Properties of the tetrahedron, types and formulas. Geometric figures

A tetrahedron, or triangular pyramid, is the simplest of polyhedra, just as a triangle is the simplest of polygons on a plane. The word “tetrahedron” is formed from two Greek words: tetra - “four” and hedra - “base”, “face”. A tetrahedron is defined by its four vertices - points that do not lie in the same plane; the faces of the tetrahedron are four triangles; The tetrahedron has six edges. Unlike an arbitrary -gonal pyramid (at ) any of its faces can be chosen as the base of the tetrahedron.

Many properties of tetrahedra are similar to the corresponding properties of triangles. In particular, 6 planes drawn through the midpoints of the edges of the tetrahedron perpendicular to them intersect at one point. At the same point, 4 straight lines drawn through the centers of the circles circumscribed about the faces perpendicular to the planes of the faces intersect, and this is the center of the sphere circumscribed about the tetrahedron (Fig. 1). Similarly, 6 bisector half-planes of the tetrahedron, i.e. half-planes dividing the dihedral angles at the edges of the tetrahedron in half, also intersect at one point - in the center of the sphere inscribed in the tetrahedron - a sphere touching all four faces of the tetrahedron. Any triangle has, in addition to the incircle, 3 more excircles (see Triangle), but a tetrahedron can have any number - from 4 to 7 - excircles, i.e. spheres touching the planes of all four faces of the tetrahedron. There are always 4 spheres inscribed in truncated trihedral angles, one of which is shown in Fig. 2, right. Another 3 spheres can be inscribed (not always!) in truncated dihedral angles at the edges of the tetrahedron - one of them is shown in Fig. 2, left.

For a tetrahedron, there is another possibility of its mutual position with a sphere - touching a certain sphere with all its edges (Fig. 3). Such a sphere - sometimes called “half-inscribed” - exists only in the case when the sums of the lengths of the opposite edges of the tetrahedron are equal: (Fig. 3).

For any tetrahedron, an analogue of the theorem on the intersection of the medians of a triangle at one point is valid. Namely, 6 planes drawn through the edges of the tetrahedron and the midpoints of the opposite edges intersect at one point - at the centroid of the tetrahedron (Fig. 4). Three “midlines” also pass through the centroid - segments connecting the midpoints of three pairs of opposite edges, and they are divided in half by a point. Finally, 4 “medians” of the tetrahedron also pass through - segments connecting the vertices with the centroids of opposite faces, and they are divided at a point in a ratio of 3: 1, counting from the vertices.

The most important property of a triangle - equality (or) - has no reasonable “tetrahedral” analogue: the sum of all 6 dihedral angles of a tetrahedron can take any value between and . (Of course, the sum of all 12 planar angles of a tetrahedron - 3 at each vertex - does not depend on the tetrahedron and is equal to .)

Triangles are usually classified according to the degree of their symmetry: regular or equilateral triangles have three axes of symmetry, isosceles triangles have one. The classification of tetrahedra by degree of symmetry is richer. The most symmetrical tetrahedron is regular, bounded by four regular triangles. It has 6 planes of symmetry - they pass through each edge perpendicular to the opposite edge - and 3 axes of symmetry passing through the midpoints of the opposite edges (Fig. 5). Less symmetrical are regular triangular pyramids (3 planes of symmetry, Fig. 6) and isohedral tetrahedrons (i.e., tetrahedra with equal faces - 3 axes of symmetry, Fig. 7).

2) ,

where is the dihedral angle at the edge. There are other formulas for calculating the volume of a tetrahedron.

Plan for preparing and conducting the lesson:

I. Preparatory stage:

  1. Repetition of known properties of a triangular pyramid.
  2. Proposing hypotheses about possible, not previously considered, features of the tetrahedron.
  3. Formation of groups to conduct research on these hypotheses.
  4. Distribution of tasks for each group (taking into account desires).
  5. Distribution of responsibilities for completing the task.

II. Main stage:

  1. Hypothesis solution.
  2. Consultations with the teacher.
  3. Registration of work.

III. The final stage:

  1. Presentation and defense of the hypothesis.

Lesson objectives:

  • generalize and systematize students’ knowledge and skills; study additional theoretical material on this topic; teach to apply knowledge when solving non-standard problems, to see simple components in them;
  • to develop the ability of students to work with additional literature, to improve the ability to analyze, generalize, find the main thing in what they read, and prove something new; develop students' communication skills;
  • cultivate graphic culture.

Preparatory stage (1 lesson):

  1. Student message “Secrets of the Great Pyramids.”
  2. Introductory speech by the teacher about the variety of types of pyramids.
  3. Discussion of questions:
  • By what criteria can irregular triangular pyramids be combined?
  • What do we mean by the orthocenter of a triangle, and what can be called the orthocenter of a tetrahedron
  • Does a rectangular tetrahedron have an orthocenter?
  • What tetrahedron is called isohedral? What properties can it have?
  1. As a result of considering various tetrahedra and discussing their properties, the concepts are clarified and a certain structure appears:

  1. Let us consider the properties of a regular tetrahedron. (Appendix)

Properties 1-4 are proven orally using Slide 1.

Property 1: All edges are equal.

Property 2: All plane angles are equal to 60°.

Property 3: The sum of plane angles at any three vertices of a tetrahedron is equal to 180°.

Property 4: If the tetrahedron is regular, then any of its vertices is projected into the orthocenter of the opposite face.


ABCD – regular tetrahedron

AH – height


H – orthocenter


1) point H may coincide with any of the points A, B, C. Let H ? B, H ? C

2) AH + (ABC) => AH + BH, AH + CH, AH + DH,

3) Consider ABH, BCH, ADH

AD – general => ABH, BCH, ADH => BH =CH = DH

AB = AC = AD t. H – is the orthocenter of ABC


  1. In the first lesson, Properties 5-9 are formulated as hypotheses that require proof.

Each group receives its own homework:

Prove one of the properties.

Prepare a rationale with a presentation.

II. Main stage (within a week):

  1. Hypothesis solution.
  2. Consultations with the teacher.
  3. Registration of work.

III. Final stage (1-2 lessons):

Presenting and defending a hypothesis using presentations.

When preparing the material for the final lesson, students come to the conclusion about the peculiarity of the point of intersection of heights; we agree to call it an “amazing” point.

Property 5: The centers of the circumscribed and inscribed spheres coincide.


DABC – regular tetrahedron

O 1 - center of the described sphere

O - center of the inscribed sphere

N – point of contact of the inscribed sphere with face ABC

Prove: O 1 = O


Let OA = OB =OD = OC – radii of the circumscribed circle

Let's omit ON + (ABC)

AON = CON – rectangular, along the leg and hypotenuse => AN = CN

Let's omit OM + (BCD)

COM DOM - rectangular, along the leg and hypotenuse => CM = DM

From point 1 CON COM => ON =OM

ON + (ABC) => ON,OM – radii of the inscribed circle.

The theorem is proven.

For a regular tetrahedron, there is the possibility of its mutual position with a sphere - touching a certain sphere with all its edges. Such a sphere is sometimes called “semi-inscribed”.

Property 6: The segments connecting the midpoints of opposite edges and perpendicular to these edges are the radii of a half-inscribed sphere.


ABCD – regular tetrahedron;




LO = OK = OS = OM = ON =OP


Tetrahedron ABCD – correct => AO= BO = CO =DO

Consider triangles AOB, AOC, COD, BOD, BOC, AOD.

AO=BO=>?AOB – isosceles =>
OL – median, height, bisector
AO=CO=>?AOC– isosceles =>
OK – median, height, bisector
CO=DO=>?COD– isosceles =>
ON– median, height, bisector AOB=> AOC= COD=
BO=DO=>?BOD– isosceles => BOD= BOC= AOD
OM – median, height, bisector
AO=DO=>?AOD– isosceles =>
OS – median, height, bisector
BO=CO=>?BOC– isosceles =>
OP – median, height, bisector

3) OL, OK, ON, OM, OS, OP - heights equal to OL, OK, ON, OM, OS, OP radii

isosceles triangles spheres


A half-inscribed sphere can be drawn in a regular tetrahedron.

Property 7: if the tetrahedron is regular, then every two opposite edges of the tetrahedron are mutually perpendicular.


DABC – regular tetrahedron;

H – orthocenter



DABC – regular tetrahedron =>?ADB – equilateral

(ADB) (EDC) = ED

ED – height ADB => ED +AB,

AB + CE ,=> AB+ (EDC) => AB + CD.

The perpendicularity of other edges is proved in a similar way.

Property 8: Six planes of symmetry intersect at one point. At point O, four straight lines intersect, drawn through the centers of circles circumscribed about the faces, perpendicular to the planes of the faces, and point O is the center of the circumscribed sphere.


ABCD – regular tetrahedron


O – center of the described sphere;

6 planes of symmetry intersect at point O;


CG + BD, because BCD - equilateral => GO + BD (by the theorem of three GO + BD perpendiculars)

BG = GD, because AG – median ABD

ABD (ABD)=> ? BOD - isosceles => BO=DO

ED + AB, because ABD – equilateral => OE + AD (by the theorem of three perpendiculars)

BE = AE, because DE – median?ABD

ABD (ABD) =>?AOB – isosceles =>BO=AO

(AOB) (ABD) = AB

ON + (ABC) OF + AC (by the theorem of three

BF + AC, because ABC - equilateral perpendiculars)

AF = FC, because BF – median?ABC

ABC (ABC) => AOC - isosceles => AO = CO

(AOC) ?(ABC) = AC

BO = AO =>AO = BO = CO = DO – radii of the sphere,

AO = CO described near tetrahedron ABCD

(ABR) (ACG) = AO

(BCT) (ABR) = BO

(ACG) (BCT) = CO

(ADH) (CED) = DO



Point O is the center of the circumscribed sphere,

6 planes of symmetry intersect at point O.

