Poems from different years. Andrey Novikov


A wonderful person, publisher and poet Andrei Novikov (1974-2014) died.
When this happened, I was abroad, I could not immediately respond, I could not take part in the funeral ceremony or memorial evenings.
And I have something to say. We knew each other for ten years.
Andrei was an extremely worthy person, he selflessly loved poetry and poets, he published many books, issues of the magazine “Modern Poetry” (at one time I published it), he wrote poetry himself, but he never promoted himself, which is completely unusual. I remember his occasional publications, in particular in Literaturnaya Gazeta.
Together with Andrey, we published several books, for example, poems by Anna Logvinova. He financed the book, and my publishing house, West Consulting, did the layout, layout, and we printed the collection.
And then this book received the prestigious Moscow Account award. Evgeniy Abramovich Bunimovich presented us (the publishers) with an honorary diploma. And Andrey - generously! - gave this diploma to me, although he had no less rights to it than I did. In the end, he who pays calls the tune.
One day Andrey and I had a fight. He spoke unflatteringly and rudely about my writing on the FB pages. He probably wrote everything correctly and fairly, but, of course, it was unpleasant for me.
Literally two weeks later, Andrei himself came up to me during the reception that took place after the presentation of the Delvig Prize, and publicly apologized to me. We hugged like brothers. And they never quarreled again.
Just like that - kind, noble, generous and very talented! — I remember Andrey Novikov.
Eternal memory to him!
Today we publish poems from the poet’s creative heritage.



Green Pushkin

It's spring again.
The days themselves wanted to live longer,
Moving further and further away from us
Suddenly on Pushkin Square
The monument blossomed
Where people meet.

Woke up from hibernation
Laughing, I looked at the sun,
Fragrantly swollen
Green tender buds,
And above him
Dazzling sky silk
He flashed back.

And a magical kaleidoscope
The picture is crumbling
As soon as he shakes
Curly green mane.
And people look in amazement
And greedily
This is a wonderful wonder to drink.

And the sun is above it
And gives it to the world

What a world
If you don’t see it, you won’t imagine it,
While you wait impatiently

“Laying one leg behind the other,
Velimir is sitting. He's alive."

It has been disturbing the mind for more than a century
and guards.
Life will treat you more harshly,
but you have to live.

And the world that he visibly built,
stands like Rome.
As if there were three invisible
are watching him.

The sun served him like
and bread and shelter.
And were a joyful catch
good, love.

All his belongings, clothes, utensils -
Paper bag.
And he got up from the grass in the morning
And he walked on.

Like an uncalculating heir,
opening sesame,
he lived every day as if it were his last,
and died himself.

Slava Kharchenko

Someone was crucified with lead on the wall,
When the snowstorms swept the country.
For some reason this December snow
It was blacker than the earth itself.

And the wind took someone else’s things without shame,
People lost fingers and arms.
But there were no those who wanted to cry,
Everyone wanted to play the game.

And joy baptized the world with a grin,
Mired in the troubles of his gods,
who used to be people
But no one remembered that.

The sky, squinting a gypsy eye,
He stole the stars to hide the picture,
How they filmed secretly from a stake at night
The corpse of someone who was alien to the game.

Only the New Year will subside
The Slavs will greet you
The first holiday of the year.
Morning confusion
The belfry of the streets will ring out,
The bad dreams will pass.

The quiet courtyard will be indignant;
Through the windows of my room
The whole celebration is visible:
How, surrounding the hospital,
Christmas trees in white coats
Celebrate Christmas.


Summer with you begins in February.
Frost on the glass, trees in sheep's coats.
Light colors - early winter watercolors.
Even the cold seems to be subsiding.

Your name is purple, your bangs are red.
You look with brown eyes - a gentle pool.
And then - to breathe the same dawn with you.
Know that it cannot be otherwise.

And lilacs are pouring from the bushes like spring.
The heat foreshadows a hot summer of fun.
The ring of months sends its dots and dashes...

Time can't take anything away from us!
In the fall we will also wear silver.
And kiss with relaxed lips.

The publication was prepared by Liliya GAZIZOVA

Andrey Novikov (19742014) - poet, editor. He was the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Modern Poetry” and the head of the Internet portal “Literary Poster”.

