Tomsk architectural. Tomsk Engineering and Construction Institute

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

Bachelor's, postgraduate, specialist, doctoral, master's

Skill level:

full-time, part-time, part-time

Form of study:

State diploma

Certificate of completion:



From 25,000 to 142,000 RUR per year

Cost of education:

From 130 to 183

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

University characteristics

Budget funding (free training):
Non-state funding (paid training):
Deferment from service:
Military department:
Preparatory training:
Number of students7000
Number of teachers600
Number of candidates of sciences300
Number of prof. and doctors:90

general information

In Tomsk, the training of architectural and construction specialists stopped for two decades and was resumed with the opening in 1952 of the Institute for the Training of Elevator Construction Engineers (since 1953 - Tomsk Engineering and Construction Institute). The birthday of Tomsk Construction University is considered to be June 5th. On this day in 1952, an order was issued by the USSR Minister of Higher Education V.N. Stoletov about the opening of the institute, and on June 6, the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union announced to the whole world the creation of a new university in Tomsk. With the opening of the institute, a new stage in the development of architectural and construction education in Siberia begins. The university, which received the status of an Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering in 1993, and since 1997 was transformed into a University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, has become a worthy successor to the traditions of engineering education in the Siberian region.

The opening of the institute was dictated by the need to restore industry and agriculture in the post-war period and provide qualified personnel for construction and industrial facilities in the region and country. The development of the northern regions of Siberia, the development of the oil and gas production, timber and oil refining industries, the increasing volumes of industrial and civil construction, created a great need for civil engineers who knew the specifics of constructing facilities and structures in harsh, extreme Siberian conditions with the region’s undeveloped infrastructure. All this together was the reason for the emergence of a construction university in Tomsk.

The founding and opening of the university practically coincided in time. The opening of the university was preceded by a very short preparatory period. On June 5, 1952, a decree was issued on the organization of the university and on September 1 of the same year the institute’s grand opening took place.

The university began its activities with one construction faculty and a single specialty - “Industrial and civil construction”. The enrollment of students in the first year of study was 150 people.

The first graduation of engineers took place in 1957 - 110 civil engineers and 48 hydraulic engineers, who were sent to the largest construction projects in the country.

In 1953, a new specialty was opened at the university - “highways and city roads.” In 1956, the Faculty of Hydropower Construction with educational and laboratory equipment and a team of teachers was transferred from the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute to TISI. At the end of the 1950s. TISI already had three faculties: construction, road transport and mechanical engineering. Initially, training was carried out only on a full-time basis, later evening and correspondence departments were opened.

Its first leaders played a significant role in the formation and development of the university: A.A. Potokin(1952-1953), S.V. Zhestkov(1953-1955), L.M. Damansky(1955-1958), M.V. Postnikov(1958-1968). The activities of the first rectors of the university were aimed at implementing the priority tasks of the development of the educational institution: the creation of an educational and material base and the organization of the educational process.

Already during the formation of a university, research work begins to develop in it, and the prerequisites are laid for the formation of scientific schools and directions. The joint efforts of the institute's scientists were concentrated on solving a number of pressing problems related to the use of natural resources in Western Siberia, construction work in winter, and the development and introduction into production of new building structures, mechanisms and materials. During this period, scientific research at the university was carried out on state budgetary and economic contractual topics on four general institute topics: on the problems of developing local standards for the design of foundations and foundations for engineering structures on loess-like soils in Western Siberia (supervisor - Professor M.I. Kuchin), on the problems of developing permafrost soils (supervisor - associate professor N.I. Fokeev), on the development of enclosing and load-bearing structures of industrial and civil buildings (supervisor - associate professor V.V. Chizhov), on the construction of highways and logging roads for the forested-swampy zone of Western Siberia (supervisor - associate professor V.G. Churkov). Departmental topics were also developed on various problems of the construction industry, taking into account the climatic conditions of Western Siberia: on the creation of binding building materials (Associate Professor D.I. Chemodanov, later a professor), increasing the durability of parts of construction and mining machines (Associate Professor G.V. Toporov, later a professor ), research into the throughput capacity of practical spillways (Associate Professor P.A. Martynov), improvement of the manufacturing technology of pre-stressed reinforced concrete and steel structures (Associate Professor V.S. Bartenev).

The fifth rector (1968-2005) and the first president of the university (2005-2008) made a great contribution to the development of the university. G.M. Rogov.

During his 37-year leadership of the university, Gennady Markelovich Rogov managed to transform the institute into a university complex. He was an outstanding representative of higher education in Russia, vice-president of the Russian Union of Rectors, chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Tomsk Region, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR.

During his rectorship, the formation and successful implementation of a university development strategy took place, aimed at integrating science and education, increasing the level of training of teaching staff, a significant increase in highly qualified university personnel, and the formation of scientific schools and directions.

During the years of G.M. Rogov as rector, the institute is transformed into a university complex: new faculties, institutes and branches of the university are created, new specialties are opened. The opening of new faculties and specialties was determined, first of all, by the needs of the construction industry of the Tomsk region. The development of the building materials industry in the Tomsk region increased the demand for industrial engineers, and in 1970 a Faculty of Technology appeared at the institute. In connection with the increased volume of industrial and housing and civil construction in Siberia, the intensive urban development of the Tomsk region, the Faculty of Architecture was opened at the university in 1976. Subsequently, the Faculty of General Education (1993), the Faculty of Forestry Engineering (1997), and the Faculty of Geoinformation Technologies and Cadastre (2006) were formed. The university managed to provide training for engineers in the entire cycle of construction specialties. Thus, the university teachers provided significant assistance in providing specialist engineers to numerous enterprises in the construction industry of the country and region.

In 2002, the Tomsk College of Geodesy and Cartography of the Russian Ministry of Education became part of the university as a structural unit - the faculty of secondary vocational education. Activities of G.M. Rogova was also aimed at strengthening the material and technical base of the university. During his tenure as rector, 6 academic buildings, 4 student dormitories, a kindergarten, a children's health center, a sports complex and much more were put into operation.

Under the leadership of G.M. Rogov, a number of scientific schools and directions emerged at the university, which were focused, first of all, on the development of the Siberian construction complex. Since the 1970s TISI began to conduct scientific research on improving the technology of construction production in winter conditions, laying utilities, installing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, roofing and finishing work, bricklaying at temperatures below -30 degrees, and constructing temporary roads. In the 1980s Research work was carried out on the rational use and protection of water resources, on the creation of technology for producing effective building materials. The research solved the vital problems of water supply in the region, as well as the introduction of the most promising building materials into production. From 1989 to 2004 The university was headed under the guidance of professor, doctor of technical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Academy of Sciences and Sciences L.S. Lyakhovich All-Russian interuniversity scientific and technical program of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia “Architecture and Construction”, which united scientific research from more than 50 universities in the country, and was also the parent organization of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for a grant competition on fundamental problems of architecture and construction sciences (from 1993 to 2004 ).

Under the leadership of the rector M.I. Slobodsky(2005-2012) the continuity of the strategic course of development of the university was maintained, aimed at the integration of science and education, expansion and development of the university complex.

