Report on the project to create the Skolkovo innovation center. Ignoring domestic experience

3.Skolkovo – opinions of some Russian scientists, economists and experts.

G. Malinetsky Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy. dir. Institute of Applied Mathematics named after. M. V. Keldysh RAS:

I'll take it Boeing (USA) , representationBoeing located on Tverskaya, this is an accumulation of the best researchers, engineers, programmers who deal with the aviation complex in the Russian Federation, and then they do lifting work and make semi-finished products, which are finalized in Seattle, where the main forces are locatedBoeing .

S. Komkov– President of the All-Russian Education Fund:

Science does not provide instant profit, ...therefore, it is very profitable to quickly invest in Skolkovo today, understanding that it will be some kind of air hole through which quite large amounts of money can be sucked out and quickly disappear.

I would not admire the fact that American companies began to join the Skolkovo project so quickly. This suggests that we are surrendering our own national interests for the sake of American interests. The fact that American businessmen got into Skolkovo suggests that, in fact, on our Russian base, using our intelligence and for our money, they will be able to obtain significant results and implement them in their production already in the United States of America.

They spent 6 billion rubles on the road to Skolkovo. at 6 km. roads, huge amounts of money will be spent on building a town, infrastructure, hotels will be built there, maybe a golf club will be built there, something else, but there will be no smell of science there and under the guise of science other commercial projects will be carried out there. Therefore, there is a very great danger that budget money will be partially cut up and sent abroad, and partially used for other purposes, to solve other commercial problems.

M. Khazin– President of the expert consulting company Neokon:

At best, this will be a tool for pumping brains and innovations to the West.

Counting on the fact that some kind of production can be done in our country is ridiculous, since the existing tax and financial system in our country actually prohibits any production, because taxes, corruption and others are too high.

And the most important thing is that if, despite everything listed, something starts to work out, someone immediately comes and says - this is mine.

I think it's up to the level Bangalore we won’t get there, I think it will be a purely PR project, where people will sometimes be brought in, where a colossal amount of budget money will be spent, but nothing real will be there.

Sergey Kara Murza– political scientist, philosopher, publicist:

Which country and what innovations? What will domestic innovation require if it is easier and easier to get them from abroad, especially since almost the entire industry is owned by foreign investors?

If we want to have an innovation system and science in the country, we must revive the country as a whole, starting with kindergarten, school, university, industry, agriculture, because this cannot grow in a country that is in a state of complete hopelessness and insanity, when everyone thinks about how to snatch from the last thing left. These concepts are not compatible - The state of Russia now is the antipode of the concept of innovation.

4.What are the prospects for the Skolkovo project?

In total, more than 75 billion rubles have already been spent on the project, including 25 billion in 2014. as part of the continued development of the project under the financial control of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. It was impossible to leave the project in this form:

If we do not consider small projects, many of which could have developed without Skolkovo, then serious promising, and especially breakthrough projects, are not yet visible.

3:00 Aspiring businessmen showed their projects at an exhibition in Skolkovo.

Experts and specialists mention the following as a potentially successful area of ​​activity: energy efficient technologies with the Oil and Gas Center operating there, under the leadership of Marat Zaidulin. The center employs more than 80 companies developing technologies for the oil and gas sector, primarily import-substituting ones. Well, perhaps this type of project:

2:35 A unique development of Russian scientists. Skolkovo. (03/03/2015)

5.Skolkovo in 2015

They are trying to pull out the project. Currently, there are more than 1,100 residents in Skolkovo; as part of their work, more than 13,500 jobs have been created; Skoltech, Technopark, cottages for permanent residents and other facilities are being built. Work continues in Skolkovo IBM, Intel, Cisco, the largest Russian companies KAMAZ, Tatneft, Transmashholding, Pipe Metallurgical Company and others.

Official site Skolkovo Foundation - .

A good website contains a lot of presentation material about what is happening in the life of Skolkovo - about the fund’s clusters, residents, investors, projects, competitions, programs, awards, laureates, nominees, agreements, etc.

I didn’t see, I didn’t find - the main, in my opinion, section - successful projects or at least a section - projects that have reached/are reaching self-sufficiency or at least a section - the most promising projects. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything like that there yet.

IN CLUSTERS- IT, Biomed, Energotech, Space, Yadertech I managed to find something in the sections results, in each cluster separately. results- at the end of 2014 / beginning of 2015, the most basic excerpts:

IT Cluster- there are no published results on the site.