Poet, prose writer, publicist was born on December 26, 1961 in the village. Alabuzino, Bezhetsky district, Tver (Kalinin) region. He spent his childhood in Lipetsk, where he graduated from secondary school No. 17. After serving in the army, he entered the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky to the Faculty of Poetry (seminar by V. Kostrov and V. Milkov). After graduating from the institute in 1990, he worked as a correspondent, executive secretary in the newspapers Lipetsk Izvestia, Lipetskaya Gazeta, Provincial Reporter, special correspondent for RIA Novosti in the Lipetsk region, and editor-in-chief of the newspaper Gorod Lipetsk.
The first serious publication took place in the magazine “Rise” in 1984. Poems were published in district, regional and central newspapers: “Leninskoe Znamya”, “Leninets”, “Lipetskaya Gazeta”, “Lipetsk Izvestia”, “Young Communard” (Voronezh), “Literary Gazette”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”; in the magazines “Student Meridian”, “Literary Study”, “Friendship”, “Young Guard”, “Literary Kyrgyzstan”, “Workers and Peasants Correspondent”, “Working Shift” (Minsk), “Chayan” (Kazan); in the almanacs: “Origins”, “Poetry”, “Poetry Day”; in the collective collections “Handshake” (Voronezh, 1987), “Tournament” (M., 1987), “Debut in Sovremennik” (M., 1990), “Young Guard-85”, “Tverskoy Boulevard, 25” (M. .,1990).
He published his first poetry collection, “Among the Herbs,” in Voronezh in 1988 on the recommendation of S. Mikhalkov. A year later, he became a participant in the 9th All-Union Meeting of Young Writers (seminar by V. Prokushev), at which his poems were highly appreciated. As a result of the meeting in 1990, the “Library of the Magazine” “Young Guard” published a “book within a book” “Ancient Smile” (27 poems) with a foreword by V. Kostrov. Currently, the works are published in the literary magazine “Petrovsky Most”, “Rise”, “Poetry Day” (anniversary issue 2016) and are included in the book “Writers of the Lipetsk Region. Anthology. XXI century" (2015).
In 1992 he was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia. The third book of poems, “The Monkey Emperor,” was published in Lipetsk in 1993. I was noticed by the famous critic Vladimir Slavetsky, who wrote about my work in two of his books (“Continued Letters”, “Russian Poetry of the 80-90s of the 20th Century”) and several articles. Famous writers V. Tsybin and V. Kostrov wrote about my poems. The fourth book, “Crossroads,” was published in Voronezh in 2016.
Since April 2015, he has headed the regional branch of the Russian Writers' Union. In the same year, he was awarded the literary prize of the Petrovsky Most magazine in the Prose and Drama category for the story “Writer Captainkin” and a selection of stories “Frogs in Batter.”
In 2016, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Union of Writers of Russia, a Certificate of Honor from the Department of Culture and Art of the Lipetsk Region, and the Large Silver Gumilyov Medal “For fidelity to the creative traditions of the Silver Age.”

Novikov Andrey Nikitich (Nikitovich) - prose writer, journalist.

Born into a poor peasant family. He started his “universities” as a shepherd boy. He studied at a rural school (according to other sources, Novikov was taught to read and write by a rural deacon). Then he was a digger, a woodcutter, and a loader. Called up for active military service, he served in the war against the Teutons as a private (initially in the 2nd Army of General A.V. Samsonov, and participated in the inglorious campaign in East Prussia in August 1914). In March (according to other sources - June) 1917 he joined the RSDLP (b). After October, Novikov, a member of the regiment's soldiers' committee, was sent to Balakovo, Samara province. (now Saratov region). Here he became a member of the city government and became the first editor of Balakovo’s Izvestia (1919).

In 1923-25 ​​he worked in the editorial offices of magazines and newspapers in Voronezh ("Voronezh Commune"), Ivanovo-Voznesensk ("Workers' Region"), Bryansk ("Bryansky Rabochiy"). From the spring of 1925 he lived in Moscow. He worked at the publishing house “Peasant Newspaper” (including in the editorial offices of “Batrak”, “Peasant Radio Newspaper”). Until Oct. 1931 was a member of the literary group "Pereval".

