Ruler of 8th house 11th for famous people. Eighth natal house

True standing. The only favorable situation. An indicator of a person’s fearlessness, helping him survive in extreme situations. The aspect of a stuntman, a kamikaze, and only in these conditions can there be development for him, that is, the most difficult living conditions are the norm for him.
I just recently built a horoscope for a doctor who treats with alternative methods of treatment, and he has the same situation. He does not undertake to treat anything lower than cancer, and he cures - a constant passage through death.
If almuten of the 8th house is a strong planet in aphetics, then his work is constantly associated with risk (test pilots, pioneers, mountain rescuers, sappers, firefighters, etc.). That is, professions that are horror for others, but for them are the norm.

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: constant risk and frequent breakdowns, difficult circumstances and turning points in life. Often such a person is on the verge of death, disasters and deaths occur around him every now and then, and violent death is possible.
Positive: pays close attention to extreme situations, has a taste for danger, a penchant for increased risk and a craving for exciting, exciting events. Such people are predisposed to esoteric practices.
Such a person may become a sexual symbol of his time, on the other hand, over time he may get tired of adapting to all the sexual desires of his partner, or he begins to believe that sex in itself is an excess that can be done without. Incorrect use of energies requires caution when filling out tax documents. Any trifle can cause difficulties in relations with the tax office.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

This person may have a streak of thievery or slander; will live long; can receive a good inheritance, has certain opportunities in the insurance business; able to hypnotically influence other people.


The scope of my report touches on such an important part of astromedicine as determining, as such, the vulnerability and degree of vulnerability of certain organs and parts of the human body.

In astrological circles it is known that there are so-called houses of illness: 6, 8, 12.

Their brief description is as follows:

Diseases in the 6th house are the most relatively harmless, if they can be characterized that way. That is, these are diseases that do not pose a mortal danger and do not require long-term outpatient treatment. The position of the 6th house shows which organ or part of the person’s body will hurt, without life-threatening consequences and long-term hospital isolation

Diseases in the 8th house are the most dangerous diseases that are associated with a great risk to life, large blood losses and serious loss of ability to work. The position of the 8th house shows the most critical, stressful and painful medical pathologies. As a rule, these organs and places of the body are the weak link in the body's defense.

Diseases in the 12th house are, as a rule, chronic diseases that require treatment and care for a person in a medical hospital.

This information will help us understand how life-threatening a simple cut on a finger, or another seemingly minor injury or illness can be.

According to the classical astrological tradition, to determine which organ or part of the body is suffering from an illness, it is recommended to look at the Sign that is located in a particular house of illness. But, in my practice, in about 50% of cases this particular postulate did not work. And what to do in these cases? While studying such complex cases, I discovered a number of patterns that answer the questions raised.

It should also be recalled that there are cases when the Horoscope House has several rulers. For example, if in a certain house there are two Signs of sufficient length, as well as one or more Signs have two rulers, then in these cases events are formed by at least two or more rulers.

For a more vivid study, I took the 8th house from all the houses of illness, since the biographies of famous historical figures everywhere indicate the exact dates not of a runny nose or mild illness, but of critical situations, injuries, disasters and deaths.

So, let's consider the main question: why, and under what conditions, in some cases the Sign where the ruler of the 8th house is located is triggered, and in second cases - the Sign, which is indicated by the position of the 8th house of the horoscope.

I discovered these conditions. But for this we should remember the division of the Sign into two halves: male and female. For male Signs (Fire and Air Elements), the first fifteen degrees (01 - 15) are masculine, and the next fifteen degrees (16 - 30) are feminine. For female Signs (Earth and Water Elements), the first fifteen degrees (01-15) are feminine, and the next fifteen (16 - 30) degrees are masculine. So, I noticed that if the cusp of the 8th house falls in the male part of the Sign, then it is this Sign that describes the defeat of the corresponding organ or part of the body, and if in the female, then the defeat of the corresponding organ or part of the body describes the Sign in which the dispositor of the cusp is located 8 at home.

