What is the power of Thanos from Marvel. “Snap!” - and half the planet is as if it had never happened

He's big, purple, obsessed with Death, collects rocks and hangs out with weird kids. We're talking about the main villain from the new Marvel movie.

Before the release of the blockbuster in Russia, we are talking about the main villain of the film, with whom the Marvel studio has already begun to introduce us in previous episodes. Who is Thanos, why does he need the Infinity Gauntlet and who are the characters next to him? We tell the story based on the comics, because the movie will still have its own version.

Death suits him

Thanos first appeared in comics in 1973, so he is a relatively young character (compare with Iron Man, who was created 10 years earlier, or Captain America, whose appearance dates back to 1941). It was invented by former military man Jim Starlin in his psychology class. He incorrectly remembered the word “Thanatos” - this is not only the name of the god of death among the ancient Greeks, but also the concept of “death drive”.

Thanos is a native of the planet Titan, the child of high-ranking representatives of the race of Eternals, created by the aliens Celestials. The child inherited the purple color and unattractive face due to the genes of deviants - a race of superhumans also created by the celestials.

Perhaps the best way to understand this character is from Jason Aaron’s comic book “Thanos: The Beginning,” which was translated into Russian. There are no discrepancies with the canon. Rather, it is expanding. As soon as Thanos was born, he almost gets stabbed by his own mother: she sees something terrible in him and wants to kill the baby. The boy remains alive, but the mother is declared insane. Thanos grows up to be a smart and inquisitive child, showing a special interest in natural sciences. He is sickened by the sight of dead animals, and his classmates are disgusted by his purple face. However, Thanos soon has a pretty girlfriend with whom he can always have a heart-to-heart talk.

Trying to understand who he is, Thanos conducts experiments on living beings, overcoming his disgust - he still does not like to kill. But in the end, questions about one’s own origins prevail over disgust. He dismembers a loving couple and even his own mother and flees Titan. Thanos travels around the universe, asking existential questions and leaving a child on every planet. He has long been trying to achieve reciprocity from his childhood friend, but it is very difficult to do this, because his beloved is Death itself. Realizing this, the nihilist Thanos begins to make sacrifices to the lady of his heart, because only she in the entire Universe is capable of loving him in return. Thanos destroys all life in his path, leaving ruins behind him for the sake of the insatiable Death, who continues to keep his admirer in the friend zone.

The stories about Thanos continue, and a recent issue was released in which the hero finally understood what it took to reunite with his beloved. Thanos must die just like everyone else. Unfortunately, the Russo brothers' film will omit the whole complicated story of the Mad Titan's rise, but instead will give us a touching episode about his relationship with his adopted daughter Gamora. And, of course, he will show the Infinity Gauntlet.

Stumbling blocks

The stones appeared in Jim Starlin's 1990 comic book Thanos' Mission. It led to the limited series Thanos: The Infinity Gauntlet (1991), which became a crossover event that brought together a variety of characters from the publisher, much like Avengers: Infinity War brings together characters who have never met on screen before.

The stones collected on the glove are a kind of MacGuffin for the Marvel Universe. In the comics, the Infinity Stones were originally called the Soul Stones. Their owner acquired omnipotence and absolute knowledge. Collected by the elders of the Universe, they were intended to kill Galactus (the rights to this character were owned by Fox, but thanks to its sale to Disney, we have a chance to get to know this mega-villain better), but their plan failed and the stones were lost.

Infinity Stones (although not all) have already appeared in films. According to the Collector's explanation in Guardians of the Galaxy, these are six singularities that existed before the beginning of time. In the Universe formed after the explosion, their remains were compressed into ingots - Infinity Stones. In other words, they are so powerful that a mere mortal, taking a stone in his hand, will instantly explode. To control them requires superpowers.

According to the plot of “The Infinity Gauntlet,” Thanos collects six Infinity Stones (more on them below) and attaches them to a specially made gauntlet, since all the stones together have incredible power. Why is he doing this? Trying to impress the woman he loves, Mrs. Death. Having destroyed half of the Universe, Thanos encounters resistance led by Adam Warlock (his appearance in the movie is hinted at in the very final scene of Guardians of the Galaxy 2). He leads all the heroes of the Earth with him. When the Infinity Gauntlet is stolen by Thanos' granddaughter Nebula (yes, family ties are a scary thing in the comics), Warlock directs the heroes to fight her, reclaims the gauntlet and uses its power to restore everything Thanos destroyed and bring back to life everyone he killed. Just remember this feature of the Thanos image - it will come in handy when you watch Infinity War.

In Marvel Studios films to date, the stones are distributed as follows:

Space Stone(Tesseract) appears in Captain America: The First Avenger. The Red Skull uses it in the development of the sinister organization Hydra, and Loki uses it to negotiate with the leader of the alien race Chitauri about an attack on Earth. He was in Asgard, from where Loki stole him in the film Thor: Ragnarok.

Reality Stone(Aether), which penetrates space and time and turns matter into dark matter, is located in the Collector, where it was taken at the end of Thor 2: The Dark World.

Stone of Power(The Sphere) increases the wielder's power and requires enormous willpower to contain it. Found by the Nova Corps on the planet Zandar - thanks to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Mind Stone(Loki's scepter) suppresses willpower, manipulates thoughts. Was in the possession of Baron von Strucker and Hydra in Europe and was used for experimentation on humans. Only Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch survived. Now the Mind Stone shines in Vision's forehead.

Time Stone(Eye of Agamotto), capable of showing the owner the past and future, as well as manipulating time in every possible way, is worn by Doctor Strange.

Soul Stone gives its owner power over all living and dead souls - in other words, gives complete control over all life in the Universe. His whereabouts are unknown.

In principle, Thanos can collect all six stones all alone. But why, if every reputable villain has henchmen?

The new droog is better than the old two

Members of the Black Order are perhaps the most mysterious characters in the new Avengers. They were invented by Jonathan Hickman for the 2013 comic Infinity (published in Russian), so these guys are not just young, they are practically supernovas. A team of brutal aliens helping Thanos deal with unruly worlds.

In the comics, the order is called the beautiful phrase Cull Obsidian and consists of five aliens. In the movie, they left four and called them the children of Thanos. Here they are.

