Ancestral technologies: weapons of ancient civilizations. Nuclear bombs of the ancient world

Numerous archaeological finds confirm the fact that dinosaurs and people of the ancient world lived simultaneously, and technologies of ancient civilizations were at a level that we can only guess about. At the same time, the nature of the discovery of objects and remains of living beings speaks of a global catastrophe that destroyed the first world.

Non-rusting iron

Unexplained finds are often associated with fossil objects, which, according to official science at that time, not only could not have been made, but should not have existed at all. Moreover, the objects found indicate that the technologies of ancient civilizations were significantly superior to modern ones.

In the rocks near the American town of London in the state of Texas, Emma Khan in June 1934 discovered a hammer, the metal part of which was 15 centimeters long and about 3 centimeters in diameter. It is found in a piece of limestone that is about 140 million years old. Research carried out by various scientific institutions, including the famous Battelle Laboratory (USA), gave an unexpected result. Experts drew attention to the petrified wooden handle of a hammer, which had turned into coal from the inside, which also makes it possible to talk about the multimillion-dollar age of the find. Specialists at the Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were surprised by the chemical composition of the metal of this hammer: 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur. No other impurities were identified. It has never been possible to obtain such pure iron in the entire history of metallurgy. This iron contains no traces of carbon, while iron ore from all deposits always contains carbon and other impurities. This iron is not subject to rusting.

According to the conclusion of Dr. K. E. Buff, director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities, where this exhibit was placed, the hammer comes from the Early Cretaceous period, that is, it is from 140 to 65 million years old. Modern science believes that people learned to make iron products only 10 thousand years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Zillmer from Germany, who carefully examined the artefact, came to the conclusion that this hammer was made using a technology unknown to us.

Technologies of the ancients: the mystery of the ancient alloy

In the spring of 1974 in Romania, 50 kilometers south of the city of Cluj-Napoca, in a sand quarry on the banks of the Mures River, workers discovered an object 20.2 centimeters long. They decided that it was a stone ax and sent the find to the archaeological institute. There, archaeologists cleared it of the sand crust and saw a rectangular metal object with two holes of different diameters, converging at right angles. An oval deformity was visible at the bottom of the larger of the holes; perhaps a shaft or rod was strengthened into this hole. The top and side surfaces of the object were covered with marks from heavy blows. Scientists have come to the conclusion that this object is part of some more complex device.

Analyzes showed that the object consists of a complex metal alloy, which includes 13 elements, the main one of which was aluminum (89%). It is one of the most common elements of the earth's crust, but aluminum began to be used as a material for industrial products only in the 19th century. The found sample was much older, as evidenced by the depth of the find - 10 meters and the remains of a mastodon located next to it (this species of animal became extinct about a million years ago). Also in favor of the antiquity of the object is the very thick film of oxidation (over one millimeter) on its surface. Its purpose remains unclear, but one thing is clear: knowledge about the technologies of ancient civilizations has been completely lost, and those discoveries that were made were once known...

Technology of the Gods: Rotating Sphere

In the 80s of the 20th century, workers at the South African Wonderstone mine found extremely amazing metal balls in deposits of pyrophyllite, a mineral whose age is about 3 billion years. The grayish-blue balls with a reddish tint were slightly flattened spheres with a diameter of 2.5 to 10 centimeters, surrounded by three even grooves and made of an alloy similar to nickel-plated steel. It should be said right away that this alloy does not occur in nature in its natural state. Inside these balls there was a strange granular material that evaporated upon contact with air. One of these balls was placed in a museum, and it soon turned out that the ball, lying under a glass cap, slowly rotates around its axis, making a full revolution in 128 days. Scientists were unable to explain this phenomenon in any way.

In 1928, near the city of Kambe in Rhodesia (territory of Zambia), scientists encountered a completely inexplicable phenomenon: the skull of an ancient man was discovered with a perfectly straight hole, reminiscent of a bullet mark. A similar discovery was made in Yakutia, where a bison skull was found that lived 40 thousand years ago and received the same even hole in the skull, which also managed to heal during its lifetime.