Biomed Cluster:

  • 215 innovative companies were collected.
  • Financial support was provided to 80 projects *(even the total amount of support is not indicated, not to mention the breakdown by project).
  • The revenue of cluster projects for the year exceeded 1 billion rubles. *(how much it was before 2014 is not indicated).

*A lot of non-financial information - applications, participation, agreements, nominations, awards, etc.

Energotech Cluster:

  • More than 280 startups.
  • Double increase in revenue to 4 billion rubles.

*DBelow are applications, patents, agreements, etc.

Yadertech cluster:

  • More than 120 startups.
  • WITHWith the help of the cluster, the number of startups showing sales revenue has doubled *(this is nothing at all, apparently there was nothing more to write about).
  • Total revenue 600 million rubles.
  • PParticipants’ projects were financed for a total amount of 1,250 million rubles, external co-financing of cluster projects was provided for another 800 million rubles.
  • ABOUTMore than 40 grants worth about 900 million rubles have been approved.

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Part 1, general overview and preliminary examination stage of the project

Journalists from leading publications often ask me why a team, none of whose members live in the Russian Federation, and one in Silicon Valley, suddenly turned to Skolkovo. Didn't you find anyone closer? In two (or maybe three) articles I will try to reveal the essence of this phenomenon, as well as provide step-by-step guidance for those who decide to follow our path.

  • In the first (this) article I will give an overview of Skolkovo and foreign investors.
  • In the second I’ll tell you how to become a Skolkovo resident.
  • In the third (if we succeed) - how to get a grant.

A long way to find an investor

Our project, the details of which are still classified, has been incubating for more than two years. During this period, in addition to hatching the idea itself, I selected a team and looked for investors. Like many, the first thing I turned to was crowdfunding. A study of the issue showed that the Russian sector is unsuitable for raising funds for a technical project, especially on a scale of 30-70 thousand dollars. The logical move was to turn to kickstarter, especially since it’s not far from me. But in addition to purely technical problems (the need to have an account in an American bank, which can only be opened in person and in which you need to constantly keep from 1.5 to 5 thousand dollars so that money for servicing is not withdrawn), there were also organizational problems.

First, Kickstarter backers should be given gifts. So many Kickstarter projects fail because the authors don’t take into account the costs of making and sending out all those T-shirts and mugs. There are cases when the author spent more on gifts than he collected. Of course, this also significantly distracts from the main task and delays the start of work on it.

Secondly, the success of a Kickstarter fund highly depends on your fame, your community in the USA. Guy from Per b I won’t even raise $3K simply because no one will know about my collection. What can we say about 30-70 thousand dollars.

Thirdly, Americans love with their eyes. They need a beautiful, high-quality picture. They need good animation, a cartoon, with explanations. They need the smiling faces of the authors in the presentation, speaking competently and without a Russian accent. All successful Kickstarter fundraisers have a very high-quality presentation. In addition, it is strongly recommended to show a working prototype in the presentation, which is not always possible. It was estimated that hiring actors and drawing animation would cost $3-6k.

Thus, the not-so-rosy prospect of spending a lot of money on flights to the states, opening an account (with a minimum amount on it) and creating a presentation, and in the end getting zilch, loomed large.

Then the gaze was turned towards foreign investors. I will generally call American and European investors and investment funds “bourgeois,” since they are similar in terms of the main evaluation criteria and there is no point in separating them personally.

There are many bourgeois, and at first glance they are actively looking for talent. The negotiations showed a generally friendly atmosphere and keen interest. It was very reminiscent of banks, when they sell you a loan... And I was not mistaken.

As soon as the conversation came to the execution of the contract, a number of interesting points became clear.

Firstly, absolutely all bourgeoisie want a share in the future company, from 30 to 75 percent. The majority immediately demand a controlling stake - 51%.

Secondly, money is not for you give, A lend, you must work them out according to your own business plan that you provided to the investor. It won't work to paint a beautiful image and fail. At best, you will get away with losing all rights to the idea, patents, developments, and company. Some contracts also stipulate that you must bring the idea to completion, no matter how much effort and time it takes, but for free, having lost the rights listed above. Until the investor gives you a wooden sword.

Since few of those asking are experienced business plan writers or experienced production workers, most of them fail the terms of the contract and are thrown into the street, and the bourgeois gets everything. Having hired Indians to do the food, he takes the idea to the product and skims the cream. Many funds are deliberately pushing promising projects towards bankruptcy.