In 2011, the university became a laureate of the “100 Best Universities in Russia” competition. The competition was held by an independent public Council and the organizing committee of the V All-Russian Conference “Problems and Prospects for the Development of Higher Education and Science in the Russian Federation” under the chairmanship of the Nobel Prize laureate in physics, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Zh.A. Alferova. In the same year, the university became a diploma winner of the Rosobrnadzor competition “Quality system for training graduates of educational institutions of vocational education.”

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1 of

07.03.01 (270100) Architecture;

07.03.02 (270200) Reconstruction and restoration of architectural heritage;

07.03.03 (270300) Design of the architectural environment;

08.03.01 (270800) Construction

  • Industrial and civil engineering
  • Urban construction and economy
  • Production of building materials, products and structures
  • Heat and ventilation
  • Water supply and sanitation
  • Mechanization and automation of construction
  • Expertise and property management
  • Car roads
  • Road bridges and tunnels
  • Housing and communal complex
  • Engineering and estimate activities in construction
  • Plasma technologies for creating and processing building materials

09.03.03 (230700)Applied computer science

03.15.02 (151000) Technological machines and equipment

  • Machinery and equipment of the forestry complex

20.03.01 (280700) Technosphere safety

  • Safety of technological processes and production
  • Engineering environmental protection

03.21.01 (131000) Oil and gas business

  • Machinery and equipment for the construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines

03.21.02 (120300) Land management and cadastres

  • City cadastre
  • Real estate cadastre
  • Geodetic support of land management and cadastres

03.23.01(190700) Technology of transport processes

  • Traffic organization and safety

03.23.02 (190100) Ground transport and technological complexes

  • Lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment
  • Mechanization of construction and arrangement of oil and gas facilities

03.23.03 (190600) Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes

  • Cars and automotive industry
  • Car service
  • Operation of vehicles

35.03.02 (250400) Technology of logging and wood processing industries

  • Woodworking technology.

38.03.01 (080100) Economics

  • Accounting, analysis and audit
  • Pricing and estimating in construction

38.03.02 (080200) Management

  • Economics and enterprise management (in construction)
  • Organization and management in the oil and gas industry

03/38/04 State and municipal administration

Admissions Committee Contacts

Admission conditions

P When submitting an application for admission to the University, the applicant submits:

  1. original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship
  2. original or photocopy of a state-issued education document
  3. application for admission to university
  4. 4 photos 3x4
  5. upon admission to the correspondence faculty - a certificate from the place of work or a copy of the work record book
  6. information about prof. examination for persons applying for referrals:
  • 03.23.02Ground transport and technological complexes
  • 03.23.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
  • 05.23.01Ground transport and technological means

Graduate School Contacts

Doctoral contacts

Postgraduate studies

  1. Candidate's exams
  2. Programs for candidate examinations in history and philosophy of science:
  • 01.00.00 - Phy-zi-ko-ma-te-ma-ti-che-che-sciences
  • 02.00.00 - Chemical sciences
  • 05.00.00 - Technical sciences
  • 07.00.00 - Historical sciences
  • 08.00.00 - Economic sciences
  • 09.00.00 - Philosophical sciences
  • 25.00.00 - Geosciences
  1. Forms, applications.
  • application for passing the can-di-da-t-ex-ex-me-na in history and phil-o-so-phy of science
  • application for passing the Candidate exam in a foreign language
  • application for passing the can-di-dat-sko-th exam-for-me-for-specialty
  1. Individual full-time study plans
  • training period 3 years
  • training period 4 years

5. In-di-vi-du-al plans for full-time education

  • training period 4 years
  • Duration of training: 5 years

Doctoral studies

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 4, 2014 No. 267 “On approval of the Regulations on Doctoral Studies,” a new procedure for preparing a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science through doctoral studies is established at the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

General information

Doc-to-ran-tu-ra this is the form of my preparation for academic personnel of the highest qualification in the Tomsk state government ar-hi-tech-tour-no-building-and-tel-nom uni-ver-si-te-those, as with-n-ma-yu-shchey ob-ra-zo-va-tel-noy or- ga-ni-za-tion of the highest pro-fes-si-o-nal-no-go-ra-zo-va-niya, in which the implementation preparation of a dissertation for co-research of an academic degree of Doctor of Science.

An employee of TGASU who carries out pe-da-go-gi-che-skaya and (or) teaching new (scientific-research) work, as well as pedagogy or scientific work -nickname of another ob-ra-zo-va-tel-noy or on-academic organization (at-the-right-of-the-or-ga-ni-for-tion).

When entering the dock, you must have:

  • an academic degree of the Candidate of Sciences or an academic degree received in a foreign state, recognized -mu in the Russian Fe-de-ra-tion, about-la-da-te-lyu which is provided by the same aka-de-mi-che-skie and ( or) professional rights, the same as the can-di-da-tu of sciences in the Russian Federation;
  • experience in teaching and (or) academic work for at least five years;
  • work experience in the right-hand organization for at least one year;
  • scientific achievements, confirmed by a list of works published in the reviews of academic institutions nyh from-da-ni-yah, and (or) pa-ten-tov on the image, pa-ten-tov (testimony) on the useful model, about -muscle image, breeding achievements, evidence of state government re-gi- strat-tions of programs for electronic computing machines, databases, to-logs of integrated microcircuits, for re-gi-stri-ro-van-nyh in a set-in-a-row;
  • plan for preparation of dis-ser-ta-tion.

Admission to the doctor's office is carried out on a competitive basis.

With the persons who have successfully passed the competitive selection process, they have closed the do-to-go-thief, on the basis of something of the implementation of the dis-ser-ta-tion.

The preparation period for the document is no more than 3 years.

To assist the doctor in the preparation of the dissertation, a scientific consultant may be appointed from among doctors of sciences.

The number of documents in the document is carried out during the entire year.

When I step into the doc-to-ran-tu-ru, I follow the following do-ku-men:

  • Application for admission to doctoral studies addressed to the rector.
  • A copy of the diploma awarding the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences.
  • A list of published scientific works, signed and certified by the head of the sending organization.
  • Detailed plan for preparing a doctoral dissertation.
  • Questionnaire.
  • Two 3x4 photographs.
  • Consent to the processing of personal data.
  • An extract from the decision of the scientific (scientific, scientific and technical) council of the sending organization.
  • A certificate from the HR department indicating the length of teaching and (or) scientific work and work experience in the sending organization.
  • Letter of request from the sending organization.

A document that certifies a person, and a diploma of an academic degree in the Candidate of Sciences, appear in person.

Reception of applications from workers and letters of management from the authorities ma-yut-sya in those whole year.

  • Sport
  • Medicine
  • Creation
  • Extra

Sport and health

Sport sections
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Athletics
  • Weightlifting
  • Weight-lifting
  • Martial arts
  • Bullet shooting
  • Biathlon


Health of students, teachers and staff one of the priority areas enshrined in the Comprehensive University Development Program for 2013-2017. Targeted program "Health" has as its goal the creation of the necessary conditions for maintaining and strengthening the physical and psychological health of students, teachers and staff.

