The venerable mayor received tourists in the old town hall. Sergey Mikhalkov

Lived in Moscow Stepan Stepanov
A distinguished policeman.
And now Stepan Stepanov -
Ordinary pensioner.

A veteran of considerable years,
The man is already gray-haired.
Of all the experienced people
Still the youngest.

Stepanov does not sit at home,
Doesn't look out the window all day,
And he is not looking for acquaintances,
To fight dominoes.
What is Uncle Styopa doing?
Our childhood hero?
As before, Uncle Styopa
He is strong friends with children.
Take, for example, the stadium
Where the guys are, there he is!

They take the kids to the zoo -
The children are waiting for Uncle Styopa.
Here with your long stride
He walks across the square.
And there is a gang around the children -
Curious people.

Tell me, Uncle Styopa,
How is your son Egor doing?
- Show me, Uncle Styopa,
How to look through a fence?

Uncle Styopa is happy to try:
- I'll show you! Look, brothers!..

He doesn't know any sense of proportion, -
They say pensioners.
- Uncle Styopa and now
Wants to be younger than us!

Is there anything in the world?
What can be hidden for a long time?
Fifth grader Rybkin Petya
Slowly I started smoking.

The boy has cigarettes
This is how the hand reaches out.
Lagging behind in all subjects
Don't recognize the student!

The fool started coughing.
That's what tobacco means!

Uncle Styopa frowns:
-Which of you guys smokes?
I can't stand smokers!
I’m not ruining my health!
You are a conscious people!
Anyone who smokes, step forward!

One is responsible for oneself,
Blushing in front of everyone like a cancer,
Fifth grader Rybkin Petya
Took the required step.

What is there to say?
- I promise not to smoke!

Stepanov winked at the children,
I shook the boy's hand...
Everyone knows that Rybkin Petya
I kept my word.

The infantry takes the height -
Troops are on the offensive.
Like a frog out of the swamp
Someone is pulling his tongue.

Even the girls can't sleep
They, the nurses, have no time to sleep...
Then there is the game "Zarnitsa" -
Not a military war.

Uncle Styopa on the hill
Yes, even on the tubercle
Watches with a keen eye
Behind the battle in the distance.

Mitya Vertushkin ran up,
The platoon commander asks:
- Uncle Styopa! At least bend down!
You are such a landmark!

Uncle Styopa smiled,
But he obeyed and bent down.
The former foreman sees:
Even though they are playing, it’s war!

They surrounded Uncle Styopa,
They take him straight to headquarters:
- Admit it, Uncle Styopa,
Who were you rooting for?

I will not answer,
I'm supposed to be silent.
I'm detained. I'm a prisoner.
I won't blurt out a word!

One morning Uncle Styopa
Met in the yard:
- Where are you going?
- I'm flying to Europe!
I'll be home in September.

There is a ticket and there is a voucher,
Plane: Moscow - Paris.
It’s awkward to refuse:
And if you don’t want to, you’ll fly!

Everyone boards the plane:
- Well, take it, Aeroflot!
Uncle Styopa sat down in a chair,
Buckle up. Ate breakfast.

I just picked up the newspaper
- What's happened? Arrived!
Landed on three points
And I ended up in Paris.

Eiffel Tower in Paris
Uncle Styopa visited.
“You are, of course, a little shorter!” -
The translator joked.

In the old town hall tourists
Received by the venerable mayor,
And, raising a sparkling glass,
For the French communists
Our pensioner drank.

Sitting next to a partisan,
I talked about Moscow,
To two veteran workers
He gave me a matryoshka doll.

Uncle Styopa was invited
Both to the museum and to the restaurant
And everywhere they imagined:
"This is a Russian giant!"

And one day, with a suitcase
Having first passed through the X-ray,
Tourist Stepan Stepanov sat down
On the plane Paris - Moscow.

He sat down in a chair by the window.
Buckle up. Ate breakfast.
Just picked up the newspaper -
What's happened? Arrived!

How was it flying, Uncle Styopa?
- How is your health?
- How is Europe?
And Stepanov answered everyone:
- Better at home- there is no room!

