Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities. Draft model of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities


“Extremely important from a psychological point of view

vision, do not confine abnormal children into special

groups, but it is possible to practice them more widely

communication with other children."

L. S. Vygotsky

Currently, the inclusive process in education is understood as a specially organized educational process that ensures the inclusion and acceptance of a child with disabilities into the environment of ordinary peers in a general education institution, training in adapted or individual educational programs taking into account his special educational needs.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of children with disabilities. This is facilitated by many incompletely studied factors. Most children with developmental disorders, upon becoming adults, are unprepared for integration into socio-cultural life. At the same time, if appropriate conditions are created, any child with disabilities can become a full-fledged person, provide for himself financially and be useful to society. Effective implementation of the inclusion of a special child with special needs in the general educational environment is impossible without comprehensive specialized psychological and pedagogical support.

If a child with disabilities is studying at school, then the school must provide psychological and pedagogical support for the child with disabilities throughout the entire period of his education.

According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language, to accompany means to follow alongside, along with someone as a companion or guide. That is, psychological support for a child with disabilities can mean moving with the child’s changing personality, next to it, timely provision of possible ways of optimal development, and, if necessary, help and support.

Psychological and pedagogical support of individual development is a special form of psychological and pedagogical practice that involves the participation of an adult in the individual development of a child by monitoring (diagnosis) the process of maturation, growth and the formation of the necessary abilities that allow the child to solve age-related problems relying on his own resources.

Purpose of support- creation of an integral system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for children with learning difficulties (in accordance with their age-specific individual typological characteristics, state of somatic and neuropsychic health), promoting successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children in society.

Types (directions) of work on psychological and pedagogical support:


    counseling (individual and group)

    correctional and developmental work (individual and group)

    organizational and methodological activities

    psychological awareness and education

Comprehensive support for children with special educational needs in a general education institution is provided by an educational psychologist, a speech therapist, a social teacher, a class teacher, subject teachers, and a doctor.

Accompanied byeducational psychologist includes:

    a comprehensive examination of the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres, identifying strengths and weaknesses;

    identifying features of intellectual development, personal and behavioral reactions;

    conducting group and individual classes aimed at normalizing the emotional-volitional sphere;

    formation of productive ways of thinking;

    correcting possible communication and behavior problems;

    participation in PMPk;

    providing methodological assistance to teachers;

    consulting parents on their requests;

    development of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents;

    filling out supporting materials

Comprehensive support for children with special educational needs helps to individualize the education programs of each child as much as possible, make the children’s successes visible and clearly reflect the results of the teachers’ efforts.

At the beginning of the school year, correction classes were formed at the school - these are 6 “B” and 8 “B” classes. Students with disabilities were enrolled in correction classes - children who were previously educated at home, adopted children from boarding schools, and also from other schools in the city. Children who were educated individually at home are children who are poorly socialized. They have not developed at a sufficient level the skills of social behavior at school, communication with peers, with children and even with teachers, because these children were accustomed to communicating only in one familiar environment - with teachers who visited them for home lessons. Children who came from other schools and children who were home-schooled in correctional classes arrived with increased anxiety, with disturbances in the emotional-volitional and personal spheres, some of them were very withdrawn, not talkative, did not communicate well with teachers, and during breaks they preferred to sit in the classes. They had a low mood; poor range of emotions; monotony and stereotyping of emotional manifestations; inadequate forms of emotional response; increased tendency to fear, anxiety and worry; instability of emotional contacts with others; misunderstanding, excessive impulsiveness.

All data was obtained from observations of children during recess, during lessons, and during individual conversations. Also from testing (Philips test to identify the level of anxiety, Luria test to identify the prevailing emotional background and a survey of subject teachers).

Since the children came to a new environment, the adaptation of such children took longer and more difficult.

And one of the directions in working with these students was the creation of elements of a sensory room.

The sensory room has a comprehensive developmental and correctional effect on the child, stimulates the process of motivation and forms a holistic perception of the world, has a beneficial effect on the body, and creates an atmosphere of calm.

It creates a feeling of safety and security, a positive emotional background, reduces anxiety and aggressiveness, relieves nervous excitement and anxiety, and activates brain activity. This is a comfortable environment that preserves and strengthens the health of children. A calm, friendly environment, the presence of an understanding adult, combined with the powerful positive influence of the sensory room effects, help create a feeling of security, calm and self-confidence in children.

Specially selected equipment in the psychologist’s office makes it possible to create a rehabilitative and corrective effect on students with disabilities.

Floor sensory track

    Prevention of flat feet;

Children are invited to walk along the path without shoes, feeling the contents of the boxes with the surface of their feet.

Classes using the “Sensory Track” increase the level of sensory development.

Dry shower

“Dry shower”, simulating multi-colored water jets (showers), is intended for sensitivity. The product promotes the development of a sense of color thanks to a special selection of multi-colored ribbons. The ribbons are located across the entire surface of the mirror, like streams of water in the shower; when reflected, the effect of their “endless continuation” high up appears. Games and activities using the “Dry Shower” give children great pleasure and form a sustainable interest in solving sensory problems independently.

Silk ribbons flow down like streams of water; It’s pleasant to touch them, to move them in your hands, you can walk through them by touching your face. The base of the dry shower is a safety plastic mirror. Once inside, you can look up and see yourself. It is recommended to use a dry shower as a “corner of privacy.”

When working with anxious children, I use dry showers as follows:

    "Alone with myself". Sometimes it is difficult for an anxious, insecure teenager to tell others anything about himself. Hidden behind the ribbons of the dry shower, he seems to be talking to himself. At the same time he feels more comfortable.

    "In Confession." Hiding behind the shower ribbons, as if finding himself in a confessional, the child says: “I want to talk about that...”. (“I want to confess...”, “I have been tormented for a long time...”, “I will never tell anyone that...”).

    “In the labyrinths of your inner world” (with individual work). Cards with inscriptions corresponding to the problem being worked on are attached to the ribbons. For example: “I am a confident person”, “I am brave”, “I can express my point of view”, “I have many friends”, etc. The child has a flashlight in his hands, he lights up the inscriptions and reads them loudly, confidently.

    "Refuge" If a child wants to retire during a group lesson, to be “alone,” he says: “I’m in a shelter” or silently hides behind the ribbons of a dry shower.

    "The shower of self-discovery." A participant sitting or standing under the shower asks the other guys three questions at intervals that allow them to get answers: “Who am I?”, “What am I?”, “What can I?”.

    "The Shower of Transformations" Helps insecure and anxious children get into the right mindset. For example: “Get in the shower, close your eyes. Now invisible magic dust will fall on you, and you will turn into a strong, powerful, self-confident lion... So, you are the king of beasts! Get out! Show me what you are like!”

Sand therapy .

Sand is the same paint, but it works on the principle of “light and shadow”. This “paint” perfectly conveys all human feelings, thoughts and aspirations.A child engaged in sand animation develops fine motor skills, interest, attention and perseverance. The extraordinary creation of images makes children want to create uncontrollably, like real artists create. Unlike drawing on paper, there is no need for an eraser or a reserve of blank paper in case you need to correct mistakes. You just need to level the sand and you can start. Sand animation is perfect for hyperactive children. By engaging in this type of creativity, the child uses up extra energy and calms down. Sand drawing involves both hands, so both hemispheres of the brainare working. Sand animation classes develop sensory sensations. Exercises have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the child.

