Educational project: “A word of praise for punctuation marks. The Tale of Punctuation Marks

4th grade student's work

"Word of praise

punctuation marks"

Work of a 4th grade student of the MBOU Khmelitsky Secondary School of the Vyazemsky District of the Smolensk Region Mamaeva Nazara Supervisor: Karapka E.S. Punctuation marks Punctuation marks appeared much later than letters. They began to be used for intonation highlighting, for separating and highlighting parts of the text, for emotional coloring. Anton Chekhov said that punctuation marks serve as notes when reading. The expression “punctuation mark” itself is derived from the ancient verb “punctuate” - “to stop, detain in motion.” There are ten punctuation marks in the Russian language. DOT. DOT. The period is placed at the end. Really, girlfriends? If there are dots on the face, They are called freckles.

  • Dot- the most ancient punctuation mark, it was used to mark the end of a sentence by the ancient Greeks and Romans. For the most practical purposes - to facilitate recitation.
  • In the dark Middle Ages they forgot about the point. What suggestions are there! They even wrote words without separating them from each other. In Russian and Western texts, the dot appeared almost simultaneously - at the end of the 15th century. In Russian, the word "point" comes from the verb "to poke", in Latin punctum is related to the Latin verb "to prick". Not all nations are unanimous: in China, instead of a dot at the end of a sentence, they put a circle, in India, a vertical line, and in the Ethiopian script, instead of one dot, they put 4 at once, but not in a row, but in a square.
Comma- the most common sign in Russian writing. After all, there is only one full stop in a sentence, but the master will add so many commas that you will lose count. The word was again borrowed from Ancient Rus', where the verb “comma” meant “to catch” or “to touch.” Round and with a tail, as in the famous riddle, began to break words in Russian sentences around 1520. Everyone familiar with the letter from the historical task knows how important it is to put the comma correctly: “Execution cannot be pardoned.”
  • Comma- the most common sign in Russian writing. After all, there is only one full stop in a sentence, but the master will add so many commas that you will lose count. The word was again borrowed from Ancient Rus', where the verb “comma” meant “to catch” or “to touch.” Round and with a tail, as in the famous riddle, began to break words in Russian sentences around 1520. Everyone familiar with the letter from the historical task knows how important it is to put the comma correctly: “Execution cannot be pardoned.”
COMMA, I'm a busy girl, My name is Comma I barely have enough time for a day, Everyone just calls me! SEMICOLON; If suddenly there is a steep climb or a long path, when you meet a semicolon, rest a little! SEMICOLON; If suddenly there is a steep climb or a long path, when you meet a semicolon, rest a little!
  • Semicolon has its own very specific “father”: it was invented and introduced into use by the famous Venetian publisher Aldus Manutius. According to his plan, the semicolon separated opposite words and independent parts of complex sentences. And it stuck: a century later, the semicolon was found in the works of Shakespeare.
Colon– sign of explanation: it indicates that the part of the text after it is connected by explanatory or causal relations with the part of the text that is before it. It has been used as a dividing sign since the end of the 16th century and is mentioned in the first books on grammar, for example in the “Grammar” of Meletius Smotritsky. Until the mid-19th century, the colon was used in Russian and other European languages ​​as a sign of abbreviation.
  • Colon– sign of explanation: it indicates that the part of the text after it is connected by explanatory or causal relations with the part of the text that is before it. It has been used as a dividing sign since the end of the 16th century and is mentioned in the first books on grammar, for example in the “Grammar” of Meletius Smotritsky. Until the mid-19th century, the colon was used in Russian and other European languages ​​as a sign of abbreviation.
COLON: I'm called a colon, And I'm not like the others, I'm a terribly important sign, Look - I'm two-story! DASH - I am not a dash, not a minus, I ask you not to confuse us. Everyone calls me “dash”, If necessary, I’ll be right there. DASH - I am not a dash, not a minus, I ask you not to confuse us. Everyone calls me “dash”, If necessary, I’ll be right there.