Novikov's first book, a collection of stories and short stories "The Master's Court" (1928), did not attract attention. The writer became notorious thanks to the satirical story “Causes of the Origin of Nebulae” published the following year (with the support of M. Gorky) (Krasnaya Nov. 1929. No. 2) - about the triumph of bureaucracy “in one single country” (the main character, a communist, ends up because of this, life is suicide). Of particular interest to the story, written under the obvious influence of Plato’s “City of Gradov,” are the hoax epigraphs belonging to Novikov’s longtime friend and fellow countryman Andrei Platonov. The story was approved by the critic-Perevalets A. Lezhnev, who compared Novikov with J. Hasek (On the way to the revival of satire // Literary newspaper. 1929. April 22), and unconditionally rejected by V. Blum (Will satire be revived? // Ibid. May 27). The thesis he put forward about the objective counter-revolutionary nature of satire in Soviet conditions prompted M.A. Bulgakov to write a letter to the government (Stalin?). The discussion that then took place at the Polytechnic Museum, “Do we need satire?” (1930) resolved the issue positively, which, however, did not affect further censorship actions. 6 years earlier, A.K. Voronsky was unable to publish a similar story by N.N. Nikitin “Count”. The story was eventually published, but the author never remembered it.

In Feb. 1930 Novikov, as part of the Pravda brigade, made a trip to the places of “accelerated collectivization”. Perceiving the arrival of the tractor in the village as a revolution in the peasant economy, Novikov openly opposed the “excesses.” Not a single essay of his was published in the newspaper, and the one published later on Sat. “The Racing Field” was subjected to devastating criticism (More vigilance! // Literary newspaper. 1931. September 10 (before the title “V-r”, i.e. V.V. Goltsev (?)); Berezov P. Under the Mask //Proletarian Avant-Garde. 1932. No. 2, etc.).Novikov’s story “The Plant for Public Improvement” (October 1931. No. 3) is dedicated to the theme of the destruction of personality in the conditions of the “great turning point” - a kind of continuation of “The Reasons for the Origin of Nebulae.” Novikov’s next book was “Genealogy of Many Generations” (1935), consisting of “The Tale of the Kamarnitsa Muzhik,” written in the style of Shchedrin’s “History of a City” and dedicated to the peasant uprising under Catherine II, as well as “Chronicle of a provincial town” - about the events in Balakovo and the Chapaev brothers and a colorless story about a happy collective farm life - “Meeting at the Well”. In the same year, the first (illustrated) edition of the novel “Military Feats of Simpletons” (2nd ed. - 1936) appeared - about the death of Samson’s army in the Masurian swamps. It was this novel that A.I. Solzhenitsyn had in mind when he wrote in the preface to “August the Fourteenth” that before it events were portrayed “not like that.” Criticism reacted quite harshly to the adventures of the “Russian Schweik”: Vl. Nikonov’s article “Shift of Concepts” in “Znamya” (1935. No. 8) and “Empty anecdotes or wicked satire?” in “Fiction” (1935. No. 10), “Military anecdotes” (Literary Leningrad. 1935. No. 35. August 1). The Smolensk edition of “The Tale of the Kamarnitsa Peasant” (1936) became the writer’s last book.

In 1937-39, the magazine published the cycle “Volga Novels” (30 days. 1937. No. 8 and 12), the anti-Stalin parable “Feast at the Lord” (Ibid. 1938. No. 6; review by S. Nagorny “Hollow Weights” // Literary newspaper 1938. July 15), “At the monument” (about V.I. Chapaev), “Big Dipper”, “Lime blossom” (Collective farmer. 1939. No. 2,4,6). The large novel “Residence of the Freethinkers,” the stories “Kustarislova” and “The Last Letter” (RGALI) remained in the manuscripts.

In 1940, Novikov was arrested (the reason is unknown; the “Case” contains only one document - the statement of the writer N.V. Chertova in 1938 that in the House of Writers Novikov loudly asked her: “Have you heard that ten thousand Bolsheviks wrote a letter to Stalin with demand to stop repression?").

At the end of July 1941, when there were persistent rumors that the Germans were about to take Moscow, the systematic extermination of prisoners took place, and Novikov was shot. Posthumously rehabilitated after the 20th Party Congress. For the 100th anniversary of the writer’s birth in the village of Semyonovka, Paninsky district, Voronezh regional, a room-museum was equipped in the library.


Materials used from the book: Russian literature of the 20th century. Prose writers, poets, playwrights. Biobibliographical dictionary. Volume 2. Z - O. p. 658-660.

Read further:

Russian writers and poets(biographical reference book).