Corvus Glaive

Favorite general of Thanos's army. Cruel, vicious, arrogant. In search of glory, he betrayed his people and sold his soul to the Mad Titan. Outwardly, he is the complete opposite of his boss - thin and agile. Immortal. Very strong, fast and durable. An excellent tactician. After several clashes with earthly superheroes, he fled home and organized his own Black Order, recruiting an army throughout the galaxy. He committed suicide, then rose again to die again. In the film, Corvus is played by Michael James Shaw, known for the TV series Constantine.

Proxima Midnight

The only woman of the Black Order in the film, the wife of Corvus Glaive. Impressive fighting abilities. She was sent to Earth to retrieve the Infinity Stone from Namor (spoiler: he didn't have the stone), but ran into the new Avengers. She went in search of Mjolnir with Hela, who later killed her in front of Thanos. In the film, she is played by Carrie Coon, star of the TV series Fargo and The Leftovers.

Ebony Mo

The brain of Thanos' army. Moe's frail body combines a sophisticated mind with the ability to telepathy, telekinesis and control the minds of others. In the comics, when the Mad Titan targeted Earth, Maw went to Doctor Strange, successfully enslaved his mind and forced him to summon the demon Shuma-Gorath. In the film, Ebony Maw is played by Irish actor Benedict Cumberbatch, and the rest will fight other Avengers. Can we expect that someone from the Black Order will go over to the side of good? No. Betraying Thanos costs you more.

Thanos on screen

Thanos' first appearance in a big movie was in the post-credits scene of The Avengers. He is played by Damion Poitier, listed in the credits as Male No. 1. The Chitauri leader reports to him, bowing: “People... They turned out to be not as cowardly as they promised us. They fought back. They are rebellious and therefore impossible to rule. Challenging them is like seeking favor from Death.” In response to this, the Mad Titan just grins - he’s just fine with Death.

The second time we see Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy is in the film itself. Ronan the Accuser comes to him, demanding that the Kree mission be taken seriously. Thanos answers him, sitting on a flying throne: “I only take you lightly, boy! Your intrigues bore me. You are acting like a disgruntled child, and, as I see it, you have lost the favor of my beloved daughter Gamora.” At the end of the scene, Nebula, who had previously been silently observing the dialogue, advises Ronan not to get into trouble. Here Thanos already looks like Josh Brolin, who voiced him, but director James Gunn's brother, Sean Gunn, played on the Mad Titan set. He also moves around as Rocket and plays one of the space pirates.

Finally, the third film where the purple villain appears is . And again on the credits. "Okay, I'll do it myself," says the Mad Titan, donning the Infinity Gauntlet. There are no stones on it yet, and he will come for them in the film “Avengers: Infinity War”.

After 10 years and 18 films of Marvel featuring wildly different villains, it's time for a major event. "Avengers: Infinity War" hits theaters around the world in April (in Russia on May 3) and finally arrives on Earth. This is not the best news for those who will have to face him in battle, but it is definitely an expected event for fans.

Thanos wasn't exactly a bad guy when he started out. But in his goal of “cosmic balance” and the desire to impress Lady Death, he more than once had to collide with other heroes. Because if Thanos decides to be cruel, he can be unbearably, mercilessly cruel. This villain destroyed planets and entire sections of space with literally a snap of his fingers.

While there have been plenty of hints about what the Mad Titan is like in the MCU thus far, fans will simply need to look to the comics to understand just how powerful and brutal Thanos can be, as well as what we can expect from him in the film.

For this list, we'll count down the worst things Thanos has ever done in Marvel comics history, taking into account alternate universes and various incarnations of the villain.

1. This wonderful feeling is “love”

As you'd expect from a homicidal villain, Thanos delights in the very concept of death. Luckily for him, Marvel has a character who represents everything the Mad Titan loves and craves. There is no need to register on dating sites or go to bars in the evenings - Thanos knows perfectly well who his ideal match is. The good news for him is that Lady Death is a beautiful young lady only when she doesn't look like a skeleton. But basically, this is exactly what she looks like, although, as a cosmic entity, she can take any form.

However, Death is in no hurry to reciprocate his love, and openly “friendzons” Thanos, since she believes that he is much lower than her. Most of the time, Lady Death sends her minions to do her dirty work. This is basically what the Mad Titan does. He is so desperate to gain Death's favor that he constantly does strange, cruel and dangerous things for its attention.

2. Offended child

Born on the planet Titan, one of the last sons of Mentor and Suey-Sain, Baby Thanos was very different from his siblings. An unexplained, ugly mutation led to a lack of parental attention and dire consequences in the future.

In general, Thanos, like a typical teenage rebel, messed up a lot. First he fell in love with Death, then he spent years using a combination of bionics and meditation to become stronger, and then he stole a spaceship and hired an army of soldiers. And all this in order to go to his native Titan and declare war on it. And at the same time kill his mother, who did not devote time and did not give all that love to the child whose face looked like a raisin.

We won't blame Thanos for being so angry, but declaring war and killing his own mother, in my opinion, is a bit too much of a rebellion.

3. Rubber Wolverine

In the Infinity Gauntlet comic book series, many valiant heroes try to defeat Thanos. He kills the Wasp, the Scarlet Witch, encloses Cyclops' head in a transparent, airtight block, in which the unfortunate Cattle dies from lack of oxygen, but the Titan does the most sophisticated thing to Wolverine.

Logan leaps at the enemy and impales him with his claws, but it was foolish to assume that adamantium claws alone could defeat a virtually immortal villain. Thanos responds to this prank easily and naturally: he simply turns Wolverine’s skeleton into rubber.

Fortunately, the hero has the ability to heal himself, but the way he falls to the ground and screams in agony makes the reader shrug his shoulders nervously.

4. “Snap!” - and half the planet is as if it had never happened

One of the most spectacular moments in the last trailer In Infinity War, there is a scene where Gamora tells Iron Man about Thanos, explaining that if the villain gets all the Infinity Stones, he can destroy the planet with a snap of his fingers.

It's a scary moment, but it's important to note that in the original comic book series, this is exactly what Thanos does.

The Mad Titan collects six soul gems and shows his love to Mistress Death with one simple gesture. Snapping his fingers, Thanos wipes out half of all living things from the face of the Earth. Even Mephisto can’t believe that the villain would do such a thing, and he’s supposed to be the devil.

I thought a little about how easy it would be to snap your fingers while wearing a huge glove, but that's probably not the most important part of the scene.

5. When kids disappoint

Let's be clear: Thanos is not Gamora's biological father (the fact that she's green should have suggested that). The titan saved the little heroine after her race was destroyed, and thus she became the adopted daughter of the villain.

