The elder scrolls v skyrim elemental rage. Elemental Fury

Dragon screams (Voice or Tu "um) are Words of power in the dragon language, used to unleash a powerful magical effect. Dragons have always been able to Scream, this skill is inseparable from their nature, Screaming for a dragon is as natural as breathing and speech. Well concerns people... In ancient times, the goddess Kynareth gave them the ability to speak the language of dragons, but most take many years to learn the simplest Scream. Only the Dragonborn have the great gift of the Voice - the ability to direct life energy into Tu "mind, or Scream. The speech of dragons is in their blood; it comes to them without much effort. Your character is the Dragonborn - a warrior with the soul of a dragon in a mortal body, although no one knows this at first. The ability to use Shouts will become available upon completion of the Dragon Rising quest, after absorbing the soul of the first killed dragon.

To open a new Shout or improve an already known one, you should approach the Wall of Words and find out the Word of Power, then spend the absorbed dragon soul to unlock the word (R button), and if there is no available dragon soul, you will have to kill some dragon and absorb his soul. All Shouts consist of three Words, and each time you master a new Word, your Shout becomes more powerful: unlocking the first word from a Shout unlocks a weaker version of it, the second and third increases intensity, duration, etc.

In order to Shout, you need to press the Z button (by default). Simply pressing the Scream button will produce a weak version of it, holding it for a short time will result in a medium version, and holding it for a long time will cause a strong Scream. After Shouting, there will be some cooldown time before you'll be able to Shout again (watch the compass outlines turn from blue to white).

A total of 20 Shouts can be learned. As you progress through the main quest, you will learn 15 words from various Shouts (no dragon souls are required to unlock them). You will need 44 Dragon Souls to unlock all other available Words of Power. Some Words can only be learned in certain places during the main quest and completing quests for various factions (see tables below), but most are open to learning at any time (the order does not matter). To make searching for Word Walls easier, there are two ways to obtain information about their location:

1. It’s worth shouting more often in cities, settlements, camps and dungeons, after which wait for a messenger with a “Letter from a Friend” containing a hint about a place with the next Word Wall. Messengers will continue to bring such letters until all currently available Words of Power have been found. However, keep in mind that you will not receive a new “Letter from a Friend” until you complete the quest associated with the previous letter you received.

2. After completing the quest “The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller”, you can also ask Arngeir from the masters of the Way of the Voice, the Greybeards, if they have become aware of anything about places of power, and he will mark them on the map. Once you know all the currently available Words of Power, Arngeir will stop giving you tips.

Unrelenting Force

Location of the Word Walls: You will learn the first word at Bleak Falls Barrow, it is automatically unlocked after killing the dragon Mirmulnir in the main quest, the second and third will be taught to you by the Greybeards during the main quest.

Become Ethereal

That "mind reaches the Void, changing your form so that neither you can harm anyone, nor anyone can harm you.

Location of the Word Walls: Ustengrav, where you will have to look during the main quest, Ironbind Barrow and Lost Valley Redoubt.

Throw Voice

The mind is heard, but its source is unknown, and those who hear begin to look for it.

Location of Word Walls: You will learn all three words at Double-Headed Peak (Shearpoint).

Storm Call

The scream shakes the skies and awakens the destructive power of Skyrim's lightning.

Location of word walls: Skuldafn Temple, where you will have to look during the main quest, Forelhost, High Gate Ruins.


Location of the Word Walls: Throat of the World, during the main quest.

Animal Allegiance

A cry for help to the wild creatures, and they come to fight by your side.

Location of the Word Walls: Ancient's Ascent, Angarvunde and Ysgramor's Tomb.

Slow Time

The scream forces time to obey the order, and everything around freezes.

Location of the Word Walls: Labyrinthian, where you will need to visit on the quest of the College of Winterhold, the Witch's Nest (Hag's End) and Korvanjund, where you will go on the quest for the Imperials or the Storm Brothers.

