The great man-made river is Gaddafi's treasure. Libya's Underground Lakes: Gaddafi's World's Greatest Irrigation Project

artificial river

Alternative descriptions

An artificial channel filled with water, arranged in the ground for a navigable connection between individual bodies of water, as well as for water supply, irrigation, and drainage of swamps

Narrow passage for ships in a bay, strait, or in ice

A narrow, long hollow space inside something, usually in the form of a pipe or tube

Separate TV and radio broadcasting line

An organ or a set of such organs in the shape of a pipe or tube through which certain substances pass (in the human body, animal body)

The path of passage of any signals to organs, devices

Communication line

water road

Path, method, means of achieving, implementing, distributing something

In Asia, the synonym is aryk

In cybernetics - a set of devices designed to transmit information

Venetiansky passage

Internal cavity of the barrel

Hydraulic structure

An artificial channel (water conduit) with free-flowing water movement, usually located in the ground

Film by Polish film director Andrzej Wajda

A narrow, long hollow space inside something

TV show receptacle

. “I was built by machines, I can shorten the path even from drought, like a warrior, a forest and a field on the shore” (riddle)

Film by Bernardo Bertolucci

An artificially created reservoir named after Moscow

Road for the gondolier

Painting by French painter Alfred Sisley

. "channel" of communication

. "street" of Venice

Man-made river

A man-made river, usually connecting two non-man-made rivers

Television cell

Television division


Venice "track"


Any device for transmitting information

Artificial channel filled with water

Panamanian or Suez

White Sea-Baltic...

Divides Panama into parts

Suez via Egypt

Divides Panama

Water street of Venice

Suez or NTV

. "highway" for gondola

Venice "street"

. "channel" called NTV or ORT


Communication line

Groove in the barrel of a weapon

. "channel" for the flow of information


What you switch with the TV remote control

Venice "street"

. gondolier track

What we switch with the TV remote control

Electromagnetic waveguide

TV line

Diplomatic line of communication


The volcano's mouth and the "street" of Venice

. gondolier's "road"

Television "channel"

Irrigation River

Home of the dental nerve

Panama divided

The ditch is essentially

. "river" for irrigation

. "river" between the Americas

. "river" connecting rivers

Venetian Avenue

Trench for water flow


Artificial riverbed

A set of devices designed to transmit information

Irrigation system in the Libyan desert

In the desert regions of southern Libya there exists a great man-made river, a complex network of irrigation water pipes recognized by Guinness World Records in 2008 as the largest irrigation project in the world. Circles of man-made oases scattered across arid regions and desert coasts are the result of watering machines connected to an irrigation system.
In 1953, during geological exploration for oil fields, gigantic underground reserves of drinking water were discovered in southern Libya, after which in the 60s the idea of ​​building an irrigation system in this area arose.

Work on the project to attack the Sahara Desert began in 1984. The huge irrigation system included more than 1,300 wells with a depth of 1 to 3 km, from which water is delivered to the surface and distributed through large canals. The diameter of the circular fields over which the irrigation machines rotate varies from several hundred meters to 3 km.

Gaddafi's most ambitious project is the Great Man-Made River. The media kept quiet about this Libyan project

The Great Manmade River (GMR) is a complex network of water conduits that supplies desert areas and the coast of Libya with water from the Nubian Aquifer. By some estimates, this is the largest engineering project in existence. This huge system of pipes and aqueducts, which also includes more than 1,300 wells more than 500 meters deep, supplies the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and others, supplying 6,500,000 m³ of drinking water per day. Muammar Gaddafi called this river the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” In 2008, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized the Great Man-Made River as the largest irrigation project in the world.

September 1, 2010 is the anniversary of the opening of the main section of the Great Libyan artificial river. The world media kept quiet about this Libyan project, but by the way, this project surpasses the largest construction projects. Its value is 25 billion US dollars.

Back in the 80s, Gaddafi began a large-scale project to create a network of water resources, which was supposed to cover Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Chad. To date, this project has almost been completed.

The task was, it must be said, historical for the entire North African region, because the problem of water has been relevant here since the times of Phenicia. And, more importantly, not a single penny from the IMF was spent on a project that could have turned the whole of North Africa into a blooming garden. It is with the latter fact that some analysts associate the current destabilization of the situation in the region.

The desire for a global monopoly on water resources is already the most important factor in world politics. And in the south of Libya there are four giant water reservoirs (oases of Kufra, Sirt, Morzuk and Hamada). According to some data, they contain an average of 35,000 cubic meters. kilometers (!) of water. To imagine this volume, it is enough to imagine the entire territory of Germany as a huge lake 100 meters deep. Such water resources are undoubtedly of particular interest. And perhaps he has more than an interest in Libyan oil.
This water project was called the “Eighth Wonder of the World” due to its scale. It provides a daily flow of 6.5 million cubic meters of water through the desert, greatly increasing the area of ​​irrigated land. 4 thousand kilometers of pipes buried deep into the ground due to the heat. Underground water is pumped through 270 shafts from hundreds of meters deep. A cubic meter of the purest water from Libyan reservoirs, taking into account all costs, can cost 35 cents. This is the approximate cost of a cubic meter of cold water in Moscow. If we take the cost of a European cubic meter (about 2 euros), then the value of water reserves in Libyan reservoirs is 58 billion euros.