But the only fatherly duty that Thanos fulfilled perfectly was gifting the girl with superpowers. And at the same time, he turned Gamora into a weapon for his own use.

Just like in the MCU, the daughter eventually turned against her father. Thanos' plans to destroy the universe as a gift to Mistress Death did not impress Gamora, and she attempted to kill the Mad Titan. But she failed, and Thanos deprived the girl of her life and himself of a glass of water in retirement.

6. Hulk, to the leg

Most heroes are dead, but not Bruce Banner. He gets the dubious privilege of staying alive as the villain's pet dog. Thanos keeps the Hulk on a leash near his throne or in a pit filled with bones. In the same pit, by the way, lie the bones of Steve Rogers, the former Captain America, who became a hearty meal for the dog Hulk.

7. No competitors

- these are conversations in your own head or with readers, an endless stream of humor and constant attempts by enemies to tear it apart. But the hero is able to emerge victorious from most skirmishes, thanks to his miraculous regeneration. However, he cannot cope with what the Mad Titan did to him.

In the crossover series “Deadpool vs. Thanos,” the latter completely crushed the hero. Literally. The only 3D part of Deadpool is his ribs, which protrude from his completely flattened body. In addition, Thanos cursed his enemy, giving him immortality.

But what makes my eyebrows rise is the reason why Thanos treated the humorous mercenary the way he did. It turns out that Lady Death paid attention to Deadpool and showed her favor to him, and the Mad Titan was not going to put up with competition. So he summoned mysterious forces and cursed Wilson into an eternal existential nightmare until everyone he knows and loves dies. This is how Thanos decided to distract his opponent from his “girlfriend.”

It’s not that we don’t understand how difficult it is to compete for the love of such a woman, but, Thanos, it’s somehow completely childish.

8. Too Much Thanos

Can you imagine what would happen if all the villains suddenly decided to clone themselves? Of course, this is a good way to get rid of superheroes who are constantly trying to win and destroy you.

So Thanos once had an interesting thought that an army of clones was what was needed to fulfill all his insidious plans. Titan gathered clones of his enemies, whom he considered worthy, and named his new squad simply and beautifully - “Thanos”. The team turned out to be interesting: here you have Thanos-Iron Man, and Thanos-Galactus, and Thanos-Doctor Strange, and of course just Thanos.

The idea was good, but as always, something went wrong. The main villain was unable to cope with the role of leader, and he failed to maintain the morale of the army. Thanos destroyed the Iron Man clone with his laser. Omega, a clone of Galactus, was also scrapped after an unsuccessful attempt to blow up the Universe. In general, “Thanos” did not live up to the hopes of its commander.

9. This is how love ends

The Earth X comic book series reveals a Marvel future in which Black Bolt unleashes a special mist on Earth that gives all humans superpowers. Similar to Magneto's attempts in the first X-Men movie, but this is the only plan that actually works. And everything collapses.

Thanos is hanging out with Death as usual, but their relationship isn't what it used to be. Mistress Death has apparently realized that the Mad Titan is not someone who can be trusted, so the lady tells Thanos that she is his mother. Such is the reference to King Oedipus in the mind of the Titan.

Mar-Vell later tells Thanos of his true origins, catching Death in a lie. The Emotional Titan takes Mar-Vell's powerful weapon and uses it to destroy Death.

This causes many difficulties, most notably the fact that now no one can die. But this is a task for a sequel. Because Thanos doesn't solve problems, he creates them.

10. And let no one leave offended

The Infinity Gauntlet gives Thanos unlimited power. To prove his invincibility, the supervillain destroys the entire Avengers team. Many tried to stop the Titan, but even such giants as the Hulk and the Thing were ground into powder. Thanos turned Thor into glass, Cyclops suffocated in crystal, and Iron Man had no chance at all.

But the death of Steve Rogers was especially tragic. The captain insisted to the last that Thanos can be defeated, but as soon as he finishes his fiery speech, the insane villain destroys his shield and then kills Rogers with a powerful blow.

Of course, not all of Thanos's cruel deeds and crimes were included in the list. But one way or another, viewers of Infinity War need to be prepared for the death of their favorite heroes, because the Mad Titan spares no one.

Thanos(Thanos) also known by the aliases The Mad Titan, Overlord, Supreme Master is a fictional character, . Debuted in the Bronze Age of Comics, in the comic Iron Man to #55 (1973) and was created by writer-artist Jim Sterlin. The character's name is a derivation of Thanatos, the personification of death in Greek mythology. Thanos has appeared in many Marvel Comics products, including animated films, video games, films and toys.

In 2009, Thanos was ranked 47th on IGN's list of the 100 Greatest Comic Book Villains.

Publication history

Thanos first appeared in an extended storyline spanning the comic book series" Iron Man to "No. 55 in February 1973," Captain Marvel"No. 25-33 (March 1973 - January 1974), " Marvel Feature" No. 12 (November 1973), " Daredevil"No. 107 (January 1974) and " Avengers"#125 (July 1974) He returned in another major comic book series-spanning storyline." Strange Tales"No. 178-181 (February-August 1975), " Warlock"No. 9-11 (October 1975 - January 1976), " Marvel Team Up"#55 (March 1977) and the 1977 yearbook for Avengers And Marvel Two-in-One. He was also featured in a short story in the comic book " Logan's Run"#6 (June 1977) and had a small role in the graphic novel" Death of Captain Marvel" (April 1982).

The character was resurrected in the comic" Silver Surfer"vol. 3 #34 (February 1990) and appeared there as a guest star until issue #50 (June 1991), while also appearing in " Thanos Quest"No. 1-2 (September-October 1990) and " Infinity Gauntlet"#1-42 (February 1992 - August 1995). Thanos also had a recurring role in " Warlockand Infinity Watch"#1-42 (February 1992 - August 1995). She was continued with a crossover appearance" Endless War"No. 1-6 (June-November 1993), " Silver Surfer"vol. 3 No. 86-88 (November 1993 - January 1994), " Warlock Chronicles" №6-8, "Thor"No. 468-471 (November 1993 - February 1994), " Secret Defenders"No. 11-14 (January - April 1994), " Cosmic Power"No. 1-6 (March-July 1994) and " Unlimited Cosmic Power"No. 1 (May 1995).