Main program activities:

  • improvement of medical and health activities;
  • improvement of sports and recreational activities;
  • popularization of a healthy lifestyle.

To implement program activities, the university has a variety of resources:

  • university sanatorium, st. Pushkina, 29;
  • developed network of sports facilities(sports complex on Partizanskaya street 16, sports complex on 79 Gvardeyskaya Division street 25/2, university stadium, outdoor skating rink, sports rooms in student dormitories).

Popularization of a healthy image life is spent university administration in the form of holding a university-wide Health Day, organizing sports sections in various types of sports for students and teachers, supporting university representatives for participants in competitions at various levels, posting information about the achievements of university representatives in the university and city media, with the help of Primary trade union organization of university students and her volunteer movement for a healthy lifestyle "Exit" through numerous events, promotions, flash mobs, quizzes and discussions, University club through the organization of creative evenings, meetings and competitions, the TSASU Sports Club through the holding of university sports competitions, master classes in various sports, festive relay races and many other events.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and change in the nature of stress on the human body due to the complication of social life, increasing risks of a man-made, environmental and psychological nature, provoking negative changes in health.

Health- the state of a living organism in which it as a whole and all its organs are capable of fully performing their functions; absence of illness or disease.

Main factors of physical health:

  • level of physical development;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • level of functional readiness to perform loads.

To maintain an adequate level of health, the university conducts medical examinations, organizes and conducts medical examinations for certain types of diseases.


  • Indian dance studio "Bharata"
  • Irish dance studio "Ethno-dance"
  • Oriental dance studio "Flower of Life"
  • Contemporary Dance Ensemble "O'Keys"
  • Dance team “Look at us”
  • Folk dance ensemble
  • Circus studio
  • Vocal studio "Imena"
  • Animation studio "Multgora"
  • Theater studio "Street of Faces"
  • Student theater of variety miniatures "NeFakt"
  • Student variety miniature theater "Kalach"
  • Conference studio
  • Readers' Studio
  • Show theater "Penguins"
  • Art groups
  • Group of Creative Organizers
  • Creative group "Positiff"
  • Photo association of the University Club

TGASU student construction teams - This is a whole world of true friends, long roads, difficult victories and the beginning of a successful career!

SSO TGASU is an opportunity:

  • Receive professional training in your specialty and work experience in various fields;
  • Take part in the social, cultural and sports life of the university, city, region, Russia;
  • Organize leisure and recreation;
  • Expand your social circle;
  • Earn money without interrupting the educational process;
  • And much more.

Don't you know where to find yourself yet?

Join the SSO TGASU, you won’t regret it!

Student construction team- This voluntary association of students with the aim of creating e one self-governing and cohesive team for teamwork and achieving a specific result.

One of the important conditions for the existence of the MTR is the presence of a period of formation of a detachment to identify the abilities of the detachment fighters and a period of independent work with all attributes independence and responsibility.

An important role in the life of construction team members is played by the opportunity for self-realization in various areas (organization, management, innovation, artistic creativity, etc.) and of course romance of travel, life in new, sometimes more complex, unusual conditions.

Strezhevoy, Kedrovy, OKB, 10th polyclinic, dormitories and buildings of TISI, liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake in Armenia and much more - these are the glorious pages of the university’s SSO.

In the period from 1990 to 2010, the construction brigade movement actually ceased. Basically, it all came down to organizing qualified summer internships for students.

In 2010, an active revival of the university’s construction brigade movement began. The headquarters of the TGASU SSO began its work (headed by V. Buzmakov: in 2011 he became the head of the Tomsk regional branch of the Youth All-Russian Public Movement “Russian Student Teams”), numerous meetings were held between the university’s SSO veterans and students, and enrollment in the TGASU SSO was announced.

2010- participation of 12 university students as part of the joint student construction team of Tomsk "Region-70" at the Olympic venues of Sochi 2014 (construction of the Adler Thermal Power Plant)

2011- participation in the construction of the Olympic facilities of Sochi LSSO TGASU "Soyuz" consisting of 62 fighters and in the consolidated SSO of Tomsk "Region-70" consisting of 11 fighters in the construction of the Ice Palace of the luge and bobsleigh track of the Olympic Sochi, in the repair of the Children's Hospital No. 2" LSSO "Phoenix" worked in Tomsk.

year 2012- participation in the construction of Olympic facilities LSSO "Soyuz" with a strength of 68 fighters, at the sites of the All-Russian construction "Academic" in Yekaterinburg LSSO "Phoenix" numbering 19 fighters, in Tomsk the LSSO "Everest" numbering 11 fighters worked.

year 2013- participation of the TGASU SSO in the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi: LSSO "Soyuz" and LSSO "Unity"; in Yekaterinburg, the LSSO "Alpha" worked at the sites of the All-Russian student construction project "Academic", in the city combined detachment the LSSO "Atlant", LSSO "Phoenix" and LSSO "Everest" successfully completed the third working semester.

year 2014- in the 5th Anniversary, after the revival of the Movement of student construction teams of the university, the TGASU SSO worked at the facilities of the Vostochny Cosmodrome - LSSO Soyuz and LSSO Edinstvo, at the facilities of the Urengoymontazhpromstroy OJSC enterprise in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug LSSO " Atlant", in Yekaterinburg, the LSSO "Alpha" worked at the sites of the All-Russian student construction project "Academic", and the LSSO "Phoenix" and LSSO "Everest" worked hard in the city combined detachment. LSSO "Phoenix" retained its title of winner and was awarded the title of the best detachment of the 3rd labor semester among city detachments in 2014.

2015- SSO TGASU is 6 linear student construction teams that actively participated in the public life of their home university, city, and country. The third working semester of the LSSO "Soyuz" worked at the All-Russian construction site "Vostochny Cosmodrome" in Uglegorsk at the industrial construction and operational base; LSSO "Unity" at the All-Russian construction site "Vostochny Cosmodrome" in Tsiolkosky at the site of the administrative building GP-49; LSSO "Alpha" at the All-Russian construction site "Pomorie" "Plesetsk Cosmodrome" in Mirny, Arkhangelsk region; LSSO "Atlant" at nuclear industry facilities in Zheleznogorsk in the contracting organization "BureyaGesStroy" of the construction department "AtomStroy"; LSSO "Phoenix" and LSSO "Everest" at the sites of Tomsk in the construction organization "Tomskremstroyproekt". According to the results of the third labor semester: LSSO "Soyuz" was recognized as the best women's team of the All-Russian construction site "Vostochny Cosmodrome", and LSSO "Phoenix" was awarded the title of the best student construction team in Tomsk.

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
International name Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (TSUAB)
Motto Firmitas. Utilitas. Venustas
Year of foundation 1931
Reorganized 1952
Year of reorganization 1997
Type state
The president Maltsev Boris Alekseevich
Rector Vlasov Viktor Alekseevich
Students 7224
Foreign students 980
Professors 80
Teachers 521
Location Russia Russia, Tomsk Tomsk
Legal address Solyanaya Square, 2
Related images on Wikimedia Commons

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TGASU) - one of the leading construction universities in Siberia. Provides fundamental and applied training to bachelors, masters, specialists, and technicians in the areas of architectural and construction profiles.