Russian linguist A.A. Barsov in his “Brief Rules of Russian Grammar”, published in 1771, very accurately called dash“silent”, and half a century later another Russian scientist A.Kh. Vostokov in his “Abbreviated Russian Grammar” elegantly designated the dash as a sign of mental separation.

BRACKETS () We are bored without each other, We are inseparable from each other. BRACKETS () We are bored without each other, We are inseparable from each other. Mikhail Lomonosov named brackets in his “Russian Grammar” surprisingly figuratively: a capacious sign. And he explained: “a word or a whole mind fits into speech without conjunction or proper composition.” This paired punctuation mark first appeared in the Russian language more than a hundred years earlier than Lomonosov lived. Parentheses are already present in Meletiy Smotritsky’s “Grammar”: Lomonosov called this book, together with Magnitsky’s “Arithmetic,” “the gates of his learning.” Brackets, as Mikhailo Vasilyevich correctly said, indicate the relative independence of the text contained in them from the meaning of the entire sentence. Russian punctuation also allows square brackets - they usually contain the footnote number. Scientists have discovered the word “kavysh” in Russian dialects, which means duckling or gosling. Think that quotes came to us back in the 15th century: in the grammar manual “The Tale of the Writers,” the scientist Konstantin the Philosopher tried to regulate their use. Nowadays, quotation marks are used, as is known, to highlight direct speech, quotes, and titles.
  • Scientists have discovered the word “kavysh” in Russian dialects, which means duckling or gosling. Think that quotes came to us back in the 15th century: in the grammar manual “The Tale of the Writers,” the scientist Konstantin the Philosopher tried to regulate their use. Nowadays, quotation marks are used, as is known, to highlight direct speech, quotes, and titles.

QUOTE QUOTES " " What stupid habits: Everywhere apart and everywhere apart. We are quotes, we are sisters, This is how it has become for us: We walk together, We celebrate holidays, We are very close friends, We serve at Syntax.

ellipsis. . . There are three Sister-dots nearby, This means that there is no end to the line, This is shown in the picture here. We are called ellipsis, If we hold hands, It means that in the line Something is unsaid... ellipsis. . . There are three Sister-dots nearby, This means that there is no end to the line, This is shown in the picture here. We are called ellipsis, If we hold hands, It means that in the line Something is unsaid... Ellipsis- the exact opposite of a peremptory point: it denotes a pause or an unfinished thought and can, moreover, carry a tinge of uncertainty. “A suppressive sign,” as the Russian philologist A.Kh. called the ellipsis in his “Grammar” of 1831. Vostokov, in the English and Russian versions are depicted by three dots, and in Chinese by as many as six. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov named Exclamation point " amazing" sign. The British thought differently: the exclamation mark appeared in English printed texts in the 15th century and was called the sign

  • Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov named Exclamation point " amazing" sign. The British thought differently: the exclamation mark appeared in English printed texts in the 15th century and was called the sign
  • admiration or exclamation. There is a version that it came from the Latin exclamation Io, expressing joy.
Exclamation mark! My friends, buddies, I have been living for many years, Please accept my ardent exclamation greetings! Question mark Various questions I ask everyone: How? Where? How many? Why? For what? Question mark Various questions I ask everyone: How? Where? How many? Why? For what? The poet Mikhail Svetlov joked that question mark– this is an aged exclamation point. But no: the ancestors of the question mark include a dot with a tilde, that is, a wavy line at the top, which denoted surprise in the voice. This is what they wrote in the 8th century at the court of Charlemagne.

Ellipsis- the exact opposite of a peremptory point: it denotes a pause or an unfinished thought and can, moreover, carry a tinge of uncertainty. “A suppressive sign,” as the Russian philologist A.Kh. called the ellipsis in his “Grammar” of 1831. Vostokov, in the English and Russian versions are depicted by three dots, and in Chinese by as many as six.

Thank you for your attention!

"Word of praise

punctuation marks"

Russian language project MBOU "Vasilievskaya Secondary School" Tikhonova T. P.


this is a branch of science

about language

in which the system of punctuation marks and the rules for their placement are studied.

