Compatibility of different personality elements. Yin earth personality type

What is hidden behind the concept of “The Ideal Wife”?

Attentive, caring, kind and compassionate, ready to help and support in trouble and share joy.

All men dream of such a wife, not everyone gets one :-)


Earth-yang woman considered one of the most reliable and faithful wives. She is caring, not intrusive, calm and confident in herself and her family. For her, the most important thing is peace of mind, health and confidence in the future for her family.

Yin Earth Woman.

Also one of the most caring, loyal and reliable. However, the care of the Yin Earth can go “off scale” and her guardianship and care turns into supervision and control. The Yin Earth woman has undeniable advantages, since she acts absolutely selflessly in the interests of the family.

Fire-Yang Woman.

Just as the bright Sun illuminates the earth and gives its warmth to the whole world, so the Yang Fire woman will also illuminate and warm her home. She will work, Ogon-yan cannot just sit and wait for “mercies from her husband.” These women are very sexy, bright and ambitious

Tree-Yang Woman.

Proud and strong, they will help their husband with pleasure and skill in his business and work. But, at the same time, they are able to free her husband from caring about her and the family.

These women will be able to help their husband expand his business, but they lack love, passion and emotions.

Women - Yin Water smart and witty, full of bright ideas.

Women of this personality type are attracted to the fact that being with him is always interesting and not boring. They are always different. Today she is a romantic person with a gentle smile, and tomorrow she is a socialite with a languid gaze.

These are the most successful candidates for the role of the Good Wife.

Although, naturally, other personality types, which I have not yet talked about, have their own merits and “zest”.

I would like to note some features of Water-yang, as a wife and wife.

Water-yang too strong and unpredictable to be a wife and mother in the patriarchal sense of the word.

Water-yang is unrestrained in its ideas, which it immediately tries to bring to life. She does not obey and does not obediently follow her husband.

It’s quite difficult with her and it’s not easy for her either. She cannot live with a dictator, but she doesn’t want a henpecked husband either.

Only a sufficiently strong Earth-Yang can cope with a Water-Yang woman. And then their union will be bright, but harmonious.

There is another type of woman for whom it is quite difficult to be good and obedient wives.

This Metal-yang. Sword, tank, steel power, this is what is associated with yang Metal. Such a woman will not humbly wait until she is allowed to express her opinion. She will not even express it, but will simply begin to implement it.

A man who decides to marry a Metal-Yan woman will have to prove throughout his life that he is worthy of her, and she, accordingly, of him.

When analyzing the cards of a man and a woman for their compatibility, we can say how suitable they are for each other, how harmonious or, conversely, how problematic their path together will be.

Love, alas, is not an eternal thing. It tends to turn into habit, respect, mutual support, and sometimes into alienation, indifference and even hatred.

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Alas, the proverb says that “Love is evil - you will love a goat...”

However, before throwing yourself into such love, maybe it’s worth looking into the chosen one’s bazi card first….

Let's look at what in a man's chart may indicate that he will be a caring, attentive, strong and worthy husband, and what indicates that in life together some traits may appear that will bring bitter and problematic moments.

I would like to immediately make a reservation that all these signs are not the ultimate truth and I do not urge, upon seeing something negative in a man’s chart, to immediately run away from him without looking back. But it's still worth listening.

First of all, you need to look at the Daytime Dominant of a man, who he even is.

Wood-yang - most often, friendly, generous, principled, aggressive, nervous, irritable, jealous, suspicious.

The best wife for this type of man is Yin Earth.

The Yin Tree is the most adaptable of all personality types. Not always, but quite often, Yin Tree men simply “allow” their spouse to take care of them throughout their entire life together.

This is a flexible, tactful, charming and friendly, vulnerable, emotional, at the same time cunning, calculating, insecure and weak type of Personality.

According to the interaction of the Heavenly trunks, there is a “love fusion” between the Yin Tree and the Yang Metal. And despite the apparent incompatibility, this union may just be very successful, but... the woman who will rule in such an alliance will be a Metal-yang woman.

Fire-yang – Fenist, clear Falcon, Red Sun.

Active and dominant, cocky and proud, self-centered, unceremonious and impatient, self-confident and vain.

