Types of human energy: solar and lunar. Solar and Lunar types of people

Let's consider what characteristics the pure type Sun has. The skull of solar types, like mercurials, is dolichocephalic, i.e. long-headed. The face is oval. This oval is very clean and beautiful. The hair is beautiful, light brown or brown, gracefully covering the head and slightly curly.

What do people whose horoscope type is Sun look like?

  • Solar type temples are usually bare.
  • They are often bald - to a greater or lesser extent.
  • A solar type face radiates balance, harmony and calm strength.
  • The forehead is large and superbly intellectual. It is convex, both across and in length - from top to bottom: the frontal bones, protruding upward, are well developed. This forehead differs sharply from the flat foreheads of Mars, Earth and Mercury. It is most similar to the forehead of a Venusian: there is not a single wrinkle that would betray overwork, nervousness and effort, the skin is surprisingly smooth. Martian and Earth types frown their foreheads, expressing desire. The sun desires completely naturally, without wincing or frowning - so complete is its autocracy. The sunny forehead is the most beautiful of all types.
  • Aristocratically graceful, but quite thick, the eyebrows express energy even in a calm state. They don't need to frown.
  • The eyes are large, open, with beautiful eyelashes. They look directly, honestly, without threat, without coercive force, but not weakly either, they look at you magnetically. The iris, almost completely covered by the eyelids, is dotted with gold spots. The sunny type nose harmonizes well with his convex forehead - it is slightly “pointed” and thin at the top.

Pure Sun type. The lips are beautiful: not very big and not very small. The upper lip is well defined (very different from the straight and flat upper lip of Mercury). The lower lip is proportional to the upper.

The folds at the tips of the lips do not express either contempt, as is often the case with Mercurians, or pessimism (as with Saturnians), or effort (as with Mars and Earth). They talk about dignity, self-control, calmness, kindness. A sunny type smile - sober and kind.

The chin confirms and emphasizes the balance expressed by the lips: it is not as short and square as in the Martian and Earth types, and not as elongated as in the Mercurian. Square, but at the same time forms part of an oval face.

Character of the representatives of the Sun

Solar types are surprisingly calm and strong. The word that best expresses their state of mind is serenite. The solar type radiates complete self-control, happiness, and strength. He evokes admiration mixed with fear among those around him.

The solar type is an expression of wonderful harmony. He could use his energy, but he saves it. “He represents strength at rest, self-confident strength, which does not manifest itself unnecessarily, because it knows that at the first call it will immediately, in one leap, rise to its feet, ready to flash like lightning” (Victor Morgan).

In the eyes of the solar type one can read an unshakable energy associated with a captivating meekness. With just one glance, these eyes amaze or heal.

What do representatives of the pure Sun type do?

Pure Sun type. The speech of the solar type is sonorous and trembling with a clear timbre. She knows how to conquer, throw thunder, and forgive. Solar types can become scientists in all branches of human knowledge.

Major organizers, industrialists, bankers, and executives are born among them. Their superiority over others is the reason why they find it difficult to find a friend in love. The sunny type of men suffers from female pettiness. A woman of the sunny type, noble, with a developed mind, searches in vain for a man who will surpass her.

Each person is unique, but the entire population of planet Earth can be divided into two types: solar and lunar. Each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics.

Determining the type to which you belong will help you choose the right strategy in life, achieve your goals, taking into account the characteristics of your character, and interact productively with the people around you. You will also be able to choose a life partner with whom you will be comfortable. Astrologers use this topic to better interpret the influence of planets on people with different types of energy. People's characters are already evident in childhood, so it is not difficult to determine which type you or your child belong to.

Lunar type of people

These people can be described as quiet and shy. They prefer a passive lifestyle, are not in the mood for active advancement, and try to stay in the shadows. They do not strive to achieve something new, but often stop at the first stage of what has been achieved and try with all their might to preserve what they have received, not wanting new improvements.