Call of Valor

Location of the Word Walls: Sovngarde, during the main quest.

Call Dragon

And the weak will be afraid of this mind, and will rush to run, seized with horror.

Location of the Word Walls: Lost Tongue Overlook, Shalidor's Maze and Dead Crone Rock.

Ice Form

Your mind turns your opponent into a block of ice.

Location of the Word Walls: Saarthal, where you will need to visit for the College of Winterhold quest, Frostmere Crypt and Mount Anthor.

Kyne's Peace

Location of the Word Walls: Shroud Hearth Barrow, Ragnvald and Rannveig's Fast.

Frost Breath

Your breath is winter, your mind is a storm.

Word Wall Locations: Bonestrewn Crest, Skyborn Altar and Folgunthur.

Fire Breath

Inhale air and exhale fire - this mind itself is fire.

Location of the Word Walls: Throat of the World, during the main quest, Dustman's Cairn, where you will need to visit for the Companions quest, and Sunderstone Gorge.


Steel is subject to this cry - you snatch the weapon from the hands of the enemy.

Location of the Word Walls: Snow Veil Sanctum, where you will need to visit for the Thieves Guild quest, Eldersblood Peak and Silverdrift Lair.

Marked for Death

Word Wall Locations: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Forsaken Cave and Autumnwatch Tower.

Whirlwind Sprint

That mind rushes forward, taking you with it at the speed of a whirlwind.

Location of the Word Walls: The first word will be taught to you by the Greybeards during the main quest, the rest you will learn in Dead Men's Respite and Volskygge.

Clear Sky (Clear Sky)

Skyrim itself obeys this “mind” - the fog dissipates and the weather becomes clear.

Word Wall Location: High Hrothgar, during the main quest.

Aura Whisper

Word Wall Locations: Northwind Summit, Valthume and Volunruud.

Elemental Fury

Tu "mind gives your hands the speed of wind, allowing you to strike with weapons faster.

Word Wall Locations: Shriekwind Bastion, Dragontooth Crater and northeast of the Statue to Meridia.

On Nintendo Switch and PlayStation VR. It's time to return to the eternal debate - which screams are the best in the game. There are almost 30 shouts in Skyrim, so it's best to know which ones will help your character the most. This guide will walk you through the five best shouts in the game.

Aura Whisper

This scream will allow you to detect living creatures and undead nearby. The more words you know, the longer the detected creatures will be shown to you. The coverage area increases significantly outdoors.

Considering that you will know in which direction your enemies are moving, this shout is ideal for stealth enthusiasts and assassins who prefer to attack from stealth.

Become Ethereal

This shout will give your character an ethereal form that will protect him from both physical and magical attacks. Your stamina will not be depleted, you will be able to survive a fall from any height, you will not be able to drown and you will not fall into a trap.

Ethereality does not last long. In addition, if you start attacking, decide to open a chest, talk to someone, or pick up an item, this effect will instantly disappear. In other words, you cannot interact with anything if you want to remain in this form.

In addition to avoiding obstacles, you can use this shout to better position yourself in battle. For example, to reduce distance or evade powerful enemy attacks. In addition, the ethereal form will help you cast a particularly long spell.

Elemental Fury

This shout will increase the speed of your weapons, with the exception of bows, bare fists and enchanted weapons.

This is useful for two-handed and dual wielding weapons. Elemental Rage will turn you into a real killing machine. The shout effect lasts 15 seconds.

Marked for Death

While this scream won't instantly kill your enemies, it will significantly reduce their armor and deal damage for a full minute.

Death Sentence is best used early in battle to weaken the armor of most - if not all - of your enemies and deal extra damage to them while you pummel them mercilessly. Moreover, the effects are combined with each other, so you can easily deal with large groups of enemies or huge animals.

Unrelenting Force

This is a favorite shout for most players because Fus Ro Dah is synonymous with the Dragonborn. Ruthless Force allows your character to throw back everything in its path.

