Pluto transits. Mercury retrograde in the ninth house

In the process of consulting practice, this topic holds the record for the volume of unreasonable expectations. Many lovers, knowing their natal chart, expect miracles from the transits of certain planets through houses that are important to them. Increased well-being during transits through the 2nd house, moving from transit through the 4th house, the birth of children or a bright romance from the 5th house, promotion in career from the 10th house, etc.

It’s no secret that it’s mostly women who seek advice and that they care about their personal life above all else. And you want to get the most from any transit through the 7th house. And even more so if Venus, Jupiter or the rulers of the 7th and 1st houses plan to decorate it with their presence.

I have to disappoint everyone. Transit is not capable of miracles. Any transit means certain external conditions that contribute to something or, on the contrary, hinder it. And the potential of an event is determined directly by the natal chart (the moment of birth) and slow directions with solar panels for a given time interval.

Let's return to the issue of marriage and love. For both men and women the number of marriages is strictly defined, and cannot be expanded.

That is, for a woman there is a predetermined number of chances when a man will be in love with her and will be ready to do great deeds for her. For the sake of owning her, a man will have the desire and opportunity to change himself and do something for the woman.

For men, the number of times he can get the one he really likes is also predetermined. When the opportunity opens up for him from above to do something important for the woman he loves, to fulfill some of her dreams and expectations, to be a magician in someone’s life.

This is the card's potential. Next, the directorate determines the years when the card holder himself can do something to start a family. Solar returns will add years when external situations for promising acquaintances will be created, taking into account what kind of partner a person deserves at this stage. And this (the level of the partner) is determined by how much he (she) himself worked at the time the directorates were active. Accordingly, there will be years when personal life definitely cannot be changed and you just need to calmly remain in the current conditions. Those who are married should continue to be in it. Those who are just looking for a couple should accept the period of loneliness for now and simply gain experience communicating with the opposite sex. Nobody will forbid you to meet and communicate, but the relationship will not turn into something serious.

Now about the saddest and most poignant thing. The natal chart encodes the number of chances for marriage. But how a person disposes of it is his business and question. personal wisdom. For example, we are all given our body at the moment of birth. Healthy for some, more problematic for others. But what we do with it is our right. One treats his health wisely and lives to old age. Another decides to waste his body and starts taking drugs. And it is absolutely clear that if he does not stop, then his early death is guaranteed. Although initially the potential of his body was to live to an old age. It's the same with marriages. Someone destined for marriage lives their entire life in fidelity and worthy relationships. And someone gets divorced after 2 years of marriage and is lonely until the end of their days.

The trends that exist in modern society scare me. When I was young (student), there weren’t many opportunities for cohabitation. In order for a guy to start living with his girlfriend, he first had to make an official proposal. Although intimacy was no longer taboo and, as a rule, was present in the couple.

Marriage for astrology is not a cliche, it is beginning of cohabitation. If a couple starts living together according to the principle “the man called, the woman trusted”, then this is already a marriage.

What's happening now? Many people go to live in rented apartments when they are very young. And when a guy meets a girl, it seems more convenient for them to move in together and rent one apartment, instead of two different ones. And he essentially asks her to marry. That is, he initiates a proposal to live together, she decides to trust him. And they only know each other for the first month. But both realize their chance for marriage. He now has minus 1 from his capabilities, and she does. In the second month, they realize that they really irritate each other and are not suitable at all. After six months they get tired of the scandals and leave. And it’s also very good if this chance was not the only one in their cards.

The problem is that no matter how many chances there are, but with this immoral and irresponsible attitude towards marriage, people in their youth manage to burn through everything that is due to them.

And then the unexpected. At some point, young people simply stop wooing a girl and inviting her for marriage (she has completed all the experience of marriage). And for some reason, guys don’t trust the girls they like and don’t agree to a relationship. And for some reason such a man can no longer give anything to the woman he loves, there is no more potential.

The trends of such cohabitations lead to the complete degradation of society. Women need to somehow continue to survive. And they themselves are ready to cling to men, constantly confirming their convenience and unpretentiousness. And men simply become infantile and are not responsible for anything in the family. And if in such a couple one has problems, then they do not concern the other, he simply turns around and leaves. Nobody is fighting for anyone.

Having found themselves in such a harsh (and essentially man-made) fate, women (and men) begin to clutch at straws. Now is the time to remember about transits.

Transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus in any house occur once a year during approximately the same season. The moon generally travels through the entire zodiac in a month. Mars visits each house once every 2 years. Jupiter once every 12 years. Saturn makes a revolution every 30 years and in each sign for about 2.5 years. In general, we have at least 4 fast planets, which are not a problem to wait for to visit the desired house. Well, the rest might also be lucky.

Transits alone cannot change the card conditions. If the chart promises marriage and it has not yet been spent (sorry for the cynical terminology), then, if there is potential for relationships in directorates for this year (this indicates the presence of one’s own strength to improve one’s destiny), or there is an aspect of the ruler of the 7th house in the solarium to which planet in the natal chart (this is a guarantee of external real opportunities for dating), then you can safely wait for the transit of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn or the ruler of the 1st or 7th house in the 7th natal house and during this period of time there are high chances of meeting your love and even in the future create a family.

If the directions do not suggest changes, the solarium is not active, and besides, there are no more chances, then any transit through the 7th house will create external conditions under which a person will become attractive and noticeable to the opposite sex. And this in itself is pleasant and always increases self-esteem. Only the essence of this attractiveness for a woman will boil down to the fact that many men will want intimacy with her, but none of them are going to do anything for her. And with a man, many women will stare at him, but when they get closer they will immediately be disappointed and move away. And it is simply not possible to get something really significant simply from the transit of fast planets, without reinforcement by a map and directions or solar panels. Well, except for easy superficial relationships.

