Technological map of the lesson in the discipline “Electrical engineering. Technological map of the training session in the discipline “Physical Education”

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"

Educational and methodological advice

on drawing up a technological map of the discipline

at the faculty/institute of State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NSPU


Zaidman I.N., Ph.D. Sciences, Chairman of UMS IFMIP;

Sidorchuk O. N., candidate of history. Sciences, Chairman of UMS IIGSO

Novosibirsk 2010

I. General provisions
1.1. A technological map of a training course is a normative document that reflects the sequence of different forms of educational activities to achieve the set goals of the training course, the time spent on their implementation, the assessment of educational activities in points and the required resources.

Technological maps (TC) are introduced into the educational process in order to determine the level of quality and success of a student’s mastery of academic disciplines through scoring.

1.2. The technological map of the discipline highlights the following: modules:

1. Introductory module – what the student already knows and can do (assessment of residual knowledge in related disciplines).

2. Main (basic) module - what the student must learn (mandatory types of educational activities of students, and their assessment). The main (basic) module is graded from 35 to 60–70 points out of 100.

3. Additional module - what a student can do to improve their grade; what are the conditions for intermediate certification (automatic grading based on the results of the student’s current work, interview, exam, etc.).

1.3. Introductory and additional modules are optional.

During the semester, a student can complete academic assignments from additional module of the rating system, which will increase the current rating before the intermediate certification. An additional module may include control testing (from 5 to 15 rating points), preparation of various educational assignments on recommended topics (from 3 to 15 points), or a presentation at a student conference (estimated up to 15 points), etc.

II. Algorithm for organizing the work of compiling

technological map
2.1.Development and compilation technological map includes the following algorithm of actions.

1 step. The academic council of the institute/faculty makes a decision on the use of technological maps in the educational process.

Step 2. Based on the discipline program and thematic plan (module-thematic plan), determine block(A, B, C), which includes the discipline, basic activities student in the discipline being studied; set views mandatory work that a student must complete in the process of studying this discipline, taking into account the list of subject and general subject competencies.

Step 3. Distribute these types of activities into groups: classroom, extracurricular (independent) work, ongoing, final certification.

2.2. With a large number of lectures and a minimum number of PPs, it is possible that the weight of attending lectures or completing assignments in lectures will be much greater than attending PPs, and the scores for the final certification in a theoretical course may be significantly higher than in a discipline with an obvious practical focus. At the same time, a visit to the LC, LP or PP may not be assessed at all, and all points will be transferred to the assessment of the result - completion of the PT, work on the PT.

2.3.Classroom work usually assessed according to the following parameters:

1) attending lectures and practical classes. The number of points, as a rule, depends on the number of hours (i.e. the number of points must be a multiple of the number of hours: from 0.25 to 1 point per visit). If the course is extensive, then the “cost” of attending lectures and practical classes should be consistent with this volume.

2) degree of participation in classes (each lesson is scored from 0.5 to 1 point), for example:

– oral presentation in class – 0/5;

– giving a report – 0/5;

– project protection – 0/10;

– portfolio protection – 0/5;

– defense of the abstract – 0/5;

– testing (conducting) a lesson – 0/5;

– presentation of the electronic textbook – 0/10;

– use of presentations (TSO) in one’s own speeches – 0/5.

2.4.Extracurricular work may include:

– doing homework;

– taking notes on course literature;

– search/selection of literature on a given topic, compilation of a bibliography on the topic;

– preparation of a speech, report, message on the topic;

– preparation for a topic submitted for independent study, compiling tables summarizing diagrams on the topics studied or topics proposed for independent study;

– creative work on a topic (for example, an essay);

– writing an abstract;

- reader's diary;

– independent work (for example, text analysis);

– home translation of the text and its lexico-grammatical and cultural interpretation;

– learning texts by heart;

– development of a lesson fragment, preparation of a mini-lecture on the proposed topic;

– lexicographic work (for example, compiling a dictionary of discipline terms, a thesaurus of a theoretical or historical-literary topic);

– preparation of Olympiad tasks, crosswords, etc. materials (for example, for schoolchildren or students in the subject);

– preparation of visual materials (posters, tables, presentations, language maps, family tree, etc.);

– selection of didactic material on a specific educational topic, systematization of the studied material in the form of diagrams, tables, algorithms, etc.;

– development of lesson notes, etc.