In the fifth grade, the squad gathers.
Everyone needs to come to the meeting!
An emergency is declared:
Uncle Styopa has fallen ill!

Uncle Styopa caught a cold
And I found myself in bed.
And friends are already here:
They entered, and these are waiting...

Who brings him jam?
Who has his own poem,
Who makes the tea:
- Uncle Styopa! Here's a raspberry
Drink instead of aspirin!
- Uncle Styopa! Do not be bored!..

And, touched by the attention,
Full of gratitude
Aunt Manya meets everyone -
Uncle's wife.

Not even a week has passed
Uncle Styopa got out of bed,
I went out into the yard on Friday,
And son Egor is coming towards you.

Son and father met
Everyone looks great!
- You can congratulate us on our daughter!
The astronaut told his father...

We need to make a point here.
Uncle Styopa has become a grandfather!

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - the poet makes our thoughts sing within us. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind each poetic work of those times, a whole Universe was certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Lived in Moscow Stepan Stepanov
A distinguished policeman.
And now Stepan Stepanov -
Ordinary pensioner.

A veteran of considerable years,
The man is already gray-haired.
Of all the experienced people
Still the youngest.

Stepanov does not sit at home,
Doesn't look out the window all day,
And he is not looking for acquaintances,
To fight dominoes.
What is Uncle Styopa doing?
Our childhood hero?
As before, Uncle Styopa
He is strong friends with children.
Take, for example, the stadium
Where the guys are, there he is!

They take the kids to the zoo -
The children are waiting for Uncle Styopa.
Here with your long stride
He walks across the square.
And there is a gang around the children -
Curious people.

- Tell me, Uncle Styopa,
How is your son Egor doing?
- Show me, Uncle Styopa,
How to look through a fence?

Uncle Styopa is happy to try:
- I'll show you! Look, brothers!..

“He doesn’t know any sense of proportion,”
They say pensioners.
- Uncle Styopa and now
Wants to be younger than us!

Is there anything in the world?
What can be hidden for a long time?
Fifth grader Rybkin Petya
Slowly I started smoking.

The boy has cigarettes
This is how the hand reaches out.
Lagging behind in all subjects
Don't recognize the student!

The fool started coughing.
That's what tobacco means!

Uncle Styopa frowns:
-Which of you guys smokes?
I can't stand smokers!
I’m not ruining my health!
You are a conscious people!
Anyone who smokes, step forward!

One is responsible for oneself,
Blushing in front of everyone like a cancer,
Fifth grader Rybkin Petya
Took the required step.

What is there to say?
- I promise not to smoke!

Stepanov winked at the children,
I shook the boy's hand...
Everyone knows that Rybkin Petya
I kept my word.

The infantry takes the height -
Troops are on the offensive.
Like a frog out of the swamp
Someone is pulling his tongue.

Even the girls can't sleep
They, the nurses, have no time to sleep...
Then the game “Zarnitsa” is playing -
Not a military war.

Uncle Styopa on the hill
Yes, even on the tubercle
Watches with a keen eye
Behind the battle in the distance.

Mitya Vertushkin ran up,
The platoon commander asks:
- Uncle Styopa! At least bend down!
You are such a landmark!

Uncle Styopa smiled,
But he obeyed and bent down.
The former foreman sees:
Even though they are playing, it’s war!

They surrounded Uncle Styopa,
They take him straight to headquarters:
- Admit it, Uncle Styopa,
Who were you rooting for?

- I will not answer,
I'm supposed to be silent.
I'm detained. I'm a prisoner.
I won't blurt out a word!

One morning Uncle Styopa
Met in the yard:
- Where are you going?
- I'm flying to Europe!
I'll be home in September.

There is a ticket and there is a voucher,
Plane: Moscow - Paris.
It’s awkward to refuse:
And if you don’t want to, you’ll fly!

— Everyone boards the plane:
- Well, take it, Aeroflot!
Uncle Styopa sat down in a chair,
Buckle up. Ate breakfast.

I just picked up the newspaper
- What's happened? Arrived!
Landed on three points
And I ended up in Paris.