I will separately stand up for the transits of Saturn and Jupiter in the 7th house. They go slowly and can really make a big difference. But again - only if there is a chance of marriage based on the radix (birth) chart. And if there is no chance, transit is powerless.

With this article I am trying to ensure that people begin to react CALMLY to transits in the 7th house, incl. and slow planets.

Let's say that few people rejoice at Saturn; they are rather afraid of him. But waiting for Jupiter to transit into the 7th house often leads to unfounded anticipation. Let's be clear on this point. Transiting Jupiter always moves through some house. And that’s where he brings expansion, knowledge, wisdom, new experience. And physical changes in the form of something tangible (life-changing) - only if it is supported by other instructions.

They began to expect from Jupiter that he was simply obliged to work on the physical plane. That is, to give not wisdom, but everything ready-made and on a platter. Therefore, there was a tendency to expect too much from him. I repeat once again, Jupiter in transit through any house is obliged to create situations that will add wisdom and life experience in the designated area. And physical gifts will only be provided if there are instructions for this in the solar companies or directorates for the transit period.

This also works with other areas of life. Given the general tendency of the card holder to be rich, each transit through the 2nd house will contribute to this. Well, in the opposite situation, on the contrary, these same transits will tighten external financial issues. Then you can continue the analogy with a career, having children, moving, etc.

Seriously work with transits I advise in two cases. When it comes to medical intervention (I’ll immediately make a reservation that I personally don’t work with the medical field, I don’t consider myself competent). And when some new long-term project is launched (registering a marriage, opening a company, etc.). And I am not a supporter of fanaticism in this matter.

It's always a joy to report good news. And I would really like for everyone who seeks advice to find something good that they dream about. But my capabilities in this are extremely dependent on your personal wisdom and prudence in living your destiny. There are simply no specialists on this planet who can reverse the consequences of personal human stupidity. Relying on psychics and healers that they will cancel the conditions of your destiny with their power for your money is useless. And when it comes to the need to pay for one’s own stupidity, there is no one to count on at all. What I am writing now is a cry about a painful issue: people, take marriage SERIOUSLY. Almost everyone takes reasonable care of their body. So why did we begin to control our destiny so frivolously? After all, we are talking about the conditions of our lives.

I wish everyone prosperity and harmony in their families. And it is not transits that determine this. And not even natal charts or directions. But only our wisdom and morality.

Alla Kudlyuk, Voronezh, 2016

Your information and activities will be kept confidential, or you may be reluctant to share thoughts and ideas during this period. It is possible to collect information about the past and contact people from your past! The messages you receive may contain subtle hints or hidden meanings that only you understand. Your intuition, subconscious and dreams will come to the fore. Secret trips and contacts with strangers are possible.

When transit Mercury in the 12th house forms favorable aspects to the natal planets, you will learn the lessons of the past and reach a higher level of consciousness. At this time, you may also discover information that was previously hidden from you.

When transiting Mercury in the 12th house makes unfavorable aspects to natal planets, your thoughts and ideas will be limited or censored, or focused on losses and disappointments. (Rolling pin J.)

Transit of Mercury through the 12th house of the horoscope

Negative aspects often give rise to suspiciousness, suspicion, absent-mindedness, difficulties in communication, head in the clouds, and unrealistic dreams. In some cases, hospitalization may be indicated. Contacts with people of dubious reputation, disclosure of secrets, intrigues and intrigues of hidden enemies are possible. There is a danger of suffering from envy, slander, gossip, behind-the-scenes intrigue, and also becoming the object of secret observations. (Vronsky S.A.)

Let's consider what the transits of Mercury from the 7th to the 12th house mean in astrological science:

Transit of Mercury through the 7th house of the horoscope

B (+) is clearly manifested on the Descendant. Useful social activities, profitable contracts, connections, contacts. Intellectual communication with partners, with a spouse. Fruitful thoughts that attract other people. A good period for propaganda, speeches, for expressing your thoughts in any way.

In (-) social ties are destroyed, disagreements in marriage and business partnerships, failures in contracts and plans; courts, fines, calls to the authorities, inspections (including documents). Do not get married, do not conflict in the family and society.

Transit of Mercury through the 8th house of the horoscope

In (+) intuition and insight are enhanced - a good period for occult teaching, for mastering the magic of words and unusual forms of thinking, for learning in extreme conditions. Interest in issues of life after death and sexual problems is increasing. The strength of connections and contacts is being tested; all unnecessary things are eliminated. May be involved in secret connections: scientific research, military and political activities. May receive news of the death of an enemy or an inheritance received.

B (-) destruction of contacts and connections; life-threatening situations. Dark thoughts, disappointment. Loss of inheritance. News of the death of loved ones.

Transit of Mercury through the 9th house of the horoscope

In (+) interest in philosophy, religion and with his thoughts, a person captivates others, inspires, shows the way, and they believe him. A person is drawn to long journeys and contacts with foreigners. Good trips, correspondence with foreigners, emigration or thoughts about it. It's good to go to work or study.

B (~) ideological differences in issues of philosophy, religion, culture, education. Poor communication with teachers. Dangers from foreigners and people from afar. Don't go far. And in general it’s bad to be away from home.

Transit of Mercury through the 10th house of the horoscope

In (+) good business contacts with the authorities and superiors, patronage from them, unnecessary contacts are withdrawn. Good information on professional issues. Serious decisions are made because... knows how to concentrate and organize his thoughts, attracts attention to his professional affairs.

In (-) bad contacts with authorities and superiors interfere with movement towards the goal; one cannot concentrate on the goal; life’s personal problems interfere. Bad reputation in the profession.

Transit of Mercury through the 11th house of the horoscope

In (+) is a good period for inventions and innovators, as well as for occultists and astrologers: original thoughts about the future, intuitive insights, unexpected successful plans and projects, innovations and reforms in your life, renewal of your circle of friends, communication with them contributes to intellectual renewal.