The idea of ​​extracting water hidden deep under the surface of the Sahara Desert appeared back in 1983. In Libya, like its Egyptian neighbor, only 4 percent of the territory is suitable for human life; the remaining 96 percent is dominated by sand. Once upon a time, on the territory of modern Jamahiriya there were riverbeds that flowed into the Mediterranean Sea. These channels dried up long ago, but scientists were able to establish that at a depth of 500 meters underground there are huge reserves - up to 12 thousand cubic km of fresh water. Its age exceeds 8.5 thousand years, and it makes up the lion's share of all sources in the country, leaving a paltry 2.3% for surface water and a little more than 1 percent for desalinated water. Simple calculations showed that the creation of a hydraulic system that would allow pumping water from Southern Europe would give Libya 0.74 cubic meters of water per Libyan dinar. Delivery of life-giving moisture by sea will bring benefits of up to 1.05 cubic meters per dinar. Desalination, which also requires powerful, expensive installations, is losing significantly, and only the development of the “Great Man-Made River” will make it possible to obtain nine cubic meters from each dinar. The project is still far from complete completion - the second phase is currently underway, which involves laying the third and fourth stages of pipelines hundreds of kilometers inland and installing hundreds of deep-water wells. A total of 1,149 such wells were planned, including more than 400 that still had to be built. Over the past years, 1,926 km of pipes have been laid, with another 1,732 km ahead. Each 7.5-meter steel pipe reaches a diameter of four meters and weighs up to 83 tons, and in total there are more than 530.5 thousand such pipes. The total cost of the project is $25 billion. As Libyan Minister of Agriculture Abdel Majid al-Matrouh told reporters, the bulk of the extracted water - 70% - goes to the needs of agriculture, 28% - to the population, and the rest goes to industry.

“According to the latest research by experts from southern Europe and northern Africa, water from underground sources would last for another 5,000 years, although the average life of all equipment, including pipes, is designed for 50 years,” he said.
The man-made river now irrigates about 160 thousand hectares of the country, which is being actively developed for agriculture. And hundreds of kilometers to the south, on the routes of camel caravans, water trenches brought to the surface of the earth serve as a transshipment point and resting place for people and animals. Looking at the result of the work of human thought in Libya, it is difficult to believe that Egypt, which is experiencing the same problems, suffers from overpopulation and cannot in any way share the resources of the Nile with its southern neighbors. Meanwhile, on the territory of the Country of Pyramids, countless reserves of life-giving moisture are also hidden underground, which for desert inhabitants is more valuable than all treasures.

With its water project, Libya could start a real green revolution. Literally, of course, which would solve a lot of food problems in Africa. And most importantly, it would ensure stability and economic independence. Moreover, there are already known cases when global corporations blocked water projects in the region. The World Bank and the IMF, for example, blocked the construction of a canal on the White Nile - Jonglei Canal - in southern Sudan, which was started there and abandoned after the American intelligence services provoked the growth of separatism there. It is, of course, much more profitable for the IMF and global cartels to impose their own expensive projects, such as desalination. An independent Libyan project did not fit into their plans. Compare with neighboring Egypt, where for the last 20 years all irrigation and water supply improvement projects have been sabotaged by the International Monetary Fund behind them. Gaddafi called on Egyptian farmers, 55 million of whom live in the crowded region along the banks of the Nile, to come and work in the fields of Libya. 95% of Libya's land is desert. The new artificial river opens up enormous opportunities for the development of this land. Libya's own water project was a slap in the face to the World Bank and IMF and the entire West. The World Bank and the US State Department support only their own projects: the ``Middle East Water Summit`` in November (2010) in Turkey, which only considers seawater desalinization projects in Saudi Arabia at a cost of $4 a cubic meter. The United States benefits from a shortage of water - it increases the price of it. Washington and London were almost apoplectic when they learned about the opening of a project in Libya. Everything needed for the project was produced in Libya itself. Nothing was purchased from the "first world" countries, which help developing countries rise from their lying position only if they can benefit themselves from it

The United States was vigilant to ensure that no one dared to help Libya.
The USSR could no longer help, since it itself was giving up its last breath, while the West was selling desalinized salt water to Libya at a price of $3.75. Now Libya no longer buys water from Western countries. Scientists estimate water reserves equivalent to 200 hundred years of flow of the Nile River. The goal of the Gaddafi government was to make Libya a source of agricultural abundance. The project has been operating for a long time. The only articles in the English-language press were Underground "Fossil Water" Running Out, National Geographic, May 2010 and Libya turns on the Great Man-Made River, by Marcia Merry, Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, September 1991.
Gaddafi, speaking at the opening ceremony of the next section of the artificial water river on September 1, 2010, said: “After this achievement of the Libyan people, the US threat against Libya will double!” - `After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double... - It was like looking into water! Gaddafi said further: “The United States will do everything under a different pretext, but the real reason will be, as always, the desire to keep the people of Libya oppressed and in a colonial position.”

Maghreb-Nachrichten from 03/20/2009 reports: “At the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul, the Libyan authorities presented for the first time a water supply project worth 25 billion dollars. The project has been called the “eighth wonder of the world” because it involves the creation of an artificial river that would supply drinking water to the population of northern Libya. The work has been carried out since the 80s. under the leadership of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. And now the project is 2/3 completed. The water pipeline should stretch for 4,000 km, and through it water from underground reservoirs under the desert will flow to the north. Research has shown that this project is more economical than alternative options. According to calculations, water reserves will last for 4,860 years if the interested states, Libya, Sudan, Chad and Egypt, use the water as envisaged in the project.”

At one time, Gaddafi said that the Libyan water project would be “the strongest response to America, which accuses Libya of supporting terrorism.” Mubarak was also a big supporter of this project. Are there too many coincidences? After this, all other explanations of modern events seem somehow not very convincing...

