Participants in the congress of the Nogai people noted the intensification of confrontation with the authorities of Dagestan. From Horde to unification: what the congress of the Nogai people revealed. The reaction of officials to the congress of the Nogai people.

Delegates of the All-Russian Congress of the Nogai People asked the Russian President to resolve the issue of transhumance lands in the Nogai region. They believe that they are being deprived of guarantees of preserving their territories of compact residence, and ask to transfer the lands of transhumance livestock farming to the ownership of the Nogai district.

The all-Russian congress of the Nogai people was held on June 14 at the stadium of the regional center Terekli-Mekteb. According to the estimates of the initiators of the meeting, about seven thousand Nogais from Dagestan, Stavropol, Chechnya, Karachay-Cherkessia, Astrakhan Region, Moscow, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug took part in it. The main topic of discussion was the land issue.

“Most of the speakers at the congress asked the federal center to intervene in the situation, since solving the identified problems at the regional level is impossible and all methods have been exhausted. The republican authorities are not agreeing to dialogue; the doors are closing in front of us. Apparently, there is no desire or will to hear the Nogai people,” Asiya Kapayeva, press secretary of the Congress organizing committee, told New Business.

Following the results of the congress, the delegates adopted a resolution in which they expressed concern about the current “explosive” situation in the Nogai region. The document contains ten points, the first of which was the adoption of an appeal to the President of Russia.

The letter says that the Congress was organized in connection with the aggravated land issue, “connected with the plans of the government of Dagestan to take away the territories of compact residence of the Nogais, as well as with the environmental problem on the lands of transhumance livestock farming.”

“On May 11, under the leadership of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic, Bilal Omarov, a meeting was held on the implementation of land reform,” the letter says. — According to the protocol, in three regions of the republic, including Nogai, new settlements should appear, formed on the lands of transhumance (HLS), which are used by farms in a number of regions of Nagorno-Dagestan. With this decision, the authorities of Dagestan deprive the Nogai, Russian, Kumyk peoples of guarantees of preserving their territories of compact residence. The authorities forcibly alienate the lands of these peoples and transfer them to residents of unauthorized settlements that illegally arose on the lands of transhumance.” Participants of the congress believe that land reform is being carried out in socially dangerous and illegal forms. The signatories ask the president to take personal control of the situation and accept a delegation from the Nogai people to discuss ways to resolve the conflict.

Other demands of the resolution include repealing the republican law “On the status of lands for transhumance” as inconsistent with federal legislation; transfer the lands of the Nogai district into the ownership of local governments in accordance with federal legislation; conduct an inventory and audit of lands for transhumance livestock farming; take comprehensive measures to forcibly terminate the rights to use land plots from lands provided for transhumance livestock farming, as well as to implement a program to improve the lives of the population of the region, develop the economy and adequately finance medical care, culture, education, agriculture and the ecology of the region.

“All issues with land within the Nogai region must be resolved in the Nogai region with the participation of the population,” the resolution says.

Senior researcher at the Center for Caucasus Problems and Regional Security at the Institute of International Studies at MGIMO, Akhmet Yarlykapov, believes that the problems are deep and cannot be solved behind the scenes and in a rush. He notes that two-thirds of the lands of the Nogai district are former lands of transhumance, transferred to the state category and not returned to local residents. Although they were not transferred to those farms that grazed livestock there, he added.

“Residents of the Nogai region are outraged by the fact that with the option that is proposed, with the legalization of the settlements that have arisen and the transfer of land to them, the land will actually be taken away in favor of the displaced. In addition, they raise the issue of the negative consequences of uncontrolled grazing, which leads to the rapid desertification of their land: back in the 1990s, 70% of the land in the area was degraded. A broad discussion of the problem, in-depth analysis and assessment with the participation of experts is necessary. I think that the depth of the problem also requires the participation of the federal center,” says Yarlykapov.

According to Konstantin Kazenin, a senior researcher at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russia (RANEPA), the Dagestan government should not ignore the activation of the Nogai public on the land issue: it is necessary to find a compromise and show that they hear people and are looking for ways to resolve the conflict situation.