B (-) carefree unreliable friends, communication with whom leads to conflicts and neuroses. Impractical adventurous plans doomed to failure. Mistakes, disappointments.

Mercury transit through the 12th house of the horoscope

In (+) there is an intellectual fascination with everything related to mystery, a focus on the area of ​​the subconscious, dialogue with oneself on the internal level, both the mind and intuition work. Information is not received at the verbal level. Secret trips, joining secret societies, engaging in secret research, incl. occult. The desire for solitude, for working on oneself. Good for creative workers.

In (-) it is difficult to gather thoughts and even more difficult to express them. Chaos in thoughts and connections, there is no contact with the environment, but there is a desire to escape from real life in an illusion. The secret feud is escalating. The danger of being involved in a secret organization or conspiracy.

Volume 11. Transitology, part II. Transits of Mercury Transits of Venus Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

1.4.12. Transit of Mercury through the XII Field of the horoscope

Negative aspects often give rise to suspiciousness, suspicion, absent-mindedness, difficulties in communication, head in the clouds, and unrealistic dreams. In some cases, hospitalization may be indicated. Contacts with people of dubious reputation, disclosure of secrets, intrigues and intrigues of hidden enemies are possible. There is a danger of suffering from envy, slander, gossip, behind-the-scenes intrigue, and also becoming the object of secret observations.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Sun

These days, a person tries not to advertise either his thoughts or his connections. He tries to solve problems himself, although he may attract people or forces indicated by the field where the Sun is located. There may be news that a person uses to his advantage without disseminating it. He may visit someone in a hospital, prison or other place corresponding to the XII field, have secret relations with famous or influential people, or take a trip that no one will know about or which will be known to a very narrow circle of people. This can be personal contact with a spiritual teacher, or introduction to esoteric knowledge.

Unfavorable Aspects

A person may find that some personal information about him or her has become public knowledge, and the facts are usually distorted. Gossip and behind-the-scenes conversations can spoil the reputation of the owner of the horoscope; it is often not possible to determine their source. Information that often appears from nowhere cannot be trusted, since it may be deliberate misinformation from secret enemies. You should not make dubious acquaintances, trust fellow travelers or random people, since everything a person says can be used against him. You should not undertake any trips, engage in transactions or speculation, or put your signature on any documents.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Moon

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Unfavorable Aspects

They often point to news that makes a person worry, or to an internal dialogue with a person that really touched a nerve. In upset feelings, a person may reveal information that he has carefully hidden, or someone close to him may unwittingly reveal the secret. A person at this time may be nervous, extremely suspicious, as if he is specially listening to words in order to find something offensive to himself in them. There may be rumors, gossip, and fables that female enemies spread about a person. Relationship problems. A person who sincerely wants to help someone may encounter misunderstandings. Beware of contacts with suspicious people and criminal elements.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Mercury

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Receiving any secret or sensitive information. Beginning of teaching the secret sciences. A trip to holy places or to study abroad, but unlike the IX field, here a person can, having gone to study, not return home, but stay abroad (in any case, the final decision is made only after studying the natal horoscope).

Unfavorable Aspects

Bad news, unpleasant visits, visits to places of detention. A person may be too suspicious, wary, his thoughts may be frightening and confused. Gossip and slander, false information or slander spread by enemies are possible. Messages or letters may be lost, meetings may get upset, agreements may break down. A bad time for any Mercurian activity.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Venus

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Secret love meetings, secret intimate relationships, secret activities that are somehow connected with women or for which they are paid are possible. Searching for additional income or connections that help hide secret income. A person can correspond with another person (usually a woman) whom he has never met before - acquaintance by correspondence in the stage before a personal meeting. Letters or a declaration of love to a person who is unavailable, for example, in prison.

Unfavorable Aspects

They strengthen internal contradictions, give rise to confrontation between desires and possibilities, and can give rise to manifestations of willfulness, attacks of whims, whims, hysterics, laziness, and apathy. You should beware of self-deception and deception of other people, fixed ideas. Unpleasant news, unrequited feelings, disappointments, behind-the-scenes intrigues, gossip, slander, and betrayal of a partner are possible.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Mars

The secret machinations of enemies may be revealed, spreading negative information about the owner of the horoscope, which causes his natural indignation and thoughts of revenge. The person becomes irritable, nervous, and manifestations of rudeness are possible. He wants to be left alone, but everyone, as if by agreement, brings him one painful news after another. It is dangerous to engage in any secret affairs at this time, because it may become obvious to everyone. Possible threats from unknown persons. In some cases, they may be carried out and a person may be injured. Often this is revenge for words or actions in the distant past. Danger of acute infectious disease or accident associated with transport accidents, water accidents, injury from weapons or sharp objects. At this time, it is better to suspend activities related to Mercurian or Martian specifics.

Favorable Aspects

Usually at this time there is an intensification of mental activity. A person tries to retire in order to actively work in silence. Although these may be long-distance scientific trips. This is the time to establish relationships with people walking the spiritual path. For example, through them a person can join spiritual practices or esoteric knowledge.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Jupiter

Conjunction and favorable aspects

Often a search for influential patrons, although assistance during such a transit is usually guaranteed. There will definitely be a secret or obvious well-wisher who will help resolve a difficult situation or suggest a way out of it. This transit promotes long-distance travel, travel, long sea cruises, as well as educational, scientific and charitable activities. Communication or correspondence with people from afar. Introducing to spiritual heritage, teaching secret sciences, disseminating spiritual knowledge.