Let's call this rule - astrogender indicator .

Quite rarely, but it happens that the 8th house is in the same Sign with its Ruler. In this case, without options, we look at one single manager. But what if the 8th house has a large extent and the Signs falling into it have double control? In this case, there can be up to 4 (four) planets being explored. How to find the most “harmful” house manager? I would also like to add that I study Signs that fall on the cusp and center of the 8th house.

For your attention, using the example of the 8th house, I will describe the procedure for determining the position of the “harmfulness” of the ruler. The task is to determine the planet with the maximum negative score. I solve this problem as follows:

I determine the indicators of the most affected ruler of the 8th house:

1. The presence of the defeat of the ruler by conflicting aspects from the “pest” planets.

    By the way, I include the rulers of the Signs of Mars and Saturn among the so-called “sabotage planets”: Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius. I get 4 planets: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto. Among the conflicting aspects, I primarily include everyday major aspects: 0, 90, 180, and karmic aspects 40 and 100.

    -4 points.

2. The presence of help from the benefactor planets - Jupiter and Venus, harmonious aspects 0, 60, 120 and creative aspects 72, 108 degrees.

Each aspect is one indicator = +4 points.

3. Next, I consider the position of the studied planets in the Sign. Who has a worse/better situation according to the principle: exile and fall are bad, but exaltation and abode are good. Here I consider Enmity and Friendship.

Here the value of one indicator ranges from -3 to + 3 points. (See table: “The power of planets is in Signs. Calculation system of Bukharin A.A.”.)

In the table, I slightly changed the values ​​of the points that determine the strengths of the planets. Usually the classic scheme is 0-6 points. I slightly modified it according to my method, from -3 to + 3 points, where exile -3, fall -2, enmity -1, neutral 0, friendship +1, exaltation + 2, abode + 3.

It looks like this:

4. The strength of the planet of the dispositor of the ruler of the house in the Sign. The value of one indicator ranges from -3 to + 3 points. See table " The power of planets in Signs. Method of Bukharin A.A.”

5. Position of planets in Damage Signs (Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius). Sometimes this can give some contradictions. For example, the position of Mars or Saturn in Capricorn, but, as practice shows, these positions, if other indicators are equal, tip the scales in their favor. One indicator = - 2 points

6. The position of the rulers in the Signs of the benefactor planets: Venus and Jupiter (Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces). One indicator = + 2 points

7. Movement phase (Direct or Retrograde)= -/+ 1.5 points.

8. Planet conjunct with the Setting/Ascending Lunar Node = -/+ 1 point.

9. Conjunction with the Black Moon = - 0.5 points.

10. Conjunction with the White Moon = + 0.5 points.

As it turned out, the position of the most harmful ruler of the 8th house, with the position of the cusp of the 8th house in the female sector of the Sign, shows not only the plot, conditions, location of critical situations, and not only the most vulnerable places and organs of a person, but also the approximate daily time of the event. This will be shown below using examples of famous people of the past. At this point, I used these main 10 points, and some identified patterns, but this does not mean that over time they will not be supplemented or somehow adjusted. My research does not stand still.

Let's look at examples.

Example No. 1
Paul I (Russian Tsar)
Date of Birth:
n.s. 01.10.1754; 11:42:36; +02:00 GMT; Saint-Petersburg, Russia;

The first thing we look at is whether the rule of the astrological indicator is fulfilled: the cusp of the 8th House is located at 4 degrees Cancer, i.e. in the Women's part of the Sign.

The condition is met.

Here it is obvious that the length of the 8th House is greater than average, and covers two Signs: Cancer and Leo. Thus, we will explore two planets: the Moon and the Sun.

As a result of my calculations, the Moon turned out to be a more “harmful” planet than the Sun.
It is known from historical chronicles: the first of the fatal blows was a blow to the head with a snuffbox; the Moon is in Aries.
Death occurred in his own house - Moon in the 4th house.
He was killed at night, around midnight - the Moon was near IC.

