An obsolete meaning is a synonym for the word miracle. Miracle origin, etymology

- (lat. miraculum) an unusual event that is difficult to explain, contrary to the natural course of things and attributed by believers to the intervention of supernatural forces (God). According to the views of the Catholic church, a miracle does not violate the integrity... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Miracle, plural miracles, miracles and (colloquially rarely) miracles, miracles, cf. 1. In religious and mythological ideas, a phenomenon that contradicts the laws of nature and cannot be explained by them, but is possible due to the intervention of an otherworldly force. “Into miracles now,... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Freedom of God. Gilbert Chesterton A miracle is when God breaks his own records. Jean Giraudoux The miracle is only a nine-day miracle. English proverb Miracles are where they are believed, and the more they believe, the more often they happen. Denis Diderot Faith works wonders... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Wed. every phenomenon that we cannot explain according to the laws of nature known to us. All miracles are available to God. Christ showed miracles, healed with miracles. | Miracle, extraordinary thing or phenomenon, incident; unexpected and contrary to the foreseen possibility, barely... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

MIRACLE, ah, many. miracles, es, esam, cf. 1. In religious ideas: a phenomenon caused by the intervention of divine power, as well as something generally unprecedented. Complete the hour. Complete the hour. Hope for miracles (when there is no way out, there is no salvation). Part of miracles! ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

miracle- A MIRACLE, ah, cf (or a miracle in feathers, a miracle from the Kunstkamera, a mausoleum miracle, a miracle of Judo, a miracle of the world, etc.). Joking. appeal. Hey you miracle, come here... Dictionary of Russian argot

Miracle- Miracle ♦ Miracle “You have to have truly pathetic arguments to be forced to walk on water like dry land!” – Marcel Conche once remarked to me. These words roughly sum up everything I think about miracles. Events called miracles... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

1) in religious and mythological ideas, a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of a divine, otherworldly force2)] (Translated) something amazing, surprising in its unusualness... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

See THEURGY... The latest philosophical dictionary

English miracle; German Wunder. 1. In religious and mythological beliefs, a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of a divine, otherworldly force. 2. Something striking, outstanding, surprising in its unusualness. Antinazi.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • The Last Miracle. Episode 1: Slum Journey, Last Miracle Studio. For the first time in Russia! The first audio blockbuster. The Last Miracle - Episode 1: Journey into the Slums. Escape. Life after death. He dreams of staying on Earth. Only here there are such oddities as... audiobook
  • The Last Miracle. Episode 2: Unusual Family, Last Miracle Studio. The continuation of the incredible audio blockbuster! The Last Miracle. Episode 2: Unusual family. The difficulties of a beautiful girl. Responsibility with every breath. He dreams of staying on Earth. Only...audiobook

To find a synonym for the word “miracle”, you need to try. Well, really, what word could replace this? Personally, none came to mind. Therefore, I turned my attention to search engines and dictionaries to find the most appropriate designations. To my surprise, there were quite a few such words and phrases.

The meaning of the word "miracle"

This is how they designate an event and an object that refers to something unusual, distinguished by positive qualities. Observing miracles causes a feeling of euphoria, delight and often becomes a key moment of faith in something higher, good and capable of protecting a person in any situation.

One of the most famous miracles is described in the Bible familiar to many. Jesus Christ rose again on the third day after he died. Several situations have been recorded around the world in which doctors managed to save people doomed to death. Each of them mentioned the word miracle.

Suitable synonyms for this word

It turns out that finding a synonym for the word “miracle” is not difficult. Finding the most reliable one with which to replace it is not the easiest task. But it's still worth a try. Here is, for example, a list:
- unprecedented;
- unusual;
- wonderful wonder;
- phenomenon;
- magic.

The global network suggests choosing synonyms for the word “miracle” that have absolutely nothing to do with this definition. Well, what is the connection between a monster and something that exalts? Or what does an unexpected event and miracles have in common? It is clear that both occur contrary to the expectations of the observer, but if the proposed expression is used, then only in conjunction with others. For example, an unexpected combination of circumstances of a positive nature.

