Became more courageous. How to relax and have fun

It is no secret that every woman dreams of meeting a real man in her life who will provide her with protection, support and a reliable rear. But if you look at it, this is such an ephemeral concept in the female understanding! Just ask the fair sex, what meaning do they put into the concept of “a real man”? There can be a huge number of answers: smart, strong, successful, economical, etc.

“So that you don’t drink, don’t smoke, and always give flowers,” was sung in a famous song. However, in life you can find many examples where a smart person behaves in an unworthy manner, building his life with the help of flattery, intrigue and slander, while a strong person achieves everything with his fists. But everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance. There is. And, despite the fact that there is nothing absolute in the world, this concept still exists. So, how to become a real man?

Qualities of a strong

What qualities does a strong man have?

  • He must be strong not only physically, but also spiritually. Such a man has an inner core. He is firm and stubborn in the fight against any problems in life.
  • Regardless of age, a representative of the stronger sex must have an adult understanding of life, that is, be psychologically mature and be able to make important decisions.
  • A real man is characterized by such qualities as nobility and courage. They are manifested in his ability to protect, to be true to his ideals, and Such a man builds his relationship with a woman solely on trust and does not care about how to become a man. After all, that's what he is.
  • The ability to take responsibility for one’s words, actions and deeds is an equally important trait of a man.
  • Strong in spirit, he sets goals for himself and achieves them, persistently paving the way to them.
  • A true representative of this sex must be honest, first of all, with himself and his conscience.
  • A man does not give up at the first setbacks, but resolutely copes with them. He learns and matures spiritually not from victories, but from his defeats and mistakes.

To become a man, you don’t need to be anything special, adapt to other people’s requirements and follow social stereotypes. It's enough to just be yourself. And also move forward and constantly improve. When working on yourself, you should pay special attention to your thoughts, actions and appearance.

Positive thoughts are half the battle

As you know, thoughts have the ability to attract corresponding life events. And if you constantly think negatively, then like will attract like. We often see people who radiate so much positivity that we get the impression that everything in life is simple and easy for them. In fact, this is far from the case. They simply learned to fight back against their problems with the power of optimism. To learn from their experience and learn how to become a man, you should change your thinking to a positive one. As a rule, an optimist is a person who is confident in himself and his abilities. He tries to look at the world in a positive way and suppress all negative emotions in himself in every possible way. Be optimistic - and soon the whole world will bow to you!

Work on yourself

In the process of becoming a real man, first of all, working on yourself is important. Therefore you should:

  • Learn to control your emotions, not show people your grievances and disappointments.
  • Try to take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life.
  • Learn to make decisions independently, firmly aware of your choice.

You should not be afraid of life's difficulties - take them as a chance to discover something new. In any situation, even a difficult one, look for positive moments. And don't forget that negative thoughts lead to actions that often make your situation worse. And don’t worry about being a man, just become one.

Words or actions?

Famous actress Tatyana Arntgolts said: “An action is the main thing a man can do for a woman. Appreciating this act is the main thing a woman can do for a man.” I think you will agree that words are less important for the fair half than actions. Unfortunately, there are many strong men in the world who do not want and do not do the simplest, most banal things that please the ladies. Therefore, when choosing between someone who can sing sweetly and beautifully and someone who is ready to do things for her, a woman most often focuses her attention on the second.

A man doesn’t have to do crazy things to prove to a woman that she matters to his heart. It is enough to follow a few simple rules.

  • Learn to care for a woman. Show your concern for her, say nice compliments, and don’t be rude.
  • Always be a leader, an initiator of ideas, be able to attract others with you.
  • Remember that gossip and intrigue are characteristic of female psychology, so refrain from discussing and evaluating other people.
  • Improve yourself, develop the will, move up the career ladder.
  • a man? It's not all that complicated! In any life situation, remain calm and balanced, creating the image of a courageous person. Don't scream, don't fuss or panic - leave this line of behavior to the woman.

We sorted out thoughts and actions. It's time to talk about appearance, because, as popular wisdom says, people are greeted by their clothes.