Example No. 2
Trotsky (Bronstein) Leiba
n.s. 07.11.1879; 20:16:19; + 00:00 GMT; Kherson

The first thing we look at is whether the rule of the astrological indicator is fulfilled: the cusp of the 8th house is at 30 degrees of Aquarius, i.e. in the Women's part of the Sign.

The condition is met.

In example No. 2, the cusp and center of the 8th house of the horoscope is projected onto two signs of dual control: Aquarius and Pisces, so in the following studies I will compare the indicators of four planets: Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter.

In example No. 2, the most “harmful” ruler of the 8th House turned out to be retro Saturn in Aries.

It is known from history that L.D. Trotsky did not survive the assassination attempt.

Saturn in Aries - a blow to the head with an ice pick.

Saturn in the 9th House - was abroad, was killed in Mexico.

Saturn is after MC and before DSC - the event occurred in the afternoon before sunset.

Example No. 3
Solzhenitsyn A.I.
n.s. 12/11/1918; 01:56; +04:30 GMT; Kislovodsk

The first thing we look at is whether the rule of the astro-gender indicator is fulfilled: the cusp of the 8th house is at 20 degrees of Aries, i.e. in the Women's part of the Sign.

The condition is met.

In example No. 3, the cusp and center of the 8th house of the horoscope is projected onto two Signs:

Aries (dual control) and Taurus, so in the following studies I will compare the indicators of three planets: Mars, Pluto and Venus.

In example No. 3, the most “harmful” ruler of the 8th House was Mars in Capricorn in the 4th house.

Mars in Capricorn - A.I. Solzhenitsyn died from destruction of the lower spine.

Mars in the 4th house - even before midnight at night at 23:45, at the place of residence.

Example No. 4

Christopher Reeve

09.25.1952; 02:11; -05:00 GMT; New York, USA.

The first thing we look at is whether the rule of the astrological indicator is fulfilled: the cusp of the 8th house is in the 11th degree of Pisces, i.e. in the Women's part of the Sign.

The condition is met.

In example No. 4, the cusp and center of the 8th house of the horoscope is projected onto one dual-rule Sign: Pisces, so here I will compare the indicators of two planets: Neptune and Jupiter.

In example No. 4, the most “harmful” ruler of the 8th House was Jupiter in Taurus in the 10th house.

Jupiter in Taurus - Christopher Reeve died while paralyzed due to a cervical vertebra injury received at a race (the horse has the signification of Jupiter).

Unfortunately, I did not find the time of injury and death, but horse racing is usually held during the day, probably the tragic event occurred before noon, in full view of everyone - Jupiter in the 10th house.


My hypothesis for determining the indicators of damage to certain organs and parts of the human physical body, using the above examples of the life and death of famous people of the past, has been successfully confirmed. I have convincingly substantiated the correctness of determining the damage to organs and parts of the human physical body, using calculations of aphetic status, according to my author’s calculation system. The system for recording planetary power points in Signs has also been changed.

Anyone can compare my author's method of calculating the aphetic status of planets with other known methods, and independently draw a conclusion about the accuracy of a particular calculation system.

By the way, I would like to add that my system for calculating the aphetic status of planets is gradually being supplemented and improved, so that in the future I will present more advanced options for calculating the aphetic status of planets.

Developing the idea of ​​aphetic points of planets, it is possible to determine not only the weakest link of a particular house of the horoscope, but also the strongest place (organ, part of the body). Using this knowledge, using the example of the rulers of the 8th House, you can load them as safely as possible and operate them in extreme situations.

