In what month will the world end? Should we believe Matrona's prediction about the end of the world? Possible Armageddon scenarios

For a long period of time, astronomers have been studying the movement of the asteroid TC 4, which poses a threat to humanity. Of course, there are many different moving objects in outer space, but according to scientists, they are not “dangerous” because they fly past the Earth.

Although astronomical history has an example of an asteroid fall, which brought many troubles to humanity, in Chelyabinsk. That is why the end of the world on October 12, 2017, which is called by space researchers, excites people, but the truth or lie is not known for sure until now.

  • Astronomical history
  • Tunguska meteorite
  • Scientists' conclusions

Astronomical history

The history of mankind tells many events that happened a long time ago. For example, hundreds of years later, an asteroid fell to the earth, which pierced the Earth's ozone layer, and the shock wave of this object led to irreparable consequences. In connection with this, a sharp change in climate occurred, and that is why many “living things” on earth died out.

Tunguska meteorite

A celestial body, which was accompanied by a strong sound effect (reminiscent of thunder), flew over the territory of Central Siberia and exploded over the deserted taiga on June 30, 1908. The energy of the super-powerful explosion at that time was 40 megatons of TNT. The first witnesses to what they saw were residents of the village of Vanavara. According to eyewitnesses, the explosion was accompanied by columns of flame and a giant smoke cloud.

Today, mass information reports that on October 12 of this year the planet is in danger, since the collision of a huge asteroid with the Earth is inevitable. Of course, this will lead to extreme danger and consequences for all living things.

If you listen to the statements of the predictors, you can also note that the Earth is threatened with the destruction of civilization. However, at the moment there are loud debates on this issue and there is no consensus or conclusions. After all, interpreters often make mistakes, predicting incorrect results.

We must not forget about the “cunning” journalists who, in connection with predicting a catastrophe, significantly increase the ratings of almost any media outlet. An example of this is the sensational Mayan calendar, which was predicted in 2012.

Among astronomers there is an opinion about the mythical planet Nibiru. In their opinion, the Earth may collide with this planet “X” and then all living things will die, but today this information is controversial.

Judith Rees

Astronomer Judith Rees notes in her findings that if an asteroid collides with a planet, the consequences will be colossal. The ozone layer will suffer, which will change the climate beyond recognition. In this regard, the planet may change globally in a matter of years.

Vlad Ross

The astrologer noted that nothing threatens the planet until 2029, that is, there will be no apocalypse. Although a number of dangers still exist and will certainly occur. On the night from 10/12/017 to 10/13/2017, asteroid TC 4 will fly very close to the planet and this is an acute danger this year. Ross also announced possible volcanic awakenings in Alaska. And China faces floods and strong earthquakes.

Scientists' conclusions

Many scientists are of the opinion that no great danger is foreseen for people and the end of civilization is coming to naught, but such conclusions are quite ambiguous, because everyone perceives everything in their own way. Some are confident that the worst events have already occurred in 2012.

Some believe that, after all, all living things can die, because the Earth is a huge star, and each celestial body has its own turn in time. However, there is still no clear information about the accuracy of the date, and opinions vary greatly.

Predictions of the seer Matrona of Moscow

Predictions have always been of interest for their unusualness and mystery. was blind, however, her prophecies actually came true, although not immediately. For 2017, the seer predicted a “War without War.” This time can only be delayed by frequent prayers, but it cannot be avoided.

Scientists were unable to give an exact explanation for such conclusions. Therefore, many believe that humanity will experience a world “without spirituality” and “complete Chaos” will ensue. Although many experts claim the opposite and are “waiting” for a fatal disease that will “swallow” the whole world and destroy all living things. Based on this, it is difficult to judge whether the end of the world will actually come?
After analyzing a lot of information from different sources, as well as listening to the opinions and conclusions of scientists, one can only hope for the best. After all, in fact, the world is still in danger, be it spiritual or related to natural disasters. Moreover, both of them globally lead to disaster.

Judging by the predictions of great soothsayers and astrologers, 2017 will not be as calm as it seems at first glance.

Humanity is facing changes, both in political and social life. Many predictors even predict the imminent end of the world in 2017. All this news is making us a little creepy, so we suggest we look into the upcoming events together.

End of the world 2017: when will it happen, prediction of Vanga and Matrona

This article contains interpretations of the visions of great clairvoyants, as well as predictions from Saint Matrona. All you have to do is decide whether to listen to them or decide your own destiny, because a lot also depends on our actions.

