Types of complex sentences. Errors when constructing complex sentences and ways to eliminate them

“Does she really love me?” - I asked myself the next day, having just woken up. I didn't want to look into myself. I felt that her image, the image of “a girl with a forced laugh,” had been forced into my soul and that I would not soon get rid of it. I went to L. and stayed there the whole day, but I saw Asya only briefly. She was unwell; she had a headache. She came downstairs for a minute, with a bandage on her forehead, pale, thin, with almost closed eyes; smiled faintly and said: “It will pass, it’s nothing, everything will pass, won’t it?” - and left. I felt bored and somehow sad and empty; I, however, did not want to leave for a long time and returned late, without seeing her again. The next morning passed in a kind of half-consciousness. I wanted to get to work, but I couldn’t; I wanted to do nothing and not think... and I failed. I wandered around the city; returned home, went out again. —Are you Mr. N.? — a child’s voice suddenly rang out behind me. I looked back; A boy stood in front of me. “This is from Fraulein Annette for you,” he added, handing me a note. I unfolded it and recognized Asya’s irregular and rapid handwriting. “I absolutely must see you,” she wrote to me, “come today at four o’clock to the stone chapel on the road near the ruins. I did something very careless today... Come for God’s sake, you will find out everything... Tell the messenger: yes.” - Will there be an answer? - the boy asked me. “Say yes,” I answered. The boy ran away.

There are 3 types of complex sentences:

- Non-union complex sentence is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected on the basis of certain semantic relationships without the mediation of conjunctions. Thus, the parts of a non-conjunctive complex sentence connect:


general member;

anaphoric component;

informative insufficiency of one part without the help of the other;

final particle like this;

the presence of common modal-temporal elements;

the presence in the first part of an unsubstituted syntactic position.

For example, a non-union complex sentence is I was very surprised: my classmates gave me a real holiday.

+ Compound sentence is a complex sentence whose parts are connected by coordinating conjunctions. In most cases, complex sentences are similar in meaning to the simple sentences of which they are composed, but complex sentences differ from the corresponding simple ones in that they are combined intonationally.

A compound sentence (CSP) is a complex sentence, the components of which are combined into one semantic and grammatical whole through coordinating conjunctions: Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully (A. Chekhov).

The semantic and grammatical connection of the parts of the BSC into a single whole is carried out using:

1) coordinating conjunctions: The root of the teaching is bitter, but the fruit is sweet (Sequel). Only in exceptional cases do people strive to die, and no one in the world wants to grow old (I. Mechnikov);

2) the relationship between aspectual and tense forms of predicate verbs: I felt somehow terribly sad at that moment, but something similar to laughter stirred in my soul (F. Dostoevsky);

3) syntactic parallelism of parts: In the west the sun has not yet disappeared, but in the east the moon has already risen. In the house nothing is known yet, but on the street everyone already knows;

4) the use of syntactically specialized words (therefore, because, therefore, therefore, anyway, nevertheless, only, from here, in the end, etc.) and anaphoric words (he, himself, that, this, there, then, etc. .): Man is a rational being, and yet there is much that is imperfect in him;

5) the presence in the first part of a member common to all parts (determinant) or a common subordinate clause (if present, predicative parts connected by single connecting or disjunctive conjunctions are not separated from each other by a comma): At this time, at the open side door of the car two figures stopped and the sounds of Russian speech were heard (V. Korolenko) (two determinants: the circumstance of time at this time and the circumstance of the place at the door);

6) incompleteness of one of the predicative parts: I went to the reading room, and my friend went to the theater (in the second part of the SSP the predicate is omitted).

+ Complex sentence(SPP) is a complex sentence, the parts of which are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions or allied words: Thinking would not be necessary if there were ready-made truths (A. Herzen); He remains alone who is looking for a friend without shortcomings (Last). Synonymy in syntax manifests itself differently than at other levels: if in vocabulary it is based on the identity of concepts, then in syntax this phenomenon is based on the proximity of semantic relationships between components.