Of course, the bourgeois will not help you in any way. He will give you a ridiculous amount, by his standards, and sit back, expecting a profit from you. How you achieve it is your problem. In fact, a bourgeois is the same bank, only giving you a loan secured by your idea.

A bank loan was also considered, but in most cases it needs to be repaid immediately and continuously, which means work. This did not contribute to the work on the project in any way.

And then I paid attention to Skolkovo.

  • Income tax = 0% (instead of 20%), including grant money
  • VAT = 0% (instead of 18%)
  • Insurance premium rate = 14% (instead of 30%)
  • Corporate property tax = 0%
  • Customs duties = 0% (for the import of necessary research equipment and components)

For more information about taxation, you can read “Tax benefits for project participants in questions and answers.” With such benefits, there are many dishonest people who want to fit into the club, while engaging in trade rather than development. Therefore, the foundation requires an unambiguous indication in the charter of the LLC of permission to conduct exclusively research activities and commercialize its results. No other types of activities are allowed, and this is also stated in the charter.

I will talk in more detail about the intricacies of organizing, registering and reporting an LLC in the next article.

Circles of Hell

Anyone asking the fund goes through 3 key stages:

  1. Passing the preliminary examination:
    1. filling out the project’s online application form on the Skolkovo website and sending it for preliminary examination using the button of the same name; In this case, information about the legal entity is not entered
    2. passing a formal check (completeness of filling out the application form, format of documents)
    3. passing a substantive examination (assessing the project for compliance with the cluster and team)
    4. expert assessment of prospects by independent experts, including foreigners
  2. Assignment of the status of Participant (resident) of Skolkovo:
    1. registration (establishment) of an LLC according to the rules of the fund
    2. supplementing the preliminary examination questionnaire with the legal entity’s data (including electronic copies of constituent documents) and sending it to the Participant status using the button of the same name
    3. if necessary, revision of the constituent documents (up to partial re-registration of the LLC, if you mess up too much) based on the results of an audit at the fund
    4. sending notarized copies of the version of the constituent documents of the LLC approved by the fund to Skolkovo by courier mail
    5. obtaining a certificate of registration of the Skolkovo Foundation Member
  3. Submitting a grant request:
    1. The request structure and key points are well presented

The result of the preliminary examination (point 1) will be the minutes of the meeting of the expert board, which will contain the experts’ answers to standard questions regarding your project. Attached to the article is a voting protocol for our project, from which it is clear what questions the experts are asked and what you should prepare yourself and the application for. If you receive the required minimum votes, you receive the right to apply for the status of Participant (resident) of the Skolkovo Foundation, that is, proceed to point 2.

Once you become a resident, you will be able to apply for a grant (point 3). Here it is worth understanding that it is impossible to receive (or even simply ask for) a grant without becoming a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, but residency does not guarantee receipt of a grant. That is, you can successfully pass all the examinations, spend money on registering an LLC, but ultimately not receive a grant. You need to be prepared for this. But even in this case, you retain all the benefits typical of Skolkovo companies and the right to use the technology park.

Get ready for a long journey: it took us 6 months to complete points 1-2, we are just starting to reach point 3. Taking into account the experience gained in the process, we could complete everything in 3 months, but no less. It is also worth remembering that, statistically, 1/4 of applications become Skolkovo residents, and 1/6 of those who pass the examination receive a grant.

Filling out the application form for preliminary examination

To get started, register on . You can use a social network account. In your personal account, click the “Create application” button. An online application form will open, which you can scroll through. You can fill it out for as long as you like - all entered data is automatically saved (there are glitches, be careful). The form is filled out in two languages ​​- Russian and English (remember about foreigners on the expert commission?). The English version can be disabled - in this case, Skolkovo translators will translate your Russian application themselves and for free, however Skolkovo does not guarantee the quality of the translation and the accuracy of the transmission of your thoughts in the English version, so I recommend preparing the English version yourself or not being greedy and hiring a good technical translator at least for key sections of the text. Remember: if foreign experts are not inspired by your idea, they will give you a bad rating, and your chances of obtaining a residence permit and a grant (when assessing the prospects of issuing a grant and its amount, the result of the experts’ vote is taken into account) will sharply decrease.