Lunar type people are friendly, extremely emotional and sensitive. They have highly developed intuition, and they prefer to listen to the voice of the heart rather than the mind. They are characterized by self-doubt, so they often look for a person who would become a support and protector for them.

Children with the lunar type of energy are capricious and whiny from an early age, less mobile than people of the solar type, afraid of the unknown and do not strive to explore the world in all its diversity. However, despite all their shyness, they grow into quite good specialists who are well versed in their field.

Sunny type of people

Sunny people can be called engines of progress. They are the ones who crave renewal and have an inquisitive mind, constantly searching for themselves. The sun gives them unbending willpower, perseverance and even aggression. The sunny type of people is cramped within the generally accepted framework, so they constantly strive to break out and show themselves. They are able to quickly make decisions in critical situations, bypass obstacles or overcome them, without being able to give up their goal. The sunny type of people is characterized by a spirit of argument and competition.

From childhood, people of the sunny type show curiosity and strive to get rid of guardianship. The spirit of contradiction is strong in them, so during adolescence, clashes often arise with peers and older people. However, if this type of people is instilled with the rules of behavior and good manners from childhood, communicate with them on equal terms and satisfy their natural curiosity and inquisitiveness, they will grow up to be harmonious individuals.

Unions of solar and lunar people

Both spouses belong to the solar type. In such a relationship there will be no place for comfort and harmony. All the spouses will do is fight for leadership. Such love usually does not last long, but the intensity of passions and genuine passion are always maintained in them. If the spouses fail to find the line that will help them exist in comfort, then their marriage is doomed.

Both spouses belong to the lunar type. Such marriages can be called eternal. Quiet and harmonious relationships that proceed without outbursts of emotion can be described as the most successful option for married life. Spouses are tuned in to the same wavelength and act together, without trying to prove their importance. In such families you will not see the intensity of passions.

The husband belongs to the lunar type, and the wife belongs to the solar type. There is no harmony in such families, and the woman takes the reins. Men in such families do not have their own opinions and often find themselves in the role of “henpecked”, allowing the chosen one to “command the parade” and set the tone in the relationship. Such unions are also doomed in most cases.

The husband belongs to the solar type, and the spouse belongs to the lunar type. Excessive submissiveness of a woman in such a family can lead to disastrous consequences. Patience and reluctance to quarrel with her husband puts her in an unenviable position, and complaisance over time is perceived by a man as permissiveness. Such marriages often break up due to frequent infidelities of the spouse.

Whatever type of person you belong to, cultivate the best character traits in yourself and do not always be led by emotions. Lunar people lack assertiveness, which the solar type has more than enough of. They should start respecting themselves and training their willpower to resist an aggressive world. Sunny people, on the contrary, need to learn self-control and respect the opinions of people around them. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.11.2017 06:11

Each representative of the zodiac circle has its own characteristics that attract the attention of others. Knowing about them, anyone...

The Sun represents the positive or balanced side of the fiery energies of Agni and Pitta. Among all other types, solar ones are usually the healthiest because their strong fiery energy imparts good digestion and circulation and burns out all poisons and pathogenic microorganisms that can cause disease. They have a strong immune system and it is rare for them to come down with anything serious.

The solar influence is quite clearly visible in their entire appearance. Their appearance is bright, as if with a golden or bronze tint. The eyes are bright, attractive, emitting light.

As a rule, they have a medium build with well-developed muscles. Among them, excess or underweight is rare. Vata dosha occurs as a secondary dosha in such people, since they are sometimes lean.

Astrological factors

The solar type is created if the Sun is strongly located in the horoscope. This can happen if the Sun is on the ascendant or in other angular houses (especially in the tenth), especially if it is in its own sign of Leo, or in the sign of its exaltation (Aries). Usually the ascendant in Leo gives a solar type, unless several planets simultaneously dominate the ascendant or its ruler, the Sun.