It is most favorable if the radiance of such a Sun is enhanced by the Metal-Yin wife with her reflected brilliance.

Yin fire is the mysterious flickering of a candle, the reflection of ruby ​​light on the dark coals of a fire. The most impulsive and hot-tempered, unpredictable and independent personality type

Cheerful and charismatic, emotional and passionate, intuitive and proud, but at the same time can be tactless and fussy, unpredictable and annoying, unceremonious and unrestrained.

The best tandem is Yin Fire and Yang Water. This makes the Ocean Water warmer and the Yin Fire more predictable.

Earth-yang. Man is a rock, a mountain range.

Calmness, balance, reliability, caring, friendliness, respectfulness and courtesy are the most characteristic qualities of a Earth-yang man.

Among the negative ones, we can note - stubbornness and conservatism, difficulty in communication and inflexibility, jealousy, greed, suspicion and distrust.

The Earth-Yang will be a wife for a man according to the Bazi system of Water-Yin.

Earth-yin. Calmly, slowly, confidently, the Yin Earth builds its present, perfectly imagining its future.

Kindness and peacefulness, reliability and patience, practicality and realism are the positive qualities of the Yin Earth personality.

Negative ones include excessive guardianship, jealousy and possessiveness.

Yin Earth loves the Yang Tree most of all, however, a harmonious union in the case when the Yin Earth is a man and the Yang Tree is a woman will only be provided that the Yin Earth is strong and powerful, otherwise the Yang Tree will pull all the “juices” come from such a partner.

The Metal-Yan man is a loyal and reliable protector. Honest and truthful, fair and unbending.

A typical Yang Metal has a very harmonious relationship with Yin Wood. The gentleness and kindness of the Yin Tree forces Metal to reconsider its foundations and attitude towards the world around it and helps it become more alive and sociable, teaches it to love, forgive and not hide its emotions.

Yin Metal men are most often handsome, with good complexion, fine features, graceful and......somewhat cold.

They are very fair. They do not flatter, do not ingratiate themselves, do not make promises if they are not sure that they can fulfill what they promised. And they value the same qualities in people.

The best relationship develops between Yin Metal and Fire-Yang.

But, if a Man is Yin Metal, and a woman is Yang Fire, then it will be difficult for such a man to dominate the family. The light of the Sun will outshine the shine of a gold jewelry or a thin stiletto.

Water-yang. The element is the most powerful, unpredictable, secret and all-conquering. This is strong water that strives to overflow its banks and which can only be stopped by a strong Earth - the land of continents and mountains.

Everything else either collapses, or corrodes, or fades, loses its strength if Yanskaya Water is strong. It is better not to stand in the way of such Water. She always goes ahead, despite obstacles and obstacles.

People of this personality type are not afraid of difficulties, do not like to think for a long time and prepare for upcoming affairs. These are people of action.

Yanskaya Water often dominates in a team, in a family.

A harmonious union develops between Yang Water and Yin Fire, despite the polarity of the elements. Water does not see the Fire Man as a threat to its freedom, and the Flame Man will gladly shine, reflected in the water surface of the Sea-Ocean. Ideally, in a marriage, Water is the man and Fire is the woman.

Yin water. A light cloud, a drop of dew, early morning fog - this is all about the Yin Water person.

Yin Water is the most changeable personality type, which not only changes and is reborn throughout its life, it can be different within one day and change in amazing ways depending on who is next to it.

Men of typical Yin Water know how to give compliments and can make the most unattractive woman believe in their irresistibility. The wives of such men are more likely than others to hear that they are loved and irresistible.

The most harmonious relationships of typical Yin Water most often develop with Yang Earth. Yan Earth becomes a support for Water, which, as a rule, needs some management. Yang Earth will do this unobtrusively, as she loves to take care of others, and Yin Water will easily find a common language and adapt to even the hardest Earth.

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Visually represented by soil, sand and is the soft twin of the Yang Earth.

Yin Earth is the most cooperative and efficient element. People of this type are true team players, capable of working until they pass out. They not only connect and modernize other elements, but also transform themselves to solve problems. They are often mistakenly perceived as passive and easily vulnerable, but in fact they demonstrate a high willingness to sacrifice themselves to achieve a common goal.

