Modern concepts of education work program. Modern concept of the education system

Working programm

discipline "Pedagogy"

for specialty

050303 “Foreign language”


Explanatory note

The work program of the academic discipline “Pedagogy” is designed to implement state requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in the specialty: 050303 “Foreign Language”.

The academic discipline “Pedagogy” is a general professional discipline.

A special place in the system of professional training of future teachers belongs to the pedagogy course. Its full-fledged teaching involves: equipping students with knowledge of the theoretical foundations of pedagogy, developing clear positions in professional behavior and activities, connecting pedagogical theory with the practice of teaching and upbringing, studying advanced pedagogical experience, organizing students’ work on self-education.

As a result of studying the subject, the student must


- theoretical foundations and leading trends in the development of the education system, pedagogical science;

Basic theoretical approaches, modern concepts of education and training;

Regularities, principles, content and structure of the holistic pedagogical process;

Goals, objectives, content, forms, methods and means of education and training;

Know modern innovative technologies in the field of education;

Know the basics of managing pedagogical systems

be able to:

Apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge in different types of educational activities;

Analyze, plan (design) and evaluate the educational process and its results;

- carry out pedagogical communication with students, parents, colleagues;

Use modern innovative technologies in the field of education;

Plan daily educational work and conduct it in accordance with program and methodological documentation;

Carry out self-analysis, self-monitoring of one’s own pedagogical activity, and be able to present it.

The program is designed for 202 hours, of which 30 are devoted to practical work. Independent work - 61 hours. The pedagogy course includes 5 sections:

  • introduction to the teaching profession
  • general principles of pedagogy
  • school pedagogy
  • interaction between educational institution and family
  • basics of pedagogical systems management.

The Pedagogy course is closely related to philosophy, general psychology, correctional and special pedagogy, anatomy and physiology, and private methods. Skills and abilities are formed as a result of professional teaching practice.

The main forms and methods of studying the material are lectures, observation and analysis of demonstration classes, analysis of pedagogical situations, and work with a book.

To develop independent work skills, various types of independent activities are performed

The discipline program provides for practical and independent work, writing coursework.

At the end of studying the discipline, ongoing control is provided in the form of a test and an exam; questions on pedagogy are included in the final exam in psychology and pedagogy with methods of teaching a foreign language.


The program contains sections: 4 - “The relationship of educational institutions with the family” and 5 - “the basics of managing pedagogical systems”, since it is necessary to give students the basic knowledge of working with parents and managing an educational institution.

In connection with the organization of professional teaching practice, the section “School Pedagogy” first examines the theory and methodology of education, and then

GOS SPO requirements:

Introduction to the teaching profession:pedagogical activity, its aspects; the emergence of the teaching profession, its development; the role and place of the teacher in the age of the information society; professional and personal qualities and abilities of the teacher; requirements for professional competence and mobility; the role of self-education and self-education in the development of a professional teacher;

General fundamentals of pedagogy: the emergence and development of pedagogy, its place in the system of humanities and natural sciences; structure of pedagogical science: theory of education and training (didactics), theory of education, school science; basic pedagogical concepts; holistic pedagogical process as a subject of pedagogical study; the child as a subject and object of an integral pedagogical process; personality-oriented approach in education; pedagogical research methods; development of the education system in Russia; principles of state educational policy; continuing education; continuity in the work of educational institutions; interaction of educational institutions with families;

School pedagogy:theory of education and learning; content of training; modern concepts of primary and secondary education, their didactic and subject content; the essence and driving forces of learning; motives for learning at different age stages; management of educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren; principles, methods and organizational forms of training; lesson at school, types of lessons, their structure, requirements for conduct and analysis; diagnostics and assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren; theory and methods of education: the purpose and objectives of education; driving forces; modern concepts of education; their sociocultural foundations, scientific and methodological validity and practical applicability; education in educational and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren; relationships between the team and the individual; educational system of the school; functions, main directions and forms of activity of the teacher - class teacher; assessment of the level of education of a student.

Thematic plan

For specialty 050303 Foreign language


topic sections


accounting load

at the school



Number of audits. hours for full-time study

Zan. on lessons

Lab. slave. pract.


Section 1. Introduction to the teaching profession.

Topic 1.1

Topic 1.2

Topic 1.3 The role and place of the teacher in the age of the information society. Professional and personal qualities andteacher's abilities.Requirements for professional competence and mobility

Topic 1.4 The role of self-education and self-upbringing in the development of a professional teacher.

Section 2. General fundamentals of pedagogy.

Topic 2.1

Topic 2.2

Topic 2.3 System and structure of pedagogical science: theory of education and training (didactics), theory of education, school science

Topic 2.4

Topic 2.5 Holistic pedagogical process as a subject of study in pedagogy.

Topic 2.6 The child as a subject and object of a holistic pedagogical process. Personality-oriented approach in education

Topic 2.7 Methods of pedagogical research

Topic 2.8 Development of the education system in Russia. Principles of state educational policy. Continuing education. Continuity in the work of educational institutions.

Section 3. School pedagogy.

Topic 3.1 Theory and methods of education

Topic 3.1.1

Topic 3.1.2

Topic Contents of the education process

Topic Principles of education

Topic 3.1.3 Education in educational and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren

Topic 3.1.4 Relationships between the team and the individual

Theme 3.1.5 Educational system of the school

Topic 3.1.6 Functions, main directions andforms of activity of the teacher - class teacher

Theme 3.1.7 Assessment of the level of education of schoolchildren

Topic 3.2 Theory of education and training

Topic 3.2.1 Subject and tasks of modern didactics

Topic 3.2. 2 The essence and driving forces of the learning process

Topic 3.2.3 Structure of the learning process. Motives for learning at different age stages. Management of educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren

Topic 3.2.4 Principles of training

Topic 3.2.5 Training content

Topic 3.2.6 Teaching methods

Topic 3.2.7 Organizational forms of teaching Lesson at school: typeslessons, their structure, requirements for conduct and analysis

Topic 3.2.8

Diagnostics and assessment of educational achievements

Topic 3.2.9 Modern concepts of primary and secondary education, their didactic and subject content

Section 4. Interaction of the educational institution with the family.

Topic 4.1 Conceptual foundations of family education in various periods of social development.

Topic 4.2 Raising children in a family.

Topic 4.3 Pedagogical guidance of family education.

Topic 4.4 Forms of school work with families.

Topic 5.1 Concept and characteristics of the pedagogical system.

Topic 5.2 Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Topic 5.3 Management of an educational institution.

Topic 5.4 Fundamentals of teaching staff management.

Topic 5.5 Social and psychological climate in the team.

Topic 5.6 Scientific and methodological support of the educational system.


Section 1. Introduction to the teaching profession

Topic 1.1 Pedagogical activity, its aspects

The student must


General characteristics of the concept of pedagogical activity;

Purpose, means, types and specifics of pedagogical


be able to:

Classify activities according to different


Characterize the main approaches to the formation

goals of pedagogical activity.

Course "Pedagogy" in the teacher training system

Historical aspect of professional activity

The concept of pedagogical activity, its features

Pedagogical specialties

Analysis of educational literature for the course “Pedagogy”

Practical lesson No. 1:compiling a table by type of activity.

Independent work:

Essays and tests about the teaching profession.

Topic 1.2 The emergence of the teaching profession, its development

The student must:


Origin of the words “education”, “school”,


Features of the teaching profession;

Basic pedagogical ideas in slave-owning and feudal societies.

Be able to:

Highlight the main points

Systems of the teaching profession, its development. Educational systems during the slave-owning age. Education, school and pedagogical thought in feudal society. Features of the teaching profession.

Practical lesson No. 2:drawing up a table

Independent work:working with sources

Topic 1.3 The role and place of the teacher in the age of the information society. Professional and personal qualities and abilities of a teacher. Requirements for professional competence and mobility

The student must:


General trends in the modernization of training systems


The main problems of teachers of the new millennium;

Professional and personal qualities and

teacher's abilities;

What is the importance of the development process and

formation of professionally significant personality qualities in the professional self-development of a teacher;

Causes of professional unsuitability;

be able to:

Indicate your socio-professional position.

Build a program of professional and personal growth;

Assess the professionally significant qualities of your personality.

Requirements for the personality of a teacher in the works of luminaries of pedagogy

The personality of the teacher and its orientation.

The teaching profession in the conditions of the information technology revolution.

Professional and personal qualities and abilities of a teacher (model of a modern teacher).

Requirements for professional competence and mobility of a teacher.

Pedagogical contraindications.

Specifics of the activities of a rural school teacher.

Practical lesson: define socio-professional position of the teacher. construction of a professionogram

Independent work:working with sources.

Topic 1.4 The role of self-education and self-education in the development of a professional teacher

The student must:


Rational techniques and methods of independent


The essence of professional self-education;

Factors influencing the process of professional

teacher self-education;

Stages and methods of professional self-education;

be able to:

Create a professional training program

self-education for the coming period;

Basics of self-educational work

Professional self-education

Methods and techniques of self-education

Practical lesson No. 4:drawing up a professional profile self-education

Independent work:preparation of reports and messages

Section 2 General fundamentals of pedagogy

Topic 2.1 The emergence and development of pedagogy as a science.

The student must


The concept of “pedagogy”;

Objectives of pedagogical science;

The main works and contributions of classical teachers to the development of pedagogy as a science.

The concept of pedagogy as a science of education.

The emergence and development of pedagogy.

Ancient education systems.

Development of pedagogy to Y.A. Comenius

Jan Amos Comenius - founder of classical pedagogical theory

Pedagogical ideas of the 17th – early 20th centuries: D. Locke, J-J. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, I.F. Herbart, F.A. Diesterweg.

K.D. Ushinsky is the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia.

Ideas of Russian teachers of the 20th century: A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Pedagogy of cooperation. Ideas of innovative teachers

Independent work:working with sources

Topic 2.2 The place of pedagogy in the system of humanities and natural sciences

The student must


The relationship between pedagogy and other sciences.

be able to:

Determine the relationship between pedagogy and other sciences

The connection between pedagogy and other sciences.

Practical lesson No. 1:Drawing up a diagram - the relationship between pedagogy and other sciences

Independent work:determining the relationships between pedagogy and other sciences.

Topic 2.3 System and structure of pedagogical science: theory of education and training (didactics), theory of education, school science

The student must


Structural elements of pedagogical science;

System of pedagogical sciences

be able to:

Use pedagogical terms correctly

System of pedagogical sciences: history of pedagogy, general pedagogy, age-related, social, special, preventive, prophylactic, industrial, military, comparative, therapeutic, religious, folk pedagogy.