Unfavorable Aspects

Often they foreshadow problems from excess knowledge, which can be dangerous for a person. He may disseminate prohibited or deliberately distorted information or engage in smuggling, which may attract the interest of law enforcement agencies. With these aspects, it seems to a person that he is safe, that he has strong enough connections to avoid problems, but in reality everything turns out to be wrong. Patrons can wash their hands and all responsibility will fall on the owner of the horoscope. A person may also suffer from excessive frankness, gullibility, or his own talkativeness. There may be problems while traveling due to carelessness, arrogance, and frivolity. Beware of thefts, intrigues of secret but powerful enemies, intrigues, gossip, tricks. Often during this transit, anonymous letters pop up and information about a person’s unseemly actions is disseminated. You should be careful when making acquaintances, especially when traveling, and check all incoming information. Do not conduct any negotiations, do not conclude deals or agreements, do not go on the road.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Saturn

Conjunction and unfavorable aspects

They bring gloomy, painful thoughts and melancholy. A person can withdraw into himself and avoid contacts. Solitude only worsens his condition. Bad news doesn't make you feel good either. Relationships with others deteriorate, alienation and separation from a partner are possible. A person in such a state can leave home, go somewhere, without saying anything to loved ones. Possible charges of giving false testimony or transmitting incorrect data. Unflattering information about the owner of the horoscope may be revealed. You should beware of the insidious machinations of secret enemies that can cause serious trouble. Blackmail, denunciations, and slander are possible, which are very difficult for a person to refute, since the truth can be mixed with lies. An accident often threatens, usually when moving: a transport accident, a fall from a height, bruises, broken limbs, dislocated joints. Chronic illness may appear.

Favorable Aspects

At this time, a person usually indulges in thinking about life, about fate, about the eternal. But unlike the negative aspects, in which painful thoughts can lead a person to depression and self-torture, with the positive aspects he carefully analyzes his actions, feelings, and relationships. In other words, at this time a person speaks to his conscience, which ultimately contributes to spiritual cleansing. Believers go to confession at this time, can retire to a monastery for a while, or go into nature. People involved in science or interested in arcane sciences conduct research at this time, plunging deeply into the essence of the issue.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Uranus

Conjunction and unfavorable aspects

There may be shocking news that deeply wounds a person. What happened occupies all the person’s thoughts to such an extent that he cannot do anything. A person begins to rush about, sometimes tries to run away from problems, and suddenly leaves in an unknown direction. This condition can cause physical symptoms such as trembling hands, chills, and nervous tics. A sudden break in relations with a dear person is possible, often due to a misunderstanding or because of an evil slander, slander, intrigues of enemies and envious people, but betrayal is also possible. This transit creates the risk of accidents due to transport accidents or natural disasters. You should also beware of thunderstorms and faulty electrical appliances or machinery. You may become a victim of theft, robbery or other criminal act.

Favorable Aspects

They provide sudden insights that help resolve problematic issues. Secret sources of information may be revealed - the secret becomes obvious. Often there are bursts of clairvoyance. Meetings with unusual people, trips related to spiritual quests, and occult experiences are possible. Support from friends endowed with phenomenal abilities or special powers. In some cases, this transit may indicate the emigration of relatives or friends. A good time for learning secret sciences and developing intuitive abilities. Sometimes - involvement in secret activities or membership in a secret organization.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Neptune

Conjunction and unfavorable aspects

Premonitions, vague visions, fantasies that can be confused with reality. Illusory dreams, confusing information, attempts to clarify the situation confuse her even more. A person becomes nervous, suspicious, absent-minded, fussy, often does not find a place for himself, and does not fit well into reality. The danger of behind-the-scenes intrigue, slander, deception, fraud. Danger of poisoning with food, alcoholic beverages or other liquids, petroleum products, drugs and potent medications, and pesticides. While traveling, incidents may occur, such as incorrect ticketing or theft of items or documents. Travel by water is strictly contraindicated. Beware of blackmail, anonymous accounts, betrayal. There may be health problems of unknown etiology, sleep disturbances, memory loss, or an accident caused by the person himself, often associated with the use of alcohol, drugs, or strong medications.

Favorable Aspects

At this time, secret information may also arrive, often in a form where it is understandable only to the owner of the horoscope. Flashes of intuition and anticipation of situations are possible. A person becomes more insightful, can “read” people’s thoughts, but at the same time, these days he is less inclined to make contacts, preferring the “inner” life to the outer one. Words for him cease to be just words; he understands a different, hidden meaning of words. A good time for writers and poets. Unplanned spontaneous trips, contacts with extraordinary people and representatives of other cultures are possible.

Transiting Mercury aspects to natal Pluto

Conjunction and unfavorable aspects

News or thoughtless actions that make a person suffer from hopelessness and the inability to change anything. This may be a feeling of shame and remorse or annoyance, resentment, or thoughts of revenge. The machinations of enemies are possible: behind-the-scenes intrigues, slander, defamatory publications and rumors. While traveling, unpleasant incidents are possible: theft, robbery, disasters, shipwrecks, clashes with law enforcement agencies, difficulties returning home for various reasons, for example, problems with documents, visas, natural disasters, hospitalization of the person himself or his relative or friend.

Favorable Aspects

They give special insight, the ability to penetrate to the very essence of the problem, to find its roots. A person becomes a kind of lie detector, instantly understands that they want to deceive him and about what. There may be news that can radically clarify the situation, or advice or selfless help from knowledgeable people. Contacts with people endowed with phenomenal abilities. Often at this time a person becomes familiar with the secret sciences and seeks connections with secret societies and secret organizations. A good time for extrasensory diagnostics, for fortune telling, checks, equipment testing.