Property 9: The obtuse angle between the perpendiculars passing through the vertices of the tetrahedron to the orthocenters is 109°28"


ABCD – regular tetrahedron;

O – center of the circumscribed sphere;



1)AS – height

ASB = 90 o OSB rectangular

2) (according to the property of a regular tetrahedron)

3)AO=BO – radii of the circumscribed sphere

4) 70°32"


(by the property of a regular tetrahedron)


This was what needed to be proven.

An interesting fact is that some organic substances have exactly this angle: silicates and hydrocarbons.

As a result of working on the properties of a regular tetrahedron, the students came up with the idea to call the work “A surprising point in a tetrahedron.” There were proposals to consider the properties of rectangular and isohedral tetrahedra. Thus, the work went beyond the scope of the lesson.


An “amazing” point in a regular tetrahedron has the following features:

  • is the point of intersection of three axes of symmetry
  • is the intersection point of six planes of symmetry
  • is the point of intersection of the heights of a regular tetrahedron
  • is the center of the inscribed sphere
  • is the center of a semi-inscribed sphere
  • is the center of the circumscribed sphere
  • is the center of gravity of the tetrahedron
  • is the top of four equal regular triangular pyramids with the bases being the faces of a tetrahedron.


(The teacher and students summarize the lesson. One of the students speaks with a brief report about tetrahedra, as a structural unit of chemical elements.)

The properties of a regular tetrahedron and its “amazing” point are studied.

It was found that the shape of only such a tetrahedron, which has all the above properties, as well as an “ideal” point, can be shaped by molecules of silicates and hydrocarbons. Or molecules can consist of several regular tetrahedra. Currently, the tetrahedron is known not only as a representative of ancient civilization and mathematics, but also as the basis of the structure of substances.

Silicates are salt-like substances containing compounds of silicon and oxygen. Their name comes from the Latin word “silex” - “flint”. The basis of silicate molecules is atomic radicals in the form of tetrahedrons.

Silicates are sand, clay, brick, glass, cement, enamel, talc, asbestos, emerald, and topaz.

Silicates make up more than 75% of the earth's crust (and together with quartz about 87%) and more than 95% of igneous rocks.

An important feature of silicates is the ability for mutual combination (polymerization) of two or more silicon-oxygen tetrahedra through a common oxygen atom.

Saturated hydrocarbons have the same molecular shape, but, unlike silicates, they consist of carbon and hydrogen. General formula of molecules

Hydrocarbons include natural gas.

We will consider the properties of rectangular and isohedral tetrahedra.


  • Potapov V.M., Tatarinchik S.N. “Organic chemistry”, Moscow 1976
  • Babarin V.P. “Secrets of the Great Pyramids”, St. Petersburg, 2000.
  • Sharygin I.F. “Problems in geometry”, Moscow, 1984.
  • Large encyclopedic dictionary.
  • “School reference book”, Moscow, 2001.

Additional materials
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Teaching aids and simulators for 1st grade in the Integral online store
Mathematics, grades 1-4, Peterson L.G., electronic textbook for textbooks

From the history

The tetrahedron is another amazing figure that occurs quite often in our lives, but usually our knowledge about it is limited to its definition, properties and formulas from a school geometry course.

The word "tetrahedron" is formed from two Greek words: tetra - translated as four and hedra - meaning base, edge; At each vertex of the tetrahedron, 3 faces meet. This figure has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices.

Since ancient times, people's ideas about beauty have been associated with symmetry. Perhaps this explains people's interest in polyhedra - amazing symbols of symmetry that have attracted the attention of outstanding thinkers and people of all eras. Already in the time of Pythagoras, people were amazed at their beauty and symmetry. Pythagoras's students believed that regular polyhedra were divine figures and used them in philosophical writings. The fundamental principles of existence - fire, air, water, earth - were given the shape of an octahedron, icosahedron, tetrahedron, cube, respectively, and the Universe was represented in the form of a dodecahedron. Plato's students continued to study the listed solids, which is why these polyhedra are called Platonic solids.

The role of problems about tetrahedrons is very high in the development of mathematical thinking in schoolchildren. These tasks stimulate the accumulation of geometric concepts and knowledge and contribute to the development of spatial thinking, which is especially important in the process of studying stereometry.

Where can you find a tetrahedron? The tetrahedron is such an amazing geometric figure that we meet everywhere, but at first glance it is not so easy to notice. The tetrahedron can form a rigid structure. Made from rods, it is often used as a basis for spatial structures of beams, bridge trusses, building spans, floors, etc. The rectangular tetrahedron has long been used in optics. On bicycles, reflectors have the shape of a tetrahedron. Thanks to the properties of the tetrahedron, reflectors reflect light and other people and drivers can see the cyclist. If you look closely, you can see many tetrahedron shapes inside the reflector.

Types of tetrahedron

The tetrahedron figure can be divided into several types, what are they?

Isohedral tetrahedron, all its faces are triangles equal to each other;

Orthocentric tetrahedron, the heights dropped from the vertices to opposite faces intersect at one point;

Rectangular tetrahedron, the edges adjacent to one of the vertices are perpendicular to each other;

Regular tetrahedron, is a tetrahedron whose faces are equilateral triangles,

Incentric tetrahedron, its segments connect the vertices with the centers of circles that are inscribed in opposite faces and intersect at one point.

They also highlight frame tetrahedron, commensurate tetrahedron.

The tetrahedron is the ideal balance suggested to us by nature, which is based on the ideality of an isosceles triangle. A tetrahedron is a triangle, but only in three-dimensional form; nowadays it can be called a 3D triangle.

You can replenish your collection of geometric shapes with a new figure - a tetrahedron, using the developments presented on our website. A tetrahedron assembled from these scans can be used for teaching, for example, to teach children to count, recognize colors, you can explain what a plane and volume are, what a triangle is, etc.

Development of a tetrahedron made of paper or cardboard

Diagram of a tetrahedron with Arabic numerals 1,2,3,4 (side 10 cm) Diagram of a tetrahedron with Arabic numerals 5,6,7,8 (10 cm edge) Diagram of a tetrahedron with Arabic numerals 0,1,2,9 (side 10 cm)
Scheme of multi-colored tetrahedron No. 1 (side 10 cm) Scheme of multi-colored tetrahedron No. 2 (10 cm edge) Scheme of multi-colored tetrahedron No. 3 (10 cm edge)
Diagram of a simple tetrahedron (side - 10 cm) Diagram of a tetrahedron with formulas (10 cm edge) Scheme of a tetrahedron with Soviet cartoon characters (edge ​​- 10 cm)

Final qualifying work

Selected theorems in tetrahedral geometry

Specialty / area of ​​training Mathematics

Specialization / profile Mathematics - computer science


Chapter I. Types of tetrahedrons and theorems about tetrahedrons

1.1 Theorems about tetrahedra

§1. Menelaus' theorem

§2. Ceva's theorem

§3. Properties of medians and bimedians of a tetrahedron

1.2 Different types of tetrahedra.

§1. Pythagorean tetrahedrons

§2. Orthocentric tetrahedra

§3. Framework tetrahedrons

§4. Isohedral tetrahedrons

§5. Incentric tetrahedrons

§6. Commensurate tetrahedrons

§7. Regular tetrahedrons

Chapter II. Tetrahedron in a high school math course

§1. Comparative characteristics of the presentation of the topic “tetrahedron” in school textbooks

§2. Testing the level of development of spatial thinking in secondary school students


Interest in the study of the tetrahedron has arisen among humanity since ancient times and has not faded to this day. This is due not only to its beauty, but also to its great practical value.

The tetrahedron is one of the main figures of stereometry, but its study in the high school course is not sufficiently detailed. In some textbooks, the authors avoid the terminology itself, preferring to call the figure a “triangular pyramid” (and consider it in this way), and there is often no need to talk about the study of various types of tetrahedrons.

The role of problems about tetrahedrons in the mathematical development of schoolchildren cannot be overestimated. They stimulate the accumulation of specific geometric ideas and contribute to the development of spatial thinking, which is especially important in the process of studying stereometry.

Only a small number of classes are devoted to the study of the tetrahedron both in school and in universities, so the goal of the thesis is to study various types of tetrahedrons, as well as theorems related to the geometry of the tetrahedron. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are formulated:

1. Collect information about the tetrahedron from various sources and bring it into the system; analyze the proofs of theorems related to the tetrahedron;

2. Analyze the methodology for presenting material in various school textbooks;

3. Develop a course on the tetrahedron for high school.

In the first chapter of my thesis we will talk about different types of tetrahedron and some theorems concerning this figure. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of educational material for secondary school on a given topic and the development of a course of study.

Chapter I . Types of tetrahedrons and theorems about tetrahedrons

1.1 Theorems about tetrahedrons

§1. Menelaus' theorem

Menelaus' theorem for triangles.

Let the points A 1 And C 1 lie on the sides IN C And A C triangle ABC, dot IN 1 on the continuation side AC this triangle. To make the point A 1, B 1, C 1 lie on the same straight line is necessary and sufficient for the equality to hold = = = 1.


