Things that surround us. You need to know this

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“Plants that surround us” The work was completed by a student of grade 6 “a” of MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. Admiral Ushakova Zhidkova Diana Supervisor - teacher of music, Kuban studies, art, defense industry - Gros Yu.V. 2015-2016 academic year Vegetation of the Krasnodar Territory Vegetation in the region changes from northwest to southeast. Steppe vegetation: feather grass, sweet clover, St. John's wort, yarrow, tansy, sage, spurge, periwinkle, poppy. Forest vegetation: oak, ash, beech, dogwood, Caucasian fir, oriental spruce, rose hips. Meadow vegetation: buttercup, lily, bell, sorrel, gentian, mytnik, carnation... More than 3 thousand species of plants, several dozen species of algae and more than 500 species of lichens grow in the Krasnodar region. RagweedAmbrosia is a weed that causes severe allergies (hay fever). Introduced to the Krasnodar region from North America. It can reach a height of up to 180 cm. It reproduces only by seeds. One well-developed plant produces up to 40 thousand seeds. Even seeds of milky maturity have germination. Flowering begins in late July - early August and continues until October. Subject to destruction by repeated mowing or weeding of young plants. Cornflower A herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae or Compositae family. It is found almost everywhere in Europe among crops, as a weed, found mainly in winter grains, especially rye. Cornflower leaves are used as a seasoning for canning and in meat products, they have the aroma of mint, cloves and lemon. They are used in the preparation of pates, canned food, sausages, and for pickling. Cornflowers are honey plants, and are also often used as ornamental plants. Blue cornflower is used in medicine, its flowers have a diuretic effect, and are used for edema associated with kidney diseases. Cornflowers are used in cosmetics. Knotweed (knotweed) is a weed and, at the same time, a medicinal plant (Buckwheat family), fodder (for poultry). Young leaves can be eaten in salads, soups, and leaf purees. In Dagestan it is used for filling pies. It grows wildly, forming a continuous carpet (popularly called “grass-ant”), suppressing other plants. Dyes are obtained from the grass (from the roots - blue). The Russian name “knotweed” is given to the plant for its ability to quickly and efficiently restore damaged shoots. In East Slavic mythology, Sporysh is a symbol of fertility. Snowdrops A group of primroses listed in the Red Book. Perennial plants with a short growing season. They reproduce vegetatively and by seeds. Their collection is prohibited!***The spring wind blew across the fields, The willows blossomed behind the pond, By the path a small snowdrop lit up with a white light. He swayed, weak and flexible, Surprisedly rejoicing at everything, And in response, with a friendly smile, the Sun leans towards him. Lily of the valley is a shade-tolerant plant (asparagus family), growing in deciduous and mixed forests of the Caucasus. Found on forest edges and clearings. Flowering time - from May to June. Propagated both by seeds and vegetatively - by rhizomes. When developing from seeds, it blooms in nature in the seventh year of life. May lily of the valley is a widely known medicinal plant. Cardiotonic drugs are produced from the raw materials, and lily of the valley is also used in the production of choleretic agents. Lilies of the valley have long been grown as ornamental plants. The plant is poisonous! Caucasian peony is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Peony family, 0.7-1 m high. The flowers are large, solitary, 8-10 cm in diameter, often crimson, sometimes pink. Endemic to the Caucasus. It grows in meadows and clearings in mountain forests, from the foothills to the subalpine zone. It is used in medicine as a sedative and hemostatic agent. The species is listed in the Red Book. Caucasian ash tree is a tall, herbaceous perennial plant of the Rutaceae family, up to 90 cm in height. It has a racemose inflorescence with a range of colors in different tones. Pinkish-white and dark purple are the most common. Blooms in summer. The fruits of the plant are in the form of a box. People call the Caucasian ash tree the burning bush. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of essential oils, if you bring a match to the flower in hot weather, it will flare up, but will not be harmed. The plant on a sunny day can cause severe skin burns due to the large amount of essential oils. On a cloudy day, ash tree is safe. It has been widespread in ornamental gardening since ancient times. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! If I pick a flower, If YOU pick a flower... If EVERYTHING: both I and YOU - If WE pick flowers, Then the trees and bushes will be empty... And there will be no beauty. And there will be no kindness. If only I and YOU - If WE pick flowers...

