Specific mutation in genes. Vices and dreams

He Pingping, the smallest man in the world, died at the age of 21, writes the Daily Telegraph, citing a representative of the Guinness World Records.

Pinpin developed heart problems while filming a television program in Rome. He was taken to hospital for treatment, but doctors were unable to save him. The cause of death was given as smoking abuse.

The video about the little man clearly shows that smoking occupied a huge place in his life until it crowded out everything else...

I already had all the photos below, but on this occasion I’m posting them again.

He Pingping and Bao Xishun (height 2 m 36 cm)

He Pingping and Svetlana Pankratova (the longest legs in the world - 1 m 36 cm, height - 1.96 m)

Various photographs of a little man who died from smoking


He Pingping, whose height was only 74.6 cm, entered the Guinness Book of Records in March 2008.

He suffered from a rare form of dwarfism, which causes delayed skeletal development from birth. According to his father, He was born “the size of a palm.” Despite his height and the inconveniences that came with it, he lived the life of a TV star and even had a girlfriend. Craig Glenday. The editor-in-chief of the Guinness Book of Records, who measured He Pingping to confirm his status as the smallest man in the world, said that from the moment he first saw Pingping, he felt that he was special. According to him, Pinping illuminated the lives of everyone he met and encouraged others who were considered “different.” By September 2008, He Pingping, together with Svetlana Pankratova, the longest-legged woman in the world, presented the new edition of the Guinness Book of Records (Guinness World Records 2009).

By the way, in the new edition of the book, He Pingping's place can be taken by Khagendra Thapa Magar from Nepal, who on October 15, 2009 submitted documents to the Guinness Book of Records committee to receive the official title of the shortest man on earth. The teenager only turned 18 on October 14, and now, according to the rules of the committee, he can lay claim to the title of record holder. His first application, submitted four years earlier, was rejected because he was too young. Hajendra Thapa Magar's height is only 56 cm. Despite his dwarfism, the Nepalese leads an active lifestyle: he travels around his native country and neighboring India as part of a dance troupe, learns to read and write, helps his parents sell fruit on weekends, and in his spare time watches sports competitions. karate In addition, he often visits Buddhist temples.

Pictured above is Hajendra Thapa Magar. Below are a couple of photos added in 2014.

The shortest and tallest man in the world met in London on the occasion of a photo shoot for the Guinness Book of Records. The photo of Sultan Kösen - the tallest man in the world next to Chandra Bahadur Dangi - the shortest man in the world looks very touching.

The smallest bodybuilder in the world

The smallest bodybuilder in the world is called Aditya Dev, or simply Romeo, he comes from a small town like himself in India.

At the age of 21, Romeo weighs only 9 kilograms and is 61 centimeters tall!

This young man was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest bodybuilder in the world.


Different people become famous by becoming famous for their talents or characteristics. The latter includes the Chinese He Pingping. He was recognized as the smallest man on the planet and included in the Guinness Book of Records. But at the age of 21, little He Pingping died.

Palm-sized baby

The smallest earthling, He Pingping, was born in the city of Wulanchabu, which is located in Inner Mongolia. This happened in 1988. The baby turned out to be smaller than the palm of an average adult and weighed only 500 grams. The parents were surprised by such a miracle, but did not abandon their son and began to raise and educate him. At first he was fed milk, given through a straw - the baby had a tiny mouth that could not accommodate his mother's nipple or pacifier.

In his development, He lagged behind his peers. But he grew up as a funny and sweet child. He learned to walk and talk only at the age of four. By the age of 18, his height was only 74 centimeters. At the same time, he weighed 7 kilograms. But his mental development was amazing - He communicated normally and looked like a fairy-tale gnome. He dreamed of becoming an adult and definitely getting married.

Genetic disease

There is a version that the guy suffered from dwarfism - this is a disease that occurs due to a genetic failure. Perhaps there was some kind of mutation in the genes of parents or more distant relatives, which manifested itself through generations. But British experts who conducted a study of this tiny man are sure that he was not a dwarf. According to them, this is how osteogenesis disorders manifested themselves - it is also called bone formation.