On the first page of the questionnaire you will be asked which cluster the application is addressed to. Having chosen a cluster and made sure that the project’s themes correspond to the promising directions of the cluster, you begin to fill out the form. I advise you to first completely fill out the Russian version, and only then start completing the English version. When filling out the form, remember: it will be read. Treat the reader with respect. There is no need to run wild with thoughts, practice eloquence or use humor. I found examples of applications from other candidates online, and sometimes it’s like hugging and crying... I feel sincerely sorry for those who had to read these remakes of Yaroslavna’s crying, and then also evaluate it. Do not repeat yourself in different places of the application form, try to build a logical structure of the application. At the same time, it should be clear what is being said, even if they start reading from the middle. Use the experience of American technical writers who make each paragraph self-sufficient and complete.

The second point to consider: Skolkovo evaluates not so much the project as the team. Don't underestimate this factor. Assemble a team with specialized education, publications and/or experience in the field of the future project. Until 2013, there was a general requirement to have a foreign specialist on the team; now it has been replaced by “a specialist or several specialists with international experience in the field of research, development and (or) commercialization of their results.” This is also a serious requirement: two out of three in our team work abroad, and yet one expert considered that there is no such specialist in the team... The qualifications of the team members must correspond to the level of the proposed project. It’s one thing to create a website for your school, another thing to design a self-driving car.

The third point is the prospects for commercialization. Skolkovo is not a charitable foundation; their goal is to help create Russian commercially successful products, and you need to prove that your product will work. A simple statement “we will succeed” is not enough. Do your research, refer to official sources or reputable publications. Reading applications from the Internet, I sometimes did not understand what was going on in the heads of these people. Links to Wikipedia, to forums, to information dumps/aggregators, or even to personal opinion (one had it written: “in the personal opinion of the applicant”)!.. Obviously, such applications were politely rejected.

Find the necessary data in authoritative publications (Forbes, Bloomberg, iXBT:), leading domestic media, etc.). Try to have some sources in English in foreign versions of articles. If the information is taken from Wikipedia or an online publication, look in the article's references for the source it came from, and if it is trusted and up-to-date, indicate it. If you need population or solvency data to estimate sales, find official census data on websites in government domain zones. The best option, of course, would be to hire a specialist (at least a final year student at a specialized university). It is also worth collecting feedback where possible - from specialized enterprises, from teams doing similar work, from future consumers, etc.

The section of the application that usually causes difficulties is the business plan. In fact, for the idea stage, this is one of the easiest areas, since at the idea stage you should not have a clear business plan. Many people ask for a grant specifically to develop a business plan and market research. Think over the project plan for the next 3 years, without false optimism. Write down key events. There is no need to try to impress experts with the planned speed of your work. Restraint and adequacy here are the key to success. Moreover, according to the business plan, you will have to report, and the percentage of completion and deadlines must be within the bounds of decency.

The applicant does not fill in information about the legal entity during the preliminary examination, as noted above.

The application form does not allow you to insert images, but you can download the application in PDF format, up to 4 MB. Add graphs, photographs, pictures, models, reviews about the project - everything that you consider necessary and explains the essence. The application interface allows you to generate an unlimited number of times as a PDF version of the application, where you can see that the application is inserted at the very end.

When everything is ready, cross yourself, press the “Submit for preliminary examination” button and wait - you will definitely be served! Consideration of the application currently does not exceed 10 working days. Don't be alarmed if your application is returned for revision a couple of times; this is standard practice, although you should avoid it.

After sending for examination, your profile will be blocked for editing until a decision is made. If there are any complaints about the formal verification, the questionnaire will be unlocked, allowing you to make the necessary changes. If a positive decision is received, the questionnaire will also be unlocked, allowing you to enter data about the legal entity and correct the name of the applicant (from the name of the individual who submitted the application for preliminary examination to the name of the legal entity taking over control of the startup), while changes to key sections of the text are not allowed. The minutes of the meeting of the expert board will already be attached to your application form in the right place.

Now you can send a modified questionnaire as an application for assignment of the status of Participant (resident) of the fund, using the button of the same name. Review of the application also takes 10 working days.

Is there a fly in the ointment?

Eat. And not alone.

Firstly, Skolkovo is a rather bureaucratic organization. As everywhere in Russia, you will need to fill out a lot of paperwork at each stage. Many papers will have to be physically sent to Skolkovo.

Secondly, although Skolkovo does not take money from you at any stage, registering a legal entity and other steps necessary for residence will cost you about 30 thousand rubles. If you save money and fill out all the applications yourself, without involving agents for registering legal entities, you can spend 10-15 thousand rubles, but this will require much more time from you. You will have to present the project to the foundation (if you get to the point of applying for a grant) in person, which will require travel and accommodation costs in Moscow.