The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinions of others. The moment you are not afraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar is heard in your heart - the roar of freedom. Osho.

Sin is when you don't enjoy life. Osho.

Without you, this Universe will lose some poetry, some beauty: there will be a missing song, there will be a missing note, there will be an empty gap. Osho.

Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it. Osho.

Dying for someone, for something, is the easiest thing in the world. Living for anything is the most difficult thing. Osho.

If you are calm, the whole world becomes calm for you. It's like a reflection. Everything that you are is reflected completely. Everyone becomes a mirror. Osho.

People believe in the immortality of the soul not because they know it, but because they are afraid. The more cowardly a person is, the more likely it is that he believes in the immortality of the soul - not because he is religious; he's just a coward. Osho.

Only occasionally, very rarely, do you allow someone to enter you. This is exactly what love is. Osho.

Inside every old person there is a young person wondering what happened. Osho.

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Don’t get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life. Osho

Don't teach others, don't try to change them. It is enough that you change yourself - this will be your message. Osho.

The child comes clean, nothing is written on him; there is no indication of who he should be - all dimensions are open to him. And the first thing you need to understand: a child is not a thing, a child is a being. Osho

The only criterion for life is bliss. If you don't feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction. Osho.

Love is patient, everything else is impatient. Passion is impatient; love is patient. Once you understand that patience means love, you understand everything. Osho.

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way... Osho

Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting you is a gift. Osho.

Just watch why you are creating a problem. The solution to a problem is at the very beginning, when you first create it - don’t create it! You don’t have any problems – it’s enough to understand only this.

Everything that has been experienced can be overcome; what is suppressed cannot be overcome. Osho.

Falling is part of Life, rising to your feet is its Living. Being Alive is a Gift and being Happy is your CHOICE. Osho.

The most inhumane act a person can commit is turning someone into a thing. Osho.

A woman in love with you can inspire you to heights you never dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs love. And this is her natural right. Osho.

Don't take life as a problem, it is a mystery of stunning beauty. Drink from it, it is pure wine! Be full of it! Osho.

The reasons are within ourselves, outside there are only excuses... Osho

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens. Osho.

The only person on earth whom we can change is ourselves, Osho.

If you don’t know how to say “No,” your “Yes” is also worthless. Osho.

Learn to laugh more. Laughter is as holy as prayer. Your laughter will open a thousand and one roses within you. Osho.

Don't run from yourself, you can't be anyone else. Osho.

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason? Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; You don't need a reason to be happy. Osho.

At this very moment you can drop all problems because they are all created by you. Osho.

If you don't change right now, you will never change. No need for endless promises. You either change or you don't, but be honest. Osho.

If you can wait forever, you don't have to wait at all. Osho.

Any borrowed truth is a lie. Until you experience it yourself, it is never true. Osho.

When you are sick, call the doctor. But most importantly, call those who love you, because there is no medicine more important than love. Osho.

Don't expect perfection, and don't ask or demand it. Love ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people are extraordinary. Every person is so unique. Respect this uniqueness. Osho.

When you think you are deceiving others, you are only deceiving yourself. Osho.

The head is always thinking about how to get more; the heart always feels how to give more. Osho.

1 Homeopathy

If someone wants to sell people sugar and water, then at least they shouldn’t call it medicine and make money from it. Homeopathy doesn't work. Dot. There is not a single official experiment in which its effect differs from the placebo effect. That is, homeopathy works on suggestible people, but they can use crayons for their ailments with the same success. If you buy white sweet balls, then at least let them be cranberries in sugar.

2 Prohibition of prostitution, homosexuality, drugs, extremism

If the law prohibits something, but the majority of the population continues to do it, then there is something wrong with the law. This applies to prostitution and drugs, which are long overdue to be somehow legalized with minimal losses and taken under the control of official authorities. As for the articles on extremism and recent initiatives to ban the propaganda of homosexuality, they are in their purest form a tool for suppressing dissent (for all our ardent disapproval of homosexuality).