How I got into the Guinness Book of Records

And he became famous in 2007. Then his brother-in-law made up his mind and submitted an application to the Guinness Book of Records. He became interested and visited to clarify the veracity of the relative’s statement. The short Chinese man nevertheless received a certificate and was included as a record holder in the Book after everything was carefully checked by a special commission and all protocols were followed. So, his height was measured three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and evening, in order to obtain an average value.


In the Pingping He family, two more sisters of quite normal physique grew up. The parents gave the name to their son because of his tiny size - translated it means “wine bottle.” The Pingping family ran a small, cozy Chinese restaurant. He always tried to be useful to the family - he took on sweeping and collecting garbage. But more than anything, he entertained visitors and lured tourists by serving them glasses.

Vices and dreams

The boy started smoking early - at the age of seven he became a heavy smoker and did not give up the bad habit until the last days of his short life, no matter how much his family, friends, and authoritative people tried to persuade him. There was only one answer: quit it yourself, but I won’t. He smoked a pack a day, which also had a detrimental effect on his health and heart condition.

Having grown up, the guy loved beer, he liked to drive a car (it is clear that he could only hold the steering wheel while sitting in the arms of one of the elders). Some media outlets claimed that the guy even dated a woman of normal build for some time. Pinpin Jr. also dreamed of a circus - he wanted to become a juggler or perform magic tricks. He was characterized by sociability and inquisitiveness - he gladly accepted the invitation and went on visits to the United States of America and Japan, and visited Spain. He became the hero of many television shows and met and communicated with a variety of people.

Unexpected death at 21

He's death occurred in Italy, or rather in Rome. Filming of a popular TV show in the country and around the world was just underway. The dwarf suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest - he began to complain and those accompanying him immediately called an ambulance. to send him to the hospital. But the doctors were helpless - the smallest inhabitant of the Earth died at the age of 21 from acute heart failure.

He Pingping's death was a surprise to everyone - perhaps it was his excitement, or maybe it was predetermined at birth. Of course, bad habits affected his health, but He considered himself a man and was sure that this was exactly how he should behave - smoking and drinking beer.

After He Pingping's death The title of the smallest person was given to 18-year-old Nepalese resident Hagendra Thapa Magr - his height is only 56 centimeters.

He Pingping was born on June 13, 1988. He was the third child of a family from Huade, in the city of Wulanchabu in Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region in northern China. Pingping had two sisters, both of normal height and now married. According to his father, He Yun, at birth their son was so small that he fit in the palms of his parents and weighed no more than 500 grams. As a child, Pingping had to be fed milk through a thin straw because his mouth was also extremely small for normal feeding. Pingping started talking and walking only at about 3-4 years old. By adulthood, his height stopped at between 73-74 cm, and his weight did not exceed 7 kilograms.

When it became clear that the boy was growing very slowly, doctors discovered Pingping's bone deformities, diagnosing osteogenesis imperfecta, that is, a genetic disorder that prevents the normal growth of bones and the entire body. Ultimately, doctors settled on two versions of Pingping's unusually short stature. Or he suffered from dwarfism, and his diseased endocrine glands caused him to be abnormally short. In this case, usually the height of a man reached about 130 cm, and a woman - 120 cm. Or He had a specific mutation in his genes. Be that as it may, no one could help him grow.

In January 2007, He was invited to take part in a television program in Tokyo, thanks to which he became one of the cult personalities in the Internet space. It so happened that his native Inner Mongolia became the birthplace of Bao Xishun, a Mongolian shepherd who was considered by the same Guinness Book of Records to be the tallest man on the planet (2.36 meters) until September 2009.

For the British channel Channel 4, He Pingping starred in May 2008 in a documentary project called “The Smallest People in the World and Me,” hosted by Mark Dolan. On September 16th of the same year, a real historical meeting took place between Pingping and the owner of the longest legs (132 cm), Russian Svetlana Pankratova. The two record holders had a photo shoot on the steps of the Trafalgar Square stairs in London.