The main components of the structure of pedagogical science: the theory of education and training, the theory of upbringing, the basics of managing pedagogical systems. Theory of education and training: concept, basic theories, systems and technologies.

Theory of education: concept, theories, systems and technologies.

Fundamentals of management of pedagogical systems: concept, theories, management systems.

Practical lesson No. 2:drawing up a chart-table according to the system of pedagogical sciences

Independent work:working with sources

Topic 2.4 Basic pedagogical concepts

The student must


Basic pedagogical concepts;

Be able to operate with pedagogical concepts

The essence of the definition of education in social and pedagogical meaning. The historical nature of education. Purpose of education

The essence of the definition of learning as a holistic, purposeful, controlled process. Learning Objectives.

Development, formation, socialization.

Pedagogical activity: pedagogical interaction, pedagogical process, self-education, self-education.

Pedagogical system. Educational process.

Education as a process and result of training and upbringing.

Levels of education: primary, secondary, higher.

Direction of education: general, vocational, polytechnic

Interrelation of basic pedagogical concepts.

Practical lesson No. 3:compilation of a dictionary of pedagogical concepts

Independent work:working with conceptual apparatus

Topic 2.5 Holistic pedagogical process as a subject of study in pedagogy

The student must


Goals, objectives, stages, patterns of the holistic pedagogical process;

The purpose of education in a modern domestic school.

Main components of a holistic pedagogical process

Functions of the holistic pedagogical process

Conditions for the effectiveness of the holistic pedagogical process be able to:

highlight the stages of a holistic pedagogical process.

The essence of the holistic pedagogical process (concept).

The main components of a holistic pedagogical process.

Functions of the holistic pedagogical process: educational, educational, developmental, social

Regularities and principles of the holistic pedagogical process.

Contradictions as driving forces of an integral pedagogical process

Stages of a holistic pedagogical process.

Conditions for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

Practical lesson No. 4definition of stagesholistic pedagogical process, solving pedagogical situations

Independent work:analysis of lesson notes, design of stages of a holistic pedagogical process

Topic 2.6 The child as a subject and object of the holistic pedagogical process. Personality-oriented approach in education

The student must


The concept of “personal development”;

Driving forces of personality development: internal and external contradictions

Heredity, inclinations, developmental diagnostics;

The influence of upbringing on personality development;

Rights and responsibilities of the child

Psychological and pedagogical features of different age groups

The concept of age periodization

Patterns of age development;

Principles of humanistic pedagogy;

A system of humane relations between teachers and children;

be able to:

Organize a “zone of actual development” and a “zone

immediate development";

Carry out developmental diagnostics;

Define a learner-centered approach to education

Take into account age and individual characteristics

children of primary school age in training and education;

Characterize the features of physical, spiritual,

social development of children of primary school age

Highlight the main priorities and values ​​in a person-centered approach.

The child’s personality as the subject and object of education.

The concept of educational anthropology.

Factors influencing personality development: heredity, environment, upbringing, personality activity.

The relationship between development and education.

Age periodization. Preparing children for school. Features of teaching and raising children of primary school age. Uneven development. Taking into account features.

Personality-oriented approach in education: understanding the child, recognizing the child, accepting the child

Hard-to-educate and gifted children

Rights and responsibilities of the child. Contents of basic documents on the rights and responsibilities of the child.

Practical lesson No. 5:analysis of situations, development of rules for personality-oriented education

Independent work:preparation of reports and communications, work with sources

Topic 2.7 Methods of pedagogical research

The student must


Theoretical and empirical research methods;

Requirements for a teacher as a creator and researcher.

Pedagogical reality and its study.

Methods of pedagogical research: observation, conversation, questioning, experiment and pedagogical testing

Independent work:monitoring the child according to plan.

Topic 2.8 Development of the education system in Russia. Principles of state educational policy. Continuouseducation. Continuity in the work of educational institutions.

The student must


Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;

Types of educational institutions, parts of the education system, organization of education management, forms of education, principles of state policy in the field of education

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

Principles of state educational policy.

The concept and structure of the educational system of society: educational standards and educational programs, the system of educational institutions, educational authorities.

Types of educational institutions and variability of educational programs.

Continuing education.Continuity in the work of educational institutions.

General trends in the development of the education system in the modern world.

Independent work:working with sources.

Section 3 School pedagogy

Subject 3.1 Theory and methods of education

Topic 3.1.1 The essence and structure of the education process. Goals and objectives of education. driving forces

The student must


The essence, structure, goals and objectives of education,

features, movement of force and patterns

educational process;

be able to:

Characterize the general patterns of the educational process, driving forces, features of the educational process.

Definition of education in the broad and narrow sense of the word. Goals and objectives of education. Features of the education process. Driving forces of the educational process. General patterns of the education process (efficiency).

The structure of the upbringing process is a characteristic of the stages of the upbringing process: mastering knowledge of norms and rules of behavior, the formation of beliefs, the formation of feelings.

Education as socialization. Media and socialization. Peer society and children's subculture.

Topic 3.1.2 Modern concepts of education, their sociocultural foundations, scientific and methodological validity and practical applicability

The student must


Modern concepts of education and their


Modern concepts of education

Scientific and methodological validity of educational concepts

Practical applicability of educational concepts

Independent work:working with sources

Topic Content of the education process

The student must


The essence of the concept of “content of education”;

Ideas of the modern educational process

Components of basic personality culture

The concept of content of education

The essence of education

Ideas of the modern educational process

Philosophical and worldview preparation of schoolchildren: characteristics of the main elements of the content of education

Basic personality culture

Independent work:working with sources

Topic Principles of education

The student must


Principles of education;

Requirements for implementing the principles


be able to:

Characterize the system of principles of education;

The concept of the principles of education

Requirements for the principles of education

System of principles of education

Characteristics of the principles of education:

  • social orientation of education
  • connection between education and life and work
  • reliance on the positive in education
  • unity of educational influences
  • personal approach

Practical lesson No. 1: situation analysis

Independent work:Characteristics of the principles of education

Topic Methods and forms of education

The student must


Methods, techniques and forms of education;

Classifications of educational methods;

The essence of education methods;

Types of educational activities;

be able to:

Develop educational affairs of various


Apply educational methods in practice


Analyze pedagogical situations.

The concept of methods and techniques of education. Choice of education methods. Classification of education methods.

Methods for forming personality consciousness: ts fir groups of methods, characteristics of methods: story on an ethical topic, explanation, ethical conversation, debates, example

Methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior: ts group of methods, characteristics of methods: exercises, requirements, training, method of instructions

Methods for stimulating behavior and activity: ts spruce group of methods,

Characteristics of methods: encouragement, punishment, competition,

The concept of forms of education. Educational work as a form of education

The concept of means of education

Practical lesson No. 2:situation analysis

Independent work:development of forms and methods of education

Topic 3.1.3 Education in educational and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren



The main directions of education in educational and

extracurricular activities of schoolchildren;

Features of various areas of education;

be able to:

Select content for extracurricular activities;

Compile and conduct educational files;

Construct and conduct ethical conversations.

Civic education in the system of forming the basic culture of the individual.

Features of the moral education process:

Concept, features at the present stage

  • ways and means of moral education

Labor education

Concept, system of labor education

  • methodology for organizing various types of work

Aesthetic education

  • concept, content of aesthetic education
  • aesthetic education in lessons and through art, the role of nature

Physical education

Concept, means of physical education

  • physical education system at school

Legal, economic education. Formation of the foundations of ecological culture

  • concept, content

Cultivating conscious discipline and self-discipline:

The concept of discipline and discipline

  • discipline in class

Practical lesson No. 3:development of ethical conversation, development of collective creative activities

Independent work:development of KTD forms

Topic 3.1.4 Relationships between the team and the individual

The student must


Concept, signs of a team

Types, functions, characteristics, stages, structure,

relationships, development paths and pedagogical leadership


be able to:

Characterize the development of the team at different stages of development;

Formation of interpersonal relationships in the classroom;

Determine the prerequisites that have an effective influence on the formation of a team;

Design actions aimed at uniting the children's team and establishing friendly relations between children;

Create conditions for the positive development of the team;

Highlight the personal qualities that are necessary for a teacher (educator) to effectively interact with students and organize a children's team.

The concept of a team, signs of a team, stages of development of a team

Types, functions and structures of teams

A.S. Makarenko’s teaching on the team

The team and the individual: relationships, ways of development

Pedagogical management of the team

Practical lesson No. 4: situation analysis

Independent work:drawing up characteristics of the team according to plan

Topic 3.1.5 School educational system

The student must


The essence and content of the school educational system

The concept, essence and content of the educational work of the school. Plan of educational work of the school.

Independent work:analysis of the school’s educational work plan, development of game educational technologies

Topic 3.1.6 Activities of the teacher - class teacher

The student must


Functions, directions and forms of classroom activities


Basics of planning educational work with

a team of students;

be able to:

Plan educational work with the class;

Perform the functions of a class teacher in practical activities;

Determine the tasks of educational work with the team and individual children;

Observe and analyze the behavior of individual students, reveal the causes of positive and negative phenomena in the classroom.

Practical lesson No. 5:analysis of the educational planworking with the class

Topic 3.1.7 Assessing the level of education of schoolchildren

The student must


Criteria for determining good manners;

Types of educational situations;

The concept of diagnosing education. Education criteria. Registration of diagnostic results.

Independent work:determination of level criteriagood manners of schoolchildren

3.2 Theory of education and training - didactics

3.2.1 Subject and tasks of modern didactics

The student must


The meaning of the term "didactics";

Tasks of modern didactics

The concept of didactics. Subject and tasks of modern didactics

The formation of didactics as a science.

3.2.2 The essence and driving forces of the learning process

The student must


- the essence of the learning process;

Contradictions of the learning process;

Signs of the learning process

The essence of the learning process. Driving forces of the learning process. Patterns of the learning process. Functions of the learning process.

3.2.3 Structure of the learning process. Motives for learning at different age stages. Management of educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren

The student must


Stages of the learning process;

Motives for schoolchildren’s learning at different age stages;

Activities of teacher and student at each stage of the learning process

Main stages of the learning process. Motives for schoolchildren's learning. Stages of teacher activity. Stages of a student’s educational and cognitive activity.Management of educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren

Independent work:identifying the stages of the teacher’s activity and the stages of the student’s educational and cognitive activity

3.2.4 Principles of training

The student must


The meaning of the terms “learning principle” and “rules”


System of principles;

The essence of the principles and the rules for their implementation;

be able to:

Apply learning principles to practice


Be able to analyze curricula and textbooks with

positions of teaching principles;

Analyze lessons at school.

