Thematic planning for Victory Day in the preparatory group. Comprehensive thematic planning “Victory Day”

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 67
combined species of the Krasnoselsky district “Wizard”

Calendar plan
compensating group No. 10

Lanina Elena Vladimirovna

Saint Petersburg

The month of May
Topic of the week: “Victory Day”
ETC. - To introduce the images of the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid ideas, specific historical facts that are accessible to children and evoke emotional experiences in them; clarify and expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the Great Patriotic War; about how the Russian people defended the country during the Great Patriotic War, how the living remember them; bring to the understanding that people always remember the defenders of the Fatherland, compose poems and songs in honor of heroes, erect monuments; to instill in children a sense of respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, a respectful attitude towards the older generation;
R.R. - Summarize and activate vocabulary on the topic, develop visual and auditory memory, learn to express your feelings; develop the ability to listen to texts, develop attention;
S-K.R. - Develop interest in various types of games, independence in their choice; To instill in the child respect for war veterans and a desire to help people; expand understanding of the rules of behavior in public places;
H-E.R. – Develop creative abilities through the depiction of monuments, soldiers, train fine motor skills of the fingers, exercise the ability to compose an object from parts, develop the perception of works of painting and music;
F.R. - Develop motor skills, speed, ability to hear commands (physical development); Health – Introduce the rules of conduct in dangerous situations and providing first aid within the means possible.

Collaborative activities between teachers and children
Independent activities of children (organization of a developmental environment)


Individual work
In sensitive moments

Title, purpose

ETC. "Victory Day"
Goal: To develop respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts that are accessible to children and evoke in them strong emotions, pride in their people, and love for their homeland. Develop an understanding of the different branches of the military, consolidate knowledge about the national holiday of warriors, clarify who the defenders of the fatherland are; develop speech, thinking, support children's initiative.
Continue to get acquainted with proverbs about war, teach them to understand and explain their meaning, cultivate feelings of pride in their people, the army, and the desire to defend their country.

Multimedia board – notepad, presentations
Pictures depicting the Second World War, albums, books, illustrations of hero cities and Victory Day celebrations.

Ask the children to answer the questions:
- What holiday do we celebrate on May 9?
- What did the Nazis want to do to our country?
-Who stood up to defend the Motherland?
- In whose honor was the “Eternal Flame” lit at the Kremlin wall?
- To whom are all our people grateful? Why?
- Alesya, Nastya, Kira, Dima, Yura, Egor

Motor activity – jumps, side step - Maxim P., Maxim R.

We are building a military road, establishing bridge crossings - Fedya, Makar
. Morning
Game activity: “Who will collect the parcel to the front faster”, “Bandage the wounded”, “Who is the most accurate sniper”
Communication: Conversation “Hero Cities”, “Medals”, “Children Heroes of War”, “Hero City Leningrad”, learning a poem by E.A. Blaginina "Overcoat"
Reading: story by S.P. Alekseev “First Column”, L.A. Kassil “Your defenders”, “Monument to the Soviet soldier”
Construction: constructors build a crossing, fortification, equipment, rocket launcher
Review: albums “Children are heroes of war”, “City heroes”, “Medals”, “This Victory Day”, illustrations about the Second World War, an exhibition of drawings about peace, about war
Morning exercises “Birds and insects” Kharchenko from 15
Cognitive and research activities: Experience “Magic Sieve” with 36 Tusheva G.P. album “Children's experimentation.
Collective household work in a group (we wipe dust on the windowsill, flower saucers, etc.)
Monitoring seasonal changes -
form ideas about changes in nature in spring (the day grows and the night decreases); teach to distinguish characteristic signs, recognize their signs in poems. Observing the state of nature teaches one to see beauty, distinguish the characteristic signs of spring, recognize them in literary texts and poems; over the work of the janitor. - continue to monitor the work of the janitor; improve vocabulary; develop a desire for order and cleanliness; instill a love of nature, a thrifty and caring attitude towards the environment.
Cognitive and research activity: problematic question - “Why do objects move” experiment with a magnet, feel the state of an object at rest, inertia, friction of objects
Game/motor: p/i “Sentry” (walking, posture, coordination), p/i “Don’t fall!” -pass the ball back and forth with straight arms. p/i “Dashes - catch-ups” - consolidate the ability to act together, speed, dexterity. Outdoor games: “Homeless Hare”, “Hares and the Wolf”, “Jump over the stream”,
P/i “Traffic light - move grandpa across the road.”
Labor: cleaning the area from branches, stones and debris from paths and benches, helping the janitor.
Individual work: walking sideways along a drawn line; ex., exercise “Touch the sword” ball school – throwing and catching.
Invigorating gymnastics (future plan)
Communication: conversations “How good it is if there is peace on earth”, “What a real man should be”
CHHL: S.P. Alekseev “Known Everywhere”, “Medal”, A. Mityaev “Bag of Oatmeal”, L.A. Kassil “Sister”
Game activities: “Whose squad will land the plane the fastest”, “Build a bridge”, s/r games “Sailors”, “Med. Sisters - honey. Sanbat", "Tankmen"
Independent children's activities
Examination of illustrations, paintings, books about the Second World War. Coloring symbols associated with Victory Day. Puzzles "Map of Russia". Listening to frontline songs
Communication, observations: Weather observation; To consolidate knowledge about seasonal phenomena, we establish a relationship between air temperature and the weather and time of year. Observation of mother-stepmother with 90 Kravchenko. Cognitive research question “What do buds smell like?”
Play/motor activity: p/n “Handkerchief” (like a ring - go out onto the porch), “By the bear in the forest.” R.n. game “White birch, scarlet rose” for balance - walking on a plane. P/n. “Counter dashes” - running
Did. demonic material: a series of conversations and stories by the teacher, a selection of illustrations on the topic “Towards Victory Day” by L.E. Belousov
Fiction: M. Kassil, “Main Army”, M. Ksanovsky “Motherland”, A. Gaidar “Malchish Kibalchish”
D/i “Serving Russia”;
Moscow is the capital of Russia”, “Do we know Moscow, the Kremlin” (environment box)
Postcards with views of Moscow.
Demon material “Tell children about virtues”
D/i “Collect the cubes”
- Russian bogatyrs
D/i “We are different, but we are together”
Visual information material “Our Motherland Russia” (hero cities, Golden Ring, etc.)
Newspaper "9 May"

Interaction with parents
We recommend that parents and their children make a craft for the anniversary on May 9th. Decorate your child's cap with a star.
Offer to visit with your child memorable places in the region and city associated with the Second World War.
Guess “What does it sound like?” (bell, metronome, trumpet, bell).
Consider illustrations related to the Second World War in books and magazines. Watch films about the war, about heroism, programs, short reports. Visit a blooming garden. Play the outdoor game “Scouts and Sentinels”
Development of agility and speed. Tell the children about the Victory Day holiday, about the fireworks, it is advisable to watch the fireworks.. Learn proverbs and sayings about spring. Read the poem by Akim Ya. “Sun”. Conversation “Where the sun spends the night!” experiment with magnifying glass. I/u “Tender Sun”, draw on the theme “Our friendly family, our peaceful country, blue Earth”

H.e.r. applique “Monument to Heroes”
Goal: to develop creative abilities through the depiction of monuments, to train fine motor skills of the fingers, to exercise the ability to compose an object from parts
Cardboard, parts - blanks for application, operation card, sample

R.r. with a speech therapist in subgroups according to the plan of the speech therapist teacher

H.e.r. music according to the plan of the musical hand.