Work with students in correction classes was carried out over 5 months of the academic year, classes were held once a week, group and individual. In April, repeated testing was carried out, observations during lessons and breaks were carried out during the week, and a survey of subject teachers was also conducted. After that, students in correctional classes who had problems in the emotional and personal spheres showed a decrease in anxiety and aggression, the emotional background of their mood increased, the students began to communicate not only with classmates, but also with other school students during breaks. They began to make contact with teachers more openly.

The sensory room for children with disabilities is a combination of a relaxation block, a stimulating and developmental zone.

The combination of different stimuli (light, music, tactile sensations) has a different effect on the mental and emotional state of the child: both calming and tonic. Therefore, the sensory room allows you to activate various functions of the central nervous system:

Students of middle and high school age who have entered the difficult adolescence period need more, where they can relieve emotional tension, get rid of stress caused by family and school troubles, and restore spiritual harmony.



Subject: Modern technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities at school


Educational psychologist

Kadralieva O.A.



Children with disabilities must be provided with special conditions for studying in a general education school. Therefore, the main principle of organizing work is to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance to children. Psychological, medical and pedagogical support of the learning and education process provides a state guarantee of accessibility and equal opportunities for students with disabilities to receive a full education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

creating a positive emotional mood, enhancing tactile

Modern preschoolers are sometimes no less busy than adults. While attending kindergarten, various clubs and sports clubs, they receive a large amount of information and become physically and emotionally tired. Such stress has a negative impact on children's health. Therefore, it is important to use various psychoprophylactic methods when working with preschoolers. Our institution recently opened a sensory room. What is its significance? Psychological support for preschool children using sensory modules makes it possible to comprehensively and professionally influence the child’s organs of vision, hearing, smell, touch, and vestibular receptors using fairy tale and game therapy techniques, relaxation and improvisation. Promotes the emergence of positive behavioral reactions and experiences in children, the formation of self-esteem, the development of the emotional and cognitive sphere, and helps prevent and correct undesirable personal characteristics.

The main goals and objectives of working in the sensory room:

Development and harmonization of the emotional-volitional sphere of children:

    relieving psycho-emotional stress;


    the ability to control your body and breathing;

    the ability to convey one’s feelings in speech;

    the ability to relax and release tension;

    formation of ideas about positive and negative emotions;

    self confidence.

Development of mental processes and motor skills of children:

    arbitrariness of attention, its stability and switchability;

    memory, thinking, imagination, perception (visual, tactile, auditory), mental abilities;

    development of coordination.

Equipment in the sensory room:

Floor sensory track

    Promotes the development of foot receptors;

    Development of tactile perception;

    Development of coordination of movements;

    Prevention of flat feet;

    Stimulates the functioning of internal organs.

Large ottoman chair with granules

    Allows you to relieve excessive tension, calm down, and take a position convenient for observation.

    The surface of the ottoman promotes tactile stimulation of the parts of the body in contact with it. Lightweight polystyrene foam granules have a soft, pleasant effect and promote better relaxation through light acupressure.

    In addition, the air space between the granules provides ventilation and dry heat.

Projector "Color Spots"

The perception of light effects produced by this device develops:

    visual perception;


    reduces anxiety levels;

    promotes psycho-emotional comfort during exercise and relaxation.

The combination of different stimuli (light, music, color, tactile sensations) has a different effect on the mental and emotional state of the child: both calming and tonic. Therefore, the sensory room allows you to activate various functions of the central nervous system:

    stimulates all sensory processes;

    creates a positive emotional background and helps overcome disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere;

    stimulates interest in research activities;

    corrects impaired higher cortical functions;

    develops gross and fine motor skills and corrects movement disorders;

Children with behavioral disorders (hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder) learn to feel their state of peace and comfort during classes in the sensory room. They must be taught to concentrate attention on all sensations (listen to various sounds, see an object, more subtly distinguish the qualities of objects). For children who are carriers of negative mental states (fatigue, mental tension, anxiety, sleep disturbances, appetite), the work uses a combination of different stimuli (light, music, color, tactile sensations), which have different effects on a person’s mental and emotional state.

In addition to all of the above, a visit to the sensory room helps relieve muscle and psycho-emotional tension, achieve a state of relaxation and mental balance. Relaxation of preschool children requires a special view and approach. The nervous system of a preschool child is far from perfect. It is difficult for children to control the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system. This does not explain the restful sleep or problems falling asleep after active games. First of all, this applies to active children. To form a child’s emotional stability, it is important to teach him how to control his body. In the process of development, education and training, children receive a huge amount of information that they need to learn. Active mental activity and accompanying emotional experiences create excessive excitement in the nervous system, which, accumulating, leads to tension in the muscles of the body. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, excitement, stiffness, restore strength, and increase your energy supply. Most of our children are characterized by an imbalance and mobility between the processes of excitation and inhibition, increased emotionality, and motor restlessness.

The ability to relax helps some children relieve tension, while others help them concentrate and relieve excitement. Relaxation is induced through specially selected gaming techniques. Each one is given a figurative name, which captivates children. They perform relaxing exercises, not just imitating the leader, but transforming themselves, entering into a given image. Most children perceive these exercises correctly and relax well. This can be judged by the child’s appearance: a calm expression on his face, even rhythmic breathing, sluggish obedient hands that fall heavily, some yawning, a drowsy state, etc. Experience shows that as a result of using relaxation, many children improve their sleep, they become more balanced and calm.

The magical world of sensory rooms leaves no one indifferent.
The optimal complex effect on all sense organs and the human nervous system, the charm of a “living fairy tale”, creating a joyful mood and a feeling of complete safety - all this allows us to talk about the uniqueness and value of sensory rooms for children with problems in development, learning, behavior and social adaptation, as well as for everyone who needs to restore and maintain psycho-emotional balance.

Psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in secondary schools

At the present stage of development of the education system, the tasks of creating conditions for the development of the personality of each child in accordance with the characteristics of his mental and physical development, capabilities and abilities are brought to the fore.

Since the 90s of the 20th century, the idea of ​​​​integrated education of children with disabilities (CHD) has been promoted in our country. The methodological foundations of pedagogical integration are defined in the works of V. V. Kraevsky, A. V. Petrovsky, N. F. Talyzina, G. D. Glazer, V. S. Lednev, L. I. Novikova, V. A. Karakovsky, S. M. Gapeenkova, G. F. Fedorets and others. These include the philosophical concept of the leading role of activity in the development of a child; provisions on a systematic and holistic approach to pedagogical phenomena; psychological theories about the relationship between the processes of education and development. At the methodological level, scientists have revealed the essence of the integrative approach to the phenomena of pedagogical reality, integrative processes, which are defined as one of the aspects of the development process, and have shown the possibilities of implementing the principle of integration to the main components of the pedagogical process, which ensures its integrity and consistency. Researchers in their works emphasize that integrative processes are processes of qualitative transformation of individual elements or the entire system. The essence of the integration process is qualitative transformations within each element included in the system. In our study, we are interested in the integration process implemented in the education of children with disabilities in a mass school with the aim of creating optimal conditions for this category of children.

