Abbreviated expressions materiel.



    Protocols of the Ming sages. Follow the signs along the road of disappointments

    He who owns information owns the world, and, apparently, that is why he shares it extremely sparingly with others, so as not to throw away power and not lose his power. Even the Russian Spring taught the inhabitants of the then South-East of Ukraine, and now the LDPR and all the other burned, terrorized, raped “Ukrainian” lands, inhabited entirely by Russian people, to look with hope at the mysterious towers of the Kremlin...

    1.10.2017 4:18 53



    Donbass exodus

    He who owns information owns the world, and, apparently, that is why he shares it extremely sparingly with others, so as not to throw away power and not lose his power. Even the Russian Spring taught the inhabitants of the then South-East of Ukraine, and now the LDPR and all the other burned, terrorized, raped “Ukrainian” lands, inhabited entirely by Russian people, to look with hope at the mysterious...

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    Russian castes and Donbass Russia

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    22.09.2017 11:36 62

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    Cook vs Donbass

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    14.09.2017 3:40 58



    Paraphrasing the classics

    “Do you know, mediocre people, many who think it’s better to get drunk”, tired of Donbass, how Donbass itself has been mortally tired of you for more than three years? Oh, you don't know this fatigue! For example, the ex-brothers were extremely tired instead of fat looting container shipments with microwaves, irons, sockets and switches torn out with meat from someone else’s “separatist” house, lower...

    7.09.2017 6:10 34

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    Sobchak spoke about the rule of law...

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    7.08.2017 0:03 116




    ...Public consciousness began to awaken. Humiliated Russians are looking for information, but not on TV, but on the streets and on the Internet. The number of requests for information about the real situation in Russia is growing. Is this good or bad? To answer this question, you need to ask others: is everything that we think and know about modern Russian politics...

    1.08.2017 6:16 45



    Without a face

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    31.07.2017 7:11 53



    Autocracy in the 21st century - a path to progress or a dead end?

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    27.07.2017 1:33 0



    Serendipity in Donbass style

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    26.07.2017 4:34 80




    Perhaps the number of people who will add me to their blacklists will increase significantly, but this will not make the truth any less prominent than it actually is. All my adult life I believed that the Russian person is an example of courage, organization, ingenuity, cheerfulness, loyalty, generosity, kindness, compassion, mutual respect, intercession, wisdom, forgiveness, brotherhood. Remember how it is sung...

    12.07.2017 7:51 0



    Hitler's plans came true

    I don’t mind at all that Russian people will build German cars in the Moscow region. How can one not rejoice at such, one might say, milestone information: “In the Moscow region they laid the first stone for the foundation of a plant for the production of Mercedes-Benz cars”? (RIA Novosti It’s wonderful that “the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis took part in the ceremony...

    5.07.2017 0:23 50

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    Sberbank, help honest people! Part 2

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    4.07.2017 15:26 62



    Sberbank, help honest people! Part 1

    4.07.2017 15:25 80



    Russia entered the top five countries with the largest shadow economies

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    1.07.2017 11:53 63



    Russian citizenship: a trap for Russians

    Reports that Russia is going to deport another militia member or Russian Spring activist to Ukraine, unfortunately, have become commonplace. At the same time, a bill that would make it easier for Russians from all corners of the Russian World to make their long-awaited return home cannot even reach the first reading in the State Duma. It would seem that the desire of the Russians, due to various geopolitical cataclysms, found themselves beyond the limit...

    28.06.2017 6:31 71


    Happy Birthday, Comandante Che

    89 years ago, on June 14, 1928, Ernesto Che Guevara, the legendary Latin American revolutionary, communist, one of the commandants of the Cuban Revolution of 1959, was born. Ernesto Che Guevara - legendary partisan commander, fiery revolutionary, internationalist. A man whose name became one of the symbols of the revolutionary movement. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, the future Comandante Che, was born on June 14, 1928...

    14.06.2017 19:31 210

    SovInformBureau PNT


    Hussar boasting or don’t tell Donbass people about the war

    A certain Alexander Pelevin appeared yesterday on one of the threads of the “People's Journalist” community. He is not the first, he is not the last, but he undertook to teach the admins and editors of the group what and how to do and to whom to report. It happens... In addition, he mockingly uttered the following phrase in the direction of Donbass: “What do you know about the war?” You suckers, they say, sit there and...

    5.06.2017 8:50 51



    Learn materiel

    LEARN MATCHING! Comments, articles, videos on the Internet today have turned into some kind of barrage of empty manuals: sameness, repetition, illiteracy and sycophancy towards the current regime in Russia. It’s not for nothing that knowledgeable people talk about a whole factory of trolls called “Olginskys.” A whole institute works where, according to the principles of the ancient Egyptian structure of the power pyramid, the well-known cliches about the sanctity of power and worthlessness are developed...

