Spontaneity: the most underrated psychological resource for health. How and why spontaneity is suppressed

Spontaneity, which will be discussed in this article, is a meditative experience of the nature of one’s own mind in its true light. Thousands of experiences without any meaning or reason spontaneously appear and dissolve. An attempt to hold on to something, or to get rid of something, creates tension, limits perception, and chains one to the object of duality. All so-called events are illusions, because... are in fact unstable, elusive, spontaneous thoughts and images in the mind. Simply by leaving everything as it is, without turning leaving into movement or tension, you free yourself from the all-encompassing immersion in experiences and discover the great spontaneity of what is happening. This is the practice of not choosing, of not doing. It is difficult to find a solution to all problems and concerns. It is easy to make a subtle discernment that allows in a flow that washes away all concepts of problems and leads to an awareness of the spontaneity of all things.

At first, “not choosing” may appear as subtle choice, and non-action as subtle action. This residual tension is the thought that says, “I am practicing.” At this time, we can clearly see the paradox of what is happening. It would seem that we are simply here and now, but something still acts, and acts in spontaneity, against our will. It turns out that there is a “I” that simply exists, and a separate “I” that acts. Is there a difference between them? Where is this invisible transition from one “I” to another? It is impossible to understand this, because... this is the boundary of the mind and that which is beyond mental understanding.

And when we simply continue to be in such a suspended, relaxed state, without limiting ourselves to private understanding, without making noise with a rough analyzing mind, we begin to gradually see more and more clearly what is truly here and now. The mind is revealed to an incomprehensible secret about its own nature - the mind has no basis, it has no essence of its own, it is not even alive. All these are conventions. We see as it is that the mind still reflects, makes calculations, creates its characteristic tension, analyzes something, tries to drive insights into a new system, makes differences, builds formulas. And all this happens spontaneously, by itself, without our participation, simply due to the nature of the intellect - due to its charge.

Identification with the mind, or disidentification from it, is just a thought, another duality. When there are no divisions and preferences, then there is what is - being, always a new reality of the present moment, grandiose spontaneity. This is possible only thanks to relaxed non-interference in the very presence that is already happening beyond any efforts.

Why, if reality and enlightenment are so natural, does a person remain in intense duality and caught in thoughts? Nobody can do otherwise. The paradox is that our usual state is natural and spontaneous, although it looks like something based on doubt and planning. It just happens, like everything in this reality. Man is in the illusion of creation, in the illusion that there are actions, and these actions are not just random movement, but movement endowed with vital meaning. We do not do actions that do not make sense. Every situation at different levels, every moment is a deal and a compromise for us.

There is an action - there is a result. When the result is not obvious, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, injustice and deception. A painful emptiness, like a small gap through which one feels the meaninglessness of all this mechanical confusion, prompts us for the first time in a long time of sleep to think about our own life. And then the feeling arises that “you don’t want anything, everything is boring, everything is meaningless.” Although this feeling reflects reality to some extent, this reflection still occurs at the level of the mind, and is just another illusion, a thought. When this gap becomes wider during the practice of mindfulness, all experiences are temporarily intensified. A process of purification begins, during which meaninglessness and emptiness suddenly manifest themselves as freedom, clarity and purity.

If we take the plane of tension and relaxation for consideration, it turns out that we are almost always in such a suspended state. Neither total tension nor total openness is typical for us. We maneuver from one small tension to another, calling a series of these moments life. Our whole life is a continuous immersion in hundreds of mechanical (spontaneous) choices dictated by myriads of unconscious impulses.

We do not feel how this is happening; our attention slides over the consequences of unconscious causes that flow into our usual life, which we take for granted. The manifested thought is to some extent realized, but the mechanical nature of the choice is not. Spontaneity is the nature of all phenomena. When viewed with the mind, spontaneity can appear to be limiting. However, in the realm of the soul it is freedom. If choice always proceeds mechanically, then the very concept of choice is an illusion. The mind is always limited, that is its nature. However, consciousness is free from choice and doubt, it is itself spontaneity, consciousness simply exists, as an eternal spectator of this action on the boundless stage of the ocean of life.