Psychologists emphasize that integration should ensure “psychological readiness” of children for joint learning. This requires a rethinking of society’s attitude towards children with disabilities, recognition of their equal rights to receive an education, development of specific programs for accompanying children with disabilities for the optimal implementation of their age-related opportunities (N. L. Belopolskaya, E. E. Dmitrieva, M. V. Zhigoreva , I. A. Korobeinikov, T. N. Knyazeva, I. Yu. Levchenko, I. I. Mamaichuk, E. A. Medvedeva, K. Reisvepkvan, E. A. Strebeleva, V. V. Tkacheva, U. V Ulienkova, N.D. Shmatko, N.V. Shutova, etc.).

Thus, the inclusion of children with disabilities into the environment of normally developing students requires significant changes in the organization of the learning process, the need to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for this category of students throughout the entire period of their education in a general education school.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to state that the concept of “support” in research is defined in many ways:

firstly, as a special form of activity of the teacher, aimed at interaction in providing assistance to the person being accompanied in the process of his personal growth, choosing methods of behavior, making decisions (N. S. Pryazhnikov, S. N. Chistyakova);

secondly, as a holistic process of studying, forming, developing and correcting the professional growth of a teacher’s personality (E. F. Zeer);

thirdly, as an interaction between the accompanying person and the person being accompanied, aimed at resolving the life problems of the person being accompanied (N. L. Konovalova);

fourthly, as a system of professional activity that ensures the creation of conditions for the successful adaptation of a person to the conditions of his life (G. Bardier, M. R. Bityanova, I. Romazan, T. Cherednikova);

fifthly, as a systemic integrative “technology” of socio-psychological assistance to the individual (N. Osukhova);

sixth, as an activity that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make an optimal decision in various situations of life choice (E. I. Kazakova, A. P. Tryapitsyna);

seventhly, a comprehensive method, which is based on the unity of interaction between the accompanying person and the accompanied person, aimed at resolving the life problems of the development of the accompanied person (L. M. Shipitsyna).

An analysis of the literature showed that psychological and pedagogical support can be considered in several aspects: as a professional activity of a teacher capable of providing assistance and support in the individual education of a child; as a process containing a set of purposeful sequential pedagogical actions that help the student make an independent moral choice when the child solves educational problems; as the interaction of the accompanying and the accompanied; as a technology that includes a number of successive stages of activity of a teacher, psychologist and other specialists to ensure educational achievements of students; as a system that characterizes the interrelation and interdependence of elements: target, substantive, procedural and effective.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support is aimed at ensuring two coordinated processes:

1) support of the development of the child and support of the process of his education, upbringing, correction of existing deviations (includes correctional work aimed at correcting or weakening existing violations, and developmental work aimed at revealing the potential capabilities of the child, achieving his optimal level of development);

2) complex technology, a special way of supporting a child, helping him in solving problems of development, training, education, socialization.

In the context of our research, we will consider psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities as a comprehensive technology of psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to the child and parents in solving problems of development, training, education, and socialization by specialists of different profiles acting in a coordinated manner.

Psychological and pedagogical support of educational activities is always personalized and aimed at a specific student, even if the teacher works with a group. The subjects of psychological and pedagogical support of a student’s individual educational activities are: medical workers and other specialists; classroom teacher; psychologist; social teacher; parents and relatives of the student. The object of psychological and pedagogical support is the student himself, who has his own experience of learning, interaction with adults, other students, his own special character of personal and individual development. The characteristics of a particular child influence the content and forms of psychological and pedagogical support for his individual educational activities.

The goal of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities studying in a general education institution is to ensure the optimal development of the child and successful integration into society.

The tasks of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities studying in a public school:

prevention of child development problems;

assistance (assistance) to the child in solving current problems of development, training, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

psychological support of educational programs;

development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of students, parents, teachers.

The support service is an association of specialists of various profiles who carry out the support process. The team unites teachers, speech pathologists, psychologists, social educators, and representatives of parent activists.

The group team organizes work with teachers and parents in order to involve them in the implementation of a unified developmental program, study expectations regarding the further advancement of children and harmonize intra-family interpersonal relationships.

An individual program of psychological and pedagogical support can solve the following problems:

1) assistance in resolving learning difficulties;

2) vocational training and orientation;

3) in relationships with others (teachers, peers, parents);

4) correction of disorders of mental processes and the emotional-volitional sphere; in this work, a special place is occupied by the correction of the student’s thinking and emotional state.

The organizational structure of the service for accompanying a child with disabilities in a general education institution is the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPc). PMPK is a structural unit of an educational institution that regulates the support process and ensures the complexity of the support process. The support process is a set of actions consistently implemented by support specialists, allowing the subject of support to decide on making a decision and bear responsibility for the implementation of the decision.

The support method is a method of practical implementation of the support process based on complete information about the essence of the problem and ways to solve it.

To ensure comprehensive support for children with disabilities in a general education institution, it is advisable to introduce the rates of teaching staff (teacher-speech therapist, educational psychologist) into the staffing table.

The responsibilities of a speech therapist teacher support system include: a comprehensive study of students’ speech, conducting individual, group and frontal classes with students who have deviations in speech development, providing methodological assistance to teachers in overcoming difficulties when students master their native language. For speech therapy classes, the curriculum provides hours in accordance with the Basic curricula of special (correctional) educational institutions of the corresponding type.

The teacher-psychologist identifies the features of their intellectual development, personal and behavioral reactions, conducts group and individual classes aimed at normalizing the emotional-volitional sphere, developing productive ways of thinking, as well as preventing possible deviations in interpersonal relationships; provides methodological assistance to teachers; develops the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents.

To improve the quality of correctional work, the following conditions must be met:

    formation of UUD at all stages of the educational process;

    teaching children (in the process of forming ideas) to identify characteristic, essential features of objects, developing skills to compare and contrast;

    encouraging speech activity, monitoring the speech activity of children;

    establishing the relationship between the perceived object, its verbal designation and practical action;

    using a slower pace of learning, repeatedly returning to the material studied;

    maximum use of the child’s intact analyzers;

    division of activities into separate components, elements, operations, allowing them to be comprehended in their internal relation to each other;

    the use of exercises aimed at developing attention, memory, and perception.

Organization of group and individual classes that complement correctional and developmental work and are aimed at overcoming specific difficulties and shortcomings characteristic of students with disabilities.

The content of a child’s study by a psychologist includes the following:

    Collecting information about the child from teachers and parents. Every year, in the first week of September, a psychologist and speech therapist study the medical records of first-graders in order to identify the risk group for school maladjustment. Since October 1, the process of adaptation of first-graders has been monitored, the following methods have been used: N.G. Luskanova’s Questionnaire “School Motivation and Learning Activity”, Ginzburg’s Method “Studying the Motives of Learning”. Questionnaire No. 1 is also used to study the socio-psychological adaptation to school of a student with disabilities, and questionnaire No. 2 is used to study the psychological climate in the team and the effectiveness of the educational process. It is important to obtain the facts of the complaints being made. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the manifestations themselves, and not their qualifications by parents, teachers or the children themselves.