“Both the expulsions and the inhabitants of the lowland regions have their own truth. It would be wrong to make any clear decision in favor of some. This will create a tenfold increase in conflict. We need a compromise, dialogue processes to create a mechanism for regulating land issues,” the interlocutor noted. In Dagestan, he explained, land reform has not yet been carried out, providing, first of all, for the privatization of agricultural land with the allocation of land shares to the local population.

“This was done in Karachay-Cherkessia, and the land situation there is much calmer. Therefore, all contradictions must be resolved through dialogue and the implementation of land reform, which, as experience shows, significantly reduces conflict in the land sector. When land shares are allocated, people themselves will be able to privately manage their lands and decide for themselves whether to rent them out or not,” says Konstantin Kazenin.

At the same time, the Caucasus expert believes, it is very important that in all matters of relations with distant lands, republican officials act as transparently as possible: “As far as we know, this whole tense situation in the Nogai region arose due to the fact that the authorities did not convey information to the population about meetings and adopted orders. Residents had a vague picture of what was happening, they received information second-hand, which leads to misconceptions, and this makes the situation explosive.”

“In fact, if you look at the real situation that is now developing on the lands of transhumance, not only in the Nogai region, but also in the Babayurt region, there is no tension there that is felt daily by all residents. Both the lands of transhumance livestock farming and the settlements of these areas are territories of depopulation, from where the population is leaving. Highlanders have not been going there for a long time, preferring to move to cities. There is no basis for conflict in real everyday life, but there are unresolved problems that create a constant conflict background, which is supported by vague actions on the part of the republican authorities,” Kazenin believes.

Congress of the Nogai people through the eyes of a Kazan resident

The day before, the Congress of the Nogai People was held in Dagestan. One of the reasons for the emergency gathering was people’s concerns regarding the regional government’s decision to legalize settlements located in three regions of the republic where Nogais live. Realnoe Vremya talked with the deputy chairman of the World Tatar Youth Forum, Radif Kashapov, who was present at the congress, and asked him about what demands the Nogais voiced yesterday, whether a large “support group” came from Tatarstan, and whether Dagestan officials deigned to come to the congress.

“The Nogais, as you know, still turn to the Kazan Tatars for help”

- Radif, please tell us how many representatives from Tatarstan arrived at yesterday’s congress?

Apparently, I was the only one present. We had a goal - to see what was happening, since there was a request for independent coverage of the congress, and the Nogai side asked observers from Tatarstan to attend. The Nogais, as you know, still turn to the Kazan Tatars for help, as they are a more state-forming people, so I was there. Moreover, I have many Nogai friends.

To be honest, I haven’t seen anyone else from Tatarstan. And no one told me that you are from Kazan and there are also guys from Kazan.

In general, they sent me a press release in which there is an appeal to the Tatar media with a request to pay attention to this event and to come. This is natural, we help all Tatars, as you know - Crimean, Nogai, and Siberian... I think that upon our return, we will decide with the World Congress of Tatars how else we can react.

By the way, all this was organized not only by local activists - the Moscow Nogai community took an active part.

- Was Tatarstan mentioned during your speeches?

I talked to people in advance, and I remember something said, like, let's say hello to the Tatars, Kumyks, Karakalpaks, Bashkirs and so on.

- Tell me, how many people gathered at the congress?

There were really a lot of people, it seems to me, several thousand. The congress itself took place in Terekli-Mekteb, the regional center of the Nogai region. There is a field there, like for Sabantuy, and it was all filled with people who came from all areas and villages. There were Kumyks, people from Stavropol, Nogais from Chechnya... Each of them had special signs. The Kumyks, by the way, have almost the same problem as the Nogais - they also recently held a congress and talked about the same thing.

It was a very massive congress - it makes a strong impression. Yesterday was a working day, and as I understand it, despite this circumstance, everyone left work.

There were really a lot of people, it seems to me, several thousand. The congress itself took place in Terekli-Mekteb, the regional center of the Nogai region. There is a field there, like for Sabantuy, and it was all filled with people who came from all areas, villages

“There were so many speeches, but I didn’t see a single one from the officials”

- Radif, did you notice if there were any Russian social activists or politicians at the event?