Mission TGASU- development of the best traditions of architectural and construction education and science based on the unity of educational, research and practical activities:

  • to train specialists - worthy citizens of Russia, capable of independently and timely mastering the necessary new knowledge in a rapidly updating world of technology, being leaders and working in a team, operating in a competitive environment;
  • to generate new knowledge aimed at ensuring the dynamic development of the domestic construction industry;
  • for active influence on the development of the architectural and construction complex of the country and region.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ TOP 10 Best Universities in Russia 2016

    ✪ 🔴Lunch at the construction university.

    ✪ New Year's video battle challenge to dormitory No. 3 of TSASU

    ✪ Tyumen Industrial University


    Anyone can achieve success, regardless of having a higher education. But it can be a good start for a career. And the list of specialties that require a diploma for employment is quite long. For many, the reckless student years become the best memories of their entire lives. So that this fun time doesn’t go in vain, and when applying for a job you don’t have to hear: “Now forget everything you were taught!” You should choose a university carefully. We present to your attention the ranking of the TOP 10 Best Universities in Russia in 2016. It is compiled based on the rating of the Expert RA agency. 10th Place UrFU - Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin This is the largest university in the Urals, teaching more than 50,000 students. This is one of the best universities in Russia in 2016. It consists of 17 institutes and other units offering training in a large number of specialties. He collaborates with large enterprises, conducting internships for students at their base. This university has its own observatory, botanical garden and many laboratories. It constantly carries out scientific work in various directions: physics, energy, communications, philosophy, biology, etc. According to the Expert RA agency, it ranks fourth in terms of the demand for graduates among employers in 2016. 9th Place NSU - Novosibirsk National Research State University The development of this educational institution is inextricably linked with the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, and its main goal is to train good specialists. The university has created all the conditions for teaching people with disabilities; in addition, it offers a huge amount of materials to everyone on the global network. Most of its teachers are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and students study in real laboratories from the very beginning of their studies. The motto of NSU is the phrase: “We won’t make you smarter, we will teach you to think!” 8th Place TPU - National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University People trained here played a decisive role in the development of the Asian part of Russia. For a long time TPU was the only technical university outside the Urals. Mendeleev himself actively participated in its creation. This university today does not rest on the laurels of the past, but continues to train qualified specialists in various fields. More than 90% of graduates of this university find work in their field in the first year after graduation. 7th Place MGIMO - Moscow State Institute of International Relations Initially, MGIMO was created to train diplomats, but today it offers 16 areas of training: economics, political science, journalism, trade, etc. Many foreign citizens study there. It is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a university that teaches the largest number of foreign languages, the study of two of which is mandatory for any student. It is also known for the high cost of paid education. Annual training in some specialties costs more than 500,000 rubles. 6th Place NRU HSE - National Research University Higher School of Economics It cannot boast of a rich history, but has already managed to train more than 20,000 people and become one of the most sought-after in Russia. Mostly socio-economic and humanities are taught here, but there are also specialties related to mathematics, mechanics and computer science. He is known to the general public for his “University Open to the City” campaign, which consists of delivering public lectures in Gorky Park. The quality of education received here is noted by many international ratings. The competition for the most popular specialties is more than 7 people per place. 5th Place St. Petersburg State University - St. Petersburg State University This is the oldest university in the country and, of course, one of the best institutions in Russia in 2016, its history goes back more than 290 years. While working here as head of the department of general chemistry, Mendeleev created the periodic table of elements. This university has been given a status that allows it to issue its own diplomas and have its own educational standards. It ranks among many world rankings as a university with quality education. What distinguishes it from other universities is the presence of resource centers, the equipment of which is available to all students and representatives of other educational institutions. He actively cooperates with global educational institutions, being the only member of the Coimbra Group from Russia. 4th Place MSTU im. N.E. Bauman - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman "Baumanka", as it is usually called, prepares students in many educational programs. They are mostly technical, but there are also humanitarian ones among them. The quality of education received here is valued throughout the world. MSTU actively cooperates with more than 70 educational institutions, conducting joint scientific research, seminars and conferences. His diploma can be used in 11 European countries. In addition to Moscow, it has branches located in Kaluga and Dmitrov. There, students have the opportunity to do internships at Samsung and Volkswagen factories. All this allows us to call it one of the best universities in Russia in 2016. 3rd Place NRNU MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" "MEPhI" is interesting because of the presence of a training nuclear reactor on its territory and the recent opening of the department of theology. This event caused many to talk about a possible decline in the quality of education, but the fears were not justified. "MEPhI" still occupies high positions in international and Russian rankings, continuing the tradition of transmitting quality training established in 1942 by the Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition. This university publishes a large number of educational materials and even organized its own “Network School”. Among Russian universities, it ranks 6th in terms of the demand for graduates among employers. Such an educational institution certainly deserves to be ranked with the best Russian universities in 2016. 2nd Place MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Phystech stands out from other universities with its unusual education system, in which students are carefully selected and actively participate in scientific work. Winners of some competitions and olympiads receive benefits upon admission to it. The main areas of training at Physics and Technology are economics, physics and computer technology. In 2009, it was awarded the status of “National Research Institute”. There are legends about Phystech, which often do not correspond to reality. This relates to claims that 65% of its classes end after sunset and its student expulsion rate is higher than other universities. 1st Place MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov is the best university in Russia in 2016. This university has the right to issue diplomas of its own type and use its own educational standards, as the holder of a special status. Its rector is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation. In 2014, the Expert RA agency awarded Moscow State University the status of “exceptionally high” level of graduate training, unique among Russian universities. It also stands out for its approach to teaching; a specialty has been preserved here. It trains more than 35,000 people, and in addition to Russia, it has branches in five CIS countries. It is this agency that Expert RA considers the best institute in Russia for 2016 based on the combination of all indicators. If you want to get acquainted with the full ranking of the best universities in Russia in 2016, I recommend that you visit the website of the Expert RA agency using the link that is in the description of this video. ( If you liked the video, put “Like”, and if not, “Dislike” and write a comment - this is very important for the development of our channel. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already! That's all! Bye!


The history of the university dates back to 1901, when it was created in Tomsk First Siberian Commercial School, for which in 1904, through the efforts of Tomsk merchants-patrons and city authorities, a special building was built, which is now the 2nd (“Red”) building of TGASU. The building was built with the participation of the famous architect K.K. Lygina. During the period of the Revolution and the Civil War, the educational institution within the walls of the building for the first time leaves the level of a college to become a university: in Kolchak’s time, evacuees from the capital operated here Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Army, with the establishment of Soviet power - .

To raise the prestige of colleges, in 1923, as part of the technical reform of the country, by personal order of People's Commissar A. Lunacharsky, the educational institute was reorganized into First Siberian Polytechnic College named after Comrade K.A. Timiryazeva. This is an exemplary educational institution in the east of the country. In the conditions of industrialization in 1930, there was a need to quickly increase the number of technical schools and the Tomsk Polytechnic was urgently split into dozens of new Tomsk technical schools, and the Polytechnic itself was disbanded.

