Option of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language test in the Russian language (grade 11) on the topic. Children's project “Pony - little horses Lightning sparkles brightly and illuminates everything around

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1–26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) In terms of urban development, Veliky Novgorod left behind many medieval cities of Western Europe. (2) In Western Europe, the first pavements appeared only at the end of the 12th century, but in Novgorod, already in the 11th century, all streets, as well as courtyards inside estates, were paved with wood. (3)<...>The famous Yaroslav's courtyard in Novgorod had the first water supply system in Northern Europe, through which clean spring water ran in wooden pipes.

1. Indicate the sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    The level of improvement of Veliky Novgorod in the Middle Ages was higher than in the cities of Western Europe at that time.

    The first pavements in Western Europe appeared several centuries earlier than in the cities of the Novgorod principality.

    The first water supply system in Europe with mechanical supply of water to houses was built in Novgorod.

    From the point of view of urban improvement, Veliky Novgorod left behind many medieval cities of Western Europe.

    Already in the 11th century in Novgorod, all the streets, as well as the courtyards inside the estates, were paved with wood.

2. Choose an introductory construction yourself, which should stand in the place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this introductory construction.

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word RUN. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

RUN , running, running, running; run;nesov.

    Move quickly, sharply pushing off the ground with leg movements.B. trot.

    To escape (to escape) by flight.B. from captivity.

    trans. Move quickly, pass, move.The clouds are fleeing. The days are flying by.

    About the watch: hurry up, go forward.

4. In one of the words below there is an error in the emphasis: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.


speed up




5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

    All DIPLOMATS of the competition will take part in the next round.

    He, as always, is BUSINESS, unsmiling, like a serious, frowning bird.

    It was a pine crossbill, with feathers of brick and cranberry color, with a beak crossed like two curved BONE knives.

    In order to somehow COMPLETE the lack of movement and fresh air, Lisa went for a walk to the pond.

    The Institute had undergone reorganization and downsizing by that time.

6. Edit the sentence: correct a lexical error, excluding unnecessary word . Write this word down.

When you commit an act for which you may later be ashamed, you need to remember that someday you will get a reverse boomerang effect.

7. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

favorite PROFESSOR



on THEIR territory




8. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

B) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

C) violation in the construction of sentences by an inconsistent application

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

1) The garden paths, which had recently been sprinkled with smooth coarse gravel, crunched rhythmically under Ilya Alexandrovich’s feet.

2) All day the pony rode the kids around the zoo.

3) M.B. Barclay de Tolly was one of the military leaders awarded the Order of St. George for his participation in the war against the French.

4) “Lady in Blue” (portrait of the artist E.M. Martynova) is like a pure and delicate flower that was brought from some unknown bright gardens.

5) Lightning sparkles brightly and illuminates everything around.

6) Vanity and stupidity are ridiculed by I.A. Krylov in the fable “The Crow and the Fox”.

7) Upon arrival in the city, we visited the Pskov Kremlin.

8) The brave caretaker, risking his life, rushed across the galloping horse.

9) The publication of the poem “Hanz Küchelgarten” written by Gogol while still in the gymnasium was met with ridicule by critics of St. Petersburg, after which Gogol burned all the books with this poem, taking them from booksellers.

9. Indicate the answer options in which all words of one row omit the unstressed vowel of the root, which is checked by stress. Write down the answer numbers.

1) r..luxurious,ecology; sh..betting;

2) k..rierist; leaning back; k..substantial;

3) pr..stizh;become a friend,this...cat;

4) mature; k..ftan; freeze (in horror);

5)clogging..wait; cute; theoretical.

10. Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) not..second-hand, not..cheap, pre-packaged

2) under..tear, pr..image, with..preserve

3) pr..possible, impartial..passionate, pr..ambula

4) super..gra, disinfection, po..play

5) di..harmony, through..stripe, fireproof

11. Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in both words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) Abkhaz..Kiya, Belarusian..Kiya;

2) manage, scout;

3) cap..chka, local lore..skiy,

4) serviceable, aluminum;

5) camel..nock, zucchini..k

12. Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in both words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) taken out, laid out, sewn, seeded

2) splashing..sew, breathing..shy, wounded..

3) moving, jumping out, seeing

4) foaming (sea), (shelves) building, accelerating..t

5) hated..sh, (clouds) driven..my, forced..

13. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the highlighted word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The potatoes in the gardens are still (NOT) DIGGED.

The small tragedies of an individual remain (NOT) NOTICED by anyone.

The teacher told the children (NOT) TIMES about the need to submit their essays on time.

This house is (NOT)BIG, but very cozy.

This pianist, who absolutely (NOT) CLAIMED for worldwide fame, but at the same time had healthy ambitions, captivated the journalist.

14) Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

I (THAT) HOUR went to the Tatarinovs in such a way that I wouldn’t catch Nikolai Antonovich.

JUST like other representatives of Moscow society, Famusov values ​​rank and wealth, SO he is looking for a suitable match for his daughter.

It was a QUITE big cat, but OTHERWISE, very peaceful.

The lecturer revealed the meaning of the SAME concept that was (SUBSEQUENTLY) discussed at the seminar.

(B) NEXT to Savelyeva, they asked me, for the SAME task, we were both satisfied

elk is not easy.

15) Indicate all the numbers in whose place one letter N is written?

Intoxicated with the glory of the titular (2) singer Neja (3)o, Negada (4)o declared her

participation in the festival and was invited (5) to join the jury.

16) Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) A heartfelt love for native places and snow-covered expanses beckons and gives rise to thoughts about the bitterness of losses and anxiety for the future.

2) In the corner, the tuner played the same note a hundred times and ran around with beaded arpeggias.

3) In the Meshchera region, the sources of rivers and springs and groves and oak forests became protected areas.

4) The air is light and clean and the river is frozen.

5) Either thoughts or memories or dreams wandered through his head.


The sea hummed menacingly (1), standing out from all the noises of this alarming (2) and sleepy night. Huge, lost in space (3) it lay deep below (4) far away

whitening through the dusk (5) with manes of foam running towards the ground. (I.B.)

18) Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. However, then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.

19) Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Cold autumn shadows (1) wandered through the forest (2) trees (3) in which (4) froze in anticipation of winter.

20) Place all punctuation marks:indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Such fatigue set in (1) that (2) even if there had not been an order (3) to rest (4) people would not have been able to take a single step further.

21) Find sentences in whichcolon is placed in accordance with the same punctuation rule. Write down the numbers of these sentences

1) Behind our village there are wide fields. 2) We headed along a narrow path straight to a distant birch grove: every year here you can pick up baskets full of delicious mushrooms. 3) The main thing is to be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones. 4) The day turned out to be without rain, and all the trees were illuminated by the bright rays of the warm sun. 5) The forest is quiet and no birdsong can be heard; they are preparing to travel south. 6) Walking through the forest, you can notice that bright caps of russula can be seen from under the brown and yellow leaves, but we will pass by. 7) The guys and I decided in advance to collect only the most delicious mushrooms: fragrant white and red boletus, cute boletus, chanterelles and saffron milk caps. 8) They can be prepared in different ways: fried, salted for the winter.

Read the text and complete tasks 22–27.

(1) The Germans were expelled from Uman, and on the streets of the city, cars, armored personnel carriers and tanks abandoned by them in flight stood close together, back to back. (2) The city still smelled of burning, that stuffy animal smell that fleeing masses of people leave behind, and the stench of rotting food: there were barrels of cucumbers and cabbage in the trucks.

(3) On one of the streets, through a broken window on the lower floor, I saw piles of books piled on the floor. (4) The sight of books always excites me, and I entered a room in which I immediately identified a library by the shelves. (5) There seemed to be no one in the room; only after looking closely, I saw the mournful figures of two middle-aged women sorting out books in the next room. (6) Some of the books were already on the shelves. (7) I approached the women, and we met: one turned out to be a Russian language teacher, Zinaida Ivanovna Valyanskaya, the other, a librarian at the district library, Yulia Aleksandrovna Panasevich, and they dragged the books lying on the floor from underground, where they survived the entire occupation. (8) I picked up one of the books - it was a textbook on economic geography, but after flipping through a few pages, I turned with bewilderment to the title of the book: it did not correspond to the content.

(9) “We have a lot of work ahead of us,” said one of the women, “the fact is that, by order of Gebietskommissar Opp, we had to destroy all the books according to the attached list,” and she took out of the box a whole stack of sheets with tight typewritten lines: this there was a list of books to be destroyed. “(10) We re-glued the title pages from old textbooks and various other books, and we managed to save almost everything that was to be destroyed,” the woman added with satisfaction, “so don’t be surprised if a volume of Pushkin’s works, for example, is called a manual for embroidery .

(11) It was indeed so: two courageous women saved an entire regional library by pasting other titles into books that were to be destroyed or putting them in other bindings. (12) And now they were sorting out their wealth, restoring what, by order of the appointed director of the library, Kramm, they had to tear to shreds.

(13) In Uman, in the premises of the regional library, I became convinced of the immortality of the book.

(According to V.G. Lidin)

22. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please indicate the answer numbers .

1) The narrator managed to find the necessary book, Zinaida Ivanovna Valyanskaya and Yulia Aleksandrovna Panasevich helped him with this.

2) The narrator picked up a textbook on economic geography, but after leafing through it, he discovered that the title of the textbook did not correspond to the content.

3) Zinaida Ivanovna Valyanskaya and Yulia Aleksandrovna Panasevich saved the entire district library.

4) The Germans had not yet been expelled from Uman, and their cars, armored personnel carriers and tanks stood close together on the streets of the city.

5) Gebitskommissar Oppa ordered the destruction of all books according to the attached list.

23. Which of the following statements are true? Please indicate the answer numbers .

1) Sentences 7-8 contain a narrative.

2) Sentences 1-2 contain a description.

3) Sentences 9-10 present the reasoning.

4) Proposition 13 is the conclusion of the entire text.

5) Sentences 11-12 contain a description.

24) From sentences 5–8, write down the word with the meaning “Occupation by the armed forces of a state of territory that does not belong to it”

25) Among sentences 9-13, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a conjunction and a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

26) Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“Remembering the years of the war, the author uses figurative and expressive means - tropes: (A) _______ (“ animal smell " in sentence 2, " mournful figures " in sentence 5), (B) _______ (" where they survived the entire occupation " in sentence 7). The author tries to most fully recreate the images of women that remain in his memory, and for this purpose uses a syntactic device - (B) ________ (sentence 7) and (D) _______ (for example, in sentences 1, 2, 12).”

List of terms:

1) parcellation

2) metaphors

3) series of homogeneous members of the sentence

4) ellipse

5) lexical repetition

6) dialogue

7) epithets

8) comparison

27. Write an essay based on the text you read. Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text. Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them. Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Express your attitude to the author’s position on the problem of the source text (agreement or disagreement) and justify it. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words. Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting




Diploma holders






Right away







Problems: Author's position:

1. The role of books in human life 1) Books are immortal.

2. The problem of conservation 2) While there are people who know how to appreciate and want

3. The problem of love for books 3) A book is a source of knowledge, spiritual value


Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

B) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

C) violation in the construction of sentences by an inconsistent application

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

1) The garden paths, which had recently been sprinkled with smooth coarse gravel, crunched rhythmically under Ilya Alexandrovich’s feet.

