced him to have sexual intercourse.

Two black women forced a 37-year-old married man to perform sex acts on them at gunpoint.

A 27-year-old truck driver met a woman and decided to spend the night with her at a motel. Waking up in the morning, he found his mouth gagged, his eyes blindfolded, and his hands tied to the bed. Four women, threatening to castrate him if he was not active enough, forced the man to have sexual intercourse with him. He felt the touch of the knife on his genitals. The torment continued for more than a day, during which he was repeatedly forced to copulate.

Of course, in many ways these examples reflect like a mirror what happens when women are raped by men. One of the most remarkable things that emerged is that despite the fear that gripped these men, they retained the ability to be sexually active. This, to a certain extent, makes it possible to understand the fact that some women experience sexual arousal to some extent during rape (for example, vaginal wetting, orgasm). In neither case does the physical reaction mean that the victim is receiving pleasure; however, women who become sexually active during rape often feel guilty.

Many men, as well as women, who are victims of violence subsequently experience sexual problems. They feel less than normal because of their reaction to rape and believe that they do not meet the criteria of “masculinity.”

The embarrassment felt by men who have been raped by women, and the belief that the police will not believe their stories, means that such crimes are almost unknown. Only a few men turn to doctors about sexual problems arising as a result of violence; the majority prefer not to share their feelings and experiences about this with anyone.

Chicago Madness

One of the most high-profile cases regarding aggressive sexual behavior of representatives of the fair sex dates back to the summer of 2003, says Probuem.ru. What happened in the American city of Chicago for almost three months simply unsettled the local police chief. Complaints poured out of a holey bag from men who had been raped by large groups of women. This happened, as a rule, on the outskirts of the city. Masked women attacked the men, dragged them somewhere and fucked them until they were completely physically exhausted. All these victims then became hospital patients. One of the victims, Harry Glenham, said that he was dragged into some dilapidated building, where women, like flies, swarmed around their other victim. He himself was immediately stripped and immediately subjected to abuse.

Harry can't remember how many ladies have been on his dick. As soon as the erection weakened somewhat, his instrument immediately fell into someone’s hot mouth. And the rapists continuously rubbed their private parts against his mouth.

The police launched a real hunt for this gang. But it was very difficult to catch the rapists, because they never organized their orgies where they had already raped once.

Police dressed in plainclothes wandered through suspicious neighborhoods, some of them themselves became victims of crime, but this did not advance the investigation at all.

Then the agents were equipped with sensor microphones that not only transmitted sound, but also made it possible to determine the location of the owner.

And now it’s done. While agent John Slyberg, captured by the rapists, wriggled and moaned loudly under them, a column of police cars rushed at high speed to the crime scene. This time, to their surprise, it turned out to be an apartment. Having knocked down the door with several blows, the police rushed to the aid of their comrade, twisted the rapist’s hands, but found no one else there.

It turned out that John just turned home to fuck his own wife and completely forgot about the microphone.

The next day the same thing happened to Slieberg. It no longer occurred to anyone to send a reinforced outfit there. Only the enraged boss ordered this idiot to be immediately brought to his office. Two policemen immediately went after him. John was never brought. But his signal was also joined by the signals of his colleagues.

At first they decided that all three already had Slieberg’s not very picky wife. What was alarming, however, was too many voluptuous female screams and moans. It was decided, just in case, to surround the place where the signals came from. At a construction site surrounded by a high fence, police found a large group of scurrying bodies. The women also dragged another man here.

Most of the rapists were detained. It turned out that they were all members of a special feminist group consisting of women who themselves were once victims of male violence. There were about forty of them. The group took revenge on the enemy male tribe. The gang appeared in court.

Chicago police officials admitted that this is not the first such case in their city. But if earlier men were used by female youth groups, who had fun in this way, and then also robbed their victims, then such organized actions of mature ladies were observed for the first time

What does the Criminal Code say?

Interestingly, the new Criminal Code adopted in Russia in 2002 actually allows women to rape men with impunity. With the adoption of the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, only women are considered victims of rape. There is not a single woman convicted of raping men in Russian colonies. Such cases were not registered even under the old Criminal Procedure Code. New Russian legislation even considers the concept of “violence” only as sexual actions towards women.

AiF talks about the only case of rape of a man by Russian women considered in court. Ten years ago, a group of female prisoners escaped from a penal colony in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, taking a guard with them. In a forest lodge, the fugitives tied the victim’s genital organ with wire and forced the hostage to give pleasure for several hours. The judge gave them a harsh sentence. Not for rape, but for causing grievous bodily harm.

Apparently, for Russian women, somewhat different problems related to gender relations are relevant. According to the study "Women and Prison", of the 100 convicted of murdering women, 46% killed their husbands or cohabitants, another 25 percent - close relatives.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the new Criminal Code, adopted in 2001, turned out to be more advanced in this regard. In the “youth” Article 152 (formerly 117th), a new concept of “person” was introduced instead of “woman”. That is, liability for rape is also provided for women who have raped this very “person” by force.

