The fixed star Algol will enter your horoscope. The star Algol in the horoscope of Pope Pius IX

This is also the name of the star ALGOL (Algoltz, Elgul), Beta Persei, Head of Medusa Gorgon,
variable of the second to fourth magnitude, astrologically - the first.
Guides - Saturn, Lilith, Neptune, Pluto. Option - Uranus, Mars.
It is considered a desecrated star, the most terrible satanic star. Conscious service to the devil, seduction from the true path. On a person’s path, everything becomes sinister... Represents violence, crime, debauchery, mental disorders. When this star is expressed, a person is associated with seduction and great danger. In past incarnations he accumulated heavy karma. It may manifest itself through paranoia, mania, and sadistic tendencies. In most cases, the influence of this star is destructive: criminal tendencies or a tragic end for the person himself are possible, especially when connected with malefic planets or ASC. For MC, the worst case scenario is the most severe influence. Even highly spiritual individuals will have difficulties and obstacles in their path, and they must have enough strength to overcome them. It inclines towards permissiveness, lack of conscience, and seduces from the true path.
About Algol
My talented student Evgeniy Meteleno received a letter. His blog is called “Algol”. I, and especially he, have several planets in close proximity to this fatal, ominous star. Our horoscopes were discussed a lot about this “gift” of fate. I have already written a lot about Algol. I present a letter and excerpts of descriptions of Algol from various authors.

“Good afternoon Evgeniy. No, we don’t know each other, but I would like to talk to you about astrology. Namely, the influence of the stars in the natal chart on a person’s fate. I am interested in the influence of such a star as Algol (I read correspondence on this topic in your blog).

* Evgeniy, hello! thanks for your reply! This means that there are people with Algol, and this seems to be especially highlighted in life, if you have to look for answers))
Algol with the Sun on the cusp of the 12th house (although the 12th house is already a given in modern astrology) worries me in the natal chart of my youngest daughter. Well, it’s disturbing - that’s putting it mildly)) I would like to make sure once again that maybe I’m wrong, according to version 9 of the ZET program - cusp 12th house -26gr19 min, Sun 25gr39min Taurus, it’s possible that for Algol the orb is up to 30 minutes, then maybe not aspect - what is the aspect orb for this star?