    Studying the history of child development. Using questionnaires and conversations with parents, a psychologist identifies circumstances that could affect the child’s development (intrauterine lesions, birth injuries, serious illnesses in the first months and years of life). Heredity (mental illness or some constitutional traits), family, and the environment in which the child lives (socially disadvantaged, early deprivation) matter. It is necessary to know the nature of the child’s upbringing (excessive care, lack of attention to him, etc.).

    Studying the child’s work (notebooks, drawings, crafts, etc.).

    An examination of the child at the end of the adaptation period is carried out if the child cannot cope with the program material, where the psychologist uses the following techniques: review of written work, motor tests, classification, 4-odd, sequential pictures, Toulouse-Pieron test, short-term verbal memory, short-term visual memory . Conversates with the aim of clarifying the stock of ideas about the world around us and the level of speech development. Filled inprotocol of the primary examination of the primary medical complex and a diary of dynamic observation.

    Analysis of survey materials. The psychologist analyzes the information received about the child and the data from his own examination, and his reserve capabilities are identified. In complex differential diagnostic cases, repeated examinations are carried out.

    Drawing up individual cards of psychological, medical and pedagogical support.

In each specific case, the leading directions in working with the child are determined. For some children, eliminating gaps in knowledge of educational material comes to the fore; for others - the formation of voluntary activity, the development of self-control skills; for others, special classes are needed to develop motor skills, etc.

Teachers working with children with disabilities conduct a systematic in-depth study of students in order to identify their individual educational characteristics and determine directions for developmental work, record the dynamics of students’ development, keep records of their mastery of general education programs, and, together with a teacher-psychologist, maintain student support cards.

One of the connecting links in the support system is parents. In this system, the parent plays the role of a carrier and translator of certain microcultural values ​​- religious, ethical, etc., but at the same time, his influence is not of a formative, but of a regulating nature. The parent interferes to a lesser extent in the child’s choice of specific goals and objectives of school life; he seeks to cut off and close those development paths, the movement along which is undesirable, harmful and even dangerous for the child, both from a physical and legal point of view, and from the point of view of family , cultural, religious, national traditions. This requires building a certain system of work with parents of students, which will help parents understand their educational successes and failures and, possibly, reconsider the system of interaction with their child.

Thus, support specialists monitor the effectiveness of teaching children with disabilities according to the program (recommended by the PMPC), current and stage-by-stage results of adaptation, dynamics of development and personal growth of students, formation of skills in educational activities, mastery of general education programs, indicators of the functional state of their health. The results of observations are recorded in the student’s accompaniment card.

All of the above allows us to build a certain model of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities, which is characterized by the following principles:

1) consistency - is implemented in the process of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in different directions: children, teachers, parents (it turns out to be in the real situation of a child’s education, identifies existing difficulties, the potential capabilities of the student, his strengths, which determine workarounds in learning and taking into account all components are determined, the system of psychological and pedagogical support is modeled);

2) complexity - manifested in the fact that the teacher, psychologist, parents provide the child with comprehensive assistance, covering all areas of his activity (cognitive, emotional-volitional, motor; social connections and relationships are optimized), helping to track the success of learning and establish interpersonal connections;

3) integrativeness – provides for the integration of various methods (psychotherapeutic and psychological-pedagogical), techniques, approaches, didactic and psychotherapeutic techniques (covers not only the educational environment, but also the microsocial one);

4) priority of the child’s special needs - identifying the causes of the child’s learning difficulties, knowing and taking into account his special needs in order to use them as workarounds (they need special conditions for organizing the educational process);

5) continuity - reflects the need for early diagnosis of his capabilities and abilities, psychological and pedagogical support throughout the entire period of study, i.e. at all levels of education.

Figure 1 shows a model of psychological and pedagogical support in integrated learning conditions.

Picture 1

Organizational model of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in a secondary school.

The model reflects the structural, organizational and content-procedural features of this process. Let's try to comment on its individual components. The model of psychological and pedagogical support can be presented as follows:

1) Motivational stage - providing external favorable conditions for the implementation of the support process and motivation for upcoming activities. In relation to any category of children with disabilities (speech impairments, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, etc.), emotional contact between adults and the child, primarily between teachers and parents, is significant. Corrective work depends on the nature of the existing relationships in the teacher-child-parent triad. Only by creating a supportive environment and coordinated actions of all participants in the educational process is it possible to implement an effective correction process in a short time. The motivational stage largely depends on the personal qualities and professionalism of the teacher-defectologist, psychologist, how convincingly they can present the strategy of psychological and pedagogical support. An interested explanation of the goals and conditions of the upcoming work creates a positive attitude towards teamwork. At this stage, it is emphasized that the participants in the educational process mutually determine the child’s success.

2) Indicative stage - determining the meaning and content of the work ahead, developing a general approach, defining roles and professional positions regarding the child, distributing functional responsibilities between the accompanying participants. At this stage, the structural elements of support are specified (identification of the causes of difficulties, school maladjustment of the child; justification of the content of correctional and developmental work and forms of its implementation; choice of ways to organize this process, taking into account the resources of the child himself and the capabilities of adults involved in the implementation of support; the parents’ opinion about problems of the child and expected results). The correctional and developmental process will be carried out in a real situation of teaching a child and in the process of special classes (trainings (an artificially created environment by a psychologist) and correctional classes). The concept of psychological and pedagogical support is being developed, and the requirements for the microsocial environment in a family are being specified.

3) Content-operational stage - correctional programs are developed on a diagnostic basis in relation to a specific child to implement specific tasks. Work is carried out with children, a psychologist, a speech pathologist, teachers, and parents for the purpose of their interaction. If necessary, psychological and pedagogical training is provided for those who find it difficult to work.

4) Evaluation stage – includes final pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, analysis of results by all team specialists, reflection. The degree of satisfaction of parents and their wishes for the future are taken into account. Summing up the results can serve as a basis for further work.

In general, the technology of psychological and pedagogical support can be represented by the following substantive areas of work:

Statement of the problem based on increasing the awareness of interested parties about the subject of support, the tasks and goals of support;

Collegial discussion of the problem of support (all teachers related to a given student or problem, parents, specialists participate in this process);

Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children is specified, specific actions of each specialist are determined;

Reflexivity of teachers' activities, accumulation and transmission of pedagogical experience, which is achieved by tracking the dynamics of the support process, problems that have arisen, organizing feedback, recording ideas and proposals, and analyzing the results of previous work.

Generalization of the above allows us to highlight the main directions of psychological and pedagogical support in the conditions of integrated learning:

Pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of deviations in psychophysical development and identification of needs for correctional assistance;

Individual, group, frontal correctional and developmental work;

Creation of a special correctional and developmental environment adequate to the needs of students;

Development (drawing up) of individual and group correctional programs focused on a specific child in order to solve relevant correctional problems;

Psychotherapeutic and pedagogical assistance to parents in harmonizing family relationships and optimizing their condition;

Scientific substantiation of correctional technologies used in the process of training and education.