Let's listen to a specialist

The topic is commented on by Russian sex therapist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Prokopenko.

“In the criminal codes of different countries, rape is recognized as certain acts that are carried out by men or women on women, as well as by men on men. Cases where a man appears as the raped person, and a woman as the rapist, are not even the subject of legal proceedings. Meanwhile, reports of men being raped by women regularly appear in the press, and not only in the tabloid press.

The first descriptions appeared in Russian literature at the beginning of the twentieth century. Until 1917, there were about a dozen of them, then messages on this topic disappeared.

In foreign scientific sources for a hundred years, the topic of rape of a man by a woman periodically arose in response to the next newspaper sensation. But there is still almost no scientific research.

Almost all descriptions of rape scenes proceed in the same way. A man is forced to have intercourse under the threat of murder or castration. Of course, as with “ordinary” rape (of a woman by a man), a variety of options are possible. For example, in a number of cases, the rape of a man occurred as a continuation of sadomasochistic games familiar to the couple. For example, a 26-year-old New York woman tied up her 29-year-old lover during love play, and then forced him to perform repeated acts by threatening her with a scalpel. The man believed that he was forced into intimacy, and on this basis he filed a lawsuit.

In the United States, two women stopped a 34-year-old man on the street late at night and, at gunpoint, forced him to perform a sexual act with each of them.

In France, a woman invited a 26-year-old acquaintance to visit, with whom they had the first intimacy in their romance. Then two of her friends appeared in the room. The three of them tied the man up and, under pain of castration, forced him to be the object of oral sex, which was interspersed with regular intercourse. The man was “captured” for more than a day, and then was released with the wishes “not to tell anyone about this, otherwise it will be bad.”

In Spain, a 27-year-old truck driver spent the night with a local woman, and the next morning he found himself tied to a motel bed. Four women threatened to kill him or castrate him if he was not active enough. For two days he was forced to have intercourse, and they injected him twice into the penis to get an erection.

In a Russian report from a century ago, two women, 30 and 29 years old, got a visiting merchant drunk and carried him underground, where they tied him to a shop. Then they aroused him and used him for sexual pleasures. The base of the penis was tied with a thin cord to maintain an erection (by the way, this tactic does not lead to an improvement in erection at all). Two days later, the merchant managed to free himself, but was forced to part with his manhood due to gangrene, which began due to the ligation with a lace.

The few scientific works devoted to such cases consider female rapists to be victims of rape, who transferred their fear and disgust towards the rapist to all men. Therefore, the actions of these ladies are regarded as an act of revenge, not sex.

In fact, this statement is controversial. There are quite a few cases where female victims of rape took revenge on men in much more prosaic ways, usually by killing one of them. In addition, male victims claimed that their rapists experienced arousal and orgasm. Therefore, rather, we are talking about a peculiar form of sadistic perversion in women.

Men who have experienced the described sexual violence are likely to experience psychological and sexual problems in the future. “Unmanly” behavior and the role of a victim in the hands of women sharply reduce self-esteem and do not allow one to look at women as objects of possible sexual contact. There are also depressions, more or less prolonged cessation of sexual activity, sleep and appetite disturbances.

The fantastic nature of the situation, doubts that others will believe what happened, lead to the fact that the facts of rape do not become known. Men experience mental trauma even more alone than women who are raped.”

While the material was being prepared

A fresh example, as they say, out of the heat. In Norway, a court recently sentenced a woman to 9 months in prison for raping a man. This is the first time such a sentence has been passed in this country.

At a private party, after drinking heavily, a 31-year-old man fell asleep on the sofa. Later, in a court in the city of Bergen, in the east of the country, he said that he woke up because a girl was giving him a blowjob.

Under Norwegian law, all sexual acts on a person who is “unconscious or otherwise unable to resist” are considered rape. The court sentenced the woman to 9 months in prison and to pay monetary compensation in the amount of 40 thousand Norwegian kroner (4920 euros).

“This is a very severe punishment,” said the woman’s lawyer, who, defending the accused, tried to prove that the man was not sleeping, but only pretending, which should be regarded as voluntary consent...

For starters, a little humor, if, of course, it is appropriate in a given situation. The nameless author of one of the Internet sites instructs those “unlucky ones” who have fallen into the sexual teeth of aggressors.

What a man who is being raped by a woman needs to know

If you are a man and a woman rapes you, consider yourself very lucky. You are lucky. After all, not everyone is able to interest a woman to such an extent. This instruction is of a practical nature. She will help you take into account all the nuances in advance and get out of such situations with honor.