Thanos appeared in a related storyline between episodes." Ka-Zar"vol. 2 No. 4-11 (August 1997 - March 1998), " Ka-Zar Annual"(1997) and" X-Man and Hulk Annual"(1998), then appeared in" Thor"vol. 2 #21-25 (March - July 2000) and in the 2000 annual. The character was used in " Captain Marvel"vol. 4 No. 17-19 (June - August 2001), " Avengers: Celestial Quest"No. 1-8 (November 2001 - June 2002) and " Endless Abyss"No. 1-6 (August - October 2002).

In 2004, Thanos received a 12-issue comic book series of the same name. In 2006, the character played an important role in the comic strip " Annihilation: Silver Surfer"No. 1-4 (June-September 2006) and " Annihilation"#1-6 (October 2006 - March 2007). The character was reintroduced in the comic" Guardians of the Galaxy"vol. 2 No. 24-25 (April - May 2010) and played an important role in " The Thanos Imperative: Ignition" (June 2010) and " Thanos Imperative"No. 1-6 (July - December 2010).

The character is back in the comic" Avengers, general gathering"No. 1 (March 2012). Mini-series called " Thanos: Son of Titan", by Joe Keating was scheduled for publication in August 2012, but was cancelled.


Thanos was born on one of Saturn's moons, Titan. His parents were the Eternals, Mentor and Suey-Sain. Thanos turned out to be the carrier of the Deviant gene, and therefore bore the appearance features of a race related to the Eternals. Although he was treated fairly, Thanos became very concerned with his appearance and isolated himself, playing only with his brother Eros (Starfox). Thanos became very interested in nihilism and death, and began serving and ultimately falling in love with the physical embodiment of death, Mistress Death. As an adult, Thanos used his knowledge of bionics and mysticism to become the most powerful of Titan's inhabitants, and was often referred to as the Mad Titan.

Cosmic Cube and Infinity Stones

Wanting to impress Mistress Death, Thanos gathers his own army of aliens and begins a nuclear bombardment of Titan, which leads to millions of casualties among his race. In search of a universal source of power in the form of the Cosmic Cube, Thanos arrives on Earth. While landing, his ship destroys the car of a family nearby who witnessed his arrival. Unknown to Thanos, two in the car survived: the father's spirit was preserved by Thanos' grandfather, who became the embodiment of time Chronos, and received a new life, becoming Drax the Destroyer, and the daughter was found by Thanos' father, Mentor; she grew up to become the heroine Moondragon. Thanos eventually found the Cube and attracted the attention of Mistress Death. Wishing for the Cube to make him omnipotent, Thanos then gets rid of it. He imprisons Chronos and tortures the Kree hero Captain Marvel, who, with the help of the Avengers and ISAAC (a super-computer on Titan), eventually defeats Thanos and destroys the Cube.

Thanos later comes to aid Adam Warlock in his war against Magus and his religious empire. During this alliance, Thanos hatched a plan to unite with Mistress Death, secretly siphoning energy from Warlock's Soul Stone and combining it with the power of the other Infinity Stones to create a weapon capable of destroying a star. Warlock calls the Avengers and Captain Marvel to stop Thanos, but the plan fails and Thanos kills Warlock. Titan regroups his forces and captures the heroes, who are later freed by Spider-Man and the Thing. Thanos is eventually stopped by Warlock, whose spirit combines with the Soul Stone and turns Thanos to stone. The spirit of Thanos is then shown joining the spirit of Captain Marvel in the land of Death.

Other adventures

Thanos later recruited a team of supervillains from Earth and placed them under Guitar's field leadership to retrieve a robot containing the knowledge of the Universal Library. Thanos used the information gleaned from the robot to defeat Tyrant, Galactus' failed creation. While trapped in an alternate reality, Thanos used the help of Ka-Zar's brother Parnival the Predator and later the Hulk to escape, although both attempts were unsuccessful. Thanos eventually freed himself and fought Thor, during which Thanos destroyed the planet Rigel 3.

Thanos then used Thor and Genis-Vell (Captain Marvel's son) against the death god Walker, who attempted to woo Mistress Death, and then destroys the deity after Thanos was refused. Thanos then devises a plan to become the All-Father of the new race of Gods he created. However, he was opposed by former Avengers member Mantis and her son Quoi, seemingly destined to become the Celestial Messiah. Thanos abandons the plan after teaming up with Mistress Death to destroy "The Mouth", an aberration in deep space caused by Thanos' love for Death. Thanos also once conducted extensive research into genetics, and after studying many of the universe's heroes and villains, he cloned them and mixed their DNA with his own. Although he later left the project, five clones survived, versions of Professor X, Iron Man, Gladiator, Doctor Strange and Galactus. A sixth, unnamed version of Thanos also appears, and it turns out that the incarnations of Thanos that fought Thor and Ka-Zar were his clones. The real Thanos - with the help of , Pip Troll, Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange - destroys the remaining clones.

When an ancient Egyptian pharaoh named Akhenaten used a source of cosmic power to seize power on Earth in the present day (killing most of Earth's heroes in the process), Thanos uses time-traveling cunning to defeat him. Thanos then used the artifact to correct Akhenaten's actions and also correct the flaw in the universe. Changed by this experience, Thanos tells Adam Warlock that he will no longer seek ways to take over the Universe.

Thanos decided to atone for the destruction of Rigel 3 and agrees to help the Rigelian colony evacuate the planet before Galactus consumes it. During this mission, Thanos learns that Galactus is collecting the Infinity Stones in an attempt to end his universal hunger. Thanos later learns that Galactus has been manipulated into unleashing a cosmic menace known as the Famine, which is consuming entire universes. Despite Thanos' resistance, Galactus frees the creature, but when the creature's intentions become clear, Galactus and Thanos team up to destroy it.

On his way to the Kyln, an intergalactic prison, Thanos encounters Death, who speaks to him for the first time. Death declares that this is worth courting, but he must offer something other than Death. In the Kyln, Thanos discovers both the warrior Gladiator, both imprisoned, and the Beyonder, who has become amnesiac because he decided to take the form of a mortal woman. Thanos battled the Beyonder and caused his mind to shut down, leaving his power trapped in the comatose mortal body. Thanos then instructed the Kyln officers to keep the Beyonder alive forever to prevent the deity from being reborn. Thanos leaves the Kyln in the company of Skrit, a Chaosmite freed from prison. Thanos then meets the Fallen One, the former Herald of Galactus. Thanos defeated the former Herald and completely subdued his consciousness.

Other versions

Ultimate Marvel

In the imprint" Ultimate Marvel"In the Ultimate Fantastic Four series, an alternate version of Thanos appears who is the ruler of Acheron (and has a son named Ronan the Accuser, possessed by the Cube), a vast empire consisting of thousands of worlds existing on different planes of existence.