These areas, already beginning to dry out, (from satellite) after the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime

summary of other presentations

“Climatic zones of Africa” - Students work with climate templates, atlas p.25. Why do Africa have two tropical and two subtropical zones? “I want to become a meteorologist.” Climatic zones of Africa. Let's activate knowledge: The teacher marks the oral geographical dictation immediately. Why is there virtually no precipitation in the northern hemisphere? African climate. Compare the tropics of the northern and southern hemispheres. The lesson was developed by geography teacher Natalya Andreevna Kozlova. Question: What is different about the subtropical zone of the southern hemisphere? (+24:, +8:). Geographic traffic light.

“Grade 7 Geography Pacific Ocean” - Goals and objectives of the lesson. With the originality of PC oceans. Assess human economic activity in the oceans. Introduce students to the physical and geographical features of the ocean. CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK, find the matches. The most ancient. Geography lesson in 7th grade. With hydrological conditions. Learning new material. Organizing time. To instill in children a sense of beauty.

“Chinese Wall” - In some areas, up to 10 walls were built at the same time. Completed by: 7B grade students Pavel Rozhkov and Vadim Galygin. Emperor Qin Shi Huang entrusted the work to the most successful general, Meng Tian. From the watchtowers it was possible to spread information from one end to the other in a day. The Chinese themselves use the word “to rise, to ascend” when going to the wall. Each country is associated with a specific symbol. At the same time, 5 infantrymen or cavalrymen could march along the Wall in a row.

“Lesson 7th grade Africa” - Algeria. Congo. 3. Bay. 7. Sea. 8. River. Name geographical objects associated with the geographical location of Africa. River. 9. Peninsula. The capital is the city of Brazzaville. 5. Strait. Giraffe. 8. Red. Summarize the knowledge gained about the mainland. Ethiopian. State in the south of the mainland. Fill in the missing words. Target:

“English Colonies in North America” - Task 2. Complete the “Colonial Administration” chart. Members of the chamber were elected by the male population. Independent work of a 7th grade student. English king. Task 1. Give a definition. "English Colonies in North America". Upper house.

“Deserts of Africa” - Flora. This is where the Namib Desert is located. On the outskirts of the desert there are hyenas and lions. Deserts of Africa. Animals of the Sahara are adapted to desert climate conditions. In the interior parts of the desert there is sometimes no rain for several years. Geographical position. Desert tropical soils form here. Lizards, turtles and snakes can go without water for a long time.

The Great Man-Made River in Libya is the largest engineering and construction project of our time, thanks to which the country's residents gained access to drinking water and were able to settle in areas where no one had ever lived before. Currently, 6.5 million cubic meters of fresh water flow through underground water pipelines every day, which is also used for the development of agriculture in the region. Read on to see how the construction of this grandiose facility took place.

The eighth wonder of the world

The total length of underground communications of the artificial river is close to four thousand kilometers. The volume of soil excavated and transferred during construction - 155 million cubic meters - is 12 times more than during the creation of the Aswan Dam. And the building materials spent would be enough to build 16 Cheops pyramids. In addition to pipes and aqueducts, the system includes over 1,300 wells, most of which are more than 500 meters deep. The total depth of the wells is 70 times the height of Everest.

The main branches of the water pipeline consist of concrete pipes 7.5 meters long, 4 meters in diameter and weighing more than 80 tons (up to 83 tons). And each of over 530 thousand of these pipes could easily serve as a tunnel for subway trains.
From the main pipes, water flows into reservoirs built near cities with a volume of 4 to 24 million cubic meters, and from them the local water supply systems of cities and towns begin.
Fresh water enters the water supply system from underground sources located in the south of the country and feeds settlements concentrated mainly off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, including the largest cities of Libya - Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte. The water is drawn from the Nubian Aquifer, which is the largest known source of fossil fresh water in the world.
The Nubian Aquifer is located in the eastern Sahara Desert over an area of ​​more than two million square kilometers and contains 11 large underground reservoirs. The territory of Libya is located above four of them.
In addition to Libya, several other African states are located on the Nubian layer, including northwestern Sudan, northeastern Chad and most of Egypt.

The Nubian aquifer was discovered in 1953 by British geologists while searching for oil fields. The fresh water in it is hidden under a layer of hard ferruginous sandstone from 100 to 500 meters thick and, as scientists have established, accumulated underground during the period when fertile savannas stretched in place of the Sahara, irrigated by frequent heavy rains.
Most of this water was accumulated between 38 and 14 thousand years ago, although some reservoirs formed relatively recently - around 5000 BC. When the planet's climate changed dramatically three thousand years ago, the Sahara became a desert, but the water that had seeped into the ground over thousands of years had already accumulated in underground horizons.

After the discovery of huge reserves of fresh water, projects for the construction of an irrigation system immediately appeared. However, the idea was realized much later and only thanks to the Government of Muammar Gaddafi.
The project involved the creation of a water pipeline to deliver water from underground reservoirs from the south to the north of the country, to the industrial and more populated part of Libya. In October 1983, Project Management was created and funding began. The total cost of the project at the start of construction was estimated at $25 billion, and the planned implementation period was at least 25 years.
Construction was divided into five phases: the first - the construction of a pipe plant and a 1,200-kilometer-long pipeline with a daily supply of two million cubic meters of water to Benghazi and Sirte; the second is to bring pipelines to Tripoli and provide it with daily supplies of one million cubic meters of water; third - completion of the construction of a water pipeline from the Kufra oasis to Benghazi; the last two are the construction of the western branch to the city of Tobruk and the unification of the branches into a single system near the city of Sirte.