Our heroes are very patient and resistant to punishment of any kind. They are very sensitive to emotional blackmail and resemble putty - once you add water (emotions), it becomes soft and pliable. However, excessive heat (Fire, pressure) makes it hard and brittle. Due to the sensitivity of the Yin Earth, you will need true artistic talent to harness its best qualities. If you need to form a team, make sure you include several such employees. They will ensure uninterrupted operation even in the most adverse conditions. And if the company collapses, they will be the last to leave...

We go around the circle of U-Sin:

Earth is Yin Star of Self-Expression for the element Fire. Like a fine piece of Chinese porcelain, its representatives are works of art. When performing work, they are distinguished by close attention to all aspects and an emphasis on quality. Even though they may spend a little more time/resources to achieve the result than required, the end result will be a real masterpiece. Punctuality is not their strong point, so if time is a critical parameter, then it is better to attract additional forces. Such people are not inclined to act according to a schedule.

Yin Earth acts as Wealth Star for Tree. Slow and steady, such a person is excellent at accumulating resources. It's a real talent to collect a little from everywhere. He never brags about his wealth, you may not even suspect anything, which often gives him enough time to create reserves. Our hero is excellent at forming reserves and, if successful, supplies them to others.

Yin Star – Star of Power for Water. Patience is the main virtue of such a person. External factors are not able to shake his inner world. He has an incredible ability to ignore what is happening - what happened, happened. Sometimes it tends to muddy the water and slow down the flow of the main stream, creating inconvenience in most cases. A critical factor in working with other people is that Water waits for no one, so without Earth's help it can be difficult to keep up.

Yin Earth represents Resource Star for the Metal element. They are excellent educators, dedicated people who give their all. Their gentle nature makes it easy to use their wealth, all the hidden treasures in them are available to you. They have an amazing ability to turn anything into useful resources. There are no words in their vocabulary such as useless, trash, etc. Their only mistake may be placing the resource in the wrong place. Give them time and they will find your useful qualities.


In order to find out your element, you need to find the range in which your birth date falls. At the top of the column your element will be indicated.

For example, you were born on August 26, 1986, your range in the table is: 02/09/86 - 01/28/1987, which corresponds to the element Fire Yang.

Yin Earth - good fertile soil. The human character associated with this element is characterized by softness and complaisance. It is not difficult to gain his trust; he is very kind and gives himself entirely to the benefit of others.

Such dedication sometimes leads to the fact that he is simply used for his own purposes. He is easily suggestible and susceptible to the opinions of others, so he often gets lost and can end up in bad company. Unfortunately, a person of the Yin Earth element can sympathize and provide support to those whose ideas and plans are not entirely pure. If he falls under the influence of others, then, like plasticine, he can be molded into anything. But if you accidentally hurt his soul, his suffering will be extremely painful and painful.

Like Yin Earth, this person is a storehouse of selflessness and love. He has highly developed parental instincts and a sense of caring for others. Such people make wonderful mothers and fathers, and their families are usually large. In addition to their children, they often adopt orphans, devoting themselves entirely to the educational process, but sometimes they show excessive care.

Such a person is drawn to the earth; he does not accept megacities, preferring to live in small towns. Yin land loves nature, animals, natural products and adheres to a healthy lifestyle. The ultimate dream of his is to have his own home, where he could plant a garden and plant a flower garden. Since he is not demanding, he can adapt to any situation, being content with little.

A Yin Earth person is usually intellectually developed, but at the same time conservative. Has difficulty accepting new technologies and the fast pace of life, preferring to do everything “the old fashioned way.” In everyday clothes, he is classically restrained and modest, avoiding bright colors, although his sense of taste is well developed. He is absolutely not vindictive, so it is easier for such a person to forgive and forget the troubles caused to him than to hatch plans for revenge. He is always friendly and welcomes guests, the atmosphere of his home is invariably filled with coziness, sincerity and comfort.

Compatibility of Yin Earth with people of other elements

Perhaps no one can destroy the mutual attraction of the Yin Earth and the Yang Tree. These elements are so harmonious in their union that many simply envy the sensitivity, loyalty and dedication that reigns in this family. Their children are treated kindly, and their house is full. In this case, the career goes far into the background.