By the way, judging by the fact that Algol is 26 degrees Taurus, you have Venus in your monastery, and in which house? I don’t do astrology, I’m just trying to solve my problem with my daughter - a complete lack of mutual understanding, or rather, she is her own director and I... I’m afraid that I won’t be able to control her... and then..
And it so happened that her birth was associated with very unpleasant moments - death surrounded (elderly people left in principle, but somehow very quickly, even suddenly), on the same day, a divorce among friends - a man directly stepping over crying children, grabbing the father by the legs and leaving the house for another, suddenly it came as a shock to everyone. A month later I just ended up on a drip - my body couldn’t withstand the stress of work until the last day, childbirth... and depression set in - of course I pulled through, and got off lightly - in general, these were just a couple of moments that haunted me, I let everything go on the brakes, I blamed it on fatigue and my emotionality, but I feel that I need to look for the reason somewhere and do something - the child is uncontrollable, and even with Mars and Saturn and everything is on the ascendant!! These are the life circumstances that force me to turn to you for.. I don’t even know what to call it - help or advice... maybe for advice - what does such an aspect threaten, if it affects anything at all, but.... just Mars with Saturn on the ascendant I can’t give fatal-tragic coincidences - the neighbor’s boy, born two days earlier - just earth and sky from mine. After all, according to the logic of things, the planets, slow as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn, and even Mars, changed their configurations little in relation to the signs of the zodiac and each other in the range of two days, and the natal houses are a subjective thing, Koch, Placidus, equal..... Therefore, looking at planets on the ascendant or cusp of any house is less informative than their conjunctions in the zodiac signs. That’s why I decided to ask you: is the sun fatal for my daughter and Algol?
Thanks again for listening."
But here’s how Algol manifests itself unpredictably in Evgeniy himself.. And a year ago, just as I posted on the blog, “Happy birthday to Evgeniy Meteleno!”, May 16, the day when the Sun connects with Algol, he unexpectedly went into the army . Algol's influence! All my life, albeit indirectly...
“The soldier served.. His service...” “A year has passed.. The Cossack galloped like an arrow to his native porch..” Yesterday he “was demobilized.”. In the morning I arrived in Kustanai.. I saw my mother at work, called my sister, checked in at the military registration and enlistment office.. And suddenly appears on my doorstep... Grenadier! We sat down at the computer. Discussed. It's time to put it... We've already missed a year. We discussed Goltsman's "Famous Psychopaths." Which of the writers, musicians showed how... Or was Algol strong in the horoscope... Let's start putting together puzzles, pieces, mosaics. What will happen...
“Having famously played chess, trained the Kazakhstani chess champions among schoolchildren, I moved on to more serious things... And where did I start! Get the bull by the horns! For the most terrible of the satanic stars - “Algol” - (the head of the Gorgon Medusa, her eye, or the Devil). The Sun falls under the influence of this star on May 16-19... It is ruled by Saturn (fear, Satan, greed), Lilith - Black Moon - (goat's head in an inverted five-pointed star) and Neptune (fog, illusions, mirages, etc.) Gives seduction with true path. On the path of man, everything becomes sinister. Often gives different types of madness, including paranoia and mania. Seduction and great danger from such a person. Demon seducer. Great fame, often bad through blood and murder. Only in conjunction with the Wheel of Fortune does the opposite work - victory over evil and seduction. (P. Globa. Lectures. 1991). He, in “12 Mysteries of Fate” 1994, writes: “This chimeric star aggravates a person to do evil. These are the worst inclinations that are practically impossible to fight.. This is the head of the Dragon. Al Ghul is the spirit of evil (alcohol same root). Pushes a person to commit crimes. Lenin had it with Jupiter (as did those born in early 1977). Three born on March 16-19, 1977. (2 sevens - increased determination). God forbid, he hits his head against the wall and at the same point. One calls, sometimes from London, sometimes from Moscow. Calculate compatibility with one, with the other. The second one is moaning - I just can’t bear the child... I want it. It's time. The third - already two children, from two husbands of different nationalities, suddenly rushed on April 21 to visit the mausoleum. Lenin. For everyone, Algol is in conjunction with Jupiter and the Black Moon. Poor people, they suffer. Black bull... Those born between March 10-20 and May are especially unfavorable in family life. November 1975, 1977, 1981 (drunkenness, drugs, debauchery, etc.). In 1941 Algol was in conjunction with Saturn and Uranus. Obsession. Moreover, versatility manifests itself when there is a desire to do evil or destruction. When everyone is happy, such a person feels sad.. Well, it’s no coincidence that he started with her..! In our horoscopes, about a dozen planets hang around this “star”.. Until now, the scars from the “affectionate glances of Algol’s” itch.. Look carefully at the ominous twinkling of the star.. Not a single mortal could withstand the gaze of the Gorgon Medusa.. We live to eat.." Palace in the Canary Islands.. European-quality renovation in a house where there are no REAL books.. But a full refrigerator.! And all the TV programs of a "gluttonous" nature. Swearing on TV and on the Internet (coprolalia). Holy Week, Thursday. Quarter, quarter of a circle, quadrant. 4 corners (look for the fifth corner!) The quadrilateral square wheel of your life's bicycle! Shaking!? Algol's cross, four ends, four corners, all degrees 22-28 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are interconnected.. You step on any corner - all the rest begin to move.. Algol consists of several stars. The manifestation of some of them is favorable. Previously, Algol tried to be good, “made eyes”.. Lately he has not stood on ceremony.. In Leo, three stars resonate with Algol: Alphard, Aljabah, Aldhafera (the star of executioners, hunchbacks, freaks). In Scorpio_- Alzena (Agena) There is no happiness.) It manifests itself especially clearly in women. There is no love at all! And he looks at his life as if on someone else’s TV screen. In Aquarius - Sadalsuut ("Stillborn"). When the Moon passes there, the dead come out of the womb.. Premature birth, spasms, circulatory disorders of the fetus, etc. When Uranus was standing there, the chief obstetrician of the region complained that there was a complete pathology in childbirth.. - “When will it end? This has been happening for a year already! " - “Another three months.. Then Uranus will go away for 84 years..” In addition to the aspect of 90 degrees (square), there are also aspects of 45 and 135.. And what stars are there for you, what significance do they have in medical terms..
Got a letter. From Israel. From Haifa. Son of Ada, with whom I corresponded for a long time..
“Good afternoon, uv. Stanislav! Nikolaevich!
I was born on December 25, 1977 in the city of Vinnitsa. It is Ukraine. But they signed me up on January 7, 1978. Mom doesn’t know the exact time of birth, but it was approximately afternoon. When I was one year old, my parents separated, and I didn’t see my father anymore. And when we moved to Moldova to live (I was already 5 years old), my mother was found by her friend, also a teacher. They loved each other for a long time, but his parents did not allow him to marry a Jewish woman, then he finally found her and moved in with us. He loved her and was madly jealous. And every morning he called me liquid, but I was afraid to admit it to my mother.. My mother could not withstand his jealousy for long and broke up with him after 2 years.. I went to see him off, and he wanted to throw me off the cliff on the Dniester, but changed his mind. Why am I writing about this? I think that this left its mark on my future life. Mom worked at a pedagogical college, both full-time and part-time. I spent a lot of time without her attention during the day, but she raised me well, taught me everything, didn’t punish me, didn’t beat me. I started smoking early. At first he was an excellent student, then he disliked mathematics, and skipped her lessons and ran away to the fishermen. I have loved this business since childhood. My friends have always been older than me. I grew up an honest guy, a devoted friend, but my friends used me more. I have always worked, I have been working part-time since I was 15 years old. They cheated me out of money. But I have learned to understand my friends quite well. True, I was drawn to those who smoked and drank. And I started drinking, it makes me feel better, otherwise life hasn’t given me love yet. I loved one girl whom I dated at the age of 19, but I realized this when she died in a car accident. In the army I was an excellent cook, now I have completed courses to become a metal processing operator on computers. This is thanks to mom. But what do I see? Just a job and my own room, and I’m already 30.. And I want to get married. On weekends, to forget and relax, I drink. And I drink a lot. I know that I’m hurting my mother with this, but what to do when there’s no loved one, there’s no place to go.. And I already want children. There is one woman who loves me, but I don't love her. She is a Cancer. Stanislav Nikolaevich, write, what is my destiny, what should I do to make joy appear in my soul? I don’t even turn on the light in my room, I sit in the twilight and play on the computer. console or listening to music. In what year will I find my soul mate and will I find it at all? I’ll be looking forward to your answer.”
The Cretan bull is Algol.. Ariadne's thread is needed. Otherwise you won’t get out.. The ways of God are inscrutable.. The path of the Absolute, its indication.. 28 degrees of Sagittarius.. Which point of birth will it indicate, which task will it draw on the hand. Choose your soul for birth.. And you prepare.. You choose your parents, the place and time of birth.. The soul knows in advance that in a year he will be left without a father.. At five, the stepfather will kick him goodbye, “Get out, you Jew's face..! Little Jew..!” Almost throws you off a cliff into the Dniester.. And at birth they will register on the wrong day, month and year.. This is what it means to be born with Algol on the Ascendant... Everything on the path of life becomes ominous.. The attraction of misfortune. Here's your horoscope. Study.. Look for Ariadne's thread.. And no one will help you.. Only yourself..
I HOUSE* 27th degree Taurus
A wrinkled old Indian woman, smiling widely, sells trinkets.
Genius combined with modesty. Richness of ideas, great productivity. Thrift, wealth after hard work.
II HOUSE* 21st degree Gemini
Dependence, strangeness of character, quarrels. Fatherlessness complexes. Unsuccessful attempts to reach high ranks.
Don't be like your mother. She is paving the way for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You have your own task. The way you are is the norm only for you. And he himself must turn around. Overcome Algol in yourself. These are all types of fears and greed. Hidden and obvious.
And then Ada wrote that her son could not follow my recommendations.. He snapped.. Poor Ada will not wait for her grandchildren..
Jews.. and Jews..
“Gop with a bow - it will be me... I was born under a fence.. The devils baptized me from the slope.. An old gypsy with a beard doused me with water and he called me “Gop with a bow...” - “Hello Stasik... It’s me , Aunt Shura! Old "Stalinist" Jew! That's how things are going... Oh, and there are still 17 years left, to smoke up to a hundred years... The leg is growing! Cut off.. Wide..!” So they joke, in the manner of Donetsk Jews, who live on the former Shakhtnaya street, which ran into the huge waste heaps of the Stalin metallurgical plant, in the former Stalino, now Donetsk. That’s what the mother of the Krugman brothers, my friends back in 1957, joked. Roman and Yuri said, “Stas!” There are Jews and there are Jews, these are two big differences... There are many Jews... And there are more of them among other nations. Jew is not a nationality.. We are unique! Where have you seen a Jewish laborer? Where have you seen a Jewish boxer? And we are like this..” Subtle, elegant, good-natured humor.. Without the smell of Privoz, Deribasovskaya (“And a beer hall opened on Deribasovskaya.. A gang of thieves gathered there.. There were girls Marusya, Galya, Raya.. And with them Kostya, Kostya - Shmarovoz.. But it didn’t look like a tango, a passer-by was hit in the face.. Someone was hit in the skull with a bottle, the waitress was stuck in the hole with a fork.. That’s how the gang of thieves had fun...” (note: Girls are prostitutes, scoundrels.. Shmarovoz is a pimp)..In the spirit of today's elite parties..
Different opinions about one date. (And one star)
The Sun connects with Algol on May 15-18.. "EVIL" STAR ALGOL
This star is the second brightest in the constellation Perseus. It is located at a distance of 93 light years from Earth. Algol is about 150 times brighter than the Sun. Its brightness changes periodically: at first the star darkens a little, then flares up with the same intensity, and then darkens much stronger than the first time, returning to its original brightness 2 days 20 hours and 49 minutes after the start of the changes.