2.5. The number of types of educational activities should be realistically feasible and feasible for students, but at the same time, all work should “cover” the main objectives of the academic discipline.

The assessment of each type of activity depends on its “significance” in the process of mastering the discipline, the “time” costs of its implementation (for example, reading literary texts and scientific research literature requires quite a lot of time), the degree of complexity of the task being performed (for example, work on text analysis , research assignments, reflective work on theoretical problems of the course are more labor-intensive). A larger number of points should be allocated to assessing projects, developing lesson notes, and assessing creative works related to the development of additional literature.

2.6.Intermediate control may include:

– testing;

- test;

– colloquium;

– passing the terminological minimum;

- dictation.

For example (in points):

– checking students’ work by another student (mutual checking) – 0/3;

– educational dictations – 0/5;

– test work – 0/10;

– test essay or presentation – 0/5;

– control dictation – 0/10;

– testing – 0/10;

Points for intermediate certification depend on its complexity and significance: testing on the entire course or individual questions, test work on the entire discipline or on one of the topics...

2.7.Final control.

The student comes to the test or exam with a TC. If the student scores less than the minimum number of points, then he is not allowed to take the test/exam.

It is necessary to put in such a number of points that the form of final control itself does not become optional, however, with a large number of practical (laboratory) classes, a student can score the required number of points and receive a pass automatically. It is necessary to calculate points in such a way that the student cannot “earn” a test/exam only based on the results of the visit.

Therefore, in most cases, 30–40 points are allocated for the exam, and from 15 to 40 points for the test. This takes into account the nature of the course - lecture-based or practice-oriented. In the first case, a larger number of points up to 80 are allocated for the exam/test, in the second – fewer.

The overall final grade (for example, in an exam) consists of all types of work.

After distributing the main types of student activities according to the discipline being studied, we move on to the following actions.

Step 5 After drawing up the TC, it is advisable to discuss it with colleagues at the department and adjust the scores, then submit it to the head of the department for approval.

Step 6 The TC should be prepared before the start of classes, since in the very first classes students should be introduced to it, comment on the rating of different types of classroom and extracurricular work (in our experience there is an option to discuss the rating assessment with students) and the timing of its completion, i.e. issuing points in the TC.

Step 7 Grades are given during ongoing control during the semester (during control weeks or according to the schedule of the educational process of the faculty/institute), as well as during intermediate control - passing tests and exams.

2.8. Note:

At the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NSPU, technological maps have been developed and are used in IIGSO, IFMIP, and the interfaculty department of foreign languages.

The appendix provides options for technological maps of IIGSO, IFMIP, and the interfaculty department of foreign languages.
When calculating the technological map at IIGSO, students who score at least 51 points during the semester are allowed to take an intermediate certification (exam/test), which allows them to score up to 15 points. The exam is scored as follows: “5” – 15 points, “4” – 10 points, “3” – 5 points, “2” – 0 points.


Option 1


I affirm:

head department



(Student's full name)____________________


(name of discipline)

Semester___ academic year_________ faculty/department______________

Course______ group _______

Discipline module (A, B, C) __________,

Scope of discipline (in hours)_______, audit. slave. ______, self. slave. _____.

The total number of points is 100.

Credit (1 credit = 36 hours)

Converting points to grade:

“satisfactory”: >30–60___ FX (3-), E (3);

“good”: >60–80___D (4-), C (4);

“excellent”: >80–100___B (5-), A (5).


Forms of organization

educational process


number of points

Points by type of work

Assessment of exam, coursework






Classroom work

Lectures (visit)

Practical lessons


Practical lessons


Laboratory exercises


Laboratory exercises


Seminars (attendance)

Seminars (preparation)

Extracurricular (independent work)

Search (selection) and review of literature and electronic sources of information on a given topic

Preparation of a report and participation in a scientific conference

Preparation and writing of term paper

Development and writing of the WRC






Course work

Contact hours

For example: March



Total points:






Teacher (full name)_______________________ position______________ Date___ __________ Signature _____________

Option 2

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"

Institute of Philology, Mass Information and Psychology

Department of Russian Language Teaching Theory and Pedagogical Rhetoric

I affirm:

head department



(Student's full name) __________________
Name of discipline: "Russian language and culture of speech"

Semester 3, academic year 2009/10.