From the unpublished story “Crafts of Words” / publ. M.D.Elzon, O.G.Lasunsky // Rising 1989 No. 10


Elzon M.D. Andrey Novikov Materials for bibliography Voronezh, 1973,

Korablikov Vl. Meetings with Platonov // Rising 1974 No. 6,

Nikonova T.A. In our rural area About the prose of A.N. Novikov // Philological notes Voronezh 1995 Issue 5 P.131-139

Poet, prose writer, publicist A. V. Novikov was born on December 26, 1961 in the village. Alabuzino, Bezhetsky district, Tver region. His childhood was spent in Lipetsk, where he graduated from secondary school No. 17. After serving in the army, he entered the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky to the Faculty of Poetry (seminar by V. Kostrov and V. Milkov). After graduating from the institute in 1990, he worked as a correspondent, executive secretary in the newspapers Lipetsk Izvestia, Lipetskaya Gazeta, Provincial Reporter, special correspondent for RIA Novosti in the Lipetsk region, and editor-in-chief of the newspaper Gorod Lipetsk.

Andrei Novikov’s first serious publication took place in the magazine “Rise” in 1984. His poems were published in district, regional and central newspapers: “Leninskoe Znamya”, “Leninets”, “Lipetskaya Gazeta”, “Lipetsk Izvestia”, “Young Communard” (Voronezh), “Literary Gazette”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”; in the magazines “Student Meridian”, “Literary Study”, “Friendship”, “Young Guard”, “Literary Kyrgyzstan”, “Workers and Peasants Correspondent”, “Working Shift” (Minsk), “Chayan” (Kazan); in the almanacs: “Origins”, “Poetry”, “Poetry Day”; in the collective collections “Handshake” (Voronezh, 1987), “Tournament” (M., 1987), “Debut in Sovremennik” (M., 1990), “Young Guard-85”, “Tverskoy Boulevard, 25” (M. .,1990).

He published his first poetry collection, “Among the Herbs,” in Voronezh in 1988. A year later, Andrei Novikov became a participant in the 9th All-Union Meeting of Young Writers (V. Prokushev’s seminar), at which his poems were highly praised. As a result of the meeting in 1990, the Library of the Young Guard magazine published a “book within a book” “Ancient Smile” (27 poems) with a foreword by V. Kostrov.

In 1992, A. V. Novikov was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia. His third book of poems, “The Monkey Emperor,” was published in Lipetsk in 1993. The poet was noticed by the famous critic Vladimir Slavetsky, who wrote about him in two of his books (“Continued Letters”, “Russian Poetry of the 80-90s of the 20th Century”) and several articles. In particular, V. Slavetsky wrote about the book of poems “The Monkey Emperor”: “In the very imagery one can feel the drama of the worldview, the fragility, and unreliability of human existence in the world. There is something piercingly truthful, bordering at the same time with theatrical phantasmagoria... It is not surprising that in “The Monkey Emperor”, this feast of colors, a celebration of fine art, we also feel a certain strain, which was indicated by the reviewer of the poet Vl. Tsybin as a “terrible picture of metaphysical loneliness,” quoting the last stanza:
They carry copper shields,
The walls of Lhasa darken in the distance...
But like torn meat -
His eyes are from emptiness."

According to critics, A. Novikov’s poems belong to the category of intellectual poetry. To read and understand them, you must have a fairly broad historical and cultural knowledge base. Currently, his works are published in the magazine “Petrovsky Most” and other literary magazines in the country, and are included in the book “Writers of the Lipetsk Region. Anthology. XXI century" (2015).

Since April 2015, A. V. Novikov has headed the regional branch of the Writers' Union of Russia. At the XV Congress of the Writers' Union of Russia on February 15, 2018, he was elected secretary of the Union.

From April 4 to May 21, 2018, Andrey Novikov, together with the famous Lipetsk playwright and prose writer Alexander Ponomarev, drove a Lada car along the Lipetsk-Sakhalin-Lipetsk route in the literary motor rally “Great Russia” in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Lipetsk literary magazine “Petrovsky Bridge” " During this event, meetings were held with writers from the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, and performances were organized for readers of local libraries. On May 21, 2018, a journey of 19 thousand kilometers was registered in the Russian Book of Records as “The longest motor rally of writers.” In February 2019, A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev toured Syria.

In 2015, the writer was awarded the literary prize of the Petrovsky Most magazine in the Prose and Drama category for the story “Writer Captainkin” and a selection of stories “Frogs in Batter.” In 2017, he took third place in the literary festival-competition "Russian Hoffman" in Kaliningrad in the "Prose" category and first place in the VI Open International South Ural Literary Award ("Poetry: Professional Authors" category) - "for the poetic search for meaning life in the book "Crossroads". In 2018, he won the International Festival "Slavic Traditions" in Crimea (Shchelkino) in the "Poetry Slam" category, and took 2nd place at the International Competition "Constellation of Spirituality" in Kyiv.