In written Russian text

10 punctuation marks:

  • dot .
  • comma ,
  • semicolon ;
  • colon :
  • ellipsis
  • question mark ?
  • Exclamation point !
  • dash -
  • brackets ()
  • quotes « »

To end 15th century texts in Russian were written either without spaces between words,

The semicolon, which appeared later, was initially also used to mean a question mark.

or divided into undivided segments. Approximately

The next punctuation marks were question marks and exclamation marks.

V 1480s a point appeared

V 1520s - comma

She has a special post

In the smallest line.

If there is a point, the conclusion is simple:

This means period.

The sentence should end

If the point is nearby.

The point must be respected.

You need to hear the point.

And although she is a stronghold

In the book and in the notebook,

Without much difficulty

You can get along with her

If only thoughts are a thread

Get rid of water

If you don't forget the point

Fix it in time.

The period helps to highlight in the letter what

that the thought is finished. If in oral speech we can use pauses of different lengths and character, then in writing we must definitely resort to a period. It expresses the intonation of a complete affirmative statement.

In Russian there is a comma


  • for separation

(between parts of a complex

proposals, with one

family members)

  • to highlight

(appeals )

The most common punctuation mark

In Russian, a comma is used.

A person’s life can depend on one comma! The English king Edward II ended his reign tragically. He fell victim to a conspiracy led by his wife, Isabella. The king was captured.

He was imprisoned in a castle, where he waited for a long time for his fate to be decided. His fate was decided by an insidious letter without a comma. The jailers received a note: “Don’t you dare kill Edward II and have mercy” . Everything depended on how the jailers read this letter. They knew the queen's will well and read the letter the way she wanted: the king was killed.

Edward II

Miscellaneous questions

I ask everyone:

How? Where? How many? Why? For what?

Where? Where? Which? From what? About whom?

Who? To whom?

Which? Whose? Which? What?

That's what a master I am -

Question mark.

At the end of an interrogative sentence there is a question mark

An exclamation point is usually placed on a letter when we say something:

  • loud,
  • with excitement,
  • express
  • astonishment,
  • Delight,
  • pleasure,
  • anger,
  • disturbance,
  • contempt,
  • joy,
  • pride

Friends! In works

I stand for this

To express excitement

Anxiety, admiration,

Victory, celebration!

No wonder I was born -

The enemy of silence!

Where am I, those sentences

With a special expression

They must say it.

If there are any inaccuracies, Or omissions - There's an ellipsis here Will clear up all the confusion... Comma, hyphen, Even the colon The signs are just lovely Just like the others! But most importantly - Say goodbye in time: Dot! And under it - Half a blank page!

Punctuation marks

Runs along the lines The look of wicked eyes Looking for ellipsis... Do you have it in your poem? Punctuation marks I've loved it for a long time! I will attract attention - Signs (invisible)! Here it is - exclamation point, Stretched out... Very charming Sign! It's like a cadet! It's a question mark Something is asking - He's so shy... Doesn't know anything?!

Elena Kovaleva

Punctuation marks must be treated with respect because,

they arrange

accents in the text.

Punctuation marks - this is an opportunity to understand each other with the help of literature, the printed word. Our spoken and written phrases should be clear and clear.


that respecting punctuation,

we will always be understood correctly.

“A word of praise for punctuation marks.”

Project - presentation






Project manager – Grishina Elena Konstantinovna




Punctuation marks:

  • help divide the text into sentences;
  • establish connections and relationships between them;
  • help the writer to accurately and clearly express thoughts and feelings, and the reader to understand them.

From the history of Russian punctuation. The role of punctuation marks

There are 10 punctuation marks in the modern Russian punctuation system:

dot [ . ]

comma [ , ]

semicolon [ ; ]

ellipsis [ … ]

colon [ : ]

question mark [ ? ]

Exclamation point [ ! ]

dash [ - ]

brackets [ () ]

quotes [ " « ]


  • The oldest sign is the dot. It is already found in monuments of ancient Russian writing. However, previously the dot was placed not at the bottom of the line, but above - in the middle of it; In addition, at that time even individual words were not separated from each other.
  • A period is placed at the end of a complete narrative sentence, both incomplete and complete.
  • Then a comma appeared. Word dot included in the name of such punctuation marks as semicolon, colon, ellipsis.