Faculty/department of philology, course 2, group 200.

Discipline module (A, B, C) A.

Scope of discipline (in hours) – 36: audit. slave. – 18, self. slave. - 18.

The total number of points is 100.

Credit (1 credit = 36 hours).

Converting points to grade:

“satisfactory”: >51–70___ FX (3-), E (3);

“good”: >71–85___D (4-), C (4);

“excellent”: >86–100___B (5-), A (5).
Total labor intensity of the academic discipline



Forms of organization

educational process

Minimum /


Points by

types of work

Exam score,

course work






Classroom work

Laboratory classes (visit)


Laboratory exercises (preparation)


Extracurricular (independent) work

Search (selection) and review of literature and electronic sources of information on a given topic


Preparation for independent study of the topic


Writing an essay on a given topic


Preparation of a report on the topic of the seminar


Preparing presentations


Participation in an interfaculty competition


Analysis of communicative situations, text analysis


Writing creative works of different genres








Total points: 100

final examination



Note: Italics indicate additional types of work for which you can receive additional points.

Option 3
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"

I affirm:

head department _____________



Discipline ______________________________________________________________

Number of hours_____________________


The period is from “___”_______20___ to “___”_______20___.

Types of educational activities


Reporting form

Classroom, extracurricular

independent work











The main module


Additional module



oral interview/test



Teacher (full name) __________________________position __________________ Date “___” _________ 20____ Signature _____________

Option 4
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"

Institute of History, Humanities and Social Education

Department of National History
I affirm:

head department _____________


Student's full name_________________________

Forms of organization

educational activities of students






I. Attending classes (maximum –10 points):

  • lectures

  • seminars and laboratory practical classes

II. Completing course assignments (maximum 60 points)













III. Additional module (maximum – 15 points)

IV. Exam/test (maximum – 15 points, including: “5” – 15 points,

“4” – 10, “3” – 5, “2” – 0 points.

Teacher (full name) __________________________position __________________ Date “___” _________ 20____ Signature _____________

Option 5

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"

Department of Foreign Languages

I affirm:

head department



In the discipline Foreign language
Semester___ school year_________ faculty/institute______________ group _______

Teacher ________________________________________

Total number of points –100 (115) Credit (1 credit = 36 hours)

Converting points to grade:

“satisfactory”: >51–70;

“good”: >71–85;

“excellent”: >86–100 (115).



Types of educational activities

Classroom work

(max 45)


(max 15)


(max 40)

Additional module (max 15)

Practical lessons




(Active participation)


Doing homework, home reading, preparation, presentations, current tests, compositions, essays, etc.

First control line (0-10)


control line

Third control line

Final certification (0-10)

Additional control testing, NIIRS, project activities, AST test, on-line testing

1. Section: Athletics.

2. Topic of the training session: Improving basic motor skills

3. Purpose of the training session: development of basic motor qualities using circuit training.

4. Objectives of the lesson:

- educational: improvement of basic motor qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance;

- health and development: formation of correct posture, coordination and development of attention;

- educational: formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of sustainable motives and needs to take care of one’s own health in order to achieve life and professional goals.

5. Formed competencies:

OK 2. Organize your own activities.

OK 3. Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, ensure its cohesion,

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education.

OK 10. Perform military duties, including using acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

6. Lesson equipment: gymnastic mats, jump ropes, chips, stopwatch, whistle, dumbbells, hoops, benches, wall bars.

7. Predicted result:

Students will be able to: perform motor exercises, control their well-being;

Students will know: techniques for performing exercises, a complex of outdoor equipment for promoting health and preventing diseases, methods of monitoring and assessing individual physical fitness;

Students will have practical experience: strengthening physical health.




Time min




Activities of a teacher

Student activities


Organize and motivate students for the lesson

Forming in a line, checking the availability of sports uniform, readiness for the lesson, identifying sick people.

Discussion of lesson objectives, assessment tools and methods. Psychological mood for the upcoming lesson, check

Perception of explanation, joint setting of lesson objectives


Prepare the ankle joints and major muscle groups for work in the main part of the lesson.