First we prove the necessity. Let the points A 1, B 1, C 1 lie on a straight line l And AA 0 =h 1 , CC 0 =h 3- perpendiculars dropped from the points respectively A, B, C directly l. From the similarity of triangles AA 0 C 1 And BB 0 C 1 we get

Similarly, considering other pairs of similar triangles, we obtain ; . Multiplying the resulting proportions, we arrive at the required equality.

Now let's prove the sufficiency. Let the points A 1, B 1, C 1 lying on the straight lines BC, AC, AB be such that . Let us prove that the points A 1, B 1, C 1 lie on the same straight line.

Let's make a direct A 1 B 1 and prove that the point C 1 belongs to her. Let's assume that this is not the case. First, note that the straight line A 1 B 1 not parallel to the line AB. Let T- intersection point A 1 B 1 And AB, Then

. From the condition and equality (1) it follows that . Since the points T And C 1 lie outside the segment AB, their coincidence follows from the following lemma.

Lemma 1.

Let A and B be two different points, then for any k>0, k≠1 on the straight line AB there are two points U and V such that , and one of these points belongs to the segment AB, and the other lies outside the segment.


Let us introduce on the straight line AB coordinates, taking the point A for the origin. Let for certainty k> 1, then the coordinate of the desired point U, lying inside the segment AB, satisfies the equation, whence .Point V is outside the segment AB, from the equation where .Case 0 1 differs from the one considered only in that the point V you should look to the left of the point A .

Menelaus' theorem allows for an interesting stereometric generalization.

Menelaus' theorem for the tetrahedron.

If the plane μ crosses the ribs AB, BC, CD And D.A. tetrahedron ABCD at points A 1, B 1, C 1, D 1, That (2).

Conversely, if for four points A 1, B 1, C 1, D 1, lying respectively on the edges AB, BC, CD, DA tetrahedron, equality (2) is satisfied, then these four points lie in the same plane.


Let h 1, h 2, h 3, h 4- distances from points A, B, C, D accordingly to the plane μ , Then ; ; ; .

It remains to multiply the resulting ratios.

To prove the converse theorem, we construct a plane A 1, B 1, C 1. Let this plane intersect edge DA at point T.

According to proven , and by condition , therefore (and by lemma) points T And D 1 coincide. The statement is proven.

§2. Ceva's theorem

Ceva's theorem for a triangle.

Let the points A 1, B 1, C 1 lie respectively on the sides Sun, AC And VA triangle ABC(see pic). In order for the segments AA 1, BB 1, SS 1 intersect at one point, it is necessary and sufficient for the relation to hold: (3) (segments AA 1, BB 1, SS 1 sometimes called cevians).


Necessity. Let the segments AA 1 , BB 1, SS 1 intersect at a point M inside the triangle ABC .

Let us denote by S 1, S 2, S 3 area of ​​triangles AMC, SMV, AMV, and through h 1, h 2- distances from points A And IN to a straight line MS. Then similarly , . Having multiplied the resulting proportions, we are convinced of the validity of the theorem.

Adequacy. Let the points A 1, B 1, C 1 lie on the sides BC, SA, AS triangle, and relation (3) is satisfied, M- point of intersection of segments AA 1 And BB 1, and the segment CM crosses the side AB at the point Q. Then, according to what has already been proven , . The lemma again implies that the points coincide Q=C 1. Sufficiency has been proven.

Let us now turn to the spatial generalization of Ceva's theorem.

Ceva's theorem for the tetrahedron.

Let M- a point inside a tetrahedron ABCD, A A 1, B 1, C 1 and D 1- points of intersection of planes SMD , AMD, AMB And SMV with ribs AB, B C , CD And D.A. respectively. Then (4). Reverse: if for points , then the planes ABC , BCD 1 And DAB 1 pass through one point.


The need is easy to obtain if you notice that the points A 1, B 1, C 1, D 1 lie in the same plane (this plane passes through the straight lines A 1 C 1 And B 1 D 1, intersecting at a point M), and apply Menelaus' theorem. The inverse theorem is proven in the same way as the inverse of Menelaus’ theorem in space: you need to draw a plane through the points A 1, B 1, C 1 and prove using the lemma that this plane intersects the edge D.A. at the point D 1 .

§3. Properties of medians and bimedians of a tetrahedron

The median of a tetrahedron is a segment connecting the vertex of the tetrahedron with the center of gravity of the opposite face (the point of intersection of the medians).

Theorem (Application of Menelaus' theorem).

The medians of a tetrahedron intersect at one point. This point divides each median in a ratio of 3:1, counting from the vertex.


Let's take two medians: DD 1 And CC 1 tetrahedron ABCD. These medians will intersect at the point F . C.L.– median of the face ABC , D.L.– median of the face ABD, A D 1 , C 1 – centers of gravity of the face ABC And ABD. According to Menelaus' theorem: and . Let's write down the theorem for the triangle DLD 1 : ; => The proof is similar for any other pair of medians.

Theorem (Application of Ceva's theorem).

First, let's define some elements of the tetrahedron. The segment connecting the midpoints of the crossing edges of a tetrahedron is called a bimedian. Bi-altitudes (by analogy) are the common perpendiculars of crossing edges.


The bimedians of a tetrahedron intersect at the same point as the medians of a tetrahedron.


In a triangle LDC segments DC And LF intersect at a point K. According to Ceva's theorem for this triangle: , i.e. , CK=KD, LK – bimedian.

Note 1.

FL = FK. Menelaus's theorem for triangle DLK : , , from here LF = FK .

Note 2.

Dot F is the center of gravity of the tetrahedron. , , Means .

1.2 Different types of tetrahedrons

§1. Pythagorean tetrahedrons

A triangle is called Pythagorean if it has one right angle, and the ratio of any sides is rational (that is, using similarity, you can get a right triangle from it with integral side lengths).

By analogy with this, a tetrahedron is called Pythagorean if its plane angles at one of the vertices are right, and the ratio of any two edges is rational (from it, using similarity, one can obtain a tetrahedron with right plane angles at one of the vertices and integral edge lengths).

Let's try to derive the "Equation of Pythagorean tetrahedrons", i.e. an equation with three unknowns ξ, η, ζ such that any Pythagorean tetrahedron gives a rational solution to this equation, and vice versa, any rational solution to the equation gives a Pythagorean tetrahedron.

First we will give a way to describe all Pythagorean triangles.

The picture shows a triangle OAV- rectangular, the lengths of its legs are indicated by A And b, and the dyne of the hypotenuse is through R. We will agree to call number (1) the parameter of a right triangle OAV(or more precisely, the parameter "relative to the leg A"). Using the relation p 2 =a 2 +b 2, we have:

From these equations we directly obtain formulas expressing the ratio of the sides of a right triangle through its parameter:

And (2).

The following statement directly follows from formulas (1) and (2): in order for a right triangle to be Pythagorean, it is necessary and sufficient that the number ξ be rational. Indeed, if the triangle is Pythagorean, then from (1) it follows that ξ is rational. Conversely, if ξ is rational, then according to (2) the relations of the sides are rational, that is, a Pythagorean triangle.

Let it now OABC- a tetrahedron with flat vertex angles ABOUT straight. The lengths of the edges emanating from vertex O are denoted by a,b,c, and the lengths of the remaining edges through p, q, r .

Consider the parameters of three right triangles OAV, OVS, OSA:

Then, using formulas (2), we can express the ratio of the sides of these right triangles through their parameters:

It follows directly from (4) that the parameters ξ, η, ζ , satisfy the relation (6). This is the general equation of Pythagorean tetrahedra.

The following statement directly follows from formulas (3) - (5): in order for a tetrahedron OABC with right plane angles at the vertex O is Pythagorean, it is necessary and sufficient that the parameters ξ, η, ζ (satisfying equation (6)) were rational.

Continuing the analogy of the Pythagorean triangle with the Pythagorean tetrahedron, we will try to formulate and prove a spatial generalization of the Pythagorean theorem for rectangular tetrahedra, which, obviously, will be true for Pythagorean tetrahedra. The following lemma will help us with this.

Lemma 1.

If the area of ​​the polygon is S, then the area of ​​its projection onto the plane π is equal to , where φ - the angle between the plane π and the plane of the polygon.


The statement of the lemma is obvious for a triangle, one side of which is parallel to the line of intersection of the plane π with the plane of the polygon. In fact, the length of this side does not change during projection, but the length of the height lowered onto it during projection changes in cosφ once.

Let us now prove that any polyhedron can be divided into triangles of the indicated type.

To do this, let us draw straight lines through all the vertices of the polygon, parallel to the lines of intersection of the planes, and the polygon will be cut into triangles and trapezoids. It remains to cut each trapezoid along any of its diagonals.

Theorem 1(spatial Pythagorean theorem).

In a rectangular tetrahedron ABCD, with flat corners at the apex D, the sum of the squared areas of its three rectangular faces is equal to the squared area of ​​the face ABC .


Let α be the angle between the planes ABC And DBC, D"- point projection D to the plane ABC. Then S ΔDBC =СosαS ΔАBC And S ΔD"BC = c оsαS ΔDBC(by Lemma 1), therefore c оsα = . S Δ D " B.C. = .

Similar equalities can be obtained for triangles D"AB And D"AC. Adding them up and taking into account that the sum of the areas of the triangles D"Sun , D"AC And D"AB equal to the area of ​​the triangle ABC, we get what we need.


Let all plane angles at a vertex D straight; a , b , c– the length of the edges emerging from the vertex D to the plane ABC. Then


According to the Pythagorean theorem for a rectangular tetrahedron

On the other side

1= ) => .