2) All day the pony rode the kids around the zoo.

3) M.B. Barclay de Tolly was one of the military leaders awarded the Order of St. George for his participation in the war against the French.

4) “Lady in Blue” (portrait of the artist E.M. Martynova) is like a pure and delicate flower that was brought from some unknown bright gardens.

5) Lightning sparkles brightly and illuminates everything around.

6) Vanity and stupidity are ridiculed by I.A. Krylov in the fable “The Crow and the Fox”.

7) Upon arrival in the city, we visited the Pskov Kremlin.

8) The brave caretaker, risking his life, rushed across the galloping horse.

9) Without the smart and kind books that we read in childhood, our inner world would be incomplete.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Explanation (see also Rule below).

A) a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase in sentence 3. This error is caused by the fact that the participle is not consistent with the word to which it obeys, either in gender, or in number, or case.

Let's give the correct spelling: M.B. Barclay de Tolly was one of the military leaders (which ones?) awarded the Order of St. George for his participation in the war against the French.

Rule 7.1.1



A participial phrase is a participle with dependent words. For example, in the sentence Graduates who successfully pass the exam become applicants

word Graduates- the main word,

those who passed - participle,

those who passed (how?) successfully and passed (what?) the exam are participle-dependent words.

Thus, the participle phrase in this sentence is successfully passed the exam. If you change the word order and write the same sentence differently, placing the turn before main word ( Successfully passed the exam Graduates become applicants), only the punctuation will change, but the phrase remains unchanged.

Very important: before starting work with task 7 to find errors in a sentence with a participle, we advise you to solve and study task 16, which tests the ability to put commas with correctly constructed participial and participial phrases.

The goal of the task is to find one such sentence in which grammatical norms are violated when using a participial phrase. Of course, the search must begin with finding the sacrament. Remember that the participle you are looking for must be in its full form: the short form never forms a participial phrase, but is a predicate.

To successfully complete this task you need to know:

  • rules for agreeing the participle and the main (or qualified) word;
  • rules for the location of the participial phrase in relation to the main word;
  • time and type of participles (present, past; perfect, imperfect);
  • participle voice (active or passive)

Please note that that in a sentence with a participial phrase, not one, but two or even three errors can be made.

Note for teachers: keep in mind that the authors of various manuals have different points of view on classification, as well as on the types of errors that can be classified as a certain type. The classification adopted at RESHU is based on the classification of I.P. Tsybulko.

We classify all types of possible grammatical errors when using participial phrases.

7.1.1 Violation of agreement between the participle and the word being defined

The rule according to which single participles (as well as those included in the participle phrase) are consistent with the main (= defined) word, requires the participle to be placed in the same gender, number and case as the main word:

About children (which ones?) returning from a trip; for an exhibition (WHAT?) being prepared at the museum.

Therefore, we simply find a sentence in which there is a full participle, and its ending does not correspond to (or) gender, (or) case, (or) number of the main word.

Type 1, the lightest

I had the opportunity to communicate with guests, those present at the opening of the exhibition.

What is the reason for the error? The participle is not consistent with the word to which it must obey, that is, the ending must be different. We pose a question from a noun and change the ending of the participle, that is, we agree on the words.

I had a chance to chat with guests(what MIMI?), present at the opening of the exhibition.

In these examples, the noun and its participle are next to each other, the error is easy to see. But this doesn't always happen.

Type 2, more difficult

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

I want to find the words to the song heard recently.

These sentences contain two nouns: author, book; lyrics. Which of them has a participle phrase attached to it? We think about the meaning. What was published, the author or his book? What do you want to find, words or a song?

Here is the corrected version:

I want to find the words of the song (Which one?), HEARD recently.

Type 3, even more difficult

The endings of participles sometimes fulfill a very important meaning-distinguishing mission.. Let's think about the meaning!

Let's compare two sentences:

The sound of the sea (what kind?), which woke me up, was very strong. What woke you up? It turns out that the sea. The sea cannot wake you up.

The noise (what?) of the sea that woke me up was very strong. What woke you up? It turns out that noise. And the noise can wake you up. This is the right option.

I heard the heavy steps (what?) of a bear, chasing me. Footsteps cannot pursue.

I heard the heavy steps of a bear (WHAT?), chasing me. The bear may chase. This is the right option.

Children of employees (which ones?), having any diseases, receive discounted vouchers to the sanatorium. The participle “having” refers to the word “employees.” It turns out that employees will be sick, and the children of sick employees will receive vouchers. This is the wrong option.

Children (what?) of employees, having any diseases, receive discounted vouchers to the sanatorium. The participle “having” refers to the word “children,” and we understand that it is the children who have illnesses and they need vouchers.

Type 4, variant

Often there are sentences in which there are phrases of two words, the first of which is part of the whole indicated by the second, for example: each of their participants, one of all, any of those named, some of them, some of the gifts.. A participial phrase can be attached to each of the nouns, depending on the meaning: in such phrases, the participle (participial phrase) can be agreed with any word. It would be an error if the participle “freezes” and has no connection with any of the words.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Each participant who received the maximum number of points was given the right to perform one more number.

The participle can be agreed with both the word “to each” and the word “participants”.

Each (which one?) of the participants, who received the maximum number of points, was given the right to perform one more number

Each of the participants (which ones?), who received the maximum number of points, was given the right to perform one more number.

Please note that an error would be a discrepancy between NEITHER the first word and NOR the second:

Incorrect: Each of the participants who received... or Each of the participants who received... This is not possible.

In explanations of RESHU, the variant of agreement with the ending IM is more often used.

Similarly true: Part of the books (which ones?), received as a gift, will go as a gift.

Or Part (what) of books, received as a gift, will go as a gift.

Incorrect: Some of the books received as a gift will be given as a gift.

NOTE: This type of error when checking essays is considered a coordination error.

7.1.2 Participial phrase and place of the main word

In correctly constructed sentences with participial phrases the main (or qualifying word) cannot stand inside a participial phrase. His place is either before or after him. Remember that this depends on the placement of punctuation marks!!!

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

It is necessary to carefully check the sent documentation for examination.

We walked along the strewn alley fallen leaves.

Presenter Street the city was free.

Created novel by a young author caused lively debate.

note: With this construction of the sentence, it is completely unclear whether to put a comma.

Here is the corrected version:

Must be checked carefully documentation, sent for examination. Or: Need to check carefully sent for examination documentation.

We walked along alley, strewn with fallen leaves. Or: We walked along strewn with fallen leaves alley.

Street, leading to the city, was free. Or: Leading into the city Street was free.

7.1.3. Participle phrases including irregular forms of participles

In accordance with the norms for the formation of participles, the modern Russian literary language does not use forms of participles in –shchy, formed from perfective verbs with the meaning of the future tense: there are no words pleasing, helping, reading, able. According to the editors of I DECIDE, such erroneous forms should be presented in task 6, but since in the manuals of I.P. Tsybulko there are similar examples, we consider it important to note this type too.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Until I found person, who can help me.

A valuable prize awaits participant, who finds the answer to this question.

These sentences need to be corrected because future participles are not formed from perfect verbs. There is no future tense for participles..

Here is the corrected version:

We replace the non-existent participle with a verb in the conditional mood.

Until I found a person who can help me.

A valuable prize awaits the person who finds the answer to this question.

7.1.4. Participle phrases including irregular forms of voice of participles

This type of error was present in the Unified State Exam assignments of previous years (before 2015). In the books of I.P. Tsybulko 2015-2017 there are no such tasks. This type is the most difficult to recognize, and the error is due to the fact that the participle is used in the wrong voice, in other words, the active is used instead of the passive.

Consider sentences with grammatical errors.

Documentation, heading for examination,

Contest, organized by the organizers

Foam, pouring into the bath, has a pleasant aroma.

Here is the corrected version:

Documentation, sent for examination, needs to be checked carefully.

Contest, conducted by the organizers, the participants really liked it.

The foam that we pour into the bath has a pleasant aroma.

B) the violation of the tense-aspect correlation of verb forms in sentence 5 is caused by the fact that two homogeneous predicates have different tenses or forms. Let's determine the type and tense of each predicate and decide which one needs to be used - the same. Both predicates must be put in the past tense.

Let's give the correct spelling: Lightning flashed brightly and illuminated everything around.

Rule 7.5.1



In order to complete this task and understand its significance, you need to remember what the time of a sentence and the moment of speech are.

Most of the events that are, or were, or will be discussed are related to the moment of speech: they either last constantly, or now, or were, or will be. Events can take place simultaneously or sequentially, be completed or incomplete. What parts of speech have the category of tense? Of course, these are verbs and their forms, participles and gerunds. What do we know about this?

All verb forms have a TYPE category:

Imperfect, questions do not have the prefix C: what to do, what by doing;

Perfect, questions have the prefix C: what to do, what to do.

Verb forms in the indicative mood have the category TENSE:

Present (all forms);

Future (only for verbs);

Past (all forms).

If a sentence contains several verb forms, be it two predicates, or a gerund and a predicate, or a participle and a predicate, they must necessarily correlate with each other in time and aspect. If this condition is violated, we speak of a violation of type-temporal correlation or mismatch of tenses.

7.5.1 The sentence contains two homogeneous predicates that unreasonably have different TENSE.

This is the most common type of error in textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

What does unreasonable mean? This means that there are no conditions for using predicates of different tenses. There is a requirement for homogeneous predicates: they must have ONE and the same time. I emphasize that it is in Unified State Exam assignments, since in fiction and lively colloquial speech there are deviations from this norm, but this is always stylistically justified.

Let's look at some examples.

It rained all night and stopped in the morning. What's wrong here? “pouring” is the predicate of the present tense; "stopped" past tense. Obviously, the message was written after the rain had stopped, because at night it was unclear whether it would stop in the morning. Therefore, the sentence must be corrected by placing both verbs in the past tense.

It rained all night and stopped in the morning. It will not be possible to make two predicates in the present tense: It rains all night and STOPS in the morning, because in such a sentence the idea is conveyed that this always happens, all the time. Compare: The sun rises every morning and sets every night.

The grandmother knitted a scarf for her grandson and gives it to him for his birthday. Incorrect, because “tied” is of the past tense, but “gives” of the present tense. You need to correct it by putting both verbs in the past tense.

The grandmother knitted a scarf for her grandson and gave it to him for his birthday. First I knitted it and then gave it as a gift. It is possible to put both predicates at the present time, but the meaning will change: The grandmother KNITS a scarf for her grandson and gives it to him for his birthday. It’s as if grandma either constantly gives scarves as gifts, or someone talks about it as an event in the past.

So: with homogeneous predicate terms, in Unified State Examination tasks, homogeneous predicates must have the SAME tense.