In the alternate universe described in the limited series" Earth X", Thanos resides in the Region of the Dead along with the deity Death.

Marvel Zombies

Thanos featured in limited series" Marvel Zombies 2", which takes place in the alternate universe of Earth-2149. Having been "zombified", the character is killed by the Hulk after an argument over food.

Amalgam Comics

During the 1996 crossover Amalgam Comics, which combined DC Comics and Marvel characters, Thanos was combined with Darkseid to become Thanoside.


Thanos is a member of a mutant race of superhumans known as the Titanian Eternals. The character has abilities characteristic of the Eternal, but enhanced to a greater extent due to a combination of mutation. He possesses enormous superhuman strength, endurance and durability, Thanos can absorb and project vast amounts of cosmic energy, and has the ability of telekinesis, telepathy and matter manipulation. Thanos is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant who received training in the arts of war on Titan.

Thanos is, in fact, a genius in every known field of advanced science and has created technology far superior to modern science on Earth. He often uses a dynamic chair capable of space flight, force field projection, teleportation, time travel, and travel through alternate universes. Thanos is also a master strategist and uses several spaceships, at least 3 called the Sanctuary, as his base of operations.

In the media

Cartoon series

Silver Surfer", voiced by Gary Crawford. Became the main antagonist of the Surfer after he left Galactus. In the last episode of the animated series, the Silver Surfer fought with him to save the Universe, but since the series was not completed (only 13 episodes were filmed instead of the planned 26 ), the outcome of the fight remained unknown.

Superhero Squad", voiced by Steven Blum in the first season, and Jim Cummings in the second.

Thanos appears at the end of the first season of the animated series" Avengers, general assembly!"

Thanos appears in the animated series " Guardians of the Galaxy", where he was voiced by Isaac S. Singleton Jr..


Thanos appears in the first post-credits scene of the film" Avengers", where he was played by actor Damion Poitier.

Thanos appears in the film " Guardians of the Galaxy", the character was played by actor Josh Brolin. He appears towards the middle of the film, where he tells Ronan his demands.

Thanos appears in the film " Avengers: Age of Ultron", the character was played by actor Josh Brolin. Thanos appears in the post-credits scene, in which he takes the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos appears in the film " Avengers: Infinity War. Part 1", the role of the character was played by actor Josh Brolin. He is supposed to become the main villain of the film. He will also appear in the film " Avengers: Infinity War. Part 2", the character will be played by actor Josh Brolin.


Thanos is downloadable DLC for " Lego Marvel superheroes".

Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes".
Thanos appears briefly in the game's epilogue" Marvel: Ultimate Alliance".
Thanos is the main boss in the game" Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems".

Thanos appears in the game" Marvel: Avengers Alliance". He is featured in the 13th mission, which is based on the Infinity storyline. In the 20th mission, titled Guardians of the Galaxy, it is said that Thanos is still trapped in the amber region of Thane.

Thanos appears in the game" Marvel Pinball"The Infinity Gauntlet, narrated by Isaac K. Singleton Jr..

Thanos appears as a downloadable character in the game" Lego Marvel Super Heroes", narrated by John DiMaggio.

Thanos is a playable character in the game" Marvel Super Hero Squad Online".

Thanos appears in the game" Marvel Contest of Champions", a free-to-play mobile fighting game released by Kabam in 2014.

Thanos is one of the greatest Big Takes not only in Marvel, but in comics in general. He is a terrifyingly powerful entity, capable of destroying galaxies and leaving horror in his wake.

Born on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, Thanos is a member of the Eternals, a race of god-like beings.

Since debut in Iron Man #55 Back in February 1973, the Mad Titan was a problem for many heroes, including the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy and his nemesis, Adam Warlock.

During the saga "Infinity" 1991, he threatened the entire universe by acquiring all six Infinity Gems. He destroyed half the Universe, turned Toar into glass, destroyed Cyclops, and made rubber out of Wolverine to impress Mistress Death.

We all know that Thanos has become the main villain in the expected "Avengers: Infinity War", which cannot but rejoice. After appearances in The Avengers, " Avengers: Age of Ultron" And "Guardians of the Galaxy", Thanos brought chaos to Earth. Let's look at lesser-known facts about the character.

Here are 15 things even comic book fans don't know about Thanos.

15. Thanos is able to lift Thor's hammer, but not because he is worthy

"Whoever holds this hammer, if he is worthy, will have the power of Thor." This is what the inscription on Mjolnir says. There should actually be a footnote that says "Unless they have the Infinity Stones."

Even though Thanos was definitely considered "unworthy", he could pick up the enchanted weapon due to his possession of the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanks to the powers of the Power Stone, which gives its owner extraordinary power, and the capabilities of the Reality Stone, which transforms what is real into what is not real, the Mad Titan had no problems with this.

Although Thor's hammer is an extremely powerful weapon, there is no point in Thanos using it, since the power of the Infinity Gauntlet with all the stones is much higher.

14. Thanos was originally played by a different actor

Thanos' first appearance in the post-credits scene in The Avengers film blew the minds of many people. This was the first time the world saw Thanos on the big screen. Although he didn't say anything, his beautiful grin was enough for the audience.

For this brief scene, Thanos was played by relatively unknown actor Damion Poitier. Poitier didn't really have the privileges that most stars in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have. So it's no surprise that Marvel Studios might have replaced him back in 2012.

In an interview with MTV News, Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, said that they may replace the actor in the future, this was thrown in literally at one time and will be based on what role Thanos will play in the future.

After that, the choice fell on Josh Brolin, who took the Infinity Gauntlet and it seems that it was the perfect choice.

13. Thanos's greatest weakness... Uncertainty

Thanos doesn't have kryptonite to harm him, but he does have one big weakness: uncertainty.

Despite being the most powerful being, Thanos always loses. He has killed millions and millions, he makes heroes shake in their legs, and yet he always loses. Why is this happening?

Because deep down, Thanos doesn't want to win. Every time he is about to win, doubt settles in him and he fails. Adam Warlock believes this is due to the fact that Thanos does not consider himself a supreme being.

12. Thanos is based on Darkseid

Before Jim Starlin created Thanos, he took a lot of inspiration from his idol Jack Kirby. Kirby moved from Marvel to DC and went on to do some of the most innovative work of his career, creating the New Gods, one of which was Darkseid. And Jim Starlin, in turn, took an idea from his idol to create the coolest villain for Marvel.