§2. Orthocentric tetrahedra

Unlike a triangle, whose altitudes always intersect at one point - the orthocenter, not every tetrahedron has a similar property. A tetrahedron whose altitudes intersect at one point is called orthocentric. We will begin our study of orthocentric tetrahedra with necessary and sufficient conditions for orthocentricity, each of which can be taken to define an orthocentric tetrahedron.

(1) The altitudes of the tetrahedron intersect at one point.

(2) The bases of the altitudes of the tetrahedron are the orthocenters of the faces.

(3) Every two opposite edges of a tetrahedron are perpendicular.

(4) The sums of the squares of opposite edges of the tetrahedron are equal.

(5) The segments connecting the midpoints of opposite edges of the tetrahedron are equal.

(6) The products of the cosines of opposite dihedral angles are equal.

(7) The sum of the squares of the areas of the faces is four times less than the sum of the squares of the products of opposite edges.

Let's prove some of them.

Proof (3).

Let every two opposite edges of the tetrahedron be perpendicular.

Consequently, the altitudes of the tetrahedron intersect in pairs. If several lines intersect in pairs, then they lie in the same plane or pass through one point. The heights of a tetrahedron cannot lie in the same plane, since otherwise its vertices would also lie in the same plane, so they intersect at one point.

Generally speaking, in order for the heights of a tetrahedron to intersect at one point, it is necessary and sufficient to require the perpendicularity of only two pairs of opposite edges. The proof of this proposition follows directly from the following problem.

Task 1.

Given an arbitrary tetrahedron ABCD. Prove that .


Let a= , b= , c=. Then , and, adding these equalities, we obtain the required.

Let a= , b= and c=. Equality 2 + 2 = 2 + 2 , What do you want. (a,c)=0. Applying this algorithm to other pairs of opposite edges, we obviously obtain the desired statement.

Let us present the proof of property (6).

To prove this we use the following theorems:

Theorem of sines. “The product of the lengths of two opposite edges of a tetrahedron, divided by the product of the sines of the dihedral angles at these edges, is the same for all three pairs of opposite edges of the tetrahedron.”

Bertschneider's theorem. "If a And b are the lengths of two crossing edges of the tetrahedron, and are the dihedral angles at these edges, then the value does not depend on the choice of a pair of crossing edges.

Using the sine theorem for the tetrahedron and Bertschneider’s theorem, we find that the products of the cosines of opposite dihedral angles are equal if and only if the sums of squares of opposite edges are equal, from which the validity of property (6) of an orthocentric tetrahedron follows.

To conclude the point about the orthocentric tetrahedron, we will solve several problems on this topic.

Task 2.

Prove that the relation is true in an orthocentric tetrahedron OH 2 =4R 2 -3d 2, Where ABOUT- the center of the described sphere, H- point of intersection of heights, R- radius of the circumscribed sphere, d - distance between the midpoints of opposite edges.


Let TO And L- middle of ribs AB And CD respectively. Dot N lie in a plane passing through CD perpendicular AB, and point ABOUT- in a plane passing through TO perpendicular AB.

These planes are symmetrical relative to the center of mass of the tetrahedron - the middle of the segment KL. Considering such planes for all edges, we find that the points N And ABOUT symmetrical about M, which means KLMO- parallelogram. The squares of its sides are equal and, therefore, . Considering a section passing through a point M parallel AB And CD, we get that AB 2 +CD 2 =4d 2 .

Here we can add that the line on which the points lie Oh, M And N, is called the Euler straight line of an orthocentric tetrahedron.


Along with the Euler straight line, we can note the existence of Euler spheres for an orthocentric terahedra, which will be discussed in the following problems.

Task 3.

Prove that for an orthocentric tetrahedron of a circle, 9 points of each face belong to one sphere (a sphere of 24 points). To solve this problem it is necessary to prove the condition of the following problem.

Task 4.

Prove that the midpoints of the sides of the triangle, the bases of the heights and the midpoints of the segments of heights from the vertices to their intersection point lie on the same circle - the circle of 9 points (Euler).


Let ABC- this triangle, N- the point of intersection of its heights, A 1, B 1, C 1- midpoints of segments AN, VN, SN; AA 2- heights, A 3- middle Sun. For convenience, we will assume that ABC- acute triangle. Because the B 1 A 1 C 1 = YOU And ΔB 1 A 2 C 1 =ΔB 1 NS 1, That B 1 A 2 C 1 =B 1 NS=180° - B 1 A 1 C 1, i.e. points A 1, B 1, A 2, C 1 lie on the same circle. It is also easy to see that B 1 A 3 C 1 = B 1 NS = 180° - B 1 A 1 C 1, i.e. points A 1, B 1, A 3, C 1 also lie on the same (and therefore on the same) circle. It follows that all 9 points mentioned in the condition lie on the same circle. The case of an obtuse triangle ABC is treated similarly.

Note that the circle of 9 points is homothetic to the circumcircle with the center at H and the coefficient (this is how the triangles are arranged ABC And A 1 B 1 C 1). On the other hand, the 9-point circle is homothetic to the circumcircle centered at the intersection point of the triangle's medians ABC and a coefficient (this is how triangles ABC and a triangle with vertices in the middle of its sides are located).

Now, after defining a circle of 9 points, we can move on to proving the conditions of problem 3.


The section of an orthocentric tetrahedron by any plane parallel to the opposite edges and passing at an equal distance from these edges is a rectangle, the diagonals of which are equal to the distance between the midpoints of the opposite edges of the tetrahedron (all these distances are equal to each other, see the necessary and sufficient condition for orthocentricity (5). Hence it follows that the midpoints of all the edges of the orthocentric tetrahedron lie on the surface of a sphere, the center of which coincides with the center of gravity of the given tetrahedron, and the diameter is equal to the distance between the midpoints of the opposite edges of the tetrahedron.This means that all four circles of 9 points lie on the surface of this sphere.

Task 5.

Prove that for an orthocentric tetrahedron, the centers of gravity and the points of intersection of the heights of the faces, as well as the points dividing the segments of each height of the tetrahedron from the vertex to the point of intersection of the heights in a ratio of 2: 1, lie on the same sphere (sphere of 12 points).


Let the points Oh, M And N- respectively, the center of a circumscribed sphere, the center of gravity and the orthocenter of an orthocentric tetrahedron; M- the middle of the segment HE(see task 2). The centers of gravity of the faces of the tetrahedron serve as the vertices of a homothetic tetrahedron, with the center of homothety at the point M and coefficient , with this homothety point ABOUT will go to point O 1, located on the segment MN So , O 1 will be the center of the sphere passing through the centers of gravity of the faces.

On the other hand, the points dividing the segments of the heights of the tetrahedron from the vertices to the orthocenter in the ratio 2:1 serve as the vertices of a tetrahedron homothetic to the given one with the center of homothety at N and coefficient. With this homothety the point ABOUT, as is easy to see, will go to the same point O 1. Thus, eight of the twelve points lie on the surface of the sphere centered at O 1 and a radius three times smaller than the radius of the sphere circumscribed around the tetrahedron.

Let us prove that the points of intersection of the heights of each face lie on the surface of the same sphere.

Let O`, N` And M`- the center of the circumscribed circle, the point of intersection of the heights and the center of gravity of any face. O` And N` are projections of points ABOUT And N to the plane of this face, and the segment M` divides a segment O`N` in a ratio of 1:2, counting from O`(a known planimetric fact). Now it is easy to verify (see figure) that the projection O 1 on the plane of this face - a point O` 1 coincides with the middle of the segment M`N`, i.e. O 1 equidistant from M` And N`, which is what was required.

§3. Framework tetrahedrons

A frame tetrahedron is a tetrahedron for which there is a sphere touching all six edges of the tetrahedron. Not every tetrahedron is framed. For example, it is easy to understand that it is impossible to construct a sphere touching all the edges of an isohedral tetrahedron if its described parallelepiped is “long”.

Let us list the properties of the frame tetrahedron.

(1) There is a sphere touching all the edges of the tetrahedron.

(2) The sums of the lengths of the crossing edges are equal.

(3) The sums of dihedral angles at opposite edges are equal.

(4) Circles inscribed in faces touch in pairs.

(5) All quadrilaterals resulting from the development of a tetrahedron are described.

(6) Perpendiculars restored to the faces from the centers of the circles inscribed in them intersect at one point.

Let us prove several properties of the frame tehedron.

Proof (2).

Let ABOUT- the center of a sphere touching four edges at internal points. Let us now note that if from the point X draw tangents XP And XQ to a sphere with center ABOUT, then the points R And Q symmetrical about a plane passing through a straight line XO and the middle of the segment PQ, which means planes ROH And QOX form with a plane XPQ equal angles.

Let's draw 4 planes passing through point O and the considered edges of the tetrahedron. They break each of the dihedral angles in question into two dihedral angles. It was shown above that the resulting dihedral angles adjacent to one face of the tetrahedron are equal. Both one and the other considered sum of dihedral angles includes one resulting angle for each face of the tetrahedron. Carrying out similar reasoning for other pairs of crossing edges, we obtain the validity of property (2).

Let us recall some properties of the described quadrilateral:

a) A plane quadrilateral will be circumscribed if and only if the sums of its opposite sides are equal;

b) If the circumscribed quadrilateral is divided diagonally into two triangles, then the circles inscribed in the triangles touch

Given these properties, it is easy to prove the remaining properties of the frame tetrahedron. Property (3) of the tetrahedron follows directly from property (b), and property (4) from property (a) and property (1) of the tetrahedron. Property (5) from property (3). Indeed, the circles inscribed in the faces of the tetrahedron are the intersections of its faces with a sphere touching the edges, from which it is obvious that the perpendiculars restored at the centers of the circles inscribed in the faces will inevitably intersect at the center of this sphere.