In 2006, a certain fourteen-year-old Nepalese boy named Hagendra Thapa Magar was not included in the Guinness Book of Records. With a fantastically small height of 53 cm, he needed to wait until he came of age. Another contender for the new record for short stature was Jordanian Younis Edwan, but he was never officially measured by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records.

After He Pingping appeared on television in January 2007, he had to officially confirm his height and right to be called the smallest person in the world. To do this, the young man’s height was measured three times in ten hours, after which he was given a certificate according to which He’s record was officially recorded.

In March 2010, while filming a television program in Rome, he felt unwell, experienced chest pain and was taken to hospital. However, doctors were unable to save Pingping - he died on March 13 from heart complications at the age of 21.

Craig Glenday, editor-in-chief of the Guinness Book of World Records, said that Pingping, for such a small stature, had enormous influence and could inspire anyone who considered himself unusual and different from other people.

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The smallest man in the world, Chinese He Pingping, died suddenly at the age of 22 in a clinic in Rome (Italy) on Saturday, March 13. 18-year-old Nepalese Khagendra Thapa Magru is already vying for his title.

(Total 14 photos)

1. According to Western media, Hi Pingping came to the Italian capital to participate in the filming of a popular TV show, but during the recording he suddenly felt chest pain and was immediately hospitalized. In the photo: the smallest man in the world, Hi Pingping, stands next to the tallest man in the world, Sultan Kösen. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

2. After a general examination was carried out on him, he was immediately placed in the intensive care ward, but the doctors were unable to help him. The official version of He Pingping's death is cardiac arrest caused by some complications. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

3. He Pingping, whose height was only 73.6 centimeters in March 2008 at the age of 19, was officially recognized as the shortest person living on Earth, about which a corresponding entry was made. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

4. According to one version, he suffered from dwarfism, a disease usually caused by damage to the endocrine glands and characterized by abnormally short stature: on average, for men less than 130 centimeters, for women less than 120 centimeters. According to another version, the Chinese man's short stature was caused by a specific mutation in genes. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

5. According to the editor-in-chief of the Guinness Book of Records, Craig Glenday, for such a small man, Pinpin had a colossal influence on people. “His pleasant smile and mischievous character simply charmed those around him. He brightened the lives of everyone he met and inspired all those who were considered unusual and different from others,” Glenday said. In the photo: Pingping and Svetlana Pankratova, owner of the longest legs in the world, during their meeting in London in 2008. After this meeting, Svetlana invited PinPing to vacation in Crimea, Yalta. (Entertainment Press)

6. He Pingping was born in Wulanchabu City (Inner Mongolia) in 1988. At birth, his height was less than the size of an adult's palm, and his weight was less than 500 grams. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

7. As a child, his parents were forced to feed him milk through a thin straw because his mouth was too small to accept food. Pinpin began to walk and talk only at the age of 3-4 years. At the age of 18, his height stopped at 74 centimeters, and his weight stopped at 7 kilograms. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

8. According to the smallest man in the world, he considered himself an adult and dreamed of getting married. According to some media reports, he dated a woman of normal height. (AFP PHOTO/MUSTAFA OZER)

9. However, as they say, a holy place is never empty, and Guinness World Records has already announced that the name of the new holder of the title of the shortest person living on Earth will soon be announced. In the photo: a new contender for the title of smallest man in the world with a family friend. (Excel Media/Splash News)

10. It can be predicted with almost 100% confidence, Computer News reports, that the new owner of this title will be 18-year-old Nepalese Khagendra Thapa Magar (pictured), whose height, according to various sources, is from 56 to 60 centimeters , and weighs less than 5 kilograms. (Excel Media/Splash News)

11. Four years ago, he was denied a world record because at the time of filing the application, Hagendra Thapa Magru was only 14 years old, and according to experts, he could still grow. (Excel Media/Splash News)

Surely, there was also a boy in your class or yard who was teased for being short. On the one hand, this is a manifestation of childish cruelty, on the other, a psychological atavism from the cave past. A small and weak child would hardly survive without modern medicine and care, and even more so, he would not have the opportunity to have strong offspring.