I haven't seen these, to be honest. There weren't even local authorities there. They invited the acting head of the Nogai region to the congress, but even he did not appear. There was no response from the other side. I sat at the congress for several hours, there were so many speeches, but I didn’t see a single one from the officials.

- What slogans were heard at the congress, what exactly do the Nogais want?

As far as I know, this is already the fifth congress (one of the men said that they are going for the fifth time), and this history has been going on for a long time. In general, there are several reasons why they gather. The first point is the issue of the so-called transhumance zones. It used to be that in winter the mountaineers drove their cattle there, which grazed in comfortable conditions, and in the summer they drove the cattle away. Quoting those people who spoke at the congress, I will say that at some point it all stopped working. These guys settled there permanently, allegedly with the connivance of the authorities. If you graze livestock in one place all the time, then this territory begins to “desertify” - there is no longer any grass, no living creatures.

This territory does not belong to the Nogais, since it is part of the Nogai steppe (they are still painfully going through the process when they were split into several regions), therefore at the congress it was repeatedly said: “Our native land is the Nogai steppe, and we will not give it to anyone " The point is that land reform is currently underway, and these territories, where settlements have long appeared (there are just houses, schools or anything else there, are not there), are going to be legalized, so that these lands will no longer belong to Nogai residents.

At the congress it was repeatedly said: “Our native land is the Nogai steppe, and we will not give it to anyone.”

I note that now the Nogai people are experiencing big problems with employment - in every Nogai family there is someone who went to Surgut or Urengoy. And people protest wildly, saying that 70 percent of the Nogai land does not rightfully belong to them, and that it is simply impossible to work on the land that does belong to them.

The second point is that for several months now they have not been able to elect the head of the district. They vote according to some strange scheme, similar to the electoral system in America. The Dagestan authorities do not approve of the locals, and according to the congress participants, they are promoting some local Makhachkala henchmen. This point is also constantly mentioned.

There is also the problem of social insecurity. Ordinary citizens described the village of Kumri, which is already literally surrounded by dunes, and everything in the cemetery is so bad that the bones are already visible. In some areas, schools are still not open or, for example, gas has already been installed, but the valve is not open - all this raises questions for the Dagestan government, but at the same time, the Nogais very actively and repeatedly explain that this is not an interethnic conflict - they do not have nothing against the Avars, the mountaineers - they have complaints specifically against the government. When someone broke into some kind of interethnic conversation, the microphone was immediately closed, because that’s not what we’re talking about at all.

“They appeal to Putin directly, bypassing the local government”

- Radif, I want to clarify, who now lives on the “disputed” lands you mentioned?

At the moment, as I understand it, some mountain peoples live there. In the mountains, conditions are still more difficult. But the Nogais are not against the mountaineers - they are against anyone taking away their lands. They don't have enough land to cultivate and restore.

By the way, at the congress there was a speech in which it was said that many lands are leased without bidding. And there such amounts were announced, from the category of 8 rubles per hectare per year. They themselves are happy to take on these lands, but this does not happen.

As far as I know, this is already the fifth congress (one of the men said that they are going for the fifth time), and this story has been going on for a long time.

- Could you outline some preliminary results of the meeting??

The participants of the congress wrote an appeal to Vladimir Putin: in the letter they ask the president to sort out the land issue and describe all their problems. They appeal to him directly, bypassing the local government, because, according to them, it is against them. And this is done with the idea that the Nogais are for Putin.

- Radif, finally I would like to ask you to describe for our reader the situation with the number of Nogais.

Look, the Nogais mainly live in the North Caucasus and the Southern Volga region, they are settled throughout Russia, some also live abroad, some work in Moscow and the Far North. Their number is only 103 thousand people. Compared to them, we are simply a huge nation, to be honest. But at the same time, what I noticed: they all speak Nogai. Several times the phrase was heard here that it is necessary to increase the number of Nogais so that there are four children per family. They take such things quite seriously. A small nation, but very strong. As a sensitive person, it was sometimes very touching for me to listen and see this.