A little prettier than a monkey

Paradoxical as it may seem, the appearance of men comes last for most women. Apparently, this is due to the tendency of frequent infidelity on the part of overly beautiful representatives of the stronger sex. Remember the proverb: “A man should be a little more handsome than a monkey.” This means that a real man does not have to look like a macho man from the cover of a glossy magazine. The main thing about him is character, intelligence, determination and will. However, this doesn't mean you should give up on your appearance. No matter what positive qualities a real man has, his unkempt appearance, rumpled suit and dirty shoes are unlikely to win over a woman.

  1. Always dress neatly. Try not to wear dirty, unironed, torn clothes.
  2. Keep your shoes clean.
  3. Create your own unique clothing style.
  4. Watch your figure. If necessary, play sports.


A real man is not someone who can drink a dozen cocktails and not get drunk, and who is successful with women. Not the one who loves football, and not even the one who earns millions. A true representative of the strong half of humanity can be kind, honest and courageous at the same time. This is a person who knows how to protect not only himself, but also his family from harm. This is the one who can make his chosen one the happiest, regardless of what qualities he possesses. In order to become like this, it is not necessary to explore the depths of the Internet and study a bunch of books on the topic “How to become a man.” It is enough to work on yourself every day and develop the necessary qualities in yourself.

Today we will talk about how to become the real man that every real woman dreams of. And in general about what makes a man a man, what makes him more courageous, self-confident and capable of great victories. This will be a certain life hack for the self-development of personal qualities for men, because instead of expensive training on self-confidence and excellent style, today we will hack the laws of nature and the success of the most courageous people of our time. .

Basically, the main male hormone “testosterone” is responsible for “masculinity” in the human body. I think you yourself know very well what testosterone is, and today you will learn how to properly increase its level in your body.

How to become more courageous?

And if you decide to become more masculine externally and internally, then the most natural way is to increase your testosterone level, since a high level of this hormone allows others to determine whether the person in front of them is a “true male” or just a male person, but without pronounced masculine characteristics

Exactly testosterone creates a masculine appearance, behavior and even helps to form strong-willed qualities of character, developed steel muscles, provides confidence in oneself and one’s actions, and gives decisiveness in actions.

It also gives speed and sharpness of thinking in a wide variety of situations, as well as what is called male brutality, and to which the female gender unmistakably reacts: from girls with pigtails to mature and successful ladies. Why this is so effective and has such a hypnotic effect on women will be discussed separately, but this is a scientific and psychological fact.

At the same time, not all men realize what the secret of real masculinity is, although boys think about how to become a real man very early. Agree, most likely you yourself already dreamed of becoming a macho man at school, just like your favorite movie characters.

But problems with testosterone, like masculinity, occur not only in teenagers, because After 30 years, the amount of testosterone in men begins to decline. Both men and women themselves know very well what this leads to. Unfortunately, this is a given, and over the millions of years that the human race has existed, it has not been possible to change it.

How to increase testosterone levels?

When a man is faced with the question of how to counteract a decrease in testosterone levels, the first thing that comes to mind is all sorts of medicinal methods. We do not advise you to get treatment on the Internet and search for information on “what to take from testosterone medications” at your own peril and risk.

Remember, any unprofessional experiments with health, especially with hormones, especially with testosterone, are very dangerous and without the supervision of a specialist can give disastrous results. At best, your initiative will lead to the fact that you will not be able to increase testosterone, and the dream of becoming a brutal macho will remain a dream.

And in the worst case, you can simply end up in the hospital and get a chronic pathology for the rest of your life, which will be discussed below. So, if the problem causes concern, take time and, without delaying for later, with a firm manly step, go to a specialist.

It is well known that problems with men's health, which have consequences in the form of failure with the opposite sex due to low testosterone levels, are easier to prevent than to treat, so before the thunder strikes, pay attention to preventive measures.

The measures that I propose are natural, simple, gentle and safe, but quite effective and capable of making a real “male” out of almost any “wimp”" There are not so many of them, only ten, but in the future let them become your sacred tablets and iron commandments of “courage,” “sexuality,” and men’s health.

Excess weight is the enemy of masculinity and potency

I hope it’s no secret to you that overweight men are the main contingent of andrologist doctors. Because excess weight is the main factor in increasing estrogen. Do you need an excess of this female hormone? In my opinion, if you yourself have noticed that you lack masculinity, the answer is obvious.