The relationship between the Yin Earth and the representative of the Yin Tree is developing well, but is far from ideal. They are accommodating in everyday nuances, but in personal relationships a “consumer note” often slips through. Partners use each other for their own purposes, which often results in resentment and mutual reproaches.

Compatibility with Yang Fire is very high, but a fiery partner does not always allow you to take care of yourself so selflessly. Sometimes there is too much attention and annoying “maternal” fuss for him. If children immediately appear in a marriage of these elements, then “earthly” love is distributed more evenly, and relations between partners come into balance.

This seems to be the case with Yin Fire. Although the flame person appreciates all the attentiveness and careful attitude towards oneself, the main thing for mother earth is not to overdo it and find a “golden mean”. Smart Yin Fire will find the right direction for its “half” and direct all its ardor in the right direction.

The land of Yang and the land of Yin can be sealed in a wonderful marriage. But there will be no hint of crazy passion in their relationship. Placing their priority on raising children and ensuring the comfort of “being,” these partners are completely devoid of romanticism and are limited by the framework of their mentality.

Two Yin Earths - two harmonies. They suit each other in everything. The kinship of souls and views on life gives inspiration and strength to move through life harmoniously, easily and cheerfully. In such a union there is no place for irritability, despondency and discontent. Like twins, such partners are always together, sensitive and always support each other.

An alliance with Yang Metal is possible only if the “iron” man has enough strength to moderate his harshness and sharpness of language, allowing the caring maternal element to melt all the ice that has accumulated over the years of loneliness. Of course, all the “ice floes” in the heart will not completely melt, but Yansky Metal will definitely become softer and warmer.

The loving and homely Yin Earth will find an approach to Yin Metal. He owes all his external gloss and confident look to the selfless Mother Earth. A strong union of these elements is achieved when the role of the wife is assigned to the element of earth, and the role of the husband is assigned to the element of metal. In this case, all family accents will be built correctly and everyone will play their own, clearly assigned “role.”

Having different social circles, Yin Earth almost never intersects with Yang Water. If this happens, both individuals are completely at a loss, since it is difficult to imagine them together. Their views show complete indifference and apathy towards each other. It is impossible to “squeeze” even the slightest friendship out of this union.

Relations with Yin Water will also fail. Vain attempts to cling to at least some commonality in views on life will ultimately lead to an unjustified waste of time and mutual frustration. However, having dispersed to different shores, in the hearts of these elements there will remain quiet sadness rather than resentment and disappointment. Having met again by chance, they will sincerely wonder why they could once attract each other.

Famous personalities of the Yin Earth element: Yuri Gagarin, Barack Obama, Pierre Richard, Quentin Tarantino, Boris Moiseev, Yulia Timoshenko

Earth Yang - these are mountains and huge stones. A distinctive feature of a person whose character is associated with the yang land is, first of all, his thoroughness and solidity. Like heavy boulders, it is rough and clumsy.

His angularity and bearish clumsiness can often be seen in his external features. Difficult to climb, he denies change, takes a long time to adapt to changes and does not tolerate fuss. When making any decision, this person thinks for a long time, evaluating all the options - as a result, his slowness often leads to missing potential opportunities.

He is very conservative, therefore, once he has formed a personal opinion about something, he will not change it even at gunpoint. Absolute inflexibility and sometimes unjustified stubbornness prevent such a person from making compromises and concessions. Yang Earth can be an excellent and responsible performer, solving clearly assigned tasks. However, you should not demand that he take initiative; this will be a waste of time.

Just as the Yang Earth is rich in resources, the essence of this person is filled with many virtues. These include friendliness and loyalty. Having earned the trust of a person whose personality is represented by yang land, you can be sure that he will be faithful to you to the end and will not betray you in a difficult life situation.

Despite his rather clumsy and rudeness, he is, at the same time, unusually sentimental. In his life, Yanskaya Zemlya indulges in dreams that can evoke in him emotions not experienced in reality. This person is very respectful and polite. However, behind the external politeness lies a strong will and self-centeredness. If desired, he achieves, albeit slowly and deliberately, his goals, thereby earning the trust and respect of loved ones. Obsessing over current problems and the inability to relax sometimes lead to unreasonable outbursts of irritability and intolerance.

