Military counterintelligence of the FSB of the Russian Federation. Russian Military Counterintelligence Day

CASCO: mandatory and additional risks, what comprehensive car insurance offers, what to choose for a motorist

A car is a very expensive purchase, and many even buy it on credit. Needless to say, what expenses can result from an innocent scratch on the hood or a serious accident on the road!

For this reason, prudent car owners prefer to insure their car against damage and theft.

Many people still confuse this type of insurance coverage and compulsory motor liability insurance. Therefore, we will further understand which risks are necessarily covered under CASCO and which can be included additionally under a comprehensive auto insurance contract.

CASCO: risks and features

Having a policy guarantees that the driver will receive compensation in the event of damage to his property, that is, the insured car. Even the word “casco” itself is translated from Spanish as “body, body.”

Insurers, as a rule, decide for themselves which risks to include in the CASCO agreement.

However, the standard kit consists of only 2 items:

  1. damage/total death;
  2. theft.

At the request of the car owner, any motor vehicle insurance risk from the following can be added to the policy:

  • theft of additional equipment (other than what is included in the factory configuration),
  • causing damage to third parties (civil liability),
  • injury/death of the driver and passengers in an accident,
  • Unexpected expenses,
  • loss of marketable value of the vehicle.

The price of a car insurance policy is influenced by what types of insurance risks the policyholder wishes to additionally include in it. To help you understand how important this is to you, we will look at each of them separately.

Mandatory motor insurance risks

First, let's look at the risks required for CASCO insurance. There are only two of them: theft and damage.

Damage should be understood as any damage to the vehicle, regardless of the scale and magnitude of the loss, including situations where its restoration is considered impractical (complete destruction).

Insurance coverage applies to damage caused in the following cases:

  • in case of an accident, collision, fall or rollover of a vehicle,
  • if the vehicle is damaged by road, construction, harvesting and other special equipment,
  • in case of fire, as well as an explosion after a lightning strike, in the event of fire spreading from a neighboring facility, arson by unknown persons,
  • during an earthquake, rockfall, volcanic eruption, or other natural disasters,
  • during floods, ice drift and other hydrological phenomena,
  • during hail, tsunami, hurricane and other meteorological phenomena,
  • when snow, icicles, building exterior elements, or other objects fall on the car,
  • when breaking glass, headlights, hatches,
  • in case of damage to the exterior and interior of a car by animals,
  • in case of malicious actions of unknown persons: arson, theft of parts, vandalism,
  • in case of emergencies in the water supply, sewerage systems, heating mains,
  • if the insured car gets caught under ice, soil, road failure,
  • in case of man-made accidents,
  • when causing scratches, damage during loading onto a tow truck, transportation, towing a car,
  • in case of damage during rescue or emergency operations, activities of police officers,
  • when a terrorist act is committed in the immediate vicinity of a vehicle.

Theft is considered to be the case of the complete loss of a car due to the criminal activity of third parties. The most common vehicle-related crime is theft.

Some insurers even divide these risks under CASCO, distinguishing separately the theft of a vehicle along with a registration certificate and keys and the theft of a car without documentation and keys.

Damage and total loss of a vehicle are the most common occurrences, so they are necessarily covered by a motor insurance policy.

Additional risks of comprehensive auto insurance

The car owner can add mandatory risks of comprehensive insurance insurance at his own discretion. We will consider all the options that are not included in a regular policy, but can be added there for an additional fee.

  1. Optional equipment

    Many motorists add devices and units to the factory equipment of their car that make driving more comfortable for them and their loved ones. The insurer's liability does not extend to such equipment.

    If you have installed an expensive subwoofer or other equipment in the cabin, you will have to separately add it to the policy and pay for it.

  2. Civil responsibility

    According to the current law, every Russian driver already has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, which guarantees the protection of the policyholder in the event of harm to third parties. But since the insurance amount under OSAGO is limited to a very modest size, the driver can increase the liability limit through DSAGO. Voluntary “motor insurance” implies a higher insurance amount, which is included in the same auto insurance policy as the next item after “CASCO”.