Examples of spelling the word “miracle” and its synonyms

A miracle is what happens contrary to common logic, spammed with blocks of everyday consciousness. Thinking about what synonym for the word “miracle” should be chosen, you realize that nothing comes to mind except the magic familiar to many. Apparently, hours of watching animated films take their toll on most people.

In my opinion, a suitable synonym for the word “miracles” is unprecedented. The phenomenon also characterizes well the situation in which something is observed that consciousness is unable to recognize and classify. Wonderful is rather the name of an object or subject that aroused strong admiration and surprise.

When choosing a synonym for the word “miracle,” you need to focus on the topic of the future article and, of course, the category of readers. For example, it will be unusual for scientists to come across the word magic. But lovers of fairy tales will not immediately perceive the phenomenon as a designation of a miraculous phenomenon.


phenomenon, miracle of nature, extra-class, amazing, marvel, rarity, play of nature, beauty, no words, gold, beyond praise, unprecedented, wonder, unheard of, eighth wonder of the world, marvelous, to die and not get up, miracles, charm , curiosity, wonderful miracle, dream, phoenix, fairy tale, candy, treasure

Dictionary of Russian synonyms

Interactive list. Start typing the word you are looking for.

MIRACLE synonyms, what are they? MIRACLE, MIRACLE this is the meaning of the word MIRACLE, origin (etymology) MIRACLE, MIRACLE stress, word forms in other dictionaries

+ MIRACLE stress, word forms - Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak

MIRACLE stress, word forms


1 . miracle,

2 . miracle,




+ MIRACLE- T.F. Efremova New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



h at before

1. Wed

1) A phenomenon that contradicts the laws of nature and cannot be explained by them, but is possible - according to superstitious beliefs - due to the intervention of an otherworldly force.

2) Something unprecedented, supernatural, fantastic.

a) An object, phenomenon, action that causes general surprise due to its unusualness.

b) The highest, amazing manifestation of something.

4) A fairy-tale creature (usually with a definition).

5) decomposition Usage as a playful way to address someone.

2. predicate

Evaluation of someone, something. as wonderful, beautiful, amazing, wonderful; corresponds in meaning to the word: amazingly, surprisingly good.

+ MIRACLE- Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"



1) in religious and mythological ideas - a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of a divine, otherworldly force... 2) (Translated) something amazing, surprising in its unusualness.

+ MIRACLE- S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language



MIRACLE, -ah, plural. including miracles, -es, -esam, cf.

1. In religious ideas: a phenomenon caused by the intervention of divine power, as well as something generally unprecedented. Complete the hour. Complete the hour. Hope for miracles.(when there is no way out, there is no salvation). Part of miracles!(about something completely unusual; colloquial).

2. what. Something amazing, surprising in its unusualness. Parts of art. Miracles of heroism.

3. ~ , in meaning tale Surprisingly, amazingly good (colloquial). The weather today is h.!

4. ~-. In combination with other nouns it means: extraordinary, outstanding among its own kind (colloquial). Ch.-berry. Ch.-stove. Ch.-mushroom. Ch.-tree. Suvorov's heroic heroes.

5. miracles! Expression of extreme surprise, disbelief (colloquial). Yesterday I claimed one thing, today another miracle!

It's a miracle...(obsolete colloquial) same as ~ (in 3 digits). It's amazing how good it is!

Miracles in a sieve(colloquial joke) about something. unusual or incomprehensible.

Miracle Yudo in fairy tales: ~vische.

+ MIRACLE- Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language



A, pl. miracles, miracles, and miracles, miracles, Wed

1. (pl. miracles).

According to religious and mythological beliefs: a supernatural phenomenon caused by the intervention of a divine, otherworldly force.

He prayed for a miracle to be sent down: for the salvation of the city, for the strengthening of the falling spirit. Gogol, Taras Bulba.

2. (pl. miracles).

Something unprecedented, unusual, something that causes surprise.

Subsequently, they learned that, indeed, a miracle had happened: on the same day, men rebelled almost throughout the entire district. Bunin, Village.