For example:

The next morning our army moved forward .


The most common punctuation mark in the Russian language is the comma. The comma “lives” inside the sentence.

The comma is placed:

  • To separate homogeneous members of a sentence:

a) if they are not connected by unions;

FOR EXAMPLE : Anna Ivanovna's room was filled with chests, boxes, and baskets.

b) if they are connected by the conjunctions A, BUT, YES (= BUT);

FOR EXAMPLE: And the child grows there by leaps and bounds. She spoke little, but intelligently.

c) if they are connected by repeated connecting or separating conjunctions AND - AND, NEITHER - NOR, YES - YES, OR - OR, EITHER - OR, THAT - THAT, NOT THAT - NOT THAT:

FOR EXAMPLE : He fell in love with the dense groves, the solitude, the silence, and the night, and the stars, and the moon.

  • To highlight requests:

FOR EXAMPLE: Where so, gossip , are you running without looking back?

Exclamation mark!

My friends, buddies, I've been living for many years Accept exclamation point My warm greetings!

I am an exclamation point. I appeared in Russia in the 17th century and was called then, do you know what? Amazing sign. That is a sign of surprise. And I was not as formidable and omnipotent as I am now. At first, he served only interjections and was responsible for simple emotions. Over time, I became so strong that I subjugated all parts of speech, especially the verb: Don't argue! Be silent! Report! Go study your lessons! Know ours! Can't wait! I'll fire you!

I am the brightest representative of punctuation. I cure the blues and give a strong emotional charge. I am placed at the end of all exclamatory sentences - declarative, interrogative and motivating.

I am proud that many catchphrases end with me: My friends, our union is wonderful! (A. Pushkin); What a lamp of reason has gone out! What heart has stopped beating! (N. Nekrasov); Russia, Rus! Protect yourself, protect yourself! (N. Rubtsov).

Question mark.

  • Question mark (?) - sign punctuation , placed at the end offers to express a question or doubt.

For example: Who was talking here now? Sasha, will you come this evening?

  • Can be combined with exclamation point to indicate surprise (?!) (according to the rules of Russian punctuation The question mark is written first).

For example: Do dolphins really know how to laugh?!

When sign missing or placed incorrectly, this may lead to serious distortions of meaning .


You can't execute, you can have mercy !

you can't pardon !


Serious misrepresentation

sentences due to wrong

punctuation marks!


Question mark thoughts

I live in a thicket of mysteries, ready to ask a hundred thousand questions: “Where from?” Who? Where? For what?" After all, my friends, I am a great expert at making riddles. Of course, you recognized me - I am a question mark. I am a Question Mark, living with my brothers and sisters in the area of ​​Punctuation. One day an argument broke out between us. We argued about which of us is more important.

Everyone knows that I, period, am the smallest sign in the world, and although a smaller icon cannot be found, I am needed for a reason. I'm the most important because I finish the sentence. And a declarative sentence tells people a lot of important information. That's why everyone needs me!

Here Comma, our curly little sister, entered the argument.

And I’m Comma - a busy girl, my head is all curled up, I barely have enough time for a day, everyone just calls me. And I point out the relationships between the parts of the sentence.

Colon got angry:

I’m not like the others, I’m a terribly important sign, look at me. I'm even two-story and a very, very important person - that's me!

Right then and there the quotation marks-sisters sang:

We are the most important ones. We highlight direct speech and quotes. We are quote-unquote sisters, that’s how it is for us: we go for walks together, celebrate holidays, we are very, very friendly, people really need us.

“No, I’m the most important,” said Hyphen, “since I divide words into semantic parts.”

No, excuse me, friends, I’m still the most important. I am not a devil, not a minus, I ask you not to confuse me with anyone. I'm Tire, I'll be right there!