Personality compatibility of the Yanskaya Earth with people of other elements

The elements of Earth Yang and Water Yin are very compatible. The ponderous and catastrophically conservative earth's surface finds solace in the coolness of the water. The flexibility and lightness of a Yin partner brings a bit of variety to the monotonous life of an inveterate snob, making it much more interesting.

But the union with Yanskaya Water is an eternal struggle. The outcome of the “battle” depends on the strength of character and stubbornness of both people. The palm of leadership can go to anyone, so it alternately wanders from one to another. In such difficult relationships there is no place for calm, peace and confidence in the future.

The relationship with the Yang Tree is also very contradictory. As sexual partners, these individuals are absolutely uninteresting to each other. But friendship from such an interweaving of elements turns out to be excellent. Both are honest, principled, meticulous and loyal, they respect and cherish their partnership.

The tenderness and softness of the Yin Tree has a very beneficial effect on the Yang Earth. With his sociability, tact and creative approach to many things, the Yin partner brightens up the “thick-skinnedness” of his stubborn lover, receiving in return his absolute loyalty and worthy protection.

Yang Earth and Yang Fire are very compatible elements. The ever-cheerful and passionate “sunny” nature will be a reliable friend, a sensual lover, and a moral outlet for her earthly partner, constantly inspiring and feeding him with positive energy.

Representatives of Yin Fire also get along well with Yang Earth. But here it is important for the fire element not to overdo it with its impulsiveness and impetuosity, and for the earth element not to overdo it in its eternal desire to “keep everything under control.” Otherwise, the result will be sad - separation.

The life of the two Yan Lands is boring, although stable. There is no fresh air in their union; everything is ordinary, standard and predictable. As a rule, marriages based on such a combination of elements are very strong, but in terms of personal development they are unpromising. They are content with what they have and are reluctant to accept changes, having a rather narrow outlook.

Yang and Yin Earths are ideally combined. They are so suitable for each other that once they meet, it is difficult to imagine how they existed separately before. A quiet, balanced and full of harmony life is a brief description of such a family. Their home is invariably associated with delicious treats, children's laughter and cozy slippers.

But in relations with Yang Metal, understanding and agreement are the exception rather than the rule. An irreconcilable and prickly metal man will always spoil all attempts at reconciliation of an already not particularly compliant earthly partner. As a result, each element remains “with its own interests”, without knowing each other’s souls.

The personalities of Yang Earth and Yin Metal favorably set off each other, so their union has every chance of being successful. A bright and thoroughbred Yin handsome man will add the shine and grooming that man-earth so lacks. These elements are harmonious in everyday life, run a joint household harmoniously and are unusually disciplined.

Famous Yang Earth Element Personalities: Alexander Lukashenko, Victoria Beckham, Elizabeth Taylor, Galina Vishnevskaya, Michael Jackson, Maya Plisetskaya, Hillary Clinton

Do you like those westerns where the law is not the law, but rather the absence of it? Complete with a main character who stands out from the crowd to give people some love and hope? Then you will definitely like a type like the people of the day pillar of the Yin Earth on the Snake.

The daytime dominant Earth Yin on the Snake includes: Fire Yang (Direct Seal), Earth Yang () and Metal Yang ().

Known as the Element that accepts and nourishes everything (nurtures). But in this case, he is deprived of the element of Water. As a result, it is dry and hard soil. The sun shines and blazes above her, along with the Yang Fire, which is the dominant Qi from the Hidden Heavenly Stem (Direct Seal). People of this type have an excellent vision of any situation life offers them. This makes them especially smart when it comes to situational analysis, analyzing the current situation and state of affairs. You won't be able to buy them into the standard touching story that most of the other earth pillars will buy into. These will look for facts, see them and try to get to the very core of the issue.

But they are also influenced by the Robber (Yang Earth) and the Wound (Yang Metal), who in turn do not like the orders accepted by everyone and oppose the establishment. They are not afraid of confrontation. They do not hesitate to speak out against people in authority. Metal, being an aggressive element, fuels their ability to voice true, undisguised facts.