It's always fun to throw enemies off cliffs, bridges and other high places. This shout is perfect in battles with large groups of enemies.

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Elemental Fury(orig. Elemental Fury) - dragon scream in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


Elemental Fury- This is a dragon cry that gives the character “wind speed”, thanks to which he delivers his attacks faster. The more shout words are learned, the faster the speed. With a fully learned scream, the attack speed of any weapon increases by 2 times.

The shout effect lasts 15 seconds. Elemental Fury does not apply to enchanted weapons, even if the protagonist's weapon has only one enchantment applied to it and the "Additional Effect" ability has been learned. Also, the shout does not work with equipped summoned weapons and improved bows - there is an opportunity to shout, but there is no effect. But, unfortunately, this is the most bugged shout, so it is better to use it in extreme cases.


  • When used together with a pickaxe, it will increase the speed of ore extraction.
  • Two weapons and this shout are an effective solution to many problems with any enemy. At the first levels, Valdr's lucky dagger, which is considered unenchanted, is quite suitable for this purpose. Knowing the “Double Whirlwind” perk also wouldn’t hurt. Since the shout only applies to weapons in the right hand, however, affecting the speed of combat with weapons in both hands, it is effective to use some kind of paralyzing weapon with the left hand.
  • In the LE version of the game with installed Unofficial Skyrim Patch The shout can also be applied to a weapon in the left hand.
  • If you use daggers with the learned “Dash” and “Double Whirlwind” perks, then with the help of elemental rage you can move around Skyrim very quickly. “Dash”, which allows you to deal critical hits while sprinting, and the speed of daggers, together with a scream, allow you to move through crowds of enemies almost without stopping.
  • This shout can be used to increase the speed of slow two-handed weapons while maintaining the damage dealt by that weapon.
  • Using this shout, you can increase the speed of drawing the bow string (for maximum damage) to almost instantaneous.


  • A weapon in the right hand can be enchanted and the scream effect will work on two weapons.
  • The strong wind sound effect produced while screaming can become incessant. Possible solutions:
    • return to previous save;
    • installing a patch (the patch removes the sound of howling wind after a scream);
    • using the console command sexchange (helps only until the next boot);
    • reuse of scream;
    • use of staves;
    • transformation into a werewolf or vampire lord.
  • When two daggers are equipped, shouting may not affect attack speed.
  • It is dangerous to use a scream on the edge of the cliffs - a secretive finishing blow to the enemy can lead to the hero himself falling from these very cliffs.
  • Sometimes the wall next to the Meridia statue does not teach the word.
    • Solution 1: Using fast travel, travel to Solitude. Then save and load the save you just created, and then return to the statue of Meridia by entering coc KilkreathRuinsExterior03 in the console.
    • Solution 2: A more effective method of learning the word from the wall next to the statue is to restart Windows.
    • Solution 3: It happens that none of these methods helps, so from now on it is recommended to study the word on your first visit to the temple of Meridia (if only because the word next to the temple is the most accessible, you don’t need to deal with anyone: just get there and study the word, located in the open air). If this error does occur, then you just need to wait. The bug is temporary, and after some time (perhaps one in-game month, or perhaps three), the cry on the wall will again become available for study.
  • Sometimes the “wind speed” effect can remain on the weapon. Dovahkiin can learn this effect by removing it from a weapon on the Pentagram of Souls. Moreover, if you apply this enchantment to any weapon, the sound of wind and visual effects will appear, but nothing else will change. Regardless of the power of the enchantment, these effects will not disappear, even if the weapon is sheathed, completely de-equipped, or even thrown out of the inventory.
  • There is a bug when the attack speed becomes 2 times less than the original speed.
  • If you shout while using an unenchanted bow, and then switch to any other weapon (even an enchanted one), the result will be that the same temporary enchantment will temporarily appear on the weapon or pair, but invisible on the weapon in the character's inventory. This can be noticed even with the cry of only the first word; the mediocre increase in attacks becomes at least 2 times greater every second.