Not only is estrogen an antagonist (reduces the level) of testosterone, it also provokes the development of cancer and metabolic diseases. Obese women, by the way, suffer no less from excess estrogen, but that’s not the point.

So, your first step is to arm yourself with a calculator and start counting the calories of what you eat. Limit sweets and starchy foods, take control of your love of beer, get into the habit of going for a light jog every day, and within a month or two you will say goodbye to your unsexy belly, you will feel lightness and an improvement in your overall condition.

Yes, it’s not easy, but you’re a man, so your will and mind work miracles, right?

Fasting and training have a positive effect on testosterone

Many men know that even a short daily fast - from breakfast to breakfast - is extremely beneficial for the growth of testosterone. During fasting, the hormonal system is activated when the gastrointestinal tract rests, you often see this yourself in the morning.

The norm for zinc intake is from 11 to 25 mg per day. Keep in mind that a lot of zinc is released through sweat, and since you are already actively involved in sports, be sure to check with a specialist how much zinc you need. It may be worth including more foods containing zinc or special vitamins in your diet.

Strength training raises testosterone levels

You can increase testosterone levels not only with intense short training, but also with strength training.

The basic principle of strength training to increase testosterone: less reps, more weight, more). These classes require a lot of preparation and practice, so take your time wrapping the weights on the barbell.

The second option, which gives the desired effect with less weight, is either slowing down the negative phase of the exercise (this is when the barbell returns back after lifting) or slowing down the entire exercise.

D Vitamin beneficial for men

There are opinions that vitamin D is a masculinity vitamin and also has a positive effect on testosterone levels. It is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight, and its norm for an adult man is about 600 IU (Microunits). It is also found in food, but, however, the effect of ordinary sunbathing may be noticeable.

Try to be in the sun at least twice a week with your limbs open.. If you are fair-skinned, 5 minutes at a time will be enough for you. Some problems with the production of vitamin D may occur in older and dark-skinned men, in which case dietary supplements and proper nutrition will come to their aid.

Calmness is a sign of masculinity

Testosterone's second worst enemy is stress. You know very well that when things don’t go well, then thoughts about sex fade into the background. The thing is that stress provokes the production of cortisol, which is just as hostile to testosterone as the estrogen you already know.

Yes, it turns out that it’s iron calmness and self-confidence are truly a sign of masculinity, but, unfortunately, our life is full of stress, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t hide from it. But there is also control over stress.

Yoga and meditation perfectly relieve stress and self-doubt (and women can feel this from a mile away), and in addition to the calming effect, yoga has a great effect on the figure, burning fat and making muscles long and beautiful.

Much has been written about the benefits of this ancient practice for the spirit and body, and its general strengthening effect for businessmen and future machos is beyond doubt, but it wouldn’t hurt to consult with an instructor: perhaps some asanas are not recommended for you.

Sugar is the enemy of masculinity and slimness

Everyone knows that excessive consumption of sweets leads to obesity. The fact that obesity causes a decrease in testosterone is also no secret. Jokes with insulin, the hormone that breaks down carbohydrates, are very bad - much has already been said about the dangers of free use of hormones.

There is no need to “inject” anything without your doctor’s permission. Think better about how many spoons of sugar you put in your coffee or tea? How many cups do you drink a day? Not counting your favorite soda, pasta, pizza and a light snack of cookies.

Think about the fact that just with tea and coffee, about 45 kilograms of sugar enter your body per year. An impressive figure, right?

And this is only part of the food “for housewives” that you probably also eat.

Beer is a source of female hormones

In addition, you should know that One of the main sources of female hormones in men is beer. Abuse of this wonderful drink will make you look like a housewife with a big belly, little ambitions and a desire to sit at home all day and watch TV. But you don’t want to look like a half-vegetable, do you?

To do this, take control of your diet and limit yourself to food “for girls”, don’t eat cakes every day, especially before bed, like an unrestrained fatty, try to eat less food for beggars and losers from McDonald’s and pubs.

How to become a man?

To become a man with a capital M, don’t pour 6 tablespoons of sugar into your tea like a rice farmer in Japan, rather, like an emperor, drink the best green tea, enjoying its delicate taste and exquisite aroma.