What do the finds of unidentified fossil objects indicate? And these finds confirm the inconsistency of modern historical science regarding ancient eras. It is quite obvious that we have a complete contradiction of evidence and theories being imposed in educational institutions today. Firstly, both dinosaurs and people of the ancient world lived at the same time, and this is direct proof of the absurdity of Darwin's so-called theory of evolution. Secondly, in those times in which we are talking, people owned technologies that we can only guess about. Thirdly, the nature of the discovery of objects and remains of living beings speaks of a global catastrophe (or series of catastrophes) that destroyed the first world. Naturally, the technologies of ancient civilizations, along with knowledge about this world, were practically lost. In addition, numerous evidence of ancient cataclysms indicates that modern methods of dating finds are fundamentally incorrect. After all, the radiocarbon method used today requires a smooth change in carbon content, and during catastrophes comparable to a supernova explosion or a meteorite fall, the carbon content changes abruptly. Therefore, the periods of millions and even more so billions of years called by science are in fact not confirmed by anything. Most scientists do not yet pay attention to the Biblical explanation of the origin of the world, which easily substantiates the found artifacts, preferring to be captive of their own guesses...

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The latest annual world conference in London, which brought together archaeologists and scientists involved in the study of ancient civilizations, leads to the incredible conclusion that the most ancient civilizations of the Earth possessed paradoxical knowledge and technologies. Thus, it should be noted that during excavations, archaeologists often encounter descriptions of various technologies of ancient civilizations: in the form of rock carvings of birds resembling modern airplanes and spaceships; stone statues similar to an astronaut’s spacesuit; papyri detailing the most complex medical surgical operations, and many artifacts representing the most complex precision mechanisms with fine details.

One such artifact is the Antikythera mechanism, which lay at the bottom of the Aegean Sea for several centuries. It was discovered and raised from the depths of the sea near the island of Crete from an ancient ship that sank back in the eighty-fifth year BC. This device can be considered the oldest prototype of the first computer.

Another proof of the high intelligence of the ancestors of human civilization is the ancient human skulls found on the territory of Ukraine in 1966. Their carbon dating showed that the find was ten thousand years old. But what was surprising was the presence of a hole on the frontal bone of an ancient man, resulting from an obviously complex surgical intervention - intravital craniotomy.

Also, back in 1976, Soviet archaeologists in Transcaucasia, in search of traces of Scythian culture, suddenly found real ancient Egyptian papyrus with hieroglyphs describing the mysteries of life and death. The found fragment of two old sheets dates back to the sixteenth century BC. The decayed media contained ancient information about two cylinders. The lunar and solar cylinders were made especially for the pharaoh. The described technology of their manufacture from zinc and copper is amazing, and the internal substance that filled the cylinders had, according to descriptions of the Ancient World, enormous healing powers. It acted on the human biofield, regulating its pressure, pulse and the functioning of the vital functions of the body.

According to another scientific version, the mysterious cylinders were electrical devices for transmitting impulses to human sore spots. This ancient device was reminiscent of the modern medical procedure - electrophoresis, and served to heal the pharaoh. It’s a paradox, in Ancient Egypt they were the first to create an analogue of an electric battery and were able to receive weak electrical current pulses for medical purposes. And a similar artifact from Ancient Iraq already has its own name - “Baghdad battery”.

Nowadays, archaeologists continue to find strange artifacts indicating that in ancient times a catastrophic global nuclear war broke out on Earth using the highest scientific technologies. The catastrophe that broke out destroyed highly developed civilizations, cities and almost killed all life on the planet. In the mythology of the Ancient world, the event that took place is described as a war of the gods.

Please note that the first flying machines - vimanas - were described in ancient India. The ancient Indian scripture “Mahabharata” tells how once the inhabitants of the ancient Indian highly developed city of Dwarka were attacked from the air by these war flying chariots, and they released a continuous rain of fire onto the ground. And, in the texts of the ancient Indian scripture “Bhagavata Purana” in Sanskrit it is said that vimanas moved in air space rather than thoughts through the use of etheric energy. According to the legend described, during this brutal war even a laser beam and deadly (possibly nuclear) weapons of the high gods were used.

Discs made of jasper from the Dropa tribe from the “Celestial Empire” with hieroglyphs on the surface also surprised the entire scientific world. They were discovered in 1947 in Tibet by Oxford archaeologist Caryl Roben Evans, when he was exploring Chinese provinces and met representatives of the ancient Chinese people called the Dropa. In the burials of a mysterious tribe, the scientist discovered relic disks about thirty centimeters in diameter. The age of the find corresponded to the 10th century BC. The artifacts found resembled modern gramophone records with a round hole in the central part. Beijing archaeologists managed to find out that the discs contained encrypted miniature drawings describing space objects and phenomena, and also depicted the crash of an alien spacecraft.