7.5.2 The sentence contains two homogeneous predicates that unreasonably have different TYPES.

For homogeneous predicates the following rule applies:

If both actions occur simultaneously or the time is not defined, then the view should be the same.

For example: Parents and children must learn to respect and understand each other's interests. What's wrong: respect is an imperfect form, understand is a perfect form. We put both parts of the predicate in imperfect form:

Parents and children must learn to respect and understand each other's interests.

It is not possible to put it into perfect: from the verb “respect” the form “respect” has a different meaning.

7.5.3 The sentence contains several homogeneous predicates that unreasonably have different TYPES and TIMES.

Unfortunately, there are no strict rules and conditions here. If actions occur sequentially, then there may be different correct options: it all depends on the meaning of the sentence.

I didn’t work for a long time due to illness, then I got a job several times in different companies, but now I make good money. Indicators of actions occurring sequentially are the words then, now. Let’s analyze the types of verbs: didn’t work (nonsov.), got a job (nesov.), earn money (nesov.).

I didn’t work for a long time due to illness, but then I got a job in a small company and now I make good money. Indicators of actions occurring sequentially are the words then, now. Let’s analyze the types of verbs: didn’t work (non-sov.), got a job (sov.), earn money (nesov.).

I didn’t work for a long time due to illness, but then I got a job in a small company and earned money for an apartment. Indicators of actions occurring sequentially are the word then. Let’s analyze the types of verbs: didn’t work (non-sov.), got a job (sov.), earned (sov.).

At the same time, there is no violation in the form of time in either the first, second, or third examples. But in this example there is an error:

Mom listened to me attentively, then laughed and told a similar story.

Correct options:

Mom listened to me carefully, then LAUGHED and told a similar story.

Mom LISTENS to me carefully, laughs and TELLS a similar story.

Mom listened to me and LAUGHED, and then TOLD a similar story.

7.5.4 The temporal-specific correlation between the predicates of a complex sentence is broken.

Since the two parts of a complex sentence are always connected grammatically, the relationship in time and type and time of the predicates is an absolute requirement.

Let's look at the simplest examples.

When spring comes, streams flow. “Coming” - nonsense, present; “flowed” - owl, past. The same laws apply here as I do for homogeneous predicates.

This will be true:

When spring comes, streams FLOW.

When spring CAME, streams began to flow.

Another example with an error:

We have put in so much effort and nothing is working. “attached” - owl, past; “it doesn’t work out” - nonsense, present.

This will be true:

We put in so much effort and nothing HAPPENED.

We put in so much effort and nothing works.

7.5.4 Errors in sentences with gerunds associated with a violation of tense correlation

Here the condition is:

The tense and type of the participle should not contradict the predicate in meaning.

Example with error:

After preparing the omelette, add eggs to it. “having prepared” - owl, past; “put” is a verb in the imperative mood. DO is allowed for such a predicate. But try this advice. Cook first and then add eggs? The error occurred because having prepared in a sentence it has a perfect form, that is, it denotes a completed additional action. To make the recipe grammatically correct, let's change the form of the gerund to imperfect.

When preparing an omelet, add the eggs first. (remove into it, he's not ready yet)

Similar example:

After reading a book, do not forget to make bookmarks in it. “having read” - owl, past; “don’t forget” is a verb in the imperative mood

Bookmarks are made while reading, that is, it will be true:

While reading a book, don't forget to bookmark it.

Another error:

After submitting your essay, do not forget to check difficult words in the Spelling Dictionary. It is impossible to check after you have already submitted the work.

A handing over -

7.5.5 Errors in sentences with participles associated with violation of temporal correlation

can also be found in tasks. At the moment there are no such examples in the manuals.

C) a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application in sentence 6. The title of the fable, a proper name, is placed in the nominative case if it is an application, that is, the second name. The first title is a fable.

Let's give the correct spelling: Vanity and stupidity are ridiculed by I.A. Krylov in the fable “The Crow and the Fox”.

Rule 7.2.1

7.2. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.


An application is a definition expressed by a noun that is in the same case (i.e. CONCORDING) as the word being defined. When characterizing an object, the application gives it a different name and states that it has some additional characteristic. Applications can refer to any member of a sentence expressed by a noun, personal pronoun, substantivized participle and adjectives, as well as numerals. For example: This is how Mikhail Vlasov lived, locksmith, hairy, gloomy, with small eyes (M. G.); It was her Peterhof stranger(Paust.); The first, the eldest of all, Fedya, you would give about fourteen years (T.); Mother and father were traveling from Siverskaya station, and we children, drove out to meet them (Eb.).

Note: Proper names - names used in a figurative sense (in writing, enclosed in quotation marks) are also applications; they are called UNCONSISTENT in contrast to CONSOLIDATED.

Also very often, proper names written without quotation marks are appended.

The components of some types of complex words are not applications (although they resemble them in the form of connection): a) complex words that are terms (sofa-bed, crane-beam, novel-newspaper, museum-apartment, hut-reading room), b) complex words, part of which are evaluative words (firebird, good boy, boy-woman, would-be leader, miracle fish).

UNAGREED APPLICATIONS, expressed by a conventional name.

7.2.1. Proper names are names used in a figurative sense (in writing, enclosed in quotation marks), are always applications if they refer to the word being defined, and are in the nominative case form, regardless of the case form of the word being defined. For example: Among the seven hundred sailors who disembarked from the battleship "Potemkin" to the Romanian coast, there was Rodion Zhukov (Cat.); During tanker testing "Leningrad" shipbuilders launched another similar vessel - "Klaipeda". This type of application is present in the Unified State Examination tasks.. Please note: as soon as the DEFINITED word “leaves” from the sentence (i.e. book, magazine, picture, play, article, car, steamship and so on), the PROPER NAME ceases to be an application, compare: the history of the novel “Eugene Onegin” - the history of the creation of “Eugene Onegin”; Malevich made several copies of “Black Square” - Kazimir Malevich’s painting “Black Square” was created in 1915.

7.2.2 If we are talking about the APPENDIX - a proper name, but written without quotes, then there is a very long series of rules governing their writing. Some groups of proper names agree with the word being defined, others do not. Fortunately, there were no such tasks on the Unified State Exam (at least until 2016).

Following these rules, you should write, for example,

On the planet Mars (not Mars);

On Lake Baikal (not Baikal);

Behind Mount Elbrus (not Elbrus).

On the Ganges River (not the Ganges), but on the Moscow River (not the Moscow River).

Full information about writing such applications can be obtained by reading any of Dietmar Rosenthal's manuals on stylistics and literary editing.

D) the violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate in sentence 2 is that the word pony, which is the subject, is masculine, it is an indeclinable word. Therefore, the predicate must be masculine.

Here's the correct spelling: All day the pony was riding at the kids' zoo.

Rule 7.3.4

7.3. Agreement of the predicate with the subject


The subject is the main member of the sentence, which agrees with its predicate according to the laws of grammar.

The subject and predicate usually have the same grammatical forms of number, gender, person, for example: The clouds are rushing, the clouds are swirling; The invisible moon illuminates the flying snow; The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy.

In such cases, we can talk about agreement of the predicate with the subject. However, the correspondence of the grammatical forms of the main members of the sentence is not necessary; incomplete correspondence of the grammatical forms of the main members is possible: My whole life has been a guarantee of a faithful date with you- correspondence of number forms, but different gender forms; Your destiny is endless troubles- mismatch of number forms.

The grammatical connection of the main members of a sentence is considered coordination. This grammatical connection is broader and freer than agreement. It can contain different words; their morphological properties do not necessarily have to correspond to each other.

When coordinating the main members of a sentence, the problem of choosing the number forms of the predicate arises when the gender/number of the subject is difficult to determine. This “Help” section is devoted to consideration of these issues.

7.3.1. In a complex sentence, pronouns act as subjects

If a sentence (and not necessarily a sentence!) uses a pronoun as the subject, then you need to know a number of rules that prescribe how to correctly coordinate the predicate with it.

A) If the subject is expressed by the pronouns WHO, WHAT, NO ONE, NOTHING, SOMEONE, SOMEONE, WHOEVER, then the predicate is put in the singular form: For example: [Those ( who neglect the opinions of others) risk being left alone].

EXAMPLE 1 (Whoever comes), [everyone will know].

EXAMPLE 2 [Nobody knew (that the class was postponed).]

EXAMPLE 1 (Whoever comes, [everyone will know].

EXAMPLE 2 [Nobody knew (that the class was postponed).]

B) If the subject is expressed by a plural pronoun TE, ALL, the predicate is put in the plural form. If the subject is expressed by singular pronouns TOT, TA, TO, the predicate is put in the singular form. For example: [ THOSE (who graduated from school with honors) have a greater chance of entering a university on a free basis].

This proposal is built on the following model:

[Those (who+ predicate), ...predicate...]. And this is the most common model in which it is proposed to find an error. Let's analyze the structure of a complex sentence: in the main sentence the pronoun “those” is the subject, plural. h; “have” - predicate, plural This corresponds to rule B.

Now pay attention to the subordinate clause: “who” is the subject, “finished” is the predicate in the singular. This corresponds to rule A.

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 1 [Everyone (who purchased tickets at the box office) must independently check in for the flight].

EXAMPLE 2. [Those (who have seen the northern lights at least once) will no longer be able to forget this extraordinary phenomenon].

EXAMPLE 3. [Those (who are planning a vacation for the summer) buy tickets in the spring].

Here are the corrected options:

EXAMPLE 1 [Everyone (who purchased tickets at the box office) must independently check in for the flight].

EXAMPLE 2. [Those (who have seen the northern lights at least once) will no longer be able to forget this extraordinary phenomenon].

In examples 1 and 2 the error is easy to see: it is enough to throw out the subordinate clause. In the following example, the error often goes undetected.

EXAMPLE 3. [Those ( who is planning a vacation for the summer), buy tickets in the spring].

C) If the subject is expressed by the phrase ONE OF..., EACH OF..., NONE OF... then the predicate is put in singular form. If the subject is expressed by the phrase MANY OF..., SOME OF..., ALL OF... then the predicate is put in the plural form. For example: [None of those (who took the prize) wanted to go to the republican competition].

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 4 [Many of those (who visited Mikhailovsky Park) were amazed at the size of the ancient estate trees].

EXAMPLE 5 [Each of us (who has been in a similar situation) certainly thought about ways out of it].

EXAMPLE 6 [Each of the parties (who presented their project) defended its advantages over other projects].

Here are the corrected options:

EXAMPLE 4 [Many of those (who visited Mikhailovsky Park) were amazed at the size of the ancient estate trees].

EXAMPLE 5 [Each of us (who has been in a similar situation) certainly thought about ways out of it].

EXAMPLE 6 [Each side, (who presented her project), defended its advantages over other projects].

D) If the sentence contains the phrase WHO, HOW NOT..., the predicate is put in the singular masculine form. For example: Who, if not parents, SHOULD teach children the ability to communicate?

This phrase can be considered as clarifying, see other examples in paragraph 7.3.3, part B.