In 2016, A. Novikov was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Writers' Union of Russia, a Certificate of Honor from the Department of Culture and Art of the Lipetsk Region and the Large Silver Gumilyov Medal "For fidelity to the creative traditions of the Silver Age." As the head of the regional branch of the Writers' Union of Russia, he received a Certificate of Honor from the head of the Lipetsk administration region (2018) and the anniversary medal "For the Glory of the Lipetsk Region" (2019). He was also awarded the "Labor Valor of Russia" badge of the All-Russian public organization of the same name and the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth" (2019).

In 2019, A. Novikov was awarded a diploma by the administration of the Leninsky district of the Republic of Crimea for organizing and holding the XI international festival of literature and culture “Slavic traditions-2019” in the region; As a participant in this festival, he received 1st place in the "Poetry Slam" nomination and 2nd place in the "Poetry - Free Theme" nomination. He became the winner in the nomination "Small Prose - Humor" of the International Literary and Musical Festival "Intellectual Season 2019" (Republic of Crimea), as well as in the nomination "Map of Russia" of the competition "Poetic Atlas 2019" of the international festival "Mginsky Bridges" in the Leningrad region, received second prize in the category "Best Poem" at the International Turgenev Competition "Bezhin Meadow". In 2019, A. V. Novikov became the owner of the “Silver Pen of Rus'” badge of the National Literary Competition “Golden Pen of Rus'”.

Author's works

  • Among the herbs...: poetry. - Voronezh, 1988. - 30 p. : portrait - (Young poetry of the Black Earth region).
  • Chalov G.V. Ruslina / Gennady Chalov. The Tale of Olekha the Oven-Keeper / Nikolai Druzhinsky. Forerunners / Alexander Andreev. An ancient smile / Andrey Novikov. Point of return: Poems / Alexander Kovalev / [art. B. Sopin]. - M., 1990. - 127 p. : ill. - (B-magazine of the Komsomol Central Committee “Young Guard”; No. 18 (433).
  • Monkey Emperor: Poems. - Lipetsk, 1993. - 111 p. : ill.
  • Crosshairs: poetry. - Voronezh, 2016. - 168 p.
  • Fun evenings: stories. - Voronezh, 2017. - 124 p.
  • [Poems] // Writers of the Lipetsk region: an anthology. 21st century / editor's note. : T. V. Gorelova (pres.) and others; ed.-comp. : N. N. Kaltygin. - Moscow, 2015. - pp. 59-60.
  • [Stories] // Give a smile: Lipetsk writers to youth and children / [ed.-comp. A. Novikov]. - Voronezh, 2016. - pp. 14-31.
  • “I accepted the world as it is”: [poems] // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2013. - No. 1 (Jan.-March). - pp. 24-28. - (Poetry).
  • Love is evil: stories // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2013. - No. 3 (July-Sept.). - pp. 136-139. - (Prose).
  • Writer Kapitankin: a story // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2014. - No. 3 (July-Sept.). - pp. 132-139. - (Prose).
  • “The years lived have different meanings...”: [poems] // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2015. - No. 1 (Jan.-March). - pp. 71-75. - (Poetry).
  • Mother and Nyunka: stories // Rise. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 118-125. - (Prose).
  • Frogs in batter: stories // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2015. - No. 3 (July-Sept.). - P. 46-57. - (Prose).
  • Sunset over the river: [poems] // Poetry Day - XXI century. 2015-2016: almanac: poems,
    articles. - M.: Journal publishing house. “Youth”, 2016. - P. 144.
  • [Poems and stories] // For the glory of Boris and Gleb: collective. Sat. participants of Vseros. Russian festival literature and culture in Borisoglebsk Voronezh. region /region. department producer. center at the International Writers' Union. - Voronezh, 2016. - pp. 116-133.
  • [Poems] // Bezhetsky region: almanac Bezhet. local historian islands - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 63-67.
  • [Poems] // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2016. - No. 2 (April-June). - pp. 121-124. - (Poetry).
  • Distant lights: [poems] // Rise. - 2016. - No. 5.
  • [Poems] // Moscow Parnassus. - 2016. - No. 5. - P. 67-69.
  • [Stories] // Rise. - 2016. - No. 11. - P. 108-118. - (Prose).
  • [Stories] // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2016. - No. 4 (Oct.-Dec.). - P. 16-23. - (Prose).
  • [Stories] // Moscow Parnassus. - 2017. - No. 1 - P. 84-95. - (Satire and humor).
  • Fun evenings: a story // Moscow Parnassus. - 2017. - No. 4. - P. 92-97.
  • As usual, the holiday enters into us: [poems] // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2017. - No. 4. - P. 5-9. - From the content: Christmas; Apple; Holiday; Doesn't count; Clerk; Sunset over the river; Tired age; Bright strokes of canvas; Don't give it away.