Since they have both Robber and Wound in their pillar, then, regardless of gender, representatives of the Earth Yin pillar on the Snake have an innate tendency to reject relationships due to the fact that the Wealth Star is attacked by the Robber and Authority is attacked by Wound. If there is a person next to you who is concerned that the truth on any issue becomes public knowledge, then it is difficult to imagine that family life with him will proceed peacefully and calmly.

The Snake is a friend to the Monkey, but the Pig is not part of the inner circle! (Ba Zi map)

The Snake is combined with the Monkey. It attracts Yang Metal (Wound), Yang Earth (Robber) and Yang Water (Direct Wealth). Male people of this pillar look heroic. They are able to captivate a woman (Wealth), but at the same time they reject her (Robber). This gives men the “bad boy” image. You want to be with him, but at the same time you understand perfectly well that everything will only end in your broken heart.

The Snake is in conflict with the Pig. This in turn rejects Yang Water (Wealth) and Yang Tree (Right Authority). Both stars and husband and wife are pushed away, which leads to another drop in the relationship rating with them. It can also be said that money and power do not attract them.

In general, we see a strong personality who, at any cost, tries to show the world his essence. They - the lone rangers - show no fear in the face of any strange situation that comes their way. They sacrifice comfort and family in order to achieve and maintain their vision of life. In times of crisis, they are the best candidates for leadership, but in times of peace, they will only bring you problems, since they cannot sit still and simply enjoy success.

Ba Zi Calculator:

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The remaining pillars are considered in relation to the day pillar. We no longer look at exactly what Elements are there, but look at what they are in relation to the Lord of the Day. Details on the main page:

Go to page 60 Jia Tzu:

Respect to the master of Ba Zi, Kevin Chan.

Personality Element Earth yin

Personality Element Earth yin

In the practice of Ba Zi, the first thing we look at after calculating the chart is the Heavenly Stem of the Day. It was located there Personality Element . It is also called Master of the day, Daytime dominant.

Each Personality element has its own characteristic. You can find out your Personality element by calculating your Bazi map. There will be a hieroglyph in the top line in the Day column. This is the element of Personality. It says Element of Personality there.

The description of the element of Personality gives us the initial image of a person. Then other parameters of the map are added, but we start primarily from the element of Personality.

Characteristics of the Earth are yin.

Earth yin it is fertile soil on which good crops grow. People are honest and caring, a little conservative.

People of the Yin Earth know how to adapt to any situation. If such a person has made a decision, then he will follow systematically and persistently towards his goal and will definitely bring what he started to its logical conclusion.
They have a flexible, inventive mind and a good memory. They can and know how to give good knowledge.

You should not expect quick answers from people of the Yin Earth. They, more than others, need a lot of time to make decisions. But, if such a person has made a decision, then he will follow systematically and persistently towards his goal and will definitely bring what he started to its logical conclusion.

Tactful and polite. Kind and caring people of the Yin Earth are excellent family men and parents. For them, caring for loved ones is the most natural thing in the world.

They have a lot of hidden talents, but they need to be developed. Otherwise, they know and study a lot, but do not demonstrate their skills in practice. Spirituality and religion are very important to them. Often religious.

They are considered the most patient and tolerant of all 10 elements of Personality. They can give a lot to others. They know the right people, the right places, the right shops. Caring people. Always lend a helping hand.

They have a flexible and inventive mind, an excellent memory, they remember literally everything.
They love beautiful things. A certain status is important to them. Although the people of the Yin Earth put convenience and comfort in the foreground. They take care of their home, comfort is important to them.

These are neat and responsible people. They can be pedantic and punctual. But very mandatory.

One of the shortcomings of Yin Earth is being overprotective. These are big owners, with the best intentions they can simply “strangle” you with their care. Not wanting to share their charges with anyone, they can be jealous and annoying.
These people can be very conservative and may categorically not accept new ideas and trends. At a minimum, they need time to appreciate the benefits of the new.

Of course, the characteristics given for the Personality element are not unambiguous. It is hardly possible to divide all of humanity into ten types.

However, the Ten Elements of Personality are the basis for studying Ba Zi. And despite the fact that the description of the Personality type contains only the first, most general level of analysis, it can and should be taken into account as a basic characteristic.