The ancient Arabs, who noticed this, believed that this star was simply (much simpler =)) the eye of the devil, with which he looked at the Earth. That's why they called her El Gul. How else, other than the devil’s intent, could one explain the fact that in the heavens, which were considered to be unchanging, unshakable - after all, Allah lives on them - something still changes? That is why Algol gained the reputation of an “evil” star. Not only the Arabs, but also the Greeks did not really favor this star. They believed that she was the eye of Medusa the Gorgon, one glance at which could turn her to stone. On ancient star maps, in the place of Algol, the head of Medusa was depicted, held by Perseus. By the way, if you believe these images, DarkForce will be prettier. The Jews called Algol Rosh ha Sitan, which, sort of, means the Head of Satan. In ancient China, this star was called Tseih She - Heap of Corpses. In general, the tender and reverent love of the peoples of the world for Algol is evident.

In astrology, it is generally accepted that the star Algol plays a fatal role in a person’s fate. It symbolizes strict requirements in performing certain (usually related to paranormal phenomena) tasks. Moreover, these demands appear unexpectedly, so a person most often does not have time to react to them. The result, which is logical, is deplorable: the destruction of the human physical body and specific objects of the material world. But in the case of a person’s “victory,” the star helps to overcome obstacles and achieve victory over evil, and then the person is given power, wealth and other worldly goods as long as he is capable of fair and disinterested disposal of them (isn’t that what the plots of the games in the series come down to?) . However, a person still should not allow the slightest mistake, otherwise the dark forces will take revenge (in a thousand years will Darkforce devour us all?).

Interesting facts about one of the most famous stars in the sky.

Not every star has its own name. As a rule, only the brightest luminaries can afford such luxury.

Star names, being mostly of Arabic origin, sound beautiful and unusual to our ears. But when translated, they usually reveal a very prosaic meaning: so the star Arneb turns into a Hare Megrets at the beginning of the tail, Mirfak to the Elbow... True, there are also unusual stars in the sky that have equally unusual names. One of these stars is located in the constellation Perseus, and its name is Algol.
Algol(or Beta Persei) is the second brightest star in Persei. Its brilliance is approximately 2.2 m, which is comparable to the brilliance of the stars of the Ursa Major bucket. It ranks in the seventh ten on the list of the brightest stars in the night sky. Nevertheless, each of us has probably heard about this star.

But what is she famous for? Why did the ancients, at best, fear it, considering it an unusual star, and at worst, simply fear it? The name Algol, which has Arabic roots, also carries an ominous connotation! Verb غال ( gala) means ruin, kill, noun الغول ( al-gul) is translated as evil spirit or monster! Monstrous star, or even worse - devil star! That's the name!

Algol has belonged to the constellation Perseus for more than two thousand years. (The ancients, as you know, were great masters of combining groups of stars into constellations, the drawings, although arbitrary, were convenient for memorization.)

Perseus is one of the most famous characters in ancient Greek myths, and a purely positive hero, without negative traits (remember that even Hercules sometimes succumbed to outbursts of anger). How could the “Devil’s Star” be in this constellation?!

It turns out that she is absolutely in the right place here! Let us remember the myth of Perseus. According to legend, Perseus performed one of the main feats by killing the Gorgon Medusa, a terrible sea monster, the mere sight of which turned people into stone. The cunning Perseus cut off Medusa's head, looking at her reflection in the polished shield so as not to petrify.

And then this head with snakes instead of hair helped him win several important victories over his enemies. In the sky, the constellation Perseus was displayed as follows: in one hand the hero holds a sword raised above his head, and in the other - the terrible head of Medusa, which, even after death, is ready to turn everyone who looks at it into stone.

So Algol was depicted on ancient maps as one of the eyes of the terrible Medusa! Even in the Dark Ages, when ancient knowledge about the sky migrated from Europe to the Islamic world, Arab astronomers continued to draw the constellation Perseus with the devil's star as one of the eyes of Medusa! Is it a coincidence? Not at all!

They noticed (perhaps it was noticed even earlier!) that Algol... winks! In other words, the brightness of a star is not constant, it shines either brighter or dimmer!

This is not easy to notice, because most of the time the star shines unchanged. If, however, you watch it carefully, you can catch the moment when Algol fades almost three times for several hours! This, and the fact that the changes in brightness occurred rapidly, probably frightened medieval astronomers. The “wink” from the heavens, which at that time were considered unchangeable and perfect, seemed to hint at something bad.

Algol - variable star

Today we know that Algol is not alone. There are many stars in the sky that, like him, change their shine from time to time. Such stars are called variables. Changes in gloss occur for various reasons. Some types of old stars are unstable; they continuously and rhythmically change in size, sometimes swelling, sometimes, on the contrary, contracting.

Other stars are covered with huge spots, similar to the sun's, only much larger in size. When the side of the star with the most spots turns toward Earth, the star dims. What category of variables does Perseus beta belong to? Algol is the most famous eclipsing variable star. How to understand this term?

To do this, let's go back to Europe.

The variability of Algol's brightness was discovered for Europeans by the Italian mathematician and astronomer Geminiano Montanari in 1669. Although Montanari's discovery was soon confirmed by other astronomers (for example, Maraldi and Palitzsch), Algol's variability was not investigated until 1782. Astronomers did not know exactly how the brightness of Algol changes - strictly periodically or chaotically, by the same magnitude or by different ones.

The first who undertook to carefully examine the star was a deaf-mute English youth from York named John Goodrike.