Thirdly, Skolkovo has been wanting to lure its residents to its territory for quite some time (let me remind you: today it is still possible to register an LLC at the place of residence). The next attempt (according to rumors within the fund) will be made by mid-2015 (a corresponding resolution is expected) so that from 2016 all residents will be required to be based in the technology park. We are talking not only about the transfer of a legal entity, but also about the transfer of all developers too. It is not yet clear how this will be done in practice. On the one hand, they are created. On the other hand, housing must be purchased, and the composition and conditions of use of laboratories are not completely clear today. There is a risk that you will not have the necessary equipment for your project. Thus, Skolkovo risks transforming into a “Moscow startup club,” because it is difficult to imagine a person from a remote region who, for the sake of a startup, would leave his university, or his job, or his family, and go halfway across the country to conquer Moscow Skolkovo, moreover, without having in his hands grant and without, of course, having any guarantees for receiving it. It’s even more difficult to imagine a group of such people (after all, a complex startup requires a qualified team).

Although the territory of the fund is inexpensive, especially by the standards of Moscow, you will have to pay an average of 1,000 rubles per square meter per month. And office space starts from 18 m², plus rental housing. It’s hard to imagine a young provincial startup with such funds.

An interesting quote from Renat Batyrov, already mentioned above, contradicts rumors about the fund’s new policy: “In the regions of Russia, there is also a point of view that Skolkovo, by conducting startup tours, “vacuums” the best startups, and the region is left with one and a half innovators. This is wrong. […] Yes, one of the hundreds of projects that we looked at will become a participant in the Skolkovo project, while maintaining Yekaterinburg, Almaty or Pavlodar registration, leaving most of their team here, generating taxes, jobs here, reinvesting the money they will receive it here too. But at the same time, the company will have an office in Skolkovo, which will interact with investors and conduct research” [emphasis added].

However, it is worth waiting for the official release of the relevant resolutions and only then analyzing them.

"Skolkovo" - they call it Russian « Silicon valley" This is a scientific and technological innovation complex being built in Moscow, a science city “from scratch”. Skolkovo’s task is to accelerate the implementation of ideas and developments and quickly bring them to the market. Construction of the center began in 2010. The Skolkovo Foundation Board of Trustees is headed by Dmitry Medvedev. The project provides that by 2020, about 50 thousand people will live and work on an area of ​​2.5 million square meters. The first stage of the innovation city is now being commissioned.

(26 photos)

For many people, the name “Skolkovo” is perceived only in connection with the creation of “Silicon Valley” in this place. However, few people understand what exactly is being built here and what exactly the innovators will be doing.

There are 5 clusters within Skolkovo: biomedical technologies, energy efficient technologies, information and computer technologies, telecommunications and space technologies, as well as a nuclear technology cluster.

Technopark is the heart of Skolkovo.

The task of the Technopark is to provide support to the companies participating in the project for the successful development of their technological assets and corporate structures by providing the services they need. Whether it’s recruiting and building a team or establishing business processes and ensuring intellectual property protection.

Technopark "Skolkovo" is 4,000 employees on an area of ​​92,000 sq.m. as part of the construction of the first stage of buildings.

Half of the total area of ​​the Skolkovo Technopark will be allocated for office space, laboratories and co-working centers.

Construction of a transition bridge between the Technopark and the Gallery business center.

The “Gallery” business center is designed to accommodate Skolkovo participants and partners.

Construction of the Skolkovo Key Partners Center (Transmashholding, CISCO) and an IT cluster.

The building under construction at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech).

The institute was created in 2011 with the support of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The training model here involves close integration of technology education, research and entrepreneurial skills.

As planned, Skolkovo is more than an innovation center. This is a full-fledged city, which is expected to provide optimal conditions for living, conducting scientific activities and business.

The number of residents of Skolkovo will be 20 thousand people (together with family members), and the number of employees of the innovation city (including those who come to work) will be 30 thousand.

In the 11th quarter of “Quadro”, 80 two- and three-story cottages were built, each with an area of ​​170 to 280 sq.m.

The basic principles of the Skolkovo urban planning concept: housing, public spaces, service infrastructure and jobs should be located within walking distance.

"Hypercube" is the first building put into operation at Skolkovo. The transforming cube began its work in the fall of 2012.

The seven-story building houses 16 Russian and 4 foreign companies - key partners of the innovation center: Cisco, IBM, Siemens and Johnson & Johnson.

