A list of mandatory things to do every day. non-trivial things to do in your life

1. Donate half of your salary to charity.
2. Never lie once in a day.
3. Curtain the windows for a week and leave the house only at night.
4. Look at the earth from a hot air balloon.
5. Swim in the ocean.
6. Give a friend a gift for no reason.
7. Pick up a snake.
8. Dance blindfolded.
9. Plant a plant and care for it.
10. Try to catch a fish with your bare hands.
11. Draw a picture.
12. Sing your favorite song in chorus with someone.
13. Keep a diary for a month.
14. Ask a stranger for help.
15. Make a pilgrimage.
16. Meet the dawn on the street, watch the city wake up.
17. Tell a story to a person with whom you speak different languages.
18. Ride a horse.
19. Don’t say “I” throughout the day.
20. Speak to an audience of more than 100 people.
21. Spend the day alone with yourself, turning off your phone.
22. Read a book in one sitting.
23. Correspond with a friend using paper letters.
24. Give someone a tour of your hometown.
25. Build a snowman.
26. Ignore your own birthday.
27. Visit Africa.
28. On a starry night, ride a boat or sit on the shore.
29. Spend the day with your children, trying to understand them.
30. Live in a hostel for a month.
31. Respond to evil with good.
32. Feed the fish.
33. Practice holding your breath.
34. Walk on ice without fear.
35. Learn a poem in a foreign language.
36. Give something made with your own hands.
37. Live for a day without food or drink.
38. Freeze at a random moment and do not move for 20 seconds.
39. Milk the cow.
40. Look at something through a microscope.
41. Take pictures while lying down.
42. Take a walk in the underground labyrinth.
43. Work (for example, in a monastery).
44. Walk on a rope bridge.
45. Go to the bathhouse.
46. ​​Give your loved one a massage.
47. Try to write down everything that happened during the day.
48. Make a figurine of yourself from clay.
49. Dedicate a poem to your loved one.
50. Take part in a ceremony (for example, a tea party).
51. Adopt a homeless animal.
52. Delete from the phone book all numbers that you do not call.
53. Hug a tree.
54. Clap your hands while wearing mittens.
55. Sleep in a tent.
56. Make peace with your offender.
57. See the northern lights.
58. Learn to ride a bike.
59. Ride the waves.
60. Conduct a chemical experiment.
61. Do exercises in the morning for a month.
62. Fly a kite.
63. Caring for the sick.
64. Look at the top of a skyscraper.
65. Don’t look at the clock during the day.
66. Visit.
67. Come up with a fairy tale.
68. Write a plan for the year and tear it up.
69. Learn to find at least a few constellations in the sky.
70. Climb a tree.
71. Drink from a spring.
72. Cook food over a fire.
73. Enter an abandoned house.
74. Hear live throat singing.
75. Learn the history of your native language.
76. Don’t look in the mirror for a week.
77. Walk barefoot on sun-heated stones.
78. Do something good.
79. Pet the elephant.
80. Try to make your own shoes.
81. Take part in archaeological excavations.
82. Learn to write with both hands.
83. Cross the border on foot.
84. Dedicate a day to another person.
85. Clean up trash in the forest or park.
86. Douse yourself with cold water.
87. Climb onto the roof of your own house.
88. Try to draw a map of some area.
89. Learn to hold an apple on your head.
90. Lie on the water of a very salty pond.
91. Find out your family history.
92. Make repairs yourself.
93. Hand feed a horse.
94. Spend the day in the library reading room.
95. Smile at the sun.
96. Help a stranger.
97. Visit the factory.
98. Let your hair go.
99. Follow your own footsteps.
100. Think about God.

In 1911, two explorers, Amundsen and Scott, decided to compete with each other for the right to become the first person to reach the southernmost point of the Earth. This was the century of Antarctic exploration: the South Pole represented one of the last unexplored regions of the world. Amundsen wanted to plant a Norwegian flag there, and Scott wanted an English one.

The round trip from the base camps required covering a distance of 2,250 kilometers on foot - and this in extremely cold and harsh weather conditions. Both Amundsen and Scott had extensive experience, good food supplies, and a supporting team of fellow researchers. However, none of them knew what inevitable difficulties they would encounter during the expedition.

As it turned out, Amundsen and Scott took completely different approaches to solving the same problems.