I hope that my research will benefit the astrological community and humanity as a whole, and will also make its feasible contribution to the popularization of Astrology as an exact science.

e-mail: [email protected]

NOTE FROM HSE: V.A. Weisberg commented on the table of aphetics given in this article as follows:

"I started with+ 3 athetics, but my female students did not like negative numbers (they made many mistakes when calculating the average energy of the planets), so I had to switch to the “classics”. I introduced it in the late 70s or early 80s. A little later, the interpretation of the zero planets was born (Just like the three components of Marxism, only I had four of them.) And the table and interpretation of the zero planets were included in the School program from the moment of its discovery. And lectures were given publicly in a hall for 250-300 people. And printouts of lectures at that time - the very beginning of the 90s - were distributed quite widely.

By the way, I remembered: at the same time the first edition of my Atlas on Medical Astrology was published. And many occultists loved him very much. And when, a few years later, I met some of them by chance, I learned that they were sure that I was a long-dead classic. I had to disappoint them."

The table in question can be found in the meta. benefits VShKA V.A. Weisberg "Lectures on introduction to astrology" part 1. ed. 1991 in this article unity. innovation - Chiron

The activity of the 8th house serves as the purpose of the 1st house. Transformation, attitude towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper serve the image, persona, behavior, manners and appearance. The tendency towards extremes in life is one of the first things that other people notice about us at first glance. Our desire for depth and intensity is one of the first things people notice about us.

People notice your sexuality immediately. Your debts affect how you present yourself. The image you present appears to be the entire image of a person who carries emotional baggage. Your deep interactions with other people influence your behavior and manners. An interest in general finance is one of the first things people notice about you. An interest in the occult, life and death, and sex are some of the first things people see in you. Your sexual activity affects your image. Sexual partners bend to your manners and behavior. Sex partners fight with your mask. Strong emotional experiences influence your approach to the world. Sex partners greatly influence your attitude towards life. You use your ability to investigate as an approach to life. Your interest in the occult affects your appearance. Your interest in death and the occult influences your approach to life. Your ability to research and investigate is one of the first things people notice about you. You have a detective approach to the world.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 2nd house

The activity of the 8th house is the goal of the 2nd house. Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper serve financial stability, the definition of personal values, and the accumulation of property. Difficult emotional situations help you determine your values. Sexual activity helps you determine what is valuable to you. Sex is necessary for survival. You use your research skills to make a living. Spend your money carefully so as not to get stuck in debt. Inheritance affects your personal wealth. Your attitude towards life and death influences what you first need in order to live. Your ability to have deep emotional interactions with other people helps you make a living. Your interest in the occult can help you pay the bills. Debt affects your self-esteem and self-esteem. You regard your sexual partners as property. You crave occult knowledge. Your ability to understand other people's motivations helps you make a living. Sex for money. You recycle other people's things to make money. Extreme emotional experiences give you a feeling of material security. You enter into sexual relationships to seek financial security. Shared resources add wealth to you. Sex affects how you spend and earn money. Sex partners tell you what you have. Inheritance affects the primary needs for survival. Transformation affects your self-esteem and self-esteem.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 3rd house

The activity of the 8th house serves the 3rd house. Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire for immersion serve communications, information gathering and everyday interaction. Emotional difficulties affect the way you think and communicate. Sexual activity affects what you write, teach, and talk about. You write detective stories. You keep a sex magazine. You blog on topics of sex and psychology. Sexual problems arise between you and your siblings. You bring your need for deep emotional experience into your everyday relationships. You use your powers of research and investigation in your writing activities. You use your powers of research and investigation into your teaching. Inheritance affects how you treat your siblings. Inheritance affects your relationships with neighbors. Your attitude towards life and death affects your relationships with your brothers and sisters. You write terrible stories. You write on occult topics. Deep emotional interactions with others are part of your everyday interactions. You talk about the occult every day. Debt affects your ability to learn. Sexual inhibition affects your communication. Sexual partners become part of your daily cycle. Sexual partners need to adapt to your everyday relationships with other people. Sexual partners must adapt to the way you communicate. Your sex life becomes the topic of your blog. Your ability to understand other people's motivations gives you ideas to write and talk about. Talking with the dead is a common occurrence for you. Extreme emotional experiences turn your mind on. Transformation affects the way you think.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 4th house