The fields created by the Great Man-Made River are clearly visible from space: in satellite images they appear as bright green circles scattered among grey-yellow desert areas. In the photo: cultivated fields near the Kufra oasis.
Direct construction work began in 1984 - on August 28, Muammar Gaddafi laid the first stone of the project. The cost of the first phase of the project was estimated at $5 billion. The construction of a unique, world's first plant for the production of giant pipes in Libya was carried out by South Korean specialists using modern technologies.
Specialists from the world's leading companies from the USA, Turkey, Great Britain, Japan and Germany came to the country. The latest equipment was purchased. To lay concrete pipes, 3,700 kilometers of roads were built, allowing heavy equipment to move. Migrant labor from Bangladesh, the Philippines and Vietnam was used as the main unskilled labor force.

In 1989, water entered the Ajdabiya and Grand Omar Muktar reservoirs, and in 1991 - into the Al-Ghardabiya reservoir. The first and largest stage was officially opened in August 1991 - water supply began to such large cities as Sirte and Benghazi. Already in August 1996, regular water supply was established in the capital of Libya, Tripoli.

As a result, the Libyan government spent $33 billion on the creation of the eighth wonder of the world, and the financing was carried out without international loans or IMF support. Recognizing the right to water supply as a fundamental human right, the Libyan government did not charge the population for water.
The government also tried not to purchase anything for the project in the “first world” countries, but to produce everything necessary within the country. All materials used for the project were locally produced, and the plant, built in the city of Al-Buraika, produced more than half a million pipes with a diameter of four meters from prestressed reinforced concrete.

Before the construction of the water pipeline began, 96% of Libya's territory was desert, and only 4% of the land was suitable for human life.
After the project was fully completed, it was planned to supply water and cultivate 155 thousand hectares of land.
By 2011, it was possible to arrange the supply of 6.5 million cubic meters of fresh water to the cities of Libya, providing it to 4.5 million people. At the same time, 70% of the water produced by Libya was consumed in the agricultural sector, 28% by the population, and the rest by industry.
But the government’s goal was not only to fully provide the population with fresh water, but also to reduce Libya’s dependence on imported food, and in the future, the country’s entry into completely its own food production.
With the development of water supply, large agricultural farms were built to produce wheat, oats, corn and barley, which had previously only been imported. Thanks to watering machines connected to the irrigation system, circles of man-made oases and fields with a diameter ranging from several hundred meters to three kilometers have grown in the arid regions of the country.

Measures were also taken to encourage Libyans to move to the south of the country, to the farms created in the desert. However, not all of the local population moved willingly, preferring to live in the northern coastal areas.
Therefore, the country's government turned to Egyptian peasants with an invitation to come to Libya to work. After all, the population of Libya is only 6 million people, while in Egypt there are more than 80 million, living mainly along the Nile. The water pipeline also made it possible to organize resting places for people and animals with water trenches (aryks) brought to the surface on the routes of camel caravans in the Sahara.
Libya has even begun supplying water to neighboring Egypt.

Compared to Soviet irrigation projects implemented in Central Asia to irrigate cotton fields, the man-made river project had a number of fundamental differences.
Firstly, to irrigate Libyan agricultural land, a huge underground source was used, rather than a surface and relatively small, compared to the volumes taken. As everyone probably knows, the result of the Central Asian project was the Aral environmental disaster.
Secondly, in Libya, water losses during transportation were eliminated, since delivery took place in a closed way, which eliminated evaporation. Devoid of these shortcomings, the created water supply system became an advanced system for supplying water to arid regions.
When Gaddafi first started his project, he became the target of constant ridicule from the Western media. It was then that the derogatory stamp “dream in a pipe” appeared in the media of the States and Britain.
But 20 years later, in one of the rare materials dedicated to the success of the project, National Geographic magazine recognized it as “epoch-making.” By this time, engineers from all over the world were coming to the country to gain Libyan experience in hydraulic engineering.
Since 1990, UNESCO has provided assistance in supporting and training engineers and technicians. Gaddafi described the water project as “the strongest answer to America, which accuses Libya of supporting terrorism, saying that we are not capable of anything else.”

Available fresh water resources have long been in the sphere of interests of transnational corporations. At the same time, the World Bank strongly supports the idea of ​​privatizing fresh water sources, while at the same time doing its best to slow down water projects that dry countries are trying to implement on their own, without the involvement of Western corporations. For example, over the past 20 years, the World Bank and the IMF have sabotaged several projects to improve irrigation and water supply in Egypt, and blocked the construction of a canal on the White Nile in South Sudan.
Against this background, the resources of the Nubian aquifer are of enormous commercial interest to large foreign corporations, and the Libyan project does not seem to fit into the general scheme of private development of water resources.
Look at these numbers: the world's fresh water reserves, concentrated in the Earth's rivers and lakes, are estimated at 200 thousand cubic kilometers. Of these, Baikal (the largest freshwater lake) contains 23 thousand cubic kilometers, and all five Great Lakes contain 22.7 thousand. The reserves of the Nubian reservoir are 150 thousand cubic kilometers, that is, they are only 25% less than all the water contained in rivers and lakes.
At the same time, we must not forget that most of the planet’s rivers and lakes are heavily polluted. Scientists estimate the reserves of the Nubian Aquifer to be equivalent to two hundred years of flow of the Nile River. If we take the largest underground reserves found in sedimentary rocks under Libya, Algeria and Chad, then they will be enough to cover all these territories with 75 meters of water.
It is estimated that these reserves will be enough for 4-5 thousand years of consumption.