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 7 Who, if not us, should worry about the cleanliness of our cities?

EXAMPLE 8 Who, if not your mother, taught you an example of endurance and love of life?

Here are the corrected options:

EXAMPLE 7 Who, if not us, should worry about the cleanliness of our cities?

EXAMPLE 8 Who, if not your mother, taught you an example of endurance and love of life?

7.3.2 Coordination of predicate with subject, expressed word or combination of words with the meaning of quantity

When coordinating the main members of a sentence, the problem of choosing the forms of the number of the predicate arises when the subject indicates many objects, but appears in the singular.

A) The subject is a collective noun and words close to them in meaning.

Collective nouns denote a collection of homogeneous objects or living beings as an indivisible whole: FOLIAGE, OAK, ASPEN, CHILDREN, STUDENTS, TEACHING, PROFESSORY, PEASANTRY. They have only the singular form, are not combined with cardinal numbers and with words denoting units of measure, but can be combined with the words a lot/little or how much: A LITTLE RELATIVES, A LITTLE LEAVES, A LOT OF MOVIES.

Close to them in terms of the meaning of collectiveness are the words PEOPLE, PACK, ARMY, GROUP, CROWD; THOUSAND, MILLION, HUNDRED; THREE, PAIR; DARKNESS, ABYSS, MANY AND OTHERS

The subject expressed by a collective noun requires the predicate to be placed only in the singular form:

For example: The children frolicked in the courtyard of the house; young people often take the initiative.

The subject expressed by a noun like GROUP, CROWD also requires putting the predicate only in the singular form:

For example: A group of festival participants shared their impressions; three horses rushed under the windows

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 1. Over the past three years, the management of the Central and regional markets have repeatedly filed complaints with higher organizations.

EXAMPLE 3. A couple of lovers were sitting on a bench.

Here are the corrected options: 

EXAMPLE 1. Over the past three years, the management of the Central and regional markets has repeatedly filed complaints with higher organizations.

EXAMPLE 3. A couple of lovers were sitting on a bench.

B) The subject is a collective noun with a quantitative meaning

The nouns MOST, MINORITY, PLURAL, SERIES, PART, despite the grammatical form of the singular, denote not one object, but many, and therefore the predicate can take not only the singular form, but also the plural. For example: On this pond... countless ducks were bred and kept; Many hands are knocking on all the windows from the street, and someone is breaking on the door. Which form should you prefer?

A subject containing the collective nouns MOST, MINORITY, PLURAL, SERIES, PART requires putting the predicate only in the singular form if:

A) there are no dependent words from a collective noun

Some went on vacation, and some stayed; many fled Axis, a minority remained

b) a collective noun has a singular dependent word

With a subject containing the words MAJORITY, MINORITY, PLURAL, SERIES, PART, you can put the predicate in both the plural and plural form, if the noun has a dependent word in the plural:

Most students passed the test; a number of participants demonstrated excellent knowledge.

Some of the books were purchased for the library; a number of objects were delivered ahead of schedule

The plural of the predicate in such constructions usually indicates the activity of the characters.

Let's consider cases in which the use of a plural predicate is permitted and permissible.

The predicate is put
in the singular, ifin the plural, if
The activity of animate persons is not emphasized:

Some of the conference participants didn't accept participation in discussion

Activity is emphasized. The subject is animate.

Most writers decidedly rejected editor fixes. Most students are good answered at the lesson.

Activity is not emphasized; the passive participle indicates that the object itself does not perform the action.

A number of employeesattracted to responsibility.

Activity is emphasized in the presence of a participial or adverbial phrase.
The activity is not emphasized, the subject is inanimate

Most items lay in disarray

A number of workshops manufactures parts for our workshop.

Activity is also indicated by a number of homogeneous members:

Majority editors, proofreaders, authors, reviewers studied these documents.

Most editors got order, got acquainted with its content and done necessary conclusions. A series of homogeneous predicates.

Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that the singular form of the predicate is more consistent with the tradition of book and written styles and the use of the plural form of the predicate must be clearly justified. An error in the Unified State Examination tasks would be the unreasonable placement of the predicate in the plural.

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 4 Most of the tasks were not completed correctly enough.

EXAMPLE 5 A number of events will be held in Yelets, Voronezh, and Orel.

EXAMPLE 6 Many poems by this author have been published in the “Children’s Library” series

Here are the corrected options: 

EXAMPLE 4 Most of the tasks were not completed correctly. The predicate in the form of the passive participle indicates the passivity of the actor.

EXAMPLE 5 A number of events will take place in Yelets, Voronezh, and Orel. Events cannot act on their own, so the predicate must be used in the singular.

EXAMPLE 6 Many poems by this author were published in the “Children’s Library” series. The predicate in the form of the passive participle indicates the passivity of the actor.

C) The subject is a combination of a numeral and a noun

With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination, the same problem arises: in what number is it better to use the predicate. In Chekhov we find: Some three soldiers stood nearby at the very descent and were silent; He had two sons. L. Tolstoy preferred the following forms: Three men and a woman were sitting in the sleigh; Two feelings fought in his soul - good and evil.

Note: Such cases do not occur in Unified State Examination tasks, since there is a high possibility of misclassification of the type of error - such cases can be attributed to an error in the use of a numeral. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to general comments and note the most serious mistakes made in written works.

When a subject contains a numeral or a word with the meaning of quantity, you can put the predicate in both the plural and singular form:

Five years have passed; ten graduates chose our institute

The use of different forms depends on the meaning that the predicate brings to the sentence, activity and generality of action are emphasized many times. number.

The predicate is usually put in the singular if

The subject is a numeral ending in “one”:

Twenty-one students of our institute are members of the city volleyball team, But Twenty-two (three, four, five...) students of our institute are members of the city's national volleyball team

If the message records a particular fact, result, or when the message is given an impersonal character:

Twenty-two suits sold; About three or four students will be transferred to another class.

The predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of being, presence, existence, position in space:

Three kingdoms stood before her. The room had two windows with wide window sills. Three windows of the room faced north

Wrong: Three kingdoms stood. The room had two windows with wide window sills. Three windows of the room faced north

A single number, creating an idea of ​​a single whole, is used to designate a measure of weight, space, time:

To paint the roof you will need thirty-four kilograms of drying oil. Twenty-five kilometers remained until the end of the journey. A hundred years have passed. However, it seems that eleven o'clock has already struck. Five months have elapsed since then

Wrong: Thirty-four kilograms of drying oil will be required to paint the roof; Twenty-five kilometers remained until the end of the journey. A hundred years have passed. However, it seems that eleven o'clock has already struck. Five months have passed since then.

When the subject is expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is the numeral gender, the predicate is usually placed in the singular, and in the past tense - in the neuter gender, For example: half an hour will pass, half a year has flown by, half the city has taken part in the demonstration.

Wrong: half the class took part in the competition, half an hour will pass

7.3.3 Coordination between subject and predicate separated from each other

Between the subject and the predicate there may be secondary isolated members of the sentence, clarifying members, and subordinate clauses. In these cases, the general rule must be strictly observed: the predicate and subject must be consistent.

Let's consider special cases.

A) Coordination of the subject and the compound nominal predicate in a sentence built according to the “noun” model. – this is a noun.”

Note to teacher: this type of error in the SPP is noted in his manual “How to get 100 Unified State Exam points” (2015) by I.P. Tsybulko, while in the “Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing” by D. Rosenthal, such an error is called a shift in construction in a complex sentence.

The nominal part of the predicate in a sentence constructed according to the noun+noun model must be in the nominative case.

For example: [The first thing (what you should learn) is to highlight the stem of the sentence].

The grammatical basis of the main clause consists of a subject first and predicate allocation. Both words are in the nominative case.

And this is what it looks like misspelled sentence: [The first thing (what you should learn) is to highlight the basis of the sentence]. Under the influence of the subordinate clause, the predicate received the genitive case, which is an error.

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 1 [The main thing (that needs to be paid attention to) is the ideological side of the work]

EXAMPLE 2 [The last thing (that should be addressed) is the composition of the book]

EXAMPLE 3 [The most important thing (to strive for) is to make your dreams come true]

Here are the corrected options:

EXAMPLE 1 The main thing (what needs to be paid attention to) is the ideological side of the work]

EXAMPLE 2 [The last thing (that should be addressed) is the composition of the book]

EXAMPLE 3 [The most important thing (to strive for) is the fulfillment of dreams]

B). Coordination of the predicate with the subject, in which there are clarifying members.

In order to clarify the subject, sometimes clarifying (explanatory phrases), connecting members of the sentence, and separate additions are used. Yes, in a sentence Competition jury, including representatives of a cosmetic company selected from the audience, could not determine the winner, the highlighted turnover is connecting(in other manuals it is called clarifying).

The presence in a sentence of any member that specifies the meaning of the subject does not affect the number of the predicate. Such phrases are attached with the words: EVEN, ESPECIALLY, INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE; EXCEPT, IN ADDITION, INCLUDING and the like. For example: Editorial board of the magazine, including editors of the Internet portal, advocates for reorganization.

Let's look at sentences with grammatical errors:

EXAMPLE 4. The entire team, including dancers and jugglers, supported participation in the competition.

EXAMPLE 5. The whole family, and especially the younger children, were looking forward to the arrival of their grandfather.

EXAMPLE 6. The school administration, including members of the parent committee, advocated holding an extended parent meeting.

Here are the corrected options:

The error is easy to see if you drop the subordinate clause.

EXAMPLE 4 The entire team, including dancers and jugglers, supported participation in the competition.

EXAMPLE 5 The whole family, and especially the younger children, was looking forward to the arrival of their grandfather.

EXAMPLE 6 The school administration, including members of the parent committee, advocated holding an extended parent meeting.

7.3.4 Coordination of the predicate with the subject, the gender or number of which is difficult to determine.

To correctly connect the subject with the predicate, it is very important to know the gender of the noun.

A) Certain categories or groups of nouns have difficulty determining gender or number.

The gender and number of indeclinable nouns, abbreviations, conventional words and a number of other words are determined by special rules. To correctly match such words with the predicate, you need to know their morphological features.

Ignorance of these rules causes errors: Sochi became the capital of the Olympics; cocoa has cooled down; the shampoo is out; the university has announced enrollment of students, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported

Need to: Sochi became the capital of the Olympics; the cocoa has cooled down; The shampoo has run out, the university has announced enrollment of students, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported

Nouns whose gender/number is difficult to determine are discussed in the section. After studying the material provided, you will be able to successfully complete not only task 6, but also 7.

Consider sentences with errors

EXAMPLE 1. The parcel was sent at the beginning of the week.

In the sentence, the word “parcel” is the subject, feminine. The predicate “was sent” is in the masculine. This is mistake. Correcting: The parcel was sent at the beginning of the week

EXAMPLE 2. The tulle harmonized perfectly with the color of the upholstered furniture.

In the sentence, the word “tulle” is the subject, masculine. The predicate “approached” is in the feminine. This is mistake. Correcting: The tulle harmonized perfectly with the color of the upholstered furniture.