Firstly. Don't lose your courage. Be confident. Why don't you live up to other people's expectations? Remember that if a woman pounces on you, she is trying to get a very specific pleasure. Otherwise, she will get angry, and you may run into serious trouble. So, the rapist cut off Arkady's testicles. For thirty whole minutes she struggled unsuccessfully with his insensitivity. And he, instead of helping, complained about life and sniffled. It is not surprising that the woman’s patience ran out and Arkasha was left without testicles. But Valery was sure, when he was knocked down in the forest by two women, that he could withstand more than two. In fact, soon two more approached. But no one stood up with Valeria disappointed.

Secondly. Relax. Don't express displeasure. All the same, a woman will not be convicted of violence against a man. Petty hooliganism - no more. So spread your legs freely and don't squeeze them. What happens cannot be avoided. Rest assured, the rapist will not let you go until she receives complete satisfaction. Don't scream, don't call for help. They won’t hear you, but they can simply gag you with your own underpants. This is exactly what Sergei experienced himself. So it turns out that it’s better for you to take advantage of the happy opportunity and be able to rejoice yourself.

Third. Throw away all proud principles. Forget all the now useless thoughts, like, I’m a man - and they’re raping me. Just then you will turn out to be a man if you are able to give pleasure to a woman. That's why she decided to do a wonderful thing. One day, in a ravine, Vladimir was taken possession of by an unknown woman. And he was happy. All this time he thought how wonderful and how easy it was to bring joy to women in this way.

Fourthly. Do not prevent the rapist from undressing you and undressing herself. This will be more pleasant and convenient for both of you. Lowered pants and a raised skirt do not at all provide the opportunity to experience the joy of complete communication, contact, and merging of bodies. When his secretary entered Oleg’s office with serious intentions, he simply sank into a chair and placed himself completely at her disposal. The hours that followed left him with the most wonderful memories.

Fifthly. Close your eyes and surrender to the sensations completely. It’s not always possible that your rapist will like you at first sight and cause a reciprocal desire. However, the happiness of love that is done to you is felt, first of all, by every cell of your body. Boris was sunbathing naked in a clearing and fell asleep. He woke up to someone lying on him, on his errogated phallus. Boris pretended to continue sleeping. He didn't know what kind of woman was with him. With every part of his body he participated in the play of breasts, belly, womb, thighs, legs, arms, lips. The feeling was bubbling, and its pure element, without evaluation by the eyes, turned out to be a real holiday for Boris.

At sixth. Control your ejaculation. Remember, your rapist's main goal is not to ejaculate your sperm. A woman wants to experience more of her own orgasms. So you too experience your orgasm wave after wave to your health, glow and purify with passion, but also make sure that there is no ejaculation. At least until you satisfy everyone. Otherwise, you will ruin the holiday for yourself and others. You are required to have empathy and a firm phallus. So be a gentleman, not a wimpy egomaniac. Make a woman happy and ejaculate into her only when she asks for it. As was the case with Fedor, who was immediately told that they wanted to have children from him. There were three rapists, it was a bit difficult, but Fedor coped with the task.

Seventh. Don't stop the woman from raping you further. Don't create a lot of trouble for her by being tired. George's trouble was that he did not know how to control the eruption. He did not practice every day, but only from casual connection to random connection. When Georgy was crushed under himself in the taiga, he was easily aroused, but he ejaculated just as easily. And he was no longer fit for anything, and five more women who held him tightly by the arms and legs and impatiently waited for their turn were not in his arms. Well, George could experience so many passionate and burning caresses! But instead, his groin was fruitlessly crushed and he was brutally beaten until he bled.

Eighth. Don't try to act on your own. Help only when asked. Be obedient. If they lift your legs up to your head or poke you with your crotch in your mouth, don’t slow down. It is better for the rapist to know what to do with you next. Nothing will be taken away from you. You are not at risk of pregnancy. So why else worry? Stanislav lay on his back like a lord and simply enjoyed it so much. But Alexander was not lucky. He turned the rapist over and picked up the pace. The woman screamed that she was being raped. Alexander had to flee. But if he had not shown tactlessness and rudeness, so much pleasure would have awaited him!

Ninth. Don't lie on a passive rubber mat. If you feel ticklish, feel free to laugh; if you feel very good, let your body squirm and move sweetly and passionately. Sigh, moan, groan, but avoid unnatural volume and false phrases and words. Be attentive to the behavior of the abuser. When the rider turned Nikolai over and wrapped her legs around him, he correctly understood that the time had come for him to act. Slow and deep frictions were in place. The sealing of the scrotum caused unusually piercing sensations in the partners. Kolya did not get hung up on the monotonous movements of the phallus and pelvis, he boldly moved from one position to another, did not hold back his imagination and truly proved that the woman was not mistaken in choosing him.