While students move in a circle, the teacher is in the circle or moves slightly ahead of the column, explaining the position of the hands and showing exercises.

While walking and running, monitor posture, maintain distance, correct breathing, and technically perform exercises in motion.


Walking at a normal pace

Walking on toes, hands on belt

Walking on your heels, hands behind your head

Walking on the outside of the foot, on the inside of the foot

Running at a slow pace

Side step right, left side

Backward forward

With acceleration

Rebuilding in 2 columns, calculating numbers


Form posture, correct flat feet, and develop coordination.

Conducts outdoor control;

Shows the technique of execution;

Monitors the correct execution of exercises;

Controls coordination of movements and motor attention.

Perform outdoor switchgear in a playful way

"Calling numbers"

*IP – legs apart, hands on the waist.

1-tilt head forward

2-tilt your head back

3-Tilt your head to the left

4-Tilt your head to the right

*IP – legs apart, hands on the waist.

1-4 - 1 head circle to the right

5-8 - 1 circle with head to the left

*IP – legs apart, hands to shoulders

1-4 - 4 forward circular movements

5-8 - 4 circular movements back

*IP – legs apart, right hand at the top, left hand on the belt

1-3 - 3 tilt to the right,

5-7 - tilt to the left,

*IP – wide stance, hands on the belt

1.2 - 2 forward tilts

3 - tilt back

1 – swing the right leg to the left hand

3 – swing left to right hand

*IP – legs apart, hands on the belt

1 - right lunge

3 – left lunge

*I.P – o.s

1.7 - hands on the belt, legs apart

2.6 - hands to shoulders, legs together

3.5 - hands behind head, legs apart

4 – hands up, feet together


Develop attention, strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, abdominals and back.

Ensures that students in the main group:

Bend your arms at an angle of 90 degrees,

Performed full squat jumps,

We kept our legs at a 90 degree angle on the wall bars,

Followed the somersault technique: legs bent, hands behind the head,

Arms straight

When stretching, do not bend your knees.

Introduces the rules of the game: under the command “Group to the right, left, circle, step forward, backward, left, right - we perform turns on the spot”, without the word “group” we do not perform any actions.

Monitors the performance of breathing exercises.

Monitors the accuracy of the exercise and counts points.

"Circuit training"

1. Flexion - extension of the arms in a lying position

2. Jumping out of a deep squat

3. Holding bent legs hanging

4. Jumping rope

5. Forward somersault

6. Raising the body from a lying position

7. Dumbbells

9. Stretching

A group of students with scoliosis perform special exercises.

Calming Breathing:




Reducing heart rate, preparing for the next lesson.

"Attention Game"": formation changes, turns on the spot, formation in two columns

« Overcoming the obstacle course"

2 Jumping rope

3 Forward somersault

4 Push-ups

Formation into one line. Doing breathing exercises.


Imagine yourself on the seashore, the sun is shining pleasantly, you don’t feel tired, you are cheerful and full of strength.

Alignment. Relaxation.

Summing up the lesson.


Do you think the objective of the lesson was completed?

What motor skills were used during the lesson?

Do you think it is necessary to strengthen muscle groups and why is this necessary?

What muscle groups were involved in what exercises?

Have we completed our assigned tasks? Marks student answers and takes them into account in subsequent lessons.

Answer questions.

Summing up



end of the lesson.

Mark the students who performed the exercises most correctly.

Homework; perform coordination jumps, since performing them caused the greatest difficulty during the lesson.

Organized departure from the hall.

Conduct self-assessment of work in the lesson, activity, independence.

They come out calmly in formation.

* FOUD is a form of organizing educational activities for students(F – frontal, I – individual, P – steam room, G – group)

List of sources used

1. Ilyinich V.I. Student's physical culture and life. Textbook for universities. – M.: Gardariki, 2010. – 368 p.

2. Kuramshin Yu.F. Theory and methodology of physical culture. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2010.

3. N. V. Reshetnikov, Yu. L. Kislitsyn, R. L. Paltievich, G. I. Pogadaev - Physical culture: Academy, 2010. – 176 p.

Technological map of the lesson in the discipline "Electrical Engineering"

FULL NAME. teacher: Vidmanova Galina Leonidovna

Discipline: OP.02 Electrical engineering

Program section: Electrical devices

Course: 3

Profession: 180103.05 Ship electrical and radio installer

Lesson type: systematization and generalization of acquired knowledge (lesson of general methodological orientation)

Lesson duration: 90 minutes.