What are these other things? - said the ellipsis. - We are more important than everyone! And points! We are three dot sisters, if we hold hands, it means there is no end to the line.

What nonsense, friends, the most important thing is me! My friends, believe me, I am the elder brother among you, accept my exclamatory ardent greetings! It is not you, but I am the most important and important! It is I who give people joy; without me they would not be able to rejoice. They put me at the end of a sentence to express amazement, appeal, excitement. I'm an exclamation point - simply wonderful!

But suddenly Brackets came running and squealed:

- How did this happen: unknown how the Question Mark took and disappeared among us...

All the signs immediately died down. And only Comma cried loudly, saying:

- “Where did the Question Mark go?”

Very well! - said the Exclamation Mark, - I’m glad to get rid of him completely, since there were a lot of unnecessary questions! I'm tired of this excess! I don’t want to see him - that’s all!

Right! – Ellipsis and Colon shouted very diligently. - See! His! We don't want it! And that's it!!!

For a day or two, no questions are heard in the area of ​​Punctuation, but although the Exclamation Mark is not a sage or philosopher, it is difficult for him to do without questions. He wants to know where, say, Dash is, he wants to ask where his beloved little sisters are, only without a Question mark, however, you can’t even ask a simple question. He wanted to know whether lunch would be soon, but there was no way to ask... And, having experienced great inconvenience, he understood the exclamation mark as a result of everything: where there are no questions, there are no answers. And it is impossible to know anything.


without the ability to put punctuation marks impossible to master written and oral speech in general , that's why it's so important know punctuation - a branch of the science of language that talks about their use.



Municipal autonomous educational institution

secondary school No. 147


Konstants Nikita Andreevich

Chelyabinsk, MAOU secondary school No. 147,

4th grade


Shatunova Evgenia Vasilievna, primary school teacher,

MAOU secondary school No. 147

Chelyabinsk, 2015

Table of contents


I. Main part…..………………………………………….…4

1.1 History of punctuation marks………………4

1.2 Rules for placing punctuation marks……………….…6

1.3 Practical work……………………………………..8





Pushkin also said that they, punctuation marks, exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct relationship and give the phrase lightness and correct sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notations. They hold the text firmly and prevent it from falling apart. Are they necessary, punctuation marks, now, in our dynamically changing, mobile world? After all, when communicating via chat, via SMS and Skype, young people, as a rule, do not use them: it’s unnecessary! For what? They just cause trouble! The ability to use punctuation marks is an integral part of mastery of written language; it is as important as the ability to express one’s thoughts in writing is generally important.

In Russian language lessons, it is punctuation marks that cause difficulties for most children. When writing a test or dictation, it is an incorrectly placed punctuation mark that can turn the treasured “5” into a “4,” so let’s pay attention to punctuation marks.

The purpose of my work:

Expand your understanding of punctuation marks.


    The history of punctuation marks.

    Carry out practical work:

a) the use of punctuation marks in everyday life.

b) Using examples of advertisements, show the change in the meaning of the text after rearranging or replacing punctuation marks.

I. Main part

1.1 The history of punctuation marks.

The word punctuation comes from the Latin word puncture (puncture). Point - point. In ancient times, the Greeks used a stick - a stylos - for writing. At stopping places they made an injection after the word, that is, they put a period. Once upon a time, the word punctuation literally meant “the making of dots or the study of dots.” Now we use this word to refer to the entire system of punctuation marks as a whole. And why are they needed? After all, we have letters.

Why are the letters of the alphabet not enough to make what is written understandable to the reader? After all, words are made up of letters denoting the sounds of speech, and speech is made up of words. The fact is that pronouncing individual words one after another does not mean making what is spoken understood. Punctuation marks come to the rescue. Open any book, see how many there are on each page! You are so used to them that sometimes you don’t even notice. And when you write yourself, you don’t always use them wisely. Until the fifteenth century, people in Rus' wrote not only without punctuation, but generally without spaces between words.