The concept of the principles and rules of training. System of teaching principles:

The principle of consciousness and activity;

The principle of visualization of learning;

The principle of systematicity and consistency;

Principle of strength;

The principle of accessibility;

The principle of scientificity;

The principle of connection between theory and practice;

The principle of educational and developmental education;

The principle of individualization.

Practical lesson No. 1:observation and analysis of a computer science lesson

Independent work:analysis of educational and methodological complexes and work programs

33.2.5 Training content

The student must


The concept of “content of education”, requirements for the content of training;

The concepts of “curriculum”, “study programs”, federal state educational standard, requirements for the standard;

be able to:

Analyze curricula, programs, textbooks

Create a lesson schedule based on the curriculum


The concept of the content of education. Humanization of education content

Main components of educational content. Subject cycles

Federal State Educational Standard

Unity of general and professional education

Requirements for the content of education

Curriculum: concept, pedagogical requirements

Types of curricula: basic, standard, general education school curriculum

Characteristics of academic disciplines. Timetable

Learning programs.

Concept and methodological requirements for training programs

Methods of construction and structure of programs

Educational and methodological complexes

Requirements for textbooks

Practical lesson No. 2:analysis of educational and methodologicalcomplexes for school

Independent work:scheduling

3.2.6 Teaching methods

The student must


The concept of “teaching methods”;

Functions of teaching methods;

The essence of teaching methods;

be able to:

Analyze lessons from the point of view of teaching methods;

Apply methods in practical activities.

The concept of methods, techniques and teaching aids. Requirements for teaching methods. Choice of teaching methods. Various approaches to classifying teaching methods. Characteristics of verbal teaching methods. Characteristics of visual teaching methods. Characteristics of practical teaching methods. Characteristics of teaching methods by the nature of cognitive activity.

Practical lesson No. 3:drawing up a methodology for conducting a story, conversation, explanation.

Independent work:characteristics of teaching methods, message “Modern teaching methods”, compilation of a summary table of two classifications of teaching methods

3.2.7 Organizational forms of training.Lesson at school: types of lessons, their structure, requirements for conduct and analysis

The student must


The concept of “organizational forms of training”;

Features of the classroom-lesson teaching system;

Requirements for a modern lesson;

Types of lessons and their structure;

Additional forms of training organization;

Features of conducting a lesson in a small school

Features of organizing home independent work

be able to:

Analyze the lesson and components of the lesson at school;

Analyze calendar-thematic and lesson-based


Develop the structure of lessons of various types;

The concept of forms of organization of training.

Ya.A. Komensky about the class-lesson system.

Lesson at school: types of lessons, their structure, requirements for conduct and analysis.

Additional forms of organizing the pedagogical process: excursion, additional classes and consultations, non-standard forms of training.

Organization of home independent work for students.

Lesson in a small school.

Preparing a teacher for a lesson: thematic and lesson planning. Technological map of the lesson. Analysis and self-analysis of the lesson.

Practical lesson No. 4:Lesson observation and analysis

Independent work:Report on the history of the emergence of the classroom-lesson system, development of a summary of a non-standard lesson

3.2.8 Diagnostics and assessment of trainingschoolchildren's achievements

The student must


Requirements for assessing a student’s educational achievements;

Peculiarities of grading in primary school

Concept, meaning, control functions. Control and diagnostics. Pedagogical requirements for assessing students' educational achievements. Types and forms of control. Assessment of learning outcomes. Characteristics of the scoring system. Rating. The role of value judgments. Humanization of control.

Independent work:analysis of types and forms of control in primary and secondary schools

3.2.9 Modern concepts of primary and secondary education, their didactic and subject content

The student must

have an ideaabout different types of systems and

learning technologies;


- differences between the traditional education system and the developmental one

- know the features of modern concepts of primary and secondary education

be able to:

- develop and conduct lessons using developmental technologies

Concept, types of systems and technologies. Characteristics of traditional and developmental education systems. Developmental education: L.V. system Zankov and the system of D.V. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova. Problem-based learning. Differentiated learning. Collective ways of learning. Technology of block-modular training. Game learning technologies. Design in the learning process.

Practical lesson No. 5developing lessons using developmental technologies, observing and analyzing lessons at school

Independent work:taking notes on types of lessons. Messages on the topic “Characteristics of modern concepts of primary and secondary education, their didactic and subject content”

Section 4. Interaction of educational institutions with families

Topic 4.1 Conceptual foundations of family education in different periods of social development

The student must


- history of the development of family education in Russia;

- rights and responsibilities of parents;

- principles, specifics of family education;

- family functions;

- know the reasons for the decline in the educational influence of the family;

Family concept. Historical aspect. Family functions. Rights and responsibilities of parents. Specifics of family education. Features of a modern family. Legal foundations of family education.

4 Topic.2 Raising children in the family

The student must


- conditions for successful upbringing and difficulties of family


be able to:

- apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities.

Type classificationfamilies.

Principles of education in the family.

The essence and content of raising children in the family

Relationship (communication) styles.

Difficulties of family education

Conditions for successful raising of children in the family.

Practical lesson No. 1:situation analysis

Independent work:compilation and analysissituations

Topic 4.3 Pedagogical guidance of family education

The student must


- tasks and directions of work with parents;

- family study methods;

be able to:
- work with family study methods.

Tasks of managing family education. Main directions of work with parents. Methods for studying the family.

Practical lesson No. 2:Development of pedagogical conversations and consultations.

Independent work:analysis of study methodsfamilies

Topic 4.4 Forms of school work with families

The student must


- basic forms of school work with families, methodology

working with family;

be able to:
- develop parent meetings, family holidays, conversations for parents;

- apply various forms of working with families in practical activities

Pedagogical conversation. Consultations for parents. Disputes and conferences. Joint holidays of parents and children. Parent meetings in the form of KTD. Parent community bodies at school.

Practical lesson No. 3:observation and analysis of parent meetings

Independent work:develop a conversation forparents, develop a parent meeting

Section 5. Fundamentals of managing pedagogical systems

Topic 5.1 Concept and characteristics of the pedagogical system

The student must


-concept, types and properties of systems

- principles and stages of management of pedagogical systems

Concept, types and properties of systems. Characteristics of the pedagogical system. Management stages. Basic principles of management.

Topic 5.2 Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

The student must


- main sections of the law “On Education”;

- basic requirements of the law;

be able to:
- work in accordance with the articles of the law;

- analyze the main sections of the law.

Concept of education. Principles, structure of the law.

Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Practical lesson No. 1:article analysisLaw of the Russian Federation “On Education”, analysis of the main sections of the law.

Independent work:working with sources

Topic 5.3 Management of an educational institution

The student must


-basics of management of an educational institution;

be able to:
- analyze educational programs, training


The main directions of management activities at school. Planning as a type of management activity. Development of school development programs. Development of educational programs, curricula. Methods of managing an educational school. School charter. Innovations in management.

Practical lessonanalysis of educational programs, curricula.

Topic 5.4 Fundamentals of teaching staff management

The student must


- rights and obligations of school officials;

- forms of management of an educational institution;

- criteria for assessing the activities of members of the pedagogical


Traditional and new forms of school-wide management. Activities of the School Council. Functions of the school director and his deputies. Organization of activities of the teaching staff.

Independent work:compilation and analysis of pedagogical situations

Topic 5.5 Social and psychological climate in the team

The student must


- types of conflicts in the teaching staff;

be able to:
- apply ways out of a conflict situation;

- use techniques to create positive

socio-psychological climate in the team.

Characteristics of the teaching staff. Conflicts in the teaching staff. Management of a team of teachers.

Practical lesson:identifying ways to resolve conflicts in the school community

Independent work:compilation and analysis of pedagogical situations.

Topic 5.6 Scientific and methodological support of the educational system

The student must


- content and conditions, methodological effectiveness

work, forms of methodological work;

- structure of activity and content of work

pedagogical council;

- forms of advanced training for teachers;

- types of control and features of their application;

- didactic requirements for intra-school control;

- conditions for the effectiveness of pedagogical control;

- methods of control;

- general requirements for assessing a teacher’s work;

- main provisions of teacher certification;

- certification procedure

The concept of methodological work. Contents of methodological work. Forms of methodological work. Work of the Pedagogical Council. Forms of advanced training for teachers.

Concept, goals, principles of certification. Activities of the certification commission. Procedure for certification. Criteria for assessing the activities of teachers.

Coursework topics

  1. The influence of example and parental authority on the successful raising of children.
  2. Family holidays as a form of strengthening interpersonal relationships among family members.
  3. The influence of interpersonal relationships and increasing the status of team members.
  4. The role of the family in the development of a child’s intellectual abilities in primary school age (adolescence).
  5. .The relationship between academic performance and the level of intelligence development in adolescence (primary school age).
  6. Analysis of modern educational systems at school.
  7. The influence of the family on the development of a child’s intellectual abilities.
  8. Differentiated approach to teaching students.
  9. Using active learning methods in primary school.
  10. The use of gaming technologies in the process of teaching schoolchildren.
  11. Moral education of schoolchildren.
  12. Moral and legal education of schoolchildren.
  13. Patriotic education of students in the teacher’s work system.
  14. Increasing the effectiveness of schoolchildren's learning as a result of the intensive use of visual aids in all lessons.
  15. Holidays at school as a means of aesthetic education.
  16. System of educational work of primary school teachers.
  17. Formation of a children's team in a primary school.
  18. Aesthetic education of schoolchildren.
  19. Fostering a culture of behavior among schoolchildren.
  20. The role of methods of organizing activities and the formation of behavioral experience in the education of students.

Questions for the test:

  1. Pedagogical activity, its aspects.
  2. The emergence of the teaching profession and its development.
  3. The role and place of the teacher in the age of the information society.
  4. Professional and personal qualities and abilities of a teacher.
  5. Requirements for professional competence and mobility of a teacher.
  6. The role of self-education and self-education in the development of a professional teacher.
  7. The emergence and development of pedagogy as a science.
  8. The place of pedagogy in the system of humanities and natural sciences.
  9. The structure of pedagogical science.
  10. Basic pedagogical concepts.
  11. Methods of scientific and pedagogical research.
  12. Holistic pedagogical process as a subject of study in pedagogy.
  13. The child as a subject and object of a holistic pedagogical process.
  14. Subject and tasksmodern didactics.
  15. The essence of the learning process.
  16. Structure of the learning process.
  17. Principles of learning.
  18. Contents of training.
  19. Concept, functions of family.
  20. Specifics of family education. Features of a modern family.
  21. Features of raising children in a family
  22. Pedagogical guidance of family education
  23. Forms of school work with families

Questions for the exam

1. The concept of pedagogical activity, its features. The origin of the words “education”, “school”, “pedagogy”. The emergence of the teaching profession.