Scott instructed his team to move forward as much as possible in good weather and wait out bad conditions to avoid wasting energy. Amundsen, on the contrary, instructed his people to adhere to a strict regime and to cover a distance of 32 kilometers every day, regardless of the weather. Even in the warmest and clearest periods, Amundsen did not allow his team members to walk more than 32 kilometers so that they could save energy for the next day.

Which team ultimately succeeded?

One that performed daily consistent actions.

Because we are defined by what we do EVERY day!

Today's progress is inextricably linked to yesterday's efforts, no matter how small they were.

It all comes down to the power of self-discipline.

Consider the most common problems we face in modern life, from distraction and lack of exercise to unhealthy eating and procrastination. In most cases, such problems arise not due to physical limitations, but due to mental weakness - in particular, lack of self-discipline.

We put off difficult tasks until tomorrow - because the “weather” is bad - and, ultimately, we lose our edge. We begin to get used to the idea that things should be much simpler than they are. Waiting a day or two is a solution that makes sense. And then we wake up one morning and realize that we have become emotionally incapable of doing the difficult things that are necessary.

You need to realize something. Your mind and body need to be trained to become powerful. You must challenge them and work with them consistently to grow and develop over time. If you don't push yourself to do the little things on time and always avoid the difficult things, then you will inevitably face days that will be harder and harsher than you thought.

Scott's research team did just that. They tried to simplify things - the word "easier" became their mantra, their subconscious goal. However, this was a disastrous option given the conditions in which they found themselves.

Scott's people, first of all, lost the competition in their heads.

They were convinced that waiting would make achieving the goal easier.

No need to follow their example!

Many great things can be done in a day, if, of course, you do not constantly put them off until tomorrow. Be effective and plant the right seeds in your life now. Nature, in fact, does not discriminate which seeds it receives. She grows exactly what was planted. The same goes for life. Be conscious and serious about the seeds you sow today because they will become a harvest tomorrow.

1. Start letting go of unnecessary ideals. – When any obsessive thought appears in your head, ask yourself what it is doing: helping you develop or, conversely, holding you back? Take back control. Live mindfully and let go of what doesn't serve you. Letting go does not mean giving up. Give up any obsessive emotional attachment to specific people, results and situations. Wake up every day with the intention of improving yourself and your life. Do your best without expecting life to develop in a certain way because of it. Set goals, dream, strive, take intentional action and build great relationships, but let go of expectations about what every aspect of your life should be. Just accept reality and respond effectively. Focus on what really matters - what makes you move forward - and let go of what doesn't give you anything.

2. Start putting your heart and soul into the things you do. – There is a big difference between empty fatigue and pleasant exhaustion. Life is short. Spend each day on what really matters. And don't wait! Too often we wait, thinking that we need to “find” a new or different passion. However, it is not. If you want more passion in your life right now, act accordingly right now! Put your soul into your next step. Not into tomorrow's opportunities, but into the opportunity that you have right now. Not in tomorrow's tasks, but in current ones. Not for tomorrow's run, but for today's run. Not into tomorrow's conversations, but into today's. I'm absolutely sure that there are already many things in your life that are worth your time, energy and focus. There are people and circumstances in your life that need you, just as you need them. There is a huge untapped potential within you that is waiting for your actions. Don't wait! Tomorrow does not exist! Put your soul into what you have, right now! Become it and let it become you. And then great things will happen for you, with you and because of you.

3. Start stepping outside your comfort zone. – The moment you try to make progress, your true self emerges. It is much wiser to spend ten minutes on something that is outside your comfort zone than an entire hour on things that are familiar to you. You must push your limits at least once a day - you must experience difficulty and discomfort for a certain amount of time. But most of us don't want to experience discomfort, so we constantly run away from it. The problem is that when we run from discomfort, we limit ourselves to engaging in only those activities and taking advantage of only those opportunities that lie within our comfort zone. And because our comfort zones are relatively small, we forgo the most valuable experiences of our lives and get stuck in the exhausting pursuit of our own goals. We continue to do what we have always done, and therefore get the results we have always received. Our true potential continues to remain untapped. Leave your comfort zone! Do things that expand your mind. Spend time with people who inspire you. Read books. Develop yourself. Get better. The quality of your life directly depends on you.