Eiffel Tower in Paris
Uncle Styopa visited.
“You are, of course, a little shorter!” —
The translator joked.

In the old town hall tourists
Received by the venerable mayor,
And, raising a sparkling glass,
For the French communists
Our pensioner drank.

Sitting next to a partisan,
I talked about Moscow,
To two veteran workers
He gave me a matryoshka doll.

Uncle Styopa was invited
Both to the museum and to the restaurant
And everywhere they imagined:
“This is a Russian giant!”

And one day, with a suitcase
Having first passed through the X-ray,
Tourist Stepan Stepanov sat down
On the plane Paris - Moscow.

He sat down in a chair by the window.
Buckle up. Ate breakfast.
Just picked up the newspaper -
What's happened? Arrived!

- How was it flying, Uncle Styopa?
- How is your health?
- How is Europe?
And Stepanov answered everyone:
- There is no place better than home!

In the fifth grade, the squad gathers.
Everyone needs to come to the meeting!
An emergency is declared:
Uncle Styopa has fallen ill!

Uncle Styopa caught a cold
And I found myself in bed.
And friends are already here:
They entered, and these are waiting...

Who brings him jam?
Who has his own poem,
Who makes the tea:
- Uncle Styopa! Here's a raspberry
Drink instead of aspirin!
- Uncle Styopa! Do not be bored!..

And, touched by the attention,
Full of gratitude
Aunt Manya meets everyone -
Uncle's wife.

Not even a week has passed
Uncle Styopa got out of bed,
I went out into the yard on Friday,
And son Egor is coming towards you.

Son and father met
Everyone looks great!
- You can congratulate us on our daughter!
The astronaut told his father...

We need to make a point here.
Uncle Styopa has become a grandfather!

In the house there are eight fraction one

At the Ilyich outpost

There lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed Kalancha,

By surname Stepanov

And named Stepan,

From the regional giants

The most important giant.

Respected Uncle Styopa

For such a height.

Uncle Styopa was coming home from work -

It was visible a mile away.

Dashingly measured their steps

Two huge legs:

Size forty five

He bought boots.

He was looking for in the market

Greatest boots

He was looking for his pants

Unprecedented width.

Will buy with grief in half,

Turns to the mirrors -

All tailoring work

It's coming apart at the seams!

He's through any fence

From the pavement I looked into the courtyard.

The dogs started barking:

They thought that a thief was breaking in.

Uncle Styopa took it from the dining room

Double lunch for yourself.

Uncle Styopa went to bed -

He put his feet on a stool.

While sitting, he took books from the cabinet.

And more than once he goes to the cinema

They said: - Sit on the floor,

You, comrade, don’t care!

But to the stadium

It was free:

They let Uncle Styopa through -

They thought he was a champion.

From gate to gate

All the people in the area knew

Where does Stepanov work?

Where is it registered?

How does he live?

Because everyone is faster

Without special efforts

He filmed the kite for the guys

From telegraph wires.

And the one who is small in stature,

At the parade he raised

Because everyone should

See the country's army.

Everyone loved Uncle Styopa,

Respected Uncle Styopa:

He was the best friend

All the guys from all the yards.

He is in a hurry home from Arbat.

- How are you? - the guys shout.

He sneezes - the guys chorus:

- Uncle Styopa, be healthy!

Uncle Styopa early in the morning

He quickly jumped up from the sofa,

The windows were opened wide,

I took a cold shower.

Uncle Styopa brushing teeth

I never forgot.

A man sits in the saddle

Legs dragging along the ground -

This is Uncle Styopa coming

Along the boulevard on a donkey.

“You,” people shout to Stepan, “

You need to ride a camel!

He rode on a camel -

People are choking with laughter:

- Hey, comrade, where are you from?

You will crush the camel!

To you, at your height,

You need to ride an elephant!

Uncle Styopa two minutes

It remains until the jump.

He's standing under a parachute

And he's a little worried.

And below the people laugh:

The tower wants to jump from the tower!

To the shooting range, under a low canopy,

Uncle Styopa barely got in.

- Let me address you,

I pay for the shots.

In this ball and in this bird

I want to take aim!