All types of complex sentences can be synonymous:

· Difficult answer: The work was accepted because I turned it in on time. / The work was accepted because I turned it in on time.

· Difficulty: I turned in the work on time and it was accepted.

· Unionless: The work was accepted: I turned it in on time. / I turned in the work on time - it was accepted.

Signs of syntactic synonyms:

· Identity of content

· Identity of lexical composition

· Proximity of the main grammatical meaning

· Various indicators of this identity.

That is, syntactic synonyms are syntactic constructions characterized by similarity of lexical composition, shades of semantic relations and various means of communication.

But not all sentences can be synonymized. For example, a sentence cannot be a synonym if:

· In the main part - the subjunctive mood

· In the main part - the form of the future tense and the predicate verb

· The subordinate part cannot be replaced by the adverbial/adverbial clause. turnover

· The main part has a correlative word (“that”)

· Does not allow lexical filling of parts

Also, sometimes it is impossible to change the place of a subordinate clause without distorting the meaning.

May be synonyms:

· Simple and complex sentences: parallel synths should be taken into account. designs.

But! It is impossible to notice a compound sentence as simple if:

Predicates in the main and subordinate parts refer to more than one subject

If it is impossible to form the necessary form (for example, “when he wrote a book...” -> “writing”

2) allied and non-union complex sentences:

If in a non-union between parts there is a meaning of simultaneity or sequence, then such a sentence can be replaced by a complex sentence with the conjunction “and”, “a”

If there is a meaning of consequence/conclusion/result, it can be replaced by a complex one with a subordinate clause of condition/time/consequence/concession/goal/attributive

A non-union with the meaning of reason can be replaced with a complex one with a subordinate clause of reason/explanatory/definitive

But! Not all non-union ones can be replaced:

I’m sleeping and I hear it as if someone is knocking.

compound and complex sentences.

2. Errors in constructing complex sentences.

1. The diversity of parts of a complex sentence manifests itself in various forms:

a) as homogeneous constructions, a subordinate clause and a member of a simple sentence are used, for example: “At a production meeting, issues of further improving the quality of products were discussed and whether there was a possibility to reduce costs” (follows: ... issues of further improving the quality of products and the possibility of reducing its cost

b) with a common subordinating part, a two-part sentence and a one-part impersonal sentence act as homogeneous syntactic elements, for example: “The speaker put forward two provisions: 1) the accelerated privatization of state property is becoming increasingly important; 2) it is necessary to increase the role of labor collectives in this process”;

c) without proper justification, different word orders are used in subordinate subordinate clauses, for example: “The shortcomings of the teaching staff of the school include the fact that educational work is not carried out enough, extracurricular activities are conducted poorly, student performance is declining” (in the second and third subordinate clauses The sentence should also use reverse word order).

2. The shift in construction can be expressed in the fact that the main sentence is “interrupted” by the subordinate clause inside it, for example: “The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the genre side of the work” (follows: The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the genre side of the work

A shift in construction can occur if the subordinate clause is “interrupted” by the main one, for example: “But these quotes are unknown where the author borrowed them from” (instead of: It is not known where the author borrowed these quotes from). Such constructions are colloquial in nature.

3. Incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words manifests itself in various cases:

a) choosing a conjunction or allied word that is not suitable for the given context, for example: “It was possible to agree only with those provisions of the report that did not contain any internal contradictions”

b) pleonastic use of conjunctions (setting a series of unambiguous conjunctions), for example: however, nevertheless

c) an extra conjunction after the introductory word, which is mistakenly taken as part of the main sentence, for example: “The speaker presented new data, which, it seems, has already been partially published somewhere”;

d) an extra correlative word (demonstrative pronoun in the main sentence), for example: “Indicate the shortest distance that separates both points”

e) repetition of the particle would in subordinate clauses, in which the predicate is expressed by a verb in the form of the conditional subjunctive mood (combinations are obtained so that... would, if... would)

f) cluttering a complex sentence with identical conjunctions or allied words with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses, for example: “Doctors believe that the disease is so dangerous that they have to fear for the patient’s life”

4. Incorrect word order in a complex sentence with a subordinate attributive creates ambiguity or distorts the meaning of the statement. For example, in the sentence “The students had an internship in one of the workshops of the plant, which was recently reconstructed,” although according to the rule, the words which, which, what, replace the closest noun in the form of the same gender and number.