Thanos and Darkseid are very similar. Luckily, Jim Starlin at least changed the skin tones from gray to purple. Thanos' goals are similar to Darkseid's, but they are still different. Thanos wants to introduce death into the universe, and Darkade's main goal is to find the Anti-Life Equation.

11. Thanos was originally based on another character.

While the resemblance to Darkseid is as clear as day, this was not always the case. When Jim Starlin originally had the idea for the Mad Titan, he was inspired by another character, Metronome, the skinny, non-threatening New God. This image is a far cry from the muscular monster that comic book fans have come to love.

Starlin attributes the change in image to editor Roy. Upon seeing Project Metronome, Thomas said, "If you're going to steal one of the New Gods, at least steal Darkseid, he's really good!"

But Metronome gave Thanos his floating throne.

10. Thanos and Deadpool have the same love interests

There is one lady in the entire universe that both Thanos and Darkseid tried to fool. And this is Lady Death.

Thanos acquired the Infinity Gauntlet and set out to destroy the universe just to impress Death. Complete destruction of all living beings; who wouldn't want a gift like that?

But maybe the purple bodybuilder isn't her type, maybe Death prefers someone who can make her laugh. This is where Deadpool comes in. He also fell in love with the Mistress of Death. He was amazed by her, because only with her he was close to death and felt alive. And Thanos, the bully, cursed Deadpool with immortality. Poor Wade.

9. Thanos celebrates Christmas

The same Titan that brings trouble to the entire galaxy has a weakness for the most wonderful time of the year. Yes, Thanos loves Christmas.

In a short story entitled "Yule Memory" Thanos shows that he's not all bad when he gives his "adopted daughter" a doll and he even decorated a Christmas tree for the occasion.

8. Thanos was born a villain

We can't blame Thanos for being one of the most evil beings the universe has ever seen. He was born this way. Even in the womb it was clear that something was wrong with this child.

Born with what is called deviant syndrome, Thanos was hated by his race because he looked like their enemies: deviants.

Besides being cosmetically different, having tough, purple skin and black eyes with glowing pupils, the deviant syndrome gave Thanos a wide range of abilities.

His strength and speed far exceed those of his species, and he also possesses energy manipulation, telepathy, and telekinesis. All of these traits are seen as evil by his race - so much so that his mother tried to kill him.

What really made him an insane villain was that he was rejected even by his closest relatives and cast out for his difference from the others. If only someone would hug him.

7. Thanos' brother is also a big problem

Thanos and Eros may be brothers, but they are too different. One of them is a vile, despicable being who constantly destroys the lives of those around him, and the other is Thanos.

Seriously, Eros, or Starfox, is one of the most problematic heroes in the Marvel Universe. Sure, he has a number of standard powers such as strength and fighting, but he can also control the emotions of those around him and abuses this. In fact, he regularly uses his powers to attract women.

6. Thanos was voiced by the same actor as Winnie the Pooh

Since he's one of the most powerful villains, it's no surprise that we've seen Thanos on television a lot. He was one of the main antagonists of the short-lived cartoon "Silver Surfer" in the 90s, where he was voiced by Gary Crawford.

Most recently, Thanos appeared in both the Avengers animated series and Guardians of the Galaxy, where Isaac S. Singleton Jr. lent his voice.

In between these shows, there was a superhero show. The young audience for whom the show was created saw the Mad Titan voiced by veteran actors Steven Blum and Jim Cummings.

Bloom has also voiced the Marvel character Wolverine in shows such as "Wolverine" And "X-Men". Cummings has voiced other comic book characters such as Shocker and Chameleon, but most interestingly, he has also portrayed Winnie the Pooh and Tigger.

5. Thanos was a farmer

We already know that Thanos' main goal is to destroy all living beings from the face of the Universe, but there is another hobby: agriculture.

After he seemingly died at the end of the comic "Infinity Gauntlet", it turned out that he was taken to another planet. He was visited by Adam Warlock and Pip Troll, who were a little surprised to see Thanos taking up the simple life of a farmer.

The once omnipotent being, having suffered an epic loss, decides to live a “quiet life.” Of course, he later returned to his usual activities and took possession of the soul stone and joined the Infinity Watch.

4. Thanos was defeated by Squirrel Girl

Thanos went toe-to-toe with some of the most powerful beings. In the past, he has fought the likes of the Silver Surfer and Galactus. He even fought Eternity. They will go down in history as some of the most epic wars ever fought.

But there was still one skirmish that Thanos would definitely want removed from the records. This was his defeat to Squirrel Girl. That's right, Thanos was defeated by a girl who can talk to squirrels.

3. Thanos' father and grandfather want him dead

We all know Drax the Destroyer from the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, played superbly by Dave Bautista. In these films, Drax seeks revenge on Thanos for killing his family. In the comics this goes even further.

Drax was a man known as Arthur Douglas who, along with his wife and daughter, was killed by the Mad Titan. Douglas will soon be resurrected by Thanos' father and grandfather, Mentor and Kronos.

Like the rest of their race, Mentor and Kronos hated Thanos from birth. They always had it because of his Diviance Syndrome.

Drax was imbued with incredible power and authority to do one thing: kill Thanos. Ultimately, the Destroyer completed his task when he ripped out Thanos' heart.

2. Thanos was a good guy

The problem threatening the universe is truly great when you need Thanos' help. This is exactly what happened when Adam Warlock expelled evil and good from his soul, which took on corporeal forms. The evil half called itself Magus.

Warlock then divided the Infinity Gems among members of a group known as Infinity Watch. Members of the group included Warlock, Drax, Gamora, Moondragon, Pip, and even Thanos. The Mad Titan is entrusted with the most powerful stone: the Soul Gem.

After all, the Evil part of Warlock's soul, known as the Magus, had his own views on obtaining the Infinity Gauntlet. This led to the events of Infinity War. Thanos and Warlock put aside their differences to defeat the dark copy of Adam.

1. Thanos wants to destroy the universe for good purposes

Titan, Thanos' home planet, was on the verge of destruction.

He offered to destroy half of the planet's population in order to save Titan itself, but he was refused and that is why he wants to destroy half of the universe.