Excessive effort spontaneously leads to fatigue and relaxation. Perhaps for this reason the experience of concentration is inevitable. Fed up with being immersed in doubt, the wise mind chooses. When attention, tempered by practice, becomes sharp, we no longer need effort to relax. We recognize ordinary life as a bundle of tensions and work with them without creating unnecessary excitement. This happens without mental effort - intuitively.

Everyone knows how to physically tense the body and then release it. Something similar happens at subtle, causal levels. We bring awareness into our own mind, without prompting, just looking at what we can see. There is no need to look for finer edges. Our work is our level. What is happening now is much more important than what, as it often seems to the mind, could happen. The true middle path is an intuitive trust in the reality of the present. Then relaxation becomes natural. What is is much simpler and brighter than what it seems. Spontaneity is the natural course of all things in the universe.

Spontaneity is a concept that in psychology means the ability to act not under the influence of external frameworks, but in accordance with the internal content, the state of a person. Psychological spontaneity is essentially a very ancient subject of study of spiritual practices, in which it is close to the concept of non-action. Confessors striving for enlightenment practiced this state when, actively living, performing ordinary actions, they tried to experience life in its fullness, as it is, without distortion through the frames of the mind. They sought to correlate all their thoughts, feelings, and actions with the general world order, the state of flow.

In Christianity, the phenomenon of spontaneity is also present and revealed in the saying of Christ “not my will, but Thine be done,” which means bringing one’s will, one’s desires into conformity with a certain world will.

When such a merger with the general flow occurs, a person reaches with his mind, individual soul the mind and soul of the world: “Everything is Brahman, and Brahman is Atman.” A person who is not spontaneous does not feel his belonging, unity, flow. When he lets go of himself and a merger occurs, he enters into inaction.

He does not become like a mummy, becoming neither alive nor dead, and does not cease to actively act, to have desires and needs. He continues to be in the fullness of life, but this coincides with world harmony. The state of his mind is not clouded by false desires, attitudes that cause inertia of perception and do not allow him to be in the fullness of reality here and now. In spiritual practices, this consciousness is compared to a crystal; it is unshakable and indestructible, not disturbed by vanity.

This is how a person subordinates his will without forcing himself, without strict prohibitions and restrictions on his desires, because if behavior were blocked, desires would still be played out in the mind, in the language of psychology - they would, for example, be repressed under the influence of psychological defenses.

Spontaneity in psychology

Spontaneity is a developed skill of a person to react as effectively as possible in a situation with a high degree of uncertainty, when a person may not have the opportunity to prepare a model of behavior in advance or act in a stereotyped manner.

Spontaneity allows you to show role flexibility and use a large repertoire of roles. In everyday life, we get used to several roles of son, mother, father, head of a company, student, saleswoman, but in reality this resource of roles could be much wider and is not used by us in full. Developed spontaneity allows you to interact more effectively within complex communications, such as those found, for example, in a management environment.

Spontaneity is also required in relationships, both at the stage of attracting a partner’s interest, and for retention in a long-term relationship, which allows you to “keep without holding.”

The result of the development of spontaneity is suddenly the beginning of advancement along a career path, when others begin to listen to a person and perceive him with the seriousness that the spontaneous person himself has chosen. By mastering as many roles as possible through spontaneity, we become more convincing, since we can create the desired role and live it, play it to the fullest.

The opportunity to act spontaneously and unconventionally in a narrow area that requires in-depth, special knowledge comes to many only after a time when they can move away from the system. Stereotypes are reassuring; it seems that lengthy preparation or correctness and adherence to instructions will save you from miscalculations and lead to results. A person tends to save energy by resorting to attitudes, but they lead to mistakes as soon as the situation has changed. Since the world is dynamic in all areas, the ability to be spontaneous comes with high efficiency. The peak of life is creativity, and it is spontaneous in nature. The most powerful effect comes precisely from spontaneous action, creative coordination with the environment. However, spontaneity is not the ideal of unlimited freedom.

Spontaneity does not mean that any desire must necessarily be satisfied, because then a person should relieve himself immediately, only when he feels the need. Criticism of spontaneity also concerns excessive immersion in childishness, regressive abdication of responsibility, and the false idea that there is no need to make systematic efforts to achieve what you want or to reflect and soberly evaluate oneself.