Pay attention to green tea instead of beer, think about the fact that in the countries of the East, where they drink green tea all the time and have never heard of beer, most men are slim, fit, sexually active, they don’t have any problems with testosterone, but after all and it was they who invented the Kama Sutra.

Do not abuse wine and other alcoholic drinks; sometimes you can indulge in good wine or another drink, naturally while maintaining face, control over the situation and full awareness. In other words, try not to let all your previous efforts to increase testosterone levels, masculinity and social status go down the drain.

Healthy fats for men

Fat is different from fat, and if excess cholesterol in the body, which is unhealthy for a man, breeds diseases and disorders, then healthy saturated and polyunsaturated fats are necessary for normal metabolism and for the growth of testosterone.

To maintain optimal testosterone levels, the diet should have a balance of omega-3 and omega-6, and the total fat content should be at least 40%. Pay attention to fish oil, nuts, avocado, seeds, as well as healthy oils (corn, soybean, coconut, grape seed, cottonseed, olive, sunflower).

BCAA amino acids for men

If you still decide to go to the gym to work out, then during active physical activity, in addition to protein shakes, it will be useful for you to add a certain amount of amino acids for men “BCAA” to your diet, which directly deliver energy to the muscles.

In scientific terms, these are amino acids with side chains (leucine, isoleucine and valine). The body does not produce BCAAs, and therefore they must be obtained from food - natural products or sports nutrition.

How they work in practice has recently been clarified in experiments involving several groups of strength athletes. Each group used a different diet. The first group received few calories and little protein from food, the second - few calories and a lot of protein, the third - few calories and BCAAs. Weight loss was greatest in the latter group, and it was mainly subcutaneous fat in the thighs and abs. Q.E.D.

What products contain BCAA that is beneficial for men?

What foods contain BCAAs? Chicken, eggs, pork tenderloin, liver, milk, cottage cheese, fish and seafood, mushrooms, brown rice, amaranth, almonds, cashews, chickpeas, legumes, grains, nuts, peanuts, bananas, dried dates, rye, oats, soybeans, sesame , beans, lentils.

Therefore, athletes, among whom the most courageous men are found, should not neglect high-quality sports nutrition, which contains BCAAs in their pure form, without impurities. Only in compliance with the dosage and preferably after consultation with a specialist.

I hope that after reading this article to the end, you understand how to increase testosterone, which promotes its growth and how to reach the level of a confident real man who drives most women crazy with just his photo.

At the same time, using simple, one might say, “folk” means, prevent a drop in testosterone levels, realize that you don’t always need to go through tons of men’s training to develop character and charisma, and sometimes just a banally high level of this hormone will help you become a real brutal macho, and with benefit for your business, confidence and health, which I strongly advise and wish you. But of course, you also cannot become a truly successful person without knowledge, so I advise you to familiarize yourself with this or that.

Why enter into the state of your gender if a man is a priori masculine and a woman is feminine? It is not that simple. To be born a man is one thing, but to become manly is another.

Most likely, there are feminine men and masculine women in your environment. It shouldn't be this way. But you can strengthen your masculinity or femininity.

Initial rendering

Imagine that you have a small connector for a floppy disk near your left temple. Our brain is the most powerful computer that humanity has not yet been able to recreate and is unlikely to succeed. A super computer requires 82,944 processors and 40 minutes of operation to stimulate one second of human brain activity.

We have several floppy disks with certain qualities. We will download them one by one into our brain, process them based on our perception of the world and send them for storage to the main hard drive of our planet, to which all people are connected. This hard drive contains all the information about what was, is and will be. You just need to learn how to get information from there.

Just don’t think that by loading a floppy disk once, you will immediately receive the information and quality contained in it. This is a planned job. Imagine that salt water was always poured into a glass. The glass filled and emptied. And then one day it was filled with clean water, but the salty taste remained. Only by continuing to pour clean water can the taste of salt be displaced. And how long the glass is soaked depends on how long it takes for the taste to go away.