  3. Accident

    Also, on a voluntary basis, the car owner can insure the risk of bodily injury in the event of an accident by people in the car. Insurance is issued in one amount for all people present in the cabin, or a separate amount is established for each seat. If the driver or his passengers are injured, disabled or die, the insurer will pay compensation according to the conditions specified in the contract.

  4. Loss of marketable value

    This risk is considered quite popular, since many drivers do not want to lose possible profits when selling their car. A vehicle that has been repaired will cost less, so the risk of loss of marketable value is often insured by those who change cars quite often.

  5. GAP

    This risk is that in the event of a total loss of the car, its owner may receive compensation not in full, but with deduction of depreciation. If you include GAP in your policy, you can receive compensation for the difference between the original price of the car and its value at the time of payment compensation.

  6. Unexpected expenses

    Almost any situation involving a traffic accident involves additional costs. Some people have to pay for the services of a lawyer, others are forced to resort to an independent examination or invite an emergency commissioner.

If you include this clause in your auto insurance policy, you will be able to receive reimbursement for the following types of expenses:

  • providing technical assistance on the road in case of tire damage, malfunction, lack of fuel, broken locks, the need to replace a dead battery, or evacuate the vehicle;
  • losses associated with damage/loss of luggage and items as a result of an accident;
  • treatment of an injured pet or cremation of a pet killed during an accident;
  • additional expenses for a taxi;
  • payment for the services of a substitute driver who will drive the car to a safe parking lot in place of the injured motorist;
  • forced rental of another vehicle to replace the policyholder’s faulty car;
  • professional legal assistance;
  • emergency commissioner services;
  • resolution of disputes in case of road accidents abroad.

Now you know what risks CASCO covers and what additional types of coverage are offered additionally. Each insurer has its own terms and conditions for comprehensive car insurance. By choosing the option you need, you will ensure protection against the most likely risks for you and your car.

We have a natural desire to protect our car from various types of force majeure. This is where insurance comes to our aid.

Insurance is the surest way to protect your car from force majeure circumstances

What types of CASCO exist today, a package of insurance services - we read about all this below.

CASCO - we buy consciously

Before spending a considerable amount on an expensive item, first of all, we realize the need for such an acquisition. Its importance and benefit to us. We are considering several options for this product, ways to obtain it,. As a result, we find an option that suits us in all respects.

Naturally, the price for different CASCO insurance policies will have significant differences. In this whirlpool of prices and services, you can easily make a mistake - by overpaying for an unnecessary product or underpaying and not getting what you need. But by compiling a list only of the insurance cases we need, and taking the time to familiarize ourselves with the tariffs of different insurance agencies, for the same services, we can still get the insurance policy that interests us at the best price.

Please comment on the usefulness (or vice versa) of this article, as well as on all possible questions.

In recent years, two types of car insurance have become widespread: compulsory motor liability insurance and comprehensive insurance. In order to clearly understand what opportunities they provide, you need to know the features and nuances of each of them. What is comprehensive insurance and how is it different from compulsory motor liability insurance? What does comprehensive insurance cover? Is an accident covered by insurance? What determines the cost of this service? We will answer these questions in this article.

Briefly about the comprehensive insurance policy

Casco is a type of voluntary insurance of vehicles (which distinguishes it from mandatory compulsory motor liability insurance) against possible accidents. Theft, theft and damage - this is the main list of what is included in a comprehensive insurance case. In addition to the main risks, the comprehensive insurance contract may include insurance of some additional ones, namely:

  • Insurance of accessories and equipment that were not originally included in the standard equipment of the vehicle. They can only be insured against risks for which the vehicle itself is insured;
  • An accident that occurred in a car directly during operation of the vehicle. The service applies only in the case where full compensation is paid for the main risk;
  • Expansion of compulsory motor liability insurance in terms of voluntary civil liability, which is either included as a clause in the comprehensive insurance policy or is allocated as a separate policy.