Tenth. When the woman gets up and leaves you, remain indifferent to her departure and continue to be in the pleasure you have experienced. Do not make acquaintances, conversations, do not express your assessment of what is happening, unless the woman asks you to do so. Most often, a woman is not going to tell anything about herself. She received satisfaction and now, rest assured, she has already forgotten about you. When the rapists left, Valery was grateful to them from the bottom of his heart for the pleasure they had given him. And he expressed his gratitude through silence, he lay happy on the sidelines and smiled quietly, allowing them to leave calmly.

Well, women don’t rape men at every turn. However, a real man must always be chivalrously ready for this. It is not good to offend women and, even more so, to mortally insult them by neglecting their direct male responsibilities. However, embarrassment can be avoided in advance.

Here are some simple tips:
- pay great attention to cleanliness of the body and genitals every day. Wash yourself with water. If your penis or you yourself smell bad, this can quickly turn off any rapist;
- do gymnastics daily, developing all breathing muscles. What pleases you personally and other people is not how your phallus jumps on its own, but how it sounds and plays in harmony with your entire healthy body;
- train your phallus daily. His capabilities are developed through honest work. Be sexually happy with your spouse, with your beloved, at least twice a day - morning and evening. And if you had to fall asleep or wake up alone, your hand is always with you. But keep your head on your shoulders during all exercises. Often the eruption is unnecessary;
- having a clean and trained phallus, stop worrying about anything petty. For example, that when they start raping you, you won’t have enough lubrication. Don't doubt it, the vagina of an excited woman will completely envelop your phallus with lubricant. So you will bathe in it like cheese in butter;
- once again firmly emphasize that violence can only come from a woman. If you go to rape a woman yourself, you will, without any doubt, have problems with the criminal code. And you will sit in the zone, and women will never rape you.

The author tried to reveal all the secrets of a woman’s power over a man. Any woman, of course, wants to know ways to attract and retain the best and most worthy man for her. I also really want to ignite real passion in this person. I wonder if there is a certain technique for manipulating a man’s consciousness. Psychologists say that such methods exist, and every woman can use them.

In life there are different women, both quiet modest women and real “hunters”. No woman in the world should have to spend lonely evenings lamenting why she is lonely. A real “hunter” will not be left by her husband or will always be surrounded by admirers. You can dominate the best men, but to do this you need to change your own thinking, then you can feel that much can happen easily and naturally. In a relationship with a man, you need to give him what he could not get from others. It is possible to rule over the best representatives of the stronger sex if a woman can tune in to the wave of a man. At the same time, it doesn’t even matter how a man treats a woman. You can tune in to his wave at any time. It is very important that a woman can quickly transform herself and try on any role from a kind mother to a dissolute courtesan.

Power is a great and seductive thing. Once receiving it, a woman immediately understands that she is not a discharged or empty doll, but a conqueror of men’s hearts. Can a woman learn to dominate the best men? To do this, first of all, a woman must become irresistible and sexy. Many people are of the opinion that a woman can only obtain these qualities from nature. Numerous examples prove that this can be learned. A man can only submit to those women who want to enjoy the pleasures of life. To do this, a woman must master body language perfectly, lose all inhibitions and develop complete confidence in herself. But first you need to liberate the true and sensual woman within yourself. These questions concern all women. The desire to conquer men so that they fall in stacks at your feet is natural for every sensual woman. Power over a man will help you achieve not only love, but personal happiness.

It’s clear that the main female “weapon” that will ensure victory is female beauty and the ability to seduce. First you need to learn to be bright, sexy and irresistible. First you need to choose the appropriate wardrobe, then work on your hair and makeup, analyze your behavior, and finally, master the language of movements and gestures, and also work on your manners. But before the “attack” begins, a woman must acquire firm confidence that all this is achievable and she is a true queen, both in dreams and in reality. First of all, a woman must become attractive to men. To do this, you need to determine your own “trump cards”.

“Trump cards” are the parameters of the figure, appearance and manners that you can be proud of and show to a man. These “trump cards” should “force” men, seeing a woman, to exclaim: “Beautiful woman! “You will need to skillfully disguise your shortcomings and not show your man your own weaknesses. This is easy to do, although you will need to follow a number of rules:

1. It is necessary to ensure that all the “trump cards” of female attractiveness are conveyed more effectively;

2. Disadvantages must be hidden and not demonstrate your own weaknesses;

3. It is necessary to constantly stimulate the male imagination;

4. The main quality of a woman is her sex appeal. Every woman should learn to present herself as seductive and irresistible. In a word, become a true queen of hearts.