Determining the timing of the start of integrated education is decided individually in relation to each child and at the request of his parents (legal representatives). This depends on the severity of developmental deviations.

To implement the integrated education of children with disabilities, individual educational plans are developed based on the basic curriculum of a special (correctional) educational institution of the appropriate type and separate work programs for each academic subject of the curriculum based on sample programs recommended for teaching the child, and on the basis of federal state educational standards.

To conduct correctional and developmental classes, the curriculum provides hours at the expense of part of the curriculum formed by the participants in the educational process, or through the implementation of additional education programs of an intellectual and cognitive orientation.

If the deadlines for mastering the general education program do not coincide with the norm, then a separate classroom journal is created for children with disabilities, where the completion of the program material is recorded.

Special educational needs differ in children of different categories, since they are determined by the specifics of mental development disorders and determine the special logic of constructing the educational process, which are reflected in the structure and content of education.

When drawing up a program of psychological and pedagogical support, the needs of the child, the requests of parents and teachers, identified during the diagnostic examination, are taken into account. It is clarified how parents and teachers will be able to consolidate acquired skills in the process of special classes. The correctional classes carried out are supplemented with diagnostic and control sections. You can conduct 4-8 correctional classes and one diagnostic, control. Based on its results, it will be possible to conduct active consultations with teachers and parents on the effectiveness of the work being carried out (the causes and ways to resolve emerging difficulties are determined).

A necessary condition for organizing successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities in educational institutions is the creation of an adaptive environment that allows them to ensure their full integration and personal self-realization. An educational institution must create appropriate material and technical conditions to ensure unimpeded access for children with physical and mental disabilities to the buildings and premises of the educational institution.

Effective integrated learning is possible only with special training and retraining of teachers in general education institutions. The purpose of this training is for teachers of public schools to master the basic methods of raising and teaching children with disabilities. Teachers-speech pathologists must be specially trained to provide correctional assistance in an integrated education environment.

Along with this, we can highlight special needs that are characteristic of all children with disabilities:

Begin special education for the child immediately after identifying a primary developmental disorder;

Introduce into the content of the child’s education special sections that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;

Use special methods, techniques and teaching aids (including specialized computer technologies) that ensure the implementation of “workarounds” for learning;

Individualize learning to a greater extent than is required for a normally developing child;

Provide a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;

To expand the educational space beyond the boundaries of the educational institution as much as possible.

Accompanying a child in an educational institution is mainly carried out by pedagogical means, through a teacher and traditional school forms of educational and educational interaction. It is necessary to follow the general principles and rules when working with children with disabilities:

1. Individual approach to each student.

2. Preventing the onset of fatigue, using a variety of means (alternating mental and practical activities, presenting material in small doses, using interesting and colorful didactic material and visual aids).

3. The use of methods that activate the cognitive activity of students (game situations; didactic games that are associated with the search for specific and generic characteristics of objects; game trainings that promote the development of the ability to communicate with others; psycho-gymnastics and relaxation, which allow to relieve muscle spasms and tension, especially in the area face and hands), developing their oral and written speech and forming the necessary learning skills.

4. Demonstration of pedagogical tact. Constant encouragement for the slightest success, timely and tactical assistance to each child, developing in him faith in his own strengths and capabilities.

Thus, the wide scope of application of psychological and pedagogical support allows us to consider it as an integral part of the education system. Expanding ideas about the goals of education, which include not only the goals of development, education, training, but also ensuring the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of all children, determines the intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support.


    Psychological service of the school. Ed. I.V. Dubrovina - M., 1995

    Training and education of children with disabilities. Guidelines. Library of the Federal Education Development Program. Publishing house "New Textbook", 2005

    Semago M.M., Semago N.Ya. Organization and content of the activities of a special education psychologist - M.: Arkti Publishing House, 2005

    Education system for children with health problems. Ed. L.E. Kurneshova – School Book Center, 2008

    Puzankova, E. N. Modern pedagogical integration, its characteristics / E. N. Puzankova, N. V. Bochkova. – M: Education, 2007. – 230 p.

Tikhonova E.A. educational psychologist MBOU "Secondary school No. 3 in Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov region named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union Skomorokhov N.M."

Theoretical basis

Support is understood as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject of development to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice. In this case, the subject of development is understood as both a developing person and a developing system.

A situation of life choice is multiple problem situations, in the resolution of which the subject determines for himself the path of progressive or regressive development” (E. I. Kazakova (2000)).

The support process is a set of actions consistently implemented by support specialists, allowing the subject of support to decide on making a decision and bear responsibility for the implementation of the decision.

The support method is a method of practical implementation of the support process based on complete information about the essence of the problem and ways to solve it.

The support service is an association of specialists of various profiles who carry out the support process.

An “integrable” child is a child who has developmental disorders (limited health) and is able to (successfully) attend classes in a comprehensive school, receiving additional special correctional assistance as part of psychological and pedagogical support.

Psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities can be considered as a comprehensive technology of psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to the child and parents in solving problems of development, training, education, socialization by specialists of different profiles acting in concert. Children with disabilities (CHD) are children whose health condition prevents them from mastering educational programs of general education outside of special conditions of education and upbringing, i.e. these are disabled children, or children with temporary or permanent disabilities in physical and (or) mental development. These children are educated in an integrated manner, i.e. children with disabilities are taught in a general education school in a special class.

The goal of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities studying integratedally in a general education institution is to ensure the child’s optimal development and successful integration into society.

Objectives of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities studying at school using integration (availability of special classes):

  • prevention of child development problems;
  • assistance (assistance) to the child in solving current problems of development, training, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional *route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;
  • psychological support of educational programs;
  • development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) of students, parents, teachers. drawing up an individual plan for students, monitoring the dynamics of students’ individual development.

Characteristic developmental deficiencies of children with disabilities:

  • slow and limited perception;
  • deficiencies in motor development;
  • speech development deficiencies;
  • deficiencies in the development of mental activity;
  • insufficient cognitive activity compared to healthy children;
  • gaps in knowledge and ideas about the world around us, interpersonal relationships;
  • shortcomings in personality development (lack of self-confidence and unjustified dependence on others, low communication skills, selfishness, pessimism and low or high self-esteem, inability to manage one’s own behavior).


Objective of the project

Creation of a model of psychological and pedagogical interaction of support services as part of the implementation of integrated education for children with disabilities, analysis and development of the main directions of correctional and pedagogical work in classes where children with disabilities are taught.

Problem to be solved Creation of a system of continuous, comprehensive, individualized psychological and pedagogical support for the integrated education of a child with disabilities. Why is this problem important to discuss and solve? The development and humanization of the educational system inevitably lead to the introduction of various forms of integrated education for children with disabilities in public schools. At the same time, there are a number of problems that hinder the successful implementation of integrated learning:

  • low competence of parents and teachers in matters of teaching and raising children with disabilities;
  • insufficient coordination of the actions of specialists involved in the implementation of integrated training.