Before the water pipeline was put into operation, the cost of desalted seawater purchased by Libya was $3.75 per ton. The construction of its own water supply system allowed Libya to completely abandon imports.
At the same time, the sum of all costs for the extraction and transportation of 1 cubic meter of water cost the Libyan state (before the war) 35 American cents, which is 11 times less than before. This was already comparable to the cost of cold tap water in Russian cities. For comparison: the cost of water in European countries is approximately 2 euros.
In this sense, the value of Libyan water reserves turns out to be much higher than the value of the reserves of all its oil fields. Thus, the proven oil reserves in Libya - 5.1 billion tons - at the current price of $400 per ton will amount to about $2 trillion.
Compare them with the cost of water: even based on the minimum 35 cents per cubic meter, Libyan water reserves amount to 10-15 trillion dollars (with a total cost of water in the Nubian layer of 55 trillion), that is, they are 5-7 times greater than all Libyan oil reserves . If we start exporting this water in bottled form, the amount will increase many times over.
Therefore, the assertions that the military operation in Libya was nothing more than a “war for water” have quite obvious grounds.

In addition to the political risks outlined above, the Great Artificial River had at least two more. It was the first major project of its kind, so no one could predict with any certainty what would happen when the aquifers began to deplete. Concerns were expressed that the entire system would simply collapse under its own weight into the resulting voids, which would lead to large-scale ground failures in the territories of several African countries. On the other hand, it was unclear what would happen to the existing natural oases, since many of them were originally fed by underground aquifers. Today, at least the drying up of one of the natural lakes in the Libyan oasis of Kufra is associated precisely with overexploitation of aquifers.
But be that as it may, at the moment the artificial Libyan river is one of the most complex, most expensive and largest engineering projects implemented by mankind, but grew out of the dream of one single person “to make the desert green, like the flag of the Libyan Jamahiriya.”
Modern satellite images show that after the bloody American-European aggression, the round fields in Libya are now quickly turning into desert again...

23.04.2012 22:25

Gaddafi's most ambitious project is the Great Man-Made River. The media kept quiet about this Libyan project

The Great Manmade River (GMR) is a complex network of water conduits that supplies desert areas and the coast of Libya with water from the Nubian Aquifer. By some estimates, this is the largest engineering project in existence. This huge system of pipes and aqueducts, which also includes more than 1,300 wells more than 500 meters deep, supplies the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and others, supplying 6,500,000 m³ of drinking water per day. Muammar Gaddafi called this river the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” In 2008, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized the Great Man-Made River as the largest irrigation project in the world.

Back in the 80s, Gaddafi began a large-scale project to create a network of water resources, which was supposed to cover Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Chad. To date, this project has almost been completed. The task was, it must be said, historical for the entire North African region, because the problem of water has been relevant here since the times of Phenicia. And, more importantly, not a single penny from the IMF was spent on a project that could have turned the whole of North Africa into a blooming garden. It is with the latter fact that some analysts associate the current destabilization of the situation in the region.

The desire for a global monopoly on water resources is already the most important factor in world politics. And in the south of Libya there are four giant water reservoirs (oases of Kufra, Sirt, Morzuk and Hamada). According to some data, they contain an average of 35,000 cubic meters. kilometers (!) of water. To imagine this volume, it is enough to imagine the entire territory of Germany as a huge lake 100 meters deep. Such water resources are undoubtedly of particular interest. And perhaps he has more than an interest in Libyan oil.

This water project was called the “Eighth Wonder of the World” due to its scale. It provides a daily flow of 6.5 million cubic meters of water through the desert, greatly increasing the area of ​​irrigated land. 4 thousand kilometers of pipes buried deep into the ground due to the heat. Underground water is pumped through 270 shafts from hundreds of meters deep. A cubic meter of the purest water from Libyan reservoirs, taking into account all costs, can cost 35 cents. This is the approximate cost of a cubic meter of cold water in Moscow. If we take the cost of a European cubic meter (about 2 euros), then the value of water reserves in Libyan reservoirs is 58 billion euros.

The idea of ​​extracting water hidden deep under the surface of the Sahara Desert appeared back in 1983. In Libya, like its Egyptian neighbor, only 4 percent of the territory is suitable for human life; the remaining 96 percent is dominated by sand. Once upon a time, on the territory of modern Jamahiriya there were riverbeds that flowed into the Mediterranean Sea. These channels dried up long ago, but scientists were able to establish that at a depth of 500 meters underground there are huge reserves - up to 12 thousand cubic km of fresh water. Its age exceeds 8.5 thousand years, and it makes up the lion's share of all sources in the country, leaving a paltry 2.3% for surface water and a little more than 1 percent for desalinated water. Simple calculations showed that the creation of a hydraulic system that would allow pumping water from Southern Europe would give Libya 0.74 cubic meters of water per Libyan dinar. Delivery of life-giving moisture by sea will bring benefits of up to 1.05 cubic meters per dinar. Desalination, which also requires powerful, expensive installations, is losing significantly, and only the development of the “Great Man-Made River” will make it possible to obtain nine cubic meters from each dinar. The project is still far from complete completion - the second phase is currently underway, which involves laying the third and fourth stages of pipelines hundreds of kilometers inland and installing hundreds of deep-water wells. There will be a total of 1,149 such wells, including more than 400 that remain to be built. Over the past years, 1,926 km of pipes have been laid, with another 1,732 km ahead. Each 7.5-meter steel pipe reaches a diameter of four meters and weighs up to 83 tons, and in total there are more than 530.5 thousand such pipes. The total cost of the project is $25 billion. As Libyan Minister of Agriculture Abdel Majid al-Matrouh told reporters, the bulk of the extracted water - 70% - goes to the needs of agriculture, 28% - to the population, and the rest goes to industry.

“According to the latest research by experts from Southern Europe and North Africa, water from underground sources will last for another 4860 years, although the average lifespan of all equipment, including pipes, is designed for 50 years,”

He said.
The man-made river now irrigates about 160 thousand hectares of the country, which is being actively developed for agriculture. And hundreds of kilometers to the south, on the routes of camel caravans, water trenches brought to the surface of the earth serve as a transshipment point and resting place for people and animals. Looking at the result of the work of human thought in Libya, it is difficult to believe that Egypt, which is experiencing the same problems, suffers from overpopulation and cannot in any way share the resources of the Nile with its southern neighbors. Meanwhile, on the territory of the Country of Pyramids, countless reserves of life-giving moisture are also hidden underground, which for desert inhabitants is more valuable than all treasures.