In the modern scientific world, the Sumerian human civilization in Mesopotamia, which existed more than five thousand years ago, was considered the most ancient. Where it came from immediately with developed sciences, writing, complex counting and its own number system, calendar, legislation, medicine, advanced technologies and complex mechanisms, and after just two thousand years also suddenly disappeared, is still not clear to historians. The clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians indicate that they received all their knowledge from the heavenly gods, whom they called the Anunnaki. The Sumerians depicted in their frescoes the flying machines of the gods with wings and a tail, and described jets of flame flying out of these heavenly ships.

But why did the highest cosmic civilizations need to transfer their knowledge to people with a low level of development? Perhaps this happens every time with the birth of a new round of human evolution. Earthly civilizations are discrete and finite. One civilization comes to replace another, which has reached the peak of its prosperity with developed high technologies, which lead it to decline and disappearance.

Receiving more and more knowledge, humanity's picture of the world changes over time. Thus, the natives of America used to believe that they were alone on this planet and did not imagine that there were the same two-legged highly developed creatures in Eurasia, Australia, Africa, and on other continents. And after the discovery of America, the exchange of experience, technologies, and cultures began. Maybe now Man on Earth also does not know about the existence of cosmic neighbors, because he is not yet developed enough, and is not ready to meet them, while the laws of the Cosmos remain a mystery to him.

The world's media, just like the general public, do not discuss the possibility of any other view of history than that officially accepted by science. Meanwhile, humanity must choose which path to follow and which view to adhere to.

Currently, there is an official history devoid of all mysteries, which only to a small extent explains the numerous finds that were discovered during archaeological excavations. Basically, she is engaged in compiling all kinds of catalogs and digging up shards. It is therefore not surprising that alternative history is gaining more and more authority.

It should be noted that a few decades ago, scientists from these two areas worked together and were almost always able to agree, but all this stopped. There are several reasons for this: representatives of the alternative direction of history quarreled with Egyptologists, not unreasonably making the assumption that the Sphinx is much older than the oldest of the Egyptian rulers. The second reason was the appearance of K. Dunn’s book “Electrification in Giza: Technologies of Ancient Egypt.”

This is where the two directions of history diverged. Even formal politeness no longer exists; a real cold war has begun. Supporters of official history even take ideology and politics into account, actively opposing any other view of the past of human civilization. This looks very strange and raises many questions.

Archaeological excavations, meanwhile, confirm that ancient people and dinosaurs lived at the same time, and the technologies of past civilizations were at such a level that one can only guess. However, the very discovery of objects and remains of animals and people indicates a global catastrophe that destroyed the ancient world.

Most often, unexplained finds are refuted by official science, because they could not have been made in a particular historical period, and should not have existed in principle. But the fact remains: the discovered objects are proof that ancient technologies were significantly superior to modern ones.

So, for example, near the American city of London in the summer of 1934, a hammer 15 cm long and with a diameter of about 3 cm was found. It was located in a piece of limestone, the age of which is estimated at 140 million years. The studies carried out gave a completely unexpected result: the chemical composition of the metal was surprising (about 97 percent iron, 2.5 percent chlorine and about 0.5 percent sulfur). There were no other impurities. In the entire history of metallurgy, it has never been possible to obtain such pure iron. No traces of carbon were found in the iron found, but ore always contains carbon and many other impurities. In addition, the discovered iron hammer was completely rust-free. In addition, it was made using a completely unknown technology.

Scientists have concluded that the find dates back to the Early Cretaceous period, that is, its age is approximately 65-140 million years. According to official science, people learned to make iron hammers only 10 thousand years ago.

In 1974, on the territory of Romania, in a sand quarry, workers found an unknown object about 20 cm long. Deciding that it was a stone ax, they sent the find for research to an archaeological institute. Scientists cleared it of sand and discovered a metal rectangular object, on which there were two holes of different sizes that converged at right angles. There was a slight deformation visible at the bottom of the larger hole, as if a rod or shaft had been reinforced in it. And the side surfaces and the top were covered with dents from strong impacts. All this allowed scientists to assume that the find is part of some more complex device.

After conducting research, it was found that this item consists of a very complex alloy consisting of 13 elements, the main one of which is aluminum (89 percent). But aluminum began to be used for the production of industrial products only in the 19th century. And the discovered sample was much older, as evidenced by the depth of the find - more than 10 meters, as well as the remains of a mastodon that were buried there (and these animals became extinct about a million years ago). The antiquity of the find is also supported by the oxidation film on its surface. It is also unclear for what purposes this item was used, but it is quite obvious that knowledge about ancient technologies has been completely lost, and discoveries made once are now unknown.