5. The mixture of direct and indirect speech is expressed in the fact that the subordinate clause forming indirect speech retains elements of direct speech (forms of personal pronouns and verbs), for example: The author rashly remarked to the reviewer that how can you not notice what’s new, what is in the book.

Today was a sad, rainy day, without light, like my future old age. I am pressed by such strange thoughts, such dark sensations, such questions that are still unclear to me, crowding into my head - but somehow I have neither the strength nor the desire to resolve them. It’s not for me to solve all this!

We won't see each other today. Yesterday, when we said goodbye, clouds began to cover the sky and fog rose. I said that tomorrow would be a bad day; she did not answer, she did not want to talk against herself; for her this day is both bright and clear, and not a single cloud will cover her happiness.

If it rains, we won't see each other! - she said. - I will not come.

I thought that she didn’t notice today’s rain, but yet she didn’t come.

Yesterday was our third date, our third white night...

However, how joy and happiness make a person beautiful! how my heart boils with love! It seems that you want to pour out your whole heart into another heart, you want everything to be fun, everything to laugh. And how contagious this joy is! Yesterday there was so much tenderness in her words, so much kindness towards me in her heart... How she looked after me, how she caressed me, how she encouraged and tendered my heart! Oh, how much coquetry comes from happiness! And I... I took everything at face value; I thought she...

But, my God, how could I think this? how could I be so blind, when everything has already been taken by others, everything is not mine; when, finally, even this very tenderness of hers, her care, her love... yes, love for me, was nothing more than the joy of an early meeting with another, the desire to impose her happiness on me too?.. When he doesn’t came when we waited in vain, but she frowned, she became timid and cowardly. All her movements, all her words were no longer so light, playful and cheerful. And, strangely enough, she redoubled her attention to me, as if instinctively wanting to pour out on me what she wished for herself, for which she herself was afraid, if it did not come true. My Nastenka became so shy, so frightened that it seemed that she finally understood that I loved her and took pity on my poor love. Thus, when we are unhappy, we feel the unhappiness of others more strongly; the feeling does not break, but concentrates...

I came to her with a full heart and barely waited for the date. I didn’t foresee what I would feel now, I didn’t foresee that all this would end differently. She was beaming with joy, she was waiting for an answer. The answer was himself. He had to come, run to her call. She arrived an hour before me. At first she laughed at everything, laughed at every word I said. I started to speak and fell silent.

Do you know why I'm so happy? - she said, “so glad to look at you?” love you so much today?

Well? - I asked, and my heart trembled.

I love you because you didn't fall in love with me. After all, someone else in your place would bother, pester, get tired, get sick, but you are so sweet!

Then she squeezed my hand so hard that I almost screamed. She laughed.

God! what a friend you are! - she began a minute later very seriously. - Yes, God sent you to me! Well, what would happen to me if you weren’t with me now? How selfless you are! How well you love me! When I get married, we will be very friendly, more than like brothers. I will love you almost as much as I love him...

I felt somehow terribly sad at that moment; however, something similar to laughter stirred in my soul.

“You are in a fit,” I said, “you are a coward; you think he won't come.

God with you! - she answered, “if I were less happy, I think I would cry from your disbelief, from your reproaches.” However, you gave me an idea and gave me a long thought; but I’ll think about it later, and now I’ll admit to you that you’re telling the truth! Yes! I’m somehow not myself; I’m somehow all in anticipation and I feel everything is somehow too easy. Come on, let’s leave about feelings!..

At this time, footsteps were heard, and a passer-by appeared in the darkness, walking towards us. We both trembled; she almost screamed. I lowered her hand and made a gesture as if I wanted to move away. But we were deceived: it was not him.

What are you afraid of? Why did you abandon my hand? - she said, handing it to me again. - Well, what then? we will meet him together. I want him to see how much we love each other.