3 Double door to the apartment

Let’s not make invectives about national cowardice, greed and love of pride. Let’s say that for many people it really doesn’t occur to them to throw out a wooden door if there is an iron one behind it from the outside. But it just takes up space, opens inwards, prevents you from putting anything in the hallway and soundproofs the apartment from the area where every minute... uh, nothing happens. The thieves? If one of them turns out to be so stupid that he decides that there is something to steal in your apartment, then he will simply knock out this piece of wood with his head. In general, don't fool yourself. The second door is just an excuse for ridicule.

4 Personalized transport tickets

Not letting you go abroad without a passport is quite reasonable: you never know who will take your place with a different approach! But moving around your own country with a two-headed eagle? Rave! Why, when entering the carriage, do you have to document to the conductor that your last name matches that indicated on the ticket? It would be nice if your last name was Tcherpenguinov, otherwise... And what difference does it make what name the person boarding the plane has? Both he and the luggage have already been enlightened and convinced of complete harmlessness. In general, until terrorists have a special column in their passport indicating their villainous inclinations, we have every right to consider all these excessive double-checks as idiocy.

5 Lonely set of textbooks for schoolchildren

Our paper industry is known to be excellent and there is no longer any need to force children to carry kilograms of textbooks back and forth. Isn't it time to have personal lockers in schools so that, in addition to the inevitable weapons and drugs, students can keep a second set of textbooks there?

6 Warnings about the dangers of tobacco and alcohol

Thank you, we are aware! And now we, adults, can decide for ourselves exactly how we want to harm our health, without stupid prompts from the Ministry of Health. Whatever the disciplined oracles of statistics may claim, it is not known for certain whether there is at least one person in the world whose path to fiery hell would be stopped by a vile picture or a threatening inscription. But the fact that these pictures and inscriptions spoil the mood of hundreds of millions of people every day is a fact.

7 Scroll lock button on keyboard

And also Pause break, Right click, Win. If you now rush to the computer to check if these buttons really are there, then know: this is normal. Many people are unaware of their presence and never click on them. Of course, you can find a use for them (we, for example, write about the Win key in the “Techno” section), but it’s much easier to remove them from the keyboard once and for all, as laptop designers did. And Numpad, by the way, also needs to be unscrewed, otherwise, among other things, it also infuriates me because the numbers here are not arranged like on a phone, but in reverse order.

8 Taking off your shoes at the airport

Sorry, my favorite lace-up boots are knee-length, but today I have a flight to Magadan, so I’ll wear flip-flops, they’re easy to take off... What is this anyway?! Conspiracy of shoe cover manufacturers? What can you carry in your boots that you can't put in your underpants? But there were times when you could pass through customs control even in waders, and even with splayed pockets filled with gurgling containers with a volume of more than 100 milliliters. No, this is not what the Wright brothers dreamed of! Why do we still have to pay for the fact that in 2001 some lone terrorist tried (this idiot didn’t even succeed!) to set fire to his boots filled with explosives during a flight? It would be better if it was a woman who hid a bomb in her bra.

9 Phone chargers

Seven types of plugs? They're kidding me! Of course, some standardization has emerged: now everyone either has an iPhone or something with USB (though there are also three of them: micro, mini, and for HTC, “without a corner”). But, for example, every day at least one restless soul appears at the doors of our editorial office, who in a whining voice asks for a “thin” one for Nokia or Ericsson, but not Sony Ericsson. Horror!

10 Passport, registration, work book

A relic of Soviet leaden reality, a distant relative of serfdom. It is as convenient for the authorities to control citizens as it is unnecessary and inconvenient for the citizens themselves. Each of the million watchmen (see the item “Securities”) today only dreams of convicting a visitor of the absence of a red book, in order to mock him to his heart’s content, and then let him in anyway. The shameful institution of registration at the place of residence is nothing more than a source of income for guys in uniform. In a truly free country, a citizen can live wherever he pleases and, if necessary, prove his identity with any document with a photograph.

11 Radio message of media license number

“Such and such media is on air, license number is such and such, issued at that time...” The intimate details of the relationship between radio stations and the Ministry of Press are, of course, extremely interesting, but why should we listen to this nonsense several times a day? Anyone can find it on the radio station's website. Forcing a station to constantly publicly swear that it has a license is rudeness, first of all, towards listeners.