One of the main factors explaining the popularity of this type of insurance is economic, associated with financial protection against the consequences of a possible theft. Having a comprehensive insurance policy in this case is a real opportunity to cover all losses to the full value of the car at the time of theft.

What risks does it insure against?

Before signing the contract, you should carefully study the list of insurance risks included in the policy. Despite the fact that all companies use similar methods for developing insurance conditions, the specific rules and nuances of insurance in different companies may differ. The cost of the service will depend on the list of insurance events that will be included in the coverage. The policy and contract must necessarily indicate what is included in comprehensive insurance for a car. The occurrence of at least one of the stipulated risks, subject to compliance with the terms of the contract, is recognized as an insured event. Most often, cars are insured against the following events:

  • Participation in an accident;
  • Getting into the car with stones flying out from under other vehicles;
  • Damage resulting from illegal actions of third parties;
  • Car fire and its consequences, except for cases of electrical short circuit or spontaneous combustion, which are usually specified in a separate clause of the contract;
  • Natural phenomena and disasters;
  • Foreign objects entering or falling onto the vehicle;
  • Various types of theft of an object.

In most cases, insurers offer car owners a choice of one of three possible types of damage coverage - cash compensation; performing restoration work or repairs at the insurer's service station; payment for repairs performed by the driver of the car himself. In the event of impossibility or impracticality of repair or loss of the vehicle, the policyholder may qualify for the maximum payment of insurance coverage.

What risks does it not insure against?

The contract and insurance rules provide for situations where the insurance company will not pay full compensation for the damage received. Thus, the driver of the car is deprived of the opportunity to receive the full amount of comprehensive insurance payments in the following cases:

  • The presence of intent of the owner of the vehicle or the person driving the vehicle, resulting in damage to the vehicle (including equipment) or its theft;
  • The driver is under the influence of alcohol, toxicity or drugs while driving;
  • Transfer of the insurance object to a person who does not have a driving license;
  • A case that arises due to a vehicle malfunction in which driving the vehicle is prohibited. A list of such equipment malfunctions is given in the traffic regulations and applies to breakdowns:
    • brake system;
    • steering systems;
    • windshield wiper located on the driver's side;
    • lighting devices when moving in the evening and at night;
    • severe wear of the treads, etc.
  • Lack of timely technical inspection or documents confirming this. It cannot be used as an argument for refusal to pay if the car was stolen from a parking lot or from a garage where it was not moving;
  • An event that occurred outside the insurance territory;
  • Participation of a car in competitions, rallies or tests, except for cases specifically stipulated by the insurance contract, as well as the use of a car as a driving training tool;
  • Transportation, as well as unloading and loading of the insurance object, for which a comprehensive insurance policy has been obtained, with any other vehicle (towing in case of breakdown);
  • Circumstances related:
    • with the consequences of a nuclear explosion, the effects of radiation and radioactive substances;
    • with military exercises, maneuvers or activities;
    • with terrorist attacks, the emergence of civil unrest;
    • with the order of government authorities, as a result of which the insured vehicle is confiscated, seized or destroyed.
  • The presence of defects in the manufacture of a car at the factory;
  • Cases of using the vehicle for other purposes;
  • Violation of fire safety rules, including during transportation, loading or unloading of flammable substances, if the insurance object is not intended for this;
  • Other violations of the conditions specified in the contract.

Casco covers the risks specified in the policy. But failure to comply with the established deadlines for filing an application for an insured event, incorrect execution or untimely submission of documents confirming the damage and the insured event, inconsistency or contradictions in the information provided in the documents will be an additional reason for the refusal of the insurance company to pay the full amount of compensation. If the injured driver is paid full compensation for damages by the party responsible for the accident, then, under the terms of the contract, the insurance company may not fulfill its obligations.