4. Start taking more deep breaths to consciously learn more lessons in the long run. – It is very easy to overestimate the importance of one decision, outcome or event in the heat of the moment. However, you should always remember that when things are not going the way you would like, you need to breathe deeply. Your long-term results—good or bad—are always the byproducts of many small decisions, outcomes, and events. The truth is that we all experience failures sometimes that have absolutely nothing to do with who we really are. Learn from mistakes. Become wiser. Be persistent and persistent. Character and wisdom are acquired gradually. They come with losses, lessons and victories. They come after doubts, guesses and encounters with the unknown. The seeds of success grow from past failures. The best stories come from overcoming the biggest challenges. Praise comes from pain. Don't give up, keep learning and just living.

5. Start moving away from pointless drama. – Don’t listen to the bad things people say about you along the way. Don't waste your words on those who deserve your silence. Sometimes the best thing you can do is remain silent. Seriously, instead of getting angry, angry or upset, spend your energy on what really matters. There is no need to participate in useless drama. Life is too short to waste it arguing. Be grateful for what you have and appreciate the people you love. Remember that calm is a human superpower. The ability to not act on emotions or take things personally allows your mind to remain clear, your heart to remain calm, and you to move forward. Take constructive criticism seriously, but don't take it personally. Listen to others, but always rely on your intuition and wisdom.

6. Start staying true to your beliefs and values. – Failures don’t matter in the long run. Accept them and focus on what is REALLY important. What matters is how you see yourself. Develop the habit of staying 100% true to your values ​​and beliefs, no matter what others think. Never be ashamed to do what you think is right. To form this healthy habit, make a list of 5-10 things that matter most when it comes to building character and your life. For example, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Self-Respect, Self-Discipline, Compassion and Kindness. This short list will give you the opportunity to consciously behave in accordance with the selected traits, rather than doing something random to gain external approval.

7. Start looking for silver linings. – Our most powerful weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought after another. Train your mind to see the good in the truth. Research shows that doctors who are in a positive mood before making a diagnosis have an increase in intellectual abilities compared to those who are in a normal mood. This allows them to make an accurate diagnosis almost 20% faster. Similar studies of other professions have shown that optimistic salespeople sell 50% more products than their pessimistic counterparts, and students who are in a good mood before exams statistically outperform their peers who are in a normal mood. It turns out that our mind works more efficiently when we radiate positivity. Don't get hung up on problems, focus better on managing your own thinking. Do your best to keep it positive.

8. Start focusing internally more often. – Do your best to focus inward, especially when you need moments of clarity. Remember that taking the time to focus inward and gain clarity not only benefits you—your powerful thoughts create ripples in the lives of others. When you bring clarity to your life, you do everything with full dedication - you tend to feel better about yourself and others, communicate more constructively, do the right thing, and ultimately improve the world in which you live. This is why daily prayers or meditation can really change your life. Increased levels of awareness—mental clarity—affect you in positive ways. Amazing things begin to happen to you that you didn’t even know existed.

9. Start accepting your humanity and praising yourself. “Human” is the only true label we are born with, but we tend to forget it easily. We label ourselves as “depressed,” “divorced,” “sick,” “rejected,” or “poor,” without realizing that we are much more than the shell we are encased in at the moment. We, like the wind, water and sky, will change forms many times in our lives, but will still remain beautiful people. Once you fully embrace your humanity, you'll immediately notice how you've outgrown the things you once couldn't imagine your life without... and then you'll fall in love with the things you always wanted to do but didn't know it. Take this to heart. And remember to pause once a day to rest and evaluate what you have already achieved. You have been through a lot and have grown a lot. Praise yourself for the steps you have taken and move forward with grace.

10. Start taking the next small step (one at a time, every day). – Sometimes it is very difficult to take the next step. Ten years ago, Angel and I found ourselves in a rut after losing two loved ones simultaneously to suicide and illness. We didn't have the strength to move forward. However, we forced ourselves to take one small step every day - one training session, one open conversation, and so on - and everything began to improve, we slowly gained strength. Believe it or not, that's exactly what I did again this morning. After I lost a good business opportunity, I found it difficult to move on. I felt overwhelmed, but I took one small step: I simply turned on my computer, opened my word processor, and typed one sentence. This action may seem small, but it pushed me to the next step, and the next. The end result is this article, which you have almost read to the end.