Joint activities of a teacher-psychologist with children (by subgroups)
Exercise “Raise the flag for the selected sound” -Masha P, Egor

Working on diction and expressiveness in poetry for Victory Day
Maxim R., Vika V., Egor

Selection of related words for the time of light, morning, day, night, hour (Pozhilenka with 303) - Seryozha Ch.

R.r. (in subgroups) compiling a story on a given topic. O.S. Ushakova from 97
Goal: Learn to write a short story on the theme of the Second World War. Strengthen the ability to form the names of various types of troops. Activate complex sentences in speech. ZKR - learn to select words that sound similar
Illustrations of military personnel from various branches of the military

F.r. according to the plan of the physical instructor. cool-re


R.R. according to the plan of the speech therapist (by subgroups)

Jumping on two legs with advancement - Nastya, Yura

Coloring pages of symbols of the Victory Day holiday with Vika L, Makar, Dima

Drawing using operational maps - various trees (birch, oak, aspen) - Dima, Yura, Egor

Examination of postcards about Victory Day, illustrations and albums about the Second World War - Masha, Maxim P., Dima, Seryozha S.
D/i “Count” - practice counting objects in different directions Nastya, Yura, Maxim P.

d/i “Answer quickly?” - Veronica, Vika V., Vika L.

ETC. FEMP No. 29 (according to subgr.) Pozina V.A.
Goal: To consolidate knowledge of ordinal numbers in the name of each day of the week, to form an awareness of the connection in the name of each day of the week with its ordinal number.”

Workbooks, game aids, handouts, Gyenish blocks

H.e.r. music according to the plan of the muses. leader.

F.r. according to work program plan

H.e.r. drawing "Victory Salute"
Goal: Learning to display fireworks with a poke.

Landscape sheet, brushes of different sizes, cotton swabs, gouache, oilcloths, glasses of water, napkins for each child.
Pictures depicting fireworks in hero cities.

Oksana Petrova
Scheduling. Thematic week “Victory Day”

Monday Morning exercises

Situational conversation: "How did you spend holidays?"

Target: develop children's imagination, memory and speech, promote free communication.

Observation and work in a corner of nature.

Target: strengthen the skills of caring for indoor plants.

D/i "Words are friends"

Target: teach children to select words that sound similar.

Sri "Sailors"

Goals: teach children to independently assign roles and act in accordance with them.

Finger game "Captain"

Target: practice coordinating hand movements with the text.

OD. Fiction.

OD Physical culture


Observation “The swallow flies to visit us in the spring”

Target: continue to introduce features life activity of swallows; instill in children a love for migratory birds.

Di "Who lives where?" (birds)

Target: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about birds and their habitats. Expanding the vocabulary on the topic.

P/n “Burn, burn clearly!”

Target: develop endurance in children, practice fast running.

Ind/r on movement development "Kicking the ball"

Target: develop children’s ability to hit the ball with the back of their foot, practice stopping the ball with their foot.

Labor activity. Sweeping paths.

Goals: to form a desire to work, the ability to perform basic labor processes.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics Walking along the paths of health

Reading L. Kassil

Target: teach children to listen to a work of art; to form ideas about the heroism of soldiers.

Di “Name the part of the object”

Target: learn "disassemble" any object into its component parts.

Ind/r, drawing “Birch is a symbol of Russia”

Target: to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture; develop the desire for knowledge.

Conversation “What do I know about Russia”

Target: systematization primary ideas about Russia as a "big" Homeland, feelings of pride for Russia and Russians.

An evening walk

Observing flowers in a flower bed.

Target: continue to monitor the growth and development of flowers; consolidate the ability to care for plants, water them, weed them.

Di. “What then?”

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of people at different times of the day.

We draw with crayons on the asphalt. "I'm drawing a holiday"

Target: consolidate spatial concepts, develop imagination and creativity. Interaction parents: Booklet “Thank you grandfather for Victory.

Morning exercises

Morning of joyful meetings. "I give you a smile"

Target: to form a friendly attitude towards each other.

Consideration thematic holiday illustrations « Victory Day»

Target: looking at illustrations, discussing the holiday on issues, learning to maintain a conversation.

Di "Name the Family" (word formation)

Target: practice word formation; develop attention and speech.

Finger games "Family"

Goals: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm.

OD Musical

Od Cognition FEMP.

Subject: « "Chest of Secrets" Abstract is attached.


Observing the soil in the flowerbed.

Target: continue to introduce children to features: what color is the earth, what is found (roots, stones, pieces of clay).

P/n "Aircraft"

Target: teach ease of movement, act after a signal.

D\and life safety "Own, stranger, acquaintance"

Target: teaches you to distinguish people as your own, a stranger, an acquaintance; behave correctly with a stranger.

Round dance game (Russian traditional) « "Potato" (Russian folk game)

Target: introduce the folk game; learn to throw the ball.

Labor activity: Cleaning the garden and beds from weeds.

Target: evoke a desire to help the teacher; cultivate a desire to work together.

D/i "Finish the sentence"

Target: use of complex sentences

Conversation on the topic: "What a holiday Victory Day.

Target: we learn to listen carefully, answer questions, look at illustrations.

Individual work on application "Russian flag"

Target: consolidate the meaning of the colors of the Russian flag; practice the ability to create a plot from pieces of paper.

Game - training “What will you do?”

Target: systematize children's knowledge of behavior on the street when meeting strangers.

An evening walk

Construction equipment monitoring

Goals:- consolidate and expand knowledge about the role of technology at different stages of construction, about the profession of a builder.

P/n "Carousel"

Target: exercise the ability to move and speak at the same time, act quickly after a signal.

Di "Guess if there is a r sound"

Target: to train children in clear and correct pronunciation of the sound r.

Weather observation

Di "Stand in place"

Target: train children in finding locations in front, behind, left, right, in front, behind.

Working with a poem. Poems dedicated to the Day Victory.

Target: help remember words, promote expressive reading.

Role-playing game "Nurses putting bandages on a wounded man".

Target: develop children’s ability to organize a game by combining several plots; develop the ability to develop the plot of the game based on existing knowledge.

OD Child and the world around

Subject: "For children about war and Victory Abstract is attached.

OD Physical culture


Observation of earthworms.

Target: show the distinctive features of a worm, continue to teach children to care about nature, teach them to take care of nature.

Di “Who knows, let him continue”

Target: develop knowledge about insects; clarify the meanings of generalizing words.

P/n "Cabbage"

Target: - develop dexterity of movements.

Game exercise on traffic rules. Road transport quiz.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules.

Ind/r on movement development "Pass the ball"

Target: practice the ability to roll a ball with your foot between objects without touching it with your hands.

Labor activity. Planting, replanting flowers with a teacher.

Target: encourage adults to help.

Afternoon. Awakening gymnastics. We walk along the paths of health.

Entertainment "This Victory Day

Target: summarize children’s knowledge about the holiday; instill in children an interest in Russian history.