In the 80s of the last century, workers at the South African Wonderstone mine found unusual metal balls in deposits of pyrophyllite (a mineral estimated to be 3 billion years old) - slightly flattened spheres, the diameter of which varied from 2.5 to 10 cm. They were surrounded by three grooved and made of some material very similar to nickel-plated steel. Such an alloy does not occur in natural conditions. Inside the balls there was an unknown bulk material, which evaporated upon contact with air. One such ball was placed in a museum, where it was noticed that under glass it slowly rotates around its own axis, completing a full rotation in 128 days. Scientists could not explain this phenomenon.

In 1928, in Zambia, scientists had to deal with an unusual phenomenon: they found the skull of an ancient man with a perfectly straight hole that resembled a bullet mark. Exactly the same skull was discovered in Yakutia. Only it was the skull of a bison that lived 40 thousand years ago. In addition, the hole managed to be overgrown during the animal’s lifetime.

There are many other mysteries of antiquity. So, in particular, the Great Pyramid is the last of the 7 wonders of the world. Despite the fact that it has been thoroughly researched, official science does not provide comprehensive explanations. It is unknown who built it and for what purpose. How were the savage and illiterate Egyptians able to build a structure of more than 2 million huge stone blocks, the total weight of which exceeded 4 million tons, fitted perfectly together using an unknown mortar and forming a perfect structure? Even now, with the latest technology, a person is unlikely to be able to replicate this structure. In addition, there are many other inexplicable facts, in particular, the seamless surface (in order to level the limestone to such an extent, laser technology is needed, just like for such precise calculations of the base of the pyramid).

A hundred-meter, perfectly flat descent tunnel, which was cut into the rock at an angle of 26 degrees, during the construction of which no torches were used. How was the angle of inclination maintained without lighting or special equipment? Moreover, the entire structure is aligned with minimal error to the cardinal directions, which requires serious knowledge of astronomy.

A harmoniously built, very complex internal structure that turns the pyramid into a 48-story building, with mysterious doors, ventilation shafts, in the cutting of which saws with diamond tips should have been used, machine grinding of stone - official science cannot explain all this.

Another mystery that is shrouded in darkness, even more so than Egypt, is dogs. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about these animals; they are just domesticated descendants of foxes, wolves, and coyotes. But in fact, their origin is not so obvious. Recently, geneticists stated that anthropologists, archaeologists and zoologists have been mistaken about dogs for centuries. In particular, the belief that the dog became a domestic animal about 15 thousand years ago turned out to be erroneous. Moreover, the first studies of dog DNA showed that they were all bred only from wolves about 40 thousand years ago. It would seem that this is unusual, but what is interesting is how a dog suddenly turned out from a wolf. There is no answer to this question at all. Speculation that ancient man somehow incomprehensibly made friends with a wolf, after which the animal turned into a mutant wolf, does not stand up to criticism. It is completely incomprehensible how the wolf parents gave birth to a completely different animal, which only looked like a wolf, but in whose character only the traits necessary for living together with a person remained. And how did this mutant manage to survive in a pack with a strict hierarchy? Therefore, scientists suggested that genetic engineering could not have happened in this case...

Official science does not argue that humanity lived without amenities until the last century. There were no sewers in ancient cities. But, as it turned out, not in all of them. Thus, in particular, the inhabitants of the ancient city of Mozhenj-Daro, which existed in 2600-1700 BC, used the benefits of civilization that were not inferior to modern ones. In general, it should be noted that this city is amazing not only for the presence of public toilets and running water, but also for its well-thought-out and planned structure. It is quite obvious that the city was planned in advance and built on two levels on a special suspension system. The buildings are made of standard sizes of baked bricks. The city was full of everything necessary even by modern standards: a clear system of streets, granaries, houses with amenities, baths.

Official science cannot answer where are the cities that preceded Mohenjo-Daro, why did people who could not burn bricks manage to build such a metropolis?

The first city in America was Teotihuacan. During its heyday, about 200 thousand inhabitants lived there. Almost nothing is known about this city. Where did the people who built the city come from, how was their society organized, what language did they speak... Here, by the way, mica plates were discovered, fixed at the top of the Pyramid of the Sun. It would seem nothing impressive, but in fact, this is a very important find. Mica is not used as a building material, but it is an excellent protection against radio waves and electromagnetic radiation.

What do all these finds and mysteries indicate? And they say that modern historical science is untenable. There are clearly theories and evidence. Firstly, people lived at the same time as dinosaurs, which completely refutes Darwin's theory. Secondly, in ancient times people owned technologies that modern people can only dream of.

Knowledge about ancient civilizations and their technologies has been practically lost. Moreover, evidence of a large number of cataclysms in ancient times suggests that modern methods of dating finds are fundamentally incorrect. What to do with all this is not yet clear, because scientists prefer to remain captive of their own conjectures and guesses.