From the book Volume 10. Transitology, part I. Theory. Transits of the Sun and Moon author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

2.2.1. TRANSIT OF THE SUN THROUGH THE I FIELD OF THE HOROSCOPE When the Sun passes through the I field of the horoscope, a person “remembers” himself. He begins to pay attention to his appearance and physical condition. Becomes more strong-willed, authoritarian, assertive;

From the book Volume 11. Transitology, part II. Transits of Mercury Transits of Venus author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

2.2.2. TRANSIT OF THE SUN THROUGH THE II FIELD OF THE HOROSCOPE When the Sun moves through the II field of the horoscope, a person becomes more down to earth. Material interests come to the fore. A person thinks about new means of earning money, looks for an opportunity to increase his

From the book Volume 12. Transitology, part III. Transits of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

1.4. Transit of Mercury through the fields of the horoscope

From the author's book

1.4.1. Transit of Mercury through Field I of the horoscope Strengthens mental activity, intelligence, and enterprise. Reactions, both mental and physical, are accelerated, a person easily makes contact or starts a conversation first, which one way or another comes down to him

From the author's book

1.4.2. Transit of Mercury through the II Field of the horoscope Transit of Mercury through the II Field of the horoscope increases interest in money matters, thinking becomes more practical, new ideas and plans regarding financial matters appear. Shopping, spending, expenses become the main topic

From the author's book

1.4.3. Transit of Mercury through Field III of the horoscope At this time, intellectual activity increases, a person becomes more active and inquisitive. He thinks faster, shows resourcefulness, and becomes more sociable. Takes walks with

From the author's book

1.4.4. Transit of Mercury through the IV Field of the horoscope Indicates intellectual activity related to home and family affairs. There is a lot of communication in the house: guests come, letters, the phone rings more often. There may be news concerning family members or news from parents who

From the author's book

1.4.5. Transit of Mercury through the V Field of the horoscope Mental activity at this time is aimed at the affairs of the V field of the horoscope. A person more actively visits theaters, cinema, exhibitions, museums, libraries, art galleries, sporting events, restaurants, casinos and other places

From the author's book

1.4.7. Transit of Mercury through VII Field of the horoscope Here a lot depends on the sign of the Zodiac in which the Descendant is located. This transit favors meetings and communication with intellectuals, people from the world of science and technology, art, and representatives of the press. In it

From the author's book

1.4.8. Transit of Mercury through the VIII Field of the horoscope Usually has significance only if at least one planet is in this field, then Mercury can activate the readings of the catal chart regarding the VIII field. Much here depends on what sign you are in

From the author's book

1.4.9. Transit of Mercury through the IX Field of the horoscope During this period, interest in education, religion, philosophy, law, culture and history of foreign countries increases. A person more often indulges in thinking about higher matters. In his social circle there may be people from distant countries,

From the author's book

1.4.10. Transit of Mercury through the X Field of the Horoscope Mercury moves too quickly to have a strong influence on career issues here. Transit usually indicates that a person's thoughts at this time are aimed at problems related to current goals, professional

From the author's book

1.4.11. Transit of Mercury through the XI Field of the horoscope It is significant only if at least one planet or any element of the horoscope is in this field. This transit mainly affects relationships with friends, like-minded people, guardians,

From the author's book

1.4.12. Transit of Mercury through the XII Field of the horoscope During this period, a person is not very keen on contacts. He becomes more secretive, does not advertise his interests, prefers solitary mental pursuits, allowing him to freely indulge in his thoughts and

From the author's book

2.4.9. Transit of Venus through the IX Field of the horoscope The passage of Venus through the IX field favors everything related to intellectual activity and social institutions. A good time for political activity, training, advanced training, internships for

From the author's book

3.3.1. SATURN'S TRANSIT THROUGH THE I FIELD OF THE HOROSCOPE From the moment when Saturn enters the I field of the horoscope, a new period begins, which is not yet entirely clear, for clarity will appear only with the cumulative analysis of Saturniare (the horoscope constructed at the moment of Saturn's return to its

Transits are one of the most popular and used methods when making an astrological forecast. Transits are the passage of planets through the natal points of the horoscope, in “real” time, and they change at the speed of life. But it is imperative to take into account that transits themselves do not cause serious events; they are activated when other forecasting methods (direction, progression) indicate some event. Basically, transits describe the dynamics of changes at the physical level, and not at the psychological level. Psychological reasons are hidden behind progressions and directions. They carry deep symbolism and are interpreted as circumstances or conditions, as experience or as a process of development. If directions or progressions indicate that something important is about to happen, then with the help of transits you can significantly narrow the time period and more accurately determine the time of its occurrence.

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day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 months January February March April May June July August September October November December year 2024 2023 2 022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 199 6 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 197 1 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 194 6 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 192 1 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 hour 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 minute 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4 6 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
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☿ MERCURY. With the help of Mercury, a person creates for himself a special mental reality, or a set of mental structures and ideas, and receives a special tool (called reason) for operating with these structures. The standard instruction “think about what you are doing” is nothing more than a call to control Mars by Mercury, i.e. Before you show activity, model it in your mind. The slogan “think what you feel,” which is similar in meaning, suggesting tracking emotional meditations, is no less relevant, although humanity has not yet realized this.

Without Mercury a person is completely helpless. “When God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of his reason.” And then both the external and internal worlds become a chaotic pile of random debris, in no way connected with each other, and a person can only hide in a corner and look around in confusion. On the other hand, Mercury is just an instrument, and a rather crude one at that. Any specific action (Mars) contains so many details and details that it is simply impossible to foresee them all; no thought can comprehend and calculate them. Nevertheless, events, and sometimes even constructive ones, sometimes (with God's help) happen; Mercury, therefore, is assigned the role of overall leadership of the action program, and Mars will take care of the rest itself.

The situation is similar with the principle of perception and the emotional life of a person (Venus). Attempts to “believe harmony with algebra” lead to the fact that instead of essential and emotional perception there is a mental modeling of the object of perception (i.e. a person thinks about it, but does not feel it), which, firstly, is always very rough and schematic, and, secondly, -secondly, it’s not the same at all, Venusian perception is just a different state. Thus, it is impossible to replace Venusian perception with Mercurial one. But you can’t do without the latter. Mercury mental models give us the opportunity to orient ourselves in what is happening and determine the direction for subsequent Venusian knowledge, and blessed is the reader who has these two planets in sextile aspect and who at this point shrugs his shoulders and says: of course ...