How we love each other! - I shouted.

“Oh Nastenka, Nastenka! - I thought, - how you said a lot with this word! From such love, Nastenka, in other an hour the heart grows cold and the soul becomes heavy. Your hand is cold, mine is hot like fire. How blind you are, Nastenka!.. Oh! how unbearable a happy person is at other times! But I couldn’t get angry with you!..”

Finally my heart was full.

Listen, Nastenka! - I shouted, “do you know what happened to me all day?”

Well, what is it? tell me soon! Why have you been silent until now?

First of all, Nastenka, when I fulfilled all your commissions, gave the letter, I visited your good people, then... then I came home and went to bed.

Only that? - she interrupted, laughing.

Yes, almost just that,” I answered reluctantly, because stupid tears were already welling up in my eyes. - I woke up an hour before our date, but it was as if I hadn’t slept. I don't know what happened to me. I walked to tell you all this, as if time had stopped for me, as if one sensation, one feeling should have remained with me from that time on forever, as if one minute should have lasted an eternity and as if my whole life had stopped for me. .. When I woke up, it seemed to me that some musical motif, long familiar, heard somewhere before, forgotten and sweet, was now remembered by me. It seemed to me that he had been asking from my soul all my life, and only now...

Oh, my God, my God! - Nastenka interrupted, - how is this all so? I don't understand a word.

Ah, Nastenka! I wanted to somehow convey to you this strange impression... - I began in a plaintive voice, in which hope was still hidden, although very distant.

Come on, stop it, come on! - she spoke, and in an instant she guessed, the cheat!

Suddenly she became somehow unusually talkative, cheerful, and playful. She took me by the arm, laughed, wanted me to laugh too, and every embarrassed word I said echoed in her with such a ringing, such a long laugh... I began to get angry, she suddenly started flirting.

Listen,” she began, “I’m a little annoyed that you didn’t fall in love with me.” Look after this man! But still, Mr. adamant, you cannot help but praise me for being so simple. I tell you everything, I tell you everything, no matter what stupidity flashes through my head.

Listen! It's eleven o'clock, I think? - I said as the steady sound of a bell rang out from a distant city tower. She suddenly stopped, stopped laughing and started counting.

Yes, eleven,” she finally said in a timid, hesitant voice.

I immediately repented that I had frightened her, made her count the hours, and cursed myself for the fit of anger. I felt sad for her, and I did not know how to atone for my sin. I began to console her, look for the reasons for his absence, present various arguments and evidence. No one could have been more easily deceived than she was at that moment, and everyone at that moment somehow joyfully listens to at least some kind of consolation and is glad, glad, if there is even a shadow of justification.

And it’s a funny thing,” I began, getting more and more excited and admiring the extraordinary clarity of my evidence, “and he couldn’t come; you deceived and lured me too, Nastenka, so that I lost track of time... Just think: he could barely receive the letter; Suppose he can’t come, suppose he answers, the letter will not arrive until tomorrow. I'll go pick him up tomorrow morning and let him know right away. Finally, imagine a thousand possibilities: well, he wasn’t at home when the letter arrived, and maybe he still hasn’t read it? After all, anything can happen.

Yes Yes! - Nastenka answered, “I didn’t even think; of course, anything can happen,” she continued in the most accommodating voice, but in which, like an annoying dissonance, some other, distant thought could be heard. “Here’s what you do,” she continued, “you go tomorrow as early as possible and if you get anything, let me know immediately.” You know where I live, right? - And she began to repeat her address to me.

Then she suddenly became so tender, so timid with me... She seemed to listen attentively to what I told her; but when I turned to her with some question, she remained silent, became confused and turned her head away from me. I looked into her eyes - that’s right: she was crying.

Well, is it possible, is it possible? Oh, what a child you are! What childishness!.. Come on!

She tried to smile, to calm down, but her chin trembled and her chest was still heaving.

“I’m thinking about you,” she told me after a minute’s silence, “you are so kind that I would be made of stone if I didn’t feel it.” Do you know what came to my mind now? I compared you both. Why is he not you? Why is he not like you? He is worse than you, although I love him more than you.