MATREX (“Matryoshka”) is the central public building of Skolkovo. It is a hybrid of several urban functions. It simultaneously houses offices, an official residence, a transforming hall, a museum spiral, and a restaurant-observation deck. Inside the pyramid there is a space made in the shape of a nesting doll. The building is currently undergoing finishing work.

Construction of a multimodal transport hub (hub) - the central entrance of the future innovative city Skolkovo. High-speed trains should start running here from Belorussky Station with a stop in Moscow City.

They also promise that from 2018, entry into residential areas of the Skolkovo innovation city will be possible only with electric vehicles.

Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo" is a business school on the territory of an innovation city, founded by the largest Russian and foreign companies.

The architectural design of the school campus is based on the ideas of the cycle of Suprematist paintings by Kazimir Malevich. The architect of the project was the British David Adjaye.

The four buildings located on the roof of the main building are two hotels, a sports complex and an administrative building.

A two-story disk platform containing lecture halls, auditoriums, a congress hall with 650 seats, as well as a food court and library. There is a parking area on the lower floor of the building.

The campus has been recognized as one of the most beautiful university buildings in the world. It represents a symbiosis of cultures and at the same time reflects the futuristic character of the school.

The main school building includes several buildings combined into a single whole.

The Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo" provides training in MBA and Executive MBA programs, and provides training for business managers and aspiring entrepreneurs.

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It’s the 21st century, “the ships are sailing with might and main”, a pompous performance begins Skolkovo project. Science city, innovation city, “silicon valley in Russian”, “innovation elevator”, urban planning enterprise, the intellectual future of Russia - my head is spinning. How to understand behind all this “fence” of names what is Skolkovo and what is the essence of his activities.

What is Skolkovo?

Paradoxically, the city of the future got its name in honor of villages"Skolkovo", next to which construction is taking place. The distance to Moscow is minimal - 3 km. Since 2012, the territory has been officially considered part of the city, due to the inevitable expansion of its borders.

idea create a center where the science And high tech go hand in hand and startups develop to the level of self-sufficiency and begin to bring enormous profits to the state and private investors, announced Dmitry Medvedev in 2010 year.

The key word in the description of the center should be innovation.

By the way, what is innovation?

This concept is based on the idea of ​​creating and implementation new products, developments, scientific achievements with a view to increasing efficiency already existing system.

At Skolkovo, Russian and foreign scientists will only represent innovative ideas And projects for a more technologically advanced economic development in modern Russia.

Ideally, one can imagine something like this ecosystem with all the necessary infrastructure for comfortable work and residence of specialists. By the way, in the official promotional video of the project the phrase flashes that “ SkolkovO- this is not territory, this is an ideology».

"Ideology innovative development Russia,” I’m tempted to add to this phrase.

What does Skolkovo consist of?

When creating the center it was chosen 5 most promising, according to the organizers, directions for further innovative development. In Skolkovo language they are called clusters:

The principle of the Science City structure

The creators of the center assume that during construction, people will live and work on the Skolkovo territory. more than twenty thousand people, and to 2020 year - already more than fifty thousand.

The project is managed by Skolkovo Foundation led by Vekselberg, a major Russian businessman. The fund has four main operating principle:

  • openness and transparency;
  • independence decision making in development companies;
  • attracting private business to financing, subsequently reaching self-sufficiency And independence;
  • independence examination.

ProsAnd this utopian project for me became, perhaps, existence of the institute science and technology, which trains and develops future scientists and entrepreneurs, as well as open university- special program of the Foundation for attracting youth in order to realize their scientific ambitions in one of the five main directions of the innovation city.

"Skolkovo" - innovative complex located outside the Moscow Ring Road. In 2010-2011 it has been described as "Russia's Silicon Valley." Skolkovo is a science city being built from scratch for the development and commercialization of new technologies. The complex will provide special economic conditions for enterprises engaged in priority sectors of Russian economic development. Let's take a closer look at what it is innovation center "Skolkovo"", what activities are carried out in it and what regulations regulate the work.