Task 1.

The sphere touches the edges AB, BC, CD And D.A. tetrahedron ABCD at points L, M, N, K, which are the vertices of the square. Prove that if this sphere touches an edge AC, then it also touches the edge BD .


According to conditions KLMN- square. Let's draw through the points K, L, M, N planes tangent to the sphere. Because all these planes are equally inclined to the plane KLMN, then they intersect at one point S, located on a straight line OO 1, where is the center of the sphere, and O 1- center of the square. These planes intersect the surface of the square KLMN by square TUVW, the midpoints of the sides of which are points K, L, M, N. In a tetrahedral angle STUVW with vertex S, all plane angles are equal, and the points K, L, M, N lie on the bisectors of its plane angles, and SK=SL=SM=SN. Hence,

SA=SC And SD=SB, which means AK=AL=CM=CN And ВL=BM=DN=DK. By condition AC also touches the ball, so A C =AK+CN=2AK. And since S.K.- angle bisector DSA, That DK:KA=DS:SA=DВ:AC. From equality AC=2AC it follows now that DВ=2DK. Let R- the middle of the segment , Then R lies on a straight line SO. Triangles DOK And DOP are equal, because DK=DP And DKO=DPO=90°. That's why OR=OK=R, Where R is the radius of the sphere, which means D.B. also applies to the sphere.

§4. Isohedral tetrahedrons

An isohedral tetrahedron is one in which all sides are equal. To imagine an isohedral tetrahedron, let’s take an arbitrary acute triangle made of paper and bend it along the middle lines. Then the three vertices will converge at one point, and the halves of the sides will close together, forming the side edges of the tetrahedron.

(0) The faces are congruent.

(1) Crossing edges are equal in pairs.

(2) Trihedral angles are equal.

(3) Opposite dihedral angles are equal.

(4) Two plane angles resting on one edge are equal.

(5) The sum of the plane angles at each vertex is 180°.

(6) Development of a tetrahedron - triangle or parallelogram.

(7) The described parallelepiped is rectangular.

(8) The tetrahedron has three axes of symmetry.

(9) Common perpendiculars of crossing edges in pairs


(10) The midlines are perpendicular in pairs.

(11) The perimeters of the faces are equal.

(12) The areas of the faces are equal.

(13) The heights of the tetrahedron are equal.

(14) The segments connecting the vertices with the centers of gravity of opposite faces are equal.

(15) The radii of the circles described around the faces are equal.

(16) The center of gravity of the tetrahedron coincides with the center of the circumscribed sphere.

(17) The center of gravity coincides with the center of the inscribed sphere.

(18) The center of the circumscribed sphere coincides with the center of the inscribed sphere.

(19) The inscribed sphere touches the faces at the centers described about these

edges of circles.

(20) Sum of outer unit normals (unit vectors,

perpendicular to the faces) is equal to zero.

(21) The sum of all dihedral angles is zero.

Almost all properties of an isohedral tetrahedron follow from its

definitions, so we will prove only some of them.

Proof (16).

Because tetrahedron ABCD isohedral, then by property (1) AB=CD. Let the point TO segment AB, and point L midpoint DC, hence the segment KL bimedian of a tetrahedron ABCD, from which it follows from the properties of tetrahedron medians that the point ABOUT- the middle of the segment KL, is the center of gravity of the tetrahedron ABCD .

In addition, the medians of the tetrahedron intersect at the center of gravity, the point ABOUT, and are divided by this point in a ratio of 3:1, counting from the top. Next, taking into account the above and property (14) of an isohedral tetrahedron, we obtain the following equality of segments AO=BO=CO=DO, from which it follows that the point ABOUT is the center of a circumscribed sphere (by definition, circumscribed about a polyhedron of a sphere).

Back. Let TO And L- middle of ribs AB And CD accordingly, point ABOUT- the center of the described sphere of the tetrahedron, i.e. midpoint KL. Because ABOUT is the center of the circumscribed sphere of the tetrahedron, then the triangles AOB And C.O.D.- isosceles with equal sides and equal medians OK And OL. That's why ΔAOB =ΔCOD. Which means AB=CD. The equality of other pairs of opposite edges is proved in a similar way, from which, by property (1) of an isohedral tetrahedron, the desired result will follow.

Proof (17).

Consider the bisector of the dihedral angle at the edge AB, it will divide the segment DC with respect to the areas of the faces ABD And ABC .

Because tetrahedron ABCD isohedral, then by property (12) S ΔABD =S ΔABD =>DL=LC, which implies that the bisector ABL contains bimedian KL. Applying similar reasoning for the remaining dihedral angles, and taking into account the fact that the bisectors of the tetrahedron intersect at one point, which is the center of the inscribed sphere, we obtain that this point will inevitably be the center of gravity of this isohedral tetrahedron.

Back. From the fact that the center of gravity and the center of the inscribed sphere coincide, we have the following: DL=LC=>SABD=SADC. Proving in a similar way that all faces are equal in size and applying property (12) of an isohedral tetrahedron, we obtain what we are looking for.

Now let's prove property (20). To do this, you first need to prove one of the properties of an arbitrary tetrahedron.

tetrahedron theorem school textbook

Lemma 1.

If the lengths of the vectors perpendicular to the faces of the tetrahedron are numerically equal to the areas of the corresponding faces, then the sum of these vectors is zero.


Let X- point inside and polyhedron, h i (i=1,2,3,4)- distance from it to the plane i-th edge.

Let us cut the polyhedron into pyramids with a vertex X, the bases of which are its edges. Volume of a tetrahedron V equal to the sum of the volumes of these pyramids, i.e. 3 V=∑h i S i, Where S i square i-th edge. Let further n i is the unit vector of the external normal to the i-th face, M i is an arbitrary point of this face. Then h i =(ХM i, S i n i), That's why 3V=∑h i S i =∑(ХM i, S i n i)=(ХО, S i n i)+(ОM i, S i n i)=(ХО, ∑S i n i)+3V, Where ABOUT is some fixed point of the tetrahedron, therefore, ∑S i n i =0 .

It is further obvious that property (20) of an isohedral tetrahedron is a special case of the above lemma, where S 1 =S 2 =S 3 =S 4 =>n 1 =n 2 =n 3 =n 4, and since the areas of the faces are not equal to zero, we obtain the correct equality n 1 +n 2 +n 3 +n 4 =0 .

To conclude the story about the isohedral tetrahedron, we present several problems on this topic.

Task 1.

A straight line passing through the center of mass of the tetrahedron and the center of the sphere circumscribed around it intersects the edges AB And CD. Prove that AC=BD And AD=BC .


The center of mass of the tetrahedron lies on the straight line connecting the midpoints of the edges AB And CD .

Consequently, the center of the circumscribed sphere of the tetrahedron lies on this line, which means that the indicated line is perpendicular to the edges AB And CD. Let C` And D`- projections of points C And D to a plane passing through a line AB parallel CD. Because AC`BD`- parallelogram (by construction), then AC=BD And AD=BC .

Task 2.

Let h- height of an isohedral tetrahedron, h 1 And h 2- segments into which one of the heights of a face is divided by the point of intersection of the heights of this face. Prove that h 2 =4h 1 h 2; also prove that the base of the height of the tetrahedron and the point of intersection of the heights of the face on which this height is lowered are symmetrical with respect to the center of the circle circumscribed about this face.


Let ABCD- this tetrahedron, D.H.- his high, DA 1, DB 1, DC 1- the heights of the faces dropped from the vertex D to the sides BC, SA and AB .

Let's cut the surface of the tetrahedron along the edges DA, DB, DC, and let's do a sweep. It's obvious that N is the point of intersection of the altitudes of the triangle D 1 D 2 D 3. Let F- point of intersection of the altitudes of the triangle ABC, AK- the height of this triangle, АF=h 1 , FК=h 2. Then D 1 Н=2h 1 , D 1 A 1 =h 1 -h 2 .

So, since h- the height of our tetrahedron, h 2 =DH 2 =DA 2 - NA 1 2 = (h 1+ h 2) 2 - (h 1 - h 2) 2 =4h 1 h 2. Let it now M- center of gravity of the triangle ABC(aka the center of gravity of the triangle D 1 D 2 D 3), ABOUT- the center of the circle described around it. It is known that F, M And ABOUT lie on the same straight line (Euler's straight line), and M- between F And ABOUT , FM =2MO, On the other hand, triangle D 1 D 2 D 3 homothetic to a triangle ABC centered at M and coefficient (-2), which means MH=2FM. It follows that OH=FO .

Task 3.

Prove that in an isohedral tetrahedron the bases of the heights, the midpoints of the heights and the points of intersection of the heights of the faces lie on the surface of one sphere (a sphere of 12 points).


Solving problem 2, we proved that the center of a sphere circumscribed about a tetrahedron is projected onto each face into the middle of a segment, the ends of which are the base of the height lowered to this face and the point of intersection of the heights of this face. And since the distance from the center of the sphere described about the tetrahedron to the face is equal to , where h is the height of the tetrahedron, the center of the circumscribed sphere is removed from these points at a distance where A- the distance between the point of intersection of the heights and the center of the circle described about the edge.

§5. Incentric tetrahedrons

The segments connecting the centers of gravity of the faces of the tetrahedron with opposite vertices (medians of the tetrahedron) always intersect at one point, this point is the center of gravity of the tetrahedron. If in this condition we replace the centers of gravity of the faces with the orthocenters of the faces, then it will turn into a new definition of an orthocentric tetrahedron. If we replace them with the centers of circles inscribed in the faces, sometimes called incenters, we get the definition of a new class of tetrahedra - incentric.