Looking around the shooting range with alarm,

The cashier says in response:

-You'll have to kneel

Dear comrade, stand up -

You can target

Without a gun, reach it with your hand!

Until the morning in the alleys of the park

It will be fun and bright

The music will thunder

The audience will be noisy.

Uncle Styopa asks for the cash register:

- I came to the carnival.

Give me this mask

So that no one finds out!

“It’s quite easy to recognize you,”

There is a friendly laugh -

We recognize you by your height:

You, comrade, are above everyone!

What's happened?

What kind of scream?

- It’s a student drowning!

He fell off a cliff into the river -

Help the man!

In front of all the people

Uncle Styopa climbs into the water.

- This is extraordinary! –

Everyone shouts to him from the bridge. –

You, comrade, are knee-deep

All deep places!

Alive, healthy and unharmed

Boy Vasya Borodin.

Uncle Styopa this time

Saved a drowning man.

For a noble deed

Everyone thanks him.

“Ask for anything,”

They tell Uncle Styopa.

– I don’t need anything –

I saved him for nothing!

The locomotive is flying, humming,

The driver looks ahead.

Driver at the stop

Kochegaru says:

– From station to station

I made a lot of flights,

But I’m ready to argue -

This is a new semaphore.

They drive up to the semaphore.

What kind of deception is this?

No semaphore -

Stepan is standing by the path.

He stands and says:

“Here the path is washed out by the rains.”

I deliberately raised my hand -

Show that the path is closed.

What's that smoke overhead?

What's that thunder on the pavement?

The house is burning around the corner

Hundreds of onlookers stand around.

The team is putting up the ladders,

Saves the house from fire.

The whole attic is already on fire,

Pigeons are fighting in the window.

In the yard in a crowd of guys

They say to Uncle Styopa:

- Is it really together with the house?

Will our pigeons burn?

Uncle Styopa from the sidewalk

Reaches up to the attic.

Through the fire and smoke of the fire

His hand reaches out.

He opens the window.

They fly out of the window

Eighteen doves

And behind them is a sparrow.

Everyone is grateful to Stepan:

He saved the birds, and therefore

Become a firefighter immediately

Everyone advises him.

But in response to the firefighters

Stepanov says: “No!”

I'm going to serve in the navy,

If I'm tall enough.

There is laughter and whispering in the corridor,

There is a buzz of speeches in the corridor.

Uncle Styopa is in the office

Being examined by doctors.

It costs. Him bend over

The sister asks politely.

– We can’t reach!

Doctors explain. –

Everything from sight to hearing

We will investigate for you:

Does your ear hear well?

How far can the eye see?

Uncle Styopa was examined

Conducted to the scales

And they said: - In this body

My heart beats like a clock!

The growth is great, but nothing -

Let's take him into the army!

But you are not fit to be a tank driver:

You won't fit in the tank!

And they are not fit for infantry:

You can be seen from the trench!

With your height on the plane

Inconvenient to be on a flight:

Your legs will get tired -

You have nowhere to put them!

For people like you

There are no horses

And the navy needs you -

Serve for the country!

“I am ready to serve the people,”

Stepin's bass is heard, -

I will go through fire and water!

Send it now!

Winter and summer have passed.

And winter came again.

- Uncle Styopa, how are you? Where are you?

There is no answer for us from the sea,

No postcard, no letter...

And one day past the bridge

To the house eight fraction one

Lived in Moscow Stepan Stepanov
A distinguished policeman.
And now Stepan Stepanov -
Ordinary pensioner.

A veteran of considerable years,
The man is already gray-haired.
Of all the experienced people
Still the youngest.

Stepanov does not sit at home,
Doesn't look out the window all day,
And he is not looking for acquaintances,
To fight dominoes.
What is Uncle Styopa doing?
Our childhood hero?
As before, Uncle Styopa
He is strong friends with children.
Take, for example, the stadium
Where the guys are, there he is!

They take the kids to the zoo -
The children are waiting for Uncle Styopa.
Here with your long stride
He walks across the square.
And there is a gang around the children -
Curious people.

- Tell me, Uncle Styopa,
How is your son Egor doing?
- Show me, Uncle Styopa,
How to look through a fence?