Translation of Word Walls

Tu "mindWall of wordsEnglish translationRussian translation

Here lies Fjoldmod Foul- Air who stank as much on earth as his body does now in (the) ground.

Here lies Fjolmond the Bad - Air, who stank on Earth the same way his body stinks in the earth now.



(This) stone commemorates (the) brave Thjodrek who died heroically in (the) battle of (the) Serpent Sea.

(This) stone is in honor of the brave Sjodrek, who died heroically in battle on the Serpent Sea.



(This) stone commemorates (the) fair Princess Yrsa who bewitched all of Tamriel with her grace and beauty.

(This) stone is in honor of the beautiful princess Yrsa, who enchanted all of Tamriel with her grace and beauty.


Playable Dragon Shouts in Skyrim
Ruthless Force Ethereality Harmony Kin Voice Throw

TES V: Skyrim – Dragon Shouts Guide

You get your first cry almost at the beginning of the story, having killed the dragon (the main quest, everyone who has played Skyrim for more than an hour and a half has encountered it). So far, this scream is weak and not pumped up, it won’t help you (and won’t make any difference at all), and to get the next screams you need to go to the greybeards. Each cry can consist of one, two or three words, respectively, each word is unique and has its own meaning, but for simplicity we will divide the screams into the first, second and third levels (seriously, is anyone here interested in the Dragon-Russian dictionary?) The higher level - the longer the recharge will be, and to activate the scream you will need the soul of the dragon.

Ruthless force
Action: a push that pushes away and disorients the enemy.
Application: direction to the side
Recharge: Level 1 – 15, 2 lvl. – 20, level 3 – 45.
Where to get it:(2 words), "Windy Peak" (3rd)

Action: makes enemies run away from you at full speed
Application: all the space around
Recharge: Level 1 – 40, 2 lvl. – 45, 3 lvl. - 50.
Where to get it: in Labyrinthian (College of Winterhold quest)

Swift Dash
Action: the hero covers a short distance in a matter of milliseconds
Application: direction to the side
Recharge: Level 1 – 20, 2 lvl. – 25, 3 lvl. – 35.
Where to get it: among the greybeards, in the Repose and in Volskigg

Action: for a short time you cannot be attacked (by the way, neither can you)
Application: to myself
Where to get it: Ustengrev (according to the Greybeards quest)

Elemental Fury
Action: short-term increase in attack speed
Application: to myself
Where to get it: North Screaming Wind Bastion (north of Falkthreath), Dragontooth Crater

Clear sky
Action: weather control
Application: direction to the side
Recharge: Level 1 – 5, 2 lvl. – 10, 3 lvl. - 15.
Where to get it: during the main quest

Fire Breath
Action: well guess what
Application: direction to the side
Where to get it: during the main quest, Repose (here), Dustman's Cairn (south-southeast of Labyrinthian), Sunderstone Gorge (west of Riverwood)

Dragon Slayer
Action: makes the dragon land
Application: direction to the side
Recharge: Level 1 – 10, 2 lvl. – 12, 3 lvl. - 15.
Where to get it: during the main quest

Call of the Dragon
Action: Summons a dragon to help (until all enemies die)
Application: to myself
Recharge: Level 1 – 5, 2 lvl. – 5, 3 lvl. – 300
Where to get it: during the main quest

Time dilation
Action: time dilation -_-
Application: all the space around
Recharge: Level 1 – 30, 2 lvl. – 45, 3 lvl. – 60.
Where to get it: Corvanyud cave (quest from the Stormcloaks/Imperials), in Labyrinthian (quest from the College of Winterhold), Witch's Nest (west of the Dragon Bridge)

Call of Valor
Action: Sovngarde comes to the rescue
Application: to myself
Recharge: 180 for all 3 levels
Where to get it: during the main quest