2. The role and place of the teacher in the age of the information society: professionally significant and personal qualities and abilities of the teacher.

3. The emergence and development of pedagogy as a science. Jan Amos Comenius is the founder of classical pedagogical theory.

4. Ideas of Russian teachers of the 19th and 20th centuries: K. D. Ushinsky, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

5. The place of pedagogy in the system of humanities and natural sciences. System and structure of pedagogical science. The relationship between pedagogy and other sciences. Basic pedagogical concepts.

6. A holistic pedagogical process is the subject of the study of pedagogy: concept, main components, functions, patterns and principles.

7. Holistic pedagogical process: contradictions as a driving force, stages and conditions for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

8. Theory and methods of education. Assessment of the level of education of schoolchildren.

9. The child as an object and subject of an integral pedagogical process. Age periodization. Features of teaching and raising children of middle and high school age.

10. Education system in Russia.

11. Theory and methods of education. The essence of the education process: the concept of education in the broad and narrow sense of the word, the goals and objectives of education, the specifics of the educational process.

12. Theory and methods of education. The essence of the educational process: the driving forces of the educational process, the conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process.

13. Theory and methods of education. Content of the education process: concept, characteristics of the main components of the basic culture of the individual.

14. Theory and methods of education. Principles of education: concepts, requirements, system of principles. Characteristics of the principles: social orientation of education, connection of education with life and work.

15. Theory and methods of education. Characteristics of the principles of education: reliance on the positive in education, unity of educational influences, personal approach.

16. Theory and methods of education. Methods and forms of education. The concept of methods, techniques, forms and means of education, choice of methods, classification.

17. Theory and methods of education. Characteristics of methods for the formation of consciousness: a story on an ethical topic, an ethical conversation, an example.

18. Theory and methods of education. Characteristics of methods for organizing activities and behavior experience of students: exercise, training, assignment, method of educational situations, pedagogical requirement.

19. Theory and methods of education. Characteristics of stimulation methods: encouragement, punishment, competition.

20. Theory and methods of education. Relationships between the collective and the individual: concept, characteristics of the collective, types and structure of the collective. Teachings of A.S. Makarenko about the team.

21. Theory and methods of education. Educational system of the school: concept, content, main directions.

22. Theory and methods of education. Relationships between the collective and the individual: basic models for the development of relations between the individual and the collective, methods for studying the collective.

23. Theory and methods of education. Ways to form a team, pedagogical requirements for team leadership, styles of pedagogical leadership.

Questions for the exam

  1. Theory of education and learning. Subject and tasks of modern didactics. Concept, main categories.
  2. Theory of education and training Characteristics and functions of the learning process.
  3. Theory of education and learning.

  1. Theory of education and learning. Principles of training: the concept of principles and rules of training, system,
  2. Theory of education and learning. Characteristics of the principles of the educational and developmental nature of education, scientific character, and accessibility.
  3. Theory of education and learning. Principles of learning. Characteristics of the principles of systematicity and consistency, clarity, connection between theory and practice.
  4. Theory of education and learning. Principles of learning. Characteristics of the principles: strength, consciousness and activity, individual and differentiated approach to learning.
  5. Theory of education and learning. Teaching methods: the concept of methods, techniques and teaching aids. Multidimensional classifications.
  6. Theory of education and learning. Characteristics of teaching methods by source of knowledge: a group of verbal methods.
  7. Theory of education and learning. Teaching methods: requirements for methods. Characteristics of teaching methods by source of knowledge: visual and practical methods.
  8. Theory of education and learning. Teaching methods: choosing teaching methods. Characteristics of teaching methods according to the nature of students’ cognitive activity.
  9. Theory of education and learning. Content of education: concept, requirements for the content of education. Theory of education and learning. Federal state educational standards. Syllabus.
  10. Theory of education and learning. Curricula and educational and methodological complexes.
  11. Theory of education and learning. A lesson is the main form of organizing educational work. The concept of the class-lesson system.
  12. Theory of education and learning. Requirements for a modern lesson.
  13. Theory of education and learning. Structure and types of lessons
  14. Theory of education and learning. Organizational forms of training: excursion.
  15. Theory of education and learning. Organizational forms of training: home independent work.
  16. Theory of education and learning. Organizational forms of training: non-standard forms of training.
  17. Diagnostics and assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren. Concept, meaning of control and diagnostics.
  18. Diagnostics and assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren. Pedagogical requirements for assessment. Types and forms of control.
  19. Diagnostics and assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren. Characteristics of the scoring system.

Questions on pedagogy for the final exam in psychology and pedagogy with methods of teaching a foreign language

  1. The concept of pedagogical activity.

The place of pedagogy in the system of humanities and natural sciences. Pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality.

  1. The child as an object and subject of a holistic pedagogical process.

The personality of the child as an object and subject of education. Factors influencing personality development. Driving forces of development.

  1. Principles of education.

Concept, requirements for the principles of education, characteristics of the system of principles of education.

  1. Methods and forms of education.

The concept of methods and techniques, forms and means of education. Classification of methods. Characteristics of methods for the formation of consciousness.

  1. Methods and forms of education.

Characteristics of methods of organizing activities and behavior. Characteristics of stimulation methods.

  1. Relationships between the team and the individual.

The concept of a team, signs of a team, stages of development of a team. Teachings of A.S. Makarenko about the team. Team and personality.

  1. Theory and methods of education.

Goals and objectives of education. Features of the educational process. Driving forces of the education process. Contents of the education process (basic personality structure).

  1. Theory of education and learning.

Subject and tasks of modern didactics. Concept, main categories. Characteristics and functions of the learning process.

  1. Education in educational and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren.

Discipline in the classroom. System of educational work at school. Diagnosis of education. Forms of extracurricular activities.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

The structure of the learning process: the main stages of joint activity between teacher and students.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

Principles of training: the concept of the principles and rules of training, the system, characteristics of the principles of the educational and developmental nature of training, scientific character, accessibility.

  1. Theory of education and learning

Principles of learning. Characteristics of the principles of systematicity and consistency, clarity, connection between theory and practice.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

Principles of learning. Characteristics of the principles: strength, consciousness and activity, individual and differentiated approach to learning.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

Teaching methods: the concept of methods, techniques and teaching aids. Multidimensional classifications. Characteristics of teaching methods by source of knowledge: a group of verbal methods.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

Teaching methods: requirements for methods. Characteristics of teaching methods by source of knowledge: visual and practical methods.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

Teaching methods: choosing teaching methods. Characteristics of teaching methods according to the nature of students’ cognitive activity.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

Content of education: concept, requirements for the content of education. State standards. Syllabus. Curricula and educational and methodological complexes.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

A lesson is the main form of organizing educational work. The concept of the class-lesson system. Requirements for a modern lesson. Structure and types of lessons.

  1. Theory of education and learning.

Organizational forms of training: excursion, home independent work, non-standard forms of training.

  1. Diagnostics and assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren.

Concept, meaning of control and diagnostics. Pedagogical requirements for assessment. Types and forms of control. Characteristics of the scoring system.

  1. Activities of the teacher - class teacher.

Functions of the class teacher. The main directions and forms of activity of the class teacher. Planning educational work with the class.

  1. Forms of school work with families.

Tasks of pedagogical management of family education. Main directions of work with parents. Pedagogical conversation as a method of studying the family. Forms of work with families: consultations for parents, conferences, joint holidays of parents and children, parent meetings. Parent community bodies at school.

  1. In-school control.

Concept. The meaning of control. Types of control. Pedagogical requirements. Forms and methods of intra-school control.

Practical tasks

  1. Provide an analysis of pedagogical situations (according to the diagram)
  1. Letter from Oleg T. from summer camp. “Dear mommy, take me away from here. Our counselor is angry and punishes me every day. Either he orders you to squat 100 times, then he makes you stand on the veranda during quiet hours, and in the evening, when everyone is going to the cinema, he sends you to bed. Mom, please take it. I won’t bother you and I’ll do everything, even walk the dog.” Your son Oleg.
  2. “My son is in 3rd grade. At school he is obedient and modest, but at home he is stubborn, irritable, and often offends his younger brother. Don't think that we don't educate him. My husband is very strict: he monitors his studies, punishes if necessary.” Compare education methods at school and at home; What can you advise your mother?
  1. Olya is a first-grader. She comes from a poor, large family. one day the teacher saw Olya take a beautiful pencil from her neighbor’s desk and put it in her briefcase.

4. From a conversation between mother and son:

  • Why did you stay at school for so long?
  • I didn’t stick around, they didn’t let us out.
  • Like this?
  • Well, the counselor didn’t let me out, we had a choir rehearsal.
  • Since when did you sign up to be a singer?
  • I didn’t sign up, they drove us away.
  • How did you get it?
  • Well, what kind of mother are you, incomprehensible. The head teacher stood at the door, and the counselor stood at the locker room. They lined us up and led us out to sing.
  • What's wrong with that?
  • Yes, I don’t like to sing when forced.
  1. Zhenya K. has the neatest notebooks, and the teacher often draws the children’s attention to this. Zhenya is a good student and carries out all the teacher’s instructions willingly and conscientiously. The teacher constantly praises him. But for some reason the guys don’t like Zhenya. This upsets both the boy and his mother. But the teacher reassures Zhenya’s mother, saying that the guys are just jealous.
  1. My brother's family has 2 daughters (12 and 7 years old). The youngest Verochka was sick a lot until she was 3 years old. Now she is completely healthy, but they managed to spoil her to the limit. She is praised all the time for no reason or reason, she is littered with toys and sweets. And he constantly requires some other encouragement, otherwise he throws tantrums and doesn’t want to do anything.
  1. My son is in 8th grade. At every parent meeting, the class teacher praises the same people, most often others - Sasha and Oksana. But for some reason the kids in the class don’t like them, they shun them, they call them “crammies.” Oksana’s mom is very worried about this, and the class teacher says that the guys are just jealous of her. But it seems to me that the matter is something else.
  1. I hit my fifth grade son. Don't be so quick to judge me. I don't see any other way out. Children are different. He didn’t lay a finger on his eldest daughter. But what to do with this if he doesn’t understand anything, is stubborn and angry, doesn’t want to study, does everything at home “under pressure.” “No, I’m sure that being born into a decent family as a wolf cub is impossible to get through with any upbringing?”
  1. Sixth-graders at a health camp tore up and trampled the main flowerbed at night in order to collect a bouquet for their beloved teacher.
  1. Serezha is a fifth-grader, a timid, downtrodden boy, unsure of himself. He lives in a dysfunctional family. Seryozha is constantly punished at home, and all this is accompanied by noisy scenes. The boy must constantly lie: - he “forgot” his notebook, - he “lost” his diary, - it’s not me, it’s Borya who broke it. He is again punished for lying. Parents have no idea that the belt is the reason for the lie.
  2. Mom punished six-year-old Pavlik by not letting him go for a walk. Dad came and was indignant: “Why are you mocking the child?” He let Pavlik go for a walk and gave him money for ice cream.
  1. The math teacher was teaching a lesson. The class was a bit noisy, the children were talking loudly among themselves. Most often the teacher caught the eye of Yu. Petrenko - the leader in the class, a capable, proud, but not very diligent boy. It seemed to the teacher that he talked more than others.