    Romance with a century: [poems] // Zenziver. - 2017. - No. 6. - From the contents: Forbidden City; Cautious night; Bell; Crosshair; Romance with the centenary.

    Supermarket. World of fields. Holiday. Christmas: [poems] // Metamorphoses. - 2017. - No. 4. - P. 104.

  • [Poems] // Academy of Poetry. 2016-2017. - M., 2017. - P. 156.
  • Poems // Parade of Literatures: a literary and artistic almanac of modern poetry and prose in Russia and the post-Soviet space. - Moscow: White Cranes of Russia, 2018. - P. 217-218.
  • Father's land. Sunset. The last warmth. Tired Age: [poems] // Guardians of Nature: almanac lit. competition in honor of the 145th anniversary of M. M. Prishvin. - Veliky Novgorod, 2018. - pp. 116-118.
  • Stupid. Ferret. Mother and Nyunka: stories [Electronic resource] // Velikoross: literary-historical. magazine : network version. - 2018. - No. 108 (April). - Access mode: http://www.velykoross.ru/journals/all/journal_70/article_4259/. - 05/06/2018.
  • Frogs in batter: a story // Territory of the word: literary art. almanac / Union of Writers Lugan. Nar. Republic, Writers' Union Donets. Nar. Republic. - 2018. - Experiment. adj. "The Life of Remarkable Possums." - No. 1 (4). - pp. 74-76.
  • Crane by the road: a story // White Rock: quarterly. online magazine / Union of Writers of Crimea. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 138-140.
  • Book people. Uncle Zapuperya. Mother and Nyunka: [stories] // Baltika. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 122-126.
  • A banker's wedding: [story] // White Rock. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 114-118.
  • Poems // Crimea. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 129-131.
  • On Great Russia / A. Ponomarev, A. Novikov // Metamorphoses: lit.-art. magazine - Minsk, 2018. - No. 2. - P. 182-194.
  • In the foggy void: [poems] // Baikal. - 2018. - No. 3. - P. 96-100.
  • “Life gets tired of measuring sadness”: [poems] // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2018. - No. 3 (July-Sept.) - P. 30-33.
  • Literary motor rally in half the equator / A. Novikov, A. Ponomarev // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2018. - No. 3 (July-Sept.) - P. 175-180. - (To the 10th anniversary of the magazine "Petrovsky Most").
  • Motor rally "Great Russia" / A. Ponomarev, A. Novikov // White Rock. - 2018. - No. 3. - P. 155-166.
  • Poems // White Rock. - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 290-293. - (Guest of the magazine).
  • From the noise of world creation: poems // Sura. - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 125-132.
  • Literary motor rally “All Russia”: travel notes / A. Novikov, A. Ponomarev // Shores. - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 108-113. - (Lipetsk shores).
  • Bird catcher and fisherman: [poems] // Southern Lights: Odessa Literary Arts. magazine - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 88-92.
  • Star Bridge: poems // Simbirsk. - 2018. - No. 7. - pp. 16-17. - (Guest. Our guests are Lipetsk writers).
  • On the solar axis: [poems] // Siberian lights. - 2018. - No. 8. - P. 84-86. - (Poetry).