Thanos - Character History

Thanos - History of the character in the Marvel comics universe

Marvel Universe
Real name
Mad Titan, owner, Thanos Rex, Masterlord, conquer
No double identity
Place of Birth
Eternal Colony, Titan (moon of Saturn)
First performance
Iron Man #55 (1973)
Silver Surfer #37 (1990)
On Saturn's moon Titan lived a colony of Eternals, and Thanos was born as one of the last sons of the original colonists, Didact and Sui San. However, he was born deformed and monstrous compared to the other Eternals, especially his handsome and carefree brother, Starfox, and Thanos turned into a melancholy, brooding man, consumed by the concept of death. More than any of his men, Thanos sought personal power and increased his strength by providing himself with cybernetic implants until he became more powerful than any of his brothers.

At some point he was exiled from his community, although accounts differ as to his reason. Some say it was because he committed the crime of being the first to create the weapon. Thanos himself once claimed that he vivisected his own mother in an attempt to investigate how someone consumed by death such as himself could have come into being.
Growing in power and infamy as he traveled the universe, Thanos one day encountered Death itself, as it seemed to him incarnated in female form. Thanos was infatuated with the creature and tried to make himself worthy in order to earn her love in return. With an army under his command, he nearly destroyed his former home of Titan, declaring himself its ruler. He then sought out the powerful Cosmic Cube and the heroes of many Earths gathered to oppose it. With the power of the Cube, Thanos made himself a god, and he easily resisted Captain Marvel and the Avengers.

However, Captain Marvel managed to convince Thanos that he had drained the Cube of its power, and the Mad Titan abandoned him. This allowed Mar-Vell to capture the Cube and return the universe to its rightful order and drain Thanos of his power. Thanos was shunted back to where he first began his bid for power and was rescued by his spaceship, Sanctuary II.

Thanos believed that Death had rejected him after his failure with the Cosmic Cube, and so he began searching the universe for powerful Soul Gems, one of which was used by Adam Warlock. Thanos also learned of the threat of Magus, a future version of Adam Warlock who would threaten Thanos' own plans. Thanos was determined to make sure that Magus' future never happened. Using time travel, he created the perfect pawn for his future fight - the deadliest woman in the universe.

He saved Gamora as an infant and trained her to be his personal assassin. He also joined forces with Adam Warlock to oppose the Magus, who was using his world-conquering Universal Church of Truth to create a fanatical empire. With this alliance, Thanos helped ensure that Warlock would never become the Magus, and at the same time, he managed to absorb certain energies from Warlock's Soul Gem, which would aid him in his subsequent plot.

Villain Thanos - biography of the Marvel hero

One by one, Thanos collected the five other Soul Gems, combining them all into a huge, single, synthetic Soul Gem. He then began to extinguish the stars themselves, hoping thus to extinguish all living beings in tribute to death. Thanos was rejected by Gamora, but he killed her, as well as Troll Corn, who was looking for Adam Warlock. Warlock learned of Thanos' activities and recruited Captain Marvel and the Avengers to once again oppose the Mad Titan.

Captain Marvel managed to destroy the synthetic Soul Gem, but Thanos captured the Avengers and even killed Adam Warlock after an intense one-on-one battle. Spider-Man was there to help save the heroes, and with the help of Lord Chaos and Prime Order, bring Warlock back to life. Warlock's restoration washed him away with cosmic power, and he again fought Thanos, who was defeated but not killed. The Eternal was turned to immovable stone - an ironic punishment, since the lover of Death would forever be denied his embrace.

Death did indeed visit Thanos, however. This restored him and provided him with even more power, leading him to believe that the universe was out of balance in terms of life and death and that Thanos was needed to restore that balance. Thanos then proceeded to reassemble the Soul Gems, now called the Infinity Gems, and created the powerful Infinity Gauntlet.

With a simple thought, Thanos was able to wipe out half of the universe's population of living beings, and once again he had enough right to make himself an omnipotent being. Many of Earth's heroes and heroes from across the galaxy came to oppose him, and they were joined by other abstract businesses who knew that Thanos' new powers made him a threat to all existence. Thanos defeated them all again.

Ultimately, however, Death rejected him as Thanos' powers placed him on the plane beyond. Thanos was distraught, and this momentary mistake allowed Nebula, who Thanos had been toying with for having accepted to be related to him, to gain control of the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos was forced to join the Sorcerer and the other heroes, and the Sorcerer finished with the Infinity Gauntlet, returning the universe to its natural state before Thanos' intervention, and the Sorcerer divided the Gems among various guardians, which became the Infinity Clock.

Thanos himself was exiled by Warlock to an uninhabited planet, and he collected himself as a simple farmer, seemingly content to spend the rest of his days as a hermit. However, perhaps due to his new destiny in life, Thanos was able to sense that Eternity itself had become motionless. He sought out Adam Warlock and the Infinity Clock, traveling to the realm of Death to discover that the Magus had returned and, using the power of the five Cosmic Cubes, was attempting to recreate reality into a twisted, evil version of himself.

During the battle, Magus managed to obtain the Infinity Gauntlet for himself. Thanos then confronted Magus, revealing that the Gauntlet was never at its full power as she was using a fake Reality Gem. This allowed the Magus to be defeated by Eternity and Infinity, and the Infinity Gems were once again separated to their original guardians. (In reality, Thanos was the guardian of the Reality Gem, although only Adam Warlock knew this.)

But while the Magus was the embodiment of the "evil side of the Sorcerer", the threat still remained with the Goddess, the "good side of the Sorcerer", which was created, like the Sorcerer, when the Sorcerer held the Infinity Gauntlet. The Goddess gained control of the five Cosmic Cubes and used them to impose a self-righteous "order" on the galaxy, which included trapping Thanos and Warlock in a moving reality. The Sorcerer freed them, and, as part of his plan, gave Thanos his Soul Gem to confront the Goddess.

Thanos defeated many of the galaxy's heroes against the Goddess, but it seemed to prove a senseless massacre - everyone was killed. The Goddess then proceeded to destroy the universe, but this destruction (and the massacre of Thanos and the heroes) was part of an elaborate hallucination created by the Sorcerer. Thanos destroyed the "Cosmic Egg" that held the Cosmic Cubes, stopping the Goddess and returning the universe to normal.

Thanos couldn't wander the universe without becoming restless. He searched for the cosmic Oracle using the temporary pawns Super-Skrull, Nitro, Rhino and Titan Man, using it to discover the existence of the Tyrant. He joined Ganymede, Jack of Hearts, and Legacy in opposing the Tyrant, convincing them that his power would be needed to defeat him. The Tyrant, however, confronted the group almost immediately.