Frost Breath
Action: similar to fire, but slows down the enemy
Application: direction to the side
Recharge: Level 1 – 30, 2 lvl. – 50, 3 lvl. - 100.
Where to get it:"Altar of the Skyborn" (east of Morthal), Folguntur Cave (northeast of Solitude)

Animal friendship
Action: animals come to your aid
Application: all the space around
Recharge: Level 1 – 50, 2 lvl. – 60, 3 lvl. – 70.
Where to get it: Angarvunde (somewhere around Riften), Ancient's Ascent (southwest of Riverwood), Ysgramor's Tomb (somewhere around Winterhold)

Whisper of aura
Action: detection of enemies (?)
Application: all the space around
Recharge: Level 1 – 30, 2 lvl. – 40, 3 lvl. - 50.
Where to get it: North Wind peak (northwest of Shore Stone)

Death Sentence
Action: reducing the enemy's reserve strength
Application: direction to the side
Recharge: Level 1 – 20, 2 lvl. – 30, 3 lvl. – 40.
Where to get it:"Autumn Watchtower" (south of the village of Ivarstead), "Forgotten Cave" (here), lair of the Dark Brotherhood

Storm Call
Action: heavenly lightning strikes your enemies (outdoors only)
Application: all the space around
Recharge: Level 1 – 300, 2 lvl. – 480, 3 lvl. – 600.
Where to get it: Forelhost (southeast of Riften), High Gate Ruins (east of Solitude), Skuldafn

Mir Kin
Action: enemies are no longer interested in you (only affects animals)
Application: direction to the side
Recharge: Level 1 – 40, 2 lvl. – 50, 3 lvl. – 60.
Where to get it:"The Walk of the Ancients" (here)


Shouts are special phrases in the dragon language that contain powerful magic. Press Z to use your pre-selected Shout. The longer you hold down the key, the more Scream words you say and the more powerful the Scream itself. You can only mark one talent or one cry at a time.

The Draconic words that make up Shouts are learned by searching the Word Wall in the world. But just learning them is not enough; you must also put a dragon soul into it, and only then it will become available to you. You absorb the souls of dragons by killing them.

A short video tutorial on shouting:

Map with the location of all scream walls (comments will be added to some places later):

Table of screams and their properties (gradually filling up, if you have anything to add write in the comments.

Scream Title







Ruthless force

Shockwave that knocks back and stuns opponents


You will learn the first word in the cry at the end of the quest Windy Peak, the other two will be taught to you by the greybeards, in the quest The Path of the Voice. Everything is according to the main storyline.

Swift Dash

Moves you a fixed distance forward


The graybeards will teach you the first word in the quest Path of the Voice, you will learn the other two in Dead Men's Respite and in Volskygge.

Fire Breath

Throws out a wave of fire in the indicated direction


Throat of the World (quest “Throat of the World”, main plot)
- ** Ancient Cairn, Ancient Crypt (quest “Test of Valor”, Companions line)
- Divided Gorge

Frost Breath

A wave of cold is thrown in the indicated direction


Harmony Kyne (Kyne's Peace)

Calms (does not attack) hostile creatures and calms (does not run away) animals


Abode of Rannveig
- * Funeral Fire, The Depths (Tavernkeeper's quest from Ivarstead)
- Ragnvald, Temple

Causes enemies who can't see you to be wary (a simple replacement for this scream is to shoot somewhere with a bow)


Double-headed peak (all 3 words of power)

Ice form

Turns the enemy into a block of ice


Mount Antor
- ** Saarthal (quest “In the Depths of Saarthal”, line of the College of Mages, quest “Forbidden Legend”)
- Frostmere, Frostmere Depths (quest “The Pale Lady”)


Knocks weapons out of enemy hands



Peak of the Ancients
- Silver Lair
- ** Veil of Snow (quest “Conversation with Silence”, Thieves Guild line)

* The passage to the Word of Power is closed by a Nordic door with a secret (the dragon claw is often located in the same location)
** Access to the word of power is only possible during the specified quest.

There are a total of 20 shouts in the game.