Since ancient times, people have tried to unravel the mystery of humanity, to understand where we came from. But the most pressing topic was and remains the future fate of the planet's inhabitants. Everyone knows that nothing lasts forever, so people from time immemorial have been trying to understand whether the end of the world will happen, which will entail the massive death of all living things, or whether our race will never die out.

A striking example of the fact that at all times there have been soothsayers who predicted the death of all living beings and the planet as a whole are presented below:

The Mayan calendar says that with the death of the Fifth Sun, planet Earth, as well as all its inhabitants, will perish. The priests claimed about the end of the world and even set its date - 12/21/2012. Fortunately, their predictions did not come true.
The predictions of Isaac Newton, a world-famous physicist, show that the end of the world will come in 2060 due to the fact that people will violate the Laws of God and behave inappropriately. He put forward his forecast on the basis of astrological observations and data set out in the Book of the Prophet Daniel.

The sacred scripture of the Zoostrians (information from the Avesta) prophesied the destruction of all living things for another year 2000. The Great Zarathustra wrote that our world will plunge into chaos. Let us note that many inhabitants of the planet took this forecast seriously. The media was full of bright headlines that the end of the world was just around the corner. People were frightened by large-scale disasters, plane crashes, and lack of electricity.

End of the world 2017: what Vanga said

The famous clairvoyant Vanga predicted that the Apocalypse would still set foot on our lands. It was never possible to find out the exact date of this frightening event, although she said that in 2378 a huge asteroid would fall on Earth, which would provoke a global flood, followed by the death of all living things. It’s hard not to believe the predictions of this soothsayer, because many of the things that she saw in her visions have already come true and continue to come true.

Nostradamus also repeatedly said that the end of the world was near. His legacy is poetic predictions, difficult to interpret, but some of them were still deciphered. According to the most common version, the world will plunge into darkness in 2250 after a devastating nuclear war. However, not everyone will die in this battle. The survivors will survive until 3797 - at which time the planet will collide with a cosmic body. It is this event that will trigger the end of the world.
Many prophecies never came true, and the planned date of the destruction of the world passed unnoticed by the inhabitants of our planet. But there is only one prediction that still raises serious concerns. It was made by Saint Matrona - the idol of millions of believers around the world.

End of the world 2017: Who is Saint Matrona?

A woman with an incredibly kind and bright soul was born at the end of the 19th century, or to be more precise, in 1881. A few days before giving birth, Matrona Dmitrievna’s mother saw an unusual dream in which her daughter was presented in the form of a white bird with a human face, but with her eyes closed. After birth, they discovered that the girl was blind.

Another amazing incident occurred during Matrona’s baptism. As soon as the priest took her out of the font, a thick column of light rose above the baby, emitting a pleasant aroma. This was the first time the clergy encountered such a phenomenon, so they believed that the girl would live a long life and would be canonized.

Already as a child, Matrona treated sick people and helped the suffering. As an adult, she was forced to leave her native land and move to Moscow, where she lived out her last years. In 1952, the soothsayer died and already in 1998 she was declared a saint.

End of the world 2017: What did Matrona say about the end of the world?

Almost before her death, Matrona saw the events that were about to happen in 2017. Her words “Without warriors, everyone on earth will die and this will happen back in 2017” are already beginning to send waves of fear through people. Matrona calls on humanity to turn to God before it’s too late, and not to stop praying, because the end of the world is just around the corner. She argued that difficult times would come, filled with sorrow and pain.

The great clairvoyant even named the approximate date of the Apocalypse - February 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, there will be a war without war and thousands of lifeless bodies will simply lie in the streets.

Indeed, her prophecy inspires chilling horror and I want to believe that Matrona was wrong after all. Of course, avid skeptics do not believe such predictions and rush to turn to science to find a reasonable explanation for the clairvoyant’s statements. But even modern scientists cannot give one hundred percent guarantee that in the near future our planet will not collide with some celestial body that will start the process of destroying all life on Earth.

Despite the pessimistic mood of Matrona’s predictions, humanity does not cease to believe in better times. After all, even the great fortuneteller said that after the Apocalypse there will be peace and tranquility. The surviving people will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

Whether the world will end in 2017 is hard to predict. Only time can help in this matter!

End of the world 2017: Is the end of the world even possible?