A conquered and subjugated man can do the most incredible and unexpected things. To dominate him, you first need to “capture” his mind. There are the simplest and most invisible tricks of seduction, but showing a naked body is not always considered seduction. By the way, stylists claim that there is no clothing that cannot be made seductive. For example, the simplest and most functional type of clothing is a coat. It would seem that this is only a piece of clothing used in the cold season, but a smart woman can choose just such a coat that will perfectly emphasize her slender figure and demonstrate long legs, which are one of the virtual “trump cards” of a woman. The “huntress’s” coat should flutter, and through the deep slits the man can see her beautiful and slender legs. The seduction plan is the first stage of conquering a man, so it is considered the most important. If a woman wants to win a man, she must be bold and not be afraid of provocative actions. It is important to remember that demonstrating a feminine essence implies that a woman has a bit of adventurism, as well as a spirit of offensiveness. How skillfully a woman “presents herself” will determine success.

Of course, beautiful breasts and a thin waist are not the only factors that help women win over a man. However, any beauty is better with the mind! There are many examples of completely inconspicuous and inexpressive women “twisting ropes” out of men. Such women simply use their other “trump cards” - intelligence, wisdom and experience. It's strange that only men can be blamed for starting the war. A Makarov pistol or a Kalashnikov assault rifle are exclusively male attributes. But in real life, the fiercest games are played by women who don’t know a damn thing about warfare or military weapons. Although there is a trophy, the winner gets the best man in the world.

Today I was talking with one of my friends and became thoughtful.

A girl from, to put it mildly, a very wealthy and decent family. At the age of 20, she got married (10 years ago) and gave birth to a son. I married a “man” for 26 years, in the 90s they were called racketeers. Not a bad guy to talk to. Correct and respected in his circles. Needless to say, the parents wanted a different chosen one for their only child? But they didn’t argue (I think that’s right).

So, immediately after the birth of I, S-husband, he began to neglect his family. Those who know such people will understand me. Due to the nature of his work (I call them fresh air directors), he had to be in restaurants and clubs almost every day. Well, and be outside the house every day. The result is that his girlfriend divorced him at 23. She had nothing to fear (her parents' money was enough for her great-great-grandchildren). A nanny was hired for my son, O went to college. On my own, without bribes. Well done.

But life didn’t end there! Oh, like almost all girls, they were attracted to powerful men. This is nature. Agree, many ladies fall for power, not for money, intelligence, sex, much less beauty. Namely POWER. A male male, a conqueror and conqueror, one who is respected and feared. Ladies FALL, no, they don’t fall in love and get married (although there are some), but they fall in love and experience passion.

O found herself (or he her) a powerful male man who showered her with diamonds, huge bouquets, and fur coats from famous couturiers for millions of rubles. Kissed her feet!! YES! He was older. She was 25, he was 45. A very charming man. A year later there was a luxurious wedding.

Many of you guessed that after the wedding, A (new husband) became different. Realizing that he had won O’s heart, the male man went on to conquer further. He slept with all her “girlfriends”, gave each of them expensive gifts and gave n-sizes of money. Helped their families. Let me add that as soon as A had a drink, O became jealous of every post, phones were broken, waiters who “winked” at O ​​were beaten, and similar antics. O still lives with him. Maybe she loves, or maybe she’s used to public life and a respected husband.

A powerful man. I know a lot of them, and I can add. 7 out of 10 are the same as A.

Women are powerful men. They are cheerful and happy in public. They are not frank with loved ones. To be afraid, of condemnation, or something... Misunderstanding. Some people are simply ashamed. It’s a shame that BEFORE their “male” they were leaders and not followers. THEY gave orders, received gifts, THEY kissed their hands when they met and looked only at them. And later everything changed. Not in their direction, naturally.

I know people who “rose up” together with their wife. The wives endured poverty, threats from bandits, and an upset husband who was temporarily impotent. And here it is - the goal, it would seem, of THEIR life, POWER. Money, respect. And the wife, without whom all this would not have happened, fades not even into the background, but almost into fifth place. This domineering man, formerly psychologically impotent, forgets about his wife’s support and finds himself a mistress. Supports her, runs her business, and... a son. And the wife, who endured all this crap, dutifully raised 2 daughters, will be left with “0” at 45 when divorced... Here it is, the bitter truth of life.

Treason. I'll be honest, don't judge. I'm not against MEN'S cheating. I am against the wife and people close to the family finding out about these infidelities. A smart man will preserve his wife's nerves and the sanctity of his family, even if he fucks someone. He will fuck, not make love. Many people confuse these things. And, a wise wife, in my opinion, will be able to preserve the hearth. Although, I admit, I don’t know how I would behave in such a situation. But I don’t call myself wise either :)

Another thing is female infidelity. Not betrayal out of despair (when a woman does not receive attention, affection, when the husband is a tyrant, etc.), but ordinary betrayal - I wanted it, passion flared up. I am categorically against it. I am not judging anyone, but expressing my point of view on what I could do. Outside of marriage, please. At least with two at once :) At least with a stranger, at least with a black man - it’s personal. I just don’t understand how you can sleep with a man when you have a husband. I don’t understand, no matter how much I think about it. I hope I don't understand. On the part of a woman, this is betrayal. Yes, I am one of those for whom a man is superior to a woman. For me, a man should be stronger, smarter, more balanced. I'm not a feminist, I want to feel strength from a man and receive support. And I absolutely don’t mind being dependent on a man.