Nothing excessive is harmonious, and freedom must also be balanced with certain restrictions. The only difference is that a truly spontaneous personality can voluntarily enter the framework if necessary and just as easily leave it if it has become outdated and does not correspond to reality. Freedom implies responsibility as a willingness to face the consequences of one's decisions and behavior. Freedom without responsibility is the path to shamelessness and...

Spontaneity of behavior

At first it may seem that clarity of organization and planned actions make a lot of sense. However, over time, stereotypes about the correctness and routine of life often collapse, causing stress, exhaustion, a feeling of meaninglessness, etc. Can you call a friend and go somewhere today just because you want to, without thinking about the things you need to do? Do you buy gifts for no reason, even for yourself, even small ones, just to make you happy? Have you hugged your friends tightly for no reason without saying a word? Have you tried something new without dooming yourself in advance to a negative result, convincing yourself that it won’t work? Have you ever engaged in creativity simply because of a random thought?

How often can you allow yourself to be spontaneous? We often like to control our lives and those of our loved ones; we are used to controlling our thoughts and actions, which is why we are often in a constrained state. There may be some impulse, but it was once devalued or prohibited within you. For example, when a child tries to do something that is inconsistent with etiquette or the ideas of his parents, he gets slapped, his hands become increasingly pinched and constrained, and along with them his movements and thoughts.

There is an inner child hidden in everyone, essentially a creator who strives to express himself. You don’t need to suddenly become a child, regress and always be just a child - no, spontaneity is just a sign of naturalness, discover in yourself a child’s trust in the world, which will help you accept situations that you cannot control. You shouldn’t control or fight them, but just accept them, even surrender to chance.

Spontaneity is a sign of a creative personality; with the development of spontaneity, it bursts into life in you. Haven’t you painted or danced for a long time? Haven’t you come up with fresh ideas for a long time? Engage in developing spontaneity, which can give you amazing, almost magical results. Spontaneity is also needed when you just need to stop and then start moving again without hesitation.

The development of spontaneity is especially required for people who are accustomed to comprehending, controlling, and deciding everything, avoiding new paths and anything new at all. They often want to try a new way of doing things, gain more freedom, and they also feel great about breaking out of boundaries.

Developing Spontaneity

The following technique is effective for developing spontaneity. Stand comfortably, close your eyes, relax and breathe deeply, focus on your breathing. Imagine your breath rising from your toes to your chest, with each exhalation it falls again, then returning to your hands. Then, as you inhale, feel how it rises higher, towards your neck. On the next inhalation, move to the nose and then to the top of the head. Breathe fully, as if inhaling through your legs, through your entire body. As you exhale, let all the garbage go away along with your breath - all the problems, unnecessary thoughts that limit you. This will help you relieve excess stress so that nothing bothers you.

Now try to breathe very differently, sometimes it is hard and arrhythmic breathing, then deep and heavy. Look at your hand, imagining that this is a separate character who lives his own life, who has come to tell you something. Allow yourself, as if to separate your hand, allowing your hand to move as it wants, because the body really has its own stories, its own content, which we squeeze. Observe her actions, what happens to your hand. Perhaps the hand has its own name, it will want to get to know you, do something, touch objects.

Watch yours here. Maybe this will cause irritation, devaluation is normal if you are used to controlling everything. Maybe, on the contrary, you are interested, you feel delighted inside.

Now wake up your other hand as a different character. Let her move as she wants. Observe what her movements are similar to, perhaps these will be some kind of metaphors, associations. Don't control her, let her be free.

Next, connect the first hand, let them move together, but try not to synchronize them. Then engage your body, head, and legs in movement. Work with your right and left legs separately, as with your arms. Allow what is happening to you to manifest itself. You will have an unprepared, spontaneous movement. Familiar movements are possible - but allow new things to happen, try to release your whole body, change speed, direction. Try this new rhythm, the movement that reveals you, the inner child who rejoices in novelty and freedom.

Pay attention to the feeling and well-being that arises. Now try to draw it. Maybe it will just be an explosion, a scribble - this indicates that you have let yourself go. Then open up the spontaneity of speech, giving yourself the opportunity to pronounce any sounds and words. Spontaneity of speech will allow you to say that you danced and drew. Explore what this spontaneity means to you? Apply elements of this technique in life, for example, by preparing a new dish without a recipe, add new ingredients, and get creative.