Lina Sarimova, photo

An all-Russian congress of the Nogai people was held in Dagestan, at which the plans of the government of the republic to take away the territories of compact residence of the Nogais, as well as the environmental problem on the lands of transhumance livestock farming, were discussed.

On May 11, 2017, a meeting was held in Makhachkala under the leadership of Deputy Chairman of the Government of Dagestan Bilal Omarov on the implementation of land reform. According to the protocol, in three regions of the republic, including Nogai, new settlements should appear, formed on the lands of transhumance (HLS), which are used by farms in a number of regions of Nagorno-Dagestan.

With this decision, the authorities of Dagestan deprive the Nogai, Russian, Kumyk peoples of guarantees of preserving their territories of compact residence. According to the organizers of the congress, the authorities are forcibly alienating the lands of these peoples and transferring them to residents of unauthorized settlements that illegally arose on the lands of transhumance.

An initiative group of representatives of the district's public, which convened the congress, declares that the Nogai people are expressing alarm in connection with the aggravation of the land issue in the Nogai region of the republic, and believes that land reform is being carried out in socially dangerous and illegal forms.

"Oasis" is in danger

“The decisions taken by the republican authorities fundamentally contradict the Strategy of the state national policy in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1666,” says the official press release. – Actions to take away land pose a threat to interethnic peace in Dagestan and lead to a social, political and economic catastrophe in the Nogai region of the republic. The Nogai region of Dagestan is the center of Nogai culture and an “oasis” of the native Nogai language. Events taking place on its territory concern not only local residents, but also affect the interests of Nogais throughout Russia. All complex and problematic issues must be resolved, first of all, in the interests of preserving the traditional heritage and socio-cultural potential of the local population.”

At the congress, the Nogais demanded that the Dagestan authorities abandon plans to carry out illegal land reform, since it is aimed at seizing the lands of traditional residence of the Nogais. Nogais from different parts of the country, political and public figures, media representatives, and residents of the region gathered at the stadium in the village of Terekli-Mekteb.

Lots of problems

From the stage they talked about the most pressing issue: that the comprehensive program of the economic and social municipal formation “Nogai District” for 2015–2018. with a total volume of more than 1 billion rubles in the absence of funding and government support, it practically failed. That the invested programs are not implemented, and the local budget decreases every year. That entrepreneurship mainly rests and develops only on personal funds and material resources and loans from individuals. Thousands of residents of the region are forced to migrate to other regions of Russia for the purpose of employment. 25% of the land was littered with herbs that were harmful and poisonous to animals. The Nogai steppe, which was intensively used for pastures in the transhumance zone, turned into sandy deserts. And in the highest authorities of Dagestan there is not a single representative of the Nogai region. The Nogais claim that this is indifference to the fate of the people.

“The Nogai region is being subjected to devastating effects as a result of the incorrect socio-economic and national policies of the republic’s authorities. And there is every reason to say so. Of almost 9000 sq. km of its territory in municipal ownership there is only about 3000 sq. km, the remaining lands of the Republic of Dagestan were confiscated into their own property. The contents of the minutes of the meeting on the implementation of land reform measures in the Republic of Dagestan dated May 11, 2017 on the creation of settlements in the area of ​​transhumance livestock farming in the Nogai region finally filled the cup of patience and caused an explosion of public indignation,” said the chairman of the organizing committee of the congress Rustam Adilgereev, noting that these settlements are being created for residents of mountainous regions.

"Where will we go?"

Resident of Terekli-Mekteb Soltan Muzhdakov explained that the Nogais do not ask for more than they need. “We have gathered today on a not so solemn day; we can say that we are mourning our departed ancestors, who owned the lands from the Volga to the Urals, and at the moment we have this piece of land of eight hundred twenty-six thousand hectares left, and these remaining they want to take our lands. Where will we go? We demand that the Nogai people be left alone, we don’t need anything, we don’t set our sights on other people’s lands, we live in harmony with other peoples,” Muzhdakov said emotionally.