Masculinity floppy disks

In front of you are 12 floppy disks of different colors and different thicknesses. Each floppy disk carries a certain quality and information about how to behave and how to act with this quality. Look at the inscriptions on the floppy disks and mentally think about which qualities you have developed well and which ones you have not:

  1. Intelligence (mind)
  2. Reliability
  3. Ambition
  4. Optimism
  5. Gallantry
  6. Independence
  7. Physical strength
  8. Generosity
  9. Dignity
  10. Responsibility
  11. Enterprise
  12. Sense of humor

Floppy disks of femininity

  1. Dignity
  2. Meekness
  3. Kindness
  4. Tenderness
  5. Sexuality
  6. Grace
  7. Softness
  8. Sincerity
  9. Caring
  10. Daydreaming
  11. Loyalty
  12. Thrift

Working with disks

It is not recommended to work with more than three disks during one meditation. Otherwise, you will not be able to feel the qualities in detail. The principle here is that quality is better than quantity. The work will proceed as follows:

  • Visualize the properties of the disk (warm or cold, heavy or light, plastic or metal, soft or hard). The more properties you can visualize at once, the better.
  • Load the disc and tune in to the images that may appear. Or maybe not. Depends on the perception of this quality.
  • Visualize the image of a person who has this quality and identify yourself with him.
  • You try to feel what way of actions, thoughts, behavior corresponds to this quality.
  • Carry and anchor.

You need to make 12 anchors, which will subsequently give you an adjustment to one stronger state anchor.

The word courageous comes from the word man, these are words with the same root, and one of them presupposes the other. Does it happen the other way around? Can a man not be courageous? Then what kind – feminine? Infantile? Unfortunately yes. And there are several reasons.

One of them is the complexity and versatility of modern life, when much is predetermined in advance, and it is enough to just go with the flow, because it is impossible to influence either the direction of the current itself or the speed of movement, and a guaranteed and pre-planned shore awaits ahead.

Many submit to the general flow of life without trying to change anything, because they do not know what to change, how to change and why to change. This behavior is more characteristic of weak natures.

The second reason is external influence on a man. Most often this is the influence of the woman who is nearby - wife, mother, friend. This influence of a woman on a man cannot be overestimated. The personality of the future man begins to be formed in early childhood by a loving mother and loving grandmother. Women tend to overindulge and lisp: “You are my little one, you are my baby... baby... bunny... baby...” Men’s complexes begin in childhood.

Many wives continue this children's song, motherly expressing their love for a man with the same cute words, lowering their self-esteem, belittling their manhood, overly protective and controlling, like little ones. Many women, counting the number of children, add their husbands to their number, considering them infantile, incapable of decisive, courageous actions, in fact becoming the current that carries men through life, determining and deciding everything for them in advance.

What can men do if nothing depends on them, but they themselves are cherished and caressed like children, looked after and cared for? Yes, yes, lie down on the sofa and let the woman perform all these manipulations. It's convenient and safe. There is no need to accept important decisions or be responsible for their consequences. The woman seems to be happy too, she is busy with her worries, and the situation seems to suit everyone.

Just don’t complain later, dear women, that men in our age have lost their masculinity and brutality, have lost their male sexual attractiveness, and the very quality of sex has long ceased to suit everyone.

You married an independent adult man. Who changed it? Draw your own conclusion.

Many men consciously take this position, and all housework and the burden of responsibility fall on fragile women’s shoulders. Some even deliberately sabotage their household duties, for example, by bringing the wrong groceries from the store or putting up the wallpaper crookedly, so that in the future they will not be interrupted from watching the match by such trifles. The wife will scold you, then cry and do everything herself.

It should be said that not all men are susceptible to such effects. Many of them retain self-esteem, the ability to make decisions on their own, and generally resist such manipulation.

Research shows that men exhibit different personality traits with different women. And what exactly depends on the woman is how a man shows his masculinity, which women so dream of.

What determines the behavior of men?

Practicing psychologists suggest conducting a small study that will show the degree of influence a woman has on a man. For example: one day, from the very morning, imagine your man as a kind of useless sloth, living on the sofa, who needs to be persuaded for a month to hammer in a nail for a hanger. Think how indecisive and lacking initiative he is, that he could earn more if he were more enterprising. You need to live with these thoughts all day. Your man considers this on a subconscious level, will feel how your attitude towards him has changed accordingly, even your gaze and tone of voice, and will show the corresponding result. You will receive what you ordered.

