A modern Russian language lesson taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. FGOS English language program

The relevance of this topic is the idea of ​​​​development of the education system, implemented through the introduction of second-generation Federal State Educational Standards standards in primary schools. The main idea of ​​development is presented through a systematic activity approach, which involves taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them. The fundamental difference...

English language program Federal State Educational Standard

Explanatory note to thematic planning of English lessons for 9th grade Rainbow The work program in English is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard for basic general education and the author's program of O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheeva, K.M. Baranova in English to the educational complex “English: “Rainbow English” for students in grades 5-9 of general education institutions (Moscow: Bustard, 2014). The work program is focused on the use...

Federal State Educational Standard for Educational and Cultural Educational Institutions Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V., Rainbow English for grade 5 Section 1. Explanatory note to Rainbow English for grade 5. The English language work program for grade 5 is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard for basic general education (standards of the second generation) and the author’s program by O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheev, K.M. Baranov in English for the educational complex “English language: “Rainbow ...

Federal State Educational Standards work programs English

Section 1. Explanatory note The work program in English for grade 6 is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard, and the author’s program of O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheev, K.M. Baranov in English for the teaching materials “English language: “Rainbow English” for students in grades 5-9 of general education institutions (Moscow: Drofa, 2014). The work program is focused on the use of the educational and methodological set of O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheeva, K.M. Baranov in English...

Federal State Educational Standards work programs in English

Experience of teaching English in primary school from the perspective of the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards The introduction into practice of schools of a new standard of primary general education means that current first-graders in four years of study in primary school must not only acquire a sum of knowledge and skills in a foreign language, but also master skills to learn, organize their activities, become owners of certain...

Since 2011, our school has switched to the 2nd generation Federal State Educational Standard. In this regard, the question arose about professional retraining of personnel. From 10.10.2011 until June 25, 2012, among the teachers who received a referral for retraining, I had the opportunity to undergo training in the program: “Theory and methods of teaching a foreign language in primary school” at the educational institution of further education...

Qualification test for suitability for the position held for English language teachers (Answers to tests for English teachers are located at the end of the page) 2 hours (120 minutes) are given to complete the qualification test. The correct answer is worth one point. The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. The work contains four sections. 1. Section 1 (“English and methods of teaching it”) includes − 22 tasks...

Work program for the academic subject “Foreign language (English)”, basic level for grade 5. Explanatory note on thematic planning of lessons in English for grade 5. Work program for the English language is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard for basic general education (second generation standards ) and the author’s program by O.V. Afanasyev, I.V. Mikheev, K.M. Baranov in English for the educational complex “English: “Rainbow English” ...

Nesterenko Elena Vasilievna
Educational institution: MBOU Efremkinskaya Secondary School No. 8
Brief job description: Topic: “Spelling words with an unstressed vowel sound in the root” Objectives: 1. Generalize and supplement students’ knowledge about the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root; 2.Develop written speech, the ability to accurately answer questions.3. To foster a caring attitude towards nature. Planned results: students will learn to distinguish between word forms and cognate words; see the spelling in a word; answer with reason, prove your opinion.

Nesterenko Elena Vasilievna
Educational institution: MBOU Efremkinskaya Secondary School No. 8
Brief job description: Topic: “Parts of speech” Goal: Developing the ability to recognize parts of speech. Objectives: * generalize and consolidate students’ knowledge about parts of speech; * develop spelling skills of various parts of speech; * develop the ability to recognize adjectives, nouns, verbs, pronouns in the text, establish a connection between adjectives and nouns; * expand children's vocabulary; * develop attention and logical thinking; * cultivate a sense of humane attitude towards each other, love for nature; *instill a sense of responsibility for strengthening and maintaining one’s health;

Markovina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" of the city of Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Territory
Brief job description: Abstract + presentation for the Russian language lesson, grade 3, “School of Russia” V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky in 2 parts 2018 Lesson topic: Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement. Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the types of sentences for the purpose of the statement. There is a small presentation for the lesson that will help make the lesson interesting and visual.

Suldum-ool Alina Yurievna
Educational institution: MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. S.K. Toka s. Saryg-Sep
Brief job description: Goal: to summarize existing knowledge about the adjective as a part of speech. Formed UUD: Personal actions: - show interest in studying the topic and understanding of one’s own achievements in mastering the educational topic. Regulatory actions: - plan your action in accordance with the goal; - correlate the educational action with a known algorithm; - perform mutual checks and self-checks when completing an educational task; - correlate the set goal and the obtained result of the activity; - evaluate the result of your own activities.