The activities of the 8th house serve as the agenda for the 4th house. Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire for immersion serve emotional security, building an emotional foundation, family relationships, roots and heritage. Your emotional difficulties affect your core psychological essence. Sexual problems are part of your cultural heritage. Intensive exchange occurs within the family. What was suppressed and repressed manifests itself in your family. Sexual tension permeates your home life. You use your research and investigative abilities to explore your psychological foundation. Shared debt is a family problem. An inheritance helps or hurts your family. Your attitude towards life and death affects your relationships with family members. Your need for strong emotional experiences affects your emotional security. Your ability to interact deeply with people is best expressed with people you treat like family. Your interest in the occult will influence your family either positively or negatively. Sexual partners help you feel your foundation. Sexual partners become part of your family circle. Understanding other people's motivations helps you understand your family and roots. You need sex for emotional security. You bring your interest in working with death into your home. Peak experiences occur in your personal life at home. Shared resources add a sense of emotional security to you. Sexual partners according to your cultural heritage. Transformation affects your psychological foundation.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 5th house

The activity of the 8th house serves as an agenda for the 5th house. Transformation, attitudes toward life and death, other people's resources, sex, and the desire to dig deeper serve creativity, personal expression, risk-taking, hobbies, romance, and interactions with children. You bring your need for deep interactions with others into your need for carefree romance. Romantic relationships and dating provide a feeling of life or a feeling of death. You try to reach peak emotional states in fun situations. Emotional difficulties force you to take risks. Sexual activity serves the need for risky behavior. Working with other people's resources serves the need for risk. You need sex to have children. Stock brokers. Sex is for pleasure and relaxation. You use your abilities of research and investigation in your hobbies. Novice detectives or private detectives. You must reconcile your sexual inclinations with the needs of your children. Inheritances affect your ability to take on creative projects. Occultism is your hobby. Death is a hobby. In your creative projects you use your works with the dead and dying. You write funeral music. You bring intensity to your creativity. You bring the occult into the theater. Your attitude towards life and death affects your attitude towards risk. Bungee jumping, sky divers. A deep emotional experience gives you relief and good mood. You probe other people for your own amusement. The desire for deep emotional experience forces you to take risks.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 6th house

The activity of the 8th house serves as the purpose of the 6th house. Transformation, attitude to life and death, sex, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper serves the need to be healthy, have employment and work, and also interact with animals. You deal with other people's things in your everyday work. You work as a tax preparer, estate planner, tax worker, accountant, garbage collector, or worker in the recycling industry, thrift store, or morgue. Death is part of your everyday work environment. Sex is related to everyday work. Deep relationships with animals. You help hopelessly sick animals. You bring your concerns about sex into the realm of health, diet, and fitness. You experience deep emotional experiences when interacting with animals. Stormy emotional work. You have an emotional complex related to diet and health. Allocation of resources is a daily habit. Sex is an everyday habit. You are giving your inheritance to the American Society Against Cruelty to Animals. You conduct research in the field of health and fitness. You work with patients who have AIDS. You use or make Viagra. You create herbal medicines to improve sexual performance. Sex affects health.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 7th house

The activity of the 8th house is the goal of the 7th house. Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire for immersion serve cooperation, conflict, meaningful relationships and marital partnerships. You carry your debts into the marriage. Shared resources come from business and marriage partners. You experience emotional obstacles and difficulties with your open enemies. Sex becomes an issue/problem in marriage. You use your research and investigative abilities in your business relationships. You use your ability to understand deeply when concluding contracts. Inheritance affects your marriage. Your attitude towards life and death affects your significant relationships. Your occult abilities influence the type of marriage you choose. Your ability to deeply interact with people can help or hurt your marriage. You look at sexual partners as potential marriage partners. Your ability to understand other people's motivations helps you negotiate. Peak experiences make you a conformist. You enter into sexual relations to find a significant partner.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 8th house