12 Receipt for purchasing a metro ticket

Seriously? Two pieces of paper? But only one of them is really needed, and the other just has the price of the first one written on it? Perhaps this system made sense when people used tokens to get into the subway: it was a little difficult to stamp the price, expiration date, etc. on paper. But now the tickets are paper—why not write all this directly on them, as they do in Tokyo, Barcelona, ​​London? But no, they give you a blank ticket (at most with advertising) and a receipt, which you usually immediately throw away. But this paper could be used to make beer coasters...

13 Power of attorney to drive a car

Another meaningless piece of paper in our life, filled with meaningless pieces of paper. It can be written by anyone; no one ever checks the passport data, the handwriting of the principal, or his signature. But try to make a mistake in the engine number - and you will immediately make your contribution to the fight against corruption.

14 Unnecessary buttons on remote controls

15 Kill yourself at the dacha

You came to visit your parents and, catching your father’s haunted gaze, you immediately understood everything. “Mom! Well, let me buy you these three bags of potatoes! Well, why do you need to kill yourself at the dacha again for them? Better plant dahlias there or, I don’t know, axolotls! I earn enough for you and your father to live on potatoes all year round!” But, alas, your negotiations again reach a dead end. The mother silently continues to sharpen the hoe, and the father stands like a shadow. After all, these parents are like children, honestly!

16 Fear of the media to mention any brand

“One popular glossy magazine”, “periodical publication”, “Russian men’s monthly”... MAXIM is sometimes called what euphemisms they use! It would be nice if we were alone. “Large mobile communications company”, “manufacturer of a carbonated drink”, “computer company with the logo of a bitten apple”... Let’s tell you a little secret: the media are afraid that the FAS (“an organization known for its strange decisions”) will see hidden advertising in the mention of the brand, and are bringing self-censorship to the point of absurdity. Isn't it time to come to terms with the fact that we live in a world where you may even be reading this material on an Asus laptop at McDonald's via Beeline?

17 Closed second door leaf

“Fifteen thousand football fans are forced to make their way to the tram through a gap so narrow that one lightly armed warrior could detain forty thousand barbarians here, reinforced by two siege towers.” This is Ilf and Petrov. And further: “And the doors that were closed under Paul the First are still closed today.” Almost another hundred years have passed, and the doors are still closed. I would like to look into the eyes of that bastard who across the country locks all doors except one door. Pinch this bastard with something with this door and ask: “Bastard! Why are you doing this?

18 Intercity roaming within the network

Long canceled in most countries, it continues to suck coins from subscribers as if nothing had happened. The same situation with the mobile Internet: a hundred rubles per unfortunate megabyte downloaded in roaming is justified only if each bit weighs a kilogram and must be dragged by hand from the tower to the phone and back.

19 Lenin's mummy

If Wikipedia has an article “Modern manifestations of paganism and dense barbarism,” then it must be illustrated with a photograph of Lenin’s mausoleum. Well indeed! Please leave the mausoleum as an architectural monument of the Soviet era. But why does this chemically treated corpse continue to be in the main square of the country? What is this, a tourist attraction for novice necromancers? But then why aren’t they allowed to take pictures with him and don’t they sell refrigerator magnets in the shape of a sarcophagus? Bury the mummy or donate it to the Kunstkamera. And in general, how can you mock a person like that, no matter who he is, by putting his corpse on display for more than a hundred years?

20 Large amounts of cash

When was the last time you bought an apartment on the secondary market? Although wait, regardless of the answer, nothing has changed there. It is still customary to bring sums of money in vacuum packaging for a transaction. And this is despite the fact that banks have long introduced such a thing as a letter of credit: the bank freezes the required amount in one account, and when the conditions for the transfer are met, transfers it to another account. But no! Why do we need this? We'd rather drive nervously around town with a briefcase or sports bag full of cash. And it would be nice if this relic was preserved only in real estate. Brokers, lenders, mediocre businessmen - many of them seem to live in the twentieth century! But this has been a curse word for twelve years now!