The success of teaching a child with disabilities in a general education institution depends on the involvement of a complex of specialists in working with him: an educational psychologist, a class teacher, subject teachers, a speech therapist, a speech pathologist, a social worker. It is important to discuss this problem with the parents of students, because The main difficulties of interaction in the process of organizing integrated learning arise not only regarding educational problems, but also the relationship of the child in the class.

An object

  • disabled children and children with mental retardation;
  • system of correctional and pedagogical activities with children with disabilities.


  • activities of support service specialists (educational psychologist, medical worker, social worker, speech therapist) and primary and secondary school teachers with disabled children and children with mental retardation;
  • the main directions of correctional pedagogical work in classes where disabled children, children studying under the 8th type Program and children studying under the general education program study.

Hypothesis– the activities of support service specialists and teachers will be effective if they: - identify the psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation; - their specific needs are identified; - a correctional and developmental program for the activities of support service specialists and teachers with children of this category has been developed and implemented. Target group Support service specialists. Administration of the educational institution, teachers, social worker, educational psychologist. Parents of children with disabilities. What will participation in the project give to its participants? It will allow you to create a support system for integrated learning and optimize the interaction of participants. Contribute to the professional development of specialists. Will draw attention to the problem of integration. Will create conditions for the successful implementation of integrated learning.

Project idea

Create conditions for the development of network interaction between participants in psychological and pedagogical support.

Project Description

The project is aimed at creating and developing a system of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities studying integrated in a public school. When teaching such a child, a number of problems arise.

From the teachers: what to teach, how to teach, how to interact with such a child and much more.

From the parents of the child himself: how a child should attend school, what they should teach him there, how to solve problems of interaction with classmates, etc.

From the parents of other children: will joint education affect the volume of the program in the direction of its reduction, will other children receive the necessary knowledge, etc.

From the side of the child with disabilities: will he find friends, will they not offend him, will he be able to study well, etc.

To try to solve at least part of these problems, it is necessary to organize systematic, continuous, comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities.

Project stages Stages of creating a model of network interaction for psychological and pedagogical support of integrated education for a child with disabilities:

1 - design stage: analysis of the possibilities of organizing integrated education for a child with disabilities in an educational institution, identification of accompanying participants, determination of the goal, selection of criteria for the success of the project;

2 - determination of the main areas of activity: development of a support model, structure of the future system, action plan, action program;

3 - building a network interaction system for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for the integrated education of a child with disabilities: identifying specific ways and means of implementing the chosen model within the existing conditions;

4 - stage of project implementation, monitoring the implementation process and making the necessary adjustments;

5 - phase of assessment and self-assessment of the success of the project: what was achieved, what was not achieved and why.

Expected results of the project

Creation of a system of network interaction of specialists from the support service for the integrated education of a child with disabilities, the success of the integrated education of a student with disabilities in a secondary school; formation of effective behavioral strategies and personal resources in children with disabilities; inclusion of interaction with other organizations in the system of correctional work of the school; increasing the professional level of the teaching staff on the problems of correctional work with students with disabilities.

How the results will be assessed and discussed

Survey of parents and teachers, questionnaires, assessment of the activity of participation of parents and teachers in forums. The methodological basis of the study is systemic, activity-based, personal, and axiological approaches.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature and work performed, testing results.

Project directions

Diagnostic work. Drawing up an individual work plan. Corrective and developmental work. Advisory work (development of joint well-founded recommendations on the main areas of work with students with disabilities, common for all participants in the educational process). Information and educational work (lectures, conversations, information stands, printed materials aimed at explaining to participants in the educational process issues related to the characteristics of the educational process and accompanying children with disabilities). Software and methodological support, special (correctional) educational programs, correctional and developmental programs, diagnostic tools

What external specialists and experts can you get advice from?

Specialists from the Integrated Learning Support Center

What resources are needed to implement the project?

The current psychological, medical and pedagogical council at the educational institution.

Access to the Internet. School website.

The project team

Administration of the educational institution (deputy for water management and deputy for VR). Educational psychologist. Social teacher. Speech therapist. ICT specialist. Classroom teacher. Subject teacher.

System of working with children with disabilities

Areas of work

Ensuring an optimal regime of educational loads for children with disabilities ensuring psychological and pedagogical conditions: Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child Corrective orientation of the educational process

Maintaining a comfortable psycho-emotional regime and providing specialized conditions:

Introduction to the training content of additional sections

The use of special methods, techniques, and teaching aids focused on the special educational needs of children

Differentiated and individualized education, taking into account the specifics of a child’s developmental disorder

Complex impact on the student, carried out in individual and group correctional classes

Forms of implementation ensuring differentiated conditions: Ensuring compliance of the educational load with the recommendations of the PMPC and the doctor

Providing variable forms of education and specialized assistance, providing psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Timely identification of children in need of specialized care and early diagnosis of developmental disorders Organization of regular work of PHC(k)a

Development and implementation of correctional and developmental courses depending on the population of children with disabilities

Making changes and additions to work programs in subjects in classes where children with disabilities are taught

Organization and conduct of educational activities taking into account the possibility of participation of children with disabilities.

Providing health-preserving conditions.

Monitoring the psycho-emotional regime of schoolchildren Training teachers in technologies that ensure a comfortable psycho-emotional regime

The use of modern pedagogical technologies by teachers to provide specialized conditions:

Introduction of correctional and developmental blocks into work programs in subjects for students with disabilities.

Training teachers in special methods, techniques, teaching aids focused on the special educational needs of children

Development by teachers of a system of differentiated tasks for children with disabilities. Teaching children with disabilities individually or in small groups if necessary Organizing the work of a speech center for children with problems in written and oral speech

Organization and conduct of individual and group correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties

Responsible: Deputy dir. in Educational Management, psychologist, speech therapist, class leader, teachers.

Model for supporting individual learning Stages of organizing the educational process Determining the form of organizing training Conducting a PMP consultation Appointing a teacher Conducting pedagogical testing Drawing up an individual schedule Drawing up IEP Conducting training sessions Conducting certification work

Actions of support specialists

Parent counseling

Analysis of previous training and its results Comprehensive diagnostics of child development

Selection of optimal teaching methods, style of educational interaction, form of knowledge testing Consulting the teacher about the characteristics of the student’s development, his capabilities and limitations

Consulting parents about their share of participation in the learning process

Correction of the educational program in connection with the interests and plans of the student Inclusion of a block of correctional, developmental and advisory work Consulting the class teacher on issues of socialization and conditions for the child’s success

Assisting the teacher in the lesson

Individual teacher consultation

Analysis of the most effective forms of educational interaction

Working with parents (training and consulting)

Finding adequate control methods

Assisting in certification work.

The basic principles, provisions, goals, and objectives of obtaining education for children with disabilities are shown in the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” of the United Nations, in Protocol No. 1 of the “European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms”. Article Twenty-four of the Convention states that in order to realize the right to education, states parties must ensure inclusive education at all levels and lifelong learning.

International experience has been accumulated in creating equal conditions in obtaining quality education and social inclusion for all children. Among the countries with the most advanced legislation are the UK, USA, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Denmark, Canada, Cyprus and Belgium. In these and many other countries, inclusive education has existed for 30-40 years.