The activity of the 8th house is self-serving. Transformation, attitude towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to immerse themselves are needed for their own sake. You experience emotional difficulties with people with whom you have deep contact. Your need for sex forms a deep connection with another person. Orgasm as transformation. Orgasm allows you to feel a deep connection with another person. Orgasm is like death. Sex is a shared resource. You use your ability to investigate and your ability to investigate to understand other people's motivations. You are investigating a death. You investigate people's debts. You are a tax collector. Your debts affect your sexual relationships. Your attitude toward life and death affects your ability to connect deeply with others. Your emotional baggage affects your ability to connect deeply with others. Your interest in the occult allows you to explore death. You apply your occult knowledge to sexual relationships. You recycle because you understand the cycle of death and rebirth. You have sexual relations for the sake of sex.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 9th house

The activity of the 8th house serves as the agenda for the 9th house. Transformation, attitude towards life and death, the resources of other people, sex and the ability to dig deep serve the need for expanding horizons, travel, exploration of foreign cultures and philosophies. Emotional difficulties help you expand your horizons. Sex expands your horizons. You are looking for sexual relations with foreigners. Your attitude towards sex helps you shape your philosophy. Your relationship with death shapes your belief system. Your relationship with the dead shapes your belief system. Study and research guide you on your journey. You explore and learn about other cultures, religions and belief systems. You apply your investigative instincts to journalism. Overseas inheritances. Your attitude towards life and death affects your ability to get along with people with different beliefs. Your interest in the occult leads you to travel. You evade debts and taxes by fleeing to another country. Sexual partners encourage you to travel. Your ability to understand other people's motivations helps you connect with people from other cultures and religions. Strong emotional experiences are expressed through religion. Your sex life should fit into your religious beliefs and cultural traditions. Your attitude towards sex is expressed through your religion.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 10th house

The activity of the 8th house serves as the purpose of the 10th house. Transformation, attitudes toward life and death, sex, other people's resources, and the desire to dig deeper serve your need to build a reputation, receive recognition for achievements, and find a calling. Emotional difficulties help you find your true calling. Sexual activity builds your reputation. Your sexuality is expressed through your profession. Your sexuality is widely accepted. In your career you use your abilities of research and investigation. The public will know about your debts. Inheritances affect your social status. Your attitude towards life and death influences the profession you choose. Your ability to interact deeply contributes to your social recognition and the awards you receive. Occult profession. Your interest in life and death guides you to find your calling. Sexual partners will help you improve your social status. Sexual partners will help you get recognition and awards. You can make a career out of understanding other people's motivations. Sex will help you climb the career ladder. Your interest in recycling can make you famous. Extreme emotional experiences come through finding a calling. You engage in sexual relationships to seek social status. Shared resources affect your status. Sexual partners become involved in your professional life. Your ability to transform can help or hinder your career.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 11th house

The activity of the 8th house serves as the purpose of the 11th house. Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper serve connections with like-minded people, social reforms, long-term projects and dreams, and winning friends and fans. Difficult emotional situations among friends. You bring your financial debts into group interactions. Anonymous debtor. You express your interests in life and death through group activities. You are playing WoW online. Sexual activity occurs in groups. Gangbang. You bring your sexual need into your friendship. You complain to your friends about your sex life, or try to connect with them. You use research in the groups you belong to. You bring the occult into the groups you belong to. You are trying to get your friends interested in the occult. You must somehow deal with your debts in order to achieve your long-term plans and goals. Your interest in the occult adds more fans to you. Your ability to understand other people's motivations affects your friendships. You bring your need for deep interactions into your friendships. You need to belong to groups of like-minded people who share your intensity.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 12th house