One of them - (training specialist technicians and foremen for the construction of elevators in Siberia), then located in buildings on Solyanaya Square. However, by order of the government of the country, the very next year (1931) the technical school was reorganized into a university - the site and premises of the technical school were transferred to the relocated from Moscow to Tomsk Flour-Elevator Institute. Along with the “red building”, a neighboring building is also allocated for it - a former NKVD prison and investigation facility. It is being rebuilt as an additional academic building for the new university. Nowadays this is the building of building No. 3 of TSASU, on the pediment of which at the top you can still see the symbolic elevator and the year of creation of this emblem. Again, by government decision in 1939, the university was relocated back to Moscow, and its premises were given over to Tomsk Flour-Elevator College(2nd formation). In 1943, the technical school was renamed Tomsk Polytechnic(2nd formation). The modern educational institution "Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering" dates its history back to 1952, when the Tomsk Polytechnic College of the Ministry of Procurement of the USSR By government decision, the university is being re-established - Tomsk Institute for Training Engineers for Elevator Construction. In 1953, by order of the Minister of Culture of the USSR, the institute received the status Tomsk Engineering and Construction Institute(TISI). In the 1960-1990s. The university becomes one of the leading construction institutes in Siberia, it is in the top five best engineering and construction universities in the country.

In 1993, TISI was renamed the Tomsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TGACA). In 1997, the university received university status and was renamed Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TGASU).

TISI / TGASU began its work with the Faculty of Construction, which provided training in the specialty “Industrial and Civil Construction”. In the first year, with an enrollment of 150 students, the educational process was provided by 15 teachers. The first graduation of engineers took place in 1957 - 103 civil engineers and 48 hydraulic engineers, who were sent to the largest construction projects in the country. From its foundation to the present time, the university has trained more than 55 thousand certified engineers. In the 1960s -1980s. at TISI for five full-time ( construction, road, mechanical, technological, architectural), as well as on evening And in absentia faculties trained students in seven specialties, research work was actively developed, and the foundation was laid for the formation of scientific schools and directions.

Six of its rectors played a significant role in the formation and development of the university: A.A. Potokin (1952-1953), S.V. Zhestkov (1953-1955), L.M. Damansky (1955-1958), M.V. Postnikov (1958-1968), G.M. Rogov (1968-2005), M.I. Slobodskaya (2005-2012).

Gennady Markelovich Rogov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, made a huge contribution to the development of the university during his 37-year leadership (from 1968 to 2005). Under his leadership, the institute was transformed into a university complex: new faculties, institutes and branches of the university were created, new specialties were opened, six academic buildings, four student dormitories, a pre-school institution, a children's health center, a sports complex and much more were put into operation.

From 2005 to 2012, the university was headed by Mikhail Ivanovich Slobodskoy. During the period of his leadership of the university, an architectural and construction business incubator opened its doors, providing students, undergraduates and young scientists with information, logistics, and legal support for the implementation of their creative projects and plans.

Currently, the university is headed by Viktor Alekseevich Vlasov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education and the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions, member of the Presidium and Educational Institution of the Association of Construction Universities, Chairman of the Expert Committee Council for Construction and Infrastructure under the Governor of the Tomsk Region, member of the Public Chamber of the Tomsk Region, chairman and member of 2 doctoral dissertation councils, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education in Russia.





  • Testing center for fuels and lubricants and vehicles
  • Research materials science center for collective use TGASU
  • Scientific and Educational Center for Testing of Construction Materials and Structures
  • Scientific educational center “Computer modeling of building structures and systems”
  • Scientific and educational center for modernization of housing and communal services in the regions of Siberia and the Far East


According to 2016 data, students study at TSASU more than 980 people from near and far abroad countries at all levels of training (about 20% of the total number of students).

In 2014, the university started international academic mobility programs and (according to the scheme: Incoming-Outgoing), designed for 1 semester and providing for the student to master part of the main educational program at a foreign partner university.

International scientific activities

Key processes in the development of international science at TSUSU:

  • Consulting staff and students on international activities.
  • Development of competencies of employees and young scientists.
  • Scientific and technical consulting for foreign organizations in the construction industry.
  • Grant support for international research projects.
  • Organization of international scientific events.
  • Participation in international architectural competitions.
  • Implementation of projects.
  • Development of a catalog of innovative developments.

Science and innovation

Teachers, students, and graduates of TSASU make an invaluable contribution to the creation of the architectural appearance of Tomsk and other Russian cities, participate in the development and implementation of innovative development programs, significant regional and federal projects.

Monographs on fundamental scientific research, collections of scientific papers, textbooks and teaching aids are published annually.

A center for generating ideas and implementing projects, a communication platform for interdisciplinary and international interaction between university staff and foreign scientists. Created for young scientists with the aim of stimulating the initiative and research spirit of young scientists through the creation of creative environment conditions.

Main forms of activity:

  • Development key competencies (necessary scientific knowledge, team project management skills, individual abilities)
  • Implementation interdisciplinary research projects

Address: Tomsk, pl. Solyanaya 2, building 2 of TSASU, 201 audience.

The first construction business incubator in Russia. Created in 2006.

The main goals of the business incubator:

  • attracting and training students, graduate students and young researchers in the process of creating, developing and selling popular science-intensive and cost-effective products and technologies in the architectural and construction complex;
  • developing a mechanism for generating and implementing original ideas in architecture and construction when developing new projects and creating new building materials, as well as when processing management decisions in the urban management system.

The architecture and construction business incubator is a platform for startups where you can work on your projects and get the opportunity to realize your business idea.


TSASU is a member of scientific, educational and public associations:

  • collective member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences;
  • collective member of the Academy of Higher Education of the Russian Federation;
  • collective member of the Housing and Communal Academy of the Russian Federation;
  • collective member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN);
  • collective member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education;
  • Association for Strategic Partnership of Architecture and Civil Engineering Universities within the framework of the development program of the National Research University of Construction and Architecture;
  • Association of non-profit organizations "Tomsk Consortium of Scientific, Educational and Scientific Organizations";
  • Siberian Open University;
  • non-profit partnership (SRO NP) Commonwealth of Design Organizations (design, construction, surveys, energy saving, work with architectural monuments);
  • Union of Builders of the Russian Federation;
  • Union of Builders of the Tomsk Region;
  • Union of Architects of Russia and others.