Your turn…

Pick one of the points mentioned above and start focusing on it for a few minutes every day. The point is to make lasting changes in your beliefs and behavior. Practice each point gradually - one at a time, every day, and then allow them to line up in an unshakable pyramid after a few months.

Will it be easy?

Adversity is inevitable. But only by overcoming them do you become yourself and gain the strength to take the next step. Where would you like to start today?

Not every person knows what needs to be done in life. After all, everyday worries force us to take some action every day. Some of them don't even bring us much pleasure.

There are 100 things in life that you need to do to make it fun and interesting. After all, in the bustle of everyday life, we simply forget about various necessary things that complement our existence.

Each person, of course, has his own preferences. But we will still draw up an approximate list of necessary things. So let's look at 100 things in life that need to be done. First, let's talk about the most necessary and original ideas:

  1. Make your body perfect.
  2. Play a role in a movie.
  3. Live in another country for at least six months.
  4. Fly in a hot air balloon.
  5. Take part in a tasting in a wine cellar.
  6. Win the competition.
  7. Smoke a hookah.
  8. Meditate for three hours.
  9. Build a house.
  10. Eat potatoes cooked over a fire.
  11. Plant a tree.
  12. Try tequila in Mexico.
  13. Go to
  14. Try hiking.
  15. Take part in a flash mob.
  16. Make a family tree.

You must also do the following in life:

  1. Learn martial art.
  2. Learn a new type of dance.
  3. Win the lottery.
  4. Go on a blind date.
  5. Change your image radically.
  6. Give a speech in front of a large number of people.
  7. Publish a book.
  8. To ski.
  9. Visit Ibiza.
  10. Meet the dawn.
  11. Spend the sunset.
  12. Run a marathon.
  13. Hold the butterfly in your hands.
  14. Go snowboarding.
  15. Create your website.
  16. Become a vegetarian for 21 days.
  17. Learn to play an instrument.

If you are interested in 100 things in life that need to be done, then we can advise you to thank someone at least once, as well as cook a delicious dish and sing in public.

Spontaneous travel and a whole day spent with a book are also useful activities.

When listing the 100 things you need to do in life, you can’t help but mention relaxing by the ocean. Such a pastime will only bring benefits.

Learning to skate, helping someone find their love, giving an interview and getting on the cover of a magazine - you also have to do all this in your life.

Learn a new language

Learning is not easy, but it’s great to speak a new language fluently! People who speak more than one language deserve respect. Strive for it!

Try a new sport

Playing sports is a great way to improve your health and keep yourself in good shape. Choose the type that you like. And master it well.

Scuba dive

Many people dream of seeing the world underwater with their own eyes. Therefore, you should definitely scuba dive. Such an amazing event will be remembered by you and will give you a lot of impressions.

Take up horse riding

This sport is truly wonderful. It helps you relax and unwind. In addition, you will learn how to take care of animals, and most likely, you will make a new friend.


Be sure to do this. A parachute jump will give you a lot of new emotions.

Climb the mountain

People climb mountains for various reasons. Some want to overcome feelings of fear, others plan to increase their endurance. There are people who conquer mountains just for fun.

Get a pet

Your pet will bring new emotions into your life. Love him, and he will love you back. Also, a new friend will help you become more responsible.

Open your own business

If you feel a commercial spirit in yourself, then be sure to organize your own business. Just choose the right industry.

Find your hobby

Choose an activity you like. Spend at least a little time every day on a hobby. Then your life will become more interesting. And it’s possible that your hobby will become your whole life’s work.

Run barefoot in the sand

This activity is not only enjoyable, but also useful. It will give you a boost of energy and take you back to childhood.

Learn to drive a car

Such skills will never be superfluous. It is possible that you will need them in your career. Or you can travel independently in your own car.

You should definitely see this!

Now let's look at what you should do to broaden your horizons. You must see:

  • 7 Wonders of the World;
  • sunset in Bali;
  • carnival in Brazil;
  • Italy;
  • moon eclipse;
  • Vienna Opera;
  • how bridges are raised in St. Petersburg;
  • Paris;
  • the biggest cake;
  • northern lights;
  • solar eclipse;
  • starfall;
  • Spain;
  • erupting volcano;
  • penguins;
  • koala (play with it!);
  • Eiffel Tower;
  • cherry blossoms in Japan.