I didn't answer anything. She seemed to be waiting for me to say something.

Of course, maybe I don’t quite understand him yet, I don’t quite know him. You know, it was as if I was always afraid of him; he was always so serious, as if proud. Of course, I know that he only looks in such a way that there is more tenderness in his heart than in mine... I remember how he looked at me then, how I, remember, came to him with a bundle; but still, I somehow respect him too much, but it’s as if we’re not equal?

No, Nastenka, no,” I answered, “this means that you love him more than anything in the world, and you love yourself much more.”

Yes, let’s assume that this is so,” answered the naive Nastenka, “but do you know what came to my mind now? Only now I won’t talk about him, but in general; All this has been on my mind for a long time. Listen, why aren’t we all like brothers and brothers? Why does the best person always seem to hide something from another and remain silent from him? Why not say what’s in your heart right now, if you know that you won’t say your word to the wind? Otherwise, everyone looks as if he is harsher than he really is, as if everyone is afraid of offending their feelings if they show them very soon...

Ah, Nastenka! you are telling the truth; “But this happens for many reasons,” I interrupted, more than ever at that moment I was constrained by my feelings.

No no! - she answered with deep feeling. - For example, you are not like others! I really don’t know how to tell you what I feel; but it seems to me that you, for example... at least now... it seems to me that you are sacrificing something for me,” she added timidly, glancing briefly at me. - You will forgive me if I tell you this: I am a simple girl; “I haven’t seen much in the world yet and, really, sometimes I don’t know how to speak,” she added in a voice trembling from some hidden feeling, and trying to smile meanwhile, “but I just wanted to tell you that I’m grateful, that I too I feel all this... Oh, God grant you happiness for this! What you told me then about your dreamer is completely untrue, that is, I want to say, it doesn’t concern you at all. You are recovering, you are truly a completely different person than how you described yourself. If you ever fall in love, then God grant you happiness with her! And I don’t wish anything for her, because she will be happy with you. I know, I am a woman myself and you should believe me if I tell you so...

She fell silent and shook my hand firmly. I, too, could not say anything from excitement. Several minutes passed.

Yes, it’s obvious that he won’t come today! - she said finally, raising her head. - Late!..

“He will come tomorrow,” I said in the most confident and firm voice.

Yes,” she added, amused, “I myself now see that he will come only tomorrow.” Well, then goodbye! till tomorrow! If it rains, I may not come. But the day after tomorrow I will come, I will certainly come, no matter what happens to me; be here without fail; I want to see you, I'll tell you everything.

And then, when we said goodbye, she gave me her hand and said, looking at me clearly:

After all, we are together forever now, aren’t we?

ABOUT! Nastenka, Nastenka! If only you knew how alone I am now!

When nine o'clock struck, I could not sit in the room, got dressed and went out, despite the stormy time. I was there, sitting on our bench. I was about to go into their alley, but I felt ashamed, and I turned back without looking at their windows, without reaching two steps to their house. I came home in such melancholy as I had never been before. What a damp, boring time! If the weather had been good, I would have walked there all night...

But see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow! Tomorrow she will tell me everything.

However, there was no letter today. But, however, that’s how it should have been. They are already together...


Determine the type of sentence by structure.

Leikin’s ancestors, like Chekhov’s, were serfs, but they were released earlier, amassed capital earlier, and in general, apparently, were luckier than the Chekhovs(M. Gromov).

1. Complex sentence.

2. A simple sentence complicated by homogeneous members.

Identify syntactic relationships expressed in complex sentences.

1. But at that moment the door opened with a bang, and a stocky red-haired young woman in a hat, with an umbrella in her hand, appeared on the threshold.(A.N. Tolstoy).

2. Only a saiga flashes past the mound, galloping across the field, or suddenly a locust swoops down on it, crackling like winged wings.(A.K. Tolstoy).

A. Connective relationships. B. Adverse relationships. B. Separation relations.

What conjunction connects the parts of a complex sentence?