The characteristics of the class of incentric tetrahedrons are also quite interesting.

(1) The segments connecting the vertices of the tetrahedron with the centers of circles inscribed in opposite faces intersect at one point.

(2) The bisectors of the angles of two faces drawn to the common edge of these faces have a common base.

(3) The products of the lengths of opposite edges are equal.

(4) The triangle formed by the second intersection points of three edges emerging from one vertex with any sphere passing through the three ends of these edges is equilateral.

Proof (2).

By property (1), if DF, BE, CF, AM- bisectors of corresponding angles in triangles ABC And FBD, then the segments KS And LD will have a common point I(see pic). If straight DK And CL do not intersect at a point F, then obviously KS And D.L. do not intersect, which cannot be (by the definition of an incentric tetrahedron).

Proof (3).

Taking into account property (2) and the property of the bisector, we obtain the following relations:

; .

§6. Commensurate tetrahedrons

Tetrahedra are called commensurate if they have

(1) Bi-heights are equal.

(2) The projection of a tetrahedron onto a plane perpendicular to any bimedian is a rhombus.

(3) The faces of the described parallelepiped are equal in size.

(4) 4a 2 a 1 2 - (b 2 +b 1 2 -c 2 -c 1 2) 2 =4b 2 b 1 2 - (c 2 +c 1 2 -a 2 -a 1 2) 2 =4c 2 c 1 2 - (a 2 +a 1 2 -b 2 -b 1 2) 2, Where A And a 1 , b And b 1 , With And from 1- lengths of opposite ribs.

To prove the equivalence of definitions (1) - (4), it is enough to note that the biheights of a tetrahedron are equal to the heights of the parallelogram, which is its projection, mentioned in property (2), and the heights of the described parallelepiped, and that the square of the area of ​​the parallelepiped containing, say, an edge With, is equal to , and the scalar product is expressed through the edges of the tetrahedron according to formula (4).

Let us add two more conditions of proportionality here:

(5) For each pair of opposite edges of a tetrahedron, the planes drawn through one of them and the middle of the second are perpendicular.

(6) A sphere can be inscribed into the described parallelepiped of a commensurate tetrahedron.

§7. Regular tetrahedrons

If the edges of a tetrahedron are equal to each other, then the trihedral, dihedral, and plane angles will be equal to each other. In this case, the tetrahedron is called regular. Note also that such a tetrahedron is orthocentric, frame-shaped, equihedral, incentric, and commensurate.

Note 1.

If the tetrahedron is isohedral and belongs to one of the following types of tetrahedra: orthocentric, frame, incentric, commensurate, then it will be regular.

Note 2.

A tetrahedron is regular if it belongs to any two types of tetrahedra from the following: orthocentric, frame, incentric, commensurate, equihedral.

Properties of a regular tetrahedron:

Each of its vertices is the vertex of three triangles. This means that the sum of the plane angles at each vertex will be equal to 180º

(0) An octahedron can be inscribed into a regular tetrahedron, moreover, four (out of eight) faces of the octahedron will be combined with four faces of the tetrahedron, all six vertices of the octahedron will be combined with the centers of six edges of the tetrahedron.

(1) A regular tetrahedron consists of one inscribed octahedron (in the center) and four tetrahedra (at the vertices), and the edges of these tetrahedra and the octahedron are half the size of the edges of a regular tetrahedron

(2) A regular tetrahedron can be inscribed in a cube in two ways, and the four vertices of the tetrahedron will be aligned with the four vertices of the cube.

(3) A regular tetrahedron can be inscribed in an icosahedron, moreover, the four vertices of the tetrahedron will be combined with the four vertices of the icosahedron.

Task 1.

Prove that the intersecting edges of a regular tetrahedron are mutually perpendicular.


Let D.H. height of a regular tetrahedron, point H is the center of a regular tetrahedron Δ ABC . Then the projection of the segment AD onto the plane of the base ABC will be the segment B.H. . Because B.H.A.C. , then by the theorem of three perpendiculars the inclined BDA.C. .

Task 2.

Given a regular tetrahedron MAVS with edge 1. find the distance between the lines AL And MO, Where L- middle of the rib MS , ABOUT-face center ABC.


1. The distance between two crossing lines is the length of the perpendicular drawn from one line to a plane parallel to this line and containing the second line.

2. We build a projection A.K. segment AL to the plane ABC. Plane AKL perpendicular to the plane ABC, parallel to the line M.O. and contains a direct AL. This means that the required length is the length of the perpendicular ON, dropped from the point O To A.K. .

3. Let's find S Δ KHA two ways.

S Δ = .

On the other side: S Δ KHA =

therefore ρ.

Let's find ON : ρ= .

Task 3.

Each edge of a triangular pyramid PABC equals 1; BD– height of the triangle ABC. Equilateral triangle BDE lies in a plane forming an angle ϕ with rib A.C., and the points P And E lie on one side of the plane ABC. Find the distance between points P And E .

Solution. Since all the edges of the pyramid PABC are equal, this is a regular tetrahedron. Let M– center of the base ABC , N– orthogonal projection of the vertex E equilateral triangle BDE to the plane ABC ,K– middle BD ,F– the base of a perpendicular dropped from a point E to the height P.M. tetrahedron PABC. Because E.K. BD, then by the theorem of three perpendiculars N.K. BD, That's why EKN– linear angle of the dihedral angle formed by the planes ABC And BDE, and because NK || A.C., That EKN = ϕ . Next we have:

BD = , M.D. = , KD = , BD = , P.M. = ,

K.M. = KD - M.D. = - = , E.K. = BD · = , EN = E.K. sin ϕ = sin ϕ ,

NK = EKcos ϕ = cos ϕ , MN 2= NK 2+KM 2 = cos 2ϕ + ,

P.E. 2= EF 2+PF 2= MN 2 + (PM - MF)2= MN 2 + (PM - EN)2 =

= cos 2ϕ + + ( - sin ϕ )2 = cos 2ϕ + + - sin ϕ + sin 2ϕ == + + - sin ϕ = - sin ϕ = - sin ϕ .


PE = = .

Task 4.

Find the angles between the crossing heights of adjacent faces of the tetrahedron.


Case No. 1.

Let B.K. And DF– heights of edges ABC And BCD. BK, FD = α . Let us denote the length of the edge of the tetrahedron as a. Let's carry out FL || B.K., Then α = DFL . , KL=LC.


; ; ; .

Case No. 2 (the height is located differently).

B.K. And CN– heights of edges ABC And BCD. Let's carry out FP || CN And FL || B.K. . ; . We'll find LP .DO– height of a regular tetrahedron, DO = , Q– projection P to the plane ABC , . ,

Let us write the cosine theorem for Δ LFP :

Since the angle between straight lines is, by definition, acute

Chapter II. Tetrahedron in a high school math course

§1. Comparative characteristics of the presentation of the topic “tetrahedron” in school textbooks

In a school geometry course, quite a lot of time is devoted to studying the basics of the “Tetrahedron” topic. There are practically no methodological problems in teaching this topic, since students know what a pyramid is (including a triangular one), both from propaedeutic courses in previous years of mathematics education and from life experience. A regular tetrahedron is associated with its flat counterpart - a regular triangle, and equality of sides with equality of edges or faces.

However, problems in studying the topic for students exist, and different textbooks try to solve them in different ways (the order of presentation of theoretical material, the level of complexity of problems, etc.). Let us give a brief description of common geometry textbooks in the aspect of studying the tetrahedron.

Presentation of the topic “Tetrahedron” in the textbook “Geometry” for grades 10-11 Atanasyan L. S. et al.

IN basic in the textbook “Geometry” for grades 10-11 of high school by L. S. Atanasyan and others, information about the tetrahedron can be found in 7 paragraphs (12, 14, 28, 29, 32, 33, 69).

The authors of the textbook define a tetrahedron as a surface made up of four triangles. From the theoretical basis of the textbook for grade 10, you can gain knowledge about the faces, edges and vertices of the tetrahedron, the construction of sections of the tetrahedron by a plane, and the calculation of the area of ​​the total surface of the tetrahedron, incl. and truncated (Chapter III, § 2 “Pyramid”).

The theoretical material of the textbook is presented compactly and stylistically uniformly. Some theoretical material is located in the practical part of the textbook (proofs of some theorems are given in problems). The practical material of the textbook is divided into two levels of difficulty (there are so-called “tasks of increased difficulty”, marked with a special symbol “*”). In addition, at the end of the textbook there is a problem book with problems of high complexity, some of which concern the tetrahedron. Let's look at some of the problems in the textbook.

Problem solving.

Problem 1 (No. 300). In a regular triangular pyramid DABC points E, F and P- midpoints of the sides B.C. , AB and A.D.. Determine the type of section and find its area if the side of the base of the pyramid is equal to a, the side edge is equal b.


We construct a section with a plane passing through the points E, F, P. Let's draw the middle line of the triangle ABC , E.F. || A.C. ,

E.F. || AC, A A C lies in pl. D C.A., Means E.F. || pl. DCA. The cutting plane will intersect the face DCA in a straight line P.K.

Because the section plane passes through the straight line E.F. parallel to the plane DCA and intersects the plane DCA, then the line of intersection PK parallel to the line E.F.

Let's build on the edge BDA line segment FP, and on the verge BDC- line segment E.K. Quadrangle EFOK and is the desired section. E.F. || AC, PK || E.F. || AC, , , Means .