Partnership in Education

Joint educational programs using online training:

  1. LLC "Stratek" (STRUTEC - Novosibirsk technical support center for SCAD OFFICE and consulting engineering community on leading industry technologies for construction design) ("Construction")
  2. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. (“Construction of thermal and nuclear energy facilities.” “Design, construction and maintenance of buildings and structures in the oil and gas industry”).
  3. There is an Agreement on Double Degree Education with the Eurasian National University. L.M. Gumilyov in the direction of training 08.04.01 "Construction" under the program "Plasma technologies in construction. Materials Science" and in the specialty 6M073000 "Production of building materials, products and structures" within the framework of the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement.
  4. ;

    Culture and creativity

  • University club
    • Indian dance studio "Bharata"
    • Irish dance studio "Ethno-dance"
    • Oriental dance studio "Flower of Life"
    • Contemporary Dance Ensemble "O'Keys"
    • Dance team “Look at us”
    • Folk dance ensemble
    • Circus studio
    • Vocal studio "Imena"
    • Animation studio "Multgora"
    • Theater studio "Street of Faces"
    • Student theater of variety miniatures "NeFakt"
    • Student variety miniature theater "Kalach"
    • Conference studio
    • Readers' Studio
    • Show theater "Penguins"
    • Art groups
    • Group of Creative Organizers
    • Creative group "Positiff"
    • Photo association of the University Club
    • Press center of the University Club
  • Literary Association "Yarus";
  • Volunteer organization "Exit".

Health and sports

The university has created a system that promotes the preservation and strengthening of the health of students and staff. The university has a sports and recreation center with developed infrastructure and modern equipment.

  • game room - 648 sq.m.
  • athletic gymnastics hall - 141 sq.m.
  • boxing hall - 152 sq.m.
  • Aerobics room - 152 sq.m.
  • Sambo hall - 50 sq.m.
  • gym - 66 sq.m.
  • gaming room - 438.5 sq.m.
  • tennis club - 436.5 sq.m.
  • weightlifting hall - 253.9 sq.m.
  • student stadium - 9840 sq.m.
  • hockey rink - 641 sq.m.
  • shooting range with two firing lines
  • ski base

The TGASU sports complex is the forge of champions. University athletes are members of Russian national teams and are the pride of Russian sports. The sports club actively conducts and participates in sports competitions at all levels (university, city, regional and all-Russian), solves the most important tasks of sports improvement of leading university athletes, as well as general physical development and health improvement of students and employees. The priority sports at the university are biathlon, boxing, kettlebell lifting, basketball, karate, sambo, athletics, winter and summer football, table tennis, skiing, in which TGASU students achieve high sports results.

Museum complex

The TSASU History Museum and the Museum of the Institute of Geographic Information Technologies and Cadastre collect and store documents and archival sources, create exhibitions and temporary exhibitions, and are the initiators of organizing anniversary alumni meetings, an annual quiz about the history of the university, excursions to cultural sites of the city and region and other events.

The exhibition of the TSASU History Museum introduces visitors to the research work of professors, teachers and students of the university, the history of the formation and evolution of various scientific schools and trends in the field of architecture and construction, in fundamental natural and humanities disciplines. The exhibition presents sections reflecting the history of the development of faculties, departments, structural divisions of TSASU, as well as the cultural and sports life of the university over the years of its existence, the participation of students and teachers in the movement of student construction teams. The museum houses models of various architectural monuments of Tomsk, created by students of the Faculty of Architecture, photo albums on the history of faculties and departments. The instruments that were used by students of different years during educational and scientific activities are presented: a universal device for measuring horizontal and vertical angles for topographic maps, models for generating electric current, turntables for determining water flow and wind speed, an adding machine, an educational model of a bevel gear and etc.

Publishing house TGASU

The TGASU Publishing House (until 2006 - the editorial and publishing department) was created in 1998. It publishes scientific publications on fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of philosophy, mathematics, architecture, construction, geology, ecology, etc.; scientific papers and conference materials; textbooks with the stamp of the UMO and the Ministry of Higher Education, teaching aids for all specialties of the university, blank products.

He is a member of the Publishing and Printing Association of Universities of Russia, takes an active part in city, regional, Russian and international competitions and exhibitions, was awarded diplomas from the interregional review-competition “Golden Capital”, as well as first-degree diplomas in the international review-competition of diploma projects and works on architecture.

In September 1998, the scientific and technical journal “Vestnik TGASU” was established. This is a platform for publishing the results of fundamental and applied scientific research. The journal is published in Russian and English and is included in the “List of Russian leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, has the status of Higher Attestation Commission and is included in the Russian RUNEB database, Urlich's Periodicals Directory database, DOAJ.


Potokin Alexander Alekseevich (1952-1953)

Zhestkov Sergey Vasilievich (1953-1955)

Damansky Lev Mikhailovich (1955-1958)

Postnikov Mikhail Vasilievich (1958-1968)

Rogov Gennady Markelovich (1968-2005)

Slobodskoy Mikhail Ivanovich (2005-2012)

Vlasov Viktor Alekseevich (2012-present)

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TGASU) - one of the leading construction universities in Siberia. Provides fundamental and applied training to bachelors, masters, specialists, and technicians in the areas of architectural and construction profiles.

The mission of TSASU is the development of the best traditions of architectural and construction education and science based on the unity of educational, research and practical activities:

  • to train specialists - worthy citizens of Russia, capable of independently and timely mastering the necessary new knowledge in a rapidly updating world of technology, being leaders and working in a team, operating in a competitive environment;
  • to generate new knowledge aimed at ensuring the dynamic development of the domestic construction industry;
  • for active influence on the development of the architectural and construction complex of the country and region.


The history of the university dates back to 1901, when it was created in Tomsk First Siberian Commercial School, for which in 1904, through the efforts of Tomsk merchants-patrons and city authorities, a special building was built, which is now the 2nd (“Red”) building of TGASU. The building was built with the participation of the famous architect K.K. Lygina. During the period of the Revolution and the Civil War, the educational institution within the walls of the building for the first time leaves the level of a college to become a university: in Kolchak’s time, evacuees from the capital operated here Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Army, with the establishment of Soviet power - .

To raise the prestige of colleges, in 1923, as part of the technical reform of the country, by personal order of People's Commissar A. Lunacharsky, the educational institute was reorganized into First Siberian Polytechnic College named after Comrade K.A. Timiryazeva. This is an exemplary educational institution in the east of the country. In the conditions of industrialization in 1930, there was a need to quickly increase the number of technical schools and the Tomsk Polytechnic was urgently split into dozens of new Tomsk technical schools, and the Polytechnic itself was disbanded.

One of them - (training specialist technicians and foremen for the construction of elevators in Siberia), then located in buildings on Solyanaya Square. However, by order of the government of the country, the very next year (1931) the technical school was reorganized into a university - the site and premises of the technical school were transferred to the relocated from Moscow to Tomsk Flour-Elevator Institute. Along with the “red building”, a neighboring building is also allocated for it - a former NKVD prison and investigation facility. It is being rebuilt as an additional academic building for the new university. Nowadays this is the building of building No. 3 of TSASU, on the pediment of which at the top you can still see the symbolic elevator and the year of creation of this emblem. Again, by government decision in 1939, the university was relocated back to Moscow, and its premises were given over to Tomsk Flour-Elevator College(2nd formation). In 1943, the technical school was renamed Tomsk Polytechnic(2nd formation). The modern educational institution "Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering" dates its history back to 1952, when the Tomsk Polytechnic College of the Ministry of Procurement of the USSR By government decision, the university is being re-established - Tomsk Institute for Training Engineers for Elevator Construction. In 1953, by order of the Minister of Culture of the USSR, the institute received the status Tomsk Engineering and Construction Institute(TISI). In the 1960-1990s. The university becomes one of the leading construction institutes in Siberia, it is in the top five best engineering and construction universities in the country.