The activity of the 8th house serves as the purpose of the 12th house. Transformation, attitude towards life and death, other people's resources, sex, and the desire to dig deeper serve liberation from sadness and grief, loneliness, dissolution and awareness of one's ignorant self-destruction. Emotional difficulties help you get rid of grief and grief. Sex helps get rid of grief and sorrow. You research and investigate paranormal phenomena. Inheritance can be self-destructive. Debt can be self-destructive. Tax evasion can be self-defeating. Your attitude towards life and death influences your interests in dreams and the paranormal. You explore and interpret dreams. Dreams are profound experiences. Your ability to interact deeply with other people may be a way you escape from everyday responsibilities. Sex helps you escape responsibility. Sex can be self-destructive. Your interest in the occult can be self-destructive. Your understanding of other people's motivations leads you into loneliness. Your interest in the unknown leads you to the paranormal and ghosts. Sexual experience through meditation. Deep emotional experience through charity. You have an interest in institutions that are related to sex. You explore the sexual activity of prisoners and nuts. Emotional baggage adds to your karma.

Slow, steady, constant destruction of the human psyche.
In 1/3 - long-term forced solitude.
In 3/3 - the closer to the ascendant, the greater the destruction due to incorrect views of the world.
With good aspects, this person will destroy everything around him. At best, these are brilliant occult abilities.
If the almuten of the 8th house is in 3/3 of the 12th house, but does not have a positive aspect, then occult abilities will destroy his psyche due to inept use of them. And this must be taught.

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: dangerous enemies, intrigue, blackmail and obstacles, pressure from the underworld, death in isolation, alone, in obscurity, murder from around the corner, victim of poisoning or secret persecution.
Positive: the aspect is excellent for developed esotericists, it conveys a propensity to take risks and predetermines participation in the work of secret societies, while the person himself remains in the shadows. He strives to unravel the secrets of nature and penetrate into the essence of mysterious phenomena; he is not afraid of anything and calmly deals with any secrets.
It is difficult for such a person to show his true nature in sex, which may be associated with fear of misunderstanding and increased vulnerability. True, under favorable circumstances, everything turns out differently, and he becomes involved in many love affairs, most of which are secret. When energies are used incorrectly, excessive attention is paid to sex, which can create unpleasant problems in relationships with other people. His feelings are deep, but not always understandable not only to others, but also to himself. They form an integral part of the soul, but their manifestations may not be noticeable for a long time. There may be a vague and hardly conscious fear of death. Such people have the ability to manage the property of others, they successfully hide income and unconsciously limit the information about their affairs that reaches other people. During the most vibrant periods of creativity, such people are prone to recluse, since the outside world interferes with the unfolding images of fantasy.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

Short life expectancy, unworthy spending of money; a tendency to deceive and an interest in receiving religious education can also be predicted.

IN astrology 8th houseoften referred only to negative events in a person’s life: crises, destruction, suffering and death. At the same time, very useful properties and bonuses that this section of the map can provide are ignored. In this article we will debunk the main myths about the 8th house in astrology, and also find its undeniable advantages.

How it works?

Let's start with the idea that space or fate do not have the task of making your life bad and unhappy. Any position of the natal chart can always be played as a big plus and benefit and success can be derived from it. It all depends on the level of manifestation of the aspect, planet or house.

Levels of manifestation of the 8th house in astrology:

  • Crises, destruction, death;
  • Risk, danger, extreme situations;
  • Improvisation;
  • Tension, second wind;
  • Coordination;
  • Radical change, transformation;
  • Someone else's work, someone else's money (like the 2nd house from the 7th);
  • Investing, investment, entrepreneurship;
  • Psychoanalysis, deep immersion into the topic;
  • Manipulation, NLP, hypnosis.

As you can see, a whole list of options unfolds before you. It depends on a person’s awareness which level will be played out in his life. The main feature of the eighth sector is the creation of improvisational situations where there are no social patterns or rules.
If the native cannot take a single step without the approval of TV, the opinions of friends, relatives, then the 8th house will bring many problems. But, if a person is ready to overcome obstacles and learn from his mistakes, then in front of a person8th house in astrologyopens up enormous prospects and opportunities.

As in the same saying: everything that does not kill us makes us strong and successful.