Please others with your actions

What else do you need to do in life? Something that will benefit not only you, but also others.

Let's list these actions:

If we talk about the most reckless actions, then, of course, they include swimming naked and with clothes on. This category also includes visiting a nudist beach or sex in an unusual place.

The last two important points: you need to make your to-do list, and also enjoy every day you live.


Now you know 100 things you need to do in life, the list is presented in the article. We hope that you will be able to turn all of the above into reality.

Marriage takes a lot of mental and moral strength, no matter what anyone says. It's not just entertainment when two people are able to get along together and not ruin each other's lives. After getting not only married, but also into a serious relationship, you need to be prepared for the fact that life will change dramatically. Therefore, until this moment comes, you need to live for yourself and do a few things that will be much more difficult to do after the wedding. So that later it won’t be excruciatingly painful to remember about missed opportunities when it’s too late.

Travel with friends

Marriage imposes certain responsibilities on a person. First of all, this concerns communication with friends. There is less time left for gatherings with friends. Another problem can be having male friends. Not all husbands will react favorably to the fact that their wife goes on a trip with friends. And even if your spouse does not forbid you from doing this, he will not be delighted with it either. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to travel the world with your friends, you should take it without hesitation. Traveling, in principle, will not harm anyone, and good company and a pleasant pastime in different countries will forever remain in the memory as a good memory.

To get an education

For some reason, it is generally accepted that a woman does not need to have an education, but what is important is to get married successfully and live off her husband. But who guarantees that in a few years you will not get divorced and you will not have to provide for yourself. Every woman must realize that in any situation she needs to learn to provide for herself. And education is an integral part of financial independence. It is not at all important that the education be higher, the main thing is to be able to put your studies into practice and provide for yourself without outside help. Every woman should get an education before getting married.

Learn to cook

Every person should learn how to cook deliciously. It is not only the woman who is obliged to cook for the whole family every day. A man can do this too. A girl doesn’t have to adhere to the principle “if you don’t learn to cook, no one will marry you.” If you don't like to cook, you don't need to torture yourself every day by standing at the stove. But it wouldn’t be bad to have basic skills, if only to avoid spending money on going to cafes and buying semi-finished products, but to prepare a simple and inexpensive dish yourself. The ability to cook the simplest dishes significantly reduces unnecessary expenses and allows you to save money. Therefore, before tying the knot, it would be a good idea to learn how to cook simple dishes for yourself.

Change your image

Before getting married, you need to find yourself. Find yourself not only as an individual, understand what you want and what kind of person you want to be, but also find your unique style. The mistake of many women is the idea that they should dress in such a way that men like them. But clothes and your image, first of all, should suit only you. Therefore, before you get married, experiment as you please with your appearance. And after marriage, experiment. Change your image whenever you want. There is nothing wrong with consulting your husband about your appearance, but dressing just for him is not a good idea.

Live alone

Until a certain point in our lives, we all live with our parents. But while you live with your parents, you do not recognize yourself as an independent adult. You'll be lucky if your parents respect personal space, but most often they prefer to interfere in the child's personal life. The only way to realize and understand yourself as a person is to live alone. When you start living alone, the boundaries of your freedom blur. At such moments a person learns to control himself. After all, there is no other control anymore. And this is very important. Such invaluable experience can only be gained by living alone before getting married.

Go on a blind date

As long as you are not in a serious relationship, you don’t have to limit yourself to dating men. And the most fun way to expand your social circle is to go on a blind date. Such meetings should not be taken seriously. You can go on a blind date with a group of friends. For example, if such dates last a few minutes, and then the couples change. This is a great way to have a fun evening and perhaps meet some interesting people. Or just chat with strangers, pretend to be another person. There is no need to think about how you look or what you will say, the main thing is to have a pleasant evening and have a lot of fun. And then tell your husband that this happened in your life.

Find your hobby

Nothing makes a person a versatile personality like an interesting and unusual hobby. Doing what you love helps you unlock your potential and spend time not only usefully, but also with pleasure. Often, a favorite activity develops into a lifelong occupation, which then begins to generate income. You need to find an activity that will make you happy, lift your spirits, and that will be an outlet when things get really bad. Hobbies help you find friends or even a soul mate. Before you try your best to find a husband, it is better to find your favorite activity. Men come and go, but what you love will stay with you forever.