Because PK || EF and PK = E.F. That EFPK- parallelogram. Thus, EK || EP, EP- midline of triangle BCD .

Angle between intersecting lines D.B. And C.A. equals 90 °. Let's prove it. Let's build the height of the pyramid DO. Dot O- center of a regular triangle ABC. Let's continue the segment B.O. until it intersects with the side A.C. at the point M. In a right triangle ABC: BM- height, median and bisector, therefore. We have that , , then based on the perpendicularity of the line and the plane , Then .

Because , PK || C.A. And E.K. || BD, then EFPK- rectangle.


Problem 2 (No. 692).

The base of the pyramid is a right triangle with legs a And b. Each of its lateral edges is inclined to the plane of the base at an angle φ . Find the volume of the pyramid


ABCD- pyramid, corner ABC- rectangular , AC = b, BC = a, angles DAO, DBO, DCO are equal. We'll find VDABC0.

1) ∆DAO=∆ADC=∆DBO along the leg and acute angle, which means AO=OC=OB=R circle circumscribed about ∆ABC. Because . ∆ABC - rectangular then .

2) From DOC : ; .

3) ; ; .

Presentation of the topic “Tetrahedron” in the textbook “Geometry” for grades 7-11 Pogorelova A.V.

In another basic textbook by A.V. Pogorelova and other theoretical material to one degree or another concerning the topic “Tetrahedron” is contained in paragraphs 176-180, 186, 192, 199, 200.

Paragraph 180 “Regular polyhedra” contains a definition of the concept of “regular tetrahedron” (“A tetrahedron is a triangular pyramid in which all edges are equal”), the proof of some properties and theorems about the pyramid is illustrated with drawings of the tetrahedron. However, in this textbook there is no emphasis on studying the figure, and in this sense its information content (regarding the tetrahedron) can be assessed as low. The practical material of the textbook contains a satisfactory number of tasks concerning a pyramid, at the base of which there is a triangle (which is essentially a tetrahedron). Let us give examples of solving some problems.

Problem solving.

Problem 1 (No. 41 from the paragraph “Polyhedra”).

The base of the pyramid is an isosceles triangle, the base of which is 12 cm, and the side is 10 cm. The side faces form equal dihedral angles with the base, each containing 45°. Find the height of the pyramid.


Let's draw a perpendicular SO to the plane of the base and perpendiculars S.K., S.M. And SN to the sides ΔABC. Then, by the theorem of three perpendiculars OK BC, OM AC and ON AB.

Then, SKO = SMO = SNO = 45° - as linear angles of given dihedral angles. Therefore, right triangles SKO, SMO and SNO are equal in leg and acute angle . So OK=OM=ON, that is the point ABOUT is the center of a circle inscribed in ΔABC.

Let's express the area of ​​the rectangle ABC:

On the other side , . So ; OK=r=3 cm. Since in a right triangle SOK acute angle is 45° , That ΔSOK is isosceles and SO=OK= 3(cm) .

Problem 2 (No. 43 from the paragraph “Volumes of polyhedra”).

Find the volume of a pyramid whose base is a triangle with two corners a and β; circumscribed circle radius R. The lateral edges of the pyramid are inclined to the plane of its base at an angle γ.


Since all the lateral edges of the pyramid are inclined to the plane of the base at the same angle, then the height of the pyramid is O 1 O passes through the center of a circle circumscribed near the base. So

In ΔABC. Then according to the sine theorem

So , , =


Area of ​​a triangle :

Then .

Presentation of the topic “Tetrahedron” in the textbook “Geometry” for grades 10-11 Aleksandrova A.D.

Let's consider the textbook by A.D. Aleksandrov. and others. “Geometry: a textbook for 11th grade students. with in-depth study of mathematics." There are no separate paragraphs devoted to the tetrahedron in this textbook, but the topic is present in the form of fragments of other paragraphs.

The tetrahedron is first mentioned in §21.3. The material in this section discusses the theorem on the triangulation of a polyhedron; as an example, triangulation of a convex pyramid is performed. The very concept of “polyhedron” in the textbook is interpreted in two ways, the second definition of the concept is directly related to the tetrahedron: “A polyhedron is a figure that is the union of a finite number of tetrahedra...”. Knowledge concerning the regular pyramid and some aspects of the symmetry of the tetrahedron can be found in §23.

§26.2 describes the application of Euler's theorem (“on regular networks”) for regular polyhedra (including the tetrahedron), and §26.4 discusses the types of symmetries characteristic of these figures.

Also, in the textbook you can find information about the midline of the tetrahedron, the center of mass (§35.5) and the class of isohedral tetrahedra. Motions of the first and second kind are demonstrated in the course of solving problems about tetrahedrons.

A distinctive feature of the textbook is its high scientific character, which the authors managed to combine with accessible language and a clear structure of presentation. Let us give examples of solving some problems.

Problem solving.

Task 1.

In a given regular triangular truncated pyramid with lateral edge a, we can place a sphere touching all faces and a sphere touching all edges. Find the sides of the bases of the pyramid.


Let us depict a “full” pyramid in the drawing. This pyramid, - the height of the “full” pyramid, is its part up to the upper base of the truncated one. The problem is reduced to a planimetric one, and there is no need to draw any of these spheres. Because If a sphere touching all edges can be inscribed into a truncated pyramid, then a circle can be inscribed into its side face. Let us denote , (for convenience of halving) and for the described quadrilateral we obtain that , from which

From the existence of an inscribed ball it follows that there is a semicircle located in a trapezoid (the apothem of a “full” pyramid) so that its center lies in the middle, and it itself touches the other three sides of the trapezoid.

The center of the ball, and are the points of contact. Then . Let's express these quantities through and . From : . From : . From trapezoid: . We get the equation:


Having solved the system of equations (1) and (2), we find that the sides of the bases are equal.

Problem 2 .

Inside a regular tetrahedron with an edge a four equal spheres are arranged so that each sphere touches three other spheres and three faces of the tetrahedron. Find the radius of these spheres.

Solution .

This tetrahedron, - its height, - the centers of the spheres, - the point of intersection of the straight line with the plane. Note that the centers of equal spheres tangent to the plane are removed from it at equal distances, each of which is equal to the radius of the ball (denoted as x). This means the planes are parallel, and therefore .

But what is the height of a regular tetrahedron with an edge; what is the height of a regular tetrahedron with edge 2 x ; .

All that remains is to express. Note that the point is located inside the trihedral angle and is removed from its faces by a distance , and the plane angles of the trihedral angle are equal. It's not difficult to get what . We arrive at the equation:

, from where, after simplifications, we obtain .

Presentation of the topic “Tetrahedron” in the textbook “Geometry” for grades 10-11 by Smirnova I.M.

Presentation of the topic “Tetrahedron” in a textbook for grades 10-11 in the humanities by I.M. Smirnova. The following lessons are devoted to: 18, 19, 21, 22, 28-30, 35.

After studying the theorem that “Any convex polyhedron can be composed of pyramids with a common vertex, the bases of which form the surface of the polyhedron,” Euler’s theorem is considered for some such polyhedra, in particular, the fulfillment of the conditions of the theorem is also considered for a triangular pyramid, which, in essence, , and there is a tetrahedron.

The textbook is interesting because it examines topology and topologically regular polyhedra (tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, cube, dodecahedron), whose existence is justified using the same Euler theorem.

In addition, the textbook provides a definition of the concept of “regular pyramid”; Theorems on the existence of inscribed and circumscribed spheres of a tetrahedron and some symmetry properties relating to the tetrahedron are considered. In the final lesson (35), a formula is given for finding the volume of a triangular pyramid.

This textbook is characterized by a large amount of illustrative and historical material, as well as a small amount of practical material, due to the focus of the textbook. Let's also consider the textbook by Smirnova I.M. and others for 10-11 grades of natural science.

Presentation of the topic “Tetrahedron” in the textbook “Geometry” for grades 10-11 by Smirnova I.M. and etc.

This textbook differs from the previous textbook in the layout of topics and the level of complexity of the problems proposed for solution. A distinctive feature of the presentation of the material is its division into “semesters,” of which there are four in the textbook. The tetrahedron is mentioned in the very first paragraph (“Introduction to Stereometry”), the concept of “pyramid” is defined in §3.

As in the previous textbook, the practical material is supplemented with tasks involving the development of stereometric figures. In the material in §26 you can find a theorem about a sphere inscribed in a tetrahedron. The rest of the theoretical material concerning the tetrahedron actually coincides with the materials in the textbook described above.

Problem solving.

Task 1.

Find the shortest path along the surface of a regular tetrahedron ABCD connecting the dots E And F, located at the heights of the side faces 7 cm from the corresponding vertices of the tetrahedron. The edge of a tetrahedron is 20 cm.


Let's consider the development of three faces of a tetrahedron. The shortest path will be a segment connecting the points E And F. Its length is 20 cm.

Task 2.

At the base of the pyramid lies a right triangle, one of the legs of which is 3 cm, and the acute angle adjacent to it is 30 degrees. All lateral edges of the pyramid are inclined to the plane of the base at an angle of 60 degrees. Find the volume of the pyramid.


The area of ​​triangle ABC is . The base of the height is the middle. Triangle SAC is equilateral. .

Hence, and therefore, the volume of the pyramid is equal to .