During the conflict, Thanos revealed that he was after the source of the Tyrant's power, a sphere of energy that was siphoned from Galactus's herald, Morg. Thanos further explained the Tyrant's origins, fighting against him while the rest of the heroes escaped. The Tyrant was seemingly defeated and Thanos emerged from the destruction caused by the battle, but without the prize he sought.

The Silver Surfer, long an enemy of Thanos, came to believe that Death was looking for him to be a new consort. Surfer approached Thanos with this concern, but Thanos became angry, attacking Surfer and killing him. Although he appeared to offer the Surfer's body as a sacrifice, Thanos brought the Surfer back to life as an insult. Death retaliated by declaring that Thanos was immortal and thus forever, denying that he had entered her sphere.

Later, Thanos was trapped in a pocket of reality. Parnival Plunder, Ka-Zar's brother, stumbled into Thanos' reality after contact with being Consume, and Thanos set up Parnival to be his pawn. Under Thanos's advice, Parnival created machines that would destroy the Savage Land, but in reality, Thanos absorbed the energy that was released by the machines so that he could open more portals and escape to normal reality. Ka-Zar discovered the truth and fought Thanos himself, and Thanos was thrown into the volcano through one of the portals.

He managed to stay stuck in his pocket dimension, however, although he tried to get out with the help of first the Hulk and then the X-Men as mental ships. The two fought each other due to Thanos' influence, and although the villain managed to return to Earth after such a climactic battle, the two turned on Thanos and forced him to return to pocket reality once again.

However, Thanos managed to free himself at some point when he appeared in Asgard, seeking "Definition", a being of phenomenal cosmic power said to play a major role in the cosmic scheme of eternity. He found allies in Tarakis and the monstrous Mangog, using Mangog to lay waste to the planet Rigel to collect the final components to find Determination.

Thanos found her in the human Therin, but was opposed by Thor and his allies, the Rigellian and Firelord recorder android. All the signs began to fall into place, and Thanos almost gained the power of Ragnarok - the end of the world - as evidenced by Thanos' destruction of an unknown but inhabited planet. However, Thanos fell under attack by Thor and his allies, and Therin cried again for the lives of those killed by Thanos. Her tears seemed to destroy him, causing him to rush into the all-consuming hellfire, appearing to be defeated forever.

During this time, Thanos rejected Death directly, regarding himself as a death god and looking to perform actions on his behalf and not that of anyone else. Soon, the star seemed to announce the maturation of the Celestial Messiah, a being of some cosmic significance. Thanos left to destroy Mantis, his mother and the Celestial Madonna, regarding her and her son, to be the opposite of his own self-styled divinity. Instead, Mantis managed to restore himself to god-like status by thwarting Thanos and eliciting the help of the Avengers Assembly and their ally, Fragile, to find Quoi before Thanos.

As part of his quest, Thanos encountered the space pirate Reptilian and the alien Prima, imbuing them with power and naming them gods to create a pantheon of his own design. The Avengers and Mantis worked to defeat Thanos' efforts to kill Quoi, and in the process discovered the cosmic Rot, a state of un- that threatened Eternity's existence.

Thanos and the others were forced to work together to defeat the Rot, and eventually Death himself appeared, telling them of the Rot's true origins as the descendant of Death and Thanos, created when Thanos first died and entered into a metaphysical acceptance of Death. Thanos and Death collaborated to destroy the Rot. Thanos eventually escaped, distraught over his role in creating the Rot in the first place and refusal to accept Death's piqued interest in him.

At some point, Thanos began creating duplicates of himself, who later became known as Thanos, each with his own unique aspect that was enhanced through scientific and/or mystical means. These genetic duplicates were kept stagnant, however, when Thanos had no need to test himself against them.

The unrighteous meteor freed many of them, and because of the nihilistic vision they shared with their master, they took it upon themselves to search for the cosmic "anchor" being that kept the universe fixed in its cosmic position and prevented it from falling into deprivation. Final Oblivion. In their search, they were rejected by the Sorcerer, Troll Corn, Gamora, and others, including Thanos himself.

In fact, the Anchor Be, Atlez, independently released duplicates of Thanos so that the Sorcerer was drawn into the conflict and found his replacement, who was born too early but destined to be the next Anchor Be. The duplicates were defeated, and Atlez' replacement was found in time to avert the Final Oblivion, and the universe eventually returned to its natural state.

After these events, there appeared the influential Ankanaten, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, who sought a mystical object known as the Heart of the Universe, from which all energy, physical and metaphysical, is released, and thus gained infinite power. Several heroes tried to stop Ankanathan's rampage, and the conflict brought together Thanos, Galactus and other cosmic beings as well.

Through a mixture of cunning and power, Thanos stole the Heart of the Universe, merging with him to make himself into a god. Having first defeated Unkanathan in ancient Egypt, Thanos remade the universe as if Unkanathan had never appeared, although Thanos remained omnipotent. The intrigue of cosmic power beings such as Eternity and the Living Tribunal has prompted the gathering of almost every super-, god, and cosmic entity (such as Galactus and the Celestials) to help take down Thanos. By rejecting them all, Thanos proved to be too powerful.

He could even kill Astronomical, but look! Thanos decided that the true sign of his ultimate power would be to destroy the universe and become the one true supreme being. However, after performing so, he realized that this role was ultimately hollow, fulfilled and empty, not to mention unnatural. He subsequently reversed the destruction of the universe and erased the Heart from existence. Thus, not only did he deprive himself of power, but he also rendered the entire series of events unenforceable.

Known relatives of Thanos

  • Alars (Mentor, father),
  • Eros (Starfox, brother),
  • Sui San (mother, deceased),
  • Zuras (uncle, deceased),
  • Cybele (aunt), Thena (cousin),
  • Rot (descendants apparently destroyed)

Powers and abilities

Thanos possesses the superhuman physiology of all Eternals, granting him:

  • superhuman strength,
  • endurance,
  • reflections and flexibility.

His skin is almost invulnerable, especially against:

  • heat,
  • cold,
  • electricity,
  • radiation,
  • toxins,
  • aging and illness,
  • and he can survive indefinitely without food or water even before his "curse" from Death left him immortal, unable to die.

His mind is also immune to most forms of psychic attack and can plan psionic energy blasts as well as plasma/cosmic energy blasts from his eyes and hands.


  • Chief Strategist
  • a connoisseur of sciences far beyond Earth technology,
  • some mystical knowledge


None, although he did occasionally use a swinging chair with an additional offensive weapon and the ability to teleport galaxy-wide distances.