Member of the Russian Writers' Union Murat Avezov explained how this congress differs from previous ones. “Authority structures, deputies of both district and village assemblies, heads of village administration are involved here,” says the writer. – There was no such unity among the Nogais. This suggests that the Nogais realized what a deplorable state the nation was in in the Nogai steppe. The Nogais say: “One horse does not become a steed.” I think the authorities are not listening to us. The Nogai region remains a raw material appendage. Previously, wool was produced here, but no factories were built. There is hope that we will be heard. I think that the Internet will reach the right place, I hope that our appeal will be considered by the President of Russia himself. We are natives and will find something to do. We would engage in farming, animal husbandry, and vegetable growing.”

North instead of North Caucasus Federal District

Another congress delegate confirms Avezov’s words - Abdulzagir Alpkachev. “We are concerned that here is the last homeland of the Dagestani Nogais. We are against the division of lands. We want to maintain the integrity of the area. There are settlements, Nogai, and international populations. Now the steppe has been divided, we are worried that our region will not be divided further. Half of the Nogais work not in the North Caucasus Federal District, but in the Far North due to unemployment due to landlessness. Pastures are degrading. The local population is experiencing enormous difficulties. According to federal laws, the land must belong to the municipality of the Nogai district,” explains the Nogai resident.

An appeal to Vladimir Putin was immediately written, in which the congress participants described their most complex problems related to land, with misunderstanding on the part of the authorities of Dagestan. They explained to the president that the events taking place in the republic not only concern local residents, but also affect the interests of Nogais throughout Russia. “The last straw that broke the patience of the Nogai people was the attempt to take away the lands of the Nogai region without the consent of representatives of the municipality of the Nogai people. In connection with the above, we ask you to take personal control of the situation and protect our legal rights to the land. We also ask you to receive a delegation from the Nogai people to discuss ways to resolve the conflict,” says the address addressed to the head of state.

Text and photo Larisa Bakhmatskaya Federalpress

The congress will take place

at which the plans of the government of Dagestan to take away the territories of compact residence of the Nogais, as well as the environmental problem on the lands of transhumance livestock farming, will be discussed. The organizer of the congress is an initiative group of representatives of the Nogai community of the region.

On May 11, 2017 in Makhachkala, under the leadership of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan, B.Z. Omarov. A meeting was held on the implementation of land reform. According to the protocol, in three regions of the republic, including Nogai, new settlements should appear, formed on the lands of transhumance (HLS), which are used by farms in a number of regions of Nagorno-Dagestan.

With this decision, the authorities of Dagestan deprive the Nogai, Russian, Kumyk peoples of guarantees of preserving their territories of compact residence. The government forcibly alienates the lands of these peoples and transfers them to residents of unauthorized settlements that illegally arose on the lands of transhumance.

The Nogai people express alarm at the aggravation of the land issue in the Nogai region of the Republic of Dagestan and believe that land reform is being carried out in socially dangerous and illegal forms. The decisions taken by the republican authorities fundamentally contradict the Strategy of the state national policy in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. economic disaster in the Nogai region of the republic.

The Nogai region of Dagestan is the center of Nogai culture and an “oasis” of the native Nogai language. Events taking place on its territory concern not only local residents, but also affect the interests of Nogais throughout Russia. All complex and problematic issues must be resolved, first of all, in the interests of preserving the traditional heritage and socio-cultural potential of the local population.

The Nogai people demand that the Dagestan authorities abandon plans for illegal land reform, since it is aimed at seizing the lands of traditional residence of the Nogais. In connection with the current situation, an All-Russian Congress of the Nogai People is planned in the Nogai region of Dagestan. It will be attended by Nogais from different parts of the country, political and public figures, media representatives, and residents of the region. These days, in all regions where Nogais live, meetings are being held to prepare for the All-Russian Congress of the Nogai People.

The congress will take place June 14 at 10.00 at the stadium of the village of Terekli-Mekteb, Nogai district of Dagestan.

Contact phone numbers:

For the organization of the congress - 89640139456, 89121665414, 8 9285236144, 89280337012

For interaction with the media - 8 9285236144

Following the results of the All-Russian Congress of the Nogai People, which was held on June 14 in the village of Terekli-Mekteb, a resolution and an appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin were adopted. The congress delegates stated the reluctance of the Dagestan authorities to solve the land problem in the Nogai region and the need for federal authorities to intervene in the current situation.

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