If several other planets are placed together with the Sun in Leo, then this is an auxiliary factor in creating the solar type. Another important factor is the aspect of the Sun to the Ascendant or its ruler. Planets placed with the Sun tend to accept its power and thus make it even stronger. Exceptions are Saturn and Ketu, which can weaken it.

--David Frawley, Ayurvedic Astrology

Sunsets are beautiful from anywhere in the solar system. And although we will never be able to enjoy them in person, satellites, telescopes and computer simulations allow us to see breathtaking images.

The closest planet to the Sun is Mercury. The solar disk is approximately three times larger than that of Earth. Temperature at night: −180 °C, during the day: +430 °C.

The second planet from the Sun is Venus. You won’t see the sun from the surface because of dense clouds of sulfuric acid, the pressure will squeeze out your eyes, and the temperature is even higher than on Mercury (+480 °C), so you’re unlikely to have time to see anything.

And here is the third planet from the Sun. How do you like this rare angle?

Red planet - Mars. The sun on Mars is 1.5 times smaller. The sunset is not red, like on Earth, but bluish. The reason for this color of the sky is the same that on Earth gives a blue sky and a red sunset - Rayleigh scattering... The difference between the color of the sky at noon and at sunset is in the volume of the atmosphere that is overcome by the sun's rays. On Mars, the atmosphere is a hundred times thinner than on Earth, but when the Sun is near the horizon, light travels thirty times thicker through the atmosphere than at midday.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our system in every sense. A giant gas ball, inside of which hydrogen acquires metallic properties. The sun is 5.2 times smaller. However, Jupiter emits more heat than it receives from the outside. And here is the view from the Europa satellite:

Lord of the Rings - Saturn. The most beautiful planet in the solar system. The size of the solar disk is on average 9.5 times (!) smaller than ours. The gas giant also emits more heat than it receives from the Sun.

Uranus is a truly unique planet. Uranus is unique in its location, its axis is tilted at 98 degrees, which forces the planet to orbit while lying on its side. In this position, the main flow of solar energy is directed to the polar regions, but contrary to logical conclusions, the temperature at the equator has higher values. The direction of rotation of the ice giant is the opposite of its orbital motion. Uranus makes one revolution in 84 Earth years, and a day passes in 17 hours; this period is calculated approximately due to the uneven movement of the gaseous surface. It is impossible to imagine how the Sun moves across the sky without the brain boiling (for Mercury it is even worse). And here is a satellite view of Ariel:

Neptune is a blue giant. Neptune's winds have a unique speed, the average is 1000 km/h, and hurricane gusts are 2400 km/h. Air masses move against the planet's axis of rotation. An inexplicable fact is the increase in storms and winds, which is observed with increasing distance between the planet and the Sun. Attention! The sun is 30 times smaller than the earth's. Not the best place to watch the sunset, but here's the view from Triton:

Well, and our little brother, whom everyone offends, is the dwarf planet Pluto. It is 40 times further from the Sun than the Earth; so little solar energy and light comes here that our star can be confused with a large star. Pluto and its moon Charon orbit each other, and Pluto's orbit is sharply tilted relative to the other planets. A year on Pluto lasts 248 Earth years. And a day is almost a week. The surface temperature ranges from - 228 to - 238 °C.

What class does our luminary belong to?

As you probably know, our Sun is the closest star to us. But what type of star is she? According to the existing classification system, the class of our star is a yellow dwarf. This group contains relatively small objects containing between 80% and 100% of the Sun's mass. Thus, it is on the higher end of this group.

Class of the Sun as a star

The official designation is class G2V. Yellow dwarf stars have surface temperatures between 5300 and 6000 K. They typically live for 10 billion years or more. The Sun is in the middle of its life, approximately 4.3-4.6 billion years old, and will likely shine for another 7 billion years.

After this time, it will turn into a red giant, and eventually collapse into a white dwarf.

The Sun belongs to the so-called group I stars, which contain relatively large amounts of heavy elements. The first stars in history to contain pure hydrogen and helium belonged to group III. They exploded, spreading heavier elements into space.