I suggest: read the text... if you can.

That is, the Prince of Semn Dmitrievich of Suzdal at the Ideratiyuknov city of Nizhneasnym, the Tsarevich, ten hundred thousand Tatars, people who have shut themselves up in the city of the waters, they have byahuvolodimerdaeifever and be with them.

(Moscow Chronicle)

Well, how? A bit difficult? It took many generations of specialists a lot of time and effort for us to see what we are used to: spaces between words and punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks are guiding signs for comprehending the content. When preparing written speech, correct, meaningful placement of punctuation marks plays an important role. There are ten main characters in Russian punctuation: period, semicolon, comma, colon, dash, question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis, parentheses, quotation marks . Nowadays, there are even more punctuation marks. In addition to basic punctuation marks, the “slash” sign, “hashtag”, etc. were added.

Russian punctuation has a double base. The great M.V. Lomonosov pointed out this in his “Russian Grammar”: “Signs are placed according to the strength of the mind and its location and conjunctions.”

Punctuation marks gradually entered our writing, consistently enriching and complicating the meaning and sound of recorded speech: period and colon in the 11th century, comma in the 14th century, semicolon in the 15th century, question mark in the 16th century, exclamation mark and dash in the 17th century, ellipsis in the 18th century. century. The people are developing, the punctuation system is developing.

From the 17th to the 20th centuries, a new idea of ​​punctuation gained strength: to mark not sounding sections of speech that were pronounced as if in one breath (so that the reader could correctly pronounce this text out loud), but semantic connections of words that are important for understanding the text. Now it is no longer grammar or the rhythm of the phrase, but logic that guides the choice of the desired punctuation mark.

The number of commas and other symbols is decreasing and decreasing; compared to Pushkin’s time, there are already half as many of them. All this is connected with the general process of understanding and standardizing the written text, which would be convenient to “grab on the fly” and immediately understand its meaning.

In books of the first half of the 16th century, commas, semicolons, and question marks were already used.

1.2 Rules for placing punctuation marks.

Punctuation is not for everyone. Therefore, many of us ask the question: “Why do we need punctuation marks?” I think punctuation is very important, if only to give some meaning to a sentence. After all, the same phrase can be pronounced in different ways, and this will change the meaning of this sentence. Punctuation marks help us to correctly read this or that text, sentences in the right intonation and with the right emotions. One of the main purposes of punctuation marks is separation.

A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Punctuation marks are like notes when reading.”
S. Shapiro said: “The main role of punctuation is to designate those semantic relationships and nuances that, while important for understanding a written text, cannot be expressed by lexical and syntactic means.”
Now let’s break down what each punctuation mark is used for. Using commas, periods, exclamation and question marks, the text is divided into parts or sentences.

The dot shows the completeness of the thought. Separates one complete expression from another and prevents words from merging into one large and incomprehensible monolith.

The comma provides less pause, but the meaning is similar.

A question mark (by the way, it was previously called a question point), as well as emotionally color our speech and writing. And how many combinations can you create using them! For example, a question with the exclamation “!?” or a rhetorical question to which no answer is expected, basically “?..”

Three dots indicate incompleteness of thought. This is generally a godsend for writers. The fantasy is over, I put an ellipsis, and see what happens. Either the reader will come up with the story himself, or the author will have an idea for a continuation.

Dashes are used to explain previous words. They can also replace words in a sentence!

These, of course, are not all punctuation marks, but they are the ones that are used most often in writing.

By the way, an interesting fact is that almost every sign has a “parent”. Parentheses were first used by Melenty Smotritsky, and quotation marks and ellipses were used by Nikolai Karamzin!

In our computerized age, dot, dash, bracket is our all-time favorite emoticon! With its help, we convey our emotions in SMS messages.

1.3 Practical work:

a) rearrangement of punctuation marks in works.

And in general, punctuation marks are not only needed for convenience. In addition to all their main functions, they also show the degree of development of native speakers.