(Ignatov:) I was traveling around the area - just in your area. You are famous now, you have told me so many wonderful things about you! Arbuzov, Tanya.

|| creativity P. miraculously in meaning adv. or from the field :“what”, “some”, “any”. Razg.

Inexplicably, amazingly.

(Nikolai:) Let me be curious, why on earth did you stop your mother from talking about money and by what miracle did she listen to you? A. Ostrovsky, Late love.

A grenade exploded near Maslennikov, and he only miraculously escaped. Simonov, Days and Nights.

3. only units h.

About who (or what) causes general surprise and admiration for its qualities.

You will be a rare phenomenon, a miracle of your homeland. N. Nekrasov, Song to Eremushka.

For us, lazy people who did not know systematic work, his diligence was simply a miracle. Chekhov, Privy Councilor.

- Miracle, beautiful horse! What will you take for her? L. Tolstoy, Cossacks.

|| what.

About what is the highest manifestation of something.

After a year, the painting was ready. It was truly a miracle of the brush. Gogol, Portrait.

Tatiana's conversation with the nanny is a miracle of artistic perfection! Belinsky, Works of A. Pushkin.

On this day, rich, tasty borscht was prepared, a real miracle of the soldier's culinary art. Zakrutkin, Caucasian Notes.

4. in meaning tale

Amazing, amazing.

- How she dances! how he sings! and he embroiders in gold, a miracle! Lermontov, Bela.

(Yulinka:) Yesterday we were in the park. How fun it was - wonderful! A. Ostrovsky, Profitable place.

MIRACLE origin, etymology


pl. miracles, wonderful, wonder, wonderful, wonderful, Ukrainian. miracle, plural miracles, blr. miracle, other Russian, Old Slav. Choudo, gen. p. choudese θαῦμα, τέρας (Klots., Supr.), Bulgarian. miracle, Serbohorv. miracle, pl. miracles, miracles - the same, Slovenian. čúdo, b. n. čúdesa, čúda “miracle”, Slavic. čud, Polish. cud, v.-luzh. čwódo "miracle" (probably with expressive diphthongization).

Ancient stem on -es-; suggest a connection through the alternation of vowels and a relationship with the Greek. κῦδος “glory, honor”, ​​multi-level basis, like the Greek. πένθος: πάθος; here is the Greek. κῦδρός "glorious". In addition, they also bring them closer to other Indian languages. ā́-kūtiṣ f. "intention", kavíṣ m. "teacher, sage"; see Bezzenberger, BB 27, 145; Trautman, GGA, 1911, 247; BSW 132; I. Schmidt, Pluralb. 147; Meilleux, Ét. 357; Bernecker I, 161. Here I smell, smell, slightly, magician (see). Pozdnetslav. stoudo "miracle", Polish. сud – they were also influenced by the beginning of the word stranger and loved ones (see), and this is tslav. the word cannot be compared with the Greek. στύ̄ω “raise”, German. staunen “to astonish”, contrary to Bernecker (IF 10, 155; see Brandt, RFV 25, 29). See also yuʹdo.

wonderful synonym

Alternative descriptions

Each of the appearances: Christ - to the people and the Swan Princess - to Prince Guidon

Roman by P. Zagrebelny

Tears icons

A squirrel singing songs and gnawing golden nuts as a natural phenomenon

. “there is something else in the world...” (Pushkin)

Russian folktale

Fabulous beauty

Surprise, miracle


What a miracle

Something extraordinary

Something wonderful, magical

Miracle of miracles

. “This is a miracle! This...!"

Game of nature

Squirrel gnawing nuts

Something that comes as a surprise

Fairytale miracle

Squirrel singing songs like a miracle

Unheard of, a curiosity

Miracle, phenomenon


Something that causes undue surprise


That which causes amazement

Old Russian miracle

Wonderful something

An unprecedented thing

Miraculous thing

. “that’s it..., that’s it...” (Pushkin)

Wonderful Vision

An extraordinary phenomenon

Beer is not... and honey is not praise

Natural phenomenon

Something extraordinary

Something wonderful

Miracles, and that’s all!