A distinctive feature of the textbook by Atanasyan L.S. etc. is that the study of the tetrahedron begins quite early, the material is scattered throughout the course and is presented at various levels of complexity. In the textbook Pogorelov A.V. the material is arranged compactly, the concept of “tetrahedron”, like the concepts of other spatial figures, is introduced quite late (at the end of 10th grade), the practical material presented in the textbook is of small volume. In the textbook Smirnova I.M. and other theoretical material, like practical material, is small in volume, practical tasks are of a low level of complexity, the textbook is distinguished by a large volume of material from the history of mathematics. In the textbook Alexandrov A.D. etc. the level of complexity of the material is higher, the material itself is more diverse, many practical tasks contain some part of the theory, there are extreme tasks and tasks in the form of questions, which makes it stand out from the rest.

§2. Testing the level of development of spatial thinking in secondary school students

Intelligence is the ability to learn or understand that is common to all humans. Some people have it to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent, but each person retains this ability practically unchanged throughout his life. It is thanks to intelligence that we are able to act correctly and learn from our mistakes.

In psychology, intelligence is defined as the ability to perceive knowledge and use it in other, fundamentally new situations. Under testing conditions, it is possible to determine how successfully a person adapts to unusual situations. Determining the level of general intellectual development through a test is quite difficult and time-consuming work, so the text of this work will use part of the intelligence testing methodology that answers the question about the level of development of spatial thinking. Spatial thinking is a specific type of mental activity that takes place in solving problems that require orientation in practical and theoretical space (both visible and imaginary). In its most developed forms, this is thinking with patterns in which spatial properties and relationships are recorded. Operating with initial images created on various visual bases, thinking ensures their modification, transformation and the creation of new images different from the original ones.

The test used (“Mini-test of the level of development of spatial thinking” from the “First IQ Test” by F. Carter, K. Russell) is universal for all age groups and takes a small amount of time (30 minutes). The text of the test and its keys can be found in “Appendix No. 1” to the diploma.

In this lesson we will look at the tetrahedron and its elements (tetrahedron edge, surface, faces, vertices). And we will solve several problems on constructing sections in a tetrahedron, using the general method for constructing sections.

Topic: Parallelism of lines and planes

Lesson: Tetrahedron. Problems on constructing sections in a tetrahedron

How to build a tetrahedron? Let's take an arbitrary triangle ABC. Any point D, not lying in the plane of this triangle. We get 4 triangles. The surface formed by these 4 triangles is called a tetrahedron (Fig. 1.). The internal points bounded by this surface are also part of the tetrahedron.

Rice. 1. Tetrahedron ABCD

Elements of a tetrahedron
A,B, C, D - vertices of a tetrahedron.
AB, A.C., AD, B.C., BD, CD - tetrahedron edges.
ABC, ABD, BDC, ADC - tetrahedron faces.

Comment: can be taken flat ABC behind tetrahedron base, and then point D is vertex of a tetrahedron. Each edge of the tetrahedron is the intersection of two planes. For example, rib AB- this is the intersection of planes ABD And ABC. Each vertex of a tetrahedron is the intersection of three planes. Vertex A lies in planes ABC, ABD, ADWITH. Dot A is the intersection of the three designated planes. This fact is written as follows: A= ABCABDACD.

Tetrahedron definition

So, tetrahedron is a surface formed by four triangles.

Tetrahedron edge- the line of intersection of two planes of the tetrahedron.

Make 4 equal triangles from 6 matches. It is impossible to solve the problem on a plane. And this is easy to do in space. Let's take a tetrahedron. 6 matches are its edges, four faces of the tetrahedron and will be four equal triangles. The problem is solved.

Given a tetrahedron ABCD. Dot M belongs to an edge of the tetrahedron AB, dot N belongs to an edge of the tetrahedron IND and period R belongs to the edge DWITH(Fig. 2.). Construct a section of a tetrahedron with a plane MNP.

Rice. 2. Drawing for problem 2 - Construct a section of a tetrahedron with a plane

Consider the face of a tetrahedron DSun. On this face of the point N And P belong to the faces DSun, and therefore the tetrahedron. But according to the condition of the point N, P belong to the cutting plane. Means, NP- this is the line of intersection of two planes: the plane of the face DSun and cutting plane. Let's assume that straight lines NP And Sun not parallel. They lie in the same plane DSun. Let's find the point of intersection of the lines NP And Sun. Let's denote it E(Fig. 3.).

Rice. 3. Drawing for problem 2. Finding point E

Dot E belongs to the section plane MNP, since it lies on the line NP, and the straight line NP lies entirely in the section plane MNP.

Also point E lies in a plane ABC, because it lies on a straight line Sun out of plane ABC.

We get that EAT- line of intersection of planes ABC And MNP, since points E And M lie simultaneously in two planes - ABC And MNP. Let's connect the dots M And E, and continue straight EAT to the intersection with the line AC. Point of intersection of lines EAT And AC let's denote Q.

So in this case NPQМ- the required section.

Rice. 4. Drawing for problem 2. Solution of problem 2

Let us now consider the case when NP parallel B.C.. If straight NP parallel to some line, for example, a straight line Sun out of plane ABC, then straight NP parallel to the entire plane ABC.

The desired section plane passes through the straight line NP, parallel to the plane ABC, and intersects the plane in a straight line MQ. So the line of intersection MQ parallel to the line NP. We get NPQМ- the required section.

Dot M lies on the side ADIN tetrahedron ABCD. Construct a section of the tetrahedron with a plane that passes through the point M parallel to the base ABC.

Rice. 5. Drawing for problem 3 Construct a section of a tetrahedron with a plane

Cutting plane φ parallel to the plane ABC according to the condition, this means that this plane φ parallel to lines AB, AC, Sun.
In plane ABD through the point M let's make a direct PQ parallel AB(Fig. 5). Straight PQ lies in a plane ABD. Similarly in the plane ACD through the point R let's make a direct PR parallel AC. Got a point R. Two intersecting lines PQ And PR plane PQR respectively parallel to two intersecting lines AB And AC plane ABC, which means planes ABC And PQR parallel. PQR- the required section. The problem is solved.

Given a tetrahedron ABCD. Dot M- internal point, point on the face of the tetrahedron ABD. N- internal point of the segment DWITH(Fig. 6.). Construct the intersection point of a line N.M. and planes ABC.

Rice. 6. Drawing for problem 4

To solve this, we will construct an auxiliary plane DMN. Let it be straight DM intersects line AB at point TO(Fig. 7.). Then, SKD- this is a section of the plane DMN and tetrahedron. In plane DMN lies and straight N.M., and the resulting straight line SK. So if N.M. not parallel SK, then they will intersect at some point R. Dot R and there will be the desired intersection point of the line N.M. and planes ABC.

Rice. 7. Drawing for problem 4. Solution of problem 4

Given a tetrahedron ABCD. M- internal point of the face ABD. R- internal point of the face ABC. N- internal point of the edge DWITH(Fig. 8.). Construct a section of a tetrahedron with a plane passing through the points M, N And R.

Rice. 8. Drawing for problem 5 Construct a section of a tetrahedron with a plane

Let us consider the first case, when the straight line MN not parallel to the plane ABC. In the previous problem we found the point of intersection of the line MN and planes ABC. This is the point TO, it is obtained using the auxiliary plane DMN, i.e. we do DM and we get a point F. We carry out CF and at the intersection MN we get a point TO.

Rice. 9. Drawing for problem 5. Finding point K

Let's make a direct KR. Straight KR lies both in the section plane and in the plane ABC. Getting the points P 1 And R 2. Connecting P 1 And M and as a continuation we get the point M 1. Connecting the dot R 2 And N. As a result, we obtain the desired section Р 1 Р 2 NM 1. The problem in the first case is solved.
Let us consider the second case, when the straight line MN parallel to the plane ABC. Plane MNP passes through a straight line MN parallel to the plane ABC and intersects the plane ABC along some straight line R 1 R 2, then straight R 1 R 2 parallel to the given line MN(Fig. 10.).

Rice. 10. Drawing for problem 5. The required section

Now let's draw a straight line R 1 M and we get a point M 1.Р 1 Р 2 NM 1- the required section.

So, we looked at the tetrahedron and solved some typical tetrahedron problems. In the next lesson we will look at a parallelepiped.

1. I. M. Smirnova, V. A. Smirnov. - 5th edition, corrected and expanded - M.: Mnemosyne, 2008. - 288 p. : ill. Geometry. Grades 10-11: textbook for students of general education institutions (basic and specialized levels)

2. Sharygin I.F. - M.: Bustard, 1999. - 208 p.: ill. Geometry. Grades 10-11: Textbook for general education institutions

3. E. V. Potoskuev, L. I. Zvalich. - 6th edition, stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 008. - 233 p. :il. Geometry. Grade 10: Textbook for general education institutions with in-depth and specialized study of mathematics

Additional web resources

2. How to construct a cross section of a tetrahedron. Mathematics ().

3. Festival of pedagogical ideas ().

Do problems at home on the topic “Tetrahedron”, how to find the edge of a tetrahedron, faces of a tetrahedron, vertices and surface of a tetrahedron

1. Geometry. Grades 10-11: textbook for students of general education institutions (basic and specialized levels) I. M. Smirnova, V. A. Smirnov. - 5th edition, corrected and expanded - M.: Mnemosyne, 2008. - 288 pp.: ill. Tasks 18, 19, 20 p. 50

2. Point E mid-rib MA tetrahedron MAVS. Construct a section of the tetrahedron with a plane passing through the points B, C And E.

3. In the tetrahedron MABC, point M belongs to the face AMV, point P belongs to the face BMC, point K belongs to the edge AC. Construct a section of the tetrahedron with a plane passing through the points M, R, K.

4. What shapes can be obtained as a result of the intersection of a tetrahedron with a plane?