In 2010, D. Medvedev, who was then the President of the Russian Federation, signed Federal Law No. 244, regulating the activities of entities (enterprises and individuals) on the territory of the Skolkovo complex. At the same time, a project for creating the territory itself and infrastructure facilities was approved. The implementation is carried out by the Skolkovo Foundation. The result of its activities should be a self-developing and self-governing Ecosystem, favorable for entrepreneurial activity and expansion of research, contributing to the formation of companies competitive in the global market. The Project provides that by 2020, on an area of ​​2.5 million square meters. m, about 50 thousand citizens will work and live. The construction of the residential complex is currently being completed" Panorama of Skolkovo"Presumably, at the end of the year, the houses will be put into operation. As of February 27 of this year, the buildings of the Hypercube, Technopark, and Boeing International Aviation Academy have already been built and are in use. The development department of the Foundation is located on the territory of the latter. Currently, commissioning is underway new facilities.The commissioning of the Almateya business center, the Skolkovo residential complex (blocks 9, 10, 11), and the Matryoshka building with interior decoration is planned for the end of 2016.


Initially, the complex occupied the territory of an urban settlement near the village of Skolkovo. It is located in the east of the Odintsovo district, west of the Moscow Ring Road. The territory of the complex was included in the capital region as part of a large-scale expansion of its area. Since July 2012, it belongs to the Mozhaisk Western Autonomous Okrug. Approximately 15 thousand people will permanently reside on the territory, which covers an area of ​​400 hectares. About 7 thousand will come to work in " Skolkovo". Moscow and the region are the main sources of labor resources for the complex. The city is limited to three highways. They are Skolkovskoe and MKAD.

Urban planning concept

She was selected and approved in 2011, on February 25th. The urban planning concept called Urbanvillages was developed by AREP. This is a French company specializing in transport solutions. As the city manager of the Fund noted, one of the key points of the concept is the possibility of its phased implementation. The project is based on the principle of variability and flexibility - the ability of the territory to adapt to changes in a relatively short time within the framework of the development strategy of the complex in the long term. Such mobility allows you to more effectively respond to market changes. The entire territory is planned to be divided into 5 villages - according to the number of directions in which the Skolkovo center operates. At the same time, a common area will be created here where the guest part will be located. It is planned to build a research university, sports and cultural buildings, and medical institutions serving those working at Skolkovo. A park and recreation areas will also be created on the territory of the complex.

Key principles of the concept

The project is being implemented based on the following provisions:

  1. residential buildings, service infrastructure, as well as direct workplaces will be located within walking distance. The compactness and multifunctionality of the development ensures activity in the area regardless of the time of day.
  2. Low number of storeys and high density of buildings make it possible to obtain more usable territory than the construction of high-rise buildings. This way of using space is one of the most effective.
  3. To preserve the environment, the project provides for a renewable resource supply model. The waste will not be removed from the city, but will be disposed of at special complexes. In addition, it is planned to use renewable energy sources - from solar panels and rainwater to geothermal areas.

In accordance with the project, the construction of energy-active and passive buildings in Skolkovo is provided. These will be buildings that generate more energy than they consume or practically do not consume resources from external sources.

Legal terms

In March 2010, the question arose about the need to form a special regime on the territory of Skolkovo. This discussion was also supported by D. Medvedev. At the end of April, he stated that the Government was instructed to develop a special administrative, customs, tax and legal regime in the territory. E. Nabiullina also took part in the discussion. She stated that it was proposed to establish the specifics of the territory’s legal status in a separate law. This regulatory act would introduce a number of features of Skolkovo. This:

  1. Customs and tax benefits.
  2. Simplified technical regulations and urban planning procedures.
  3. Special fire safety requirements and sanitary rules.
  4. Facilitating interactions with government structures.

A. Dvorkovich, in turn, said that it is planned to introduce a ten-year holiday on deductions from profits, land and property taxes, and the rate on social contributions will be 14%.

Visa and migration regimes

In the State Duma in August 2010, there was an active discussion of a bill providing for the simplification of accounting procedures for highly qualified specialists arriving from abroad, as well as their relatives. The regulatory act should ensure the attraction of valuable personnel not only in "Skolkovo". Vacancies for foreign citizens are hosted by many large companies. In this regard, the bill is aimed at attracting workers to Russia as a whole. At the end of August 2010, a government decree was published, in accordance with which the visa regime for subjects participating in the Skolkovo project was regulated. According to the provisions of the document, a highly qualified foreign specialist who enters the Russian Federation for employment will be issued a visa for 30 days. Upon hiring, it will be extended to three years.