Do charity work

Charity is a good activity that all people should engage in if possible. Charity is expressed not only in monetary assistance, but also in many other ways. Helping others is very important. There will always be those who need help. And, if we are all a little more humane and responsive, we have the power to make this world a better place. You need to take care of the world around you not only before marriage, but also after it and throughout your life. Most people are driven by selfishness and greed. We need to fight this and do more good deeds.

Learn to dance

Owning your body is a useful skill that allows you to feel more confident, overcome inhibitions and increase self-esteem. Many women think only about how to serve their husband. This is precisely what speaks of low self-esteem. And dancing is just one of the ways to raise it. In addition, classes in a dance class allow you to maintain your figure and give it smooth outlines. And also preserve youth and maintain muscle tone. Dancing is a useful skill that is best learned before getting married.


A person spends most of his time at work. You can feel like an adult, an independent person and understand what it means to be responsible for your actions and learn how to provide for yourself only after getting a job. It is work that gives you the invaluable experience you need to unlock your potential. And the sooner you start working, the easier it will be for you to adapt to society and finally leave parental care. Having experienced financial independence, you will not want to depend on anyone again. Every woman needs to know this before getting married.

Every day we do different things, perform different actions, sometimes mechanically, not noticing how life quickly rushes by. Some of our actions are imposed on us from the outside (TV, news, Internet, newspapers), some are adopted from friends and colleagues, some are simply fashionable. Sometimes we completely forget about creativity and creativity, which cannot be bought, but can only be created.

So, let your imagination run wild! We invite you to make 30 bright things that will brighten your everyday life and be remembered for a long time!

1. Draw your picture

It doesn't matter that you're not an artist and it won't be Da Vinci's work. Buy a canvas, frame, easel, and paint your picture of life. Anyone can write a book, but with a painting it’s more difficult. When finished, hang it on the wall.

2. Save someone's life

Donate blood, donate money for surgery. Learn to provide first aid, emergency aid. Maybe one day you will have the opportunity to save someone from death.

3. Donate your items to the poor or needy

We often throw into the trash a lot of unnecessary things, in our opinion, that others may need. It will be much more pleasant to make them happy with such a gift.

4. Plant a tree or garden

If you don’t have a summer house or a place near your house, this can be done in a park or forest. And it doesn’t matter that no one will see it, appreciate it or give you a medal. Do it for the planet, for the future we will definitely have.

5. Visit a holy place

Do this, regardless of religion and your views on faith. This will give you the opportunity to reflect on your life. Maybe after this you will change something in your life, put things in order in your head, and think about the meaning of people’s existence.

Our life is not endless, and you are not God, and someday the moment of your death will come. So maybe it’s time to start living and do something worthwhile instead of buying a new smartphone, watching stupid TV shows, being a consumer, and denying everything.

6. Hitchhike

Take the risk, it's worth it! New impressions, acquaintances and a forgotten feeling of the unknown.

7. Learn a foreign language and make friends from that country

Each new language is another personality in you. A new language is a whole layer of culture, customs, relationships and impressions. Don't deprive yourself of such pleasure! The more languages ​​you learn, the more fully the world will open up for you.

8. Travel with couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is a network of open and helpful people. You will be provided with free overnight accommodation and other assistance during your trip. And it doesn’t matter which country you go to - there will always be a couple of suitable options. Plus, with its help you can implement the previous point.

9. Get a job as a volunteer

There is nothing better than helping others. Clean up the park, help the homeless, feed the hungry, get grandmothers across the street. In general, show your human qualities.

10. Live alone for 7 days outside of civilization

Without the Internet, TV, telephone and computer, far from people and means of communication. Sounds like a feat, right? The way it is! Just a week, and you will return as a completely different person. The brain and soul will be cleansed of unnecessary files, clarity and the desire to move forward will come.

11. Keep a personal diary, write down all your thoughts and ideas there

And then pass it on as an inheritance to your children or grandchildren, so that they get to know you and your inner world better. Everyone wouldn't mind receiving one from their father or grandfather. Make it a family tradition.