“Petrenko, stop talking, otherwise I will remove you from the lesson,” she did several times
teacher's remark.

  1. The teacher gave Ole a “3” in physics for the quarter. Recently, a girl came from another school, where she got an “A” in physics. Olya complained to her mother. Mom called the teacher on the phone and expressed her dissatisfaction to him. During the lesson, the teacher spoke ironically about how Olya and her mother perceived Olya’s grades. As a sign of protest, Olya left the lesson without permission. The teacher approached the director with a complaint about Olya and her mother.
  1. A 5th grade student lost his diary, where the class teacher and teacher made the following notes: “I behaved disgracefully in class! Removed from class!, “Talked rudely to the teacher. Take action!”
  1. Second-grader Vitya brought home mended socks and joyfully handed them to his mother:
  • Learned from labor lessons!

Before the mother had time to praise her son, the father intervened:

  • This is not a man's business!
  1. Fifth grader Kolya is not good at math. Mom can’t help him, and dad doesn’t have enough patience and, usually, these sessions end in slaps and tears. Kolya refuses to go to school. To maintain interest in learning, my mother began to give Kolya 20 rubles daily.
  1. In 6th grade there is an underachieving student who has a very famous and influential dad. He constantly tries to influence the math teacher.
  1. There's a history lesson in progress. The teacher talks about events in a fascinating way, reads excerpts from books to students, which arouses their keen interest. The teacher recommends that schoolchildren read the books from which the passages were quoted, and dictates the names of the books to the students to write in their notebooks. At this time, the student raises his hand.
  • “I’m listening to you,” says the teacher.
  • “Here’s another interesting book,” says the boy.
  • “Sit down and shut up,” the teacher reprimands him.
  1. Provide an analysis of pedagogical situations (by question)

1Identify the signs of adaptation disorders. What should a teacher do in this situation?

Solve the situation: There is a lesson in 1st grade. Children complete independent assignments in their notebooks. Andrei begins to write down along with everyone else, but suddenly his gaze breaks away from the notebook, moves to the board, then to the window. The boy's face lights up with a smile, and he takes a new multi-colored ball out of his pocket. His movements are fast and noisy. Shows off his toy to his neighbor. Then he takes pencils out of his briefcase. The poorly placed briefcase falls with a crash. After the teacher’s remark, Andrei sits down at his desk, but a moment later he starts fiddling around again. Finally the call. Andrey is the first to run out of the classroom.

2 Resolve the situation. Suggest behavior correction methods.

During recess, Seryozha can increasingly be seen away from his noisy and joyfully frolicking classmates. He cannot run fast and is the first to be caught up in a game of tag; he does not always hit the ball accurately and that is why the boys do not invite him to play football. Even girls trying to master jumping over a tight elastic band brush off Serezha, because with him the team will definitely lose. Seryozha is clumsy, awkward. Because of this, the boy is unsuccessful in outdoor games with peers. Maybe that's why Seryozha doesn't really like change?

3 Identify the type of behavior disordered. Give recommendations to the teacher on working with such

  • Restless movements in the hands and feet. Sitting on a chair, the child writhes and squirms.
  • Inability to sit still when required.
  • Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.
  • Impatience, inability to wait for one's turn during games and in various situations,
    arising in a team (classes at school, excursions, etc.)
  • Inability to concentrate: often answers questions without thinking, without listening to them first
  • Difficulties (not related to negative behavior or lack of understanding) with
    completing the proposed tasks.

4 Four-year-old Stasik has diathesis and cannot eat sweets. The parents strictly monitor this, and the grandmother secretly buys the boy chocolates from them.


-Which condition of family education has been violated?

-What could this lead to?

5 Nine-year-old Natasha lives with her mother. Dad left them when Natasha was 4 years old. The mother does not allow her daughter to see her father, to visit him at their home, or to accept gifts. But the father tries to meet Natasha (at school, on the street), gives her toys, books, chocolate.


How should a father and mother behave so as not to have a detrimental effect on the child?

  1. Write questions and analyze the situation

1 My son is ready to do everything at home, but doesn’t want to learn his homework. Every day there is a serious conversation about this.

2 Our Seryozha is friends with teenage boys in the yard. I'm afraid that they are teaching him the wrong things.

4 Task - create situations, identify questions and give analysis:

-on the problems of raising an only child in a family;

-on the problems of education in a large family;

-on the problems of education in a single-parent family;

-on problems of pedagogical communication in the family.

5 Analyze the parents’ statement:

- When you do something wrong, you must be on duty in the kitchen for 3 days (8th grade)

- When he brings “3”, he washes the floor in the kitchen and hallway (4th grade)

- If you get a “2”, you are deprived of a walk for a week, wash the dishes after dinner (7th grade)

6 Answer questions:

1. What types of encouragement are used in family education, in your opinion?

2. Give an example of the positive impact of various types of encouragement on a child.

3. How do you feel about punishment? (is it necessary to punish a child, how and when?)

4. Is it possible to punish children with labor? What could this lead to?

Main literature

1. Kodzhaspirova, G.M. Pedagogy: Textbook for students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education [Text] / G.M. Kojaspirova. - M.: VLADOS, 2004. - 352 p.

2. Polyakova, A.A. Pedagogy. Tests and assignments [Text]: textbook. manual for students of secondary special educational institutions / A.A. Polyakova. – M.: Humanitarian Publishing House. center “Vlados”, 2004. -159 p.

additional literature

1. Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy of primary school [Text]: textbook. for students of pedagogical schools and colleges /I.P. Podlasy. - M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center "VLADOS", 2004. - 399 p.

2. Pedagogy [Text]: textbook. manual for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges /pod. ed. P.I. Faggot. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004. - 608 p.

3. Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy [Text]: textbook. for higher education students. textbook establishments /I.P. Podlasy. – M.:VLADOS, 1996. - 432 p.

5. Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy. New course: textbook for students of pedagogical universities: in 2 books. [Text] /I.P. Podlasy. – M.:VLADOS, 2003. - 832 p.

6. Ryzhov, V.N. Didactics [Text]: textbook. manual for students of pedagogical colleges and lyceums /V.N. Ryzhov. - M.:UNITY – DANA, 2004. - 318 p.

7. Smirnov, S.A., Kotova, I.B., Shiyanov, E.N. and others. Pedagogical theories, systems, technologies [Text]: textbook. for students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions / ed. S.A. Smirnova. – M.: Academy, 2001. – 512 p.

8. Titov, V.A. Pedagogy of primary school. Lecture notes [Text]: a guide for preparing for exams / V.A. Titov. – M.: Prior-izdat., 2003. - 224 p.

1. Amonashvili, Sh.A. Unity of purpose [Text]: a manual for teachers / Sh.A. Amonashvili. – M.: Education, 1987. - 208 p.

2. Amonashvili, Sh.A. How are your children doing? [Text]: manual for teachers / Sh.A. Amonashvili. – M.: Education, 1987. - 176 p.

3. Amonashvili, Sh.A. Hello children! [Text]: manual for teachers / Sh.A. Amonashvili. – M.: Education, 1983. - 208 p.

4. Andreev, V.I. Pedagogy [Text]: textbook. course for creative self-development / V.I. Andreev.-3rd ed. - Kazan: Center for Innovative Technologies, 2003. - 608 p.

5. Vulfov, B.Z., Ivanov, V.D. Fundamentals of pedagogy in lectures, situations, primary sources [Text] /B.Z. Vulfov, V.D. Ivanov. – M.: Publishing houseURAO, 1997. - 283 p.

6. Dmitriev, A.E., Dmitriev, Yu.A. Training and control tasks in didactics [Text]: textbook. allowance /A.E. Dmitriev, Yu.A. Dmitriev. - M.: Flinta: Nauka, 1998. - 96 p.

7. Zasobina, G.A. and others. Workshop on pedagogy [Text] / ed. prof. N.V. Savina. – M.: Education, 1986. - 111 p.

8. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” [Text] - 3rd ed. - M.: Marketing, 2001. - 36 p.

9 Kodzhaspirova, G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. Pedagogical dictionary: for higher education students. and Wednesday ped. textbook institutions [Text]/G.M.Kodzhaspirova, A.Yu. Kojaspirov. - M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 176 p.

10. Convention on the Rights of the Child. - M.: Marketing, 2001. - 24 p.

11. Kondrashova, L.V. Collection of pedagogical tasks [Text] / L.V. Kondrashova. - M.: Education, 1987. - 114 p.

12. Masharova, T.V. Pedagogical theories, systems and technologies of teaching [Text]: textbook. allowance /T.V. Masharova. - Kirov: ed. VSPU, 1997. - 160 p.

14. Moreva, N.A. Pedagogy of secondary vocational education [Text]: textbook / N.A. Moreva. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 345 p.

15. Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy. 100 questions - 100 answers [Text] /I.P. Podlasy. - M.: VLADOS, 1996. - 311 p.

16. Selevko, G.K. Modern educational technologies of teaching [Text]: textbook. allowance /G.K. Selevko. - Kirov: publishing house VGPU, 1998. - 256 p.

18. Sitarov, V.A. Didactics [Text]: textbook. manual for students of higher educational institutions /V.A. Sitarov. - M.: Academy, 2002. - 368.

19. Soloveichik, S.L. The hour of apprenticeship. The life of wonderful teachers [Text] / S.L. Soloveitchik. - ed. 2.-M.: Children's literature. - 19728. - 256 p.

19. Stolyarenko, L.D. Pedagogy [Text] / L.D. Stolyarenko. – Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2000. - 448 p.

20. Titov, V.A. Pedagogy of primary school. Lecture notes [Text] /V.A. Titov.- M.: “Prior-izdat”, 2003. 224 p.

21. Yasnitskaya, V.R. Social education in the classroom: Theory and methodology: [Text]: textbook. allowance for students higher ped. textbook institutions /ed. A.V. Mudrika. - M.: Academy, 2004. – 352 p.