Although, I can look at other men and admire them in some ways. And my husband can look at women. Why not? What's wrong with looking at beautiful people? He and I can discuss someone’s butt and breasts. He just loves my butt, even though it became an ass after childbirth, and my breasts, which are also far from what they were before. And I love him. And he knows that I don’t need another.

In my opinion, this is correct. I don’t understand women who argue with their husbands if they looked at the long legs of a blonde in a mine skirt at the next table in a cafe...

I am glad that I have MY husband, my beloved, one and only. And he has me! One and only:))

Girls, don't lose your happiness!! Appreciate it and take care of it!

We have long stepped into the 21st century and are accustomed to the ubiquity of the Internet, gadgets and the latest technologies. We are accustomed to equality and tolerance, but we did not notice how those who recently fought for their rights won back something of ours. I'm talking, of course, about women - matriarchy is already coming.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with a woman managing her own life. Perhaps nothing, but more and more often she is taking the helm in relationships with men. And here the guy loses his former features:

  • Inability to defend your interests in relationships;
  • Have a wide choice of girls (the fact is that if you cannot tame one girl, then choosing from several is out of the question);
  • Lack of levers of management, control and development of relationships.

Matriarchy: How did this happen?

Imagine that the modern world is preparing any person for matriarchy. Let’s not fall into conspiracy theories, considering this to be part of someone’s insidious plan; let’s just understand the mechanism.

What has a strong impact on society? Of course, television. Now remember how they show it to us (starting with Disney cartoons, ending with talk shows and TV series). A classic comical situation - a girl manipulates a man. At the same time, he is forced to make excuses and constantly feel guilty. And gradually it became a normal plot, which is not perceived as a joke. Also a classic plot is the “slipping” of a previously successful man under his thumb.

Unfortunately, this is such a modern model that goes great on TV and fits perfectly into people’s subconscious.

But you can always argue that you are the one who does not take it seriously and is not influenced.

This means you simply don’t understand (or are trying not to project onto yourself) the mechanism of suggestion.

It’s trite, but everything happens subconsciously. A person learns direct appeals much worse than the behavior he sees every day. We learn poorly from our parents' advice, but we learn well from their example, becoming like them when we grow up.

But if you see TV more often, then it is he who serves as an example for you. Observing essentially perverted relationships, you unconsciously agree with this, and in the same situation you will behave similarly. This is how they get into your head incorrect settings:

  • It is the girl who chooses the partner;
  • Whims, eternal discontent, hysterics are the normal behavior of a girl. You just have to bear with it, because she can be sweet during her breaks. Otherwise she may leave;
  • You take the first step after a quarrel like a “real man.” Who is right and who is wrong is not important;
  • No matter what you do, you only grow to her level. You will never live up to it, but you must make constant efforts;
  • You should be grateful to her that you are together and she chose you. Gratitude has all sorts of material expressions;
  • You don’t have to live up to someone about whom they say “like all men.” That is, you are the one who needs more than just sex from her. If you don't try to prove it when she asks, you're wrong;
  • If you tell her only the truth, she will be offended.

I won’t even ask if any of the situations listed are familiar to you. Most likely, you recognized yourself in all or almost all points =).

The problem is that we see such scenarios all the time. It's funny at first, but then it becomes natural behavior for men and women.

But even if you don't understand what's going on, it still seems like something is wrong, right? The movie “The Matrix” immediately comes to mind...

Simple example . Several guys are relaxing somewhere, drinking beer or something stronger. Surely one of them is worried, looking at the clock. If his girlfriend calls or writes, he makes up the idea that he’s late at work (or something else). In other words, he hides from her that he is spending time for his own pleasure and does everything so that she does not find out about it. If he didn’t hide it (he got burned or doesn’t know how to lie), then, of course, he will begin to reassure her and make excuses: “ Well, I won’t be long, just don’t start!».

So, most men are simply afraid to admit to a girl that they have their own plans, they decide for themselves how to spend their time - fearing her reaction. And the rest look at it, thinking that this is how it should be.

How will this happen to you

Perhaps it has already happened...

They are gradually being driven under the heel - after all, girls are the weaker sex, and she is unlikely to be able to sharply limit the freedom of even a weak man. First, you must get used to the fact that you may feel guilty in front of her. Perhaps she will gradually establish different “rules of relationships” that will soon regulate all areas of life.