For our teachers, the phrase “inclusive education” sounds unusual and is perceived as a Western influence that has nothing to do with Russian education. Meanwhile, in 2012, Russia signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Inclusive education is enshrined in the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”; the conditions for the implementation of inclusive education are formulated in the new Federal educational standards. But the most important thing is that inclusive education is becoming increasingly attractive to parents of children with disabilities, and they are increasingly bringing their children to secondary schools to study together with normal children. Primary school teachers, after the start of the school year, note that not all children are able to easily adapt to school; many have problems in education (does not complete assignments, does not hear the teacher’s speech, walks around the class, cannot sit still, jumps up). In this regard, even after the adaptation period, the child continues to experience difficulties, and the teacher has problems in teaching, communicating and interacting with such a child. The teacher may want to contact the school administration and ask to “transfer” the child from the class.

But... it is legally impossible to “remove” a child from school if the parents insist on studying in this institution. The parent movement is gaining strength. What then should the teacher do? It is also necessary for the teacher to begin to adapt to new learning conditions. You should not look at your students as a whole, but see each child specifically with his characteristics, needs, capabilities, and interests. Organizing inclusive education for very different children requires teachers to restructure their methods and tactics. This is the basis of inclusive education.

Inclusive education (upbringing) of persons with disabilities - joint education and (or) upbringing in specially created conditions, including the organization of joint educational activities, leisure, various types of additional education of persons with disabilities and persons without such limitations.

The education of children with disabilities must ensure adaptation of the education system to the levels of training, developmental characteristics, abilities and interests of students (pupils); social adaptation; their integration into society, including the development of self-service skills, preparation for work and professional activities, and family life.

Thus, there is a fact that inclusive education is entering our lives. Disputes and discussions around this problem do not cease. In most opinions, inclusive education is defined as a separate method or a set of teaching methods. It turns out that there is no understanding of inclusion in education as a multi-level process.

A feature of inclusive education is that the teacher takes into account the diversity of children in the class, their characteristics, capabilities, and interests. In this regard, there is a need to change the forms, methods and technologies of psychological and pedagogical work.

Technology (from the Greek techno - art, craftsmanship, loqos - science) is understood as the set and sequence of methods and processes for converting raw materials, allowing to obtain products with given parameters.

The subject of technology of psychological and pedagogical support is the creation of a training system, therefore pedagogical technologies should be considered as technologies of the educational process.

Psychological and pedagogical technology - strict scientific design and accurate reproduction of pedagogical actions that guarantee the success; systematic and consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed educational process.

Pedagogical technologies used in inclusive practice at the level of primary general education are distinguished by accessibility and testability in methods of organizing the educational process, allowing to achieve diagnostically specified learning goals.

The technology of psychological and pedagogical support is based on interdisciplinary interaction of subjects of the educational process, providing favorable conditions for their personal and professional development.

Subjects of support in the inclusive space are:

A child in need of the creation and implementation of special educational conditions;

Other children of the class, group, school, preschool;

Parents of a child with disabilities and parents of other normal children;

Teaching staff and administration.

Technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive practice, in turn, should be based on:

Knowledge of the stages and patterns of normative ontogenesis in different age periods;

Understanding the psychological tasks of each specific age period, and not the educational standards imposed by society;

The specifics of the mental development of children with various developmental disabilities, based on an understanding of the mechanisms and causes of the occurrence of these characteristics;

Knowledge of the clinical manifestations of one or another variant of mental dysontogenesis and the possibilities of drug support;

Taking into account various educational tasks within each level of education;

Knowledge of the stages and patterns of development of interaction in the children's community at different age periods.

Any technology must satisfy the basic methodological requirements - manufacturability criteria, which are:

  • · Conceptuality—reliance on a specific scientific concept.
  • · Systematicity—technology must have all the features of a system.
  • · Controllability - diagnostic goal setting, planning and design of the support process.
  • · Efficiency – efficiency of results, competitiveness and optimality of resource costs.
  • · Reproducibility - the possibility of using technology in other educational organizations.

Basic technologies of psychological and pedagogical support:

Building a sequence and depth of presentation of program material that is adequate to the child’s capabilities in the context of adapting the educational program for various categories of children with disabilities for each individual competency or subject;

Technologies for conducting interdisciplinary consultations of specialists, which in turn contributes to setting priorities and determining strategies for medical and psychological-pedagogical support both at specific moments and for long periods, as well as assessing the effectiveness of a particular support strategy;

Technologies for identifying children at risk for various types of maladjustment (educational and/or behavioral);

Technologies for assessing the characteristics and level of development of a child, identifying the causes and mechanisms (psychological, clinical and pedagogical typology of the child’s condition) of his problems, for the tasks of creating adequate habilitation and support for the child and his family;

Technologies for assessing intra-group relationships to solve problems of supporting all subjects of the inclusive educational space, forming emotional acceptance and group cohesion;

Technologies of proper correctional and developmental work with included children and, if necessary, with other subjects of the inclusive educational space;

Technologies of psychocorrectional work with various participants in the educational process (teachers, specialists, parents, high school students, administration), including extremely specific psychological work with parental and teacher expectations.

The entire system of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities can be carried out effectively and efficiently only if there is a team of support specialists united in the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational institution. This is one of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of inclusive education.

The psychological, medical and pedagogical council is a permanent, united by common goals, coordinated team of specialists that provides psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities in accordance with the individual educational program, as well as providing support for all subjects of the inclusive educational environment. In addition to the specialist who organizes and coordinates all the work to support and implement the educational route prescribed by psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation, a psychologist, speech therapist and speech pathologist, the staff of PMPK specialists of an educational institution may include specialists who directly work with the child - educators or teachers, a tutor, a social teacher , an after-school teacher, additional education teachers, a nurse or a doctor invited on the basis of a contract. The head of the psychological and pedagogical support service, the head teacher of water management, or another administrator can be appointed as the chairman of the PMPK.

The main tasks of the council of an educational institution include:

Determining the tactics and technologies of correctional and developmental work of specialists, including the regime moments of providing specialized assistance to a child with disabilities, and the need to carry out those organizational measures that will contribute to the adaptation of the included child in the children's environment and the educational institution as a whole;

Implementation and dynamic assessment of the effectiveness of the measures taken in relation to the processes of social and educational adaptation of the child, his true inclusion in the children's community as a whole;

Expert tasks to change the educational trajectory of an enrolled child in the educational institution itself (with the consent of the parents. If such decisions are the prerogative of the PMPK (for example, if it is necessary to transfer to another educational institution or to another form of education), then the PMPK asks the parents or legal representatives of the child to contact on the PMPK with the relevant recommendations of the PMPK of the educational institution;

Patterns for identifying children who have not undergone PMPC and do not have the “included” status, but who need specialized educational conditions and assistance from specialists for the child’s successful adaptation and education. We are talking about identifying children who can be classified as “disabled health” and who need special educational conditions, but do not yet have the status of an included child.;

Tasks for coordinating the interaction of specialists in providing additional specialized assistance to children. At the same time, one of the main tasks of the council’s activities should include coordination of the activities of all participants in the educational process (the principle of interdisciplinarity and the coordinated nature of activities).