22. Shevchenko, L.L. Practical pedagogical activity [Text] / L.L. Shevchenko. – M.: Sobor, 1997. - 647 p.

Means of education

  1. Computer class with Internet access
  2. Automated teacher workstation
  3. Electronic educational complexes

Modern concept of the education system

The concept of socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 provides for a high level of public participation in the management of the educational system through state and public administration bodies. December 29, 2012 acceptedthe federal lawNo. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which, with the exception of certain provisions, came into force on September 1, 2013. It was developed and adopted in order to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, is a fundamental (basic) regulatory legal act in this area and covers all legal relations in the field of education (from preschool to higher education).Changedsystemlevels of education: pre-school education and primary general education are singled out as levels of education; primary vocational education and postgraduate vocational education are excluded from education levels .

IN edated December 29, 2012 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” contains the definition of the standard: federal state educationala set of mandatory requirements for education of a certain level and (or) for a profession, specialty and area of ​​training, approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.Federal State Educational Standards of primary general education and basic general education are an integral part of the federal state educational standard of general education and represent a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of general education by educational institutions that have state accreditation .

Federal State Educational Standards (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standards) for primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education (The Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373, the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897, the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary (complete) general education was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413)represent a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of general education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

In connection with the formation of a modern rich information and educational environment, it is no less important to ensure the transition to a new educational paradigm of systemic activity-based learning. The standards of general education of the first generation, regulating the content of education in didactic units, corresponded to the classical educational paradigm of the late 20th century. At the beginning of the 21st century. they ceased to perform the function of pedagogical support for the development of the educational space. Awareness by the expert scientific and pedagogical community of the need for new tools for the development of the educational space of Russia in the 21st century. led to the development of new educational standards.

The fundamental difference between the second generation of state educational standards is their increased focus on educational outcomes as a system-forming component of the standards’ design. In the new standards, the object of standardization was not the content of education, focused on achieving relatively specific subject-specific educational results, but a system of requirements for educational results - personal, meta-subject, subject-specific. The second generation general education standard represents a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education by educational institutions that have state accreditation .

The Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education is considered as a tool for consolidating state, social and civil orders for education. The democratization of education and educational activities in general is ensured by the standard, providing for the direct and immediate participation of the public, that is, parents of students, representatives of public organizations and businesses in the management of education, resolving key issues of its development through municipal public councils, Governing Councils of schools, and public examination procedures.

The document states that the modern information society requires the formation of a new didactic model of education based on a competency-based educational paradigm. The latter assumes the active role of all participants in the educational process in the formation of a motivated, competent personality. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to change the role of participants in the educational process. If the traditional teaching system assumed the transmission of information as the main function of the teacher, and the main function of the studentits reproduction, then in the innovation system the functions of participants in the educational process change. The teacher turns from a source of information into a consultant. He must organize the student’s activities in working with information based on the lesson model used, and the studentsearch, select, analyze, organize and present information. Teacher's taskteach the child to learn, that is, to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in practical activities .

The individual, society and the state are a trio of customers who determine the goals, content and results of the educational process, form a social order for the education system: the state needs a healthy and free person. The education system must do everything possible to educate citizens - patriots, who have a full-fledged general education, who are psychologically ready for competition, a change in style and place of life, work; possessing freedom of thought and readiness for creativity, the desire for self-realization; able to maintain their health. The social order is also reflected in the civil order for the education system, expressed by the direct consumers of educational services - students and their parents. In its most general form, the civil order can be formulated as a requirement to provide modern, high-quality education available to every student, regardless of their place of residence.

The formation of a civil order at the level of an individual educational institution is to reflect the educational needs of students and their parents in the main educational program of the educational institution. The center of any educational program is the child, the satisfaction of whose educational interests is agreed upon by two parties - the school and the parent community. .

Federal state educational standards for general education reflect the understanding of the scientific and pedagogical community of the challenges that have arisen before the domestic education system in the context of its integration into the global educational space. At the present stage of the information revolution, the requirements for an educated person have changed significantly. Today it is impossible for him to know everything about

achievements in the natural sciences and humanities, but it is very important to learn how to apply your knowledge in specific life situations.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is a complex and multifaceted process, including the solution of a number of issues of regulatory, legal, information, methodological, and organizational support.The organization of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is understood as a set of measures, the implementation of which is necessary (at the federal, regional and municipal levels) for the introduction of the Standard after its approval in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. These activities must be interconnected in content, timing, resources and those responsible for their implementation .

In accordance with the Action Plan for the modernization of general education for 2011-2015, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2010 No. 1507-r“On the action plan for the modernization of general education for 20112015"provided:

    introduction of the federal state educational standard of primary general education in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation in 1st grade in 2011;

    introduction of the federal state educational standard of primary general education in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation in 2nd grade in 2012;

    introduction of the federal state educational standard of basic general education according to readiness in 5th grade in 2012 .

The leading mechanism for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard is the main educational program. The main educational program is a legal document that characterizes the content of education and the organization of the educational process in a specific educational institution. In accordance with Article 9 and Clause 5. Article 14 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” educational programs are developed and approved by the educational institution independently . It is the main educational program that determines the activities of the educational institution to achieve the planned educational results. The Federal State Educational Standard establishes requirements for the structure of basic educational programs, which reflect the main directions of the educational process at the corresponding level of education.

According to clause 6 of article 9 and clause 5 of article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the educational program must:

    include the curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that ensure the spiritual and moral development, education and quality of training of students;

    ensure that students (pupils) achieve the results of mastering the educational educational program established by the relevant Federal State Educational Standards;

    be formed on the basis of appropriate approximate OOPs, the development of which falls within the competence of federal government bodies .

In the structure of the main educational program in accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” there is no national-regional component, but there are two parts: mandatory and formed by participants in the educational process. The ratio of these parts (in primary school it is 80% and 20%, in basic school – 70% and 30%) provides sufficient opportunities for varying the content of education, taking into account the needs of students and their parents. In addition, the main educational program includes extracurricular activities, the content and forms of implementation of which are completely determined by the participants in the educational process.

According to the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, an approximate basic educational program is created at the federal level by levels of education and is the basis for the development of basic educational programs of educational institutions .

During the transition from the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education to the Federal State Educational Standard of the basic level, continuity of requirements for educational outcomes is ensured in accordance with the age characteristics of students and the goals of basic educational programs.

The main goal of education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is to develop the personality of schoolchildren through the formation of universal learning activities (hereinafter referred to as UAL), creating conditions for the development of creative abilities and the acquisition of experience. Therefore, the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program are formulated in the form of a system of subject, meta-subject and personal results of students.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.” // URL: [Date of access: 04/12/2014]

« Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education as a factor in the modernization of the education system of the Stavropol Territory"// Under scientific ed. A.A. Volkova,– Stavropol, 2012. P.7

Work program of the academic discipline


Direction of training

"050100.62 Pedagogical education"

(code and name of the area of ​​training)

Training profile

Preschool and primary education

(name of training profile)

Graduate qualification (degree)


Form of study



Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline………………………………………………………………

The place of discipline in the structure of OOP HPE.......…………………………………….

Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline.................................................... .........

Structure of the discipline................................................... ...................................................

Educational technologies........................................................ .......................................

Independent work of students…………….…………................................................. ....

Competency-based assessment tools……………………………

Evaluation means of diagnostic control……………………....................

Evaluative means of current control: module-rating technology for assessing students’ work………………………………………………………………......

12. What new trends have appeared in recent years in the education system?

13. What are the main problems of pedagogy in preschool and primary school education in Germany?

14. How do the pedagogies of East and West Germany compare?

15. What kind of future citizens does German society want to see?

16. What are the features of the educational system in Germany?

17. What are the traditional features of the British attitude towards childhood?

18. Are there contradictions between national conservatism and European globalization?

19. What is the structure of the educational system in Great Britain?

20. What is the role of national and international in education?

21. In what ways is national culture revived?

22. What requirements does the European Union impose on guaranteeing women's rights and how are they ensured?

23. What is the most interesting and unusual in the Japanese education and upbringing system?

24. What are the pedagogical efforts of adults aimed at?

25. What is the ratio of traditional and modern in Japan?

26. Would it be possible to set up a traditional kindergarten in modern Russia and what would be the rules for its operation (similar to how it is developed in Japan)?

27. What problems of Russian national education does the Turkish experience make us think about?

28. What problems of education and upbringing are most pressing now in Turkey and why? How are they resolved?

29. How does Finland ensure a high level of upbringing and education of children, regardless of their place of residence and the socio-economic status of the family?

30. How do the national and the universal compare in Finland?

31. What is close to Russians in the educational system of Finland and what distinguishes it from the Russian one?

Section No. 4 Current problems of modern foreign childhood pedagogy

1. What is the essence of environmental education for preschoolers abroad. - Which of these problems are most relevant for Russia?

2. What range of issues are addressed in environmental education? What can this do for personal development?

3. Freedom and independence in education. What role does funding play in the work of kindergartens and schools?

4. How is a particular education model selected and applied?

5. Educator and teacher in the pedagogical process. How has the role of a teacher changed abroad recently?

6. How does a teacher become a good teacher? What should a good teacher be happy with?

7. What is the role of conflicts and disputes in creating a working atmosphere in a team?

8. What is the essence of the problem of safety education?

9. How to prevent the formation of violent traits?

10. Is peace education relevant for all countries?

11. How to cultivate a positive attitude towards the environment, the desire to live in peace with everyone?

12. What is the role of games and toys in this?

13. In what ways do the views of states and families on upbringing and education converge and diverge?

14. How are girls and boys raised in different countries, in different cultures?

15. Gender identification, its problems.

16. How and when does literacy learning occur in foreign systems?

17. What is the attitude towards legasthenics?

18. How should speech be formed?

19. What is included in the concept of multiethnic education? How should the majority and minority learn to understand each other?

20. In what areas of multiethnic education is it important to work in any children's institution?

21. Why in many countries in preschool institutions are there groups of different ages?

22. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mixed age groups?

23. What are the three types of cognitive styles or learning modalities?

24. Is it possible to correct what is or is not inherent by nature?

25. How to raise child prodigies?

26. What is the problem with the quality of education? How is it determined? Who is responsible for quality? How to measure the effectiveness of education?