21 Intrusive presence of a security guard

Children should be seen but not heard. And the guards should be neither visible nor heard. However, here he is - sitting alone on a chair, staring into space. In his eyes one can read the eternal question: “The river on which Rostov-on-Don stands. Three letters. The second "o". Not Neil! Let’s be fair: it’s not his fault that he wasn’t given a closet with monitors broadcasting footage of security cameras, and people who might need his help weren’t provided with call buttons. And here he is, miserable, sitting, standing or walking, feeling like the hero of a school essay “The type of extra person in Russian literature” (by the way, this is not Carlson at all, although it fits the cells of the scanword).

22 Religion

It is enough to listen to what Muslims say about Buddhism or Christians about Hinduism (or Hindus and Buddhists about Christianity and Islam) to understand: in general, they are all sane people, filled with healthy skepticism and inclined to mock the naive superstitions of savages. But for some reason they show surprisingly little criticism of their own obscurantism. Listen, do you really think that Joshua stopped the sun during the Battle of Bethoron, the sky is made of diamond, and the atmosphere on our planet predates the solar system? Oh, is this a symbol and an allegory? Then let's assume that all other provisions of these divinely inspired writings are just as symbolic and inaccessible to comprehension by mere mortals. And let us finally put these ancient ideologies on the shelf with Zeus and Quetzalcoatls. Which Quetzalcoatli, by the way, have long managed without their admirers and do not pour boiling sulfur on our sinful heads. We don’t know whether there is a God in the world, but if there is, then he gave us one luxurious thing called the brain to understand the meaning of life. And he probably gets angry when we don't want to use it.

23 Implantation of someone else's toponymy

“Almaty” will never replace the simple Russian word “Alma-Ata”. Ashgabat - Ashgabat, Bashkortostan - Bashkiria, and Belarus - Belarus. No matter what the residents of these beautiful places think. Those who live in Ukraine should not be offended either. We do not ask Americans to write “Moskva” instead of “Moscow,” just as they do not ask us to write “Texas” instead of “Texas.”

24 Excesses of the fight against smoking

No one argues that clean lungs are a good thing. But if a smoker doesn’t blow smoke into the faces of asthmatics and doesn’t shake the ashes into the pockets of others, then maybe we’ll still be more lenient towards him?

25 Registration on game servers

How good it was before: you bought a disc with a game, installed it on your computer and immediately started playing. Well, at most I updated DirectX. No one forced you to go first to Steam to create one account, and then to the publisher’s website, and then to Conflux and Game Center. Yes, everything is clear, the fight against piracy, the digital era. But to get to the coveted Load/Start screen, today you sometimes have to log in three times. Three times! And every developer strives to start his own network in the hope that it will become worldwide. And God forbid your or the developers’ Internet goes down! Nowadays they either don’t do offline modes at all, or they cut them down to Tetris. As they say in chats, pichalka!

The first thing the word “radiation” is associated with is the name of the woman who, together with her husband, discovered radioactive elements. Marie Sklodowska-Curie twice won the Nobel Prize for her discoveries. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, they did not yet know how dangerous radiation could be and where it would manifest itself.

Today on the Internet you can find horror stories about radioactivity in everything and anything, even children's toys and stationery. Some of them are extremely far from the truth, but many have a certain basis. Moreover, often in fact, objects that no one would ever suspect of ionizing radiation are actually radioactive.

Before dealing with radioactive environments, it is good to understand when radiation can cause real harm. There is such a unit of measurement as the sievert (Sv). It shows the effectiveness of radiation in terms of its impact on the human body. To put it simply, one sievert gives 5.5 percent of cancer development. A dose of six sieverts is lethal. Radiation up to 0.5 Sv is considered safe. For ease of calculation, the units millisievert (mSv), equal to one thousandth of a sievert, and microsievert (μSv), equivalent to one millionth of a sievert, have been introduced.

Only ionizing radiation can be harmful (radioactive). For example, electromagnetic radiation is non-ionizing.

Tobacco leaves, no matter what type, contain microscopic doses of polonium. The dose itself is so small that it cannot affect a person in any way. But polonium, like any radioactive element, tends to accumulate. That is why lung or throat cancer is not such a rare occurrence among long-term smokers.