Proshin V.M. Electrical engineering: textbook for institutions beginning. prof. education / V. M. Proshin. - 3rd ed., erased. –M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. - 288 p.

Proshin V.M. Collection of problems in electrical engineering: a textbook for beginners. prof. education / V.M. Proshin, G.V. Yarochkina - 3rd ed., erased. –M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012. - 128 p.

Lesson topic:"Electrical devices ».

The purpose of the lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge about transformers, asynchronous motors, and DC machines.

Educational objectives:

    contribute to the systematization and consolidation of students’ knowledge about the structure and principle of operation

    transformers, electrical machines of alternating and direct current;

    contribute to the consolidation of concepts: sliding, reverse, collector, commutation, armature reaction, sparking, etc.;

    promote the development of the ability to apply knowledge in practice

Developmental tasks:

    contribute to the formation of the ability to analyze, compare, generalize and specify, and draw conclusions;

    promote the development of logical thinking,

Educational tasks:

    contribute to the improvement of teamwork skills and the development of communication skills;

    promote awareness of the social and practical significance of the studied material

Interdisciplinary connections:“Physics”, “Occupational safety”, “Materials science, electrical and radio materials and radio components”

Training equipment for the lesson:

Equipment: layouts: asynchronous motor with squirrel-cage rotor,

asynchronous motor with wound rotor,

DC machine, transformers


a) a card with images of parts of electrical machines (under numbers for recognition);

b) cards with questions for in-depth repetition;

c) cards with tests and tasks

Visual aids:

dictionary of terms (on the board).

posters (on the board) - (can be replaced with a presentation)

formation of general competencies:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the methods of achieving them determined by the manager.

OK 3. Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

OK 4. Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues.

Planned educational results


principles of operation and design of transformers and AC and DC machines.

Determine their parameters using the markings of machines and transformers.

Asynchronous three-phase motors. DC machines.
Operating principle and design of three-phase asynchronous motors. Slip.
Torque. Application of engines. Operating principle and design of MPT. Reversibility of MPT. Basic equations of MPT in generator and engine modes. External characteristics of the engine. Torque. Application of DC motors.

Transformers. Operating principle and design of the transformer. Marking of transformer windings. Transformation coefficient. Transformer efficiency.


Cognitive skills:

Be able to structure knowledge, pose and formulate a problem, be able to consciously and voluntarily construct verbal statements;

Be able to think analytically, search for necessary information, establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Be able to select the necessary material, highlight the main thing, compare, generalize, analyze.

Communication skills:

Be able to plan educational collaboration with the teacher and with peers;

Be able to take into account different opinions and formulate your own opinion;

Ability to participate in a collective discussion of an issue;

The ability to be responsible for the successes of the entire team and oneself

Regulatory skills:

Be able to concentrate attention, organize the workplace;

Be able to set learning objectives and predict results;

Be able to answer questions according to plan, analyze your achievements, and independently control your time


Be able to establish connections between the purpose of educational activity and its motive;

Be able to develop intellectual abilities, logical thinking in the process of solving problems;

Be able to work independently

Forms of organization of students’ cognitive activity: individual and group

A group of 20 people is divided into 4 teams of 5 people.

During the classes

Lesson stages; time

Teacher's activities

Student activity

Methods, techniques, forms of training

UUDs formed at this stage of the lesson

Result of interaction (cooperation)


(1-2 min)

1.Organize the attention of students

2. Psychologically prepare students for communication during a training session

Greeting students, checking absentees

Greet the teacher, check readiness for the lesson.

Dialogue interaction


Volitional self-regulation




Planning collaboration with the teacher and with peers

Achieving students' readiness for the lesson

2 Goal setting and motivation

(7 min.)

Educational objectives of the stage:

1.Create conditions for students to develop an internal need for inclusion in educational activities;

2. Show the practical significance of the material being studied;

3. Ensure the inclusion of students in joint activities to determine the goals of the lesson

Introductory speech from the teacher: Very soon you will have to work independently at an enterprise and the discipline “Electrical Engineering” is one of the steps in mastering your future profession. What do you think a ship's electrical and radio installer should know and be able to do?

collect electrical circuits;

Know the structure of electrical machines of direct and alternating current, transformers,

Know how they work and where they are used, etc.