With its water project, Libya could start a real green revolution. Literally, of course, which would solve a lot of food problems in Africa. And most importantly, it would ensure stability and economic independence. Moreover, there are already known cases when global corporations blocked water projects in the region. The World Bank and the IMF, for example, blocked the construction of a canal on the White Nile - Jonglei Canal - in southern Sudan, which was started there and abandoned after the American intelligence services provoked the growth of separatism there. It is, of course, much more profitable for the IMF and global cartels to impose their own expensive projects, such as desalination. An independent Libyan project did not fit into their plans. Compare with neighboring Egypt, where for the last 20 years all irrigation and water supply improvement projects have been sabotaged by the International Monetary Fund behind them.

Gaddafi called on Egyptian farmers, 55 million of whom live in the crowded region along the banks of the Nile, to come and work in the fields of Libya. 95% of Libya's land is desert. The new artificial river opens up enormous opportunities for the development of this land. Libya's own water project was a slap in the face to the World Bank and IMF and the entire West. The World Bank and the US State Department support only their projects: the ``Middle East Water Summit`` this November (2010) in Turkey, which only considers seawater desalinization projects in Saudi Arabia at a cost of 4 dollars per cubic meter. The United States benefits from a shortage of water - it increases the price of it. Washington and London were almost apoplectic when they learned about the opening of a project in Libya. Everything needed for the project was produced in Libya itself. Nothing was purchased from the "first world" countries, which help developing countries rise from their lying position only if they can benefit themselves from it.

The United States was vigilant to ensure that no one dared to help Libya.

The USSR could no longer help, since it itself was giving up its last breath.

While the West sells desalinized salt water to Libya for $3.75. Now Libya no longer buys water from Western countries. Scientists estimate water reserves equivalent to 200 hundred years of flow of the Nile River. The Gaddafi government's goal is to make Libya a source of agricultural abundance. The project has been operating for a long time. Have you ever heard of him? The only article in the English-language press was the article Underground "Fossil Water" Running Out, National Geographic, May 2010 and Libya turns on the Great Man-Made River, by Marcia Merry, Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, September 1991 Gaddafi speaking at the opening ceremony of the next section of an artificial water river on September 1, 2010, said: “After this achievement of the Libyan people, the US threat against Libya will double!” - `After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double... - It was like looking into water! Gaddafi said further: “The United States will do everything under a different pretext, but the real reason will be, as always, the desire to keep the people of Libya oppressed and in a colonial position.”

Maghreb-Nachrichten from 03/20/2009 reports: “At the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul, the Libyan authorities presented for the first time a water supply project worth 25 billion dollars. The project has been called the “eighth wonder of the world” because it involves the creation of an artificial river that would supply drinking water to the population of northern Libya. The work has been carried out since the 80s. under the leadership of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. And now the project is 2/3 completed. The water pipeline should stretch for 4,000 km, and through it water from underground reservoirs under the desert will flow to the north. Research has shown that this project is more economical than alternative options. According to calculations, water reserves will last for 4,860 years if the interested states, Libya, Sudan, Chad and Egypt, use the water as envisaged in the project.”

At one time, Gaddafi said that the Libyan water project would be “the strongest response to America, which accuses Libya of supporting terrorism.” Mubarak was also a big supporter of this project. Are there too many coincidences? After this, all other explanations of modern events seem somehow not very convincing...

FRESH UNDERGROUND LAKES OF LIBYA (eighth wonder of the world)

Why is Libya being destroyed?

September 1, 2010 is the anniversary of the opening of the main section of the Great Libyan artificial river. The media kept quiet about this Libyan project, but by the way, this project surpasses the largest construction projects. Its cost is 25 billion US dollars.

In the 1960s, 4 giant underground water reservoirs were discovered in the Sahara Desert in Libya. Scheme: 1). the Kufra basin, 2). the Sirt basin, 3) the Morzuk basin and 4). the Hamada basin. The first three contain 35 thousand cubic KILOMETERS of water!

This water project was called the “Eighth Wonder of the World” due to its scale. It provides a daily flow of 5 million cubic meters of water through the desert, greatly increasing the area of ​​irrigated land. 4 thousand kilometers of pipes buried deep into the ground due to the heat. Everything needed for the project was produced in Libya itself. Nothing was purchased from first world countries. Underground water is pumped through 270 shafts from hundreds of meters deep. The cost of one cubic meter of water is 35 cents. While the West sells desalinized salt water to Libya for $3.75. Now Libya no longer buys water from the Israeli Commonwealth countries. Scientists estimate water reserves equivalent to 200 hundred years of flow of the Nile River! The Gaddafi government's goal is to make Libya a source of agricultural abundance. The project has been operating for a long time. Have you ever heard of him? The only article in the English-language press was the article Underground "Fossil Water" Running Out, National Geographic, May 2010 and Libya turns on the Great Man-Made River, by Marcia Merry, Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, September 1991 Gaddafi speaking at the opening ceremony of the next section of an artificial water river on September 1, 2010, said: “After this achievement of the Libyan people, the US threat against Libya will double!” - `After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double.... - It was like looking into the water! Kadafi said further: “The US will do everything under a different pretext, but the real reason will be, as always, the desire to keep the people of Libya oppressed and in a colonial position.” The United States will make excuses, the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed." Compare with neighboring Egypt, where over the past 20 years all irrigation and water supply improvement projects have been sabotaged by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Anglo-American Jewish interest behind them.The World Bank and the IMF, for example, blocked the construction of the White Nile Canal - Jonglei Canal-- in southern Sudan, it was started there and abandoned #The_Jonglei_diversion_canal. Kadafi called on Egyptian farmers, 55 million of whom live in the overcrowded region along the banks of the Nile, to come and work now in the fields of Libya. 95% of the land in Libya is desert. The new artificial river opens up enormous opportunities for the development of this land.