  • "...the meaning of a lonely fire...": poems // North Muya Lights. - 2018. - No. 5 (Sept.-Oct.). - P. 69.
  • “...like a rainbow is my light spirit...”: poems // North Muya Lights. - 2018. - No. 6 (November-December). - P. 57.
  • Vesi: [poems] // Steam locomotive. - 2018. - No. 8 - P. 85-89.
  • Green flower: [poems] // Under the clock: literary art. almanac Smolen. department of the Union of Russia. writers. - 2018. - No. 17, book. 1. - pp. 144-151.
  • Poems // Litera: literary almanac. - Ryazan: Start, 2019. - pp. 146-148.
  • Poems // Russian Laughter-19: an almanac of ironic poetry. - Nizhny Novgorod: Books, 2019. - pp. 121-124.
  • [Stories about the writer Kapitankin] // White Rock. - 2019. - No. 1. - P. 149-156.
  • [Poems] // Shores. - 2019. - No. 1. - P. 123.
  • Under the sky of Syria: [about the trip of A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev to Syria, where the presentation of the magazine “Petrovsky Bridge” and the book took place. A. Ponomarev "The Transparent Sky of Syria" for Syrian writers and growing up. military] // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2019. - No. 1 (Jan.-March) - P. 192-194.
  • Book people: a story // North-Muya lights. - 2019. - No. 1. - P. 42-43.
  • Incompleteness: [poems] // Russian Bell. - 2019. - No. 1 - P. 244-250. - (Union of Writers of the Lipetsk Region).
  • [Poems] // Sukhum. - 2019. - No. 1-2. - pp. 263-269.
  • Mama da Nyunka = Anayka ve Nyunka: story [in Crimean Tatar. language] / A. Novikov; lane S. Suleymanov // Crimea. - 2019. - No. 1-2 (53-54). - P. 200-202. - (Prose in the Crimean Tatar language = Kyrymtatar Tilinde Edebiyat).
  • [Poems] // White Rock. - 2019. - No. 2. - P. 94-96.
  • “I will come out of the coma of life”: [poems] // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2019. - No. 2 (April-June) - pp. 28-32.
  • Village tales // North-Muya lights. - 2019. - No. 3. - P. 27-29.
  • [Poems] // Capital. - 2019. - No. 3. - P. 232-233. - (Living room: Lipetsk).
  • Crossroads: poems // Russian echo. - 2019. - No. 3 (May-June). - pp. 40-44.
  • The Gingerbread Governor: (chapters from the novel) // Metamorphoses [Belarus]. - 2019. - No. 3. - P. 285-288. - (Satire and humor).
  • "Insomnia in stained glass...": [poems] // North. - 2019. - No. 3-4. - P. 103-104.
  • The smell of the world: a poem // Dawn. - 2019. - No. 4. - P. 124-125.
  • Stories // Neva. - 2019. - No. 4. - P. 61-78.
  • Short stories // Tavria literary. - 2019. - No. 4. - P. 17-59.
  • [Poems] // Parallels: literary art. and publicist. almanac. - 2019. - No. 6. - P. 130-131.
  • Marina: [poems] // Rise. - 2019. - No. 7.
  • [Poems] // Circular bowl: literary and artistic almanac. - 2019. - No. 18. - P. 113-114.
  • Being in a certain state of anxiety: ironic poems // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2019. - No. 3 (July-September). - pp. 197-199. - (Satire and humor).
  • [Stories] // Priokskie dawns. - 2019. - No. 3. - P. 111-121. - (Modern Russian story).
  • Gingerbread Governor // Metamorphoses. - 2019. - No. 4. - P. 385-388.
  • The Gingerbread Governor: a novel // Literary overlock. - 2019. - No. 4. - P. 12-79.
  • Ironic poems // North-Muya lights. - 2020. - No. 1 (Jan.-Feb.). - P. 81.