Indus work on paper construction. for the 70th anniversary Victory"Airplane"

Target: learn to work with paper using the origami technique; develop aesthetic taste, creativity, imagination.

Screening of educational films. "Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers"

Target: the cartoon teaches little viewers to learn everything so that they can always defeat evil.

Conversation: "Veterans Victory»

Target: tell children about the St. George’s ribbon - a symbol of courage and bravery.

An evening walk

Weather observation

Target: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

P/i "Cars"

Target: practice running in all directions; develop visual attention; ability to follow rules.

Games with sand and water "Fun competition"

Target: practice coordinating the movements of your fingers with words.

Interaction with parents. Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts. Wall newspaper dedicated to the 70th anniversary Victory. Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts.

Morning exercises

Di “One word, two words”

Target: exercise the ability to compose a story based on a series of paintings - "Holiday Victory»

Working with a poem by T. Belozerov "May holiday - Victory Day» .

Target: promote memorization of words; develop memory, speech, cultivate love for the Motherland.

Board-print game: "Military equipment"

Target: develop thinking, consolidate knowledge of land, water, air transport.

OD 1Musical

OD 2 Drawing

Subject: "Parade of military equipment" Abstract attached


Observing the work of adults in the village.

Target: to form children’s ideas about village: at home, what rural workers do.


Target: develop children’s skills to play folk games, develop attentiveness and dexterity; cultivate interest in the game.

Di "Know the Hero"

Target: teach to recognize the hero of a fairy tale from a passage, develop memory.

Labor activity: Gift from the mole.

Target: learn to work together, achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics. We walk along the paths of health

Conversation "Monument to the Soviet soldier"

Target: to form an idea of ​​the heroism of soldiers, cultivate interest in historical events.

D/i k- triz "Garland"

Target: develop the ability to build a chain of words, connecting them in meaning with the help of questions.

Ind/r by application "Flowers as a gift to veterans"

Target: develop children’s skills in laying out flowers from paper.

Music upbringing. Listening to war songs "Darkie", "Cranes".

Target: develop a sense of patriotism and pride in our defenders.

An evening walk

Air traffic surveillance

Target: expand knowledge about air transport, its use and purpose.

P/n “Burn, burn clearly!”

Target: develop children's self-control and spatial orientation. Practice running fast.

Interaction with parents. Booklet " "A child discovers the world"

Friday Morning exercises

Development of positive emotions "Take and pass"

Target: achieving mutual understanding and cohesion in a team of children.

Presentation "Parade Victory» »

Goals: to introduce preschoolers to the historical facts of the war years, to give an idea of ​​the significance victory.

Word game "Mom's ABC"

Target: develop speed of reaction to questions, attention; cultivate endurance and patience.

Finger gymnastics On parade

Target: coordination of movements with the text.

OD 1. Artistic creativity. Application.

Subject: "Dove of peace" Abstract is attached.

OD 2. Physical culture


Watching footprints in the sand.

Target: identify and expand children’s understanding of the properties of water and sand. Experimental activity: "Sand Country"

Target: highlight properties sand: flowability, looseness, can be sculpted from wet; introduce the method of making a picture from sand.

DI "What grows where"

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about plants.

Relay race "Transporting products by truck".

Target: practice running, agility; develop coordination of movements.

.Labor activity: Collect sand around the sandbox.

Target: cultivate a desire to work.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics. We walk along the paths of health

Ind/r for design, designer "Lego" - "Modeling of military equipment".

Target: exercise children in constructing an object; develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Sri "Concert for dolls"

Target: develop children’s ability to organize play.

Ind/r on drawing "Trace and Color"

Target: develop the ability to draw straight lines by dots, carefully paint over a drawing.

An evening walk

Observation of currants.

Target: consolidate knowledge about currants.

Games with sand and water "Guess what's hidden in the sand"

Target: Development of the ability to represent objects according to their verbal description.

P/i "Sharp and dexterous"

Target: we learn to be active in organizing outdoor games with peers.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 000, Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd"

8. Lesson No. 8 “Souvenirs for veterans” (manual labor)

IV. “Conversation with children on the topic “Days of military glory”, “The glory of these days will not cease””

V. Didactic, role-playing games, literature

VI. Conclusion

VII. Logistics support.

Explanatory note.

At the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century, a sharp turn was determined in the modern history of Russia, accompanied by changes in the political, socio-economic and spiritual spheres of society and the consciousness of citizens. The educational potential of Russian culture, art, and education as the most important factor of patriotism has sharply decreased.

During the period of change of social formations, the continuity of generations in the upbringing of children is disrupted, and above all in the sphere of transmission of moral experience, main life values ​​and attitudes.

The theme of the Great Patriotic War is extremely relevant in modern society; it contributes to the unification and cohesion of our people. Victory Day is close and understandable to preschool children, because it implements a fairly simple, clear idea known to them from fairy tales - the idea of ​​the confrontation between good and evil and the final victory of good. This holiday develops and strengthens a sense of justice in children, helps them understand their national identity, the peculiarity of the history of their country, and encourages them to love their homeland and loved ones.

Therefore, even before school, it is necessary to form in children initial ideas about the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War, to awaken pride in belonging to Russia.

Having drawn attention to the fact that older preschoolers suffer from a lack of knowledge about the liberation of Russia from the Nazi invaders, the participation of older generation family members in the Great Patriotic War, I it was decided to develop thematic planning for moral and patriotic education

Moral and patriotic education of children is a complex pedagogical process. It is based on the development of moral feelings. The feeling of the Motherland begins to form in the child with the relationship in the family, with the closest people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. Many impressions are not yet deeply understood by him, but passed through childhood perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

The main objectives of the educational areas are “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”.

· Raising a child’s love and affection for his family, home, city, homeland,

· Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers,

· Introduction to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults,

· Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons,

· Formation of primary ideas about the Fatherland, ideas about sociocultural values, traditions and holidays,

· Development of moral and moral values ​​accepted in society.

· Formation of spirituality, moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children

Hypothesis: Russian army, soldiers who guard our Motherland

Relevance, problem: without the memory of the Great Patriotic War, the great Victory in this war, neither the dignity of Russia, nor the humanization of Russian society, nor the humanitarization of Russian education is unthinkable, because the Great Patriotic War is the spiritual feat of our fathers, grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers , many of whom continue to reap next to us, is a feat without which neither you and I, nor Russia would exist.

II. Direct educational activities


i half a day

ii half day

Topic: “Days of military glory”

Goal: to form children’s understanding of Russian soldiers and Victory Day, to cultivate respect for WWII veterans

2. GCD (Cognitive Development) FCCM

Topic: “This Victory Day”

Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​how the Russian people defended their Motherland during the war, how they preserve the memory of them. Foster respect for WWII veterans

3. Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing)

Topic: “Victory Salute”

Goal: to cultivate patriotic feelings of respect for the heroes of the Second World War, to teach them to see the means of artistic expression, to teach them to reflect their impressions of the Victory Day in a drawing, to teach children to work using the scratching technique.

4. Physical education “Stand up together - one, two, three...”

5. Walk

Topic: “Insect observation”

Goal: to clarify the content of the concept of “insects”, to teach how to compare them according to essential common characteristics



1. D/i “Find your flag”

Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, develop memory, and consolidate knowledge of the symbols of the Russian Federation.