However, the role of Mercury is not limited to this. It helps a person to comprehend his inner world, the sometimes swampy valley of emotions and the unattainable mountain peaks of pride and conceit, often repressed. It must be said that the inner world is perceived by a person, as a rule, much more painful than the outer one, and therefore there are many more errors in his (Mercurian) rationalizations, and he defends them much more stubbornly: I really don’t know myself! - he says naively. In this case, the distortion is given as harmonious. so are the tense aspects of Mercury: the former blur internal problems; the latter hypertrophy them.

If Mercury occupies and aspects mainly the day houses and planets of external manifestation (Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto), then the person’s thinking will be more occupied with the external world and problems, but if most of the aspects of Mercury go to the night houses and planets of internal manifestation ( Moon, Venus, Saturn and Neptune), then his thoughts will more often be turned to internal reality, which at a low level of development leads more likely to negative results, since the internal world of a person is no less complex than the external one, but almost our entire civilization is aimed at understanding the external world, and the inner one is left to a (relatively) small number of psychologists and psychiatrists and is practically not studied rationally, so that a developed clear language for describing inner life does not yet exist.

So, the first function of Mercury is to create mental models of the external and internal world and operate with them. Its second function is the creation of language tools for these models, i.e. the individual bricks from which they are made. A person learns to think by simultaneously comprehending both the world and the language with which he builds models of this world, and Mercury controls both processes. Of course, both the creation and comprehension of any language (be it Russian, animal or programming) is a mystical process, but at its very end there is rationalization, i.e. Mercury. Here the situation is very similar to the situation of perception or action described above: understanding a thought and, conversely, its expression in text are subtle mystical acts, but the Mercurian element of rationalization in both cases is necessary, although crude. Thus, a poetic or religious text, if read too dogmatically and rationally, perishes, but elementary rational understanding nevertheless presupposes.

Astrologers say that Mercury takes on the color of the planet in aspect with it. This is how it really should be. But in our time, characterized by the dominance of mental models, very often, on the contrary, a planet in aspect with Mercury categorically takes on its color, and then rational thinking and models begin to perform unusual (often much more subtle) functions of other planets. Thus, when Mercury is aspected to Venus, a person often, before falling in love, carefully thinks through not only his behavior, but also his feelings, and then feels exactly what he planned, and in the evening he rationalizes undisciplined and unforeseen feelings, and either combs them out or deprives energy and destroys (or, if there is not enough strength for this, displaces). The extent to which this effect operates can be judged by the relative strength of Mercury and the planet in aspect to it in a given chart; but it must be borne in mind, especially for the average person, that the strongest influence of modern civilization always accentuates Mercury. The rest - according to Darwin - perish.

The third function of Mercury, which becomes obvious only at a sufficiently high evolutionary level of a person, is the subtle management of energy. Thought directs energies; in the field of mental life, this is well known to psychoanalysts; for example, Freud described in detail obsessional neuroses, when a repressed idea forces a person to constantly perform very specific actions. In external life, Mercury (in the lower octave) represents the principles of communication and control of the flow of processes. This is the planet of administrators, managers, traveling salesmen, and in defeat - swindlers and deceivers like the great strategist O. Bender. The role of Mercury as a manager and redistributor of energy flows is also emphasized here. And let the reader ignorant of occultism not be confused by the apparently material nature of the activity of the railway traffic dispatcher: in fact, he regulates energy flows, and very heavy ones at that, ask him yourself.

At the first level of elaboration of Mercury, a person creates the appearance of having rational thinking. In reality, his thinking is a more or less successful operation of a very small number of cliches accepted in his social environment. At this level, the thought that comes to mind may not be original (a person can feel this himself), but it is undoubted and irrefutable; it is true simply because it is. If a person has good energy, it is very difficult to talk to him: he does not hear anything that does not coincide with his opinion and is not expressed in his exact wording; and he doesn’t hear because he doesn’t want to hear, but because he doesn’t understand. However, his own judgments can carry a very strong energy charge, albeit of crude energy: subjectively this will be expressed in the fact that you will be speechless and literally will not know what to answer, because in this case the effect approaches a direct blow to the jaw. Accordingly, such a person perceives only lapidary texts, saturated with similar energy; “philosophizing and ranting” will only cause him severe irritation. This level of elaboration of Mercury is characterized by a very narrow range of (always socially tested) mental models of the external and internal world. If Mercury is in a tense aspect to the Moon, Venus or the nodes, a person can oppose himself to society, but he will do this anyway according to a very primitive and proven asocial scheme.

Such a person can make a career, especially with strong energy; he will obey without thinking and exactly carry out the orders of his superiors, without being embarrassed by moments when this leads to absurdity. This person is mentally limited, but not necessarily weak, although by all human standards he is perceived as a fool; in addition, he may have excellent intuition, which often compensates for undeveloped Mercury.

At the second level of Mercury development, a person begins to master independent rational thinking, i.e. thoughts and short reasonings come into his head that are not exact copies of social consciousness. At this level, a person learns constructive critical perception, i.e. does not divide thoughts into “true” and “wrong”, but strives to isolate the “rational grain”. However, attempts at independent thinking at this level do not go further than two or three steps, and a fresh idea soon turns out to be flat or a well-known truth. Here a person cannot yet break through the powerful layer of social consciousness in his psyche, but he is already beginning to feel that this is necessary for his self-realization. In other words, the banality of his thinking is already beginning to confuse him, but he still cannot do anything about it. With long-term internal discipline at the second level of Mercury development, a person can become a full-fledged member of society, although it will be difficult for him to study. At this level, a person can perceive a mental model of the external world that is large in volume, but also quite simple in structure; but to model, i.e. he can comprehend his inner world with a rational mind only within very limited limits or with the help of others; however, a qualified psychologist or psychoanalyst can do a lot in this case. At this level, the formation of rational self-awareness is completed, i.e. a person finally separates himself from the world around him with his mind.