There are a number of objective reasons that may lead to the impossibility of making payments under an existing comprehensive insurance policy. These include declaring an insurance company bankrupt or introducing a bankruptcy management procedure on it, the result of legal recognition of an insurance contract as invalid, the loss or theft of an insurance policy form, and the lack of full payments under the insurance contract by the car owner.

Despite such a significant list of cases and options for refusal of payment on the part of the company, this should not be considered an argument against a comprehensive insurance policy as a type of insurance. This is, first of all, an argument for the correct preparation of insurance documents and their study before signing, and not after the occurrence of an insured event.

Read more about individual cases

The insurance rules always indicate a complete list of what is included in comprehensive insurance. Since different insurers have different insurance conditions, the policyholder needs to decide in advance against what risks he wants to insure his car, and based on this, make a choice of an insurance company. He also needs to understand that the amount of the insurance premium will directly depend on the selected risks.

Natural disasters

Most insurance companies include floods, hail, hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires and more in their list of natural disasters. But the inclusion of these events in insurance coverage depends entirely on the territory of insurance and the rules of the particular insurer. Thus, the Ingosstrakh rules clearly state what risks are covered by comprehensive insurance. The list consists of 8 items:

  • Hail;
  • Earthquake;
  • Storm;
  • Hurricane;
  • Lightning strike;
  • Tornado;
  • Car flooding.

That is, if the car is damaged by another natural disaster (mudflow, rockfall, snowfall, volcanic eruption), there will be no insurance compensation paid under this policy. Other companies do not always spell out the entire list of risks; the contract contains only general wording - “natural disasters not typical for the area.” To prove to the insurer his right to receive an insurance payment, the policyholder will have to obtain a certificate from the Hydrometeorological Center confirming the low probability of such a phenomenon for a particular region; additional documents may be needed from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


What does comprehensive insurance give to the owner of a car if it is insured only for the risk of “damage”? Such insurance makes it possible to receive full compensation for damage to the car in various insurance situations. These include damage received in an accident, damage from the actions of third parties, fire, falling objects, etc. Thus, at Ingosstrakh, the driver of a car can insure it only for one (two, three) of the specified events or can purchase a comprehensive insurance policy with the risk of “damage”, which is a set of events that can cause damage to the vehicle.

The rules of the RESO-Garantiya company also indicate what a comprehensive insurance policy includes, but in a different way. It is impossible to insure a car separately from the risk of an accident or the actions of animals, but all these events include the risk of “damage”. The cost of the policy from this insurer will be much higher, since it will include additional insured events. In Rosgosstrakh, the concept of risk “damage” includes damage resulting from natural disasters, fire, road accidents, actions of third parties, falling objects, and theft.

Hijacking and theft

Theft and theft, contrary to popular belief, are not identical concepts. When an insurance company sells a policy for the risk of “theft” and for the risk of “theft,” it implies different actions of third parties. Such grounds are based on the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, Article 166 qualifies theft as the unlawful taking of a car without the purpose of theft. Theft also means a trip when the owner himself drives the car, but under duress or with the use of violence.

If the car was taken possession of for the purpose of resale or dismantling for spare parts with the goal of their further sale, if the actions were committed for mercenary purposes without compensation, then under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation they will be qualified as theft. Therefore, before concluding a contract, you must definitely check with the insurer what the comprehensive insurance covers.


You can find out what comprehensive insurance covers from the insurance rules of the selected company posted on the official website. Based on this information, the car owner will be able to decide what type of coverage is suitable specifically for his car and what damages and situations he wants to insure against. An insurance company employee will help you calculate the cost of insurance, but the car owner can do this independently using the online comprehensive insurance calculator.

Are you interested in cinema? Are you eagerly catching film industry news and waiting for the next big blockbuster? Then you have come to the right place, because here we have selected many videos on this fascinating and truly immense topic. Cinema and cartoons should be divided into three main age categories - children, teenagers and adults.