7.2.3. Abstract topics

1. Modern foreign concepts of child upbringing and development.”

2. Pedagogy of Reggio Emilia.

3. Pedagogical system of Loris Malaguzzi.

4. Educational system “fair community” by L. Kohlberg.

5. Features of sensory education systems in foreign pedagogy (F. Frebel, M. Montessori).

6. Modern systems of preschool and primary education in the UK.

7. Modern system of preschool and primary education in Hungary.

8. Preschools and primary schools in Finland.

9. Preschool and primary education in China.

10. Game theories in the works of Russian and foreign scientists.

11. Environmental education in one of the Western European countries.

12. Planning work in preschool institutions of foreign countries.

Questions for the test (11th semester)

1. The influence of modern social problems on the world of childhood.

2. Comparative analysis of preschool and primary education systems in foreign countries.

3. General characteristics of Western preschool educational programs.

4. The concept of “practices appropriate to the developmental level of children.”

5. Characteristics of the “Anti-stereotypical training course”.

6. “Situational approach” to education: general characteristics.

7. Integrative education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren abroad.

8. Characteristics of the Montessori system.

9. Environmental education of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren abroad.

10. Sex education for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren abroad.

11. Acquaintance with the diversity of cultures. Multicultural education.

13. Education for peace abroad.

14. Cooperation between kindergarten and school and family.

15. Creation of a subject-spatial environment.

16. The problem of training teaching staff abroad.

17. The practice of using foreign pedagogical systems in domestic preschool and primary education

18. Home education. Principles of home education.

19. Outstanding Russian teachers and thinkers about the purpose and meaning of primary school (,).

20. Waldorf pedagogy by R. Steiner (kindergarten and school).

21. Pedagogy Celestin Frenet

22. Modern preschool education and primary education in European countries.

23. Modern preschool education and primary education in China, India, Turkey and Japan.

24. Modern preschool education and primary education in the USA.

25. The practice of using foreign pedagogical systems in domestic preschool and primary education

26. A differentiated and individual approach to the education and training of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Gender education.

8. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline

a) basic literature

1. Vinogradova pedagogy: textbook /,; ed. . - Moscow: Yurayt, 2013. - 510 p.

2. , Protasova and primary education abroad. History and modernity. – M., 2001.

3. Poddubnaya protection of childhood in Russia and abroad: textbook. manual for higher students textbook establishments / . – M.: Academy, 2008. – 320 p.

4. Popov pedagogy and education [Text]/; edited by .-M.: Academy, 2010.-208 p.

5. Titov, pedagogy. Lecture notes: textbook / . - M.: A-Prior, 2008. - 158 p. - (Lecture notes). - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://biblioclub. ru/index. php? page=book&id=56312

6. Turchenko pedagogy: textbook.-M.: Flinta, 2012.- 256 p.

b) additional:

1. Anisimov, fundamentals of pedagogy [Text]/, .- M.: Education, 2006.-574p.

2. Butova, spheres of preschool services: problems of regulation [Electronic resource]: monograph / , . - Krasnoyarsk: Sib. federal univ., 2011. - 176 p. [Electronic resource].- http:///catalog. php? bookinfo=492736

3. Gradusova, pedagogy [Electronic resource]: Uch. allowance / . - M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2011. - 176 p. http:///catalog. php? bookinfo=406029

4. Zeer, vocational education: a competent approach [Text]/, .- M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005

5. History of pedagogy and education: from the origins of education in primitive society to the end of the 20th century / under general. Ed. . - M: TC Sfera, 2007. - 496 p.

7. Cluster approach as the basis for building a new type of interaction between a preschool institution and social partners | “News of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University”, 2013, No. 10. [Electronic resource]. - http://e. /view/journal/108020/page2/

8. Kozyrina legislation and educational systems of foreign countries / ed. . – M.: Academy, 2007. – 432 p.

9. Educational space: problems and prospects: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. conferences. - Tobolsk: TGPI, 2007. - 192 p.

10. Pedagogical dictionary: textbook. aid for students universities / ed. , . − Moscow: Academy, 2008. − 352 p.

11. Development of education in European countries in the context of globalization and integration processes /. - M.: Institute of Effective Technologies, 2013. - 466 p. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://biblioclub. ru/index. php? page=book&id=232309

12. Rysakova, education in Chinese society: Sociological analysis of sociocultural evolution / . - St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2010. - 219 p. [Electronic resource]. - - Access mode: http://biblioclub. ru/index. php? page=book&id=119616

13. Modern trends in preschool education / Bulletin of the Baltic Federal University. I. Kant, 2010, No. 11. [Electronic resource]. - http://e. /view/journal/65774/

14. Standards and monitoring in education, 2014, No. 2(95) / Standards and monitoring in education, No. 2(95), 2014 - SRC Infra-M. [Electronic resource].- http:///catalog. php? bookinfo=466187

15. Stepanova child’s play activity: review of preschool education programs /. - Moscow: Sphere shopping center, 2009. - 128 p.

16. Fedorov, in pedagogical universities /. - M.: Direct-Media, 2013. - 125 p. - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://biblioclub. ru/index. php? page=book&id=210410

17. Emikh paradigm of modern education. Philosophical and anthropological foundations [Electronic resource]: − M.: Logos, 2012. − 174 p. Access mode: http://www. biblioclub. ru

c) periodicals

1. Magazine “Preschool Education”

2. Magazine “Directory of Senior Preschool Teacher”

3. Magazine “Child in kindergarten”

4. Magazine “Hoop”

5. Magazine “Preschool Pedagogy”

6. Magazine “Primary School”

7. Magazine “Primary School Plus Before and After”

d) Internet resources

1. www. pedlib. ru (pedagogical library)

2. window. edu. ru (single window of access to educational resources)

3. www. proshkolu. ru (school Internet portal)

4. www. fictionbook. ru/author/natalya_viktorovna_miklyaeva/doshkolnaya_pedagogika

9. Material and technical support of the discipline

- Study room, including multimedia equipment

Technical teaching aids – TV, computer, media projector

Educational visual aids - slides, films, portraits, didactic material, tables, diagrams, lectures with computer support.

10. Discipline work program passport

Developer: Ph.D., Associate Professor

The program was approved at a meeting of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education

dated “___”______________2012, protocol No. _____


Head department __________________



UMR specialist _______________



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

professional education "Karachay-Cherkess State University

named after U.D. Aliyev"

Modern problems of science and


work program of the discipline (module)

assigned to the department: theories and methods of vocational education

curriculum: in the direction 050100.68 “Teacher education”, profile of the master’s program “higher education”

hours according to the State Standards (from the RUP): hours according to the working curriculum: 144 total labor intensity (in ZET): hours according to the work program: 144 hours for independent work according to the RUP: 76 (53%) hours for independent work according to the RPD: 76 (53 %) discipline uniqueness coefficient:

types of control in semesters exams 1,2 tests course projects coursework (in courses) Distribution of discipline hours by semester Type of classes No. of semesters, number of academic weeks in semesters Total


Lectures 18/8 18/8 16/6 16/6 34/14 34/14 Laboratory Practical 18/8 18/8 16/6 16/6 34/14 34/14 CSR Auditorium. classes 36/16 36/16 32/12 32/12 68/28 68/28 Self. work 36 36 40 40 76 76 Total 72 72 72 72 144 144

The program was compiled by:

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theories and Methods of Vocational Education Lavrinets K.Yu.


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theories and Methods of Vocational Education Urusova Z.M.

Work program of the discipline:

Modern problems of science and education.

Compiled on the basis of the curriculum: in the direction 050100.68 “Pedagogical education”, the profile of the master’s program “higher education” and the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training 050100 pedagogical education (qualification “Master”) approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 2010 No. 35.

The work program was approved at a meeting of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education Minutes dated June 11, 2014. No.___10___ Duration of the program: 2014-2015 academic year.

Head Department Ph.D., Associate Professor Borlakova S.A.

Endorsement of the RPD for use in the next academic year Approved by: Head of the Educational Institution Ph.D. Assoc. Sarcilina A.I.

Goals of mastering the discipline 1.

development of conceptualization of pedagogical thinking;

understanding the specifics of pedagogical science and education as sociocultural phenomena;

acquaintance with modern trends in the development of pedagogical science and education;

mastering the techniques of philosophical analysis of processes occurring in the system of pedagogical 1.4 knowledge and education;

1.5 mastery of the methodological foundations of research activities in the field of 1.6 pedagogy;

the emergence among masters of meaningful ideas of methodological foundations 1.7 system-centric and anthropocentric paradigms of education, methods of obtaining modern scientific knowledge, the educational system as an object of monitoring, the formation of professional competence of the future master of pedagogy; identifying development trends, studying the state, patterns of educational innovations 1.8 of the twentieth century in domestic and foreign experience ; monitoring as a scientific and practical phenomenon; international system for assessing the quality of education;

–  –  –

Requirements for the student's training:

To successfully master the discipline, a master's student must have basic training in course 2.1.

pedagogy within the scope of the university program.

Disciplines and practices for which mastering this discipline (module) is necessary as 2.


Connection with other disciplines: “Pedagogy”, “Psychology”, “Philosophy”.

“Historical ethnology”, “Ethnology”, “Ethnic component in the content of education”, “Cultural anthropology”, “Comparative study of civilizations”, “Sociology of religion”, “History and methodology of science and education (History and methodology of ethnological education)”.

–  –  –

Be able to:

develop and improve their general intellectual and general cultural level, apply modern methods and technologies for organizing and implementing the educational process at various educational levels in various educational institutions, analyze the results of scientific research and apply them in solving specific educational and research problems.


skills of humanitarian thinking, to form pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary both for professional activities and for increasing general competence in interpersonal relationships.

skills in solving issues related to the development of a humanistic worldview in future specialists; skills in stimulating their personal growth and self-development.

Willingness to systematize, generalize and disseminate methodological experience (domestic and foreign) in the professional field (PC-9)


structure of student’s independent work in a multi-level education system modern educational technologies modern scientific methods for carrying out scientific research

Be able to:

independently obtain knowledge: work with notes, educational, educational and methodological, reference literature and other sources of information; perceive and comprehend information; apply acquired knowledge to solve assigned problems; summarize the work; perform self-control; consolidate and expand acquired knowledge.


skills of independent search for ways to solve problems, individual creative abilities for original solutions to research

–  –  –

Willingness to use knowledge of modern problems of science and education when solving educational and professional problems (OK-2)


Modern problems of science and education

–  –  –

Improve and develop the general intellectual and general cultural level

Be able to:

independently obtain knowledge: work with notes, educational, educational and methodological, reference literature and other sources of information; perceive and comprehend information; apply acquired knowledge to solve assigned problems; summarize the work; perform self-control; consolidate and expand acquired knowledge.

independently gain knowledge; deepen knowledge of the characteristics of concepts, separate essential characteristics from non-essential ones; clarify the boundaries of knowledge use.

independently gain knowledge to solve creative problems.