At the third level of Mercury development, a person learns to create complex mental models and even improve their language. At the ordinary level of perception, people will say that he is an interesting, creative person with his own view of the world. Breaking through the cliches of public consciousness is sometimes possible, but it is still difficult to stay outside of it for a long time, and the registration of new thoughts and valuable ideas occurs rarely and requires preparation, strong concentration and a certain inspiration. But there is already an opportunity to bring understanding and clarity to some hitherto unclear, foggy and unexplored areas by the human mind (which ones will be shown by the planets in aspect with Mercury, the houses in which they and Mercury stand, etc.).

At this level, a person is already able to begin to independently explore his (always unlike anyone else) inner world and can begin to master the mental plane, disidentifying with his emotions, i.e. standing at the point of the observer above them and stopping emotional meditation, the position “emotions come and go, I feel them as external in relation to my Self and do not hold my attention on them.” At the third level of elaboration of Mercury, a person can to some extent control the psyche - his own and someone else's, with the help of precisely selected words and texts, and begins to feel the power of thought over energy; in addition, he has a distinct feeling that his thoughts are, as it were, not entirely his, i.e. They are not generated by it, but seem to come from somewhere. When leading teams, he discovers that his words seem to materialize, but in different ways, some worse, others better, and the corresponding information, if you listen, arrives in advance.

At the fourth level of working through Mercury, a person learns to disidentify with his mental body, i.e. separates himself from his thoughts and mental models and ideas. Now he sees where thoughts come to him from (i.e. the mental plane) and understands that he only acts as their editor in one language or another. At this level of elaboration, a person can create languages ​​specially adapted for mental modeling of certain fragments of the subtle world. Now a person clearly sees the energy of language symbols, which represent direct energy channels into the subtle world, and learns to correctly compose and use symbolic systems so that the written texts carry energy in any desired range of vibrations, i.e. were perceived by the relevant circle of people, and only by them.

The mind becomes an obedient instrument of inner life; a person can track many subconscious programs, modify them, build new ones, etc. In particular, a person learns to calm his thoughts, slow down their flow and stop them altogether for a while. It should be noted that the state of temporary thoughtlessness is qualitatively different from the much more difficult to achieve state of complete immersion in Silence, which requires higher levels of elaboration of Mercury.

At the fourth level of elaboration of Mercury, a person gains the opportunity with his thought, especially clearly (and in adequate language) expressed, to influence the world around him, i.e. his realization power increases sharply, and he can directly control the flows of psychic energy - his own, someone else's and cosmic. The simplest achievements here are telepathy, telekinesis, thought healing; With stronger energy, a person can actively influence the karma of large groups of people.

Mercury symbolizes a thought, an idea, a person bringing some news, or the news itself.

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. From these signs (moving cross) Mercury receives extreme mobility and the ability to adapt to any situation, as well as the ability to create extraordinary fuss. Following Gemini, he can look at any phenomenon from the other side, and from Virgo he inherits the desire for precision of expression.

At the same time, one should not confuse the sign and the planets: signs characterize the styles and general circumstances of what is happening, while the planets are sources and centers of attraction of energy, i.e. determine the driving forces of human destiny. Thus, strong Gemini with a weak Mercury means that in a person’s life there will be a lot of events, brilliance, noise, sloppiness, and life will turn towards him all the time in different ways, but nevertheless, he will not actively broadcast thought through himself and will not control what is happening around him. On the contrary, weak Gemini with strong Mercury will give an energetic thought, which may be difficult to find a brilliant and multifaceted expression, but the person will very strongly feel its beating in himself and in the outside world, and his life will largely be centered around this thought .

The climax in Aquarius symbolizes Mercury's ability to rationalize what a person still poorly understands, because it relates to the distant future. Language is always created a little ahead, and descendants often admire the genius of their ancestors, who seemed to have anticipated their linguistic needs. In fact, a well-created language greatly shapes future ways of thinking and the process of thinking itself.

The situation of Mercury in a person's life occurs when he feels the strength and power of thought expressed in language. It is the triumph of a poet who completes a poem, or the joy of a physicist who finds a mathematical construct that accurately describes experimental data. And any person who has managed to find the exact formulation for a thought that worries him experiences an immediate energy boost and satisfaction from direct contact with Mercury.

A speaker who commands an audience often wins over it with the power of logic, arguments, and precise reasoning - Mercury reigns here. The managing director, who gives specific instructions, and the messenger boy subordinate to him, who delivers purchases, cannot do without Mercury. Mercury's control of psychic energy in the lower octave is used by various swindlers and demagogues, who can distort reality with a stream of words, and green will seem red to a person, but he will not notice the glaring contradiction (and then he will wonder: “how did he manage to fool me like that?” ...). Conventional political propaganda uses the lower octave of Mercury, successfully shaping the political face of people who are not at the first level of Mercury development. At a higher level, the situation of Mercury occurs in a psychoanalysis session, when the analyst and the patient together search for the most precise formulations for bringing repressed complexes into consciousness. But in general it is much more difficult to imagine a situation in which Mercury would not participate than a situation where it is present: language and thinking constantly accompany a person’s entire life.

A person with a predominant influence of Mercury will be extremely active; in addition, it seems that he is spinning the space around him at a fast rhythm. He is always going somewhere and has just returned from somewhere, and he had very important contacts with very interesting people who for some reason (question to the reader: why?) immediately fell in love with him, became interested in him and offered him participation in an unusual enterprise.