Cartoons and films for children are most often some kind of fantasy and adventure. Simple and easy-to-learn life lessons, a pretty atmosphere or a storyboard (if it is a cartoon) contribute to the manifestation of children's interest. Most of these cartoons are quite stupid, because they are made by people who do not have the slightest desire to work, but simply want to make money on your desire to distract your child for an hour or two. Such moments are essentially even dangerous for the fragile child’s brain and can harm it, and therefore we do not have such outright slag. We have collected for you both short and not so short cartoons that will not only distract your child, but also teach him to love himself, the world and the people around him. Even in children's cartoons, the plot and memorable characters and dialogues are important, because even the best thought will not be accepted from a person you do not trust. That’s why we set out to select the most outstanding cartoons. Both modern animations and old Soviet or American classics.

Movies and cartoons for teenagers, for the most part, have the same problem as children's cartoons. They, too, are most often made in haste by lazy directors, and it is sometimes incredibly difficult to select something good from among them. However, we tried our best and put on display several hundred magnificent works that may be of interest not only to teenagers, but also to adults. Small, interesting short films, which sometimes even receive awards at various animation exhibitions, can be of interest to absolutely anyone.

And, of course, where would we be without adult short films? There is no outright violence or vulgar scenes, but there are a lot of non-childish themes that can make you think about them for hours. Various questions of life, interesting dialogues, and sometimes even very well-made action. There is everything an adult needs to have a good time and relax after hard days at work, stretching out in a comfortable position with a cup of hot tea.

You should also not forget about trailers for upcoming films or cartoons, because such short videos are sometimes more interesting than the work itself. A good trailer is also part of the cinematic art. Many people like to watch them, take them apart frame by frame and wonder what awaits them in the work itself. The site even has entire sections dedicated to analyzing trailers for popular films.

On our website you can easily choose a film or cartoon to suit your taste, which will reward you with positive emotions from viewing and will remain in your memory for a long time.

December 19 is the day of the formation of military counterintelligence in Russia. On this day in 1918, the Special Department of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (VChK) was created - the military counterintelligence body of the Soviet state.

Military counterintelligence - activities carried out by special bodies to protect the armed forces and other troops from foreign authorities; an integral part of the state's counterintelligence. In the Russian Federation it is represented by security agencies in the troops, which are part of the unified system of bodies of the Federal Security Service (FSB).

Work on counterintelligence support for the armed forces in the Russian Empire was carried out from the moment the regular army was formed, that is, from the beginning of the 18th century. It consisted of searching for enemy spies, uncovering possible defectors and traitors in its ranks, and disinformation of the enemy. As an independent structure, military counterintelligence first appeared in Russia only before the Patriotic War of 1812, when the Higher Military Police was created. It was entrusted with counterintelligence functions in the active army, as well as police functions in the territories that had recently become part of the empire - the Baltic provinces, part of Poland. In 1815, the Higher Military Police was abolished.

The prototype of modern military counterintelligence arose in Russia in January 1903, when an Intelligence Department was created under the General Staff, designed to combat espionage. Later, in 1911, special counterintelligence departments were created at the headquarters of military districts. In addition to suppressing foreign espionage, they were also supposed to prevent “those measures of foreign states that could harm the interests of the state’s defense.”

During the First World War, the military counterintelligence of the Russian army consisted of counterintelligence departments of the headquarters of internal military districts, led by the counterintelligence part of the General Staff, and similar departments of the headquarters of armies and fronts. The leadership of the counterintelligence of the active army was concentrated in the counterintelligence section of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

In Soviet Russia, counterintelligence activities were initially carried out by separately operating military control bodies created by the Revolutionary Military Council, as well as emergency commissions (Cheka) to combat counter-revolution, formed by the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR at the fronts.

On December 19, 1918, by decree of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), the front and army Chekas were merged with the bodies of Military control, and on their basis a new body was formed - the Special Department of the Cheka under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. Subsequently, with the formation of special departments of fronts, military districts, fleets, armies, flotillas and special departments under the provincial Chekas, a unified centralized system of security agencies in the troops was created. December 19 became the birthday of Soviet military counterintelligence.