In the autumn of 1782, when he was eighteen years old, Goodreik began every clear night to evaluate the brilliance of Algol, comparing it with the brilliance of other stars. He often did this several times a night so as not to miss the moment when the star began to dim.

Ultimately, Goodreich hoped to collect enough estimates to plot the star's brightness over time and see if any patterns emerged.

But time passed, and the notorious devil's star showed no signs of variability. Anyone else in Goodreik’s place would have long ago given up trying to “catch” the star red-handed, but the young man was patient and persistent. Finally, on November 12, 1782, he wrote in his journal:

“Last night I looked at Beta Persei and was amazed by the fact that its brightness had changed. It is now a star of approximately 4th magnitude. I watched her diligently for about an hour. It was hard to believe that its brightness had changed, since I had never heard of stars being able to change their brightness so quickly.”

What he saw was so amazing that at first Goodreik thought that he was dealing with an optical illusion, a visual defect, or the result of atmospheric disturbances. However, further observations showed that the star actually changes its brightness, and does so strictly periodically! By April 1783, Goodreik determined the period of change in the brightness of Algol: 2 days and 21 hours.

But what is the reason for Algol's variability? Goodrike suggested that a fairly large body rotates around the star, which, passing in front of the star, partially covers it from us, reducing the flow of light coming from it. According to Goodreik, it could be a planet or a fainter star. The two celestial bodies were located so close to each other that they could not be separated by any telescope.

Goodreik's idea well explained the strict periodicity of brightness changes and therefore was accepted by most astronomers. However, until 1889, although beautiful, it remained just a hypothesis. The Englishman was proven right by astronomer Hermann Vogel, who worked at the Potsdam Observatory.

In order to show that Algol consists of two components, he used spectral analysis - a method that was just coming into scientific use at that time. Using a prism, Vogel split Algol's light into a spectrum. As one would expect, it revealed dark absorption lines of various chemical elements. What was surprising was that the lines diverged and then converged, as if they belonged to two different stars.

The displacement of the lines indicated the movement of objects - according to Doppler's law, a shift to the red side indicates the removal of the star from the observer, and a shift to the violet side indicates its approach.

Careful observations made it possible to establish that the full cycle of divergence and convergence of the lines was 2.87 days, exactly coinciding with the period of Algol variability! Thus, Goodreik’s brilliant guess was confirmed by strict observations.

The Devil's Star was actually made up of two stars orbiting a common center of mass. The orbit of the satellite star is located in such a way that it covers (or, as astronomers say, eclipses) the main star from us every time it passes between it and the Earth. As a result, the total light flux from Algol decreases. Scientists call such stars eclipse-variables.

Algol became the first eclipsing variable star discovered by man. Just a year after studying Algol's variability, Goodreich and his friend astronomer Piggott found another eclipsing variable star, β Lyrae. Now many thousands of such luminaries are known; Algol, being one of the closest eclipsing variable stars, is also the most studied star of its kind.

Studying the Algol light curve

The first thing astronomers do when studying a particular variable star is to build a graph of changes in its brightness over time. This graph is called a star's light curve. What can he talk about in the case of Algol?

It turns out that there are a lot of things!

Here is the light curve of Algol, obtained from precise photoelectric observations. Axis X time is plotted in fractions of a period (in our case, the period is 2.87 days), along the axis Y- difference in stellar magnitudes. The first thing that catches your eye is the deep dip at the beginning and end of the period.

This - minimum shine. At this moment, the dimmer component of the Algol system covers the main one and maximally weakens the total light of the system.

Further, approximately halfway through the cycle, another small drop in brightness is visible. It is so insignificant that it is completely invisible to the eye. This - secondary minimum, the moment when Algol’s satellite is already behind the main star and is also partially eclipsed by it. If the satellite had not been eclipsed, there would have been no decrease in brightness.

Note also that at the time of the main eclipse, the increase in brightness begins immediately after reaching the minimum. This indicates that a partial eclipse is occurring (the main star is not completely eclipsed). If the main component in the system were completely obscured by the satellite, then for some time the brightness of the system would be constant (while the main star is obscured) and we would not observe a smooth curve, but a broken one with a “plateau” at the minimum brightness.

The same is true, by the way, for the secondary minimum. There, too, there is no even straight segment, which means that the weaker component of the system is not completely eclipsed by the main one.

What else? Note: outside the eclipse, the brightness of the system also changes! From the minimum to the secondary minimum it grows, after the secondary minimum it slowly decreases. It would seem that at this time the shine of the system should remain constant, because the light from both components reaches us! Everything is correct, but we did not take into account the fact that the components are located very close to each other, so a fainter companion star, illuminated by a brighter one, can scatter its light!(Just like planets reflect and scatter sunlight!)

Research shows that this effect becomes detectable when the companion star not only emits less light than the main star, but is also larger in size than the main star! (This makes sense: the larger the area of ​​reflection, the more light will be scattered!) Obviously, the most light will be reflected toward the observer when the dim component is located behind the bright component, that is, near the secondary eclipse!

So, just a careful study of the brilliance of Algol allows us to construct the following picture. The β Persei system consists of two stars, one brighter and the other dimmer. The stars are located very close to each other, so that their period of revolution around the center of mass is 2.87 days.

At the same time, the pair is located in such a way that we on Earth can observe partial eclipses every time one component appears behind the other. In addition, we discovered the effect of reflection (or re-emission) of light from the main star from the satellite star. This gave us the right to assume that the satellite, emitting less light than the main star, is at the same time larger in size.

Physical characteristics of Algol

Despite the interesting conclusions drawn from the analysis of Algol's brightness, we can significantly expand our knowledge of this system if we use spectral analysis. This method has already helped astronomers prove the double nature of the star, but it also spoke in detail about each component of the system separately.

It turned out that the main star Algol A, belongs to the number of hot bluish-white stars. Its spectral class B8V (Roman numeral V means it is a main sequence star), and the surface temperature is 12550K (the Sun has 5800K). The star's radius is 2.73 times that of the Sun, and its mass is 3.39 times that of the Sun. Algol A emits 182 times more light than the Sun!

Algol B much cooler than the main star: its surface temperature is only 4900 K. The star belongs to the spectral class K0IV (the number IV means that it is subgiant star).

Indeed, Algol B, having a mass of only 0.77 of the mass of the Sun, emits 6 times more light than our daylight star. The radius of Algol B is 3.48 times the radius of the Sun.

A blue and orange star - how beautiful the sky must have looked on a planet orbiting this pair! Astronomers do not yet know whether planets exist near Beta Perseus, but they have discovered in this system... another star!