Lyashenko Svetlana Nikolaevna
Educational institution: GBOU secondary school No. 58
Brief job description: To consolidate children's knowledge of writing capital letters in proper names; to develop the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren; develop logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations; work on hygienic writing standards; cultivate interest in the Russian word, accuracy in work, love for the native language, and a sense of collectivism.

Strizhak Lyudmila Viktorovna
Educational institution: MBOU "Ponurovskaya Secondary School"
Brief job description: The lesson is aimed at repeating and consolidating the information in introductory words and constructions received earlier; practice the skill of identifying introductory words, sentences, inserted structures in the text and isolating them. Also in the lesson there is preparation for the State Examination.

Zaitseva Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
Educational institution: MOBU "Cherkasy Secondary School"
Brief job description: The content of the lesson meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education. When developing this lesson, I took into account the age characteristics of primary school children and the real capabilities of the students in my class: average performance, difficulties with concentration and switching attention, the presence of children in the class with impaired oral and written speech, the average level of development of analytical and synthetic thinking. The lesson was based on the knowledge and skills of the students acquired earlier.

Dolgova Vera Petrovna
Educational institution: MBOU "Usolinsk secondary school"
Brief job description: Familiarizing students with spelling and its graphic designation in writing; developing the ability to recognize the conditions for choosing a spelling; developing the ability to see the spelling and correctly write vowels o, e after sibilants and c in the endings of nouns. During the lesson, auditory dictation using signal cards, physical education, and selective dictation are used.

Repetuhas Elena Vladimirovna
Educational institution: KSU "Priozernaya Basic School of the Education Department of the Akimat of the Altynsarinsky District"
Brief job description: The lesson was shown at the teacher’s own seminar on the topic of self-education “Use of ICT in Russian language lessons.” The lesson contains all types of work using ICT.

Potepalova Irina Igorevna
Educational institution: GBOU secondary school No. 32 named after. L.V. Bobkova
Brief job description: Students become detectives, helping Sherlock Holmes solve riddles, while remembering the differences between voiced and voiceless consonants, different ways of selecting test words for words with the spelling they are studying; they repeat why there is no need to check consonants that are unpaired in terms of voicedness and voicelessness; develop speech and thinking.

Evlakhova Svetlana Vladimirovna
Educational institution: OGKOU "Ivanovo boarding school No. 2"
Brief job description: The lesson was held as part of extracurricular activities in the Russian language after studying the topic “Vocabulary”. A form of lesson was chosen that was different from the classroom one. This is a quiz for which the students prepared in advance: they published the newspaper “From the History of Phraseological Units”, divided into two teams, chose captains, came up with a motto, a team emblem, designed an exhibition of their creative works and selected various lexical dictionaries. Parents of students and colleagues were invited to the jury. The lesson notes comply with the Federal State Educational Standard

Mushkudiani Nadezhda Raulevna
Educational institution: State Institution "Vladimirovskaya Secondary School"
Brief job description: Students will be able to: - emphasize academic language (e.g. vocabulary, including terminology and phrases needed to achieve the learning objectives of the subject); - use language skills in various combinations to achieve different goals;

Kolmagorova Marina Mikhailovna
Educational institution: KSU KSH DS No. 33
Brief job description: I built my lesson in accordance with the program, using information, communication and gaming technologies. During the lesson, the age and psychological characteristics of the students were taken into account. In the content of the lesson, I included elements of teaching schoolchildren universal educational actions: the goals of the lesson were determined by the students themselves, based on the corresponding problem situation. In this lesson, an active learning method was used, which was implemented in the following types of activities: educational and educational-research. At all stages of the lesson, students were involved in active mental and practical activities of a research nature; children had to not only use existing knowledge, but also find a new way to perform an action they already knew.

Lesson plan for the Russian language according to the Federal State Educational Standard

This section of the educational portal Conspectek presents lesson plans in the Russian language. The Russian language lesson plan is a detailed plan that includes both its content and a detailed description of the sequence of stages of the lesson.

For teachers of the Russian language, a lesson note performs a dual function: firstly, it serves as a reference plan for conducting a lesson, thereby allowing for better systematization of educational material and improving the quality of teaching, and secondly, a lesson note is an official document that is used when certifying Russian teachers language, as well as teachers teaching other subjects. Regardless of the subject being taught, the length and experience of the teacher, lesson notes play an extremely important role in building a competent and effective educational process.