The phrase “end of the world” sounds quite ambiguous, so each scientist perceives it in his own way. There are people who are completely confident that this event has already happened - in 2012, when many people died from disease, and the world was constantly shaking with news of some new natural disaster, but most scientists are confident that that this event is still somewhere ahead. In general, the “Mayan phenomenon” (this is what most scientists call the predictions of this tribe) requires detailed study, because in fact, these people were rarely mistaken in any of their predictions. They were sure that the planet would die from the death of the Sun, whose age is estimated at hundreds of thousands of years, but, as we know, they were wrong, which gave the next generation of predictors the opportunity to think about whether the end of the world would come in 2017.

Theoretically, this is certainly possible, because our planet is, in fact, a star, and celestial bodies have a certain “expiration date,” but no one knows the exact date of such an event. It is worth saying, however, that recently scientists have often begun to discuss the fact that this event is rapidly approaching, but it is almost impossible to determine its date, because the opinions of scientists vary greatly.

End of the world 2017: What do astronomers say?

Astronomers who regularly monitor stars and their movements in the galaxy have found that today a huge comet is approaching the planet, which could lead to a huge explosion. Naturally, if this happens, then you won’t even have to think about the future life of humanity, because there will simply be nowhere to live. However, frankly speaking, the likelihood of just such a scenario developing is minimal, because no one provides accurate calculations regarding the speed and direction of the comet’s movement, and this suggests that this is all just another fiction that simply creates a stir among people.

Some astronomers still believe that the Earth may die from a collision with one of the mythical planets - Nibiru (sometimes called Planet X). This topic can be considered quite controversial, because Nibiru is not called mythical for nothing - its existence is in question for many scientists. They first started talking about it in 2003, scaring the population with the fact that it was rapidly approaching the Earth, which means the death of all living things was inevitable, so in 2012, but, as you can see, nothing like that happened. No one knows whether the end of the world will happen in 2017 due to a collision with Nibiru, but astronomers believe that with the quality of modern scientific technology, it would not be difficult to detect an object rapidly flying across the sky and moving towards the earth. Today, satellites do not see anything like this in the sky, so there is no need to be afraid of such a development of events for now.

End of the world 2017: What to expect?

There are several versions of the development of the probable end of the world, as you can see by watching a video about when the end of the world will happen in 2017. Some believe that the world is facing a flood, because glaciers are rapidly melting, and the climate is undergoing serious changes, so there is nothing mystical in this version – the water may gradually absorb the land, but it is unlikely that the flood will develop in accordance with the scenario described in the Bible. By the way, not only glaciers, but also prices or earthquakes may be to blame for the flood, because just recently the news showed that a huge part of the Australian coast had disappeared under water.

In addition, a deadly virus can lead to the end of the world, for example, the bird flu virus, which can get into the water and infect a huge number of people living on the planet, and there is also a version that people in the future will face a large number of natural anomalies and wars that will cause the extermination of all life on the planet.

Eschatological conclusions...

Eschatology is a science that studies the phenomenon of the end of the world. Nobody calls this teaching popular, but there are scientists who study these concepts, and they were able to find out that in one form or another the possible end of the world has always been discussed. Speaking about the ancient Egyptians, it is worth saying that they believed that the world goes through a certain development cycle, after which it dies, naturally, then a new one will appear in place of the old cycle, but this will be a different “story”. There were other opinions that suggested the “death of the Gods” who monitor life on the planet, but all these are just assumptions, and even today no one can accurately predict the end of the world in 2017. Scientists are collecting the necessary information, comparing data from psychics, predictors and the most popular astrologers, but so far it is impossible to create any specific picture of the future from the data of this “puzzle”, so we can just wait.

End of the world 2017: Media: scientists have predicted the end of the world for the coming October

On October 2, 2017, the Earth is threatened by a terrible catastrophe - at least, this is reported by a number of media outlets citing scientists. It is reported that a huge asteroid may collide with our planet this coming fall, and this is fraught with dangerous consequences.

The first reports of a likely collision with an asteroid called 2012 TC4 appeared back in 2015, although even then their primary sources were not always trustworthy, and some experts were quite skeptical about this information. However, at least the space object in question is not fictional - it was discovered in 2012 and its orbit has so far been studied only approximately. Its diameter, according to various estimates, reaches from 12 to 40 meters. This means that it may turn out to be even larger than the famous meteorite that fell in the Chelyabinsk region - then 1,613 people were injured, and the material damage amounted to almost half a billion rubles, and the consequences could be more catastrophic if it fell on a populated area. However, the media are clearly exaggerating, declaring that such a collision could provoke the “end of the world” - for a global catastrophe, the diameter of the celestial body must be approximately two orders of magnitude larger. However, it cannot be denied that even a ten-meter space rock falling onto the planet’s surface can have very serious consequences.