Transport infrastructure

Accessibility of the facilities will be ensured through a dense network of streets and roads. In this case, information technologies will be used to ensure effective management of flows and infrastructure as a whole. Inside the complex, priority is given to cyclists, pedestrians and public transport. Suburban train routes from Kievsky and Belorussky railway stations are planned. In addition, it is planned to provide communication between the southern and northern parts of the science city. The Skolkovo center will also be connected to Vnukovo airport. In addition, it was proposed to preserve the Ministry of Emergency Situations located on the territory. In mid-June 2010, I. Shuvalov and B. Gromov opened a reconstructed road from 53 km of the Moscow Ring Road to the village of Skolkovo.


Budget allocations for the development of Skolkovo until 2020 should amount, according to the project, to 125.2 billion rubles. The corresponding order was signed on August 13, 2013. At least half of the costs for creating the Skolkovo complex are private investments. According to calculations, for each m2 of territory there will be more than 20 thousand rubles.

Features of financial policy

The federal budget includes relevant items for the development of the project: to promote activities to expand infrastructure, develop documentation for non-commercial facilities, and scientific research. At the beginning of August 2010, the Ministry of Finance published key directions of financial policy. In accordance with them, 15 billion rubles were planned from the federal budget in 2011, 22 billion in 2012, and 17.1 billion rubles in 2013. In 2010, about 4 billion rubles were allocated. Financial policy involves placing part of the funds in banks and transferring them to trust management. The planned income from this is 58.85 million rubles. 225 ml were allocated to finance design and survey work. rub., for the development of a concept for the development of areas - 10 million rubles, Skolkovo residence"should cost 401.2 million rubles, including 143.8 million rubles to provide social protection for employees. PR support for the project should cost 38.7 million, advertising and placement of media products - 92.8 million, branding - 12.9 million, blogs and web website - 3.1 million rubles. The key group of expenses was called “Creating an innovative atmosphere and pilot projects". It was planned to spend 3.4 billion rubles on them. Of this, about 2.6 billion were to go to projects agreed upon with the modernization commission under the president, and 287 million - for programs that were to be selected by the management company of the Fund itself. To create an “Intellectual Property Complex that ensures the work of patent attorneys, in accordance with 22 intergovernmental agreements in which Russia participates, 150 million rubles were planned.


V. Vekselberg acts as president and one of the co-chairs. The second person in the management apparatus is K. Barrett (former head of Intel). The advisory scientific council is co-chaired by Zhores Alferov and prof. Structural biology R. Kornberg. The head of the board of trustees is D. Medvedev.


Its goal is to provide participating enterprises with the necessary assistance for the effective development of their assets and corporate structure. Certain services are provided for this. The technology park operates in the following areas:

Educational projects

One of the most promising and early projects is the Skolkovo business school. In addition, there is the Open University. It does not act as a traditional university, since graduates do not receive higher education diplomas. It was established to form a reserve of graduate and undergraduate students for the future technological university and trainees for partner enterprises. The areas in which training is carried out at OTS coincide with the types of activities of the clusters: energy efficiency and energy, computer and biomedical technologies, space, nuclear spheres.


In June 2011, V. Vekselberg and R. Reif signed an agreement on the formation of a new university. Its working name is "Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology". The agreement is built on the principles of project-based education, which involve cooperation based on the exchange of modules within the framework of the MBA program. Skolkovo Institute will be headed by E. Crowley - prof. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As the founders plan, it will become the first international research complex capable of integrating business activities into the educational program. The institute will be organized as a non-profit private educational institution. Its work will be monitored by an international independent board of trustees.


There are five of them in the Skolkovo Foundation. They correspond to the same number of trends in technology development. The work of the biomedical technology cluster is to create drugs for the treatment and prevention of severe pathologies, including oncological and neurological ones. Much attention is paid to the development of drugs to combat cardiovascular diseases and to maintain the immune system. Participants in the computer and information technology cluster are working on creating multimedia search models and effective next-generation security systems. The development of high-performance computing and information storage schemes is underway. In the telecommunications and space technologies cluster, participants create a commercial segment of the rocket and space industry sector. One of the priority areas is work in the field of energy technologies. As of mid-August 2014, 263 companies became members of the cluster. One of the key objectives of their activities is to reduce energy consumption by housing and communal services, industry, and municipal infrastructure. The nuclear technology cluster supports innovations in the use of laser, beam, nuclear, and plasma systems. As of mid-August 2014, 300 companies participated in the work. The priority area is ensuring radiation protection and safety. Participating companies are developing new materials, equipment, coatings for non-destructive testing, and new types of fuel. Resident enterprises are involved in the design of laser devices and medical equipment. One of the most important activities of the cluster is also the solution of problems associated with the processing of radioactive substances.