A Mercury person easily masters any language and finds a common language with anyone. He never finds it difficult to express his thoughts, sometimes allowing inaccuracies, but not painful pauses, during which a vague thought strainingly searches for words for its formulation. His thoughts are, rather, too clear and precise, although in general they often form a fantastic chaos, from which at times something spills out. How often depends on the ascendant: regardless of the position of Mercury, a person with Scorpio ascendant is usually silent, while a person with Gemini ascendant is talkative.

From the Mercury person comes a feeling of hidden potential power (this feeling is much subtler than the emanation of overt power coming from the Mars person, and differs from the feeling of authority and power transmitted by the Sun person). It seems to those around him, and, first of all, to himself, that he can do anything if he directs his internal reserves to it - and this is so, but it requires the elaboration of Mercury, which at high levels of development really controls energy. But for this you need to achieve a high degree of concentration of thought, which is not easy.

Until the Mercury man learns to control his thoughts, his thoughts control him. For a fairly energetic manipulator and black teacher, the Mercury person is a real find. Having introduced his idea into the latter, the former need not worry about anything: he received a free and completely obedient slave to this idea, who, moreover, will be able to translate it into any language and make it understandable to any person. However, most people turn out to be weaker than the Mercury person and quickly fall under his charm and almost hypnosis: he can conquer them and convince them of anything, which he uses for selfish purposes at a low level of development.

Mercury people are indispensable in all professions where contacts and negotiations with people are essential, from newspaper sellers to high diplomacy inclusive. In addition, they successfully engage in various activities where the role of language is significant: literary creativity, translation, philological research; if Mercury (or the Sun) is in the 4th house - a penchant for language theory, semiotics; at a high level of development - the creation of new languages ​​and, on their basis, scientific or humanitarian concepts and theories.

Weak Mercury gives a person who finds it difficult to formulate his thoughts and even more difficult to formulate his internal states. In addition, rational thinking in general is difficult, combinatorial abilities are poor, in particular, for example, it is difficult to calculate options in chess. A person with weak Mercury does not feel well in situations that are new to him, where he needs to quickly navigate and grab information on the fly; he is not in danger of becoming a newspaperman who can write an article without actually having any information about the subject. At first, attempts to imitate people with stronger Mercury lead to failure: a person tries to think and speak quickly, and as a result, he immediately gets into trouble. He always needs preliminary preparation, and the latter not only compensates him, but often takes him far ahead in comparison with his faster and more superficially thinking comrades.

In general, it is difficult to penetrate him with words and arguments that may be completely convincing to others. For a person with weak Mercury, compensation often goes along the line of working through Neptune or Uranus, i.e. mystical intuition and instant insights, and if he manages to master these methods, then he receives an additional channel of thinking that should not be underestimated.

And yet, foreign languages ​​are difficult for him, and he can speak his native language well only in a strong energy flow, which requires great internal concentration and tension. Happy, casual chat, oral or written, is not his cup of tea.

Harmonious Mercury gives a person with a pleasant manner of speaking, which is largely due to his ability to think clearly; it should be noted that the depth of thought depends on the level of personality, and not on the aspects of Mercury, for the latter plays the role of editor rather than author. Mercury rules the nervous system, so a person with harmonious Mercury moves well; with Mars trine, especially in fire and air signs, athletic abilities. Harmonious Mercury gives a person the temptation to beautifully express any thought, including worthless ones, as well as the temptation of intellectual snobbery, contempt for inelegant, poorly expressed thoughts. At the same time, a deep and unusual idea rarely appears immediately in a perfect, polished form, and in order to formalize it, great mental effort is needed, and this works well for the harmonious Mercury, if he is not overcome by decisive laziness. In addition, he enjoys great success with the opposite sex (since intelligence is the main secondary sexual characteristic), which also distracts from constructive activities. Harmonious Mercury naturally creates embellished mental models, hides rough edges, and with the Moon, Venus, or Sun afflicted, this can lead to a kind of mental escapism: a person avoids an honest, essential and emotional life, focusing on his more harmonious mental models, which can reflect whatever you want, and in the way the subconscious desires. When worked through, harmonious Mercury does not decorate personal mental pictures, but constructively deals with reality - external and internal, using mental images and ideas as a tool, but not as a goal.

Affected Mercury produces intense mental activity with very little (in the opinion of others) effect. This is a sharp, selective mind, a peculiar, unusual and often disharmonious way of expressing one’s thoughts, which makes it difficult for the interlocutor, and frankly the person himself, to get to it. Affected Mercury gives a distorted way of seeing the world rationally, especially in areas aspected by intense Mercury aspects. However, these distortions, although they cause a lot of trouble to a person (and those around him), always have a karmic meaning: a person must pay attention to them, understand them and tell the world something hitherto unknown and invisible.

In the absence of elaboration, the intense aspects of Mercury give a person, so to speak, with a striped spectrum of mind: he will not discuss some issues (not particularly interesting to him) at all or will express a completely acceptable opinion; but those problems that deeply concern his mind are perceived by him in such a fantastically distorted way that he may well be considered abnormal, and the result of the discussion will most often be conflict or deep dissatisfaction on both sides. In general, working through the affected Mercury is very difficult, since it is often accompanied by a feeling of pronounced mental superiority over the world (all failures seem random or due to the unpreparedness of the partner and the world as a whole) and a decrease in criticism, with a very great vulnerability to words and a repressed mental inferiority complex. Fighting your thoughts and ideas is much more difficult than fighting your emotions, although even the latter is a most difficult task for the average person. Working through the affected Mercury gives you power over your own and other people’s thoughts, even distorted and disharmonious ones, and the ability to pacify and smooth out the most disharmonious situations; in an undeveloped version, on the contrary, the ability to ruin the general mood with two or three phrases and aggravate an unimportant situation to the point of being impossible.