There is such a humorous expression: “That’s where the comma comes in.” In it, the word “comma” means difficulty, obstacle. This is no coincidence: the words comma, stutter, stutter, punctuation are historically the same root.

In writing, we use commas to separate words, groups of words, and sentences. An inappropriately placed or omitted comma can change the meaning of the entire sentence and lead to an erroneous understanding of what is written. Here, for example.

"Place a statue holding a golden pike."

1. Place a statue holding a golden lance.

2. Place a golden statue holding a pike.

Remember the famous phrase“Execution cannot be pardoned” from the equally famous fairy tale “12 Months” about a spoiled princess who believed that punctuation marks were not particularly important. This example is related to a historical fact. English King EdwardII(on the edge XIII- XIVcenturies) turned the majority of his subjects against himself through oppression and excessive taxes. A conspiracy arose against him, led by his wife Isabella. The king was deposed by parliament and imprisoned in a castle, where he spent eight months awaiting a decision on his fate. The jailers guarding the king received an order formulated without commas: “Don’t you dare kill Edward; it’s good to be afraid.” It all depended on how to read the text.

1. Don’t you dare kill Edward, it’s good to be afraid (that is, you should be afraid).

2. Kill Edward, don’t you dare be afraid (since it’s useful).

The jailers understood the queen's trick and read the letter the way she wanted. The result was a “bloody” comma.
This phrase, by the way, reflects one of the reasons why we need these very punctuation marks. This reason is unambiguity.

b) punctuation marks in everyday life.

Here are examples from life. Take a closer look at the advertisements posted around our city, read them in newspapers, in contemporary fiction: punctuation errors also occur. And not as rarely as we would like.

Announcement: “Drunk dogs on roller skates are strictly prohibited from entering.” The role of the comma in this ad is visible to the naked eye.

But such a case happened with one boy. He sent an urgent telegram to his parents, who were away, and on the same day he received a reply telegram: “Being at home, you can’t go camping.” The meaning of the telegram depends on where the comma is placed: after the word “at home” or after the word “cannot”. The boy still didn’t know whether to stay home or go on a hike.

It is generally customary to send telegrams without “extra” signs, but how can one understand this: “Mom is leaving in the morning.” You'll probably have to check with your mobile phone: how good it is that it exists.

And these sentences are identical in vocabulary, but their meaning is also different. What do you think this depends on? Of course, from a comma.

1. Kolya sang as everyone else sang.

Kolya sang as everyone else sang.

2. It was so light that every pebble was visible on the road.

It was light, so every pebble was visible on the road.

3. How did he leave?

How did he leave?

4. I didn’t see my friend’s brother and his sister.

I did not see my brother, his friend, his sister.

5. The houses and streets are flooded with light.

Houses and streets are filled with light.

6. Dirt covered everything: window, door, ceiling, walls.

Dirt covered the entire window, door, ceiling, walls.

7. He got up, quickly washed his face and began doing exercises.

He got up quickly, washed his face and began doing exercises.

8. The child played as all children played.

The child played as all children played.

III. Conclusion.

In conclusion, I want to tell a parable “On the benefits of punctuation marks.”

The man lost his comma, became afraid of sentences, and looked for simpler phrases. Simple phrases were followed by simple thoughts.

Then he lost the exclamation mark and began to speak quietly, with one intonation. Nothing pleased or outraged him anymore; he treated everything without emotion.

Then he lost the question mark and stopped asking any questions. No events aroused his curiosity, no matter where they happened - in space, on Earth, or even in his own apartment.

A couple of years later he lost his colon and stopped explaining his actions to people.

By the end of his life, he only had quotation marks left. He didn’t express a single idea of ​​his own, he quoted someone all the time - so he completely forgot how to think and reached a point.

Watch out for punctuation!

List of used literature:



3. 7.


1. “Dot, dot, comma...” A. Shibaev:

Dots, sticks, hooks...

Inconspicuous icons

And while reading

Required reading.

Exclamation mark

2. Riddles and poems about punctuation marks:

Stormy feelings

There is no end:

Ardent disposition

Well done!