2. Reading A. Gaider “The Tale of a Military Secret”

Goal: continue to teach children the ability to listen, retell, correctly composing sentences.

3. S/r game “Army and Navy”

4. Work in the book corner: looking at illustrations and books dedicated to Victory Day.


1. Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

Topic: “When lilacs bloomed in the gardens”

Goal: learning a song, developing hearing and memory, instilling a feeling of respect for the Second World War

2. GCD (Cognitive Development) FEMP

Topic: “Military exercises”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the army, to introduce the relationships between numbers within 4/2 greater than 1, to practice counting objects according to a pattern and a given number within 10, to consolidate knowledge of the sequence of days of the week

3. Walk (cognitive development)

Topic: “Weather Observation”

Goal: to continue to form generalized ideas about seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the purpose of a bicycle.

1. Cognitive development

D/I “Name the monument”

Goal: to develop memory, attention, the ability to navigate in space, to consolidate knowledge about existing monuments to the heroes who died in the Second World War.

Goal: to introduce children to the Russian army and navy, what professions exist, and introduce roles in the game.

3. Reading fiction (speech development)

Topic: E. Blaginina “Overcoat”

4. Watching a filmstrip about the war.

Goal: to give children knowledge about the past war, how people defended their country, to evoke patriotic feelings in children, to empathize

5. P/n “Don’t get caught”

Purpose: to strengthen the ability to run, deftly dodge, jump



II half day

1. Conversation with children (cognitive development, speech)

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge of how people defended their homeland during the Second World War.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

Topic: “Victory Day holiday”

Goal: to instill a sense of pride, respect for veterans, develop hearing and memory.

3. GCD (Artistic and Aesthetic Development) Application

Topic: “Invitation for Veterans”

Goal: to cultivate respect for WWII veterans, teach how to cut out objects from paper folded in half, show different techniques for decorating a flower (applique)

4. Physical education lesson “We will all stand up together now...”

Goal: the ability to repeat movements after the teacher, develop dexterity.

5. Walk

Topic: “Rainbow Watching”

Goal: to expand knowledge about the rainbow as part of inanimate nature, to evoke a feeling of joy.

1. Cognitive development

D/i “Fold the picture”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the military who defended our Motherland

2. S/r game “Our Army” (socio-communicative development)

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the military, about units in the army, what types of troops exist, the ability to introduce military professions into the game.

Topic: S. Alekseev “The first night ram”

S. Marshak “Victory Day” (learning by heart)

Goal: to develop memory, the ability to speak expressively, and cultivate a sense of pride.

4. P/n “Don’t knock down the flag”

Goal: learn to walk like a snake between objects without knocking them over.

5. Cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Topic: Watching filmstrips about the war.

Goal: to cultivate patriotic feelings in children

6. Listening to songs of the war years, “Victory Day” music. D. Tukhmanova, lyrics. V. Kharitonova


i half a day

ii half day

1. Conversation with children (speech development)

Topic: “Victory Salute”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the Victory Day holiday, when the Russian people celebrate this holiday, and how this day ends, to evoke a feeling of joy and pride for those who defended our country (veterans)

2. GCD (Artistic Development)

Manual labor

Topic: “Souvenir for Veterans”

Goal: to strengthen skills in working with corrugated cardboard, to cultivate respect for WWII veterans

3. Physical education lesson “Streams began to flow”

Goal: to develop dexterity of movements, the ability to repeat after the teacher

4. Walk

Topic: “Observing a dandelion”

Goal: to learn to compare a dandelion at the beginning and end of flowering, to know the changes that have occurred with the flower, to develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants, the rules for their collection, and use

P/n "Who is faster"

Goal: develop speed of movement, agility, ability to compete, work in a team

1. Cognitive development

D/i “Assemble the puzzle”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about military equipment

2. S/r game “Victory Day”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the military parade, about the types of troops, to transfer their knowledge through the game

3. Reading fiction (speech development)

Topic: I. Tokmakova “Red Square”, M. Chernyavsky “Fire Ballad”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the upcoming holiday, why we celebrate it, to develop a sense of pride in the heroes who gave us the world.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative.

Goal: to introduce children to the military parade, what military equipment exists, knowledge about the history of the military parade.

5. D/i “I’ll start, and you continue”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about Victory Day.

IWEEK of Direct Educational Activities

Lesson No. 1. Cognitive development (formation of a holistic picture of the world).

Topic: “This Victory Day”

Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​how the Russian people defended their Motherland during the war, how they preserve the memory of them. Foster respect for WWII veterans.

Objective: to give an idea of ​​the Victory Day holiday, the history of its origin, and to cultivate a sense of pride in the heroes of our Motherland.

Demonstration material: reproduction of paintings about the war, portrait of Marshal Zhukov, illustrations of monuments to fallen soldiers, phonogram of the song “Victory Day”, music. D. Tursmanov, words by V. Kharitonov, fragments of songs from war days.

Lesson No. 2. Cognitive development (construction)

Topic: “Parade of military equipment”

Goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of military specialties and military equipment, teach how to build cars according to a drawing (diagram), correlate their work with the work of their peers, unite into a single model, and cultivate respect for people with a military specialty.

Demo material:

photographs of a military parade, diagrams of equipment, soundtracks of military marches.

Objective: to give children knowledge about military equipment, the ability for children to recreate the actions of the parade with the help of a constructor, and to know the history of the military parade.

Handouts: colored paper, white paper, scissors, glue stick, napkins, oilcloth, yellow and red five-pointed stars, St. George ribbons.

Lesson No. 8 Artistic and aesthetic development (manual labor)

Theme: Souvenir for veterans

Goal: to consolidate skills in working with corrugated cardboard, to cultivate respect for WWII veterans.

Demonstration material: sample souvenir

Handouts: colored paper, corrugated cardboard, scissors, glue, brushes.

Task: to teach children to work with corrugated cardboard, the ability to cut correctly, to educate children in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Conversation with children.

Topic: “Days of military glory”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about Russian soldiers and the Victory Day holiday, to cultivate respect for WWII veterans.

Dictionary: defender, Fatherland, artillerymen.

Demonstration material: illustrations depicting the military.

Program content:

· A big holiday is coming soon. Who knows what kind of holiday this is? (Victory Day)

· Victory Day is a holiday for our grandparents, as well as ours – the younger generation. Who remembers what kind of victory this was? Over whom?

· Who are the military?

· (military are sailors, pilots, tank crews, border guards, artillerymen, signalmen...)

· What kind of military people are shown in the picture?

· How did you guess?

· How are their shapes different?

· What is the name of the holiday that we will soon celebrate? (Victory Day)

Topic: “These days the glory will not be silent”

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about how people defended their homeland during the Second World War

Demonstration material: illustrations depicting monuments to the defenders of the Motherland in the Second World War, a portrait, illustrations depicting the battles of the Second World War, soundtracks of wartime songs.

Program content:

· When does the whole country celebrate Victory Day?

· What date?

· What do we call this holiday?

· What kind of Victory is this? Who did we defeat and at what cost?

· We all remember those who defended our country, name them?

(soldiers, tank crews, scouts...)

· Monuments have been erected to many heroes throughout the country. What monuments to our heroes do you know in our city?

· What do you think “unknown” means?