This technique is great for children or creative groups. Even artists often complain about being overcrowded and lacking creativity. If you work in a rigid structure, allow yourself new sensations, even through such a game, this manifests itself best through the body. The result will not be a loss of control, but an increase in confidence in life, an increasing spontaneity of the individual. How much of our tension and effort is spent fighting windmills, when we can, on the contrary, save ourselves, our energy, even using a problem or an opponent in a positive way, as a resource previously hidden from a “blindfolded” view. The spontaneity of personality here is like a storm that will bring you to the right place, there is no need to fight it.

Very often we use the word “spontaneity” in our speech. What is this from a psychological point of view, how is it characteristic and to whom is it characteristic? Let’s now try to understand these terms and also get acquainted with them using real examples. Perhaps someone will discover this quality in themselves or in their loved ones.

General formulation of this definition

Spontaneous behavior means that a person does only what he wants at a particular moment in time, and nothing more. animals and children, which is why we all admire both. With age, such “sharpness” and immediacy in behavior disappears, and it is replaced by advance planning, subordination to a schedule (one’s own or someone else’s), and this, as psychologists say, destroys us as individuals. They compare the extinction of spontaneity with and this term is used here not in a medical sense, but more in a social one. That is why it is important in your adult years to “remember” how good it was for you in childhood, when your feelings and actions were guided by spontaneity. That it was the most accurate and true reflection of yourself and your inner world, untainted by social principles.

How and why spontaneity is suppressed

At a very young age, our parents and kindergarten teachers teach us, We are forbidden to be late, not eat enough porridge, forced to make our beds and wear specific things that we most often do not like. At the same time, the slightest disobedience on the part of the child is punished in every possible way, and this, in turn, leads to the development of fear. It is this fear that stops the development of that very true personality in us, due to the fact that it blocks spontaneity. Doctors learned not too long ago that this is bad and that children cannot be raised this way. However, there are many nuances in this issue, since each of us is part of a society where there are rules and principles, and if everyone fulfills their momentary whims, the world will go crazy. However, this is already philosophical reasoning, and now we will try to become a little freer ourselves, based on what we have.

Throw away the boundaries of society

Think for a moment about the fact that all the prohibitions that spin in every person’s head had something to do with his childhood. Now you are a full-fledged adult, therefore, you can safely forget about them. We are worried about what others will say if we perform this or that action, because in childhood we were frightened by the fear of being ashamed, due to which spontaneity was blocked. What is this if not a pathology that prevents us from living? We can say with 100% certainty that absolutely all people don’t care what you do and how you behave. Any crazy act you commit in a public place will only draw short-term attention to you, but literally in a few minutes everyone will forget about it, including you. Therefore, behave more freely, do not limit yourself to childhood, remember that you only live once.

Learning to be free

The development of spontaneity in adulthood can take place in different ways, and it depends on the characteristics of your psyche. Someone on his own, after reading this material, will think that he is already free, and will finally do something that he had not previously dared to do. Other people may not be as strong and will need professional help to open up. In any case, we must remember that there is spontaneity of the subconscious, spontaneity of consciousness and spontaneity of behavior. Each subsequent term follows from the previous one, therefore, by adjusting all your thoughts, allowing yourself to be yourself, you will become a different person. And, most likely, your whole life will be transformed, and maybe change radically.

    What is spontaneity?

    Spontaneity presupposes a person’s ability to be himself, to feel in touch with himself, to express himself naturally in different life situations. The concept of “spontaneity” comes from Lat. sponte – free will. Spontaneity is always associated with creativity, intuition, play, the ability to improvise in new situations when what is happening is born before our eyes. Spontaneity is the highest expression of a person's individuality. Thanks to spontaneity, a person is able to react flexibly in new, non-standard situations, think and feel in the “frame”, not hide behind various “social masks”, stereotypically relying on the “crutches” of learned skills, phrases, imitating authorities, concepts of success and happiness. The development of spontaneity and creativity in a person is, according to the famous psychotherapist, philosopher and sociologist, creator of psychodrama - Jacob Levi Moreno - the goal of psychodrama. The state of spontaneity is generated not by conscious will, which often acts on the contrary as an obstacle, but by “liberation”, which allows a person to freely express spontaneity. Developing spontaneity enables a person to ultimately become more vibrant, confident, expressive and light-hearted. An accomplished and successful person must be creative, creative and spontaneous.