From the first days, special departments always carried out their activities in close cooperation with the military command. This approach to organizing military counterintelligence activities later became one of the fundamental principles of their work. At the same time, another principle of military counterintelligence activity was born, the significance of which has never been questioned by anyone: close connection with the personnel of military units, employees of military facilities, headquarters and institutions that are in the operational support of security agencies in the troops.

Military counterintelligence agencies largely contributed to the victories of the Red Army during the Civil War. The Great Patriotic War became a serious test for military counterintelligence officers. Thanks to their work, the command of Nazi Germany on the eve of the war did not know either the real size of the Red Army or the quantitative and qualitative indicators of its weapons. All attempts by the Abwehr to create a stable intelligence network inside the USSR to obtain information about the Red Army were met with a strong counterintelligence barrier.

During the Great Patriotic War, counterintelligence support for the main operations of the Red Army and Navy was carried out by the military counterintelligence bodies of the NKVD of the USSR, and then by the Main Counterintelligence Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense "Smersh" ("Death to Spies").

Smersh, formed by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on April 19, 1943, was assigned among the primary tasks of combating espionage, sabotage, and terrorist activities of foreign intelligence services and taking, together with the command, measures to exclude the possibility of enemy agents passing with impunity across the front line.

Among the most important areas of their activity are measures to ensure the secrecy of the preparation of offensive operations of the Red Army and the capture of intelligence agents of Nazi Germany. Based on the recruitment of abandoned agents of the German intelligence services, the Smersh counterintelligence agencies used radio games for strategic disinformation of the enemy in the interests and according to the instructions of the Supreme High Command and the General Staff of the Red Army.

Thanks to well-established front-line work, army security officers often had detailed information about enemy agents even during their training in intelligence schools. In total, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, military counterintelligence officers neutralized more than 30 thousand spies, about 3.5 thousand saboteurs and over six thousand terrorists. Over three thousand agents were deployed behind the front line, behind enemy lines; More than 180 radio games were conducted with enemy intelligence centers.

Military counterintelligence showed superiority in a fierce battle with the German intelligence services and made a significant contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. More than six thousand army security officers fulfilled their duty to the end and died in battle with the enemy. For exemplary performance of tasks, thousands of military counterintelligence officers were awarded orders and medals, and four employees of military counterintelligence agencies were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In May 1946, military counterintelligence agencies were transformed into special departments and transferred to the USSR Ministry of State Security (since 1954 - the USSR State Security Committee).

After the war, the main opponents of military counterintelligence were the intelligence services of the leading NATO states. Many military counterintelligence officers had the opportunity to fulfill their military duty abroad, including in Afghanistan, where they ensured the security of a limited contingent of Soviet troops.

Since the second half of 1991, the country's state security agencies entered a period of large-scale reform. The Military Counterintelligence Directorate was part of the Russian security system under various names.

On August 4, 2004, military counterintelligence was transformed into the Military Counterintelligence Department of the FSB of Russia, to which the FSB Directorates and departments for military districts and fleets, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other troops and military formations are subordinate.

The tasks of military counterintelligence, as well as the purpose, composition, legal basis, principles and directions of activity, powers, forces and means, are determined by the law “On the Federal Security Service” of April 3, 1995 with appropriate amendments and additions, as well as the “Regulations on directorates (departments) of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies (security bodies in the troops)", approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2000.

The tasks of security agencies in the troops have become much broader and more versatile than those solved by military counterintelligence during the Soviet period. But, as before, the first place is to identify, prevent and suppress intelligence and other activities of intelligence services and organizations of foreign states, as well as individuals, aimed at harming the security of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces, military formations and bodies.

In addition, the main efforts of counterintelligence officers are concentrated on ensuring the protection of information that constitutes state secrets. One of the priority tasks for counterintelligence is the fight against terrorism. Also, in cooperation with the military prosecutor's office and other government bodies, it combats organized crime, corruption, smuggling, drug and weapons trafficking, and other negative manifestations in the army and navy.