As an example, let’s look at a common situation . Many guys have acquaintances with girls with whom they keep in touch - meetings with mutual friends, social networks, etc., a relationship begins... The emerging soulmate begins to show a negative reaction when other girls call him or the guy corresponds with them. Even if she knows for sure that there is only friendship between them (friendship), she has leverage:

  • Force you to make excuses (if you make excuses, then you admit that you are guilty of something);
  • Put the question bluntly - “Her or me!” (bluff, in other words);
  • Letting you know that I'm offended. At the same time, answer a direct question that there is no offense, “everything is fine.”

The average modern guy, unfamiliar with the psychology of girls, will swallow all of these baits (or most of them).

The mechanism is primitive and simple: guilt plus fear of breaking up the relationship. You start to agree to her small conditions, then the degree of submission grows exponentially. The example with girls is the first thing that came to mind. In fact, she doesn’t care, it’s just an excuse. Finding it is not a problem.

What to do? Immediately show her that you choose what to do. If she is demonstrably offended by this (90% that will be the case), you need to end the date and send her home. Otherwise, she will ruin the mood for both of you.

There's only one way

As long as you talk to girls and start relationships with them, you will notice constant attempts to manipulate you. This is their typical behavior, which most often manifests itself unconsciously..

Only one thing will help fight this - studying the behavior of girls. And for this you need to gain knowledge and build relationships.

The moment you start to fear that she will leave you if you don't do what she wants, you fall into a trap. From the very beginning, you must play by your rules; you must boldly refuse a girl who does not accept this.

Cunning is in the girls' blood. They try to do everything subtly and carefully, and there is only one method of dealing with this - clearly and unambiguously show her that you will not put up with this. If you do this from the very beginning of the relationship and don’t stop, then over time she will stop trying to manipulate you.

And of course, get better every day in all aspects. The higher your value as a man, the easier it is to get the girl you like, and the more she will value the relationship.

Stop living in the Matrix! Wake up! Only we ourselves make ourselves happy, only you, as a man, build your relationship with her. If you feel someone's manipulation, coercion, or feel guilty, then something is wrong. Don't be afraid to take decisive steps and be different from everyone else.

Hello everyone, dear blog readers! Today I would like to talk about an age-old topic and give some advice to those girls who are tormented and do not know how to tie a man and give him pleasure. Go. The article was written by a man, if that's the case. Authorship is listed below. Reading 😉

Important! We buy proven ropes for sex games in bed at IntimShop, when you register there they give you a bonus of three hundred rubles, and rope costs 380 rubles. For BDSM and other erotic pleasures it is definitely better to use something better than a clothesline))

To knit or not to knit?

Each of those people who have a vibrant sex life has encountered a situation where everything has become boring. When the partner has been studied for a long time and everything that everyone knows how to do is tested and all words and actions are just worn out to holes.

What to do in such cases

The answer is simple - expand your knowledge and go beyond the boundaries of the usual, adding a touch of piquancy. Why not try rope bondage? And how to enter this sphere in the most comfortable and pleasant way possible? You've come to the right place. Here you will get answers to the most frequently asked questions about tying up male beginners.

Where to start linking

With trust. Trust is the main thing. The main thing is trust. The main thing is that your partner feels calm and warm with you. And so that he can trust you with his carcass to explore his and your secret passions. Once you have confidence in such things, just follow a few simple rules and everyone will be happy. The first rule of the young knitting club (no scarves!) is not fucking BDSM. Not harshness and cruelty, not bondage. It's more like disarming. Disarming a strong man by a weak woman.

No hint of femdom (female dominance over a man). Unless the man is a submissive, but then you already know everything yourself.

How to tie a man

First gain his trust. Without trust there is absolutely no way. It is the cornerstone of both sex and any relationship. I'll say it again. If there is trust, everything will happen. No trust - no orgasms;)

How to persuade a man to experiment with bondage if he has never tried it and may refuse?

Take preventative measures. Strike ahead. Usually, from the first seconds of communication with a man, it becomes clear what type he is. There are exceptions, as you know, when female wisdom fails, but that’s why they are exceptions.

So what we do:

We determine his personality type.

Let's divide it into three conditional ones.

Alpha(dominant, hard, first, rude, strong, domineering): A person who is used to controlling the process can be tough, but not rude. By being aggressive and animalistic in bed, he does not want to offend, humiliate, or anything like that. And so it may seem at first glance. He exerts power to make you feel like his. Well, a little self-affirmation. He's just like the real guy.

It is he who will refuse to be bound. He HATES not having everything under control. Because we do the first thing? Right. We gain trust. The next stage is to make him want it himself.

With such men it is worth showing that you are his. Only him and his completely. And even the distance between the molecules in your body also belongs to him. You don't just belong to him. You are his slave, a pleasure machine created for him and obeying only him. And gently offer it to him. Very soft. Beautifully describe in words what you would do with it. To show that even with his hands tied, he will remain in charge. And only him. But this little game, just for half an hour, will make his girl sooooo happy.

When he agrees, just knit. Don't blindfold yourself. He loves control. Don't tie your feet. His strength is in his legs, he must feel it.