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Supporters of theories that modern civilization is by no means the first. And that before us on Earth there were more developed forms of intelligence often

They offer to get acquainted with eight very unusual objects that have haunted scientists for decades.

1. Could ancient Peruvians soften stones?

Archaeologists and scientists are scratching their heads over guesses about how the mysterious structure of Sacsayhuaman in Peru was built. The giant stones from which this unusual ancient fortress is built are so heavy that they would be difficult to transport and install even with the help of modern technology.

Does the key to solving this mystery lie in the special equipment that the ancient Peruvians used to soften stone blocks, or is it all about secret ancient techniques for melting stones? According to some researchers, the granite from which the walls of the fortress in Cusco were built was exposed to very high temperatures, so its outer surface became glassy and smooth.

Scientists have concluded that the stones were softened using some kind of high-tech equipment, and then each block was ground to match the cutouts of the neighboring stone, which is why they fit so tightly together.

2. The amazing acoustics of Hal Saflieni

Hal Saflieni is an underground cave system with an area of ​​about 500 meters, located on three tiers. Corridors and passages lead to small rooms that date back to 3000-2500 BC.

In this stone room you can hear incredible sound effects that have a certain effect on the human body. The sounds uttered in this room resonate throughout the room, and then seem to pierce through the human body.

Khal-Saflieni Hypogeum has a dark history. Researchers discovered the remains of more than 7,000 people on its territory, as well as many deep holes, crevices and even burial chambers. What experiments were carried out in this strange and mysterious place?

3. Lycurgus Cup: an artifact testifying to the knowledge of nanotechnology by the ancients

This amazing artifact proves that our ancestors were ahead of their time. The technology for making the cup is so advanced that its craftsmen were already familiar with what we today call nanotechnology.

This unusual and unique bowl, made of dichroic glass, can change its color depending on the lighting - for example, from green to bright red. This unusual effect occurs because dichroic glass contains small amounts of colloidal gold and silver.

4. Ancient Baghdad batteries

Scientists suggest that this small and unremarkable-looking artifact is an example of a source of electricity in the ancient world. We are talking about the so-called “Baghdad battery” of the Parthian period.

The electric battery, made about 2,000 years ago, was discovered in 1936 by railway workers in the Kujut Rabu area near Baghdad. The world's first known electric battery, the Voltaic Column, is believed to have been invented by Italian physicist Alessandro Volta only in 1799, while most sources place the Baghdad battery at around 200 BC.

5. Incredible ancient wonders made of metal

High-tech methods of hardening and processing large pieces of metal were widespread already in ancient times. Our ancestors had extremely sophisticated scientific knowledge of metalworking, inherited from earlier civilizations, as evidenced by artifacts found around the world.

Metallurgical technologies were known back in Ancient China, and this was one of the first civilizations where they began to produce cast iron.

In ancient India they knew how to produce iron, which did not rust due to its high phosphorus content. One of these iron columns, 7 meters high and weighing about 6 tons, is installed in front of the Qutub Minar in Delhi, India.

6. Evidence of stone drilling technology has been found around the world.

Already in ancient times, builders could make perfectly round holes in stones and hard rocks. This impressive technique shows that our ancestors were familiar with the most complex technologies - creating such large holes is impossible without engineering skills and the necessary drilling equipment.

7. Ancient and complex mercury-based gold plating techniques that modern technology has not yet achieved

Already in ancient times, jewelers working with silver and gold used mercury to gild domes and interiors in many countries of the ancient world. These complex processes were used to produce and coat items such as jewelry, figurines, and amulets.

From a technological point of view, ancient craftsmen already 2000 years ago managed to make these metal coatings incredibly thin and durable, which saved precious metals and improved their durability.

Recent discoveries indicate a high level of competence of ancient artisans, which even modern technology has not yet reached.

8. “Ancient Computer”: the mysterious mechanism from Antikythera is still full of mysteries

In 1900, an unusual bronze object of unknown purpose was discovered near the small island of Antikythera, 25 miles northwest of Crete. After curious scientists pulled this artifact out of the water and cleaned it, they discovered parts of some complex mechanism consisting of different gears.

The perfectly smooth disks of this mechanism and the remains of inscriptions, in all likelihood, correspond to its main function. Most likely, the mechanism is an astronomical clock without a pendulum, but not a single mention of this ancient “computer” has been found in either Greek or Roman literature. The artifact was discovered next to a ship that supposedly sank in the 1st century BC.