In 1993, TISI was renamed the Tomsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TGACA). In 1997, the university received university status and was renamed Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TGASU).

TISI / TGASU began its work with the Faculty of Construction, which provided training in the specialty “Industrial and Civil Construction”. In the first year, with an enrollment of 150 students, the educational process was provided by 15 teachers. The first graduation of engineers took place in 1957 - 103 civil engineers and 48 hydraulic engineers, who were sent to the largest construction projects in the country. From its foundation to the present time, the university has trained more than 55 thousand certified engineers. In the 1960s -1980s. at TISI for five full-time ( construction, road, mechanical, technological, architectural), as well as on evening And in absentia faculties trained students in seven specialties, research work was actively developed, and the foundation was laid for the formation of scientific schools and directions.

Six of its rectors played a significant role in the formation and development of the university: A.A. Potokin (1952-1953), S.V. Zhestkov (1953-1955), L.M. Damansky (1955-1958), M.V. Postnikov (1958-1968), G.M. Rogov (1968-2005), M.I. Slobodskaya (2005-2012).

Gennady Markelovich Rogov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, made a huge contribution to the development of the university during his 37-year leadership (from 1968 to 2005). Under his leadership, the institute was transformed into a university complex: new faculties, institutes and branches of the university were created, new specialties were opened, six academic buildings, four student dormitories, a pre-school institution, a children's health center, a sports complex and much more were put into operation.

From 2005 to 2012, the university was headed by Mikhail Ivanovich Slobodskoy. During the period of his leadership of the university, an architectural and construction business incubator opened its doors, providing students, undergraduates and young scientists with information, logistics, and legal support for the implementation of their creative projects and plans.

Currently, the university is headed by Viktor Alekseevich Vlasov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education and the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions, member of the Presidium and Educational Institution of the Association of Construction Universities, Chairman of the Expert Committee Council for Construction and Infrastructure under the Governor of the Tomsk Region, member of the Public Chamber of the Tomsk Region, chairman and member of 2 doctoral dissertation councils, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education in Russia.

Commercial school on Solyanaya Square


Educational building No. 2

Educational building No. 3 on Solyanaya Square




  • Research Materials Science Center for Collective Use of TSASU
  • Regional Open Network Center
  • Scientific and Technical Center "Avtomatika"
  • Scientific and Educational Center Testing of Building Materials and Structures"
  • Scientific and educational center "Computer modeling of building structures and systems"
  • Research and Educational Center for the Modernization of the Housing and Communal Sector of the Regions of Siberia and the Far East

International activity

According to 2018 data, students study at TSASU more than 1213 people from near and far abroad countries at all levels of training (about 20% of the total number of students).

In 2014, the university started international academic mobility programs and (according to the scheme: Incoming-Outgoing), designed for 1 semester and providing for the student to master part of the main educational program at a foreign partner university.

International scientific activities

Key processes in the development of international science at TSUSU:

  • Consulting staff and students on international activities.
  • Development of competencies of employees and young scientists.
  • Scientific and technical consulting for foreign organizations in the construction industry.
  • Grant support for international research projects.
  • Organization of international scientific events.
  • Participation in international architectural competitions.
  • Implementation of projects.
  • Development of a catalog of innovative developments.

Science and innovation

Teachers, students, and graduates of TSASU make an invaluable contribution to the creation of the architectural appearance of Tomsk and other Russian cities, participate in the development and implementation of innovative development programs, significant regional and federal projects.

Monographs on fundamental scientific research, collections of scientific papers, textbooks and teaching aids are published annually.

A center for generating ideas and implementing projects, a communication platform for interdisciplinary and international interaction between university staff and foreign scientists. Created for young scientists with the aim of stimulating the initiative and research spirit of young scientists through creating conditions for a creative environment.

Main forms of activity:

  • Development key competencies (necessary scientific knowledge, team project management skills, individual abilities)
  • Implementation interdisciplinary research projects

Address: Tomsk, pl. Solyanaya 2, building 2 of TSASU, 201 audience.

The first construction business incubator in Russia. Created in 2006.

The main goals of the business incubator:

  • attracting and training students, graduate students and young researchers in the process of creating, developing and selling popular science-intensive and cost-effective products and technologies in the architectural and construction complex;
  • developing a mechanism for generating and implementing original ideas in architecture and construction when developing new projects and creating new building materials, as well as when processing management decisions in the urban management system.

The architecture and construction business incubator is a platform for startups where you can work on your projects and get the opportunity to realize your business idea.


TSASU is a member of scientific, educational and public associations:

  • collective member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences;
  • collective member of the Academy of Higher Education of the Russian Federation;
  • collective member of the Housing and Communal Academy of the Russian Federation;
  • collective member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN);
  • collective member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education;
  • Association for Strategic Partnership of Architecture and Civil Engineering Universities within the framework of the development program of the National Research University of Construction and Architecture;
  • Association of non-profit organizations "Tomsk Consortium of Scientific, Educational and Scientific Organizations";
  • Siberian Open University;
  • non-profit partnership (SRO NP) Commonwealth of Design Organizations" (design, construction, surveys, energy saving, work with architectural monuments);
  • Union of Builders of the Russian Federation;
  • Union of Builders of the Tomsk Region;
  • Union of Architects of Russia and others.

Partnership in Education

Joint educational programs using online training:

  1. LLC "Stratek" (STRUTEC - Novosibirsk technical support center for SCAD OFFICE and consulting engineering community on leading industry technologies for construction design) ("Construction")
  2. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. (“Construction of thermal and nuclear energy facilities.” “Design, construction and maintenance of buildings and structures in the oil and gas industry”).
  3. There is an Agreement on Double Degree Education with the Eurasian National University. L.M. Gumilyov in the direction of training 08.04.01 "Construction" under the program "Plasma technologies in construction. Materials Science" and in the specialty 6M073000 "Production of building materials, products and structures" within the framework of the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement.

Material and technical base

  • 12 modern educational buildings (with a total area of ​​more than 50 thousand m2);
  • more than 200 audiences;
  • 26 laboratories;
  • unique research equipment (testing, analytical equipment, measuring systems);
  • scientific and technical library (with a collection of more than 700 thousand items);
  • food points;
  • sports complex with gaming rooms;
  • stadium with a football field and a hockey rink;
  • children's health and educational center "Young Tomich";
  • geodetic site in the village of Yarsky (area 131,700 m2)

TGASU in numbers

As of June 15, 2018:

  • More than 65,000 graduates over all years
  • 6054 - students
  • 91 - educational program
  • 17 schools and scientific directions
  • 1000 - TGASU team
  • 391 - teaching staff of TSASU
  • 74 - professors
  • 250 - associate professors and candidates of sciences
  • 62% - sedateness

student life

Culture and creativity

  • University club
    • Indian dance studio "Bharata"
    • Irish dance studio "Ethno-dance"
    • Oriental dance studio "Flower of Life"
    • Contemporary Dance Ensemble "O'Keys"
    • Dance team “Look at us”
    • Folk dance ensemble
    • Circus studio
    • Vocal studio "Imena"
    • Animation studio "Multgora"
    • Theater studio "Street of Faces"
    • Student theater of variety miniatures "NeFakt"
    • Student variety miniature theater "Kalach"
    • Conference studio
    • Readers' Studio
    • Show theater "Penguins"
    • Art groups
    • Group of Creative Organizers
    • Creative group "Positiff"
    • Photo association of the University Club
    • Press center of the University Club
  • Literary Association "Yarus";
  • Volunteer organization "Exit".