One way or another, the vast majority of experts are inclined to believe that the probability of 2012 TC4 falling to Earth, at least until 2020, is practically zero. It is worth noting that the asteroid, despite this, is included in the list of “potentially dangerous”, however, a similar status, just in case, is assigned to any discovered cosmic body, the distance from which to Earth at any stage may be less than 20 times greater than the distance from our planet to the Moon.

Recently, a group of scientists representing the University of Southampton described the consequences of an asteroid with a diameter of about 200 meters and a density of 3.1 tons per cubic meter falling on one of the European capitals.

Will the world end in 2017? When will the end of the world happen in 2017?

The information that famous predictors wanted to convey to us differs in this opinion. However, one of the prophecies may be extremely true, because it was said by the holy Matrona herself.

We can talk endlessly about whether the end of the world in 2017 is possible, when it will happen and what date. This is not the first decade when, almost every year, various predictors and soothsayers predicted the destruction of civilization and the end of human existence. At the same time, this was not always due to errors in the prophecies themselves. Much more often their interpreters made mistakes, presenting incorrect results to the attention of the public. In addition, we should not forget the cunning journalists, for whom the topic of catastrophic events has always been profitable - after all, it significantly increases the ratings of almost any media.

When will the end of the world happen in 2017?

This is what happened, for example, with the sensational Mayan calendar, which was supposed to end in 2012. Close studies of this vanished South American culture showed that this date had nothing to do with the end of the planet’s existence. It was simply the end of one of the cycles, just as our year or century ends. Moreover, the latest archaeological finds have proven that the prudent Mayans also calculated subsequent calendars for the time after 2012. And this clearly proves that the representatives of this people did not expect any end to human existence. Otherwise, why would there be calendars of non-existence?

So what did famous predictors say about when the world will end in 2017? It should be noted that neither the soothsayer Nostradamus, nor Edgar Cayce or Wolf Messing paid special attention to this year in their prophecies. However, Vanga still spoke about 2017 as part of her series of prophecies about the fate of humanity. However, she did not foresee the end of the world at that time either. But there is one prediction that is completely out of the typical information noise that accompanies this topic. This is the prophecy of Saint Matrona for 2017, according to which a terrible event may occur, similar in its description to the Apocalypse.

When will the end of the world happen in 2017, what date: Matrona pointed to February of this year

Predictions of Saint Matrona about the end of the world Before her death, Matrona foresaw the end of the world in 2017. She said: “Without warriors, everyone on Earth will die. And that will happen back in 2017.” Many people perceive these words as a prophecy. Speaking about the end of the world in 2017, Matrona said the following words: “Bad times are coming. Don't forget to pray. Pray as often as possible. The end is very near. Don't worry about everyday things. They distract from prayer. Turn to God, he will save your souls.” Just before her death, she said: “Hard times await you, which are full of sorrow. You don't know what sorrows await you. Pray. Pray. Pray." Matrona spoke about the end of the world in February 2017: “There will be a huge number of victims. A war without war is coming. Everyone will die from it. Lifeless bodies will lie on the ground in the evening. But in the morning everyone will rise and everything will go underground.” But what do these terrible words mean, which can terrify even an avid skeptic? Perhaps the prophetess had in mind the new coming of Christ? However, Orthodox tradition denies this idea. After all, none of the people knows the exact date. Nobody knows her, not even the angels. Only the Almighty knows the answer to this question.

Will the world end in 2017 - what scientists say

Scientists also have a separate opinion regarding the end of the world. Thus, according to the calculations of economists from the research company BCA, located in Canada, the end of human civilization has a very high chance of occurring. At the same time, in their calculations, economists used purely minimalist risk calculations, taking into account various data approved by official science. They noted that the probability of the end of the world in the form of the death of human civilization in 2017 or any other subsequent year is less than a few hundredths of a percent due to certain factors.

At the same time, when considering a long period, this probability inevitably increases - both due to anthropogenic factors and due to events beyond human control. Therefore, in the next 700 years, if no action is taken to prevent an approaching catastrophe of any kind, the probability of civilization dying is approaching one hundred percent. Such high risks have no analogues in history, since the significance of human impact on the planet, the number of people and the level of science were previously much lower and the likelihood of man-made disasters was absent. Now it is higher than ever.