12. Find a person (or several) who has the same dream as you

And try to achieve it together. You can start with something small. And who knows, maybe in the process you will meet not only a friend to achieve your goals, but also a life partner? After all, you will have so much in common and interesting things!

13. Buy a bouquet of flowers and give it to passers-by

One flower seems like a small thing, but it will be nice for everyone. You will feel it when you see smiles and grateful eyes.

14. Take your children's things or toys to the orphanage

You can also make a monetary contribution or simply go and visit the children. There are so many kids in the world, deprived of fate, in need of attention, love and warmth. Don't be indifferent to them. You will get a hundred times more.

15. Organize or participate in a flash mob

It can be anything! You can feel like an actor or dancer in Indian TV series. This will bring a lot of laughter, joy and positivity.

16. Find an old photo with your friends, gather them again in the same place and take the same photo, but only where you are already adults

Surely you haven’t seen some of the friends and acquaintances in the old photo for ten years - it will be a great reason to see each other again. What if old friendships revive and you find a loved one again?

17. Make a family tree

At least up to the 10th generation, or better yet more. You must know who your ancestors are and honor their memory. Who knows - maybe the glory of your family will begin with you or noble blood flows in you? Do this while your old relatives are still alive.

18. Don’t lie or be a hypocrite all day long

Say everything you think and feel. Tough call. But try to go beyond, don't be afraid of the consequences. In 10 years, you are unlikely to remember the problems that arose because of your sincerity. And this day can change your life forever! So that you will never again lie to others or to yourself. Interesting? Go for it!

19. Create your inspiration board

Not to be confused with a vision board, these are completely different things. We all sometimes get angry, feel bad and experience anger and aggression. Everyone sometimes gives up and doesn’t have the strength to continue to fight and achieve their goals. Create a board or poster with photographs, drawings, things that can 100% always cheer you up, inspire you, motivate you and inspire confidence in yourself.

20. Make a gift with your own hands

And give it to a loved one or family member. Put all your imagination, all your abilities and desire to do something nice. But give just like that, without expectations! Remember, the main thing is attention.

21. Throw a surprise party for the people you care about.

And it doesn't matter how much money you have. Just decorate the house with balloons, bake a cake, learn a song. After all, it is not the cost of the holiday that is important, but the strength of the feelings that you put into it, and the surprise and happiness that you give.

22. Live without electricity for 24 hours

At all. Even without a refrigerator =). Another step that goes beyond all limits, but is very useful. Break the pattern, break the system, at least for a day. Be in unity with yourself and nature. If you slip up even once, this day no longer counts.

23. Be a vegetarian for a month

Believe me, you won't cause any harm to your health, but you will save a few innocent lives, and you might enjoy it.

24. Save a small amount EVERY day.

And after 5 years, with the money raised, together with friends, we can do what we always wanted to do, but didn’t have enough money. Make your dream come true, even after 5 years. This will instill in you perseverance and determination. Prove to yourself that you are worthy!

25. Sew your own clothes

And perhaps dress in it. We all wear clothes, but someone creates them. Become the creator of your own clothing line for yourself. Creative ideas for you! High-quality materials and more color!

26. Learn some applied skill

For example, beekeeping, or gardening, wood carving or bricklaying. In an era when you can do everything with your right hand, holding it on the mouse, this will be a breath of fresh air for you. It’s so nice to be able to do something material, even if it’s fixing a water pipe.

27. Plant 7 oak trees, grow them and cut them down after 20-30 years

For what? To make boards and lay oak parquet in my son's house! And when he walks on this floor with his children, and the floor creaks quietly, he will remember that you made this floor for him. Both your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know about this.

28. Write real letters and give real postcards

Somewhere they wrote that after the era of humanity there will be no information left, since everything is stored electronically. So it may be worth giving real postcards to your loved ones, writing real letters on paper, and not in SMS and e-mail, printing photos in albums, and not posting them on the wall on social media. networks?

29. Make your own personal time capsule

And put in it your message to future contemporaries. Send a piece of yourself on a journey through time. What if this will help descendants unravel some mystery of the past?

30. Add your own item to this list and complete it

This could be your deepest dream, or something that you are very afraid to do. The list would not be complete without this item =)

Good luck and bright impressions!

Share your successes with your friends and inspire them to do crazy things.