Health and sports

The university has created a system that promotes the preservation and strengthening of the health of students and staff. The university has a sports and recreation center with developed infrastructure and modern equipment.

  • game room - 648 sq.m.
  • athletic gymnastics hall - 141 sq.m.
  • boxing hall - 152 sq.m.
  • Aerobics room - 152 sq.m.
  • Sambo hall - 50 sq.m.
  • gym - 66 sq.m.
  • gaming room - 438.5 sq.m.
  • tennis club - 436.5 sq.m.
  • weightlifting hall - 253.9 sq.m.
  • student stadium - 9840 sq.m.
  • hockey rink - 641 sq.m.
  • shooting range with two firing lines
  • ski base

The TGASU sports complex is the forge of champions. University athletes are members of Russian national teams and are the pride of Russian sports. The sports club actively conducts and participates in sports competitions at all levels (university, city, regional and all-Russian), solves the most important tasks of sports improvement of leading university athletes, as well as general physical development and health improvement of students and employees. The priority sports at the university are biathlon, boxing, kettlebell lifting, basketball, karate, sambo, athletics, winter and summer football, table tennis, skiing, in which TGASU students achieve high sports results.

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TGASU) is the leading construction university in Siberia and the Far East. Provides fundamental and applied training to bachelors, masters, specialists, and technicians in the areas of architectural and construction profiles.

The mission of TSASU is the development of the best traditions of architectural and construction education and science based on the unity of educational, research and practical activities.

TSASU implements a full educational cycle. Levels of education: pre-university training, secondary vocational education, bachelor's, specialist's, master's, postgraduate, advanced training and retraining.

TSASU is actively developing scientific schools and directions. Main areas of research:

  • Computer modeling, reduction of construction time and bim technologies.
  • Nanomaterials and composites in building structures, environmental friendliness and reduction of material consumption.
  • 3D printing of building structures - a revolution in construction and reaching the frontiers of space.
  • Modern construction technologies in the climatic conditions of the Arctic and Antarctic.
  • Technologies for designing “smart houses” and “smart cities”.

The university has created a Co-Working Center with the aim of stimulating the initiative and research spirit of young scientists through creating conditions for a creative environment, as well as an Architectural and Construction Business Incubator - the first construction business incubator in Russia. Here students, graduate students and young scientists develop and create innovative technologies and products.

Students and graduate students of TGASU are scholarship holders of high-level awards: scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation, scholarships of the Governor of the Territory, awards of the Legislative Duma of the Territory, awards of the Territory in the field of education, science, health and culture, etc.

An important area of ​​the university's activities is international cooperation. More than 1,200 people from near and far abroad countries study at TSASU. International academic mobility programs are being implemented.

The university is rightfully proud of its main asset - its graduates. Over the course of its history, the university has graduated more than 67 thousand graduates who made a significant contribution to the economic development of the region and the country. Many graduates of TSASU are famous people in the structures of government, education, science and production of the Tomsk region, Siberia, Russia and the CIS countries.

TGASU is a leader among regional architecture and civil engineering universities:

  • 2nd place among universities of architecture and civil engineering, the best regional specialized university ("Expert RA");
  • 81st place among Russian universities (“100 best universities in Russia”);
  • 2nd place among universities of architecture and civil engineering, the best regional specialized university (National University Ranking of the Interfax agency);
  • 446th place among universities in the world (RankPro -Worldwide Professional University Rankings).

More details Collapse

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from TSASU

Anonymous review 12:22 05.11.2014

I graduated from the university last year. I studied at the Faculty of Architecture. I entered there in 2008 and scored a passing grade without any problems, provided that I attended the preparatory courses for two years. The main thing is to have good knowledge in profile drawing and drafting. The studies are difficult, but interesting. As for bribes, you can calmly hand over everything yourself and without resorting to it. The main thing is that the teachers see that you are trying to do something. At the university there are no differences between students...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering"

TGASU branches


No. 01879 valid indefinitely from 01/18/2016


No data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for TSASU

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 7 7 5 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study59.36 58.7 59.59 55.64 54.18
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget69.67 57.21 63.05 61.00 56.71
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis67.16 60.29 60.29 50.36 45.88
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled58.94 57.58 53.88 43.44 44.99
Number of students5639 5997 6389 6346 6269
Full-time department3812 4059 4116 3740 3730
Part-time department65 50 30 32 15
Extramural1762 1888 2243 2574 2524
All data Report Report Report Report Report


Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is a modern university complex with the addition of a secondary vocational education institution, the College of Geodesy and Cartography.

Education at TSASU is based on the principles of the Bologna Declaration, the Hague and Lisbon Conventions. Training is provided in 90 modern areas of training that are in demand on the labor market. Multi-level training is provided, covering the full cycle of personnel training: pre-university training, secondary vocational education, bachelor's, specialty, master's, training of highly qualified personnel, advanced training, additional education programs. An international diploma supplement (Diploma Supplement) is issued. Training is conducted online and remotely. Master's training is provided through a double degree system with foreign partner universities (Double Degree, Joint Degree). The university includes 7 institutes, 26 laboratories, 5 branches, a geodetic testing ground, and a sports and fitness complex.

Science and innovation. 17 scientific schools and directions, powerful scientific and innovative potential is realized by professors of departments and institutes, scientists and experts of the Regional Design Institute, Research Institute of Building Materials, expert centers, teams of the Architectural and Construction Business Incubator. TSASU is part of 9 technology platforms. TGASU scientists are members of two expert councils under the governor of the Tomsk region. Youth science is gaining strength. 12 young scientists of TSUAS became winners of the UMNIK program of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Field (Bortnik Foundation).

The international cooperation. International cooperation at TSASU is one of the main priorities of the comprehensive development program (2013-2017). Agreements have been concluded with more than 20 foreign partner universities. TSASU is a member of two international associations.

Social and sports-creative activities. Our university is the initiator of the construction brigade movement, which gained scale in the 60s-80s of the last century. In the early 2000s, student construction teams were revived. Now the university has 7 special forces that participate in large Russian construction projects: the construction of facilities for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur region, construction crews work on construction sites of civil and industrial facilities in Siberia.

TSASU has 7 modern dormitories, sports and university clubs. There is a sanatorium, a kindergarten and a summer health camp. In December 2014, our university took fifth place in the final of the all-Russian competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the best dormitory. A total of 300 universities took part in the competition. The competition showed that among universities in Tomsk, as well as among specialized universities of architecture and construction, our dormitories are the best!