In general, the only prediction by scientists about the possible end of the world in 2017 is associated with asteroid 2012 TC4. This celestial body will have to pass 115 thousand kilometers from Earth, which is a very close distance for a possible collision with the planet. The dimensions of this asteroid are small - its diameter is about 40 meters. However, the Chelyabinsk meteorite was two times smaller in size and five to ten times smaller in mass. Thus, a collision with the 2012 TC4 could lead to serious destruction, but still not the end of the world.

Astronomers themselves believe that there is no need to be afraid of asteroids that have been studied for a long time, which are constantly monitored. In their opinion, unstudied objects that approach the Earth from the direction of the Sun may have much more terrible consequences - it is much more difficult to detect them using astronomical methods. Thus, the above-mentioned Chelyabinsk fireball was not noticed or studied by scientists at all. It came as a surprise to the entire world community, emphasizing the defenselessness of humanity against threats from space.

Every year, astrologers and psychics predict the end of the world for us. The forecasts are supported by the predictions of famous clairvoyants, mystics and occultists. In the scientific community, such statements are always treated with a great deal of skepticism. At the same time, scientists admit the possibility of a pandemic, a collision of the Earth with a large celestial body, or a series of natural disasters. The summer of 2017 once again showed how powerless we are in the face of the elements. In the event of an apocalypse, humanity will have little chance of survival. Should I be worried about this in the near future?

Version No. 1: the end of the world on August 19, 2017. Predictions of Matrona of Moscow and Vanga

The date August 19, 2017 appears in the predictions of Matrona of Moscow. Her latest prophecy looks very dark indeed:

“At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have never experienced before.”

The saint called the summer of 2017 a turning point for all humanity. Her prophecy regarding the end of the world is rather allegorical in nature. Being a religious person, she more than once spoke about the spiritual degradation of people. According to those who decipher her predictions, she could call the end of the world the period when people completely forget about morality and ethics. According to another version, Matrona calls for thinking about the soul before a global cataclysm. The saint did not explain exactly how the death of humanity would occur.

Among the predictions of the Bulgarian seer Vanga there is also a mention of this day. According to Todor Todorov, who calls himself her close friend, the clairvoyant said:

“Russia will face difficult times, as wolves will torment it.”

Version No. 2: apocalypse August 21, 2017. Total solar eclipse

There will be a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. Most of the United States will fall into shadow, namely the so-called “Bible Belt,” in which the predominant religion is evangelical Protestantism. Fatalists confidently declare that the end of the world is approaching and call on all people to repent of their sins. Warnings have been published on thematic websites that in the near future the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will descend on Earth, and then the world will plunge into darkness.

Version No. 3: space disaster October 12, 2017. Asteroid

A sensational statement was made by the American scientist David Mead. He claims that the world will end on October 12, 2017. According to his version, the cause of the death of our planet will be a collision with an asteroid. Moreover, this celestial body will belong to the mysterious Nibiru system, which NASA experts still call an Internet hoax.

However, David Mead's opinion is shared by some of his colleagues. They believe that the government is aware of the danger, but carefully hides all information from the population. According to scientists, the approach of the asteroid will disrupt the ozone layer of our planet, which will lead to a series of disasters. Russian astrophysicists have not yet confirmed this version.

Version No. 4: Judgment Day November 15, 2017. Gabriel's Ark

The End's mysterious countdown timer has stopped at November 15, 2017. A letter with a link to it was received by influential politicians and scientists at the beginning of 2017. The owner of the site could not be identified, but information appeared that the timer itself is located at the Amundsen-Scott station at the South Pole (Antarctica). At the same time, the station manager claims that none of the employees were involved in its creation.

In Russia, the news about The End project was immediately associated with the event of February 2016. During this period, Patriarch Kirill arrived at the Russian Antarctic station to hold a memorial service for the dead polar explorers. There is an opinion that in fact the clergyman brought with him the recently found Ark of Gabriel.

Information about the artifact itself, discovered in 2015 in Mecca, is carefully hidden from the media. It is known that during its excavations a large number of people were injured. According to unconfirmed reports, the ark was secretly taken out on a Russian ship and was sent to Antarctica, accompanied by a naval armada. It is assumed that instead of a memorial service, Patriarch Kirill performed a special ceremony over the ark, after which the artifact was transported inland.

According to legend, the ark of the Archangel Gabriel should be hidden in a place of worship and should not leave it until the end of the world. Apologists for this version are confident that after November 15, a reversal of the magnetic poles will occur, as a result of which a series of cataclysms will occur on Earth.

Will the world end in 2017? When will the end of the world happen in 2017?