(Question mark)

Forever thinking

Above the meaning

Bent over

Rocker arm.

(Question mark)

There are three gossips standing in a row.

They carry on a conversation, but secretly,

Somehow distant

Vague hints...


Colon big-eyed

Walks around bragging about his knowledge:

That's what he wants

Explain to us

What is what...

He will lay his stick on the line: -

Walk along the bridge.



They always try to eavesdrop

What others say...


Words open their arms: -

We are waiting for you to visit, dear brothers!


Will go out onto the path -

He will trip everyone up!


Blocks the way

Offers to rest.


But here is a real story from the life of a French writer involving punctuation marks:

Miraculous signs

The famous writer Victor Hugo was a very serious man, but sometimes he liked to joke.

On the day his book was published, he wanted to know how the sale was going. He sent the publisher a note containing only a question mark: “?”. The publisher's response was no less witty and brief. On a blank piece of paper he wrote: "!"

Sayings of famous writers about punctuation marks

It was not the humor of thoughts, or even the humor of words; it was something much more subtle - the humor of punctuation marks: in some inspired moment she realized how many hilarious possibilities the semicolon contained, and used it often and skillfully. She knew how to stage it in such a way that the reader, if he was a cultured person with a sense of humor, would not exactly roll with laughter, but chuckle quietly and joyfully, and the more cultured the reader was, the more joyfully he chuckled.

Somerset Maugham

More dots! I would write this rule into the government law for writers. Each phrase is one thought, one image, no more! So don't be afraid of dots.

Isaac Babel

The ellipses must represent traces on the tiptoes of words that have passed away...

Vladimir Nabokov

Our usual punctuation with periods, commas, question marks and exclamation marks is too poor and inexpressive compared to the shades of emotion that a sophisticated person now puts into a poetic work.

V. Mayakovsky.

Probably everyone knows why punctuation marks are needed - they divide the text into semantic parts, give it an emotional coloring, and with their help it becomes clear whether a given sentence is interrogative, affirmative or exclamatory. To interest schoolchildren in learning syntax, the school curriculum includes an essay on the topic of why punctuation marks are needed; 4th graders write their understanding of this.

Punctuation marks are needed to avoid an incoherent verbal mess. What are the punctuation marks? Do you know why punctuation marks are needed in written speech in Russian? Let's consider each of them separately.

What are the most common signs?

  1. Dot.
  2. Comma.
  3. Ellipsis.
  4. Colon.
  5. Semicolon.
  6. Question mark.


It completes sentences and is used in word abbreviations.


Used when listing and to connect parts of a complex sentence. Also, if you are addressing someone in a sentence, you need to highlight this address on both sides with commas.


Placed if the thought is not completed.



It is used to separate parts of a complex sentence where there are already many commas.

Question mark

We put it at the end of the sentence with a question.

If you are a teacher and want to help children take their first steps in literacy, give them an interesting topic for reflection during the lesson - an essay on the topic of why punctuation marks are needed and invite them to speculate on what would happen if they were not in speech, if texts were continuous stream? The guys will speak out with interest. You can also come up with a game to keep students interested. In the 4th grade, the game element in the lessons does not lose its relevance. This will lay the foundation for easy learning of the rules for placing signs in the future. Well, literacy has always been valuable.

Multimedia technologies in mastering punctuation

An interesting essay on why punctuation marks are needed can be found on the Internet. It is also interesting to create an educational visual presentation on this topic. It can be done with a large number of slides and a pointer to show and at the same time talk about each sign. Use visual lists and example sentences where this or that sign is used in different situations. Your task as a teacher is to raise competent students. This, of course, is greatly facilitated by reading. Writing essays is also an interesting way. It helps to learn structuring and free expression of thoughts.

Being literate is an indicator of a cultured person who respects himself. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to write words correctly, it is also very important to develop their skill in using punctuation marks correctly. They are the ones who make the text “alive”. Author's signs are especially difficult - when writing dictations, you need to pay attention to the fact that in this case they are not arranged according to the rules.