Possess the skills to independently search for ways to solve problems 1 Possess the skills to use various technologies when solving problems Proficient in a foreign language for working with professional texts Ability to carry out professional and personal self-education, design a further educational route and professional career (OPK-2)


Designing a further educational route 1 Systematization, generalization and dissemination of methodological experience

Outreach Strategies

Be able to:

Work with scientific literature and other sources of scientific and technical information:

2 correctly understand the meaning of texts in a professional environment Carry out professional communication in the state and foreign languages


Possess the skills of independently searching for ways to solve assigned problems 1 Possess the skills of professional and personal self-education 2 Possess the skills of using modern information and communication technologies 3 to solve problems As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must


The specifics of the development of social sciences in the most important historical periods of human 3.1.1 society (antiquity, the Middle Ages, modern and contemporary times);

The specifics of the development of modern social sciences in general, and pedagogy in particular at the current stage of their development;

Modern paradigms in the field of pedagogy;

Current state and main trends in the development of education;

Theoretical foundations for organizing research activities in the field of education;

Structure and functions of educational projects;

Functions and types of monitoring in the field of education;

International systems for assessing the quality of education;

Features of designing ways for the development of general secondary and vocational education.

Be able to:

Interpret issues of relationships between society and school, school and state;

Apply skills of independent search, selection, analysis, accumulation and systematization of information on modern problems of science and education;

Analyze trends in the development of pedagogy;

Adapt modern achievements of science and high technology to the educational process;

Evaluate innovative educational projects in terms of their effectiveness;

Justify the directions for implementing monitoring activities in an educational institution;

Compare the functionality of various systems for assessing the quality of education.


Techniques, methods and ways of presenting modern achievements of the socio-humanitarian sciences 3.3.1;

A culture of public speaking, a tolerant attitude towards other points of view, a readiness for constructive dialogue;

Ways to comprehend and critically analyze scientific information;

Skills to improve and develop your scientific potential;

Basic procedures for integrated target design in education;

Know the basics of designing ways to develop the educational system.

–  –  –

5. Educational technologies By educational technologies we mean ways and means of developing 5.1 competencies.

The discipline includes:

Practical classes, during which issues of lectures and homework are discussed, 5.4 independent tests and audits are carried out, oral reports are made on the topic of the lesson, business games are played, etc.;

Independent work of students, including the assimilation of theoretical material, 5.5 preparation for practical and laboratory classes, completion of individual assignments, essays, work with textbooks, other educational and educational-methodological literature, preparation for ongoing monitoring of progress, for tests and exams;

Testing on individual topics of the discipline, according to program modules;

Consulting students on educational material, writing abstracts, articles, 5.8 reports at the conference;

The implementation of the program involves the use of interactive forms of conducting 5.9 laboratory and practical classes. Conducting laboratory and practical classes involves training based on group collaboration of students, including the use of computer technology systems.

6. Assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline

6.1. Test questions and assignments The work program of the discipline is provided with a fund of assessment tools for conducting input, ongoing monitoring of intermediate certification. The fund includes standard calculation tasks, tasks for tests, laboratory work, tasks in the Visual Testing Studio test system, questions for exams and tests. The fund of assessment tools is presented in the educational and methodological complex of the discipline.

The forms of current control used: control work; classroom independent work;

standard calculation tasks; laboratory works; oral survey; oral communication; testing (including in the computer testing system Visual Testing Studio).

6.2. Topics of written work

1. Modern philosophical and pedagogical doctrines.

2. Globalization processes and education.

3. Educational space: methodology and research methods.

4. Features of reforming modern Russian pedagogy and education.

5. System-centric and anthropocentric paradigms of pedagogical science.

Problems of modern educational anthropology.

Aspect of pedagogical science studies of permanent and temporary problems solved by pedagogical 7.

Regularities in pedagogy as connections between intentionally created or objectively 8.

existing conditions and achieved results.

Relationships are natural and causal.

The cause-and-effect nature of the relationship as a criterion for its regularity, as results 10.

pedagogical process, predetermined by a strict set of factors, the combination of which irresistibly leads to the desired results of training, education, and personal development.

Criteria for classifying connections as natural: universality as their manifestation in the work of any 11.

a teacher who follows the instructions of this methodology.

Repeatability as the ability of a connection to be reproduced in similar situations. Verbal 12.

descriptions as the main form of presentation of pedagogical patterns. The limitations of their metric, i.e. mathematical reflection.

Knowledge as the main element of the content of general education as a result of cognition 13.

reality, laws of development of nature, society and thinking.

The place of methodology in the general system of methodological knowledge.

activity approach.

Characteristics of different types of scientific research, their stages and elements: hypothesis, object and 17.

subject of research, purpose, objectives, etc.).

methods, research principles and procedures used in a particular scientific discipline).

Methodology of special science as a problem specific to scientific knowledge in a given 19.

areas, in their application to pedagogy.

Correlate the pedagogical systems of the “new schools” of the twentieth century with the type of innovation.

Compare and highlight the common and distinctive features of the schools studied.

Educational standards in the context of Russia’s entry into a market economy 23.

Expert system of innovative activities of the educational institution.

Quality of education: concept, approaches, trends.

Specifics of adult education.

The position of adults in the educational process.

Directions of informatization of the education sector.

Bologna Declaration.

Lisbon Convention.

Prague Communiqué. Berlin Communiqué.

National report of the Russian Federation to the meeting of ministers of education (2004-2005).

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8. Material and technical support for the discipline (module) The premises for conducting lectures and practical classes are equipped with the necessary 8.1 specialized educational furniture and technical means for presenting educational information to students. Laboratory work is carried out in computer classes. Software for laboratory work: computer mathematics system WMaple.

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The modern concept of “education” includes not only knowledge, skills and abilities as a result of learning, but also the ability to think critically, create, evaluate from a moral standpoint everything that happens around as a process endlessly unfolding in the activity and communication of a person with others like him, which This is achieved by including people in the most important activities. Thus, human education (in procedural terms) is a socially organized and standardized process (and its result) of the constant transmission of socially significant experience by previous generations to subsequent generations, which represents, in ontogenetic terms, the formation of personality in accordance with the genetic program and socialization of the individual.

In modern domestic pedagogy science, as discussed in detail in the works of V.V. Kraevsky, there are different concepts of the content of education, the roots of which go back to the past - to the theory of formal and the theory of material education. Each of them is associated with a specific interpretation of the place and function of man in the world and society. One of the concepts of the content of education interprets it as pedagogically adapted foundations of science, studied at school, leaving aside other personality qualities, such as the ability to be creative, the ability to exercise freedom of choice, fair treatment of people, etc. This approach is aimed at introducing schoolchildren to science and production, but not to a full-fledged independent life in a democratic society. In fact, man acts here as a factor of production. Another concept considers the content of education as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that must be acquired by students. “The content of education should be understood as that system of scientific knowledge, practical skills, as well as ideological, moral and aesthetic ideas that students need to master in the learning process.” This definition is quite consistent with conformist attitudes, since it does not reveal the nature of this knowledge and skills and is not based on an analysis of the entire composition of human culture. It is assumed that mastering knowledge and skills (relating mainly to the same fundamentals of science) will allow a person to adequately function within the existing social structure. It is enough to demand from a person that he knows and can do it - no more. In this case, the educational requirements are appropriate.

In modern conditions of Russian educational development, all this is not enough. The fundamental principles of updating the content of school education, highlighted in the Concept of the structure and content of general education in a 12-year school, are: personal orientation of the content of education, which involves the development of the creative abilities of students, the individualization of their education, taking into account interests and inclinations; humanization and humanitarianization, cultural conformity, reflection in the content of education at each stage of education of all aspects of human culture, providing physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, communicative and technological education for students; fundamentality, strengthening the methodological component of the content of education, ensuring the universality of the knowledge gained, the study of basic theories, laws, principles, concepts, fundamental problems and generally recognized cultural and historical achievements of mankind, the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge in new situations; the priority of preserving the health of students, including by unloading educational material (at least 20% in primary schools), bringing the content of education in line with the age characteristics of schoolchildren;

Ensuring practical orientation of general secondary education through a rational combination of productive and reproductive activities of students; strengthening the activity component in the content of education, which represents the main types and methods of educational activities associated with the educational areas being studied, individual subjects, their sections and topics; optimization of the volume of teaching load through psychologically and pedagogically sound selection of educational content, compliance of the issues and problems being studied with the age characteristics of students, ensuring the integrity of students’ ideas about the world through integration of educational content;

The concept provides that the content of educational subjects changes in the following areas: updating educational material in accordance with changes in the surrounding world and the achievements of basic sciences; inclusion of new sections and topics necessary for life in modern society and of general cultural significance; exclusion of outdated sections; redistribution of educational material between primary and high schools in order to reduce the teaching load of primary school students.

The basis for selecting the content of education is the general principles that determine the approach to its design and the criteria that serve as tools for determining the specific content of educational material in academic disciplines. What principles underlie the construction of educational content? There is no clear answer to this question in pedagogical science. AND I. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin and B.T. Likhachev, formulating a whole series of such principles, proceed from the fact that each of the listed principles, and there are more than ten of them, means that the content of education should be saturated with educational material that helps ensure the achievement of the goals facing educational institutions. However, recognizing the fact that the principles they list can only indicate a general direction for the selection of specific educational content and are supposedly instrumental in the implementation of the selection itself, the authors try to substantiate more specific grounds. They boil down to the following principles:

 in the fundamentals of science it is necessary to reveal the main areas of practical application of theoretical knowledge - the principle of the connection between work and science;

 consciousness of the assimilation and development of scientific thinking requires the inclusion of methodological knowledge in the content of education, disclosure of the process and history of knowledge, the movement of ideas - the principle of polytechnicism, the correlation of educational material with the level of development of modern science, the aesthetic aspect of the content of education;

 it is necessary to implement inter-subject connections - the principle of interconnectedness and interdependence of related subjects.

These principles are the main guideline of what should and should not be included in the content of education. In accordance with the listed factors and principles of formation and design of the content of education in pedagogical science, the following general didactic system of selection criteria has been developed (Yu.K. Babansky, I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin).

Holistic criterion reflection in the content of education of the tasks of forming a creative, independent, thinking person in a democratic society, which involves highlighting typical aspect problems of those areas of knowledge that are studied at school and methods of science that are important from a general educational point of view and accessible to students. High criterion the scientific and practical significance of the content of educational material included in each individual academic subject and system of academic disciplines. Educational subjects should include knowledge about knowledge that is important in general education - what is a definition, scientific fact, theory, concept, process, etc. Compliance criterion the complexity of the content of educational material and the real learning capabilities of students of this age. Volume compliance criterion content of the time available to study the subject. Accounting criterion international experience and construction of educational content. The criterion for compliance of the content with the existing educational, methodological and material base.