After such a conscious lowering of the male ego, everything needs to be restored. To do this, we start the next morning with other thoughts: what a wonderful husband I have, I am so lucky, caring, attentive to me and the children, skillful, loving, well-mannered, determined, independent, a real dream for a woman. My knight, my king. Then, for the scales to swing in the other direction, one more day with such settings. And – get the ideal man!

Yes, men are surprisingly mutual.

So, three secrets on how to manage a man. That is, what and how to do so that your man:

  • became more attentive, more responsible,
  • helped you do your homework without reminders,
  • became more successful, began to earn more
  • improved the quality and quantity of sex.

Secret number one: create in your mind the image of the ideal man in your opinion, your husband. Think through to the smallest detail what traits you want to give him, and imagine him like that. Think about it often and admire it.

Secret number two: under no circumstances allow yourself to think that your man is like a child, requires care, guardianship and control, is incapable of anything, is a weakling and half-wit.

Secret number three. When building a relationship with a man, maternal feelings should be completely eliminated. A woman has a lot of emotions and warm feelings, but they cannot be shown towards a man. All these syu-syu-syu and pusi-pusi will turn your tiger into a kitten. Why do women do this? Because an infantile man is not interesting to other women. This circumstance seems more important than even the quality of sex, which in this case also suffers.

How can a husband make it clear that he is perceived as a strong, decisive man, a representative of the stronger sex, responsible and independent, capable of leading the whole family? Don’t call him a bunny or a cat, but when addressing him, use words containing the letter “r”: my corrrol, my tigerrr, my herrrroy, leader, winner. And then, in addition to money and gifts, you will receive as a bonus everything that your man misses so much.

This technique works not only for husbands, but also for sons, for any man with whom you have to interact.

Try it and write about your results in the comments. If you found the article useful, share it on social networks. Buttons below!

Let me start with the fact that the need to make significant adjustments to my “I” arose after a natural, as I now believe, series of failures and another failed attempt to charm an attractive classmate. Closely studying my reflection in the mirror, I tried to understand: what’s wrong with me and how to become a real man?

It seems that the style of clothing is not at all similar to the attire of meterosexuals, the figure also does not resemble becoming a refined ballerina, and my views on life are not similar to the worldview of born housewives. However, it simply kills the opinion of me that I am a greenhouse plant and a mama's boy. So, after studying volumes of abstruse literature and studying expert advice on how to become a brave and brutal hero of women’s dreams, I compiled my own program on how to develop outstanding masculinity.

Step 1. Study the point of view of others

Fortunately, I have a well-visited page on the Internet, and I began to piece by piece collect the opinions of my friends and acquaintances, that in their understanding there is a proud and worthy feature of a true representative of the stronger sex - masculinity.

I admit that there were statements by indignant feminists calling for equality of the sexes and generally denying the need for masculinity and femininity as such.

However, most of my friends believe that masculinity is:

  • a natural trait, conceived by nature and honed by the requirements of the cultural development of mankind;
  • maximum use of the existing physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual potential to reveal oneself as an accomplished man;
  • the ability to take life's challenges with pride;
  • contempt for death and fearlessness in life;
  • fortitude and tempered will;
  • a conscious opportunity to perform a selfless act even to the detriment of oneself;
  • perseverance and courage in any difficult situations;
  • full personal responsibility for what is happening;
  • the ability to keep everything under control;
  • application of life wisdom in everyday life;
  • superiority over fears;
  • the ability to admit one's mistakes;
  • independence from doubts, worries, fussiness.

Step 2: Accept responsibility

I realized that in order to develop masculinity, I needed to take full and unconditional responsibility for everything that happens in my life. Become independent of circumstances. Stop blaming other people for my mistakes and failures. Stop reproaching those around you for their “wrong” attitude towards me.

I started by identifying, analyzing and eliminating almost all the points in which I relied on help or advice from others. I stopped reproaching my mother, who was used to taking care of me, for not frying the croutons properly, and began to courageously prepare breakfast on my own.

In order to be more responsible and disciplined, I made a list of my personal responsibilities, “functions,” affairs, events and took control of their implementation. I admit, now I am proud that I can control my will, manage time and am happy for every result achieved in my endeavors. The absence of doubts and indecision, strict implementation of the planned plan allows you to be more courageous.