Gaddafi's son Saif (center) attends a ceremony in the southern Libyan town of Ghiryan, August 18, 2007. On this day, the waters of the Great Man-Made River reached the city of Ghiryan. The Great Man-Made Arm is a network of pipelines that transport water from underground springs in the desert to coastal areas. (Mahmud Turkia/AFP – Getty Images)

Irrigation system in the Libyan desert

In the desert regions of southern Libya there is a great man-made river - a complex network of irrigation water pipes, recognized by the Guinness Book of Records in 2008 as the largest irrigation project in the world. Circles of man-made oases scattered across arid regions and desert coasts are the result of watering machines connected to an irrigation system.
In 1953, during geological exploration work to search for oil deposits, gigantic underground reserves of drinking water were discovered in southern Libya, after which in the 60s the idea of ​​building an irrigation system in this area arose.

Work on the project to attack the Sahara Desert began in 1984. The huge irrigation system included more than 1,300 wells with a depth of 1 to 3 km, from which water is delivered to the surface and distributed through large canals. The diameter of the circular fields over which the irrigation machines rotate varies from several hundred meters to 3 km.


According to the Masons Water Yearbook 2004/5, 545 million people (9% of the world's population) already receive water from private providers and at market prices.

Argentina and Bolivia, having initially gotten involved in this, urgently abandoned water privatization schemes.

Privatization of water occurs only through the World Bank and those who stand behind them:

Type International organization

Legal status Treaty

Purpose/focus Crediting

Location: Washington DC (!)

already involved in the pyramid: 187 countries

September 1, 2010- anniversary of the opening of the main section of the Great Libyan artificial river. The media kept quiet about this Libyan project, but by the way, this project surpasses the largest construction projects.

Its cost is 25 billion US dollars. The media refused to admit that little Libya, with a population of only 4 million people, was able to do something huge without borrowing a cent from Western countries and bankers.

In the 1960s in Libya, 4 giant underground water reservoirs were discovered in the Sahara Desert. Diagram:

1). the Kufra basin,

2). the Sirt basin

3) the Morzuk basin and

4). the Hamada basin.

The first three contain 35 thousand cubic KILOMETERS of water!

The Kadafi government decided to bring water to the service of the people. To do this, it was necessary to carry out a gigantic amount of work.

In October 1983 In 2010, a Project Management Authority was created to deliver water from the southern part of Libya, where the underwater lakes are located, to the northern, industrial part of Libya.

In 1996 artesian water has come to the houses of the capital Tripoli! (Tripoli can be translated from Greek as “three policies” - “Tri-city”, that is, in ancient times there were apparently three cities here, which later merged).

Speaking at the opening, Kadafi said that

".. this is our response to the United States, which accuses us of allegedly doing nothing other than terrorism."

The United States always blames others for what it actively does itself. This unique property of the Amers and the highest degree of rudeness is called Khutzpa.

This water project was called the “Eighth Wonder of the World” due to its scale. It provides the flow per day - 5 million cubic meters of water through the desert, greatly increasing the area of ​​irrigated land. 4 thousand kilometers of pipes buried deep into the ground due to the heat. Everything needed for the project was produced in Libya itself. Nothing was purchased from the “first world” countries, which never help developing countries rise from their lying position, and if they do anything, it is under the conditions of even greater enslavement of the country.

The United States was vigilant to ensure that no one dared to help Libya. The USSR could no longer help, since it itself was giving up its last breath. Underground water is pumped through 270 shafts from hundreds of meters deep. The cost of one cubic meter of water is 35 cents. While the West sells desalinized salt water to Libya for $3.75. Now Libya no longer buys water from Western countries.

Scientists evaluate water reserves are equivalent to 200 years of flow of the Nile River! The Gaddafi government's goal is to make Libya a source of agricultural abundance. The project has been operating for a long time. Have you ever heard of him? The only articles in the English-language press were Underground "Fossil Water" Running Out, National Geographic, May 2010 and Libya turns on the Great Man-Made River, by Marcia Merry, Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, September 1991

Gaddafi speaking at the opening ceremony of the next section of the artificial water river September 1, 2010 said:

“After this achievement of the Libyan people, the US threat against Libya will double!” - `After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double....

“The United States will do everything under a different pretext, but the real reason will, as always, be the desire to keep the people of Libya oppressed and in a colonial position.” The United States will make excuses, the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.

Compare with neighboring Egypt, where for the last 20 years all irrigation and water supply improvement projects have been sabotaged by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and the Anglo-American interests behind them. The World Bank and the IMF, for example, blocked the construction of a canal on the White Nile - in southern Sudan, where it was started and everything was abandoned.

Kadafi called on Egyptian farmers, 55 million of whom live in the crowded region along the banks of the Nile, to come and work in the fields of Libya. 95% of Libya's land is desert. The new artificial river opens up enormous opportunities for the development of this land. Libya's own water project was a slap in the face to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and the entire West.