    31.05.2017 6:32 0

    Important in blogs


    Contemporary pedagogy of illiteracy

    Why in the 50-60s of the last century, in the difficult post-war period, when parents practically did not help their children with their studies, there were no tutors or speech therapists, and were schoolchildren able to read and write correctly? The task of pedagogy The value of pedagogy as a science lies in the development of programs and teaching methods that would allow for the full education of all children coming to school. Modern…

What does “learn materiel” mean? Where did the expression “learn your equipment” come from?

    Materiel means material part, in the professional jargon of the military - property. All kinds of people came to the army: from lazy losers to the brightest minds. They all had to deal with technology; they needed to know its structure, use, and maintenance, regardless of their IQ and experience.

    Before allowing the future fighter access to expensive pieces of hardware with lethal properties, they were forced to learn and understand what they were dealing with. The officers, naturally, knew much more, but at the level of disassembling - assembling the AK blindly and, if necessary, explaining what each piece was for. That's why learn materiel, although in different volumes, everyone in the army had to

    In English, this phrase is translated by the word hardware - yes, the same hard that is opposed to software.

    This expression became widespread because the bulk of the male population of the USSR served in the army. The need to teach martyrdom was especially remembered by those who liked not to learn anything at school, who happily avoided acquiring any knowledge. They learned from personal experience the difference between parental education, son, it will be useful in life and army

    If you don’t know, we’ll teach you, if you don’t want to, we’ll force you

    This is far from the first phraseological unit that came into the national language from a narrow army environment. There was already an expression before this throw away the number (trick). The same applies in an ironic context reconnaissance in force, take language, terrain orientation and etc.

    This phrase was first used on screen in the popular film about the war. Only Old Men Go to Battle (1973). -

    claim Here. The phrase was actually found in the film:

    Learning materiel is usually advised to ignoramuses who are disgraced by statements (oral and written) that reveal their complete incompetence. Today, when you can write complete nonsense on the Internet and it will remain hanging for years, smoothly turning into decades, this call is especially relevant.

    The very words material in the armed forces mean equipment. It could be an airplane, a tank, a gun. The expression uchi matcha comes from an old joke. An airplane mechanic was captured by the enemy during the war. They began to beat him and torture him in order to find out the secrets in the design of the aircraft, but he remained silent like a partisan and did not utter a word. At night he managed to escape to his own people. The first thing he said to his colleagues: Guys, learn the match. They beat you so hard in captivity, if you don’t know.

    Learn the materiel, it came from the military. If you do not know well the components of a weapon, how to properly disassemble and assemble it, then this can lead to injury or even death in combat conditions. Materiel was briefly called the material part of the weapon. Another component is the performance characteristics (tactical and technical characteristics) of the weapon.

    This phrase means that the one to whom it is addressed has absolutely no information on the topic that he is actively (or not so much) trying to highlight with his opinion. Quite simply, it means: First understand the topic, and then answer or generally speak on this topic, even shorter: If you don’t know, don’t bother, but if you want to know, figure it out.

    Specifically on this site, this is what they write to those who have little or no understanding of the issue, but actively write answers that contain outright nonsense that misleads users. At the same time, these very same authors are most often completely confident that they answered correctly and everything is in order. From the point of view of a person who really understands the issue, the content of the answer of such an expert is outright nonsense, in which, at a minimum, there are errors, and at most, the entire answer is one big mistake. Not everyone cares what and how questions are answered, especially if such an error answer competes for accruals (after all, although the number of answers to a question is not limited, the first ten are paid). It’s even more offensive when the author of the question chooses this answer as the best (either due to ignorance of the topic themselves, or for other personal reasons).

    I can’t answer where this phrase originally came from.

    I can assume that we are talking about teaching the mathematical part or the material part. Unfortunately, we have already learned to save words so much that sometimes you have to rack your brain thoroughly to understand what is required of you.

    Materiel is an abbreviation for the phrase material part, in other words, property. The phrase teach materiel is used when someone gives advice in an area in which they are not knowledgeable enough.

    An analogue of the expression learn materiel, for example, can be considered read the instructions or even google it))

    The answers given earlier were completely incorrect. Materiel is a device for something. Of course, this also applies to military equipment, but only inclusively. In real life, this concept is often found in driving courses.