The information that famous predictors wanted to convey to us differs in this opinion. However, one of the prophecies may be extremely true, because it was said by the holy Matrona herself.

We can talk endlessly about whether the end of the world in 2017 is possible, when it will happen and what date. This is not the first decade when, almost every year, various predictors and soothsayers predicted the destruction of civilization and the end of human existence. At the same time, this was not always due to errors in the prophecies themselves. Much more often their interpreters made mistakes, presenting incorrect results to the attention of the public. In addition, we should not forget the cunning journalists, for whom the topic of catastrophic events has always been profitable - after all, it significantly increases the ratings of almost any media.+

When will the end of the world happen in 2017?

This is what happened, for example, with the sensational Mayan calendar, which was supposed to end in 2012. Close studies of this vanished South American culture showed that this date had nothing to do with the end of the planet’s existence. It was simply the end of one of the cycles, just as our year or century ends. Moreover, the latest archaeological finds have proven that the prudent Mayans also calculated subsequent calendars for the time after 2012. And this clearly proves that the representatives of this people did not expect any end to human existence. Otherwise, why would there be a calendar of non-existence?+

So what did famous predictors say about when the world will end in 2017? It should be noted that neither the soothsayer Nostradamus, nor Edgar Cayce or Wolf Messing paid special attention to this year in their prophecies. However, Vanga still spoke about 2017 as part of her series of prophecies about the fate of humanity. However, she did not foresee the end of the world at that time either. But there is one prediction that is completely out of the typical information noise that accompanies this topic. This is the prophecy of Saint Matrona for 2017, according to which a terrible event may occur, similar in its description to the Apocalypse.+

When will the end of the world happen in 2017, what date: Matrona pointed to February of this year

Predictions of Saint Matrona about the end of the world Before her death, Matrona foresaw the end of the world in 2017. She said: “Without warriors, everyone on Earth will die. And that will happen back in 2017.” Many people perceive these words as a prophecy. Speaking about the end of the world in 2017, Matrona said the following words: “Bad times are coming. Don't forget to pray. Pray as often as possible. The end is very near. Don't worry about everyday things. They distract from prayer. Turn to God, he will save your souls.” Just before her death, she said: “Hard times await you, which are full of sorrow. You don't know what sorrows await you. Pray. Pray. Pray." Matrona spoke about the end of the world in February 2017: “There will be a huge number of victims. A war without war is coming. Everyone will die from it. Lifeless bodies will lie on the ground in the evening. But in the morning everyone will rise and everything will go underground.” But what do these terrible words mean, which can terrify even an avid skeptic? Perhaps the prophetess had in mind the new coming of Christ? However, Orthodox tradition denies this idea. After all, none of the people knows the exact date. Nobody knows her, not even the angels. Only the Almighty knows the answer to this question.+

Will the world end in 2017 - what scientists say

Scientists also have a separate opinion regarding the end of the world. Thus, according to the calculations of economists from the research company BCA, located in Canada, the end of human civilization has a very high chance of occurring. At the same time, in their calculations, economists used purely minimalist risk calculations, taking into account various data approved by official science. They noted that the probability of the end of the world in the form of the death of human civilization in 2017 or any other subsequent year is less than a few hundredths of a percent due to certain factors.+

At the same time, when considering a long period, this probability inevitably increases - both due to anthropogenic factors and due to events beyond human control. Therefore, in the next 700 years, if no action is taken to prevent an approaching catastrophe of any kind, the probability of civilization dying is approaching one hundred percent. Such high risks have no analogues in history, since the significance of human impact on the planet, the number of people and the level of science were previously much lower and the likelihood of man-made disasters was absent. Now it is higher than ever.

In general, the only prediction by scientists about the possible end of the world in 2017 is associated with asteroid 2012 TC4. This celestial body will have to pass 115 thousand kilometers from Earth, which is a very close distance for a possible collision with the planet. The dimensions of this asteroid are small - its diameter is about 40 meters. However, the Chelyabinsk meteorite was two times smaller in size and five to ten times smaller in mass. Thus, a collision with 2012 TC4 could lead to serious destruction, but still not the end of the world.+

Astronomers themselves believe that there is no need to be afraid of asteroids that have been studied for a long time, which are constantly monitored. In their opinion, unstudied objects that approach the Earth from the direction of the Sun may have much more terrible consequences - it is much more difficult to detect them using astronomical methods. Thus, the above-mentioned Chelyabinsk fireball was not noticed or studied by scientists at all. It came as a surprise to the entire world community, emphasizing the defenselessness of humanity against threats from space.