EXAMPLE 3. The UN has gathered for its next meeting.

In the sentence, the word “UN” is the feminine subject (organization). The predicate “gathered” is on average. This is mistake. Correcting: The UN has gathered for its next meeting.

EXAMPLE 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced participation in the meeting

In the sentence, the word “MFA” is the subject, it does not change. When decrypted we get “Ministry

Foreign Affairs". At the same time, we remember that this word refers to the masculine gender. The predicate “reported” is on average. This is mistake. Correcting: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its participation in the meeting.

EXAMPLE 5. Moskovsky Komsomolets published a ranking of the best universities in the country.

In the sentence, the phrase “Moskovsky Komsomolets” is the subject; it is a conventional Russian name, a masculine word, like the word “Komsomolets”. The predicate “printed” is in the feminine. This is mistake. Correction: Moskovsky Komsomolets published a ranking of the best universities in the country.

EXAMPLE 6. Tbilisi attracts tourists .

In the sentence, the word “Tbilisi” is the subject; it is an unchangeable conditional name. It is a masculine word, like the word "city". The predicate “attract” is in the plural. This is mistake. Correcting: Tbilisi attracts tourists. 

B) Coordination of the predicate with the subject with the meaning of profession

When a masculine noun denotes a profession, position, title, etc., the predicate is put in the masculine gender, regardless of the gender of the person in question. For example: the teacher made a report, the director called an employee to his office

WITH proposals would be a mistake, in which the teacher made a report, the director called an employee to her .

Note: in the presence of a person’s own name, especially a surname, in which the indicated words act as applications, the predicate is consistent with the proper name: Teacher Sergeeva gave a lecture. More details about this point below, 7.3.5

7.3.5 With the subject there is an application

Application is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case: city ​​(which?) Sochi, bird (what?) hummingbird, website (which?) “I will solve the Unified State Examination”

As a general rule, the predicate agrees with the subject, and the presence of an application to the latter in the form of a different kind or number does not affect the agreement

For example: The plant, this grandiose colossus, seemed to also be a ship of unheard-of dimensions The proposal would be wrong The plant, this grandiose colossus, seemed to also be a ship of unheard of sizes .

If there is an application with the subject, then, first of all, it is necessary to find out which of the words is the subject and which is the application, and after that put the predicate in one gender or another.

Table 1. The application and subjects are written separately. When combining a generic name and a species name or a species name and an individual name, the subject is considered to be a word denoting a broader concept, and the predicate agrees with it. Here are some examples:

Application is a common noun:

the rose flower smelled amazing; the oak tree has grown; Kharcho soup is cooked

Application - proper noun

the Dnieper River overflowed; newspaper "Moscow's comsomolets" came out ; Barbos the dog barked

Exception: last names of people. In pairs, engineer Svetlova reported, Doctor of Sciences Zvantseva came out, head teacher Marina Sergeevna noted proper names are the subject.

Table 2. Subject is compound noun, forms terms, in which one part functions like an application. In these cases, the leading (defined) word is the word that expresses a broader concept or specifically designates an object.

The predicate agrees with the first word, both words change

the chair-bed stood in the corner; The laboratory plant fulfilled the order; the invoice was issued on time; the studio theater trained many actors; The table-poster attracted attention; the romance song became very popular

The predicate agrees with the second word, the first word does not change:

cafe-dining room is open(dining room is a broader concept); vending machine is open(in this combination the bearer of a specific meaning is the snack bar part); the raincoat lay(a tent in the form of a raincoat, not a raincoat in the form of a tent); "Roman-newspaper" was published in large circulation(newspaper is a broader name).

EXAMPLE 1 Ice cream cake cut into equal parts .

The compound noun “ice cream cake” is based on the main, more general word “cake”, masculine, therefore: Ice cream cake cut into equal parts

EXAMPLE 2 The story “Children of the Dungeon” was written by V.G. Korolenko. .

The conventional name is an application, so the predicate must be coordinated with the word “story”: The story “Children of the Dungeon” was written by V.G. Korolenko.

EXAMPLE 3 A tiny dog, just a puppy, suddenly barked loudly. .

The subject is the word “dog”, it is feminine, therefore: A tiny dog, just a puppy, suddenly barked loudly.

EXAMPLE 4 Yesterday the young teacher Petrova gave his first lecture. .

The subject is the surname “Petrova”, it is feminine, therefore: Yesterday the young teacher Petrova gave her first lecture.

A) The sentence has homogeneous subjects and one predicate

If the predicate refers to several subjects not connected by conjunctions or connected through a connecting conjunction, then the following forms of coordination are applied:

The predicate, which comes after homogeneous subjects, is usually placed in the plural:

Industry and agriculture in Russia are steadily developing.

The predicate preceding homogeneous subjects usually agrees with the nearest of them:

There was stomping and screaming in the village

If there are disjunctive or adversative conjunctions between subjects, then the predicate is put in the singular.

The fear or momentary fright experienced after just a minute seems funny, strange, and incomprehensible. Not you, but fate is to blame.

Let's look at sentences with errors:

EXAMPLE 1 Passion for sports and a strict daily routine did their job. .

There are two subjects, the predicate comes after a number of homogeneous members, and therefore must be in the plural: Passion for sports and a strict daily routine did the trick.

EXAMPLE 2 It was not reason, but fear that suddenly took possession of me. .

Two subjects, with the conjunction a, the predicate must therefore be singular: It was not reason, but fear that suddenly took possession of me.

EXAMPLE 3 The usual noise and loud voices were heard in the distance. .

There are two subjects, the predicate stands before a number of homogeneous members, therefore it must be in the singular: In the distance the usual noise and loud voices were heard.

B) The combination in the subject of a noun in the nominative case with a noun in the instrumental case (with the preposition c) like “brother and sister”

Placing the predicate in the plural or singular depends on what meaning is given to the phrase: joint action or separate.

When the subject combines a noun in the nominative case with a noun in the instrumental case (with the preposition c) like “brother and sister,” the predicate is put:

in plural, if both named objects (persons) act as equal action producers(both are subjects);

Pasha and Petya waited a long time for their mother to return and were very worried.

singular, if the second object (person) accompanies the main producer of the action ( is a complement):

The mother and child went to the outpatient clinic. Nikolai and his younger sister arrived later than everyone else.

Only in the singular in the presence of the words TOGETHER, TOGETHER:

The father and mother went out of town.

Only in the singular with a subject expressed by the pronoun I, YOU

I'll come with a friend; you and your mom had a fight

Let's look at sentences with errors:

EXAMPLE 1 My brother and his friends went to the beach. .

With the word “together” the predicate cannot be in the plural: My brother and his friends went to the beach.

EXAMPLE 2 Ruslan and I will come to class today. .

With the subject I (+someone else), the predicate cannot be in the plural: Ruslan and I will come to class today. Or: Ruslan and I will come to class today.

EXAMPLE 3 You and your sister will live in this room. .

With the subject you (+ someone else), the predicate cannot be in the plural: You and your sister will live in this room.Or: You and your sister will live in this room.

E) the incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition in sentence 8 is that after the preposition “across” nouns are used only in the dative case form WHAT? and not in any other, for example:

Let's give the correct spelling: The brave caretaker, risking his life, rushed across (what?) the galloping horse.

Rule 7.7.1


This type includes incorrectly constructed sentences with derived prepositions and the non-derivative preposition “po”.

7.7.1 Using the correct case form of a noun with derivative prepositions “thanks to”, “according to”, “contrary to”, “like”, “contrary”, “contrary”

After the prepositions “thanks to”, “according to”, “contrary to”, “like” and other nouns are used only in the dative case (to whom? to what?) and in no other.

Let's look at the sentences with errors:

Example 1. Real success can only be achieved through (what?) perseverance, determination and (what?) deep knowledge of a person. If the words “persistence, purposefulness” are in the dative case (which is true!), then the phrase “deep knowledge” is used in the genitive case, it needs to be corrected by writing “deep knowledge”.

Example 2. According to (what?) traditions established in the navy, crossing the equator was considered a significant event. We replace the case: according to (what?) “established traditions.”

Example 3. It was decided to carry out work on the strait, contrary to (what?) established rules, not in summer, but in winter. We replace: “contrary to established rules.”

Note 1. The preposition “thanks to” is used only when talking about the reasons that caused a positive result. Therefore, phrases with this preposition in combination with something negative should be considered unsuccessful: Thanks to my mother's death, I grew up early. In this sentence you need to use the simple preposition “because of”.

Note 2. The preposition “thanks to” is called derivative because it was formed from the gerund “thanks to.” And these are completely different parts of speech. To the participle we pose the question “what are we doing?” and separated by commas either as a single word or as part of an adverbial phrase.

Compare: He successfully defended his thesis and, (doing what?) thanks to (who?) the project manager and (who else?) comrades for their help and support, he left the classroom. The participle “thanks to” is an additive action to the predicate “went out.”

He successfully defended his thesis thanks to (what?) the help of the project manager and his comrades. There is no way to ask the question “what are you doing?” this is not an additional action, this is a pretext. And there are no commas. A comma in sentences with the word “thanks to” can serve as a hint: it does not exist with a preposition.

7.7.2 With a noun there is a preposition “by”

The non-derivative preposition “by” in the meaning “after something” is used with a noun only in the form of the prepositional case, and not the dative case

Therefore, the sentences below are constructed wrong:

Upon arrival Yu When he arrived in Moscow he felt unwell.

Upon arrival at In Venice, I immediately visited several of my old acquaintances.

Upon completion Yu construction workers left the site in perfect order.

Upon completion Yu English language courses I received a certificate.

In these sentences, the preposition “by” means “after something,” so the word after it had to be used in the prepositional form, not the dative case:

upon arrival in Moscow (= after arriving in Moscow), upon arrival in Venice (= after arriving in Venice), upon completion of construction (= after completion of construction), upon completion of courses (= after completion).

The following construction of these sentences would be correct:

Upon arrival in Moscow, he felt unwell.

Upon arrival in Venice, I immediately visited several of my old acquaintances.

Upon completion of construction, the workers left the site in perfect order.

Upon completion of the English language courses, I received a certificate.


upon arrival (= after arrival),

upon arrival (= after arrival),

upon completion (= after completion),

upon completion (= after finishing).

7.7.3 With a noun there is a derived preposition “due to”, “due to”, “in case”, “provided”, “with help” and others

These prepositions also arose as a result of the transition from independent parts of speech and require genitive case from the nouns behind them.

Due to (who? what?) bad weather;

Due to (who? what?) frosts;

In case of (who? what?) success

Answers in order according to letters:

3 5 6 2 8

Answer: 35628

Syntactic norms

1. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) I was entrusted with the main role in the school play “Don Quixote”.

2) Upon arrival in Moscow, the artist gave a press conference.

3) Many who have been to Pereslavl know that this city is younger than Rostov, but its history also goes back to the distant past.

4) The walk, which promised us so much pleasure, did not present anything interesting.