Guys, if you see a person with orders on May 9, come up and congratulate him on the holiday, tell him thank you for protecting us from enemies. Veterans will be very pleased that we remember and honor them!

Didactic games.

Ø “Find your flag”

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the national flag

Ø “Name the monument”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the monuments of our city

Ø “Fold the picture”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the military who defended our Motherland.

Ø “Assemble the puzzle”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about military equipment.

Ø “I’ll start, you continue”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the Victory Day holiday

Role-playing games

Objective: to form children’s ideas about types of troops, military equipment, and the military profession. Develop emotions that arise during role-playing and plot game actions with characters, consolidate the ability to complicate the game by expanding the composition of roles, coordinating and predicting role-playing actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game, increasing the number of combined plot lines., formation of citizenship, patriotic feelings:

· "Army and Navy"

· "Our Army"

· "Parade"

· "Victory Day"

Work in the book corner: we arrange and examine illustrations of books dedicated to Victory Day.

Reading fiction:

Objective: to form an interest and need for reading, a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas, the development of literary speech, familiarization with verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste. Continue to introduce books and illustrations, draw children’s attention to the design of books, compare illustrations by different artists for the same work, help read poetry expressively, with natural intonations, and participate in role-playing reading of the text. To foster a sense of pride for one’s homeland and for veterans who participated in hostilities.

ü A. Gaidar “The Tale of a Military Secret”

ü A. Zharov “Border Guard”

ü A. Kassil “Monument to a Soldier”, “Your Defenders”

ü E. Blashnina “Overcoat”

ü S. Alekseev “The first night ram”

ü S. Marshak “Victory Day”

ü I. Tokmakova “Red Square”

ü M. Chernyavsky “Fire Ballad”

This week we have combined classes with one common theme: “Victory Day”. Your children learned who defended our country, from whom it was defended, and in general what kind of holiday “Victory Day” is.

In order for children to better understand this material, we recommend that you have a conversation with your children about Victory Day, visit monuments dedicated to the heroes of the Second World War, visit the Panorama, and go on an excursion dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad.

Remember which of your closest relatives took part in the Second World War, look at illustrations and photographs of relatives.

Listen to wartime songs with your child.

Read about war, about heroism, about glory, teach them to work and care for veterans. You will not only broaden your child’s horizons, but also give him the opportunity to be proud of and respect the heroes of the Second World War.


The formation of moral values ​​is an important indicator of a holistic personality, independent and responsible, capable of creating their own ideas about their future.

Moral and patriotic education of children is a complex pedagogical process. Preschool age, as the age of formation of the foundations of personality, has its potential for the formation of higher social feelings, which include the feeling of patriotism. To find the right way to cultivate a multifaceted feeling of love for the Motherland, you must first imagine on the basis of what feelings this love can be formed or without what emotional and cognitive basis it cannot appear. If patriotism is considered as attachment, devotion, responsibility towards one’s Motherland, then a child, even in preschool age, must be taught to be attached to something, someone, to be responsible in any of his, no matter how small, business. Before a person empathizes with the troubles and problems of the Motherland, he must generally acquire the experience of empathy as a human feeling.

Therefore, during the past week dedicated to the Victory Day holiday, children gained knowledge about this holiday, about the history of this holiday, that the whole country celebrates it, people rejoice at this day, pay honors and gratitude to the heroes who died during the war and veterans, to those living today, we say thank you to them for the gift of peace. Children now have an idea about the Russian army, about the years of war.

We held classes, matinees, and holiday concerts about the Great Patriotic War and soldiers of the Russian Army. Children, together with teachers, prepared gifts and holiday cards for veterans and soldiers of the Russian army. We foster a sense of pride in our people, our army, respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and evoke a desire to be like strong, brave Russian warriors.

We tried in a week to give children the necessary knowledge about the Victory Day holiday, gave recommendations for parents so that on this holiday they could take their children on excursions to monuments to heroes, and support patriotic feelings formed during classes conducted directly with children.

Children have ideas about the Russian army, about the honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security, about how their great-grandfathers bravely fought and defended our country from enemies during the war.

Logistics support.

1. Source Internet

2. “Didactic games in kindergarten”

3. “Notes of complex thematic classes” Senior group, integrated approach.

4. “Walks in kindergarten” senior and preparatory group.

5. “Mathematics in kindergarten”, senior preschool age.

6. “Outdoor games and play exercises for children 5-7 years old.”

7. A complete reader for a preschooler (5-6 years old)

8. Runova M. “Ensuring motor activity of children while walking” Preschool education, No. 8, No. 9,10

9. “Implementation of the educational field “Labor” in the process of familiarizing children of senior preschool age with professions.”

10. “A book for reading in kindergarten and at home. Reader. 5-7 years"

11. “Days of military glory.” Patriotic education in kindergarten.

12. “Moral education in kindergarten.”

Visual and didactic aids

Series “The World in Pictures” (subject world)

1. Victory Day.

2. Victory Parade

3. Victory Salute

Documentary films about the war "Victory Rising"


Direct educational activities with children in the senior group

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

Topic: “Victory Day”

Compiled by teachers:

Type of activity: artistic creativity

Age: 5-7 years

Method of organization: subgroup of children

Integration of educational areas: “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”.

Goal: to create conditions for maintaining interest in visual arts, to teach how to convey impressions of the Victory Day holiday in drawing, to teach children to work using the scratch technique.

· Teach children to draw festive fireworks with wax crayons

· Consolidate knowledge and skills in using two materials: wax crayons and gouache

· Cause an emotional positive response to the proposal to draw in an unusual way, develop independence, activity, and a sense of self-worth

· Develop aesthetic feelings by highlighting means of expression in images created by other children

· Foster love for your homeland and hometown, a sense of pride in WWII veterans

Preliminary work:

· Observation of fireworks (showing a video to children)

· Examination of photographs and drawings of fireworks

· Showing children slides about the Second World War, talking about the heroic feat of our city

· Reading poems about war

· Conversation on the topic “Parade dedicated to Victory Day”

· Drawing fireworks with colored pencils

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, illustrated material, documentary film “Victory Rising”, slides depicting fireworks on Victory Day.

Materials for the lesson:

White paper, wax crayons, gouache, brushes, pointed sticks, napkins, jars.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, tell me, what holiday do people celebrate on May 9? What holiday is it? That's right, this is Victory Day for our country in the war over Nazi Germany. Let's talk to you a little about this holiday. Do you think this holiday is happy or sad (children's answers)?

I think this holiday is fun, people rejoice at the victory. But at the same time, this holiday is sad because many people died. Victory Day begins with worship of the dead. People go to the graves of unknown soldiers to lay flowers and honor the memory of all who died defending their homeland. We sincerely rejoice at the great holiday, congratulate all the veterans who took part in the war, and say “Thank you” to them. The artist’s painting “Victory” introduces us to the soldiers who celebrated Victory in the German capital Berlin.

What do you see in the picture?

Why do you think these are soldiers? What are they doing?

Why do you think they behave this way?