This happened in 1997 during my student years. We went to military service
(Military department), mainly so as not to go into the army, but along the way
studied the equipment of the Radar Station (RLS). In general, boring - still
ta. It was boring not only for us, but also for the military teachers, and sometimes they
shared their memories/stories instead of spending
the last nerves to push into us the granite of science. One of the stories told
us captain during one boring couple. In the early 1990s, as a senior
He served as a lieutenant in one of the secret research institutes. He was assigned
to the group that worked on creating a meteorological
electronic computer, so that, like, the weather for a friend
To predict a general thousands of years in advance so that this general will not leave
God forbid on a cold winter morning in a bathing suit and not
got sick. And in such research institutes everything was very serious - the final product should
meet all the requirements, and must be passed
strictly according to plan and schedule. And if someone comes up with this very schedule
violate - the entire team (and the majority of the team are officers)
apparently promotions are like your own ears. So what was at stake
a lot has been delivered, almost everything - another asterisk on
shoulder straps They worked on this miracle of technology for a very long time and persistently, and that
the most interesting thing is, in the end, the machine did produce some
predictions. And then in February it was time to accept the final product,
which was associated with the arrival of high officials as part of the commission
which was to inspect and test the above-mentioned product with
issuing a resolution. The commission arrived, inspected the apparatus and began
test: the operator entered the dates - and the machine after some time
gave its weather forecast for a given region. And here is one of the members
The commission requests a weather forecast for June 1 of this year. Operator
Enters the date, presses enter and the machine starts counting. After 15 minutes
the answer is displayed: “Precipitation: SNOW”! All the developers grabbed onto
heart and mentally said goodbye to the new star on uniform, at the same time not
jokingly worrying about the safety of existing ones. But the commission members
turned out to be people with humor and wrote off the answer as a computer mistake - like
It happens to everyone. The car was eventually accepted, and thus the captain
became captain - receiving his star. But the funny thing was that June 1
It started snowing in the morning... How it happens!

I enjoyed reading the story I remembered from the memories of a comrade, further on his behalf:

In our unit, everything was the same as in society, for the army is a reflection of the country in its concentrated form. It had its own elite, priests (officers) and people. The elite included telephone operators (they allowed them to call soldiers in their villages and villages), radio operators (they sat next to the telephone operators), staff clerks (they could get blank leave cards with stamps) and a coder (who also sat at the headquarters). Our coder was a notable troll, he found a line in the instructions for his terribly secret machine - “...wipe the part with pure ethyl alcohol...”. I wrote an application for alcohol and this phrase on a blank sheet of paper, and went to the commander with these papers. He, of course, demanded the entire instructions - “secret, I can only tell you this phrase...” - And the size and details, and how often should they be wiped? - the deputy did not let up, - “Secret, I can’t tell you, thousand lieutenant colonel, “, “I want to look at her,” the deputy persisted, “it’s forbidden, the regiment commander doesn’t have such a right either...”.
In general, we agreed on 3 liters per month, despite the tears of the warehouse manager...
Need I tell you how much joy a can of pure alcohol brought to the dull life of staff servants, and how many new and unexpected recipes for cocktails and snacks were created by the tireless ones.
"...learn the equipment, fighters, it will come in handy in any case..."

For many years now, in colloquial language one can often hear the word “materiel part” and the phrase “learn materiel.” In the age of technology, they can often be found on the Internet.

Initially, the word is an army word. Material part (professional military jargon) – property. People came to the army with very different knowledge and training, but everyone had to deal with equipment. It was necessary to know its structure, application, and maintenance. Of course, you had to know all this before using it.

In the USSR, most men served, so “materiel” was used in conversations periodically when necessary. And after 1973 it gained even greater popularity, as it was used in the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle.”

Now " materiel"is knowledge of something in a specific area. In a computer game, for example, these could be various characteristics, combat mechanics, etc. What does character strength affect? Does this particular class need to improve this characteristic? What bonuses will he receive when his strength improves by 10? How does damage reduction work when attacking an enemy? And so on.

« Learn materiel” is usually said to those who do not understand a topic or do something poorly because they do not have sufficient knowledge on the subject. “Learn the hardware” is an indication of the interlocutor’s ignorance of the topic.

MC material part MC Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 pp., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb...

G. Material part. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

materiel- there is a match, and... Russian spelling dictionary

materiel- match/st, and, pl. match/sti, e/y... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 read the instructions (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

learn the materiel Dictionary of network vocabulary

learn the materiel- an appeal to an incompetent author who is not knowledgeable in the area about which he writes Learn the materiel, baby...then,...if you are in a position to talk. Delve deeper into the problem, baby...then, if you are able, we’ll talk... Dictionary of network vocabulary

learn the materiel- a call to the author with a request to expand his knowledge in any of the areas of knowledge touched upon by him. Author iblan, learn the materiel. Internet meme, Slang of bastards... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

MCH- MCH materiel, material part of MCH Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 pp., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

This term has other meanings, see Kuban (meanings). FC Kuban ... Wikipedia


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  • Russian fighter pilots of the First World War, Marat Khairulin, Viktor Kulikov. The book is dedicated to the history of the emergence and development of Russian fighter aviation during the First World War. On the pages of the publication, the authors successfully revealed the premises of the fierce...