5) One autumn day, the forest, refreshed by the cold air, seemed to become younger, sparkling with gold leaves and a reddish network of birch branches.

2. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) You can read about the life and work of the artist, about his ruined talent in the story “Orest Kiprensky”.

2) The long Moscow winter, which transformed Anna’s whole life, was now remembered differently, in some other, new light.

3) Inspiration is a state in which a person works with all his might.

4) When analyzing the text of a work of art, do not be afraid to express your attitude to what you read.

5) Those who oppose themselves to society are doomed to loneliness.

3. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) Activists of social movements forgot about their differences and acted as a united front against the closure of the museum.

2) Studying folklore, the composer created beautiful lyrical works.

3) White water lily rhizome is a product from which flour can be obtained.

4) Having paid the invoice, you must inform the publisher in writing of the payment order number.

5) Finding themselves on a drifting ice floe, the fishermen hoped for rescue.

4. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) During this time, a state was created that was able to cope with all external enemies.

2) Snowstorm looked and suddenly recognized the black-headed boy as the same shepherd boy to whom he had left his horse yesterday.

3) Thanks to modern technologies, scientists explored the depths of Lake Samotlor and found rich oil deposits under the muddy bottom.

4) Everyday details in prose not only carry an ethical meaning, but also become the most important elements of style.

5) The magazine “Itogi” continues to publish a series of essays on the country’s economy.

5. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) Bright flashes of lightning, which seemed to pierce the air, enchanted with their threatening beauty.

2) From above, from the slope, the flowers that grew in islands looked like mosaic spots on the green background of the meadow.

3) When sending an important telegram, be sure to include a return address.

4) At the end of the performance, the audience could not come to their senses for a long time from what they saw.

5) Using metaphors and comparisons, the text becomes more emotional and brighter.

6. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) Contrary to popular belief, camels do not store water in their humps.

2) Immediately upon arrival in Yuryevets, tourists will pay attention to the bell tower of St. George the Victorious.

4) The daylight that floods the room gives the image a cool, silvery tint.

5) The name of Aivazovsky was well known in the circles of the Turkish aristocracy, which at that time was actively involved in European culture.

7. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) Those who turned to the poetry of B. Pasternak were stunned by unexpected metaphors, the expressiveness of antitheses, and the cohesion of antonyms.

2) Scientists have noticed that the Earth’s ozone layer is thinning.

3) The new film will be shown in the Salyut and Sever cinemas.

4) The international passport must be replaced upon expiration of its validity period.

5) When I come to a symphony orchestra concert, I listen to classical music and enjoy it.

8. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) He always respected and sincerely admired his friends.

2) The ambiguity of Salvador Dali’s works excited the imagination of viewers who were accustomed to the world of calm landscapes and portraits.

3) The house in which the playwright lived for the first years after his arrival in St. Petersburg was located on the Red Canal embankment.

4) The painting “Bathing the Red Horse”, which was created in 1912 by the artist Vodkin, was shown at the exhibition “World of Art”.

5) Lavrov's translator has gained great popularity due to the simplicity of the input language and high compilation efficiency.

9. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error due to a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) One of the artists who used plein air painting was.

2) After graduating from the institute, Tatyana Ilyinichna went to Altai to teach chemistry.

3) Schoolchildren from our village willingly helped a group of archaeologists who came from Novgorod.

4) Few people know the history of the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived,” which was first shown in Moscow at the exhibition of the Society of Art Lovers in 1871.

5) The amazing spring light, which filled the whole picture and illuminated it in different ways, slightly gilded the snowy mound near the fence and the fence itself.

10. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error associated with a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) Those who were just entering cinema seventeen years ago have already become masters.

2) The natural monument “Weathering Pillars”, located on the territory of the Troitsko-Pechora region of the Komi Republic, became one of the seven wonders of Russia.

3) Thanks to the warm days of the golden autumn, the forest seemed to become younger, sparkling with gold leaves and a reddish network of birch branches.

4) Peter felt his eyes sticking together from fatigue and his body aching terribly.

5) Artistic speech, which is fundamentally different from official business and scientific speech, is similar to journalistic speech in a number of ways.

11. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error associated with a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) By the end of the 1840s, several paintings had already been painted, among which “The Picky Bride” and “Fresh Gentleman” stood out.

2) The schoolchildren spent two happy days at the Zvezdochka camp.

3) Three classmates: Victoria, Elena and Karina were involved in different sports sections.

4) Gumilev declared versification to be a science and a craft that needs to be studied diligently.

5) One of the most important factors in a player's recognition in a country like England is love or contempt from the press.

12. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error associated with a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) The garden paths, which had recently been sprinkled with smooth coarse gravel, crunched rhythmically under Ilya Alexandrovich’s feet.

2) At the end of the 18th century, science became aware of the existence of an unusual mammal that laid eggs and incubated them: it was the platypus.

3) All day the pony rode the kids around the zoo.

4) M. Gorky wrote about how he “decorated folk songs and fairy tales with the brilliance of his talent!”

5) The meaning that people attach to various concepts changes as people and society change.

15. One of the sentences below contains a grammatical error associated with a violation of syntactic norms. Provide an example with an error.

1) Media outlets are now subject to a fine for using profanity.

2) In the “Bibliocross” competition, the participant who reads the largest number of books wins.

3) The train was not delayed; it arrived at the station according to the schedule.

4) In “The Wild Landowner”, Shchedrin clearly depicts a rich gentleman who found himself without servants.

5) Anyone who does not know how to laugh at himself can be extremely touchy.

1. 1) (correct: I was entrusted with the main role in the school play “Don Quixote”

2. 5) (correct: Those who oppose themselves to society are doomed to loneliness)

3. 2) (correct: Studying folklore, the composer created beautiful lyrical works)

4. 4) (correct: Everyday details in prose not only carry an ethical meaning, but also become the most important elements of style)

5. 5) (correct: Using metaphors and comparisons, the text becomes more emotional and brighter)

6. 1) (correct: Contrary to popular belief, camels do not store water in their humps)

7. 2) (correct: Scientists have noticed that the Earth’s ozone layer is thinning)

8. 1) (correct: He always respected his friends and sincerely admired them)

9. 1) (correct: One of the artists who used plein air painting was)

10. 3) (correct: Thanks to the warm days of the golden autumn, the forest seemed to become younger, sparkling with gold leaves and a reddish network of birch branches)

11. 3) (correct: Three classmates: Victoria, Elena and Karina - were involved in different sports sections)

12. 2) (correct: At the end of the 18th century, science became aware of the existence of an unusual mammal that lays eggs and incubates them: it was the platypus)

13. 3) (correct: The brave caretaker, risking his life, rushed across the galloping horse)

14. 4) (correct: M. Gorky wrote that he decorated folk songs and fairy tales with the brilliance of his talent)

15. 1) (correct: In case of using profanity, the media will now be fined)

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1–26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) In terms of urban development, Veliky Novgorod left behind many medieval cities of Western Europe. (2) In Western Europe, the first pavements appeared only at the end of the 12th century, but in Novgorod, already in the 11th century, all streets, as well as courtyards inside estates, were paved with wood. (3)<...>The famous Yaroslav's courtyard in Novgorod had the first water supply system in Northern Europe, through which clean spring water ran in wooden pipes.

1. Indicate the sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

  1. The level of improvement of Veliky Novgorod in the Middle Ages was higher than in the cities of Western Europe at that time.
  2. The first pavements in Western Europe appeared several centuries earlier than in the cities of the Novgorod principality.
  3. The first water supply system in Europe with mechanical supply of water to houses was built in Novgorod.
  4. From the point of view of urban improvement, Veliky Novgorod left behind many medieval cities of Western Europe.
  5. Already in the 11th century in Novgorod, all the streets, as well as the courtyards inside the estates, were paved with wood.

2. Choose an introductory construction yourself, which should stand in the place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down this introductory construction.

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word RUN. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

RUN , running, running, running; run; nesov.

  1. Move quickly, sharply pushing off the ground with leg movements. B. trot.
  2. To escape (to escape) by flight. B. from captivity.
  3. trans. Move quickly, pass, move.The clouds are fleeing. The days are flying by.
  4. About the watch: hurry up, go forward.

4. In one of the words below there is an error in the emphasis: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.


speed up




5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

  • All DIPLOMATS of the competition will take part in the next round.
  • He, as always, is BUSINESS, unsmiling, like a serious, frowning bird.
  • It was a pine crossbill, with feathers of brick and cranberry color, with a beak crossed like two curved BONE knives.
  • In order to somehow COMPLETE the lack of movement and fresh air, Lisa went for a walk to the pond.
  • The Institute had undergone reorganization and downsizing by that time.

6. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error,excluding the extra word. Write this word down.

When you commit an act for which you may later be ashamed, you need to remember that someday you will get a reverse boomerang effect.

7. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

favorite PROFESSOR



on THEIR territory




8. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

B) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

C) violation in the construction of sentences by an inconsistent application

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

1) The garden paths, which had recently been sprinkled with smooth coarse gravel, crunched rhythmically under Ilya Alexandrovich’s feet.

2) All day the pony rode the kids around the zoo.

3) M.B. Barclay de Tolly was one of the military leaders awarded the Order of St. George for his participation in the war against the French.

4) “Lady in Blue” (portrait of the artist E.M. Martynova) is like a pure and delicate flower that was brought from some unknown bright gardens.

5) Lightning sparkles brightly and illuminates everything around.

6) Vanity and stupidity are ridiculed by I.A. Krylov in the fable “The Crow and the Fox”.

7) Upon arrival in the city, we visited the Pskov Kremlin.

8) The brave caretaker, risking his life, rushed across the galloping horse.

9) The publication of the poem “Hanz Küchelgarten” written by Gogol while still in the gymnasium was met with ridicule from critics of St. Petersburg, after which Gogol burned all the books with this poem, taking them from the booksellers.

9. Indicate the answer options in which all words of one row omit the unstressed vowel of the root, which is checked by stress. Write down the answer numbers.

1) r..luxurious, ecology; sh..betting;

2) k..rierist; leaning back; k..substantial;

3) pr..stige; pod..become, this..cat;

4) mature; k..ftan; freeze (in horror);

5)clogging..wait; cute; theoretical.

10. Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of one row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) not..second-hand, not..cheap, pre-packaged

2) under..tear, pr..image, with..preserve

3) pr..possible, impartial..passionate, pr..ambula

4) super..gra, disinfection, po..play

5) di..harmony, through..stripe, fireproof

1) Abkhaz..Kiya, Belarusian..Kiya;

2) manage, scout;

3) cap..chka, local lore..skiy,

4) serviceable, aluminum;

5) camel..nock, zucchini..k

12. Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in both words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) taken out, laid out, sewn, seeded

2) splashing..sew, breathing..shy, wounded..

3) moving, jumping out, seeing

4) foaming (sea), (shelves) lined, acceleration..t

5) hated..sh, (clouds) driven..my, forced..

13. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the highlighted word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The potatoes in the gardens are still (NOT) DIGGED.