Once upon a time, the USSR gave many such slaps in the face to the Anglo-Pagan Global Empire. The World Bank and the US State Department support only their projects like the ``Middle East Water Summit this November (2010) in Turkey, which is only considering seawater desalinization projects in Saudi Arabia at a cost of $4 per cubic meter. The United States benefits from a shortage of water - this increases its price. Washington and London were almost apoplectic when they learned about the opening of a project in Libya. The London "Financial Times" attacked with the usual Alien criticism, on the basis that the project, they say, is crap because it is a "Kadaf project." Now, you understand everything, Watson, what actually stands behind the rhetoric of the invasion of Libya by foreign mercenaries, and their software by Alien media, as they say, “people's rebels”.

Virtually unknown in the West: Libya's water resources

A gala ceremony was held in Libya at the end of August, at which Libyan leaders ``turned on the tap"" of the Great Man-Made River, the water pipeline/viaduct project designed to bring millions of liters of water from beneath the Sahara Desert, northward to the Benghazi region on the Mediterranean coast. The inauguration marked the end of Phase I of the project, which is slated for completion in 1996.

Under the giant scheme, water is pumped from aquifers under the Sahara in the southern part of the country, where underground water resources extend into Egypt and Sudan. Then the water is transported by reinforced concrete pipeline to northern destinations. Construction on the first phase started in 1984, and cost about $5 billion. The completed project may total $25 billion. South Korean construction experts built the huge pipes in Libya by some of the most modern techniques. The engineering feat involves collecting water from 270 wells in east central Libya, and transporting it through about 2,000 kilometers of pipeline to Benghazi and Sirte. The new ``river"" brings 2 million cubic meters of water a day. At completion, the system will involve 4,000 kilometers of pipepines, and two aqueducts of some 1,000 kilometers. Joining in celebrating the inauguration of the artificial river were dozens of Arab and African heads of state and hundreds of other foreign diplomats and delegations. Among them were Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, King Hassan of Morocco, the head of Sudan, Gen. Omar El Beshir, and Djibouti's President Hassan Julied.

Col. Muammar Qaddafi told the celebrities: ``After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double.... The United States will make excuses, the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed."" Qaddafi presented the project to the cheering crowd as a gift to the Third World.

Mubarak spoke at the ceremony and emphasized the regional importance of the project. Qaddafi has called on Egyptian farmers to come and work in Libya, where there are only 4 million inhabitants. Egypt's population of 55 million is crowded in narrow bands along the Nile River and delta region. Over the last 20 years, the water improvement projects envisioned for Egypt, which could provide more water and more hectares of agricultural and residential land, have been repeatedly sabotaged by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, and the Anglo-American financial interests behind them .

In the 1970s, Qaddafi expelled many Egyptian families from Libya, but over the recent months the two countries have become close once again. There are plans to build a railway line to facilitate travel back and forth. There is also a standing commission between Sudan and Libya for integrating economic activity.

Over 95% of Libya is desert, and the new water sources can open up thousands of hectares of irrigated farmland. At present over 80% of the country's agricultural production comes from the coastal regions, where local aquifers have been overpumped, and salt water intrusion is taking place. The Great Man-Made River will relieve this. The water now flowing will immediately supplement supplies for domestic and industrial needs in Benghazi and Sirte. But Libyan officials plan for 80% of the overall project's flow to eventually be used for irrigating old farms, and reclaiming some desert lands. Since 20% of Libya's imports are foodstuffs, expanded water supplies are a means to greater self-sufficiency. The Great Man-Made River project and its objectives fly in the face of the water-control schemes sanctioned by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. These institutions have blocked work on other ``great projects"" such as the Jonglei Canal--the huge ditch that was designed as a straight channel on the upper White Nile in southern Sudan. The Jonglei Canal, which stands half-finished and abandoned at present, would have drained swamplands, aided agriculture, transportation, power resources, and health, and provided expanded flow to the Nile River all the way down to Egypt. The World Bank and the U.S. State Department are backing a ``Middle East Water Summit"" in Turkey this November, which is intended to promote only politically favored projects such as desalination of plants in Saudi Arabia, and water shortages elsewhere.

London and Washington circles were apoplectic about the opening of the new Libyan water project. The London Financial Times ran criticisms of the project from Angus Henley of the London-based Middle East Economic Digest. The pipeline, he said, was ``Qaddafi's pet project. He wants to be seen as something other than the scourge of the West."" The Financial Times called the project Qaddafi"s ``pipedream,"" stating that critics may be awed by the engineering involved, ``But they regard the dream as a monument to vanity that makes little economic sense in a country where the U.N. Development Program says 94.6 % of territory is desert wasteland.""

If it is vanity that motivated the project, at least the vanity of Libya's head of state is being channeled in a productive direction in this case--which is more than can be said of the leaders of Britain and the United States. BGS) and University College London (UCL) base their opinion on the results of extensive research in Africa and maps of groundwater locations. Their largest reserves were found in sedimentary rocks near Libya, Algeria and Chad. These volumes are enough to cover these territories with 75 meters of water.

True, the British are warning residents of the Black Continent against drilling a large number of wells - such an approach will quickly deprive Africa of its existing reserves. "High-yielding wells cannot be created until local conditions for the formation of underground reservoirs are understood. There is enough water to combat climate change, but it must be used wisely," said study leader Dr Alan MacDonald from BGS.

It is estimated that over 300 million people in Africa lack access to safe drinking water. Moreover, the demand for it, according to scientists, will grow rapidly due to an increase in population and the need for irrigation of arid soils.

A detailed account of the study and its results is contained in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

Huge reserves of water discovered in the heart of African deserts

Muammar Gaddafi's speech at the UN.

Translated into Russian, the speech of Muammar Gaddafi at the meeting of the 64th session of the UN General Assembly in 2009. It discussed many issues, the relevance of which is undeniable today. It is worth noting that the simultaneous interpreter could not understand it, since he spoke in Farsi with occasional use of the Libyan dialect.