Algol S is located at a distance of 400 million kilometers (2.9 AU) from the eclipsing variable pair and orbits it with a period of 680 days. Astronomers suspected the existence of a third component of the system in the late 1950s, but its characteristics could not be accurately determined for a long time due to the influence of the spectrum of its neighbors on the spectrum of Algol C.

Today, when the star has already been separated by speckle interferometry and its spectrum has been well studied, we know that Algol C is a white star of spectral class A7V , its surface temperature is 7500 K, its mass is 1.58 times that of the Sun, and its radius is 1.7 times the solar radius. Algol C emits 10 times more light than our daylight.

Thus, Algol is a triple star! All three components were born simultaneously from the same gas and dust cloud; their age is estimated at 300 million years.

Algol's paradox

Have you noticed anything strange in the facts stated above? Let's take another look at the data obtained by astronomers. Algol A is a hot, massive main sequence star, that is, a star that, like the Sun, is in equilibrium burning hydrogen in its core.

Meanwhile, its companion, the star Algol B, has already left the main sequence and entered the subgiant stage. This means that it has evolved much further than the main star: the hydrogen in its core is coming to an end.

But how is this possible, since Algol A is much more massive than its satellite?! And the more massive a star is, the faster it burns nuclear fuel, and the faster it ultimately evolves! It seems we have stumbled upon an obvious contradiction!

This contradiction, which arises when comparing observed data with theory, is called the “Algol paradox”. He explains it simply and beautifully.

In the past, Algol B was more massive than Algol A and therefore evolved faster. Having turned into a subgiant, Algol B filled the Roche lobe - the region around the star where its gravitational force is greater than the gravitational force of the satellite. As a result, the substance of Algol B began to flow onto Algol A, enriching the star with hydrogen (there is always more of it in the outer layers of the star than in the core) and at the same time heating it due to the additional mass. Thus, the evolved star became less massive than the evolutionarily younger one. Astronomers observed something similar in the example of Regulus.

How to observe Algol?

Is it possible to observe the change in the brightness of Algol yourself? Of course! Not only can you see for yourself the variability of the star, but you can also do the same work that John Goodrike did in plotting the light curve of Algol. To do this, you do not need a telescope or other expensive equipment, just your own eyes, a watch and a pencil with a piece of paper.

Your goal is to collect several dozen estimates of the brightness of a star (including, of course, estimates made near the Algol brightness minimum!), then convert these estimates to magnitudes and plot them on a graph. Seems too difficult? Not at all! Moreover, it can be a lot of fun!

If accurate observations are too tiring for you, just watch the star at the time of the eclipse. At the start of the event, Algol is an amazing sight! The shine of the star falls almost before our eyes. To verify this, you don’t even need to make precise observations, just look at the star at intervals of half an hour!

There is something incredible about the way Algol goes from the second brightest star, Perseus, to a completely ordinary star in a matter of hours.

As we wrote above, the eclipse process lasts about 10 hours: Algol’s brightness decreases for five hours, and then grows over the course of five hours. After 2 days and 11 hours the phenomenon repeats. In order not to wait in vain for the beginning of the eclipse (what if it falls during daylight hours?), go to the Algol Minimum page, where the moments of the β Perseus minimum for the coming months are indicated.

But before you start making observations, you must first find Algol in the sky!

How to find Algol in the sky?

The Devil's Star can be observed in mid-latitudes almost all year round, with the exception of the short summer nights when the constellation Perseus is low above the horizon in the north. At the end of summer in the evenings, Perseus is visible in the east, at the beginning of autumn - in the southeast.

The best time to observe Algol is autumn and the first half of winter. At this time in the evenings, the constellation Perseus is almost at its zenith in the southern part of the sky.

In autumn, the easiest way to find Perseus is by the constellation Cassiopeia, which is at the zenith and looks like the letter W. Another way to search is to push off from the giant “bucket” with a handle, which is formed by the constellations Pegasus and Andromeda.

The main star of Perseus, Mirfak, is located on the continuation of the “bucket” handle. In spring and summer, when the constellation Perseus is low above the horizon, it is easy to find, starting from the bright yellow star Capella.

The brightest stars of Perseus form three chains - two lower and an upper one - similar to the mirror image of the Greek letter λ. The three chains connect in the brightest star, Perseus, known as Mirfak. Algol is located at the bottom of the lower right chain, together with the stars ω, ρ and π Perseus forming a small quadrangle.

Algol and Ancient Egypt

At the beginning of the article, we talked about how Algol has had “terrible” names since ancient times, apparently associated with the variability of its shine. Recently, evidence has appeared that Algol variability was already known in Ancient Egypt!

This conclusion was reached by a group of Finnish scientists from the University of Helsinki, who analyzed the Cairo calendar - an ancient papyrus dating from 1271 - 1163. BC. The peculiarity of this calendar is that it forecasts the Happy and Unlucky days of the year (something akin to modern astrological forecasts).

Moreover, even within one day, calendar compilers identified “happy” and “unlucky” hours. These forecasts were based on both mythological and astronomical events, which, according to the authors of the calendar, influenced the daily lives of people.

Studying the Cairo calendar, Finnish researchers noticed two periodicities in the forecasts, which were linked to astronomical phenomena. The first - 29.6 days - immediately found its explanation. It corresponds almost exactly to the cycle of the phases of the Moon.

The second periodicity was 2.85 days, and it was not so easy to explain. The only astronomical event with a similar cycle that can be observed with the naked eye (the Egyptians did not have telescopes!) is the Algol cycle!

In principle, there is nothing fantastic in this explanation. Observational astronomy in Ancient Egypt was at a fairly high level, and the priests could well have knowledge of the variability of beta Perseus.

Distance to Algol

Algol is one of the closest eclipsing variable stars to Earth. The distance to it was measured quite accurately by the HIPPARCOS satellite and is 93 light years.

But this was not always the case, because the stars are in constant motion. About 7 million years ago, Beta Persei was much closer to us, only 10 light years away! Its brilliance at that time was -2.5 m, which is comparable to the brilliance of Jupiter and 2.5 times greater than the brilliance of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky! Algol at this time was, without a doubt, the brightest object in the sky after the Sun, Moon and Venus!

Given that the total mass of the Algol system is an impressive 6 solar masses, some astronomers suspect that during its closest approach, Beta Persei may have caused disturbances in the Oort cloud, the giant cloud of comets surrounding the solar system.

As a result, the number of comets entering the inner solar system has increased. One inevitably wonders: maybe Algol bears its name rightly?..

Algol system in numbers

Below, the luminosity, mass and radius of stars are expressed in solar units. Data on the masses, radii and temperatures of stars are taken from the article Spectroscopically resolving the Algol triple system, published in 2015.