And he must also be able to talk about it competently, using technical terminology.

Lesson topic: “Electrical devices” - these devices are already familiar to you.


Yes, these are transformers and electrical machines. We studied them earlier in class.


That's right, today we will repeat the material we have already studied, and everyone will find out for themselves whether they understood everything. We will systematize knowledge in this section.

So, what will we do in class?


Bring knowledge into the system;

Arrange them in a certain order;

Find commonalities and highlight differences;

Summarize, compare advantages and disadvantages


State the purpose of the lesson.

Students: Systematize knowledge about transformers and electrical machines.

Together with the teacher, they formulate the purpose of this lesson;

Students draw up a work plan to achieve their goals

Dialogue interaction


Goal setting as setting an educational task: planning, forecasting

The purpose of the lesson is formulated and the conditions are created for students to have an internal need for inclusion in educational activities.

3 Updating basic knowledge in the section “Electrical devices” and recording difficulties in a trial educational activity

(10 min)

Educational objective of the stage:
1. Update the subjective experience of students (personal meanings, basic knowledge and methods of activity, value relations - contributing to a better understanding of the material)

Organizes work in groups, monitors the work of students

Exercise 1

Target: test your ability to recognize parts of electrical machines by appearance

Each team is given a task card, there are 9 pictures on it that need to be recognized ( Annex 1)

The teacher controls the completion of the task and encourages students to express their opinions. Draws attention to identified difficulties: did everyone complete the task? Leads students to the conclusion that it is necessary to repeat the device and operating principle of electronics. cars

Students recognize by their appearance parts of electrical machines (DC machine armature, rotors: phase, squirrel-cage; salient-pole and non-salient-pole), excitation circuits of DC generators and explain how they recognized, name the distinctive features, compare the elements of devices with each other, find differences. When answering, certain elements are shown on the layouts. Explain which machine this element belongs to. Errors in answering are corrected by students in this group. Students conclude that it is necessary to repeat the device and operating principle of electronics. cars

An interactive method is used (students interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other)

The lesson uses a group form of work (where presentation is used and both group and individual solutions are defended)


General educational skills to structure knowledge, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities.


Control and evaluation of forecasting (in the analysis of educational activities).


The need to repeat the device and operating principle of electric power has been identified. cars Correction paths are outlined: a plan for repeating the studied section is determined (we answer the question: “What needs to be repeated?”)

4. Consolidation stage with pronunciation in external speech

(52 min)

Educational objectives of the stage:

1. Organize repetition of the content of educational material necessary to ensure meaningful continuity;

2. Arrange tasks in accordance with the principle “from simple to complex”;

3. Select tasks that lead the student

To simple reproduction of material,

Promoting better understanding of the material

Helping to consolidate the material.

Task 2

Target: testing theoretical knowledge about the structure and operating principle of electrical devices.

(appendix 2)

The teacher creates conditions for the involvement of all students in the discussion.

The teacher controls the progress of the discussion, asks students clarifying questions when answering, or delegates this right to other teams.

Task 3

Target: in-depth testing of theoretical knowledge about the operation of electrical devices.

Each team was given cards with questions (4 questions each)

(Appendix 3)

The teacher creates an unusual situation when checking answers to questions.

Organizes control in the form of testing

Each group receives a card with the name of the electrical device they need to talk about )

The topic for repetition and discussion is chosen by students randomly (lottery)

The team prepares the story according to plan:

1. device

2. principle of operation (you can use the proposed functional diagram or create it yourself)

3. advantages

4. disadvantages

5. application

Each team representative answers one of the questions. If you have difficulty answering, the group helps.

Students in a team prepare answers to questions; when checking, the teams change questions and answer 4 new questions without preparation. Incorrect or incomplete student answers are corrected and supplemented by the team that prepared the answers to these questions initially)

Answer test questions (Appendix 4)

– the team is given 5 test options and each one answers the test individually (the other team checks the test)

Dialogue interaction

A group form of work is used (where presentation is used and both group and individual decisions are protected)

Testing followed by mutual verification


The ability to structure knowledge, pose and formulate a problem, the ability to consciously and arbitrarily construct verbal statements.