Miraculous phenomenon

Something amazing

Miracle, unprecedented phenomenon

That which causes surprise, miracle

Same as a miracle

Novel by P. Zagrebelny (1968)

. “There is something else in the world...” (Pushkin)

. "That's it..., that's it..." (Pushkin)

. "This is a miracle! This is...!"

Wed. miracle, unheard of, wonder, lower. divledj thing or thing is rare, amazing. I was amazed and amazed. This is one of the most amazing things. A wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle: from a black cow, and white milk! I was amazed, I was very amazed. My miracle, my miracle. It became amazing, perm. and what a miracle this is: there is a spill at the gate, a song. Divya adv. no wonder, nothing to marvel at; reluctantly. Divya is the one whose grandmother casts spells. Divya would be our calf and catch the wolf. Divya walks around, no matter what. The Mother of God is not surprised if Christ is the son. novg. used pl. divesa, divas, miracles; in Sib. divodezha What a miracle, the pig has a snout like a nickel! It's a wonderful wonder that they don't drink beer. We brewed some beer and made a diva. Drink a lot of wine and be in trouble; drink a lot of beer and be in trouble. Miracles are marvelous, and miracles are miracles unto themselves. Old man. what a miracle. What is not there is surprising. You are amazed, but we were amazed. There is no wedding without divas, without pranks and miracles. Marvelous architect. wondrous, wonderful, wonderful, amazing, amazing, rare; wonderful, excellent. Wonderful is the world, wonderful are the people. A person is marvelous three times: he is born, he marries, and he dies. Marvelousness wonder, miracle, as a property or quality, old. marvel cf. Wonderfully sitting. and east wonderful; a lot, fairly, plentifully, quite; far, long, long ago. Now he has wondrously knocked down, sitting down. worked a lot. How old are you? it's amazing. How far is it? It will still be amazing. Divnyazhno perm. wonderful, meaning a lot of. Marvel Ryaz. all day, in the morning, for a long time, for a long time; or it's distorted. all day? Amaze people, amaze, amaze. To fool people, to amaze people. Don't marvel at us, don't marvel. Divi would have spoken the point. novg. or divya, sib. Well, let it be, well, if only. Divya would be good. Divitko Ryaz. Thumb. really, really? Marvel Psk., local. pronunciation, but it’s more correct to talk about girls outside the gate with a friend. To marvel at something, to be surprised, to wonder, to marvel. He was amazed and amazed at this. I wouldn't be surprised. Marvel, go. I was astonished and surprised. He who marvels at everything, people marvel at him. The earthly one boasts, and the heavenly one marvels at the boasting. Every master marvels at himself. They marveled at others, but they themselves broke off on the ice. The rich man is amazed that the poor man cannot live (that the poor man cannot live). The rich man wonders how he gets by, but God helped him. There is nothing to marvel at, God forbid everyone, talk. when someone mocks someone else's misfortune. The fool met the fool and marveled at each other. To marvel or marvel at something, to marvel. Don't marvel at him, don't marvel at him. The bird marvels, looks at the dog and lets the hunter approach. Fool and fool jostled each other and marveled at each other. Miracle Wed. prolonged surprise, looking at something with curiosity. Divun m. divunya w. who wonders what? Divulya vol. arch. joker, buffoon, funny man, eccentric, funny man, gayer. Same pronunciation. sometimes a completely different word: girl, a guy who looks more like a girl. Divok m. divachka f. south zap. strange person, eccentric, miracle worker. To be weird, to be weird, to be weird (to do wonders), to play pranks, to be strange. Miracle cf. Why do people marvel, a person or a marvelous thing, at a miracle for people. Div m. old. marvel, wonder, unheard of, wonder. Diva of the sea, sea monster, monster. Ominous Bird; probably a scarecrow, an eagle owl. Divozor, -nitsa, in general, who sees a miracle, a marvel; He who foresees miracles comprehends and sees more than others. Divosil m. plant. Inula helenium, elecampane

Miracles, and that's all

Wonderful miracle

Miracle, unprecedented in one word

Some unprecedented phenomenon, a curiosity