The activities of the council of a general education institution can also be “broken” into several stages for ease of presentation.

The first stage of the consultation activity ends with the drawing up of individual conclusions by each specialist of the consultation. In accordance with the principle of individual-collegial examination, after conducting individual examinations, specialists conduct a collegial discussion of the results obtained, while simultaneously “prescribing” recommendations and determining the “contours” of an individual educational program.

Second phase. This stage includes the development of an individual educational program, its main components, first of all, the features of psychological and pedagogical support for a child who needs to create special educational conditions for him.

The third stage of the activities of the consultation specialists is the implementation of the decisions of the school consultation - the implementation of an individual educational program, including correctional and developmental classes of accompanying specialists, or the inclusion of special habilitation, correctional assistance in the process of teaching and raising a child, that is, all the components that determine the psychological and pedagogical accompanying a child with disabilities. A unique completion of this stage of work for each specialist is a dynamic examination or final examination.

The results of the activities are reflected in the corresponding conclusion of specialists assessing the dynamics of development and adaptation of the child. The same outcome should be considered in assessing the adaptation of other children to the inclusion of a “special” child in their community. An important aspect of the activities of the school psychological-medical-pedagogical council is the form of interaction between specialists.

Joint interdisciplinary consultations do not exhaust or formalize the activities of specialists in discussing strategies, specific steps and tactics for helping a child with disabilities or other children in an inclusive group or class. Rather, on the contrary, this form of work by specialists allows us to “launch” the processes of consultation by specialists with teachers and educators and vice versa, allowing us to understand the value of each specialist and the significance of his vision of a way out of a specific problem situation.

Maria Artemova
Psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities in the context of inclusive education

One of the priority goals of Russian social policy is modernization education towards increasing accessibility and quality for all categories of citizens. As a result of the influence of many unfavorable factors over the past decades, the number of children with various forms of disorders has sharply increased mental and somatic development, with severe autism spectrum disorders. In addition, as part of the global process, a new trend is being observed - parents do not want to send their children to closed boarding institutions and raise them in a family, placing them in general education schools and kindergartens. Currently, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and law "About education In Russian federation" (2012) the rights to receive equal treatment with everyone are enshrined education persons with disabilities (category of persons with physical and/or disabilities psychological development) .

Activation of social policy in the direction of democratization and humanization of society, development of the national system education determines searching for ways to improve the organization, content and methods of teaching and raising children with disabilities. Changing approaches to teaching and raising children with disabilities is aimed at the formation and development of a socially active personality with the skills of socially adaptive behavior in relation to the mobile economy. One of the ways to achieve this task is educational inclusion, which is considered, first of all, as a means of social rehabilitation of the child and his family. New - inclusive- approach to obtaining education persons with disabilities (OVZ) is to ensure “equal access to education for all students, taking into account variety of special educational needs and individual capabilities." In the national educational initiative"Our new school" emphasizes that “special attention should be focused on creating conditions for full inclusion in educational space and successful socialization of children with disabilities.”

The most important condition for the effectiveness of inclusive education is psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities.

Psychological and pedagogical support, in accordance with the approach of M.R. Bityanova (1998, is defined as an integral, systemically organized activity, in the process of which social- psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful learning and psychological development of the child in a school environment.

The main subject requiring is child with disabilities, who, based on the results of examination for psychologically-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC, needs to organize special educational conditions and development of adapted educational program. Subjects inclusive practices are also the rest of the children included in the same educational space, parents and teachers of the institution.

Main goals psychological and pedagogical support in relation to students with disabilities consist of systematic monitoring psychologically-pedagogical status of a student with disabilities in the dynamics of his mental development; in creating social psychological and pedagogical conditions for effective adaptation and mental development of students and ensuring success in learning; in providing systematic assistance to children with disabilities during their education; in the organization of life child in society, taking into account mental and physical capabilities of the student.

Effective psychological and pedagogical support implemented through the following directions activities: diagnostic; preventive; correctional and developmental; advisory; educational; supportive; educational.

Basic principles psychological and pedagogical support for educational participants space are:

Priority of interests accompanied;

Continuity escort;

Focus escort;

Systematicity escort;

Flexibility escort;

An integrated approach to accompaniment;

Continuity support at different levels of education;

The principle of network interaction;

Activities of specialists escort consists of preventing difficulties in learning and children’s adaptation to school and providing specific assistance, including correctional assistance, in overcoming learning difficulties.

An effective form of joint activity of an interdisciplinary team on issues of determining individual educational route within the TOE is Psychologist-medical and pedagogical council (PMPk). Consilium educational institutions - a permanent, united by common goals, coordinated team of specialists implementing a particular strategy accompanying a child and developing tactics accompanying an included child. Inclusion strategy baby determined by PMPC specialists, and the development of tactical tasks escort, specification of the sequence of connection of a particular specialist or conditions in a specific OS, selection of specific correctional programs, tactics, technologies escort, adequate to the features baby is the task of the PMPk.

Process psychological and pedagogical support is cyclical and provides for the sequential implementation of four stages: diagnostic, search-variable, practical-effective and analytical (according to L.N. Kharavina). Thus, the first stage - diagnostic - involves the identification and in-depth assessment of children in need of special education educational conditions.

At the second stage, the identification of target guidelines for a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support within the framework of the developed individual program escort. After a detailed definition of all educational needs of the child with HIA, individual components are developed and detailed accompanying a child specialists of the council. Each specialist offers his own route options escort, which in the future should provide to kid compensation for existing features, and « mate» with the activities of other specialists of the council, realizing the integrity escort. Such developments by each specialist can initially only have a variable nature and require flexible adjustment already at the stage of interdisciplinary discussion.

At the third stage, real actions of all subjects are performed inclusive educational environment for the implementation of the individual psychological and pedagogical support for the child. At this stage, it is important to constantly monitor the dynamics of the student’s individual progress. It is also important to maintain the necessary child of special educational conditions, determining the effective implementation of the adapted educational program.

At the next stage psychological and pedagogical support the effectiveness of the activities of individual specialists of the council is analyzed and the effectiveness is assessed accompanying the child in general. Such an assessment can be determined indirectly through mastery indicators child adapted educational material, traditional indicators of socialization baby. At the same time, each specialist must provide data on the effectiveness of their own professional activities. Based on the analysis of the results escort correction of all program components is carried out escort, including the activities of specialists.

So way, process psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities in an inclusive environment is a complex multi-level dynamic process based on close motivated interaction of specialists, teachers and families baby. Raising and teaching children with disabilities in inclusive educational space is one of the main and integral conditions their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities.

List of used literature

1. National educational initiative"Our new school" (Approved by the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev on February 4, 2010, Pr-271)[Electronic resource]. URL: (date appeals: 01.11.2014) .

2. Semago, M. M. Models psychological and pedagogical support children with disabilities in conditions of inclusive education: Lecture / M. M. Semago. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date appeals: 01.11.2014.)

3. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "About education In Russian federation"//Bulletin education. – 2013. - No. 5-6. – P. 3-192.