General education:


choosing the most effective ways to solve problems.


Planning educational cooperation

Repetition of the main questions of the section “Electrical devices”, facilitating its better understanding and consolidation of the material;

The assimilation of the material was monitored through testing. Mutual verification of tests was carried out; correction methods have been determined.

5. Inclusion of what has been learned into the knowledge system

(10 min)

Educational objectives of the stage:

1. Organize students’ independent completion of standard tasks for a new method of action.

2. Organize a comparison of the work with a standard for self-test.

Task 4

Target: test the ability to apply knowledge when solving problems on a given topic.

Each team was given cards with tasks - 5 options ( Appendix 5)

Organizes self-testing by students of their solutions according to the standard; for students who have made mistakes, it provides the opportunity to identify the causes of errors and correct them.

Each student in a team receives an individual card with three problems and solves any 2 of them to choose from.

After completing the task, he independently checks the solution according to the proposed standard and marks the correctly solved problems (then submits it to the teacher for checking)

Individual problem solving (optional); checking the solution against the standard


Control and correction in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard.


Evaluation of processes and performance results

The ability to apply knowledge when solving problems was tested by checking the solution against a standard.

5. Summing up the lesson, information about homework

(6 min)

Educational objectives of the stage:

1. Organize recording of new content learned in class.

2. Organize recording of unresolved difficulties in the lesson as directions for future educational activities

3. Organize a discussion and recording of homework

The teacher supervises and advises students

As homework, it is suggested to create a crossword puzzle on one of the topics:

    Electrical devices


    Asynchronous motors

Students evaluate their activities based on their results:

Self-assessment (when solving problems)

Evaluating the performance of comrades (when checking the test)

Creative homework


Ability to structure knowledge

Evaluation of processes and performance results

Regulatory e :

Volitional self-regulation

Awareness of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned

The lesson was summed up, homework was determined with elements of choice and creativity.

6. Reflection

(3 min)

Educational objectives of the stage:

1. Organize students’ reflection on their psycho-emotional state, motivation, their activities, interaction with students and the teacher.

Together with students, records the achievement or non-achievement of lesson goals.

Students are asked to choose the appropriate statements:

1) I myself could not cope with the difficulty;

2) I had no difficulties;

3) I only listened to others' suggestions;

4) I came up with ideas

Analyze where and why mistakes were made, ways to correct them;

Name the methods of action that caused the difficulty;

Evaluate the results of their own activities;

Set follow-up goals

“Choose the correct statement” technique


Ability to express your thoughts

Assessing the quality of your own and general educational activities

Reflection carried out

Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Audit

ʼʼRussian literature (1920–1950s)ʼʼ, semester - 6

Teacher – Razumovskaya Aida Gennadievna

Department of Literature

BASIC MODULE (testing knowledge and skills in the discipline)
Topic, task or event of current control Types of current certification Classroom or extracurricular Minimum points Maximum points
I. Revolution and intelligentsia. Formation and development of a new culture in a totalitarian system - work at lectures Audit. 0,5
2. Journalism of the first years of the revolution Audit. 0,5
3.Poetry of the 1920s
3.1.Bloc and revolution. Poem "Twelve" Audit. 0,5
3.2.Fate and creativity of V. Mayakovsky. Audit. 0,5
3.3.Creative path of S. Yesenin Audit. 0,5
4. Typology and dynamics of epic genres in literature of the 1920-1950s.
1. The work of M. Gorky, a prose writer and playwright. Audit. 0,5
2. Fate and creativity of M. Bulgakov. Audit. 0,5
3. A. Platonov’s prose as a reflection of the search for truth. Audit. 0,5
4. The works of A. Tolstoy. Audit. 0,5
3. Development of philosophical lyrics in the 1920-1950s
1. O. Mandelstam’s work in his mature period . Audit. 0,5
2. Fate and poetry of M. Tsvetaeva. Audit. 0,5
3. The creative path of B. Pasternak. Audit. 0,5
4. The artistic world of A. Akhmatova. Audit. 0,5
4.The work of I. Brodsky as an “epilogue” of the classical stage in the development of Russian lyrics. Audit. 0,5
II. Speeches during practical classes - detailed answer (12) Audit. 1x12=12 3x12=36
IV.Preparation and execution of testing Audit.
V. Participation in the project for the development of the novel genre in the 1920-1950s Audit.
VI. Portfolio of materials on the analysis of literary texts: 1. Analysis of an episode from M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” and comparison with its film version. Analysis of an excerpt from B. Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago” and comparison with its embodiment in the film. Analysis of an excerpt from M. Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don” and comparison with the film version. 2. Analysis of poems by O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Akhmatova, B. Pasternak, I. Brodsky Non-audit. 1x5=5 3x5=15
Additional module:
  1. Abstracts of articles:
A) journalism by M. Gorky, V. Korolenko, A. Blok, I. Bunin; B) S. Bocharov “The Substance of Existence” (based on the prose of A. Platonov); V) M. Tsvetaeva “Epic and Lyrics of Modern Russia” 2. Preparation of a presentation on the work of one of the writers or poets