I enjoy responsibility, do not run away from the challenges of fate and do not try to reduce my responsibilities to a minimum. And the result is obvious: those around me trust me, claiming that I am reliable and responsible.

Step 3. Improving physical fitness

I realized what separates brutal guys from wimps: ideal physical shape. Guys who seriously engage in extreme sports, such as mountaineering, demonstrate obvious fortitude, dexterity and masculinity.

To become more tempered in spirit, I chose an activity I liked: karting. In addition, to be more like the athletes on the covers of men's magazines, I spend an hour or two in the gym every day.

Another hobby that brought me closer to true masculinity was the embodiment of a natural instinct - hunting. Now I, in the company of trackers and trappers, walk along hidden taiga paths, where it is impossible to be cowardly.

Step 4. Choose a courageous profession

When I was faced with a choice: who to be, I, without a doubt, made an unequivocal decision - to enter law school. I was guided by two convictions: masculinity is an indispensable attribute of rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police officers and firefighters. In addition, the work of a lawyer requires concentration, determination, courage, self-confidence and does not allow one to be at the mercy of one’s own fears.

Now my teachers clearly explain to me during practical classes what it means to be courageous. The learned legal basics, acquired knowledge and skills, the ability to think consistently and act logically help me overcome daily difficulties with dignity and become a worthy representative of the stronger sex.

Step 5. Demonstrating my masculinity to others

I decisively changed my image, realizing that the style I admired “sport always and in everything” does not at all set me apart from my brothers. Now in a professional environment, because getting a lawyer's title was for self-interest, I show off in a strict and elegant suit.

I am proud to note that I have gotten rid of the slouched posture and always walk with a confident and decisive step. Among my friends, I got a good taste of country attire - a brilliant combination of comfort, simplicity and originality.

I realized that in order to hone my acquired qualities and become a desirable participant in men's meetings, I needed to consolidate my success by communicating with the same group of hunters. I began to accept invitations to spend time in traditional male company: I went on a hiking trip, during which I skillfully demonstrated my endurance, perseverance, and fearlessness.

I also benefited from my oratory skills, which managed to captivate my companions during conversations around the fire. Now, I am a recognized leader in my team of “adventure hunters”, an authority among my friends.

Step 6. Refuse excessive “political correctness”

Although nobility, politeness, and compliance are positive characteristics of a person, often the inability to express and argue our point of view leads to the fact that we simply go along with the crowd and are afraid to offer the slightest resistance, even when the inspired views are completely alien and unacceptable to us.

I consciously abandoned such a social dictatorship and now I am not afraid to express my point of view on certain events. I have no plans to become a proponent of cynicism and an unyielding critic, however, if I think that a long party with copious amounts of alcohol will harm me, I definitely refuse it and say a clear “no”.

Step 7. Don't be afraid to be yourself

To become more popular among lovely ladies, I began, simply, to be proud that I was a man. Brave, courageous, extraordinary, charismatic. I'm proud of who I am and what I can do. I am not a supporter of violence, but I can withstand a blow and fight back against offenders.

I began to appreciate and tried to develop all my positive qualities and am no longer afraid to tell the ladies that I am delighted with Yesenin’s poems and love to enjoy the sunset. Because this is my world - special, unique. I respect and protect ladies, I am condescending to their weaknesses, but I do not allow them to manipulate and push me around. I do not try to become higher than them, but I do not give any reason to humiliate my personality.

I don’t brag or whine when I’m in pain, but I have the right to personal experiences and am proud of what I’m able to feel. I am grateful for the fact that I am able to love and be kind to others, that I feel pity for disadvantaged children and unfortunate animals. I am convinced that only a mature person can experience the full range of emotions - sadness and joy, regret and admiration, hatred and love, but my feelings are under complete control.

I respect myself for being able to lend a helping hand to those in need and pull a drowning person out of the deepest swamp. I admit that I may be wrong, but I do not criticize myself for the slightest trifle and do not make mountains out of molehills. I realized that masculinity requires a positive outlook on life, that you cannot call an eternal whiner a true man. I look forward to the future with optimism, enjoy the present, and feel grateful for past life experiences.

Now there are more and more worthy women among those wishing to receive an invitation into my world of a real courageous man.