In accordance with the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, notes for Russian language lessons in Russian schools must meet a number of educational and methodological principles laid down in the educational standards of the new generation. The Russian language lesson plan according to the Federal State Educational Standard must meet the following criteria: goals, objectives, teaching methods must correspond to the age category of the students; the goals and objectives of the lesson are clearly formulated; the course of the educational process contributes to the completion of tasks and the achievement of goals.

The main elements of a lesson summary in the Russian language are: the topic of the lesson, its goals and objectives, the type and form of the lesson, the course (includes the sequence of stages of the lesson), and methodological support.

You can download Russian language lesson notes for free on the Notebook website

Russian language teachers can post lesson plans on various topics on our website and receive a personal certificate of publication for this. By posting your materials on the site, you allow others to adopt part of your experience and help your colleagues on the path of professional pedagogical development. All copyrighted materials on the Russian language on our website can be downloaded free of charge for informational purposes.

In addition to notes on the Russian language on our website you will find developments on

State educational institution

"Education Center" for disabled children of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Granik G. Textbooks and teaching aids for the secondary school course in the Russian languageSpelling secrets. Speech, language and the secrets of punctuation. Punctuation marks, etc.http://orel.rsl.ru/uch_russk.htm

Interactive dictationTesting your knowledge of Russian spelling. Interactive tips explain spelling and punctuation difficulties.http://learning-russian.gramota.ru/idictation.html

Interactive test Tasks on speech culture, spelling, spelling and syntax.http://www.hi-edu.ru/dovus1.shtml

Materials on the Russian language for those entering universities.Spelling for applicants, 26 questions. General screening test for applicants (1-9), 45 questions.http://altnet.ru/~mcsmall/cat_ru.htm

Russian electronic dictionaries and reference booksInteractive dictionaries of the Russian language: Explanatory Dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova, Dictionary of Foreign Words, Spelling Dictionary, Russian Semantic Dictionary, etc. Russian language service: answering questions, editing texts.http://www.slovari.ru/

Art test Questions about literary devices, author's style and other tasks.http://planeta.gramota.ru/yakov-18.html

Grammar. Morphology and word formationNoun. Morphological norm. Verb. Adjective. Pronoun. Numeral. Morphological analysis. Grammatical difficulties. Word formation.http://www.gramma.ru/RUS/?id=2.0

Technical training aids

computer program - Skype

MacBook operating system

electronic boardtp://piratepad.net/MtTWSQON2l

Planned results

mastering educational and interdisciplinary programs, including exemplary educational-cognitive and educational-practical tasks in the blocks “The graduate will learn” and “The graduate will have the opportunity to learn”

by orthoepy : correctly pronounce common words of the studied parts of speech;

on word formation: rely on word-formation analysis when determining the lexical meaning, morphemic structure and spelling of words of different parts of speech; explain the meaning of a word, its spelling and grammatical features, based on word-formation analysis and typical word-formation models;

by morphology : recognize parts of speech, know the morphological characteristics of parts of speech and the system of form change; observe literary norms in the formation and use of words; use a grammar and spelling dictionary;

by syntax : determine the syntactic role of parts of speech; distinguish and correctly construct complex sentences with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions; use coordinating conjunctions as a means of connecting sentences in the text; observe the correct intonation of sentences in speech; correctly construct and use phrases of the studied types; distinguish between simple sentences of different types; use one-part sentences in speech, taking into account their specificity and stylistic properties; it is appropriate to use sentences with introductory words, phrases and sentences; correctly construct and use sentences with isolated members; correctly use direct speech and quotes in the text, replacing direct speech with indirect speech; read expressively simple sentences of studied structures;

by spelling : characterize the studied spellings, explain their spelling, correctly write words with the studied spellings;

by punctuation : justify and correctly use punctuation marks studied in grades 5-7; use different types of linguistic dictionaries.

by vocabulary: explain the meaning of words on social topics and use them correctly; use a dictionary

Basic skills in the “Speech” section.

Text Analysis: Determinetheme and main idea of ​​the text; type of speech, style of speech, be able to prove and distinguish between types and styles of speech.

Playing text.Retell (orally and in writing) texts of artistic and journalistic style, in which the narration is combined with a description of a person’s appearance, his condition, and a description of the state of the environment. Write statements with elements of an essay.

Creating text.Report (orally and in writing) about school life (for example, from a lesson or from a big break), about the opening (visit) of a historical and cultural monument, about some interesting event, a sporting event; write essays about a person (a literary character, an acquaintance, oneself). Write an autobiography. Write essays of different genres: sketch, sketch, portrait sketch, reasoning. Write essays based on the picture.

Improving the text. Increase the expressiveness of speech, achieve full compliance of the content and language means with the communicative task of speech.