The small tragedies of an individual remain (NOT) NOTICED by anyone.

The teacher told the children (NOT) TIMES about the need to submit their essays on time.

This house is (NOT)BIG, but very cozy.

This pianist, who absolutely (NOT) CLAIMED for worldwide fame, but at the same time had healthy ambitions, captivated the journalist.

14) Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

I (THAT) HOUR went to the Tatarinovs in such a way that I wouldn’t catch Nikolai Antonovich.

JUST like other representatives of Moscow society, Famusov values ​​rank and wealth, SO he is looking for a suitable match for his daughter.

It was a QUITE big cat, but OTHERWISE, very peaceful.

The lecturer revealed the meaning of the SAME concept that was (SUBSEQUENTLY) discussed at the seminar.

(B) NEXT to Savelyeva, they asked me, for the SAME task, we were both satisfied

elk is not easy.

15) Indicate all the numbers in whose place one letter N is written?

Intoxicated with the glory of the titular (2) singer Neja (3)o, Negada (4)o declared her

participation in the festival and was invited (5) to join the jury.

16) Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) A heartfelt love for native places and snow-covered expanses beckons and gives rise to thoughts about the bitterness of losses and anxiety for the future.

2) In the corner, the tuner was playing the same note a hundred times and running around with beaded arpeggias.

3) In the Meshchera region, the sources of rivers and springs, groves and oak forests have become protected areas.

4) The air is light and clean and the river is frozen.

5) Either thoughts or memories or dreams wandered through his head.

The sea hummed menacingly (1), standing out from all the noises of this alarming (2) and sleepy night. Huge, lost in space (3) it lay deep below (4) far away

whitening through the dusk (5) with manes of foam running towards the ground. (I.B.)

18) Place all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. However, then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.

19) Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Cold autumn shadows (1) wandered through the forest (2) trees (3) in which (4) froze in anticipation of winter.

20) Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Such fatigue set in (1) that (2) even if there had not been an order (3) to rest (4) people would not have been able to take a single step further.

21) Find sentences in which colon is placed in accordance with the same punctuation rule. Write down the numbers of these sentences

1) Behind our village there are wide fields. 2) We headed along a narrow path straight to a distant birch grove: every year here you can pick up baskets full of delicious mushrooms. 3) The main thing is to be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones. 4) The day turned out to be without rain, and all the trees were illuminated by the bright rays of the warm sun. 5) The forest is quiet and no birdsong can be heard; they are preparing to travel south. 6) Walking through the forest, you can notice that bright caps of russula can be seen from under the brown and yellow leaves, but we will pass by. 7) The guys and I decided in advance to collect only the most delicious mushrooms: fragrant white and red boletus, cute boletus, chanterelles and saffron milk caps. 8) They can be prepared in different ways: fried, salted for the winter.

Read the text and complete tasks 22–27.

(1) The Germans were expelled from Uman, and on the streets of the city, cars, armored personnel carriers and tanks abandoned by them in flight stood close together, back to back. (2) The city still smelled of burning, that stuffy animal smell that fleeing masses of people leave behind, and the stench of rotting food: there were barrels of cucumbers and cabbage in the trucks.

(3) On one of the streets, through a broken window on the lower floor, I saw piles of books piled on the floor. (4) The sight of books always excites me, and I entered a room in which I immediately identified a library by the shelves. (5) There seemed to be no one in the room; only after looking closely, I saw the mournful figures of two middle-aged women sorting out books in the next room. (6) Some of the books were already on the shelves. (7) I approached the women, and we met: one turned out to be a Russian language teacher, Zinaida Ivanovna Valyanskaya, the other, a librarian at the district library, Yulia Aleksandrovna Panasevich, and they dragged the books lying on the floor from underground, where they survived the entire occupation. (8) I picked up one of the books - it was a textbook on economic geography, but after flipping through a few pages, I turned with bewilderment to the title of the book: it did not correspond to the content.

(9) “We have a lot of work ahead of us,” said one of the women, “the fact is that, by order of Gebietskommissar Opp, we had to destroy all the books according to the attached list,” and she took out of the box a whole stack of sheets with tight typewritten lines: this there was a list of books to be destroyed. “(10) We re-glued the title pages from old textbooks and various other books, and we managed to save almost everything that was to be destroyed,” the woman added with satisfaction, “so don’t be surprised if a volume of Pushkin’s works, for example, is called a manual for embroidery .

(11) It was indeed so: two courageous women saved an entire regional library by pasting other titles into books that were to be destroyed or putting them in other bindings. (12) And now they were sorting out their wealth, restoring what, by order of the appointed director of the library, Kramm, they had to tear to shreds.

(13) In Uman, in the premises of the regional library, I became convinced of the immortality of the book.

(According to V.G. Lidin)

22. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please indicate the answer numbers.

1) The narrator managed to find the necessary book, they helped him with thisZinaida Ivanovna Valyanskaya and Yulia Aleksandrovna Panasevich.

2) The narrator picked up a textbook on economic geography, but after leafing through it, he discovered that the title of the textbook did not correspond to the content.

3) Zinaida Ivanovna Valyanskaya and Yulia Aleksandrovna Panasevich saved the entire district library.

4) The Germans had not yet been expelled from Uman, and their cars, armored personnel carriers and tanks stood close together on the streets of the city.

5) Gebitskommissar Oppa ordered the destruction of all books according to the attached list.

23. Which of the following statements are true? Please indicate the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 7-8 contain a narrative.

2) Sentences 1-2 contain a description.

3) Sentences 9-10 present the reasoning.

4) Proposition 13 is the conclusion of the entire text.

5) Sentences 11-12 contain a description.

24) From sentences 5–8, write down the word with the meaning“Occupation by the armed forces of a state of territory that does not belong to it”

25) Among sentences 9-13, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a conjunction and a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

26) Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“Remembering the years of the war, the author uses figurative and expressive means - tropes: (A) _______ (“the stuffy animal smell” in sentence 2, “mournful figures” in sentence 5), (B) _______ (“where they survived the entire occupation” in sentence 7). The author tries to most fully recreate the images of women that remain in his memory, and for this purpose uses a syntactic device - (B) ________ (sentence 7) and (D) _______ (for example, in sentences 1, 2, 12).”

List of terms:

1) parcellation

2) metaphors

3) series of homogeneous members of the sentence

4) ellipse

5) lexical repetition

6) dialogue

7) epithets

8) comparison

27. Write an essay based on the text you read.Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text. Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them. Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Express your attitude to the author’s position on the problem of the source text (agreement or disagreement) and justify it. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words. Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting

Anastasia Romanova
Children's project "Pony - little horses"

Introduction___ 3

1.1. Pony story___ 5

1.2. Benefit or beauty ___6

1.3. How to properly care for a pony ___6

1.4. How to learn to care for a pony___7

Part 2. Practical.

2.1. Poll ___9

2.2. Trip to a horse farm___10

Conclusion ___12

List of references and online sources___13

Appendix 1-2___ 14-19


The project is aimed at developing the child’s cognitive processes.

The project work is designed for adults and children who love animals and value friendship.

Relevance and choice of topic.

I really love the cartoon “My Little Pony.” Friendship is the miracle!". It was from him that my understanding of what friendship is and how to take care of it began. The cartoon characters became so interesting and close to me that my mom and dad, and all my relatives, began to buy me figurines of these wonderful and cute horses. I have almost all the cartoon characters in toys, books, coloring books, puzzles, and even in the decor of my room now there is Sparkle, who embodies the Element of Magic, Rarity - the Element of Generosity, Applejack - the Element of Honesty, Rainbow Dash - the Element of Loyalty, Fluttershy - the Element of Kindness and Pinkie Pie, who represents the Element of Laughter.

In the cartoon, all these horses are conscious, reasonable and quite adult characters, however, their height suggests the opposite - they are very small. And then I wondered if there really are small horses in real, non-cartoon life, and whether they are as friendly as in the cartoon. I asked my mother if such horses really existed, and she showed me a photo of a pony that was a little taller than me and said that this was her true size. I became very interested in getting to know these wonderful creatures better. That's how this project came about.

When starting this work, I asked myself this question: “What do I know about ponies?” And, upon reflection, I realized that it was practically nothing. The purpose of the project follows from my desire to get to know them better.

Project goal: Find out whether ponies are capable of friendship and whether communication with them is useful for a person.

Project objectives:

Find out where and when ponies appeared?;

Find out the purpose of a pony?;

Find out whether ponies are useful animals or are they kept for beauty?

How to properly care for a pony?

Find out if ponies are capable of friendship?

Subject of research: features of ponies.

Research methods: study of educational literature and Internet resources; polling friends; own observations; generalization of results.

Hypothesis: I will assume that ponies are good friends and they benefit people.

This is the practical significance of the study.

1 part. Theoretical. "Little Horses"

1.1. Pony history.

In encyclopedias and the Internet, my mother and I tried to find the answer to the question “Where did ponies first appear?” (Appendix 1, photo 1)

A pony is a very miniature horse that all little children are in love with. To be honest, the pony did not acquire its miniature size from an easy life. Initially, ponies had common ancestors with horses. But the lack of food, rocky soil, constant winds and unfavorable climate led to the fact that the ponies became smaller, but no less hardy than their relatives in the animal world.

By the way, in certain territories small horses (ponies) are still preserved in their wild version.

It is believed that the first ponies appeared on the islands of Europe, northern Scandinavia and southern France. In the conditions of rocky islands, where constant humid winds of the Atlantic prevail and there is little vegetation for grazing, a breed of strong, short, shaggy, unpretentious horses has formed. It was in the south of France that the remains of the oldest horse, the Solutre, were discovered. This is the prehistoric ancestor of very ancient horse breeds, the direct descendants of which are modern ponies. To date, about 20 riding and light draft pony breeds have been bred (Shetland, Welsh, Icelandic, Hokkaido, etc.). (Appendix 1, photos 2-5)

There are few people who will not smile with emotion when they see a short, stocky horse with sad eyes and satin ribbons woven into its mane. "Pony!" Children shout joyfully, and adults nod their heads, “Yes, it’s a pony, almost a horse.” But why almost? Is it just because she's small? Actually, a pony is also a horse, it’s just a short breed.

There is an opinion that a pony is a horse for children. However, ponies were originally bred and used to perform specific jobs. A good example is the Shetland (or Shetland) pony, which takes its name from the group of Shetland Islands located far to the northeast of Scotland. These stocky and short-legged horses, whose height does not exceed 102-107 cm, are most often seen by visitors to zoos, parks, horse rentals and schools.

The Shetland pony is famous for its enormous strength (relative to its miniature size). It can carry a load twenty times its own weight. In the past, these ponies had to work in mines and underground coal mines. There were almost 16,000 Shetland ponies working in England alone. A small horse dragged a heavily loaded trolley for 3,000 hours a year, transporting up to 3,000 tons a year and covering almost 5,000 km. Many ponies worked underground for years, not seeing sunlight, barely rising to the surface, and inhaling soot and coal dust.