Literature about life and creativity

  • Slavetsky V. [On the work of A. Novikov] // Slavetsky V. Letters continued: articles, portraits, polemics / V. Slavetsky. - Voronezh, 1989. - pp. 133-136.
  • Slavetsky V. “... Connecting light and wind” // Literary studies. - 1989. - No. 5. - P. 19-20.
  • Tsybin V. “Between disasters” // Literary studies. - 1993. - No. 2. - P. 195-196.
  • Novikov A. There is always a choice: [conversation with the poet A. Novikov] / recorded by I. Neverov // Lipetsk newspaper. - 1993. - June 22.
  • Boinikov A. Thirst for revelation: about the new book of poems ["Crossroads"] by Andrei Novikov // Petrovsky Most. - 2016. - No. 3 (July-September). - pp. 125-128. - (Criticism and literary criticism).
  • Lipetsk residents received the "Russian Hoffmann" prizes: [in Kaliningrad Lipets. writers A. Novikov and S. Peshkova took third place in lit. festival-competition "Russian Hoffmann"] // Lipetsk newspaper. - 2017. - June 15 - P. 4. - (In the know. Culture).
  • Boinikov A. Joy and sadness in half: about the stories of Andrei Novikov // Petrovsky Bridge. - 2018. - No. 1 (Jan.-March) - P. 165-168.
  • Chereshneva I. Strengthen the Russian world: [in May 2017, A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev, at the invitation of the Union of Writers of Transnistria, took part in the celebration of the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic] // Literary Transnistria. - 2018. - No. 1 - pp. 11-13. - (Chronicle of events).
  • On Great Russia: [A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev committed lit. motor rally from Lipetsk to Sakhalin and back] // Metamorphoses: literary art. magazine (Belarus). - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 182-194.
  • Andreev V. Literary motor rally “Great Russia”: [A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev on a journey from Lipetsk to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk; stop in Irkutsk] // Siberia. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 240-242. - (Events).
  • Books for children of Transnistria: [on the initiative of A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev, collected and delivered to the libraries of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic for children. books] // Moscow Parnassus. - 2018. - No. 3. - P. 119-120.
  • Sizova N. Literary connections: [Lipets. writers A. Ponomarev and A. Novikov returned from literature. road trips to the Far East; they spoke about their journey at a meeting at the Lipetskaya Gazeta Publishing House] // Lipetskaya Gazeta: results of the week. - 2018. - No. 22 (May 21-27) - pp. 20-21.
  • Vityuk I. Literary rally from Lipetsk to Sakhalin: [writers A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev dedicated the “Great Russia” rally to the 10th anniversary of literature. magazine "Petrovsky Bridge"] // General literary newspaper. - 2018. - No. 11 - P. 22. - (Meeting place).
  • Bogdanov V. Two in the car - and without a dog...: A. V. Novikov and A. A. Ponomarev: [regarding the "Great Russia" motor rally] // I'll gather friends by the fireplace...: unforgettable meetings / V. Bogdanov. - Lipetsk, 2019. - pp. 96-99.
  • Bezborodov I. A word to the reader: [ch. ed. magazine "Petrovsky Bridge" about the motor rally of A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev "Great Russia", about lit. interregion connections and about the authors of this issue - writers from Siberia and the Far East] // Petrovsky Most. - 2019. - No. 1 - P. 1.
  • Slavin A. Literary run... to Syria: [Andrei Novikov and Alexander Ponomarev] // Metamorphoses. - 2019. - No. 1. - P. 29-32.
  • “The transparent sky of Syria”: Lipetsk writers [A. Ponomarev and A. Novikov] presented a book in Syria about the hero-pilot Oleg Peshkov: [author of the book - A. Ponomarev] // Sura. - 2019. - No. 2. - P. 205-208. - (Criticism. Reviews. Reviews).
  • Menshikova E. Where Cain killed Abel: who brought the Lipetsk literary magazine "Petrovsky Bridge" to the country of ancient civilization: [Lipets. writers A. Novikov and A. Ponomarev at a meeting with journalists from the Lipetskaya Gazeta Publishing House spoke about their trip to Syria] // Lipetskaya Gazeta. - 2019. - March 19.
  • “Russian poems were read in destroyed Palmyra”: two Lipetsk poets Alexander Ponomarev and Andrei Novikov spent two years trying to obtain permission to travel to war-torn Syria // Life in Lipetsk. - 2019. - March 19 (No. 12). - P. 7. - (On the line of fire).
  • Polyakova M. Lipetsk writers visited Siberia: writers Andrei Novikov and Alexander Ponomarev presented their works in Syria // Lipetsk newspaper: results of the week. - 2019. - No. 11 (March 11-17). - pp. 22-23.
  • Slavin A. Transparent sky of Syria: Chairman of the Lipetsk regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia Andrei Novikov and co-chairman Alexander Ponomarev presented in the Syrian Arab Republic the book “Transparent sky of Syria” and the literary magazine “Petrovsky Bridge” - about the Hero of Russia pilot Oleg Peshkov // General Writers Literary Newspaper . - 2019. - No. 3 - P. 4. - (War and Peace).

Reference materials

  • Lipetsk encyclopedia. - Lipetsk, 2000. - T. 2. - P. 423.
  • Literary Lipetsk: a panorama of the creativity of Lipetsk writers and poets. - Lipetsk, 2002. - Part 1. Poetry. - P. 29-30: photo.
  • Works of Lipetsk writers (1981-1995): bibliogr. decree. - Lipetsk, 2005. - pp. 46-47.
  • Yanushevskaya E. Modern “non-modernity”: reflections on the book of poems by Andrei Novikov “Crossroads” // Petrovsky Most. - 2019. - No. 2 (April-June) - P. 173-174. - (Criticism and literary criticism).

Internet resources

  • Word: socio-political weekly. - Access mode: http://www.gazeta-slovo.ru/krug-chteniya/3248-zdes-otchij-kraj
  • Russian Bell: literary magazine. - Access mode: http://ros-kolokol.ru/proza/petrunya-i-poroshok.html
  • Russian Bell: literary magazine. - Access mode: http://ros-kolokol.ru/poeziya/istukan.html