The teacher summarizes:

The artist conveyed the joy and glee of the soldiers who went home through the entire war. Here they are standing on the steps of the main fascist building - the Reichstag. Their faces are courageous, proud and happy. The last battle is over, victory is declared, red banners are flying. There are orders and medals on the soldier's chest. They shoot in the air from machine guns, wave their helmets, shout “Hurray!” "Victory!". Excerpt from M. Serova’s poem “60 Years of Victory”

Let the glorious Victory fireworks be a symbol of spring

May the future be wonderful and bright

The artist’s painting “Victory Day on May 9, 1945” captured this solemn moment. Hundreds of people came to Red Square. It was a jubilant sea. Everyone felt great joy and pride.

Bloomed in the dark sky

Bright red flowers:

Yellow, green

Funny stars

They go out and fly

They fall, spinning

It’s as if they are melting in a haze, lying down on the water!

Well, of course, everyone recognized the fireworks! Who knows what fireworks are? Lights in the sky.

Yes, these are such multi-colored lights in the sky that light up and sparkle, and then go out. Very nice (slide show).

Guys, when do fireworks happen - during the day or at night? And who knows why? To make it visible, the lights are then brighter. Tell me, in our city, where do fireworks take place? Where do you go to watch it? That's right, to the Embankment.

Now close your eyes and imagine that you are standing on the Embankment and watching the fireworks. How beautiful and colorful it is.

Suddenly out of the black darkness

Bushes grew in the sky

And they are wearing blue, red and gold

Flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming

And all the streets also became under
blue, red and gold - multi-colored

And there is a whole crowd of people. Moms, dads, and children are waiting for a new flash in the sky. With each volley everyone shouts a loud “Hurray!” The stars and dawn began to light up again in the heights. This festive fireworks calls everyone to peace and happiness!

Open your eyes. What did you see? Firework! Did you like him? I suggest you draw fireworks. We will draw it using the grattage technique, scratching the design with a stick. Against a dark background we will get a bright, beautiful fireworks display.

Preliminary work: prepare paper with the children using the scratching technique - cover the paper with colored wax crayons in spots, stripes, without leaving white spots, cover the top with black ink or gouache mixed with a small amount of shampoo, leave to dry). Then, after the base has dried, use sticks (toothpicks) to scratch the design.

Independent work of children. The teacher provides individual assistance. At the end there is an exhibition of works and their discussion.

Thousands of different bouquets

Light up the sky on holiday!

In the dark these bouquets

Suddenly they explode

They bloom with all colors -


And the minutes don't live -

They're crumbling

At the beginning of May, a thematic week “May 9 - Victory Day!” is planned, dedicated to the most important holiday in our country - Victory Day. The program edited by N.E. Veraksa “From birth to school” is intended to encourage children’s interest in events taking place in the country now and in the past. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the activities of a teacher are aimed at instilling a sense of pride in Russia’s achievements. Children carefully watch programs about the war, listen to literary works and songs of those years, and express their emotions through drawings and postcards. The result of the week is a blitz survey “What do you know about the war” and a thematic holiday “The sun is shining on Victory Day.” The content of conversations about the history of the holiday, the exploits of people during the war, a blitz survey on the topic, physical exercises and didactic material can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “May 9 - Victory Day!”

Social and communicative development

In the area of ​​social and communicative development, it is planned to tell stories from the teacher about the heroism of children and adults in wartime, discuss proverbs about courage and loyalty, and role-playing games on the topic of the week, in which children expand their knowledge about military professions and learn to act in a team.

Cognitive development

The experiment “What makes a plant secrete” ends, the campaign “Don’t pick dandelions” takes place. Cognitive development is also facilitated by viewing presentations about the monuments of one’s hometown, about the hero cities of the Second World War, games using the TRIZ system and a conversation on the “Pond” ecosystem. Preschoolers look at a collection of butterflies and remember the behavior of insects in the spring.

Speech development

Speech development occurs while reading and discussing fiction about wartime, composing stories based on a series of pictures, and designing a poster “Our fellow countrymen are heroes.”

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, it is planned to construct a “Dove of Peace” from paper, listen to front-line songs, graphic dictations on the topic, sculpt a “Monument of Memory”, as well as look at paintings about wartime.

Physical development

Outdoor games and competitions “We are conscripts,” relay races and conversations about the courage and strength of soldiers contribute to the physical development of preschoolers. Children continue to learn how to use a racket and shuttlecock and remember folk outdoor games.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation about the holiday "Victory Day". Goal: to show children the significance of the holiday, the history of the Second World War.View the presentation “War Monuments in Our City.” Promote the development of a sense of patriotism and respect for veterans.Exercise "Correct answer". Goal: to develop the ability to answer a question with a detailed sentence.Looking at the poster “The Motherland is Calling!” Purpose: to show children the features of wartime art.Physical exercise “Parade”. Goal: remember the words.
Game "Find a friend". Goal: promote team unity.Di. “System administrator” according to the TRIZ method. Goal: to promote the formation of generic concepts.Board educational games of the teacher's choice. Goal: to consolidate the rules of games, develop cognitive abilities, and activate speech.Graphic dictation “Military aircraft”. Goal: to promote the development of auditory attention, improve the ability to navigate through cells.P.i. “Hit the shuttlecock.” Goal: continue to teach children how to use the racket, hitting the shuttlecock so that it does not fall for as long as possible. P.i. "Needle, thread, knot." Goal: repeat the rules of the game.
2 p.d.Discussion “The Story of a Hot and Cold Heart” by M.A. Andrianov (Philosophy for children). Goal: to expand knowledge about good deeds.Cognitive and research activity “What does a plant secrete?” (ending). Purpose: record the results in an observation diary and draw conclusions.Reading E. Blagin's "The Overcoat". Goal: to continue acquaintance with the author’s work.Listening to frontline songs. Goal: introduce children to war songs, discuss works.Conversation “What qualities should a real soldier have?” Goal: to form children’s knowledge about the importance of physical education.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Di. "Whose form." Goal: expand knowledge about military professions.View the presentation “Hero Cities”. Goal: to expand knowledge about the exploits of Soviet people, to form an active civic position.Design of the poster “Our fellow countrymen are heroes.” Goal: to develop knowledge about the exploits of people, to develop coherent speech.Paper construction “Dove of Peace”. Goal: to continue to develop design abilities and independence in distributing actions among themselves.P.i. “Tea, tea, help me out.” Goal: develop physical qualities. P.i. "Blind Man's Bluff." Goal: to please children.
Di. "Find a friend." Goal: to consolidate ideas about friendship.Games with Cuisenaire sticks. Goal: expand mathematical concepts.Discussion of the proverb “When we are united, we are invincible!” Goal: to show children the importance of common efforts, to cultivate a sense of teamwork.Game "Waves". Goal: to help relieve emotional stress.P.i. "Tug of War." Goal: to strengthen the ability to work in a team. Team game “Change the flag”. Goal: to develop the ability to play in teams. P.i. "Needle, thread, knot." Purpose: to teach to follow the rules of the game.

Irina Danilova
Comprehensive thematic planning “Victory Day”. Preparatory group

Comprehensive – thematic planning

Subject: « Victory Day»

Target: Carry out patriotic education. Foster love for the Motherland. Form ideas about the holiday dedicated to the Day Victory. Foster respect for war veterans.

Direction of child development

1. Cognitive - speech development


Familiarization with the surrounding world.