Characteristics of the Algol system

Constellation: Perseus

Apparent magnitude: 2.12v
Spectral class: B8V+K0IV
Parallax(): 0.03627 ± 0.00140
Distance: 27.6 pcs
α Coordinates (2000): 03h 08min 10.1s
δ coordinates (2000): -+40° 57′ 20″
Proper motion α: 0.003″/year
Proper motion δ: -0.002″/year

Star Algol A

Spectral class: B8V
Effective temperature: 12550 K
Magnitude: 2,13
Mass (in solar masses): 3,17
Radius (in solar radii): 2,87
Metallicity, : -0,03

Star Algol B

Spectral class: K0IV
Effective temperature: 4990 K
Magnitude: 5,10
Mass (in solar masses): 0,77
Radius (in solar radii): 3,43
Luminosity (in solar luminosities): 6
Metallicity, : ?

beta perseus

Legend: Algol is the head of the Gorgon Medusa, killed by Perseus. Medusa, the only mortal of the three Gorgon sisters, was formerly a beautiful girl, but Athena turned her hair into hissing snakes because she gave birth to children (Chrysaor and Pegasus) from Poseidon in one of her temples. She became so ugly that everyone who happened to look at her turned to stone.

Reference: A white, multiple, variable star representing the head of Medusa in the hands of Perseus. Its diameter is 1,705,540 km, and its density is slightly less than that of a cork. The name comes from Ra "asu-l-Gul, which means "head of the demon"; another name: "Hood of Algul" or "Hood of Medusa." The Jews knew as Lilith, they considered this night demoness the first wife of Adam; the Chinese called this star Tsai Shi - "assembled troops". Algol is part of an eclipsing binary star system. The darker star is of a purely Saturnian nature, the lighter one conveys not only Saturnian, but also Mars-Uranus influence. If the darker fellow is facing the Earth, then invisible things happen destructive actions. These are the hours when Algol is less bright. In ancient times, people were afraid of it.

Influence: Nature of Saturn and Jupiter. Troubles, violence, death by beheading, hanging or electric chair; mass unrest; the irreconcilable, unbridled nature of the one born under this star is the cause of his own death and the death of others. This is the most malevolent of all stars. “Highly spiritual rays” also emanate from Algol, but only those people who have already reached a high level of spiritual development can receive them.

In most cases, the influence of this star is destructive. Possibility of poisoning, exposure to alcoholism. It seduces a person, seduces him from the true path, gives isolation and all sorts of difficulties in life.

At the climax: it destroys all beginnings, leading to mental complexes and diseases. You may be a “demon seducer” to those around you. Murder, needless death, beheading, violence, ruin. If the Sun, Moon or Jupiter culminates at the same time, victories in war.

In connection:

With the Sun: forms a tendency towards leadership in the military, legislative, sports spheres or in areas of activity related to the occult sciences, communication with people. There may be complications with the law. Unnatural death or serious illness. If there is no aspect to any good planet or if there are none in the eighth house, and the hyleg (lord of the Sun in a diurnal birth and the lord of the Moon in a nocturnal one) is in a square or opposition to Mars, the person's head will be cut off. If the Sun or Moon is at its zenith, he will be maimed, mutilated or quartered. And if Mars is in Gemini or Pisces at the same time, his hands or feet will be cut off.

With the Moon: gives the ability to defeat your rivals, although before the final victory you may experience failure. You never lack words to express your feelings. Possibility of hidden diseases, complications with the law and a judicial verdict. Violent death or serious illness.

With Mercury: Indicates perseverance and calmness, which contribute to the career of an entrepreneur, but the tendency to make unwanted business connections can lead to complications with the law. Hidden or obvious complications in the family are possible.

With Venus: warns that your marriage partner must be close in spirit and in no way inferior to you, otherwise family problems may end in divorce. Caution must be exercised to avoid actions of a questionable nature.

With Mars indicates stubbornness, determination and fearlessness. Often you "walk where angels fear to walk." You have the courage to act on your convictions. But there may be a tendency to rash, law-breaking, risky actions. If Mars is higher than the Sun and Moon (relative to the horizon), and Algol is in one of the corners of the horoscope: the person will be a murderer, and he himself will die prematurely.

With Jupiter: speaks of the ability to accumulate wealth, collecting objects of a certain value.

With Mars or Saturn, when the Moon is in conjunction with Sadalmelik - execution by royal decree. If the Moon is in conjunction with Denebola, the verdict will come from the court. Moon with Alphard - death by water or poison.

With the hyleg in an angular position: the head will be cut off. Or the person will die at the hands of a murderer, who himself will be killed.

With the Wheel of Fortune or its owner: poverty.

The magical influence of the talisman:

Image: severed human head. Success to written requests; makes a person fearless and generous, preserves the body, protects from evil spells, drives away evil, bewitching attackers.


With the Sun: snow.

With Saturn: Cold and damp.

Star ALGOL in astrology in a person’s natal chart

Astrology and horoscope lovers are often interested in the meaning of the fixed stars in conjunction with their planets in the birth horoscope.
This article is about one of the stars of the first magnitude - the star Algol.

Are you interested in the degrees where Algol is now? - Stars move slowly (about one degree every 100 years), but constantly. In June 2017, the coordinates of the star Algol are 26° 24` ​​Tauri.

Algol. Women's intense passion.

Algol is a variable star from the constellation Perseus. Historically considered one of the most difficult, even dangerous stars. This is a passionate demonic force, this is female sexual energy, something that many were afraid of because they did not know how to understand and realize. This star contains immense feminine passion and strength. It should not be called evil if it is not understood.

Just as, for example, the power of an atom is very powerful, it can be both good and evil. A strong passion can consume you with anger and rage. But if
a person will be able to restrain the subconscious desire for revenge and focus this passion on something more productive; Algol will give such a person great energy. Any planet touched by this star will be charged with strong, intense sexual energy, which can potentially be wonderful or, if suppressed, can produce bursts of rage and violence.

Algol as a heliactic rising star. With this birth, your entire being lights up with intensity and passion. At least this
will mean that you are a person who does not tolerate injustice.

Because you can control the intensity, you will encounter similar situations throughout your life. In the worst case it is possible
destructive effect, so the energy of this star requires a lot of attention.

From Bernadette Braddy's book "Fixed Stars"


beta perseus

Legend: Algol is the head of the Gorgon Medusa, killed by Perseus. Medusa, the only mortal of the three Gorgon sisters, was formerly a beautiful girl, but Athena turned her hair into hissing snakes because she gave birth to children (Chrysaor and Pegasus) from Poseidon in one of her temples. She became so ugly that everyone who happened to look at her turned to stone.