Every year every city resident receives radiation exposure of 30 μSv. This radiation is “rewarded” to us by objects containing concrete: houses, roads, fences, architectural forms. From 0.015 to 0.88 μSv we get when we go through a scanner at the airport. To understand how small and harmless this is, it is enough to make a comparison: you need to go through this scanner on average one and a half thousand times to receive the same dose that X-raying the chest with an X-ray machine gives us in one go. In the latter case, we get from 30 to 300 μSv, which is also far from the dangerous limit.

Scientists at the University of North Carolina specifically studied the issue of radioactivity in objects around people. They found ionizing radiation in avocados, bananas, air filters, smoke detectors, and brick houses. But the doses turned out to be so small that there is no point in talking about any danger. They jokingly called the radiation dose produced by one banana the banana equivalent.

By the way, many gifts of nature contain the radioactive isotope potassium-40, including bananas and avocados. This is where the radiation comes from. According to scientists, this isotope has a half-life of more than a billion years. Each year, thanks to potassium-40 and another isotope - carbon-14, which is also found in natural products, we receive radiation of about 400 μSv.

If we are to be wary of natural gifts, then only ones like Brazil nuts. It is considered the most radioactive in the world. A person only needs to taste it, and his feces will become radioactive, and in fairly large doses. The phenomenon of the Brazil nut is explained quite simply: the roots of the tree go so deep underground that they absorb large amounts of radium along with trace elements.

Microscopic doses of radiation from natural foods can be increased if you cut them on a granite countertop. Granite is a source of natural radiation. Of course, in small quantities. But do not forget that radiation tends to accumulate. Therefore, you should think carefully before purchasing granite interior elements for your apartment. It is no coincidence that at metro stations decorated with granite, devices emit increased levels of radiation. In this sense, the New York railway station is considered the most dangerous, the walls and foundation of which were built using granite.

If you are afraid to let your cat go outside, then you should not get this animal. Because you will have to use cat litter. The basis of these fillers is bentonite clay, which produces the strongest radiation. Not only are you putting yourself in danger, but by throwing away used filler, you are allowing it to seep into the soil. And this already “smacks” of an environmental disaster.

About the same level of radiation as that from cat litter comes from glossy magazines. Clay is also used in the production of gloss, or more precisely, one of its types is kaolin. It is capable of holding radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium.

The average person has the most questions about phones, computer screens, and the use of WiFi and Bluetooth systems. But here we are talking about radio waves, the radiation of which is non-ionizing. Any telecommunication systems are essentially electromagnetic fields, that is, they cannot harm the body.

Minus 60 problems, or Secrets of the sorceress Ekaterina Valerievna Mirimanova

Chapter 1 Problems that surround us, or “The unexpected is always somewhere nearby!”

The problems that surround us, or “The unexpected is always somewhere nearby!”

Columbus didn't even intend to discover America, he went for gold for Spain.

Every day I receive many letters from women who want to lose weight, but do not realize that their problem is not in weight, but in thoughts. When I read them, tears often come to my eyes, because I cannot explain to them in a few words everything that I understood at one time before I finally found happiness.

We constantly think that we want to have a lot of money, an ideal husband, an obedient child, beautiful appearance, an interesting job, and at the same time we do absolutely nothing. “What can I do to become a millionaire, if now I live from paycheck to paycheck, or how to become a beauty if I have never been one?” – many will object.

Don't expect that after reading this book you will never want for anything again, or that you will learn to create money out of thin air, or that men will start falling on their faces as soon as they see you. Believe me, you don’t need such miracles. Because when something appears in your life out of the blue, you don’t have time to prepare and cannot get true pleasure from the acquisition.

Sometimes I think about how great it would be if there were no problems in the world. No one would irritate us, nothing would interfere with achieving our goals, everything would be easy and simple. This is akin to dreams of everyone winning the jackpot in a casino. The amounts would be so small, and the business so unprofitable, that soon all such establishments would close, and people would stop going there.

Risk and problems are still necessary, because after solving the problem there is always satisfaction from completing the task. Would you object that you would prefer not to experience such “joys” and live a calmer life? Believe me - no.