« Victory Day» Target: introduce the traditions of celebrating the Day Victory. Talk about the significance of this holiday for our country, cultivate an attentive and caring attitude towards older people and veterans.

Excursion to "Monument of Glory".

Cognitive classes on topics: "Heroes in our family", “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War are our fellow countrymen”, “The St. George Ribbon is a symbol of the Day Victory»

Organization of the exhibition: “I remember, I’m proud!”

Excursion to the school library for books on military topics.

View presentations on this topic.

I/u "Confusion"

Di “Which number is missing?”

Di "Name the neighbors".

Di "More less".

Di "Get in order".

I/u "To the left, to the right".

I/u "Divide for everyone".


"Planes are flying"

Target: continue to teach children how to create crafts according to the drawing. Develop the ability to independently make a drawing by cells, based on a sample. Strengthen the skill of working with a pencil and ruler, thick paper.

Manual labor

Repair of books borrowed from the library.



"The Great Patriotic War"

"Children and War"

"Four-legged helpers at the front"

"Women defending the Fatherland"

Learning proverbs and sayings about honor, duty, military service, friendship and camaraderie.

Pictures for conversations with children:

Yu. Neprintsev "Rest after the battle", G. Marchenko "The beginning of the defeat...", P. Krivonogov "Duel", P. Krivonogov « Victory» , Y. Truze "Soviet artillery crossing the Dnieper", A. Samsonov "The Road Between Life and Death", A. Sytov "Meeting on the Elbe".

Didactic games:

"What changed"

"Find differences"


"4th wheel"

"Finish the row"

“Draw to the subject”

"Similarities and differences".

Reading fiction

Reading and discussion of a series of stories about the exploits of the defenders of the Russian land during the Great Patriotic War wars:

A. Mityaev Stories

L. Kassil "Monument to a Soldier", "Your protectors", "Soldier's Medal"

S. Baruzdin "Glory", "Right on target", "For the Motherland"

A. Agebaev « Victory Day» , A. Mityaev "Bag of Oatmeal",

O. Vysotskaya "Firework", Yu. Koval "Scarlet").

E. Blaginina "Overcoat"

chapter from the book by S. Baruzdin "The Country Where We Live"

B. Almazov "Gorbushka"

E. Vorobyova "Broken Wire"

G. R. Lagzdyn "Grandfather's Mug"

2. Social and personal development


Situational conversations and conversations with children on the topic.

Role-playing games "Tankmen", "Sailors", "Pilots", "Border Guards". Games with a didactic toy (by soldiers) “Our army is strong, it protects the world”.

Target: Formation of primary ideas about military professions, development of children’s play activities, formation of gender, citizenship, patriotic feelings.

"Labor landing": planting flowers in a flower bed, helping to clean the area around the monument. Target: Formation of ideas about work.


Acquaintance with the basics of safe behavior on the street and in public places.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development


"Holiday fireworks" Target: initiate a search for expressive means to depict festive fireworks. Arouse interest in creating imaginative and deeply meaningful compositions. Promote the expression of feelings such as joy, peace, happiness, friendship, victory. Improve and diversify modular drawing techniques.


"Soldier" Target: learn to observe the proportions of the human figure in sculpting.


"Pigeons on the Roof" Target: teach children to create a collective composition, placing the cut out elements in different ways. Improve your appliqué technique - choose and combine methods yourself (silhouette, ribbon, cut applique).Develop a sense of color and compositions, ability to shape.

Listening to music on the topic

"Living Memory", music B. Figotin, lyrics. B. Okudzhava,

"Captain", music etc. Yu. Verizhnikov,

"Russian anthem", music A. Alexandrov, lyrics. S. Mikhalkov,

"We need one victory» , author B. Okudzhava,

“Veterans never grow old in spirit”, music S. Tulikov,

sl. I am Belinsky, "Clouds", music etc. V. Egorov,

“Let us bow to those great years!”, music A Pakhmutova, lyrics. M. Lvov,

"I'm hosting the parade", music O. Devochkina, lyrics. E Shklovsky,

"May there always be sunshine", music A. Ostrovsky, lyrics. L. Oshanin

“You did everything, my Russia”, music S. Tulikov, lyrics. G. Khodosov).

4. Physical development

Sports festival “We guys are brave soldiers”

"Collect grenades"

"Tug of War"

Outdoor games:


From groups are selected"scout" And "commander", the rest - "squad". IN group chairs are arranged chaotically. "Scout" passes between the chairs from different sides. "Commander" watches the actions "scout". Then he spends "squad" along the path that was shown to him "scout". Then the second one "scout" paves a new path and another "commander" repeats it, etc.

"Targeted Combat"

Children take turns kneeling on a chair and trying to throw small objects (pens, candies, coins, nuts, etc.) in a box or basket that stands 2-3 meters from the player. The one who was able to throw the most items into the basket is considered winner.

"Obstacle Course"

Gymnastic hoops are laid out on the floor. Children must jump from one hoop to another with only two feet. If a player misses, he is eliminated. And so on until the last.

"Journey in the Fog"

Draw a straight line on the ground (15 steps or more long). All players carefully watch how it goes. Then they are blindfolded. Standing at one end of the line, at the signal the guys go forward one after another. When the presenter says "Stop", everyone stops. The one wins who moved the least away from the line.


Military personnel must be dexterous and skillful. This game is played by two people. Players have a piece of rope tucked into their belts so that a “tail” hangs from behind. On signal (you can turn on fun music) the player must take away the “tail” from his opponent and at the same time protect his own. The one left without a tail is considered a loser and from that moment on cannot take the tail from his opponent. You can play simultaneously with a large number of players. For example, 4-5 people will try to take each other’s “tails”, and he will win who will collect the most "tails".

"Planes - bombers"

You will need 20-30 inflated balloons, scattered in a chaotic manner around the hall. The song comes on "Bombers". The participants' task is to run around the hall while the music is playing and pretend to be an airplane. As soon as the music turns off, our bombers will immediately have to detonate the bombs, that is, sit on the ball and burst. The one wins who blew up the most bombs.

“Who is faster?”

The presenter invites the children to hold a competition to find out who can assemble a border post from a construction set most quickly (five red and five green stripes).


Children form a circle, in the center of which there is a gym hoop on the floor. One of the participants stands in a hoop and turns into "karateka", performing sudden movements with arms and legs. The rest of the children along with the leading choir pronounce: "Stronger, even stronger...", helping the player release aggressive energy with intense movements.

"Fighting Cocks"

A circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn on the floor. Two participants have their hands tied behind them. Jumping on one leg, the player must push the opponent out of the circle or throw him off balance so that he stands on both legs.

"Happy Tankers"

The boys are divided into 2 teams. A shield with a sheet of Whatman paper is installed in front of each team. (you can divide the board into 2 equal parts). One by one, blindfolded, players must draw a tank on their shield (airplane, warship, etc.). Each person draws 1 detail. The team wins, whose drawing turned out to be more accurate.

"Walk down the ramp"

There is a rope (or ladder) on the floor; you need to walk blindfolded and not stumble.

“Who will get dressed faster?”

There are jackets hanging on the chairs (jackets turned inside out. Whoever turns the jacket inside out the fastest, puts it on, sits on the chair and will say: "ready", That won.