I rushed back, trying to find the original place, but there was already another, even more abundant raspberry tree around(V. Belov).

1. Connective union.

2. Opposing union.

3. Separation union.

Determine the type of simple sentences included in a complex sentence by composition.

There was no month, but the sky was starry, and a gigantic strip of the Milky Way spread over the village(V. Belov).

1. The first part is a one-part sentence, and the other two parts are two-part sentences.

2. Two parts are one-part sentences, and the third part is a two-part sentence.

3. All three parts correspond to two-part sentences.

Determine the shade of connecting relations in the structure of a complex sentence.

Faint spring lightning flashed into the warm forest darkness, and the first crackling thunder rolled cleanly and boldly over the world(V. Belov).

1. Concurrent events are listed.

2. Successive events are listed.

Determine the type of syntactic relations in a complex sentence.

The waves were still raging, and the black ship lay on its side as a heavy bulk, having probably ended its wanderings forever.(A. Ladinsky).

1. Connective relationships with a touch of simultaneity.

2. Connective relationships with a hint of succession (multi-temporality).

3. Adverse relationships.

4. Separation relationships.

Why is there a dash in a compound sentence?

I'll look into the green courtyard -

And they will immediately please the eye

Prostrations to each other

People going out into the yard(N. Rubtsov).

1. A dash when sharply contrasting the second part of a complex sentence.

2. Dash when unexpectedly added.

What punctuation mark should be used in a complex sentence?

...And the sun burned their yellow tops,

And it burned me, but I slept like a dead sleep(Yu. Lermontov).

1. Comma.

2. Dash (in sharp contrast to the second part of a complex sentence).

How many commas should you put in a complex sentence?

Wherever I turn my gaze

The gloomy forest turns blue all around

And the day lost its rights(A. Fet).

1. One comma.

2. Two commas.

Should parts of a compound sentence connected by the non-repeating conjunction and be separated by a comma?

Here Pushkin's exile began

And Lermontov's exile ended(A. Akhmatova).

2. No, since there is a common minor term.

What punctuation mark separates simple sentences from complex sentences?

I felt somehow terribly sad at that moment, but something similar to laughter stirred in my soul(F. Dostoevsky).

1. Comma.

2. Semicolon.

What type of syntactic relations is represented in a complex sentence?

1. Who responded to me in the thicket of the forest? Did the old oak whisper with the pine, Or did the rowan tree creak in the distance, Or did the goldfinch ocarina sing, Or did the robin, my little friend, suddenly answer me at sunset?(N. Zabolotsky).

2. Bad weather is rustling outside,

And they've been sleeping in the house for a long time...(A.K. Tolstoy).

A. Connective relationships. B. Adverse relationships.

B. Separation relations. D. Comparative relations.

What role do commas play in a complex sentence?

I liked your thin figure

And your whole thoughtful look,

And your laughter, both sad and ringing,

Since then it has been ringing in my heart(A.K. Tolstoy).

1. Separate parts in a complex sentence with dividing relations and identify separate agreed definitions.

2. Separate parts in a complex sentence with dividing relations and separate homogeneous definitions.

Determine the boundary between the parts of a complex sentence, name the main means of connecting the parts of the sentence.

In the charm of the Russian landscape

There is genuine joy, but it

Not open to everyone and even

Not every artist can see(N. Zabolotsky).

1. The boundary between the parts of a complex sentence passes at the place of the connecting conjunction.

2. The boundary between the parts of a complex sentence takes place at the site of the adversative conjunction.

3. The boundary between the parts of a complex sentence takes place at the site of the dividing conjunction.

Qualify the structure of this sentence. How many commas are needed in this construction?

One more day and the juice will awaken under the bark(A. Tvardovsky).

1. Complex sentence; two commas.

2. A simple sentence is complicated by homogeneous members; one comma.


1007 - 2
1008 - 1A, 2B
1009 - 2
1010 - 1
1011 - 2
1012 - 1
1013 - 2
1014 - 2
1015 - 1
1016 - 2
1017 - 2
1018 - 1V, 2G
1019 - 1
1020 - 2
1021 - 1