Total number of credits:

TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF DISCIPLINE - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF DISCIPLINE" 2017, 2018.


    Questions for the exam on the theory of state and law (1st semester) BEFORE DISCIPLINE PROGRAM DEVELOPERS AND EXPERTS 11.1. Developers: __L.B. Likhacheva____ Art. teacher (initials, surname) (position) (signature) ___________________ _________________... .

  • -

    Technological map for the discipline “Civil Law (Section 5 of Part 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)” for 4th year students in the direction of “Jurisprudence” 7th semester 2014-2015 academic year The maximum number of points in the discipline is 100: seminars (practical classes) – 40 points; ... .

  • - Description of indicators and criteria, competency assessment scale and methodological material defining assessment procedures (technological map of the discipline)

    Technological map For the discipline "Roman Law", 2nd semester For 1st year students of the "Jurisprudence" direction 1. The maximum number of points in the discipline is 100: · 50 points - active participation in seminar classes; · 30 points – completion... .

  • - Description of indicators and criteria, competency assessment scale and methodological material defining assessment procedures (technological map of the discipline)

    Technological map for the academic discipline “Constitutional Law” for 1st year students of the “Jurisprudence” direction, 2nd semester The maximum number of points per semester is 100, including: 40 points – active participation in seminar classes; 20 points -... .

  • GSE.V.03 – Management of hotel services

    Status of the discipline (according to the curriculum): general humanitarian and socio-economic discipline of choice

    Semester: 9

    Lectures: 2 p.m.

    Seminar classes 12 hours.

    Test 6 hours.

    Teacher: Senior Lecturer.


    1. Attendance at classes;


    1. Testing;


    Educational and methodological map

    Technological map of the discipline

    OPD.R.01 – Geography and culture of drinks

    Department: Social and cultural service and tourism

    Specialty: socio-cultural service and tourism

    Number of credits (according to curriculum): 4

    Discipline status (according to the curriculum): general professional discipline

    Semester: 7

    Lectures 20 hours.

    Seminar classes 24 hours.

    Independent work 22 hours.

    Tests 6.5 hours.

    Test 3, 3 hours.

    Teacher: Nikiforova Alina Alexandrovna, Senior Lecturer.



    1. Attendance at classes;

    2. Preparing for classes, doing homework (independent work);

    3. Work at seminar classes;

    4. Preparation of presentations for seminar classes.


    1. Testing;

    2. For those absent from classes: lecture notes and a survey on missed topics.


    Educational and methodological map

    Approved at a department meeting

    Head Department L. G. Skulmovskaya

    Technological map of the discipline

    DS.02.02- Sociocultural forecasting of service activities

    Department: Social and cultural service and tourism

    Specialty: socio-cultural service and tourism

    Number of credits (according to curriculum): 4

    Discipline status (according to curriculum): discipline of specialization

    Semester: 5

    Lectures 10 hours.

    Seminar classes 12 hours.

    Independent work 12 hours.

    Tests 11.5 hours.

    Test 5.8 hours.

    Teacher: Nikiforova Alina Alexandrovna, Senior Lecturer.



    1. Attendance at classes;

    2. Preparing for classes, doing homework (independent work);

    3. Work at seminar classes;


    1. Testing;

    2. For those absent from classes: lecture notes and a survey on missed topics.


    Educational and methodological map