"Collect ammo"

Lying on the floor "cartridges" (balloons or cases from kinder surprises). Each participant in turn receives a shovel, bucket, apron, and scarf. At a signal, he puts on an apron and scarf, takes a spatula in his right hand, and a bucket in his left. We need to drive "cartridge" on the shoulder blade without the help of your left hand, put it in the bucket, and then pass everything to the next player. That team will win, which will have more "cartridges".

"Fast Boat"

2 halves of an album sheet are placed on the floor. Participants must get on all fours and blow to move these sheets away from "buoy" before "buoy" hands-free.

"Mute System"

Participants stand in a row. The leader goes around the players from behind and pats each one on the back with his palm. No matter how many times it slams, it will have a serial number. At the signal, the children begin to line up in order. BUT! Without making a sound!

Walking around the participants, the presenter can clap 2 times 1, not a single time, 4, etc., as much as his imagination allows. And then there may be not one row, but 2, or 3. And be sure to film it all on camera!


Players freeze in different poses. The presenter remembers the poses of the players, their clothes and leaves the room. Players make five changes in their poses and clothing (not everyone has five, but only five). The leader must return everything to its original position.

"The fastest"

To play you will need counting sticks. Boys' hands are tied behind them. Scatter the sticks. Whoever collects it faster will won.

"All hands on deck"

Lead in role "boatswain" who commands the sailors on the ship. The rest of the children - "sailors". The boatswain commands with the help of a special whistle. If it whistles once - "sailors" take a step forward; if there are two blows on the whistle, they take a step back; if there are three, they stand still! Attention! The presenter tries to confuse the players.

“Wait, who’s coming?”

A border post is being erected. One child is blindfolded - this is a border guard, in his hands he has a toy machine gun. The other child is a trespasser. The border guard’s task is to hear when the intruder passes by him and say: “Stop, whoever is coming!”

If the presenter finds all five changes, then as a reward the players fulfill some of his wishes. Otherwise, you need to drive again.


Morning work-out « Defender of the Fatherland Day»

1. Speech exercise "Helicopter"

The propeller rotates quickly - rotate the stick between your fingers,

The helicopter is ready to take off. like a helicopter propeller

He bravely, without a doubt,

He will find his way among the clouds.

Flying in the blue sky (first with one hand, then with the other)

The clouds disperse

And he will return right on time,

No matter how long the path is.

2. Hard to learn, easy to fight (proverb).

Walking and running are normal, walking in a half-squat, hands to shoulders - pull the gun; walking on straight legs, hands on the belt - sailors; running, raising your knees high - cavalry; walking on toes, arms to the sides - airplane; lying down running, recovery walking.

3. Outdoor switchgear (without items)“Whoever serves honestly is the friend of glory,” we all say together

1. "Sailors"

I. p.: o. s., arms bent and pressed towards you, palms down

1-2-3-alternately stand on your heels while simultaneously performing "stroke" arms forward - to the sides

4-return to i. P.

2. "Submariners"

I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head

1 – tilt to the right toe, touch with your hands

2nd. p. 3-4 - the same to the left. Repeat 6 times in each direction

3. "Pilots"

I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest, palm to palm

1-turn to the right, arms to the sides

2nd. p. 3-4 - also in the other direction Repeat 6 times in each direction

4. "Sappers"- they must quickly stand up or sit down to clear the mine

I. p.: legs crossed, hands locked forward

1-sit on the floor without using your hands

2-stand up without using your hands. Repeat 10 times

5. "Tankmen"

I. p. - lying on your back, hands in a lock on your stomach

1-sit down, hands – tank muzzle forward

2nd. p. Repeat 10 times

1. "Machine Gunners"

Push ups. Repeat 8 times

2. "Paratroopers"- jumping on two legs alternating with walking

3. "Firework"

Sailors, artillerymen, border guards, tank crews

Protect peaceful labor. Our army: "Firework!"

1 – inhale 2 – exhale – sa-lu-u-ut!

4. Outdoor game "Cavalrymen"

Perform scattered teams: "Horse Step"- walking, raising your knees high, touching your palms; "Trotting"- normal running, taking "reins"; "Gallop"- straight gallop; "Stop"- stop. The teacher names two children - squad leaders who must gather as many cavalrymen as possible into their squad. They touch any children in turn, those touched are taken in a line by the hand along with the commander, then the squads line up and counting is carried out, the game is repeated with other commanders.

5. Who is walking? We are walking (they stand scattered and walk)

Roma catches up with Sasha (name any two children)– Roma catches up, running between the children

1-2-3-4-5, did you manage to catch up with your friend? (a couple of children stop and the one catching up answers:

Yes, I managed to catch up with my friend

No, I didn’t have time to catch up with my friend

Finger gymnastics. Subject: DEFENDERS OF THE FATHERLAND

These fingers are all fighters.

Well done guys.

Two large and strong small ones

And a soldier experienced in battles.

Two guardsmen are brave!

Two smart guys!

Two nameless heroes

But they are very zealous at work!

Two little fingers - short ones -

Very nice boys!

(Spread your fingers on both hands, then clench them into a fist.

Raise two thumbs and press the others firmly to the table.

Raise your index fingers and press the others firmly to the table.

Raise your middle fingers and press the others firmly to the table.

Raise your ring fingers and press the others firmly to the table. Raise your little fingers. Slap your palms on the table.)

Articulation gymnastics

1. Articulation gymnastics





A light breeze is blowing - f-f-f. And he shakes the leaf like that - f-f-f. Exhale calmly and evenly.

A strong wind is blowing - f-f-f. And he shakes the leaf like that - f-f-f. Active exhalation.

Leaves sitting on branches, autumn leaves for children They say:

Aspen - ah-ah.

Rowan - and-and-and.

Birch - oh-oh-oh.

Oak - wow.

3. Speech exercise

Defenders of the monastery.

Brave fighters.

And valiant knights.

Dashing brave men.

4. Coordination with movement

Left, right

Left, right!

The squad is coming.

The squad is coming.

The drummer is very happy.



An hour and a half

Drum. already full of holes!

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

Complex No. 9"Airplane"

1. I.P.: sitting, legs crossed. Look up without raising your head and follow the passing plane with your finger (accompaniment with eyes).

A plane flies by, I was about to take off with it.

2. I.P. the same. Move your right hand to the side (follow with your gaze, the same is done to the left. Move your right wing, Look.

He withdrew his left wing and took a look.

3. I. p. the same. Perform rotational movements in front of the chest and follow with your eyes. I start the engine and look carefully.

4. I.P.: o. With. stand on your toes and perform flying movements.

I rise up, I fly. I don't want to go back.

5. I.P.: o. p., close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open (repeat 8-10 times).

6. I.P.: o. pp., blink your eyes quickly for 1-2 minutes.

5. Creating conditions for independent activity.

Examination of postcards, illustrations depicting military branches, monuments to soldiers, obelisks.

Independent artistic activity, making crafts on military themes as a gift for dad or grandfather.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

6. Interaction with parents.

Involving parents in the production of attributes for role-playing games.

Parents' participation in cleaning the area and planting flowers

Involving parents in the design of the exhibition and the selection of exhibits (photos and letters from family archives).

Selection of postcards, illustrations, photographs for the design of albums “Our Dear Army”;

Competition for the best drawing, craft for the Day Victory.