True, this sad story has nothing to do with really serious deviations, when the difference in height is not 15-20 centimeters, but a meter or more. After all, the smallest person in the world does not even reach the “meter in the cap.”

First of all, we should clarify the terminology. There are simply short people who have lost centimeters due to the characteristics of the body and heredity, but there are also pathological cases when short stature is a manifestation of hormonal or genetic failures. These are the ones that end up in the Guinness Book of Records.

It is also advisable to distinguish between midgets and dwarfs. The former retain the proportions of a normal person, but in a “reduced version”; the latter may have some parts of normal size, while others are reduced. Most often, the legs and torso are affected, due to which the general “shortening” occurs.

The Chinese are the most numerous people on the planet; it is not surprising that they suffer from a variety of catastrophes of the human body, including dwarfism. And one of the most impressive representatives is He Pingping, whose height was 74 centimeters - significantly less than the border of dwarfism.

He next to the tallest Chinese man

He was born in 1988, and when he turned 18, he received the right to compete for the title of the shortest man on the planet. The fight turned out to be successful, and this title was actually awarded to the Chinese.

His life also turned out to be quite short. He only lived to be 22 years old before dying of pulmonary failure. Numerous respiratory diseases plagued him since childhood. One of the reasons is congenital disorders, the other is smoking. He smoked from the age of 7 and served as the best confirmation of the phrase “if you don’t smoke, you won’t grow up.”

After the death of the mini-Chinese, the Guinness Book of Records team began to actively search for a new record holder. He became Hakendra Thapa Magar, a resident of Nepal. It turned out that he could not only replace, but also eclipse the Chinese, because his height was 67.08 centimeters. It is not surprising that his compatriots gave him the nickname "little Buddha."

Like many prominent people, Hakendra received his share of fame. In addition to being mentioned in the famous Guinness Book of Records, he starred in several programs, including the documentary “Me and the Smallest Man in the World.”

But the Nepalese record did not last long, only a few years, until the new champion, Jundri Balauing, grew up. True, in his case, “grew up” does not sound entirely correct, because even by the time of his 18th birthday, his height was 59.93 centimeters - a record value at that time. Reaching the age of majority allowed him to compete equally with others.

Its promotion was carried out by loved ones, primarily by parents and a group of volunteers. Jundri is most likely not interested in this. He stopped growing at the age of one year, and at about the same time his mind stopped developing. Jundri can communicate in short phrases, but he was no longer able to study at school. The parents note that they started promoting him in order to draw attention to their son, as well as to receive qualified medical care, which they themselves could not provide due to their more than modest income.

This Hindu lived a long, although not very joyful life. Due to his tiny stature and distorted body proportions, he was unable to find a wife and start a family, although he really wanted to. He was also unable to work in his agricultural region, so he lived his whole life in his brother’s family, doing housework and also making national costumes.

But at the age of 72 he was noticed, and quite by accident. The experts were amazed not only by his height - 56 centimeters - but also by his age. Dwarfs and midgets, especially those of such short stature, rarely live long. As a result, Dungy is not only the smallest person on earth, but also a long-lived dwarf. At such a respectable age, he visited Kathmandu, the capital of his homeland. This was his first trip. He stated that since he could not get married and start a family, he wanted to devote the rest of his life to travel. Well, let's wish him good luck in this.

It is unknown how this nomination will change in a few years, but for now he holds the title of the shortest person in history.

There have never been people so small in Russia yet. Konstantin Morozov, who can compete with the candidates already listed, had a rather modest height of 62 centimeters. He was not the shortest in the world, but he was able to reach an impressive age - he died at 73 years old.

His life was full of events and people. Konstantin tried to lead an active lifestyle, and this despite the fact that he suffered from chondrodystrophy. With this disease, there are no bones in the body; they are replaced by cartilage. This is one of the reasons for very short stature and other associated diseases.

The stories of Konstantin Morozov and people like him are unique, but they teach us never to give up or complain about fate, but to build your life in spite of all circumstances. And if they succeeded, then others will succeed even more so.