Beta(gentle, soft, caring, sweet, pleasant):

Often - just an undiscovered alpha. There are a great many reasons why a man has not awakened the real male within himself at the mere glance of which his legs cramp. Usually they have an idea about sex, know what to stick where and where, have a little idea about cunnilingus, dream of a blowjob, but are afraid of making a mistake and actually know little.

Such men arise from lack of experience, lack of self-confidence, and as a result of trauma associated with sex. But they are extremely sensual and tender.

Therefore, to bind such a person, you should choose one of several ways:

  1. Intrigue. Tell in colors about what emotions he will experience. Will give in, follow interest and excitement.
  2. Ignore. If you have very little experience, then you don’t even have to ask ;)
  3. Scare. Show yourself experienced and enlightened with him and he will succumb. And you can fully revel in your depravity.

Blindfold him and his body will turn into one continuous exposed nerve, with which you can play on the strings of his soul. You can tickle it a little with a feather. This is called Tikling. You can use an ice cube or a cold object. But you need to get used to it. Give compliments, praise, encouragement, caress a lot and actively, and most importantly, where you like. Build trust while doing this. If he is completely wooden and doesn’t understand anything and doesn’t want to, knock on his soul and talk, explain, explain what is where and how and why.

Experimenter: The third type is distinguished by the fact that a man can be both Alpha and Beta and mixed, but one thing drives him - he is a terrible fan of sex in all its forms. He loves to push boundaries and try new things.

The name speaks for itself. New place? Great! New technology? Wonderful? New exercises for potency? Simply jaw-dropping! The most powerful libertines. Everything is simple with them.

If there was no experience, he will agree. If you had the experience and liked it, you’ll agree. If you had an experience and didn’t like it, just tell him that he hasn’t tried it with you yet;)

How to tie a guy - general rules

Who are you doing this for? For him. And for no one else. Therefore, NO experiments (like prostate massage) if this has not happened before.

If you write down the general rules, they look something like this:

If you do something to the person to whom you are attracted, you yourself will do a great job of what else to do.

If you don’t have enough imagination, well, watch educational porn and other videos, as well as all sorts of romantic films with bondage.

Let's talk about rope for bondage in sex

Synthetic or natural materials?

I always give preference to natural ones, as they always look better. And they create an atmosphere. And the knots don't slip. Remember two words: sisal and jute. I prefer these ropes and I have not found anything better (at the time of writing this article). 6-8 millimeters is the optimal thickness. I prefer the eight because it looks rougher and my girls love it. 2-3 meters of rope is enough to wrap your hands.

Remember that you can knit with any rope. You can take a Cotton Rope - length 9 meters. Enough for anything. If so, you can shorten it. I'm talking about the rope, of course.

But there is no arguing about tastes. Any rope of natural origin requires processing.

  • The first thing is to wash it.
  • The second is to boil it so that it becomes softer. Can be done with green tea.
  • Third, rinse in a mouthwash for a couple of hours.
  • Fourth, dry it. Under tension.
  • Fifth, remove all debris from the rope that will interfere with tying.
  • Sixth, shave. This is done simply with fire.
  • Seventh - treat with oil. Olive or grape will do.

All. Your rope is ready to use. Remember, everything related to processing is the little things. But these are the little things that make up perfection.

No rope? No problem.

How can you replace rope for tying?

  1. Scotch. Painting or gray.
  2. Robe belt. It's extremely cool if the belt is silk - it gave me one of the most pleasant experiences.
  3. Handcuffs
  4. The bandages are elastic.
  5. Boxing bandages.
  6. Belt. Here's an easy way to immobilize your boyfriend.

How to tie knots to bind a man

The pictures below show the simplest and most effective knots for a girl to tie a guy correctly. If you have somewhere to tie it down while lying on the bed, that’s just great. If the bed does not have specially equipped pins, there is simply no room - you can tie it behind your head, but this is not particularly convenient. Or tie it to the battery and have divine sex on the floor;)

Node No. 1

Doesn't tighten and comes off easily. The loop is working, you can hook it to something. Tie the free end to whatever you want.

  1. You fold the rope in half, one hand lies on top, the end with the loop is not very long.
  2. Wrap the end with the loop around your wrist twice.
  3. Your index finger should fit freely under the harness.
  4. You also pass the long end there.
  5. You tie the final knot. You do the same with the other hand.
  6. Ready.

Node No. 2

Does not tighten, unties with a simple movement. The loop turns out to be working again, cling to whatever you want.

  1. The rope is folded in half, hands on top. The end with the loop is again not very long.
  2. Wrap the end with the loop around your wrists twice without tightening.
  3. You cross the ends.
  4. You pass the long end under the harness.
  5. You make one knot.
  6. You make a second knot, just to be sure.

I’ll leave here a few more simple and effective ways to tie up your man