Reference: A white, multiple, variable star representing the head of Medusa in the hands of Perseus. Its diameter is 1,705,540 km, and its density is slightly less than that of a cork. The name comes from Ra "asu-l-Gul, which means "demon head"; another name: "Hood of Algul" or "Hood of Medusa". The Jews knew it as Lilith, they considered this nocturnal demoness to be the first wife of Adam; the Chinese called this star Tsai Shi - "assembled troops". Algol is part of an eclipsing binary star system. The darker star is of a purely Saturnian nature, the lighter one transmits not only Saturnian, but also Mars-Uranus influence. If the darker fellow is facing the Earth, then invisible things happen destructive actions. These are the hours when Algol is less bright. In ancient times, people were afraid of it.

Influence: The nature of Saturn and Jupiter. Troubles, violence, death by beheading, hanging or electric chair; mass unrest; the irreconcilable, unbridled nature of the one born under this star is the cause of his own death and the death of others. This is the most malevolent of all stars. “Highly spiritual rays” also emanate from Algol, but only those people who have already reached a high level of spiritual development can receive them.

In most cases, the influence of this star is destructive. Possibility of poisoning, exposure to alcoholism. It seduces a person, seduces him from the true path, gives isolation and all sorts of difficulties in life.

At the climax: destroys all undertakings, leading to mental complexes and diseases. You may be a “demon seducer” to those around you. Murder, needless death, beheading, violence, ruin. If the Sun, Moon or Jupiter culminates at the same time, victories in war.

If you are also interested in other stars in conjunction with planets in astrology, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Algol in conjunction:

With the Sun: creates a tendency towards leadership in the military, legislative, sports spheres or in areas of activity related to the occult sciences, communication with people. There may be complications with the law. Unnatural death or serious illness. If there is no aspect to any good planet or if there are none in the eighth house, and the hyleg (lord of the Sun in a diurnal birth and the lord of the Moon in a nocturnal one) is in a square or opposition to Mars, the person's head will be cut off. If the Sun or Moon is at its zenith, he will be maimed, mutilated or quartered. And if Mars is in Gemini or Pisces at the same time, his hands or feet will be cut off.

With the Moon: gives you the ability to defeat your opponents, although you may experience failure before the final victory. You never lack words to express your feelings. Possibility of hidden diseases, complications with the law and a judicial verdict. Violent death or serious illness.

With Mercury: indicates perseverance and calmness, which contribute to the career of an entrepreneur, but the tendency to make unwanted business connections can lead to complications with the law. Hidden or obvious complications in the family are possible.

With Venus: warns that your marriage partner must be close in spirit and in no way inferior to you, otherwise family problems may result in divorce. Caution must be exercised to avoid actions of a questionable nature.

With Mars indicates stubbornness, determination and fearlessness. Often you "walk where angels fear to walk." You have the courage to act on your convictions. But there may be a tendency to rash, law-breaking, risky actions. If Mars is higher than the Sun and Moon (relative to the horizon), and Algol is in one of the corners of the horoscope: the person will be a murderer, and he himself will die prematurely.

With Jupiter: speaks of the ability to accumulate wealth and collect objects of a certain value.

With Mars or Saturn, when the Moon is in conjunction with Sadalmelik - execution by royal decree. If the Moon is in conjunction with Denebola, the verdict will come from the court. Moon with Alphard - death by water or poison.

With hyleg in an angular position: the head will be cut off. Or the person will die at the hands of a murderer, who himself will be killed.

With Wheel of Fortune or its owner: poverty.

The magical influence of the talisman:

Image: severed human head. Success to written requests; makes a person fearless and generous, preserves the body, protects from evil spells, drives away evil, bewitching attackers.


With the Sun: snow.

With Saturn: cold and damp.

In June 2017, the star Algol is at 26° 24` ​​Tauri.