Uncle Styopa is happy to try:
- I'll show you! Look, brothers!..

“He doesn’t know any sense of proportion,”
They say pensioners.
- Uncle Styopa and now
Wants to be younger than us!

Is there anything in the world?
What can be hidden for a long time?
Fifth grader Rybkin Petya
Slowly I started smoking.

The boy has cigarettes
This is how the hand reaches out.
Lagging behind in all subjects
Don't recognize the student!

The fool started coughing.
That's what tobacco means!

Uncle Styopa frowns:
-Which of you guys smokes?
I can't stand smokers!
I’m not ruining my health!
You are a conscious people!
Anyone who smokes, step forward!

One is responsible for oneself,
Blushing in front of everyone like a cancer,
Fifth grader Rybkin Petya
Took the required step.

What is there to say?
- I promise not to smoke!

Stepanov winked at the children,
I shook the boy's hand...
Everyone knows that Rybkin Petya
I kept my word.

The infantry takes the height -
Troops are on the offensive.
Like a frog out of the swamp
Someone is pulling his tongue.

Even the girls can't sleep
They, nurses, have no time to sleep...
Then the game “Zarnitsa” is playing -
Not a military war.

Uncle Styopa on the hill
Yes, even on the tubercle
Watches with a keen eye
Behind the battle in the distance.

Mitya Vertushkin ran up,
The platoon commander asks:
- Uncle Styopa! At least bend down!
You are such a landmark!

Uncle Styopa smiled,
But he obeyed and bent down.
The former foreman sees:
Even though they are playing, it’s war!

They surrounded Uncle Styopa,
They take him straight to headquarters:
- Admit it, Uncle Styopa,
Who were you rooting for?

- I will not answer,
I'm supposed to be silent.
I'm detained. I'm a prisoner.
I won't blurt out a word!

One morning Uncle Styopa
Met in the yard:
- Where are you going?
- I'm flying to Europe!
I'll be home in September.

There is a ticket and there is a voucher,
Plane: Moscow - Paris.
It’s awkward to refuse:
And if you don’t want to, you’ll fly!

— Everyone boards the plane:
- Well, take it, Aeroflot!
Uncle Styopa sat down in a chair,
Buckle up. Ate breakfast.

I just picked up the newspaper
- What's happened? Arrived!
Landed on three points
And I ended up in Paris.

Eiffel Tower in Paris
Uncle Styopa visited.
“You are, of course, a little shorter!” —
The translator joked.

In the old town hall tourists
Received by the venerable mayor,
And, raising a sparkling glass,
For the French communists
Our pensioner drank.

Sitting next to a partisan,
I talked about Moscow,
To two veteran workers
He gave me a matryoshka doll.

Uncle Styopa was invited
Both to the museum and to the restaurant
And everywhere they imagined:
“This is a Russian giant!”

And one day, with a suitcase
Having first passed through the X-ray,
Tourist Stepan Stepanov sat down
On the plane Paris - Moscow.

He sat down in a chair by the window.
Buckle up. Ate breakfast.
Just picked up the newspaper -
What's happened? Arrived!

- How was it flying, Uncle Styopa?
- How is your health?
- How is Europe?
And Stepanov answered everyone:
- There is no place better than home!

In the fifth grade, the squad gathers.
Everyone needs to come to the meeting!
An emergency is declared:
Uncle Styopa has fallen ill!

Uncle Styopa caught a cold
And I found myself in bed.
And friends are already here:
They entered, and these are waiting...

Who brings him jam?
Who has his own poem,
Who makes the tea:
- Uncle Styopa! Here's a raspberry
Drink instead of aspirin!
- Uncle Styopa! Do not be bored!..

And, touched by the attention,
Full of gratitude
Aunt Manya meets everyone -
Uncle's wife.

Not even a week has passed
Uncle Styopa got out of bed,
I went out into the yard on Friday,
And son Egor is coming towards you.

Son and father met
Everyone looks great!
- You can congratulate us on our daughter!
The astronaut told his father...

We need to make a point here.
Uncle Styopa has become a grandfather!