1.2. Benefit or beauty.

While ponies used to be used to do heavy work, now ponies can be seen in the park giving rides to children. I heard that pony riding is very good for your health. My mother and I reviewed a lot of literature, blogs on the Internet, and I realized that they knew about the healing effect of horse riding on people even under Hippocrates. At the end of the 18th century, the philosopher Denis Diderot wrote that horse riding, which can cure various diseases, comes first among many physical exercises. It was believed that the horse destroys a person’s bad energy and replaces it with good energy. Riding a bareback horse is exactly the same as walking. Moreover, in order to maintain the correct position, the rider must maintain balance and monitor the coordination of his movements. Consequently, the muscles are in full force (affected and healthy, often inactive). At the same time, riding improves fine motor skills and sharpens complex movements. These hippotherapy techniques (the method of therapeutic horse riding) cannot be repeated by other exercises of motor treatment methods.

Horseback riding stretches and straightens the spine, removes stoop, strengthens overall muscle tone, stabilizes the vestibular system, and eradicates dizziness. In fact, the motor system is completely adjusted, blood flow and metabolic processes are normalized, and the overall tone of the body increases. (Appendix 1, photo 8)

Significant therapeutic factors of horseback riding include the emotional impact a person receives from communicating with an animal. Experts believe that nervous excitement quickly dissipates from stroking a horse’s nose or lips.

In addition to therapeutic riding, ponies help people in agriculture. They can transport vegetables and fruits to farms. (Appendix 1, photo 6)

It turns out that ponies are very useful for humans, and I’m also sure that it’s very nice to have such an animal.

1.3. How to properly care for a pony.

Any pet needs care, but a pony needs special care, because it is not a kitten, not a puppy, it is a horse!

Although ponies are small, they are far from being classified as toys, since they, of course, are small in stature, but have a very strong character, which can often be the envy of even the most thoroughbred horses.

In order to win the trust and friendship of a little pony, it is necessary to make considerable efforts, because although they look rustic, in fact, ponies are very cunning cuties who require sincerity and genuine attention from a person.

Caring for ponies, just like horses, is not easy. For example, imagine that only the mane of a small horse needs to be washed and combed twice a day, otherwise the animal's hair will become matted, and then there will be nothing to care for at all, since it will have to be completely cut off. (Appendix 1, photo 7)

Have you ever seen a pony without a mane? No? Then you're in luck, because the pony's already sad eyes become even sadder.

In addition, ponies cannot tolerate dirt - they are a very clean animal that requires a lot of attention to its care. In addition to washing and combing the mane, the pony must be dried daily with a stiff brush. And in a pony box in a stable, the floor should be covered with straw bedding, as it can relieve stress and fatigue from the hooves that accumulate during the day.

In general, ponies are very picky horses. But if you don’t care about them and don’t love them sincerely, you will never be able to know whether ponies are capable of true friendship.

1.4. How to learn to care for a pony

Learning to take care of a pony is very important so that a good relationship develops between you and the little horse. First of all, you need to study the literature about this, then ask adults to talk about how often you need to feed, bathe, and comb your pony. The more we learn, the better we will understand why an animal behaves the way it does.

First you need to learn how to properly give your pony a treat, which can be a carrot or an apple. To do this, you need to hold out the treat in an open palm, but be sure to squeeze your fingers together - this will prevent the animal from accidentally biting your finger or palm.

Then we gradually try to care for the pony - at these moments, do not make any demands on the animal, then in the future the pony will happily greet you, expecting only pleasant things.

Ask your mom to let you walk with the pony while she grazes on the lawn - this will help the animal see you as a friend, a creature who can be trusted and who brings only pleasure. It is imperative to establish rules for handling ponies. Many young children need help understanding what ponies like and what they don't. It is best to write down a list of peculiar rules for handling ponies on paper. For example, you cannot tease a pony, pull, hit, poke, pull the tail, etc., because no rough games are allowed with these animals! Also, you should not suddenly run up to a pony from behind without first warning about it by voice.

Everyone must strictly understand that a pony has its own feelings, that it is a living creature. Horses and ponies most often become very attached to those people who care about them, which is why we must understand that if we do something bad to the pony: hit or shout, then we will violate the trust that has arisen between us and the little one. horse

And most importantly, it is necessary to establish a good relationship between you and the pony only in the presence and control of your parents.

Part 2. Practical.

2.1. Survey.

To find out what others know about ponies, I decided to ask my friends about them.

My mother and I prepared several questions:

1. Who are ponies?

2. Are they useful for humans? If yes, then with what?

3. Are they capable of friendship?

The children from my group and some adults took part in the survey. (Appendix 2, photos 1-3)

Some girls (5 people) answered that ponies are characters from the cartoon “Friendship is a Miracle.” Some guys (3 people) answered that ponies are animals that give children rides in the park on holidays, and this is not a cat or dog to be friends with a person.

My dad, Dmitry Kirillovich, said that ponies are small horses that appeared a long time ago and helped people transport heavy loads in coal mines. And about being friendly, he said that if you behave like a true friend, then a pony can become your friend.

My grandmother, Tatyana Aleksandrovna, said that the horses became small due to the harsh climate, but after that they did not cease to be horses. Ponies are very useful for humans, because if you pet her, you will feel calmer. And after a hard day at work, a few minutes spent with a pony will do you good. They seem to charge you with positive emotions and energy. They can also transport cargo, although now, and this is good, they are no longer used that way. Regarding friendship, my grandmother said that any animal (not a wild one) is capable of friendship, the main thing is to let it know that you are friendly.

Elena Vladimirovna (a teacher from my kindergarten) said that a pony is a breed of horse. They are small in stature and are often used in circuses and parks for children to ride. Less common in agriculture. Ponies are trusting and affectionate, devoted to their owner. They are true friends!

I asked Elena Anatolyevna (my teacher) and she said that ponies are small horses that radiate goodness. They lift your spirits and delight you with their appearance and purpose. Like all horses, they are capricious, each with their own character, but they are drawn to people and are capable of friendship.

2.2. A trip to a horse farm.

The more I learn about ponies, the more I want to get to know them better and that is why my parents brought me to the place where these horses live.

First meeting…

At first glance, it seems that the pony is a cutie, easy to approach and hug. But... but that's not really the case. My new friend, Sparkle, seemed very serious to me. First I was offered to treat her with carrots. I took the carrot and handed it to her. Twilight carefully bit into the carrot with her strong teeth and chewed it. I handed her another carrot and she ate it again. It's funny to watch a pony chew food. (Appendix 2, photos 4-6)


Then we were invited to take a walk around the territory with Sparkle. Naturally, no one let me go alone - my parents and Aunt Marina were with me, she takes care of the horses and knows how to behave with them. I walked next to the horse, held a chumbur (a long rein, in a bridle, by which a horse is tied or led) and every now and then she glanced at me. Iskorka walked on the left side, Aunt Marina said that this is how it’s supposed to drive a pony. It was a little awkward to walk - you have to hold the chumbur with your right hand next to the pony's head, and you have to hold the end of the chumbur with your left hand. You need to look forward and stay close to the pony's shoulder at all times. I think Sparkle is already a little used to me.

See you soon…

So, after the first meeting, feeding and walking, we decided to take a break, because my new friend also needs to rest. As a farewell, I was allowed to pet Sparkle. After my discoveries today, this is no longer so scary, but very exciting. What if she doesn’t understand my intentions and gets angry... But when I began to extend my hand to her, Sparkle leaned her head towards my palm. Oh, how nice it is to pet a little horse! "Bye, Twilight!" - I told her goodbye. Without a doubt, I will come and visit her again! (Appendix 2, photos 7-9)

Visiting a friend...

My mother and I agreed that on weekends we would go to Sparkle’s horse farm. All week I thought about what I would take with me to treat the horse, what I would wear. And now the long-awaited day has come. Early in the morning I packed my backpack, had breakfast and off we went. Sparkle was already walking. We went to her. I started calling her from afar, because you can’t approach any horse without making yourself known by voice. It even seemed to me that Sparkle recognized me. I extended my hand to her nose, and she allowed me to stroke myself. Then she began to lower and raise her head, as if she was greeting us in her own way. It's so funny! Mom cut an apple at home, and I fed it to Sparkle, piece by piece. Then we went for a walk, and I even got to ride a pony. I felt calm, like being with a friend. I think the horse felt the same way. But I didn’t ride for a long time - suddenly it was hard for Spark. I told her thank you and that she was smart. It seems to me that she understands everything... I was even allowed to take her to the box in the stable and comb her mane! It’s funny, but I definitely realized that Sparkle trusted me, and she and I became friends. She confidentially allows herself to be combed, stroked on the nose, on the back, although she likes the nose better, as it seemed to me...


So, thanks to my research, I found answers to the questions posed. With the help of the Internet, adults, encyclopedias, and a survey, I learned a lot about the pony - a small horse!

My hypothesis was confirmed: ponies are capable of friendship, the main thing is to learn to be a good friend yourself.

For many centuries, the horse has been a constant companion of man and has been used by him for a variety of purposes. Even today people place very different demands on horses depending on their economic direction. Some are required to be quick in mastering circus acts, others are required to obey and entertain children in parks, and others are required to have great traction and carry heavy loads. But before demanding anything, a person must learn how to handle a pony, find contact with her. It is actually very difficult to overestimate the importance that a pony has in a person’s life. This is an animal that not only helps in the household, but also gives the opportunity to adapt to a given situation, relieve stress or eliminate severe depression. After all, a pony is an animal that can cure a person from even the most complex diseases. I tried to become a friend to the ponies... And, in my opinion, I succeeded.

At the end of my project, I want to introduce you to a poem about a pony that I wrote together with my mother!

Ponies are small horses.

Look, in the smooth field

Two horses are nibbling grass.

Take a closer look

A horse of strange height.

These little horses

Wonderful ponies!

In the circus arena,

In the park, at the zoo

These horses make people happy.

And ponies dream, standing in a smooth field,

So that people can be kinder to horses!

List of references and Internet sources.

1. Encyclopedia for children. Biology. Life. World of plants and animals. Evolution and secrets of the living. Volume 2. – 5th ed., revised. and additional /Chapter ed. M. D. Aksyonova. – M.: Avanta +, 2002. – 704 p. : ill.

2. Encyclopedia of animals for kids / E. A. Alekseeva, E. A. Guricheva. – M.: ROSMEN – PRESS, 2013. – 144 p. : ill.

3. Encyclopedia “What is it? Who it?" Volume 2. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Pedagogy – Press, 1993. – 416 p. (pp. 212 - 213).

4. Free Internet - Wikipedia encyclopedia https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8

5. Article “The benefits of communicating with horses” http://detivsporte.ru/verkhovaya-ezda/verhovaya-ezda-na-poni

6. The first encyclopedia of animals for little ones / T. V. Skiba, S. V. Rublev, Rostov n/D: Vladis, 2015. – 416 p. (pp. 192 - 193).

7. Article “Pony Care” http://poroda-loshadey.ru/poni/kak-uchazhivat-za-poni