Conspiracy is not entertainment; you shouldn’t use them unless necessary. And do not forget that you should not self-medicate, but you should definitely consult a doctor. From the Arabic name of the constellation Perseus, khamil ra "c al-gul - "carrying the head of the witch (Gorgon).
Fixed star, beta Persei. Algol is an eclipsing variable star of type EA/X: a darker component, a yellowish star with a temperature of approx. 7000 K, orbits the brighter one with a period of 2.867 days in such a way that on Earth we observe an eclipse of the star for 9 hours, and then a periodic change in brightness. Therefore, the magnitude of Algol is constantly changing in the range of 2.12m - 3.40m. Due to the fact that the main star illuminates the darker satellite orbiting around it, a “phase effect” occurs, similar to the phases of the inner planets. The reason for the irregularities in Algol's brightness change period was recently identified: it has another, more distant companion that completes its orbit around the main star in 1.87 years. The plane of its orbit is located so that it does not cause eclipses. But on the other hand, it causes disturbances in the movement of Algol and its first satellite, which affect the period fluctuations. The spectral class of the main star is B8 V, temperature 12,500 K. The distance from Algol to the Sun is 36 pc. Astronomical position for epoch 2000.0: AR=03h08m10.1s; D= +40°57"20"; Long=56°10"03", Lat= +22°25"43".
The name Algol is explained by the location of the star in the constellation pattern: it is located in the Head of the Gorgon Medusa, which Perseus holds in his hand.
In Europe, Algol's variability was first noticed in 1667 by the Italian astronomer and mathematician Montanari. The patterns of changes in brightness were established by the English amateur astronomer J. Goodrike (in 1782-83).
Many astrologers assign the first astrological value to Algol. According to Ptolemy, Algol has the qualities of Saturn and Jupiter, according to Kefer - Mars and Saturn, according to Darling - Pluto and Saturn, according to P. Globe - Saturn, Pluto, Lilith and Neptune. According to Ebertin and Hofmann, the darker star of the Algol system is of a purely Saturnian nature, and the lighter one conveys not only the influence of Saturn, but also Mars and Uranus. If the darker component of the Algol system is facing the Earth, then invisible destructive actions are performed. These are the hours when Algol is less bright. In ancient times, people were afraid of him. Arab military leaders noted that when conquering lands, decisive battles should not begin when Algol is in damage. In general, this star is characterized by a sharp and unexpected inclusion.
Ebertin and Hoffman write that the collective consciousness of primitive peoples generally tends towards cruelty and violence during periods when Algol is conjunct Mars or Saturn. According to Asboga (D-r Asboga. Handbuch der Astromagie. - Pfullingen, 1925), it is very difficult to protect yourself from accidents and serious injuries if Algol is connected with the Sun, Moon or malefic planets. Devore notes that popular unrest and tendencies towards violence and murder, leading to tragic outcomes, are often associated with the direction to Algol, while the conjunction of this star with the Sun, Moon and Jupiter gives victory in war.
Kefer considered the conjunction of Algol with Mars a sign of terrible death, especially if Mars is the ruler of the 1st house. But Venus and Jupiter can neutralize this influence. The conjunction of Algol with the Ascendant when well aspected by Jupiter and the Sun means, according to Kefer, power and career. But there is always danger. If Mars and the Sun are in the 1st house, and Jupiter and Venus are outside the 7th house and do not aspect well the conjunction of Algol with the Ascendant, then this is an indicator of violent death, beheading, hanging.
De Luce notes that the conjunction of Algol with the Sun in a crisis horoscope gives violent death or fatal illness, in extreme cases decapitation, dismemberment or the person will be torn to pieces. Conjunction with the Moon - an unhappy life, violence and danger; with a difficult horoscope, a person can become a murderer.
Devore provides evidence that in ancient times the union of Algol with a hyleg was considered an indication that the native would be beheaded; according to modern researchers, such a connection portends defeat in elections.
According to P. Globe, Algol gives seduction from the true path, lack of conscience, and permissiveness. On the path of man, everything becomes sinister. The star personifies violence, causes mental disorders, murder, crime, depravity, sadism, pessimism. The spirits of the abyss act through a person; in a past life he was a terrible person. Often gives different types of madness, including paranoia, mania, seduction. When connected to the MC, the person will perform the function of a seducing demon; great fame, often bad - through the blood and murder of others. In conjunction with the Wheel of Fortune, all the unfavorable power of this star is destroyed, Algol works “the other way around”, giving victory over evil and seduction.
According to the observations of the Avestan School of Astrology, in the medical horoscope Algol has an alcoholic-medicinal characteristic, gives the possibility of poisoning, susceptibility to alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, and the danger of falling under the influence of black magic. Many researchers also note that Algol often produces bad teeth or their loss.
But Ebertin and Hoffman also note that “highly spiritual rays” also emanate from Algol, but only those people who have already reached a high level of spiritual development can receive them. But even then, these chosen individuals will have difficulties and obstacles in their path, and they must be strong enough to overcome them. If they fail, hostile forces will take revenge.
Rigor believes that the dark satellite of Algol has a negative influence associated with extreme bad luck, and the bright star has a positive influence associated with the highest spiritual values. Some horoscopes are subject to both positive and negative influences of Algol. When a bright star appears, a person is distinguished by prudence, seriousness, patience, and talkativeness; in his chosen field, promotion, honor and success await him. He is disgusted by manifestations of baseness; he is a deeply religious person, but not a fanatic. When the dark companion manifests itself, the person is fanatical to one degree or another, deals with the masses, tends to keep his intentions secret, uses violent actions, or becomes a victim of violence himself. Propagandist, supporter of violent change. Very high mental and physical abilities, used for both good and evil. Manifestations of mass vandalism, fanaticism; tragedy, cruelty.
According to Rigor, a person who has a positive Algol conjunction with the Sun has the potential to become a leader; high position in the military, legislative, sports, occult spheres or in activities related to communication with people; this may be an outstanding person who can bring benefit to his society. In the negative version, a person with this aspect tries to occupy a prominent position, but since he does not really understand what he wants, complications with the law may arise.
In the positive version of the conjunction of Algol with the Moon, a person can learn to defeat his rivals, although he will experience failure before the final victory; stubborn, tireless, constantly strives for his goal, never lacks words to express his feelings; Possibly a hidden disease. In the negative version of the connection between Algol and the Moon, the person is smart, stubborn, cunning; he never falls into despair, never gives up what he has planned, which can lead to manifestations of violence; he may be involved in controversial matters; the likelihood of complications with the law and a court verdict.
The leitmotif of the positive variant of the conjunction of Mercury with Algol is calm perseverance. The native deserves public recognition and can develop good entrepreneurial skills; Promotion in areas related to law or dealing with people is likely. With a negative version of the connection between Algol and Mercury, a person is not able to remain silent when it is better to keep his opinion to himself; a tendency to make unwanted and/or bad business connections, which may lead to complications with the law. In the worst case scenario, these complications can lead to a criminal conviction. In both positive and negative cases, complications in the family, hidden or obvious, are possible.
When Algol is conjunct with Venus in the natal chart, it is necessary for the native to choose a like-minded marriage partner who is in no way inferior to him, otherwise family problems are possible; the opportunity to occupy a high social position; if family complications or romantic problems arise, the marriage will most likely end in divorce; the native will be dissatisfied in family life, regardless of who is the culprit of family problems; possible health problems; prudence must be exercised to avoid actions of a dubious nature.
In a positive version, the conjunction of Algol with Mars bestows fearlessness, such a person can become a good specialist in the entertainment industry, makes his way, taking advantage of a suitable environment, has the courage to act in accordance with his convictions, can leave some kind of memory about himself; Violent manifestations are likely. In the negative version, the native may appear stubborn or overly determined, even reckless at times; some of these people are prone to reckless, law-breaking, risky behavior; they represent people with strong convictions who do not care at all about public opinion; they can express the opinion of a minority, albeit quite loudly; Violent manifestations are likely.
If Jupiter is well aspected in the natal chart, then its conjunction with Algol will give the ability to accumulate wealth. A person with this aspect is inclined to collect, may be a collector of art objects or some things that, in the opinion of the person, will acquire a certain value in the future. People of a more primitive type, although they have the same capabilities, will later be prone to reclusion and may descend to begging.
In the theory of systemic interpretation of stars by D. Kutalev, Algol as beta Perseus correlates with the element of Earth at the first level of manifestation, and as a class B star it is associated with Saturn. According to this theory, Algol means strict requirements for performing specific magical tasks. The variable nature of the star suggests that these demands are turned on unexpectedly and abruptly, and therefore a person, as a rule, does not have time to respond to them and reaps the fruits of unambiguously destructive black magic influences. Only at a very high level of development is a person able to clearly understand the structure of this energy channel and maintain strict discipline in interacting with it. A distance of 36 pcs at a low level indicates the destruction of the human physical body and specific objects in the surrounding world, and at a high level - to overcoming obstacles and achieving victory over evil; then a person is given power, wealth and other worldly goods as long as he is capable of fair and disinterested disposal of them. But even having reached the highest level of elaboration, a person should not allow the slightest mistake, otherwise he will find himself at the mercy of the forces of evil.