If you are an octogenarian

That is, in your The eighth sector of the horoscope is very clearly expressed. At a low level, you are constantly flowing from one crisis to another, destruction is happening around you, you are in constant tension and cannot relax. The attempt to build a normal, quiet life constantly fails.

At a high level, you become an entrepreneur, investor, saver, create passive sources of income, are a psychoanalyst, a mystic, and engage in extreme sports.

The task of working out the 8th house in astrology– bring the voltage under control. For example, through extreme sports or working on the stock exchange. It is useless to avoid crises and try to be calm, as many astrologers advise. One way or another, the eighth sector of the map will still appear.

What if the ruler of the 8th is there?

The house where the ruler of the 8th is located must be constantly changed and transformed, engaged in risk and improvisation, and the creation of assets. Otherwise, crises and acute problems will occur in these areas of life.

For example:

  • The owner of the 8th in the 5th – creating your own projects, business, playing on the stock exchange, taking conscious risks. Use psychology in relationships with children. Don’t over-protect, give your child the opportunity to step on a rake and gain experience.
    If you don’t do this, you will have very difficult and destructive relationships with children, unpleasant situations and dangers on vacation, as soon as you want to relax, something starts to fall apart, acute problems arise.
  • Lord of the 8th in the 2nd - investments, income from commissions and interest, creating a passive source of income, plus one indication of entrepreneurship, money should always work - the golden rule of this position.
    If the native does not do this, then his wallet is periodically emptied by very large and unexpected expenses, a lot of worries, quarrels and conflicts over money.

How to work out the planets?

In astrology very contrasting - it can overwhelm you with troubles and difficulties, or it can give you unprecedented success and opportunities.

The planet inside the eighth sector of the map, on the one hand, is very weakened, since it cannot manifest itself in a calm environment. But as soon as a situation of risk and danger arises, the planet of the 8th house wakes up and shows itself in all its glory.


There is a strong unconscious need to test oneself for strength, an amazing gift for attracting adventures to a certain point. Emotional crises, panic attacks. It is worked through psychoanalysis, digging into your subconscious. It is necessary to look after and help someone only in critical situations when it is really necessary.


Personality will reveal itself in dangerous or extreme events, where you need to improvise, live only for today, and not plan anything. Set yourself super goals. As well as entrepreneurship and investing.


Usually gives a very deep mind, the ability to see through, excellent analytical skills. It is necessary to learn to manipulate and influence people with words. NLP, psychoanalysis, magical thinking. Otherwise, a person gets into a lot of trouble because of words.


Intensity and passion in feelings. Experiments in love, transformation in relationships. Creating a passive source of income. If you don’t do this - destructive jealousy, crisis relationships, loss of a partner, love that drives you crazy.


It is very tough and radical to defend your positions, not to allow anyone to sit on your neck. Extreme sports, as well as energy practices from the series: dynamic yoga, qigong, oriental martial arts. At a low level - the native faces aggression, fate forces him to behave aggressively.


If a person does not expand and transform his worldview, does not set grandiose goals and objectives, then a series of unpredictable events begins that completely changes the current way of life.


There is a feeling that nothing in life comes easy, you need to plow and plow again. Do not give or borrow. In matters of investment, loans and investments, approach as scrupulously and responsibly as possible. Periodically test yourself for strength, endurance and patience.


It is necessary to learn to predict all risks and dangers, to see the big picture. Developing paranormal abilities, practicing esotericism and magic. Ability to react quickly in dangerous situations. Sudden injuries or accidents.


Large monetary losses, incomprehensible expenses. Crises come into life unnoticed. Financial scams. It is worked through the development of intuition in financial matters, deep psychology, dream analysis, and work with images.


Total and radical changes in life through the passage of difficulties, dangers, critical events. Great opportunities in the field of investments, entrepreneurship, occultism and magic. In the negative: huge debts, extreme stress.


Now you know how it works8th house in astrology. Use this knowledge and remember that there is no bad placement in your birth chart. There is a misuse.

Well, if you are interested in learning astrology and want to plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, go to our school!