I know many women and men who have achieved everything they could want, and now others look at them with bated breath. However, when you come face to face with them and talk a little, you understand that they are exactly the same people as you and me, who are having a hard time with their success, tired of constant attention.

Even the fulfillment of your cherished dream will not make you happy if you do not know how to appreciate the present moment and accept everything that life gives you. Any woman is a master of creating problems not only for others, but, alas, for herself personally.

Remember what was the reason for your bad mood the last time? Did you see a red spot on your face and decided that you would not go to visit, spending the evening in deep depression because no one loves you? Or did you spare the money for a haircut at a normal hairdresser and now you can’t go outside with your head uncovered for a month? Did you have a fight with your husband, loved one or acquaintance because before his call you were “winding up” yourself for absolutely no reason?

We create most of our troubles ourselves.

Parents and loved ones play some role in our “wrong” thinking, but the final word remains with us.

I was born into a strange family. My mother was not eager to have a child, but my father insisted, although he had no idea how to raise me. I can’t say that I wasn’t loved as a child, but we didn’t have affection, my parents didn’t come up to just hug me, and I almost never heard the words: “I love you!” or: “You’re great, you’re doing great with everything!” By the way, in Soviet families this approach was quite common, since the manifestation of feelings to most adults seemed something wrong.

My dad suffered from bouts of uncontrollable aggression towards me, which is why I still have negative associations when I hear the word “belt”. Mom sometimes tried to influence him, but she didn’t succeed very well. But thanks to such a harsh upbringing, I will probably never be able to raise a hand against my daughter. So for her, my difficult childhood turned out to be rather beneficial.

When I grew up, I naturally didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​what self-love was, because no one taught me this. Moreover, my parents constantly did everything to lower my self-esteem. Despite the fact that I was the youngest, but not the stupidest student in the class, I was always told that I didn’t understand anything, behaved very badly and would most likely end my life working as a janitor. “My only hope,” according to my mother, was to get married and go abroad, while simultaneously studying to become an English teacher. That is, follow in her footsteps. I dreamed of different professions, but I never saw myself as a teacher. Wanting to avoid the fate of “being assigned to college,” I started working at the age of thirteen. When I talk about this, many people don’t believe it, but I was hired as a manager at an advertising agency (unofficially, of course), and I successfully coped with my responsibilities and received some money, sometimes more than my father’s salary. Having firmly decided to pay for my future studies on my own, I used every opportunity to make a profit, but I still didn’t have enough to major in Marketing, which I was considering at that time.

I didn’t want to continue my studies at school, since work was taking up more and more time, and I took the simplest route, enrolling in a pedagogical college. Parents were skeptical about such an idea, especially since the educational institution was located on the other side of Moscow. But I have already decided everything for myself. The entrance exam in the Russian language... I failed miserably! But, as usual, I was lucky. The teacher, an intelligent elderly woman who took the exam, corrected all the mistakes and gave me a blank piece of paper so that I could rewrite the dictation, with the words: “Nothing, we’ll teach you here!” I passed math the first time with a bad grade, because at that moment I had an important assignment at work, and I could not prepare for the exams. Despite all this, after retaking the test, I entered college.

Because I had no idea how to treat myself, people behaved strangely towards me, especially men. I always liked those who were not interested in me, and my heart was permanently in a broken and deplorable state.

When I turned sixteen, my dad died of cancer, and I took the loss hard, even though we had a lot of problems in our relationship. A year later, my mother got married and went abroad, wishing me success in work and study and promising that someday we would be together again. She actually came to Moscow a couple of times, and I went to Madrid once. After that, they “tactfully” explained to me that we wouldn’t have to live together, because we were... too different.

Then there were years of constant lack of money, because I had to live on my own earnings, and at the same time I was studying full-time. I had to start teaching English to somehow make ends meet.

It took a long time before I realized that something was wrong with me. There were always some troubles. I remember the month when the last money was taken out of my bag on the tram, I was fired, I had a fight with a young man, I was attacked on the street, and I miraculously escaped. Then I realized that something needed to change. I started reading “smart” books, analyzing my thoughts and behavior, and my life finally turned around for me. The more I worked in this direction, the more often I met the “right” people at the right time.