    Why and who needs it?

    Every person needs spontaneity, everyone who would like to feel confident and happy in their personal and professional lives, everyone who would like to go beyond the usual, established patterns of behavior and try themselves in unusual roles, who would like to develop the ability to express themselves brightly and expressively. express yourself, enjoy the energy of improvisation, self-expression. Spontaneity is also very important for those who would like to improve their partnerships. Often women and men are dissatisfied with their behavior in relationships with the opposite sex or do not understand why their partner refused them, not realizing that their behavior is stereotypical, regardless of whether the person is outwardly very active and talkative, or, on the contrary, closed and conservative. Spontaneity, of course, is needed by those who would like to achieve some heights in this life. Achieving spontaneity is always associated with a feeling of great pleasure, a joyful feeling of life.

    How is spontaneity related to self-presentation?

    Spontaneity is directly related to how we show ourselves in the world around us, how we present ourselves, how we present ourselves to other people, how we look in the eyes of other people. Often we strive to “polish” a skill, perfecting our manners, body movements, voice, trying to memorize the correct texts, and every time we are in fear of making a mistake or not pleasing someone. However, we often forget that in fact, we can do a lot, but we cannot demonstrate our full potential, or we can demonstrate ourselves impeccably only in a very narrow range of possibilities (“dance from the stove”). We do not deny the need to develop various self-presentation skills (voice, body plasticity, smile, use of certain words and expressions, construction of phrases, ban on the use of certain words, etc.). However, to paraphrase Ya. L. Moreno, even the most beautiful “crutches,” no matter how much we deify them, will not help the “wounded and unable to fly eagle” to fly, which has lost its lightness thanks to the constraining bonds of civilization. Developing spontaneity is not the path to perfection in the usual sense, it is the path to naturalness. Moreover, the desire to achieve ultimate perfection increases the obstacles to achieving free spontaneity.

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    1. Excessive passion for perfection at the expense of naturalness and lightness. Often we one-sidedly strive to develop a wide variety of skills in ourselves, bringing them almost to perfection. But life is unpredictable and every time presents new and unexpected situations where memorized rules and words do not apply; it is necessary, in a sense, to “forget” everything that has been memorized and re-create meaning, movement, and themes. Spontaneity allows you to find a resource hitherto unknown to a person and express yourself in a non-stereotypical, creative way, generating something completely new, filled with meaning, depth, and an idea. Thanks to spontaneity, “I as a woman” become more interesting for a man, and a man becomes more interesting for a woman. You can consider yourself a very well-mannered and cultured person, or you can be a “cool informal”, and at the same time express yourself stereotypical. Thanks to the development of spontaneity, each person will be able to show their individuality not only through external attributes, but also through internal qualities. The ability to be in touch with one's spontaneity gives a person greater charisma.

    2. It is also a mistake to try to repeat what was once achieved spontaneously. Spontaneity cannot be repeated, just as it is impossible to step into the same river twice.

    3. Excessive passion for light hasty phrases, posturing, noise effects and emptiness - yes pseudo-spontaneity. Spontaneity is not impulsiveness. Genuine spontaneity is always filled with personal meaning and depth, there is a pause in it: the ability to be in contact with oneself, as well as to feel other people and the situation, the ability to think and feel.

When we talk about spontaneity, we mean our bright and unexpected manifestations. Something we do “without thinking.” And here there is a very big catch. As soon as we let ourselves go and do something “spontaneously”, we perform a familiar action.

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Spontaneity is as important in life as anything else. Without it, life becomes boring, insipid, uninteresting. People are used to living according to plan. That's how we were taught. Planned five-year plans in the USSR. Fulfilled the plan, exceeded it.

But the plan of life is the realm of the mind, and spontaneity comes from the soul.

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Spontaneity is the realm of the soul

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