Now I'm absolutely happy, really. Of course, I have periods of bad mood, I quarrel with loved ones, I have problems, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

A core has appeared inside me that does not allow me to give up and makes me always believe in the best.

Most of us grew up in families where there were some difficulties. Maybe not as global as mine, although I don’t rule out that it was even worse for you. All our complexes and problems come from our previous lifestyle and thoughts. However, this can be fixed. Of course, we cannot correct our childhood, but we can influence the future. You need to give up the perception of your destiny as something frozen and not amenable to change.

Believe me, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. All you have to do is read this book and think that you can transform something in your life.

Just one thought will be enough to let the wind of change into your life.

I could still sit alone and be killed because I have “wrong” parents, a bad character, a “family curse” dominates me, I have been jinxed, and I am not destined to become happy. But I resisted the desire to engage in soul-searching and simply began to act, millimeter by millimeter. When people ask me: “Could I have imagined that my life would turn out this way?”, I always answer in the negative. Because the course of events constantly exceeds my expectations. I wish the same for you. May your destiny never cease to amaze you.

The issues I describe in subsequent chapters are truly relevant to most of us. We are so busy with things that we simply don’t have time to think about how much certain factors interfere with us. But this does not reduce their influence, but rather, on the contrary, increases it. If you admit to yourself that difficulties exist, you take the first step to eliminate them. What problems most often hinder us in everyday life?

1. We don't like ourselves

2. We always think about what others will say.

3. We constantly tell ourselves: “I’m not worthy of this”

4. TIP things and events

5. We criticize ourselves

6. We are afraid to ask for more from life and others

7. We try to appear to be someone we are not.

8. We are afraid of failure

9. We fear lack of money

10. We are constantly nervous about our age, weight, etc.

11. We are afraid of losing people

12. We think with horror about the upcoming changes.

13. We don’t like to spend money on ourselves.

14. We are afraid to make choices.

15. We believe in bad omens

16. We are embarrassed to express our dissatisfaction.

17. We are afraid of appearing strange.

18. We are afraid to try new things

19. We have problems in our relationship with our husband.

20. Difficulties in communicating with a child

21. We have difficult relationships with friends.

22. And wrong relationships with relatives

23. We find it difficult to communicate with our parents.

24. Our successful love is sometimes worse than unsuccessful love.

25. We don’t know how to thank fate for what we already have

26. Letting others control our lives

27. We allow others to treat us poorly

28. We easily give in to provocations

29. We can’t find balance within ourselves.

30. We suffer from unrequited love

31. We have a hard time experiencing the death of a loved one

32. We are unsuccessfully fighting depression

33. We blame “Groundhog Day” for the monotony in our lives.

34. By adapting to the demands of others, we forget that we ourselves love

35. Many of us gave up on ourselves a long time ago

36. We constantly hold on to the pain of the past.

37. We just can’t get our house and mind in order.

38. We complain that no one understands us

39. We want to be in another place, at another time, with other people.

40. We constantly tell ourselves, “This won’t work,” without even trying to change the situation.

41. We don't have enough time

42. We lack strength

43. We want everything at once

44. Rowing like crazy

45. We don’t know how to enjoy solitude

46. ​​Unable to enjoy the process of life in general

47. Looking for the meaning of life, knowing that in the end it leads nowhere

48. We think too much

49. We don’t want to deal with “unfeminine” matters

50. We don’t believe in miracles

51. We wait too long for the right moment and miss the opportunity.

52. We don’t know how to rest

53. We don’t know how to plan

54. Instead of opportunities, we look for a reason

55. We don’t know how to perform miracles and don’t try to find out how “practical magic” is created

56. We don’t believe in the limitlessness of our own possibilities.

57. We are inattentive to signs from above

58. We don’t know how to concentrate on global goals and achievements, not paying attention to the little things.

59. We are often overconfident

60. My personal problem...

I will try to tell you how to approach solving 60 problems. Once again, I’ll make a reservation that I’m sharing my personal experience and in no way insisting that all these problems are constantly present in your life. However, from time to time some of them probably visit you, otherwise you would not have picked up this book. Since you want to resolve them, try to read it to the end, and who knows what surprises will happen in your life...

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